TITE BEE: OifAHA, SATURDAY, APRIL 20, 1916. I? i; Nebraska SALOON MEN WORRY ABOUT THEIR BONDS Failure of Illinois Surety Company Leaves Some Very Much Up in the Air. SOUTH SIDEM AMONG THEM (From a Stuff Corrprnidcfit ) MNOOUV, April 5 -Hpctiil.-According to maiuiagn r"i'lv(l by Insurant CommlMlnner Kssthsm thin mornltiK. many saloonka.pera of Nebraska may h left holding the nark In th action of the National furtr company it tw Tork, which has notlflad the rommls elonar that they have uought th bu. ease of tha Illlnol Soraty onmfmjny, which recently wont Into voluntary liqui dation Tha Illinois company carriad lars amount of saloon bond and tha Nw Tork company notlfle tha Insurance tmmlMliitir that thry hava taken ovsr all business of tha Illinois company as cent tha saloon bond. Thla will leave all saloon men In thin lata who were bo. 1cd In tha Illlnol company without a l'gl liornl unless It ran ba shown that thy carried out their part of tha contract and paid full Itmir ania for tha year. Otherwls there may ha a (cricriil closing up of wot (rood imnoilum In Nebraska. Sualh Mid Salou Men Aailoua. Vesrly half of tha Houlh Hid suloon k.pr ara worried over a situation affecting their official bond which they inurt furnlh tha city before bain arrantod a liquor license, Tha failure of tha Jlllnola Bursty company put It tip to these tsloon men to besllr itheriisclve In quest of peraonal bond, Hfly of elshly flva hava furnlahed bond, Jw inss mitt ba received by May 1 If thee men ara to continue In bualnaaa. One. saloon man offend a personal bond jilven . by hta wife, but tha city lnl department explain' (hat such a bond could nut lie aci '-pled by tha city. Red Oak School Plan Strikes Snag HKlt OAK, la., April M.-frtpeelal.)-Tba problem of providing- a new school building for Ilia Independent school dl trlcl of lied Oak la on that haa been Hiving the peopla of lhl community con aldcrslil concern for the laat two year or mo, I-o t year Ilia proportion to bond ll district for ll'rt.Ow for tha erec tion of lb iiew building waa defeated m a special election, and tha prnpoaltlon la bond tha district for SUM") la to ba brought up at a special election within He ne few week. It waa thought that a, big stride had bn made In favor of the new hullldlng whin tha city council a few week ago offered to donata Col lins ptik a a ait for a Mgh achool iiulldlii", providing no oojectione to doing could l found. t However, according to tha opinion of fliy Attorney Ilalph i'rlngla, tha city cannot donalt tha park to tha achool dis trict. It haa bean tha general opinion Kara Hint tha paik, which waa owned ny liavid Remlck aa tarty UST, wa to b uaed by tha city a a park until ii h lima a It could ba u4 aa a ,ite for a college. Attorney I'rlngla holdi that tha term ' co g" do not Include tha publlo school ytem. a Intended by Mr. Hein l k, and that the park mm continue to axed aa a public park until mada tha H a of an Inatllutlon of higher learning. ONE MOOSER DELEGATE ELECTED IN NEW JERSEY THENTOK, N. J.. April .-Complt hut unofficial return from Tueaday'a prraldentlal primary election In New Jrey Indlcata that William T. (Tozart, colored, who favor tha nomination of Theodore Ilooeevelt, waa elected delegte to tl republican national convention from tha aecond congreealnnal dletrl' t, Cowt and William If. Lord, who wa auoceaaul In tha Ninth dlatrlct, were tha only Hooaavelt republican delegate alaelad, the other blng unpledged. AU tha democratlo delegate favor the ranominaUon of raaldent Wllaon. ANGELL LAW LIBRARY GIVEN TO UNIVERSITY ANJ ARIIOn, Mich.. April H.