THE BEE: OMAHA, SATURDAY, APRIL '20, 1910. m 5a MERCHANDISE LEFT HERE SATURDAY FOR BELGIUM RELIEF WILL BE FORWARDED FREE OF COST TO THE BELGIAN RELIEF COMMISSION. W Inleresting Specials in Jewelry Section Savings in Drugs and Toilet Goods Saturday 25c bottln 1'eroxl'le of Hydrogen, 15o 6io bux lde;il Hoi lit ttouK. 35o 'M jur luiggett and RaniBc!lls.' Cream for 39o 60 tube Pehni.'o Tooth Pasta 39o &itc hot. IlinrJ'M Hun. & Al. Cream, 33? 2tn Pond's Vanishing Cream ....lo 25n bot. JerKen's A I. & Hon. Cm. io 50c box Imported Rice Xowuer, In cluding .'urn lUcc. at 3So 11.60 Idea' Hair Hi-unhei 7C t'lnaii'i Hair Tonic 4 So and , ...890 75f. bottle I'lnand'n Tollot HiiMr, B9o itr Kiss Fnc pnwdi-r BOO 11.60 T.a Trpfle or Aziirca l'ow..B8 1 .5( bot. Oriental Oram 980 76o i'oinpeiuii MajiMam' Crcum . . .500 2So jars hanltol .l mac Vaiils1'- 1 hk or Cold Cream 19o Sic. bottli- Metchf-r'n Caitoila ,.,.35o 2ji) lar Ment liolatitm l'o $.3.7:. bot. lorlti-k'H Mult, Milk, $3.79 4 10c roll Crnpn Tollot Paper ..SSo 4 10c bars Pornxldn Moap 850 lOr Jap rtosp or Palfwdlve Hoap . 61 I.lmesion 1'honphati: 380 12.60 I,a'llN' Hpfdal Mom-he ,..1.50 1 ot. f'nrHflno Utl for rlfRiilfiar . 35fl $1.00 Mebb Bags, at 7Qc 60c Mesh Bagg. at '27)6 11.00 VanUy and Card Holder, epeclal. Saturday, at TiOt $3.00 White Jvory Hair Brushes. "Ideal"' brand, at $1.50 $1.25 Stand Minors 50 Gold and Silver Jwel boxes, 5c to $1.00 values, 59 and 25 25c Friendship-Links, at...lO 60c Combs, Barrettes ana Pins, on sale, choice 2!t $1.00 Comb Barrettcs, Pins, etc.', on sale Saturday 50 18 47 Silverware, odd pieces to close, at ,0 Odd Pieces of Silverware, $ and $3.50 values, to close., 1)8 2U6 TP DODGE DOUGLAS STREETS How About The Highest Standard of Excellence Two Remarkable Lines of Tailored Suits I- c : ql i (Mo nn i ttoe nn r ni o ri- i c.i...j... tin rn tfon dn 20 it L ill arf, Schaffner & Marx Made fully 95 per cent of them for us and not a single last year's suit mars the perfect cleanness of our immense stock. All Suits shown are up-to-the-hour. Spring and Summer X916 Styles and all absolutely guaranteed by Hayden Bros, and the makers. At homo or abroad you'll always feel well dressed, look well dressed, be well dressed if you let us fit you in one of these splendid new Ifart, Keliaffner & Mnrx models. The "Varsity Fifty-Five" in its many variations is a supreme favorite with tlie younger fellows. Plenty of more quiet, but no less stylish, models for older men, too. Muys a pure worsted or all wool Cassimere 8uit, linnd tailored, including the "Pinch P.ack" models and giiarnnteed by lis to give absolute satisfaction. All sizes and a splendid array of patterns. Also blue serges, fWrWU Out SdH M MEN'S ODD TROUSERS Hundreds of riairs of odd trousers in neat striped effects, hi pure worsted fabrics. Also plain blue serp-s. All sizes, 28 to 50 waists. Priced at from $1.05 to $7.50. One line We Feature Strongly at $3.95. RAINCOATS A complete line of Men's (hmranteed Rain Coats, in tans and oxford grays. Every coat guaranteed to be water proof. Full line of sizVs. :H to 18 chest, at $2.95 to $115.50 Boys! Having flanks TOEB With