Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 29, 1916, PART ONE, Image 2

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Thirty-Five Democrat! Vote, Ag ainit
Reaolution, and Nearly that
Many Won't Be Bound.
democrats In caucui tonight ap
proved br ot of 140 to 86 th
aenate'a Phtllppln Independence bill,
but agreed to permit an amendment
In the bona to the prohibition aee
tlon of tba meaaure. Twentr-etfnt
membera announced tbat U7 would
not be bound by the action of tba
Aa aoon aa the agricultural appro
priation bill which a to ba paaaei
tomorrow or Saturday li out of the
way, tba Philippine bill will ba taken
up lo tba bouio for paaaaga. The
democrata oppoelng It will have tba
aupport of tba republlcane. Tboae
who voted agalnat tba reiolutloo de
claring tbat the bill abould be'paeeed
by tba aouae, were:
Rapraaantatlva Allan. Reakaa. flruch
nar, Cerew, i'Mr, Coadr, Conry, Dale,
Dwalt, Doollnf, K-n, Katoplnal, Kr
ly, Fltarali1, Flynn, Oaliea-her, Oelll
van, Orlffln. Hart, Hulbart, It ox, U,
McAntlrewe, MrUarmott, Mehar, 01ny,
Ovrmeyr, Iattn. Hallly. Hlordnn, Bhr
v, Bmith of Now Torn. Htl ef
Pcnnaylvanla, Tiaaart and Van Vyk:
Of the tbJrty-fiv, the follawtng 014
not atwolv thamaalva (mm the oaoou
ril to voi tor the hill:
HrnUt1v Car. Daw It, Liabal,
Ovrmver, Hallly, ftta!, Taaaart and
Van Dyka. fUnrntatlve Oaleaby ef
Nw Tork who did not vat alao abenlv4
Galena Celebrates
Grant's Birthday
HALKSA, III, April U.-Df. John Wee
ly Hill of New York City, frnral o
riry of the World t Court la-u, dallv
rt4 tha annual eratlnn upon the oocaa'on
r.f Qantral Orant'e birthday hire yatr
y ftrnoon. Vlaltora war prant
from throughout tha flat. The city waa
doooratod with tha national eolora and
lh anllr day waa dvotad to a fit tin
ralabratlon of tha atialvm-aarjr ef th
"tMlfint Soldlor" by th olflaana of thle
lly, whlah waa hla hum.
Arnona other thlnta Dr. Mill aald;
"Today elvllliatlon la at tha partlruf of
tha waya, Corfu laaaona ar atrlklng and
imperative; Klret, th teaann of prperl
fieaa, Mera entln'nt larka dynamlo totea,
I'eare la nlhre than an Irldfarant drm.
Preparadnwa la itre,i,ry to 1 national
aafoty, pat and efficiency, Pn tout aa
fore la the order of h day, w moat
winform to that orW, ".lf-prArvatlnn
I tha flral law of nalttr. That nation
which cannot defend ItaHf la an ImbaiHIa,
whlrh dar not I a coward. A flu
which dor not aymhollt tha dignity an1
powrr of nationality at hnma and abroad,
upon avry land and avry art, la a mr
(nla day banner tanking th authority
which command Qhrdnra, th quality
which rhallrniM rcipact, and tha aplrll
wht'h Inaplra drvotlun,
"It It b known, howvr, that mlll
Urlm la not our goal, that v lilla w ar
obliged tinar th prearnt onirr to march
over thl bloody cauaowgy, wa ar mov
Irg toward a hlghrr Irtral, vU.j th ((.
Hahmrnt of an Internatlnnat tribunal for
tha adjudication of International dlxptitaa.
To ar.coriipllah thla w mint catch anme--thing
of tha aplrltual vilon of Grant, a
tlalon of th horror of war, and a true
conception of the valu of peace built
pon rlahtouna and araanncd with
aelf rpct.
'Thla Ideal may h far In th futur.
b it It I son th a real."
Aeroplanes Drop .