-All the worka dealing with International law In tha library of tha lata Jamea n. An gall, prealdent emeritua of tha 1'nlv.rnliy of Michigan, aro left to the general li trrary of that unlvrraily, In the edu rator'a will. Jut admitted to prnlutia, Tha collactton contain many law book which ara not duplicated In any lltr-y In tha I'nlted Htate. REV. JOSIAH STRONG ' SOCIOLOGIST, IS DEAD KW TOftK, April -Tha Itev, Jnatah fttreng. prldent alix Wt of tha Amer teaa InaUtul for Uncial Kervlca, pieet dn af tha ttwial Ceiiter Au latloii of A m lira, editor and author, died In a hn. tttal bar today, lr, btrong waa born III Kaparvtll, la,, In Mf, Pino ll, l'r. fit mug bad bean dltr ef , tnaaailna railed "tioepal of tha Klngdmn." Ha n-ia numbar f bonk dealing with ll ttrntaitt and reiigloim ibe't REQUISITION HONORED FOR RETURN OF KREGGER (rera Waff t'irrvem,te(i( I I .IV' t.V. pt M i-t, ii H u iiitlun wa ki ii e. tty t y h.ii, l -ietia-1 tha ret .im i t iiei M.iii' i Ti t-t a a h -f n-m b-i tit ir hiirt ef riifciii fiimr at Hi) urM , Itttimintti,. elit ffni U a ji t, t li tea t-f Iba Tmnuwt :.t,i , . 111' I t !. uia,., ai l el vi . anxg ti ita raiina u a ef e.t h M.li twing t"f i' enriwa, )mn ' ai f It aa4 ! nee iimi la tt.riut Imtii, lHII III t It t S.. . Ay4 B. !!; tea ,.. .ti f K f I .,, I , ih Mca l t ot lb it .ii n aa tt'.t i l ,nia -4 ay linn t i at. ,. ! if ht an l f lino our, Hilt t "t tal ' :,irie4 f' ft- 1 I' i 11. lev t . mi-e !' ItlMt.l MvM.te I e.. Itw. . t,M'" an s I iii(i(,, i,i !' igeiiH tf(ife. c,. .., I " V- ,-.,. , - .1 From Our Near Neighbors A oca. Mie .Mary Ymmg I anendlng th week with fnenda at Merlin, John - Wn.var and family wara from Ileiiln VV'ecliioailay evening. li. (!.' Marquardt ajid wife wan Omaha vieltor I li firit of tha week. Mr. F. W. Kniee and daughtar, Anna, Marie, wera at (miha Haturday. Wllllum Maaaman and wlfa war at Omaha, Tburmiay and rrlday, Uovd Orham, who hum toaaa Vlaltlnaj mlativea hera, jaft Thurdy for (,1ia.p- p""' , Mr. and Mra. Oaorga Bhanklay and daughtar, Margaret, wara at Itegla Tuea- day. .... Mle Jli-i-tha Hinont haa ratumed from l'.'imll, were ha ha been teaching i;hoi., . ' . Mien Mnreri IUmuen of Weeping Water waa vUltlng frlenda hara thla wk, Mr. It. i Hmlth and Vra. M Oier etreet of Mncoln ai vlilUng Avwa rela tive , i Mr, and Mr. fVirl Harmon rat u mad to their lme after two wek' vlalt with relative hern. Meadameg J, C ' Zlmmarar and Frad Kuhnbi-iin wera Neljraaka "lly vleltor the flint of tha week, 7,. A. Coalmen wa at Omaha thla week, where he fiiri:haeJ a new alx-cyllnder-aeveti-paaeenger automobile, Mr. liule (llllen of Council Bluff, la., hna t-en peiullng tha weak with bar parent, Mr. and Mr. V. W. Huhg. kprlnafieM. Mr K S, ftiewart I vleltlng with friend at ' nli-rvllle, la, liet-uly Hheilff Mert Ifemlllon vlelted hie mother, Mr. V. M. Jlah, Tuetday. Otto .loern entertained Mr. and Ml. II. I',,. JoluKon of Hreckenrldg, la., thla week, , Mr, Olllo Wilrot nd children Of 1otiUvllle epent Hunilay with Mr. and Mn, I'.. I'. Armlrong. A blrllulny rmrty wa give Harold Wy at bl horn north of town. It waa the twenty-third anniversary. Mm, W. II, Wlllwr died laat, Kunday nlglil afinr g llngi'iing lllne of av eral month. Mi wa 7V yeara old. A liaaa hall gam waa played