Ka h I tor's Hult SATIRDAV. See these fruits in Norfolk styles, two and three-piece, belt, two pair of full lined knickers. A fresh shipment just received of real nobby patterns. Hizes G to 1G years, Other Suits, $2.95 to $12.50. $5.95 -Savings flank FTtEE With Kn'h Itoy'a Hult HATVllUAY. Saturday w) place on sale a Good year Wolt Shoe for men; $4.00 value. Button or blucber; pair. , . . Th "Hayden Special," button, lace or blur-her, Western Union made, all welts, pair $3.00 $3.50 Closing out the balannn of thosn $3.00 Men's Shoes, J QQ while they last, at. ... P 1 JO The "Hayden Special'' for women, all the new shapes and d0 CA nh6cs that wear well. . 4J.0U Shoes for the growing girls, na ture shape, S3.50. $0 OC 82.75 ni- J.0 School fiho's for the misses and children; $2.25, 1 Cfi 81.85 mt DlOU Boys' youths' and Utile Kent's Shoes, that will give sktlHfactJon, $2.25,81.85, j r-n 81.05 nd vl.uU Child's and Infants' turn sole but ton Shoes, 85!- and ion wioes, tan or black, jr Wall Paper Sale Saturday Special Regular 25c Oatmeal, 30 Inches wide, all colors, with cutout borders, per roll, 1 at OZC 26a Bedroom Papers, with cut out borders, at, per f f roll 1UC Kitchen Blocks, regular values, go at, per roll 10c 5c THESE SUITS AT $19.E0 Offer a wide assortment of charming designs In silk and wool combinations, poplins, ga bardines, many near serges, etc. In the popular basques, tallleur, belted, mnnchtirla and other styles, all colors and Mzes, made to sell up to $35.00. Nearly 300 for your selection $19.50 SILK SUIT SALE $39.50 Thut were made to well at $50 and $"'&, moHt charming and be coming new deHifto In taffetas, gros do londres and fine fail les, nearly all copies of Imported models. Tins choicest lot of silk suits shown In Omuha In years, at, sale price $39.50 Jaunty New Top Coats, Made to Sell T sa (T Up to $45.00. Choice Saturday lia'TtUy An immense assortment of designs of distinctive slyles in Silk Coats and Wool Coats, all high class garments. Nearly all samples and but one of a kind. Values that will delight you. SPRING COATS Special at $10.00 At this price Saturday we show clacisy Hprlng Hport Coats, beau tiful English Walking Coats, Flared Coverts, Tlaln Belted Coats and Novelties, In Immense variety of style and colors; all values at sale price. NEW DRESS SKIRTS The most widely varied and attrac tively priced line of I)iens Skirt styles we have ever shown $5.00, $7.50, $10.00 ELEGANT SILK SKIRTS Kxtenslve designs 4 in choicest weaves and colorings, at $15.00 to $25.00 NEW BLOUSES Just received for Saturday, In georgettes, laces, hand kerchief linens, porteau crepeH and la Jer5 silks. A wonderful selection at re markably low prices, rang ing from ...85 to 88.05 xi;v ihu;mm smut fn wide ranee of styles and materials. Choice values at, from 82,95. 83.95. 85 up. SATURDAY AT OUR CHILDREN'S SECTION For Saturday we have a wonderful variety of Chil-1 An endless variety of Children's Colored Dresses, all .95. 8.1.95 ! sizes and styles, at 81.00. 81.50. 81.95 ... lllUiunH o o ri dren'a White Dresses, at 81.95. 82 and up to 810.00 Junior White Dresses, at, 85.00. 87.50. 