Bombs on Russ Ship
BtDHUJi, April tK-y Wlreleaa to
Turkertnn.) An official rport laaued to
day by th 0rman admiralty announcea
that throa German aeroplane 'yeaterday
llrnpped thirty-one bomb on the Una
alen battleahlp Rlava. Several of th
bomba ar aald tn hav taken effect and
fir on the battleehlp waa dlatlnctly oh.
Th toeatan battleahlp Alava dtaplacea
t.H tnna and waa built In IVS. tt la Win
feet long and carrle a complement of
Ua men.
(OnrreanonAono of th Aeenrlaie4 Tree)
HAHBl.V, pnl V-The ytuMtan gov.
ernmenl tiitre about SBiin more cmillee
t repine men hA arc ertng lit the
army and Vi arranging h the Cblnean
xmtraitet at lUrhln to enpi'ly th
nramea, t'n Interpreter la to be em
ployed for vrv l' rnmllee. The cml.
; are needed f di wot In Vi1tt.
mok alxng th rtMMin rila. tn
the nunee 4 In rt uluae.
Tho National Capital,
retday, Art , H.
Mt at tiwHt
i ,.n army teergAt iuh
lt4i.wl aMiwa et imel'fre.ttt bill
' ' 9-t n knielu.
!) I Mi e m t .e--n aetur-
Ike Meet
' M a
1 ..( ,(" "..mi rrt ,nt
ti' . .tin llf e't MBg IK
' a .
I . .. ,.e e, , t4. ant !
l .,' t -'. tt" Mt re4
' -'' n vta itwa
(.. , I i v.i a t
! sist-at tui ' a a
a- ' t
k-i ti it i r ,. i ti , t,.
St gaaaiaate'.M.iiieal effiea J
ll w'ij too l (5
Von Bernstorff Thinks Kaiser
Will Meet Views of Washington
WABHINOTON, April -Dlapatchaa
received at tha Oerman embaaay today
from tha Berlin foreign office indicate
that Germany will attempt to meet th
American demand for tn Immediate
abandonment of Ha praaent praotlce In
ubmartn warfare. Th nature of tha
propoail era not dlyaloae4.
Count fiernitnrff haa not been advdaed
'hether th auggeatlon ha recently mad
'Contlnuad from Kaga On,)
and the mltileter (ifwir ateppedtlown
upon the platform, where the official
wi omlng party preatnd about hint. The
war mlnlatar wore hla field uniform of
gray and a campalan hat of broad brim.
Uer.erar Ohregon haa only one arm, hla
right arm having been torn away ,hy a
VIH theli at Calaya.
After a conference with tha military
authorltlea and civil authorltlea In tha
ouatoma houae, fleneral Ohragon met th
n wipe per men, but he added but little
to th Information already given out on
hla journey north. Tha minuter of war
veld ha did not care to talk about tha
confarenra. Aaked what ha would do
In raae tha American troopa were kept
In Mealco, General Ohregnn "eplled
through an Interpreter;
'That la a mattar which hop to
arranae In conference."
"It haa been aald that tha American
government would Ilk to keep th
troop in Chihuahua mora aa a guard
for tha frontier ao aa to help the Car
ran government f" waa aeked.
"I do not wlah to aay anything about
that a It might b prejudicial lo the
riccene of th conference," replied tha
mlnleter of war.
Tfclnka Vllia kllll Alive,
Oeneral Ohregnn In reply to a queallon
aald that ha thought tha de facto gov.
emment had aufflclent trocpe to take
car of Villa and hi band without aid
from tha United at alee.
"Oeneral Ohregnn, do you think Villa
la deadT"
"I do not Relieve Villa la dead," a
the olck reply, "but I am pualtlv that
h ta wounded and euffar for lack of
medical attention, and therefore haa
amall chance to he peraonally active
again In any campaign."