hera lat Frldy by th high anliool team of f'apllllon and Hpringfleld. J'apililon won, U to II, Krerterh k Tflug died very auddenly TtiuredNy afternoon. Ha waa alone at hi home, mid whtn Ida aon returned home he found hi fatlior In an iiriron iih.i mt on the floor. Ha died aoon nfierward. He w ona of tha early I rnlil' iita of tha atate, Valley, John Mori hen and l, Thompson left Wedneeday for KIiiiImII, Neb, Ml Minnie Craven of Omaha Waa tha wefk-end gmut of Gertrude Ingram. Mr. John Mehl of Auburn we tha week-end gueet of Mr. Hubbard and Mm, HUK'reM. A parly of high achool atudent mo toieti to Omaha to a 'HI la Werner" Thuraday afternoon, "The Willing WorkeV'' held their reg ular meeting Wednedy evening, at the home of Mr, and Mra. Huborg, John Iulall, accompanied by hi brother. Jeeee l-iil'-ll, and Mr, and Mra, Frank Franc!, bav gnu In their auto- Spring Togs for Children j I I ft I Coats for Girls f 1. e(,. L. 4. ,.V4.. . C)kael. It la do trick to t hoone a Spring I moat plflHgiDC assortment of gerges, gabardine nd black and whlt check; itylca with amall capeg and clever belted backa ara very deitrabla and are hera moderately priced at $5.75 $8.50 $10.75 for Tots In Trench aerge, wool poplin, gabardine and moire allk. Detachable washable collar are a desirable feature, while pretty smocking haa at tracted much attention I I $3.50 $4.50 $5.75 j ? tz7 a - li - : ' e- llP I if j 1 w Boys' Wash Suit! in a Sale WflTH ah.rl iitj low aet, he inltl y tla Mil lt fi'itl and smelt coa tratlg linitiii. tea, ! ted while, t'aia. tiiie t r lei e. RiaUr tail iThti nit t j! 95 c l I lli!Wa iialEffi(l j fttfaftaf) 4 4aVesMaas t RWsWMV 9 9VM01VVf &0lttt0t& fMsMMM 4VHMaisBl VMMMMrit 9 9N0UHtt0l 9 tr VMeasVaaVsaBat V 0t0tltKt 9 4HWatVS I Mr. F. C. Kennedy and daughter, Helen and Ethel, were tlia gueet of Mr. William at Fremont Saturday, Ml Henna I detained at Fall City by the Ulnae of her brother and Freda ilelmbach la aubaututliig for her thin week, Tha regular monthly meeting of the Woman' MIlonary gonlety waa held Wednesday afternoon with Mra. ttoy Binllh, mobile to their bom In Wllaey, Kan., for a abort vtait Mle flebg Chamberlain of Unlveralty I1aie, Nab., arrived Thuraday to ba tha wenk-and gueet of Mle hlnel FAibank. Mr, and Mra. V. M. Kutla motored to Fremont Thurdy. Tha reg'ilar monthly meeting of the Valley Woman' t'hrlatlan Temperance union waa held Friday afternoon with Mr. W, O. Whllemor. ftutajar.t., "tadla Itoll." Mr. Ferraa, inpertntandent of that department, waa leader. Heaslngtoa, Mia CUra Panka celebrated her birth day Munday, f!laua Oft and Theodore Frtedrlcbien recently returned from Onaria. Mr. Detlef taler entertained Tueaday In honor of her birthday anniversary. Mlaa Naomi Oroff of Benaon epent the week-end hera wluh Mle Mary tilork. A. . Chr'idenaen of Ianrnark arrived her laat week for a vllt wltb hi brother, Karl (. hHalennen, Mr. Henry Wchmidt I t an Omaha hoNpltal, where aha recently underwent an operation for a aevere attack of ap pendlcltla, Rev. Mr Kuabium chrleiened th In fant daughter of Mr. and Mr. Theodore Moi kleinann ftunday afternoon at th t'hrla Jlackhou horn. C W. Olandt be begun tha erection of a modern none for Fred Ohrt on hi frm north of town. 