810.00 aim up and Children's New Coats, at, special Values, 5.05 and $7.05. 82.95 S3. 95 q i hi hi n mail A Special Showing of New Dress Styles Most Attractively Priced. Men's Shirts and Underwear 11 Several Real Bargain Surprises in the Furnishing Dept. Saturday. The Olnhratftl Monarch Hhlrta, made by the world's greatest shirt factory, Cluett Peabody A Co. of Troy, N. Y. Sold for $1.00 and $1.60. They come In stiff or soft cuffs, In tbla season's spring patterns. Also a lot of other good makes. Worth QC up to $1.60, Saturday, special. . 0JC Men'a and Boy' Sport Rblrta, In new and nobby patterns. Special, C Saturday, at . . . . DOC Men's Union Suits In white and ecru, short or long sleeves, 4 length elastic and form fitting. Also a fine nainsook athletic style AC iUt Fine quality .45c Men's Pajamas of closely woven, soft finished cloth, fancy QQ 45c 18c suit, Saturday, at Men's 50c Balbrlggan Underwear, shirts and drawers. Egyptian cotton drawers and reinforced In seat. All Special, Saturday, at and plain colors. Neatly trimmed. Special, at Men's Fancy Trimmed Night Shirts, fine quality cotton cloth; cut long and wide. Special, at Men'a 25c Fine Gauze Cotton Socka, In plain colors. Spe cial, at, pair Our Greatest Trimmed Hat Sale Saturday, at Hats Made to Sell at $7.50, $10 and $12 A Thousand Hats to Choose from l uv' V Sunset Sailors, Large Droopin'j V t$JLW $ !; Largo Leghorns, Tricornos, Tui 3 rf A 1 -1 in'g Ilorse-hair Braid Hats, nirhans, etc. Kvery hat is ele gantly trimmed. You must see these hats to fully appre ciate the wonderful values. !wftw Jh,i All l-irkA0 l-MAit-lvr V) n.rttrrs.r Values on Sale Saturday, at 98 i A A'"V . $5.00 Values on. Sale Saturday, at $1.98 $6.50 Values on Sale Saturday, at $2.98 Specials in Summer Underwear $1.98 98c Values That Insure a Tremendous Holling In This Dept. Haturtlay. Ladles' Hllk Vests and Bloomers. hand embroidered, worth to $3.50, t ?1.75 and Ladles' Silk Topped Union Hulls at 9Hc. Pink or white. All fclzcs. rein forced. Worth $1.60, at : Ladles' Fine Lisle Knit Union Suits, hand crocheted yokes, cum fy cut or several different styles. Worth to $1.00, Satur day, at 49 and uOC Ladles' Crepe de Chine or Muslin Oowns and Envelope Chemise and Skirts. Dainty lace and embroidered flounces. Worth to $5.00, Saturday, at Crepe do Chino Camisoles or Corset Covers, worth $1.50. at Ladies' Oowns. Envelope CbemlHe, Skirts; worth to $2.00, at Corset Covers and Marcellas or Open Drawers, 75c values, at Children's Union Suits, all for boys and girls, at Children's Dainty Muslin Slips, Skirts and Drawers, at greatly reduced prices. $1.98 89c B9c,69c 39c 45c New Leather Goods We are dully adding all the newe.t styles of ladles' Hand Hsan to our leather gnoda tock. tc the new numbers of bags and purct on special mIc tfatardsy: 92 Hand Hag,, t $1 Ln. h All fine leather, leather and Uk lined, fitted with pume and ti'irror, Also the new fit tt nity p-nSs; reu- Jr 13 quality, r- h. . . $ 1 A Hprrlal line of New Kami linn. I ?i Hand flags, at. .SI.25 $2 M Hand li4g., t. St,5U II ,o nn, tiM.. 41. J.iKi ' rttl's at il.V Vrt at The l(.t '.rltiv- In popular f !" an