"Have you auffNent tmopa to capture
VUlar waa th neat aueatlon, "Yea."
anawered Ohregnn, "that will ha ay,
Hla banda are broken up and It la now
only a queatlon of hunting one man. Villa
with a few of hla follower, t believe, la
near tba boundary of Btnaloa and "o-
Oeneral Ohregnn declined to talk about
the financial eltuatlon In Mexico, eaylng
that h waa a military man and thoae
queetlnne ahould only he enaldrd by
th mlnlater of fine no, It laugliod
loudly whan aaked atmut th report of
frirtion between th flrat chief and hlm
aelf. " . .
"There never haa been any friction be
tween Oenorel Carranaa and myaelf and
there U leae reaenn now than ever for
any friction," remarked General Ohm
yon a ha cloaed the talk. '
(loneral Oliregon will arrange eom of
the detalla for tha conference today.
II would not announc where the
conference would take place. After
reviewing Ilia Carrana troop, Oeneral
Ubregon motored around Juaraa.
The accident to the third aectlnn of
fleneral Obrgn'a train occurred between
Ahtimada and Ban Joee. Two cara over
turned and two paawnger were Injured.
General Outlerrea wa not hurt. A
wrecking crew hacked the cam upon the
track aHln and tha train ta expected here
late today.
1.1 for helplna youraelf. Go out to Pun
dee. Hob I'rko 1S advertlaementa
It take but a minute of time to v
dollar when ou read The Be "Want Ad
Money Savers for
Saturday Shoppers
1 OA ateam' Hair Remover, aa
Jic Ter-acamph Ointment ,...lo
;i,c Mtl.aren'a Muatard t'erate
fur le
H ot rMowe' Cyrup , la j
0o I.laierln
2So Mentholatum , . , , IM 1
I6c Caatorl l
tc l.oan a Kidney llil , , . .,.aj;
H-i 1'cnii .uii M.aeag i ' ii. 40;
jftr rime 111 S in tlrar Jul e !
for -
ei'o Wuart Re.1 Wtng ii-te Jul- ...
) 00 II Hartaparlli . Te
tin I'roi'i'i 'e. n- loniit Itruati, ta.
Cio aracrtaia.
Ui M ii lel t tear tlataita lloa
1'i.thie. s t'-f aae
t, uitirallee. I for lie
l .n . I'refei.ii, la. l imi. t .
fr . as
I- t , . a
He li toe ioiltt rtie.iH
!' leiui
end o.i M' tamp fte
V.i t ,. le
id att Ma.ta l'i,p , a
ant tneiauett rr ef
Mail Ort!tr RclvOur Prompt Attention
Beaton Drug Co.
15th fttul Farnnm Streets
rf a,i""aL"--
to hla government at th Invitation of tha
foreign office have been adopted.
Secretary Laming announced lata today
that Amhaaaador Oorard. tn a cable die
patch telling of hla invitation to Tlalt
Emperor William at grand beadquartera,
declared that ha did not know tha purpon
of the conference.
Tha emperor, Mr. Lanalng added, had
Invited Mr. Gerard to vlalt him at tha
fri'nt without giving him any explanation.
Half of Soldiers
at Columbus Get
Marching Orders
COUVtXnVH, M. M., April !.-Mareh-Ing
ordera were received today hy approx
imately one-half of tha number of aol
dlera on atatlon here. Thee troop,
largly cavalry, wll probably crna tha
border to reinforce Oeneral John J. Per
ahing lata thla afternoon.
It I believed tha troopa are to ba
atatloned fciohf the American line of
oommunloatlon extending from Columbua
to Han Antonio, about m mllea aouth of
the frontier.
Military officer aald there la no con
nection between tha Impending dlapatch
of th rlnforemnt and tha reported
arrival of four troJnloada of Carranaa
eoldlara In tha Guerrero dlatrlct.
Southern Pacific
Cuts Sunday Fares
AS TOANCIHOO, April M.Redued
unday fare throughout California to
enmrxt Jitney bu competition were an
nounced today by tha Uouthern pacific
company, fharlaa H. Fee, paaaengcr
trnfflcj manager of tha company, dia
cuaalng the reduction, aald there waa a
certain If rim humor In the eltuatlon, a
th Houtliern I'aclfin probably- waa the
heavleet. contributor In th atata toward
Hi maintenance of the highway on
which the Jitney traveled,
We are the
Shop of This
Hirsh- Wickwire
$20 to $35
We feature the
Summer Athletic
Union Suits
$1.00 to $5.00
See Our Neckwear
and Shirt Display
It is Exquisite
Pease Bros. Co.