'Die old hou will probably ba moved to town. Tha local camp of Royal Neighbor held a oulHlrie: lie recently. The mem ber ere prepering for a fair to b hold at their hall tha Tatter part of May, Ueenlac Water. Tha data of th Weeping Water ehatt Uuo,ug hag been get for July 17, Oaan Miter ha returned to V?;na. Wyo., after a vlit with hi mothar ifni oilier relative hera, Frd Wolf and family hv moved to Havalock, where Mr. Wolf haa a position in a mercantile lore. flay Krelder bed three rlba broken whan a young teni h wag driving backed over an embankment. Mr. It. if Kwart of Mumlereon. Wvo., I here for a val'. with her par ent Mr. and Mr. P. II. Mill. Mr, end Mr, F, F, Mvarett of Hcott' Uluff, former reeldent of thla piece, ara vlalilng relative and friend her. T. C. K unkle of Madrid, Nab., waa hr Wedneeday vleltlng relatives, lie waa formerly In tba jewelry business tier. Klltkora, Mr. and Mrs, Henry lay were Omaha visitors Tuesday, Mr, and Mr. Julius ff'huldt went to tha city Thursday. Mr. fif lis rd gue entertained the card club Wednesday. Mr. and Mr John Oreggarann and daughter, Freda, visited Hunday at Sturdy garments for School and play hours and better ones for Dress. Dresses t... e.. k(ai ' li" aatilnnail U ( oat from this Fashioned In madras, New coat effeiUt; middy styles, check designs. Strong contrasting straps, belts and trims. Very well made; In (act, (ar better than la generally considered necessary- J fo I ar Dresses of serviceable madras, In attractive pattema and good practical atyles. Worth to 11.00 $8.50 Middie. Be "tylew'ue," glrli, and know what'i what in Middy Blouse. -- Visit our de ptrtment. rcy good atyla la to ba seen here from the ilaln sailor haj la rv( eatla galatea to tha quite elaborate ilk lnldily - from 59c to $5.00 fteatat! Middy flilrt tn white galatea, pec)n l.oO rieto4 Middy ftktrta In check designs, special 91,15 Children's Footwear Low Shoi for School or Ore SVr IUTIK foct, t On tsii.v., nmk n jirti!.-m fur J l'rrtitl M trt o!j tilt it il pur apfi-Ul builntM nnl w hav ttnr h umr ti.mt Vwm nr Vtr,v sm'ivlitniw tK-k i olio tn mAy yvur vny tio.-.l. Nebraska DEM CANDIDATES COUNT UP - see Charlie Pool, for Secretary of State, Appears to Be Leading Them All. MARSH STILL HAS MOST VOTES (From g Btaff Correspondent.) LINCOLN, April a.-(p'lal.)-Demo-cratle stats officer who had no opposi tion in tha primary and wera thua de prived of tha real pleasure which go with running for riffle hava now etarted a little rivalry to tea which of them polled tha most vote. At present' Charles Tool lends and mile because ha polled mora vote than Prealdent Wilson. Oovernor Morehead la also In tha limelight becaus ha polled for vlna prealdent mora votoa than the prealdent. Nmltb nan Wall. Jtat Auditor Nmlth ran up wall with hi colleague, but did not quite come up with J'rcsldpnt Wilson, but ha feel pretty i liesty because he received more vote than another very prominent can didat for tha presidency, Koliert O Knss of Islington, H also polled more vote than t'lemmona, laii'lldate for atat superintendent. Th vote with Adnma, Ululne, Cedar Custer, TMuglaa, I Jin raster, Polk and Bcott'a Bluff to bear from ahow offl f latly follow: Wilson fil,14!! Itos .., , 7,m:i Morphea d 52,4:17 Pool , ...w.iija Bmlth ...M.uff Clernmon , , , 47,i Mara Lead. Oo tha vote on republican nomlnn.tlnn for atate auditor, Marah appear to be holdlnf hi own and Increasing a lllt.le tha vol from tha counties reporting ahowlng Marsh .irm and Minor 21,911, a Isavd for Marsh of ml Chalco with Mr. Oreggerson ulster, mi, iienry lila, and family. Mr i:rl itniimaardner entertained tha T. N, club Wednesday afternoon, Mr. nd Mr. K. I;oo r tha par anla of a new baby, Ora Jl'illlstcr and daughter, flrnte, visited r-iive in (tinslia Kuntey, Mr. and Mr. Hchuldt of Ilnnnlnrtnn visited at tha ilenry luy homo Wednes day. Mr, and Mra. Ftmll Hand and Mia, Fred Martens motored to Omaha Thurs day In the former cr. Dave Oouglaa will hava a house erected on the lot he recently pur chased or Hert uaeraon. Mr. 