I fitter M1 Wlltngn, tU'k an I cii'M, litfutar bc laiuei, at tr4 25c 1h Vett Tf rtlt ItftyUr T'. )!:'. .a. 50 Kirfota M4r Hl (t-Hii(i Jir l fi(! -! fc ?t, it fl ft. , ....... fcijl. For the Men $4.00 Mho are paiiN'ulAi- about their Hats, we would recommend an Inspection of our spring line of Stetsons. New shapes and colors. Your choice, at Our $2.00 Special will meet your etery de mand. A clean, ttp-to date, snappy line of Spring Hat In all the latest models. A larae purchase of Men'a Hats, In now shapes and colors, will go on al. (f 1 OP Saturday, at J A completa new Itne f Children s Cloth and Straw IUt hate Just ben receUed, making our line the most complete la the er city. at. .If, and J1.UU Buy Your Meats in Our Sanitary Meat Market at a Saving of 25 and 50 Per Cent Special Pricei for Saturday t . v ,hr::r.oc.i2i.j.e S I e 111' ti. ...,.) -ii , . . s.. i ... - t..t- S . I Ml-., (t 1 -.(,,! . S I tl . , HI . ! t - .1 I tO'.c il di.l. 't N I ft. U ! .. I li.'t !.,, .J . . t'-'I vti i . I t . is;c 7k Saturday Specials in Corset Aisle Middle Ilootn Main Floor. 76c Brassieres, fastening front or bark, nicely trimmed with lace or embroidery. 34 to 52. lliolco for Saturday, nt 19 $1 .00 Corsets, In pink or white bro cade, medium bust, eitra length skirt. SI supporters with the new nipped In walt line. All alsea, special, Sat urday, at 83.29 $1.50 Corsets, medium bust. Made of a fine Knattsh routtl. Extra hooks at the cud of stays; four and six sup porters. Snaps, at , .St Children's "Oliver Twist" Suits. Romper and Wash Suits, new assort ment, all colors ami U. 9. o tlie Children Xry it immI Light Weight Wrap'.' Mow About .Sweater? Misses' and Children's Sweaters in cardinal, gray and brown. Norfolk tft plain styles, at. St. 15. 8 1.9. S2.50 and SX&O llojrs' Uastt Waists, lisht and dsrk colors. Attached collars. French cuffs. to It year, at QC MISS AUSTIN, EXPERT C0RSETIER Will give individual fittings of the Binner Corsets in the Cor. set Department Saturday. Specials in Women's Gloves for Saturday Women's Short Kid (Moves, light weight, over seam, In all wanted colors, at, pair SI. 10 Women's Guaranteed Washable Kid Cloves, In pearl and Ivory shades, with fancy stitching, at, P"1"- SI. OO and SI. 50 Women's 1-ltutton Length. Heavy Quality Milan ese Silk Gloves, in black or white. I sually sell for $1.00, t. pair , 59 Women's Twn-llutton Heavy quality Silk Gloves, In double fltiecr tip, with two-tone embroidered backs. Worth 5c, Saturday, at 5J)r Kayser Silk Cloves, In all the new color., with beautiful embroidered bucks, have the Kuarn(eti flner tips, lo button length, pair, J() to SI 13 and lf button length, pair, 7," to SU.TtO Home, Lawn ami Garden Need -White Mount. un Utfit,rutori ( v 1 r .t ' " . MM , ! -.- )l ...... .,...... i ,) 11 YOl.fc !m ''M,.UI,M',,,'," "'""''a.M " e,-.w. r-,n ..... . - M - , f . . . . ....... ''. W .'4a--l. t:i . 1 I tW '"!.( t VI . , f Is .., I,, , Vt , , I Special Canned Goods. Dried Fruits, Butter, Ejjgs, Cheese, Fruits and Vegetable Sale for Saturday t ih a a I'm i;t Maiin.l II . t a- ; l!ti .til... It ai. t i.i..i n..u,iii f 1 . J 1 . ... f.