'Wyatt left. Monday evening for her borne at itarnsnurg rter several weeka' visit hra with hr son and fam ily. $2S for helping yourself. 'Jo out to JHim da. Ha Page 19 advertisement 1 for Juniors a 1 n n ti il m L.nnU .1. gingham, French chatnbray and generally vuuaiuvreu ncccanar j $2.25 $4.75 $5.75 J ft a Special in School 59c WOMAN USES AUTO TO VISIT HER FARMS Accompanied by a woman companion Jd a chauffeur, Mr. Delia M. Ward &t Neola, la,, toured through Omaha en route to point In Nebraska and Bmrth 1'akou. Mr Ward regUrtered at tha Save $5.00 Use This Merchandise Check as the First Payment on a Combination Round Oak Range During this Special Round Oak Combination Range Week April 2th to May tth incluiiv DURING Iho past year wo have nold fieveral car loads of Round Oak Combination Range. Every individual Bale has meant another enthusiastic booster for the Round Oak Combinat ion Range. To make this range still better known we have effected a special arrangement with the Round Oak folks whereby during this Combination Range Week we can aecept this Merchandise Cheek for $5,00 as first pay ment on the regular purchase price. Saving: of $5.00 on the Regular Price Thisjiieaos that a Hound Oak coiibl nation range, burning gas, coal or wood and using only ona oven will be put Into your borne without jour paying a cent down and at a saving of 15.00 on tba regular price if thla offer (g taken advantage of during tha week of April 2'Jtb to May 6th, Inclusive Jlurn$ Cat, Coal or Wood r JL. TM.R Dining Furniture We cannot speak too highly of the values and unusual assortment we have to offer this &ea.son. This Buffet, Like Cut, $28.00 Quart er-a wed golden oak, polished finish, colonial scroll, 44 Inches long, Ona drawer lined for silver, large linen drawer and . lJOQ double cabinet. A first claae pleca at a very moderate price . . . "PeGO Large Comfort Rocker This Is but one of tbe large as sortment wa are now ahowlng at attractive prices, Rocker Is golden quarter-sawd oak, back 24 Ins; high from Beat, broad center and two small panels In back, auto spring seat, covered in Spanish leather. An Extra Value $8.75 Ostermoor Mattresses Full Size $15.00 . Sold only by Orchard A Wilhelm Co. 3 Exceptionally Strong Drapery Values for Saturday 'a Selling Fine Rheer Curtain Muslin. ItPKularly ""d Marquisette In white and ecru, Insularly 25c vr1 Fine Voile In white and ecru, lUHruUiHy 25k Van! Tbe Above Haturday, 18c Yard Marquisette Curtains in white and ecru with hematltch ad ril, for $1.50 Pair Filet Net Curtains Kit Patterns. Kiceptlonal daslan and values, for $2.23 Pair Quaker Craft Curtains tit tmchts U effect, blie and Myptian "or, for $3.73 Tair Vudor Porch Shadet lit irrait tr a anil ara a and bi in (..ii.l'instii.u, 4 ft .te by It JS.'.J.ftO ft ai l. t 7 , , a,,,0 4 ft. H. 1 T 10 ft I4 I J it ft ta t t . f h.0 almost ar Jir chUt, f . r 25c Yard Couch Covers ' h 4 nlf, lit MHUt ?!. la.h.a tr )r.t $1.75, $1X $103 Orchard & Wilhelm Co. downtown headquarter of th Omaha Automobile club In the Hotel Fontenelle. She haa extensive land holdings In thla atate and In South Dakota, among them being a ranch near Alnaworth and two ranohaa near Wood, a D.. alt three of whloh ahe will visit on her automobile tour, Th amlllng assistant secretary ef tha 30 Days Free Trial Kvery claim made for the Round Oak Combination Range Is bucked by the most convincing proof, viz. Wa will put one In your home, connect It and let you use It for 30 days. If It does not prove sat isfactory you may notify us and we will remove It free of all ex pensa to you otherwise you pay tha balance In email monthly pay inonta. without Chang of Parti Comfortable the Year Round You Ask Why? Tbls proved range keeps It cool and deligntful In summer because It burns gai. It will also keep It cor.y and warm In winter without added ax pense, because It alro burns without change of parts coal, coke or wood. Bring In thla merchandise check at once. Only a limited number will be sold on this plan. Orchard & Wilhelm Co. 414-416-418 South 16th Street fit Seamless Brussels Rugs 52 $9.75 fi $14.50 ... $18.50 Inexpensive rugs, but very well made, heavy wool faced, In tha season's newest and most attractive deslgna and colorings. Axminster Rugs 9x12 size, $20.75 to $31.50 The most complete showing In Omaha, offering Oriental, Medal lion and floral patterns, in blues, browns, tans, rose and greens. Carpet Sweepers lade by Hissed, accepted ev Mad where as the best. Oold Medal Ills. snl H w e e i I w e p e r, .83.25 MtnlfTa, at Othcf SIimIcI"!, Combination Victrola and Record Offer $80.00 Victrola ($75) With the MIiim lust ttl aclcclHm rn 4,j itmiU'i IriMn the Uy ut, T 4IU.WI lalcit .i thsr Mmklu Alssa sik tl7t I ll"r ! tailing Me. .siMs.Utaa Trt l.ltike r Httk In th M it. -VMIIUI Tit TtfT4lftU Hag, teilniAm a..... .Mul.tlll I'anaiu I'Mi irW tfa, 1 1 nuiUalaitt iat, i IttV-l U !" -.wWa Qra Bii till bt1 lf HtMHi-tMKlI. - a. ara-uir Harrat t.v4A.llvtl.le IWU tu -s.ll VrM iiH . Itwaul) iin. aa Oiaa taatlet Mvmthl X rem. wf l' mii. UH-.M8 South 16th Strtet. Auto club, 8. E. Smyth, made a "hit" with the Iowa woman hy reason of his Information aa to the condition of high ways on the route of ber tour. She gave him an invitation to visit one of her ranches next fall and Join a large party on a prairie chicken hunting expedition. Bee Want Ads Produce Results This is the Round Oak Merchandise Check Worth $5 to You if used between the dates ol April 29th and May 6th, 1916 under condition! stated below. In accord with tbe eon tracts and agree rnonta exist ing wltb Orchard k WUhelm Co., 414-416-418 South 16th St., Omaha, thla Merchandise Check entitle you to a credit of 15.00 to be applied m tba original ' payment required to bava delivered to your home, ona Round Oak l-fuel Combination Rang. Tbe Round Oak Folks, Dowatfa, Michigan. When handed la for credit tbe customer la required to endorse as Indicated. Name. )ae)s9sty)w t i Address. , Salesman. Date. Children's Furniture New line (io-Carts, Car rliifff, Chairs, Cribs. Folding Collapsible Oo-Ctrt with folding hood, rubber djo Eft tired wheels vJOU Push Carts, up from. . . . $2.50 Cribs 24 Patterns, wood and tteel, both alzes range, $5.50, $6, $6.50, $7 and up Hoosier Kitchen Cabinets $28.00 to $41.00 Sold only by Orchard & Wilhelm Co. Cocoa Door Mats All slr.es In variety of gradea, 00 to S0.5O Special for Saturday A heavy door mat, fjr 16IT, for JC fn I 1 ,'ln "'' ! '-II i Uh t,.