( ...,iv.t un.t . a'.. 1. aa.a 11.40 1 Is. t.i i. ...,., 'ti,.. 1 V" i AMI ' 1-4. . 1 ttttfll l t.ia tVa- I ' Alt ut laun tif u ... t, V ! I 1 ! e ... I l-ata I Jtt. Mi b . ... tfc i.t wiiit. ( iu.. I " f ., , it. ' 11 . -t r.M t.-.Ml 1 .1 i.f.ll t 1 I I I !.( I . I T..Mti. t4. V(,. V.llMl.p: !. ".a 1 1. 1 ... (I . . I . T',. I ..v.. I ..:.- V! I, ..- , ,. I - i i..,. ... VI . -. I . t ..... . V it'll I.'- -i ... t ; 11. t... ' , 1 .. . 1 .'.." j . t ,, . , ( ,1 ,4 f, .t,,t,., ,,, ... ' !.,- '! ' II-.... I I .7 i. ; , I I a. Vl I , . iftt I t .1 , il 'I , I y. I-. . . . j I i. r ' t I". I i A ! vVt 1 t vta' to. ti. 1. M..I a. t.. atit.!!. r)Mi tn r.. ' ! " t .. . , it ,i . , . 4M 1 I . A ... ,, ' .! . t Mil .1 .l.t. i ,,,., I .MB !'.. IHt I t1.l. t'(Vct. O. l . . V ' . .-., 1. . tM I '"' ' ... .., . t... e.i-a 4.,'t.a. , , . 4 ' J'-f". " !. ..'.. . . , a I.K-m Iim, (v. . C Big Special Sale Saturday 'w "Onyx" tj$i Hosiery Two Ir.imfnic Special Lots LOT I IOT 1 ! ait-a aoaa dsti attg ost i !.' "i '.i 1 t .. ... ,., , . 1 !:..!,. ' ' ' '- 1 '' i H-r I ..,1. -I . . ) . , t '.t, ' ' ' I !"l' I t- i ii I 1 . ' t . j, t . t . . $1.00 New Neckwear A special lot of ladles' Nov elty Neckwear Just received, a delayed Kaster vshlpnient. In stead of returning to manufac turer, we will place theni on Hale at llaaf Price Nittunlttv. . 50c Ladies' New Neck, wear at 25c Including Unibrnldercd Voile Collars, Kmhroldered Ol'Kandy Collars, Kmbroltlcred tlrsamly Collar and t uff SutM, Kiubrold creil Organdy Ventres, Hfin stitched Cape Cullars, l4tc Trimmed Collars, etc. All at on price, Hatur- r r day aCOC $1 New Neckwear, 50c Tills Is an I'vci'piin ial in of l.iiibMii'l.-rcd Oitui'ily mill Cuff, .,t,e (tnd tr- (!4tt'lv i filw, La, t 'I ri!ini). I'liiittd t nllitr. tUKuhitv t rt(,rt ij.:..t s and CulUr an. I t uff itf. IttK'ilarll valur., PA m lr, at, each.,,,, uUC Special Ribbon Sale etui Hit -Hi :. !4t irniv wa oircr ;i My 'Uf?et l;itlH.n, )d , Moite ttlbtvtn. d . , -'' I n. y Int't'i'ti.. )i , S''C I",ill li!htim, . . i- ' i H M I III!.' nit Is -t t ,i I V Mil .-, l . II. .v I',,.; I,. ..(..', f I I t J I . I iib rtivtra torn vitis riiea ta 4 tt tl t 4 I. V b v t t . I . 'l 4.4 a ( I . 4 V ft,. .4 T, I . It.- .I. t I t ; t.. t I' t' ,iit ' t- .4 k . I 4. . , Another Sale of Musical Instru ments and Sheet Music K idf Sm H it t iN lK tVu. "Slrfa, I .'V .J Uttn," loi tudmi I iii'l t'H tfi M.baim ' ht It'll til. I I VA.Ms.t V I,, I 1 1 . '! ' at. flt I I .! . .,,,,,,,, . ' . ( .4 . . It .... ....,., , ' v 1 ( . 'fe ft , I. . t 4 pvvliif U.K.. 1 Sk li'lit . ' w . f , , ,.( t-W I ' ' . . si . . . 1 r- it stiitui taaa " ' ' 11 ' . -1 ' ,'..,.. .... i It t t I. let lS !iitt--l t i' I . I. I ,K ..... I i i Vt i ,l, (. ! : i (..(,'. v i . i ri.t ti t it n ' 4t I h tip. i li,.i V mil.. ; t t m IV, lie t. 10c I t vt ,1 'I i4 t v.... I'. ii i ! ,t I 1 ti 4 V!4n ..( t , ), I 4 I . t ... 11 4 l' I 4 1 4V . I , . t'.4( T'"i. II . 1 f -r ;'4vi.i lOi'ttl, al .i '4. lab t. 4itt,44r, t.....'ttt (".lot -' tV ..( o. (.1 sl t.n J,JH i ..,.. t-... .'(.,.( f ' 'nil. j !'. !.!! ( I'), j.i I JIT r AYS -TRY HAYDEN S FIR3T-IT PAYS C m