1417 Farnam
8c Ivory op, I for t;. l
lie Reminei Poe-p, aquarea.
for 8o
Ado Kodot Uyapepela Tableia. ,B7a
ItOo 11 H a Kidney Pill. 3la
9to 1'arK.r'. Tar r"p t
II txiffy Malt Vhtekay.,,,4Tao
.'tc Vt-lb. Peroald ll-ydroi.n. lOo
tj Iteatona Cold ( ream Ige
foe I'hnanhat" yoda, fferva''eit
(eaton. at , IM
i (urn I'amiihor, 1.,,,,, ale
Moth Halle, Hi la
(, ho t'wie tjnen Hiatloriei y.
41 .tin.ia anl a en!,,i.
ttc t arter e I lvr I'tlle, 14e
t-i Htrwp f'laa, avniitn J.
;, i., Itaiti a I'llt., 1
)o I'eer.' "ni.'iiu. op ,.lt
11 1 I'wer Face foa.ief. a I
(tor ,a
: . t'.ilorllt" at
li, l,'lio a ll tll a
ItH II., 'Ik. Mile, Jt
? font. rti.t,, ,, , ae
I line ! ul'-lii Ti.ei- , T
camov rnriai,).
Mte !.
uu I'm,-, I t-i '
..e It, , l ......
i lit l tn Ailii. it l. ! , . J.
.0 .
.) )
Admiralty Announce Sinking of a
Submarine Off lait Coait and
Capture of Eighteen Ken.
LONDON, April Z. A German
1'ibmaiine wag auok off the eaat
cnaat yeaterday, it waa announced
officially today. Eighteen men on
the submarine were captured.
Th destruction of a Oerman aubma
rine hy a Brttlah trawler off tha north
cnaat of Sootland la deacribd hy Dutch
ntwapapera received here. According t
aooounta, tha submarine had halted two
Dutch ateamera, when a trawler ap
peared and hilled with tta flret ahot
four man who were standing on tha dec'
of tha eubmerlne. The trawler then
tank the auhmeralbl with a aeoond ihot
The entire action laated laae than ten
Th paper aay tha eubmenitbl. waa of
th lateat and largest type and carried
a crew of aluty, all of whom were lost,
ateamshlp ladaefry link,
Tha British steamship Industry haa
been aunk by a aubmarlne, which left
the crw of th vl In open boat
15 mile from land. Th crew waa
picked up by th American liner Fin
land. Tha Finland aallad from Liver
pool for New York on Wednesday,
Th Jnduetry waa a 400-foot boat of
4,04 ton grot, built In Bift In mut
ant owned in-Liverpool. It waa last r.
reported aa having sailed on March 17
from Newport New for St. Nan Ire,
Rrltlali Gaard bl Ink,
PBRIjIN, April a.-rVU London.) Th
admiralty announoed today that on the
night of April 24-27 Oerman naval forces
destroyed a large British guard veaeel
on Dogger bank and broughtln a flh.
Ing atramer aa a prlr.e.
Purchases Charged
Appear on Your
June 1 Statement
The Store for Shirtwaists
Georgette Crepes, $5, $6.50, $7.75, $0.75, $10,50.
Wash Blouses, $1.95, $2.95, $3.05, $5.00, $6.50.
New Petticoats, $5.00, $5.50, $7.50. . :
Dainty New
To accentuate the .
smartness of
Spring costumes
' A variety which offera untold
rxMwihtllllr to make the deci
sion moat e art Ing:
Veatcea, colored and white,
HOe to $7.50.
Round and Square Collara
for roata and blousea, 21c to
Large Cape Collars, in or
gandy and pique, $1.2. to $4.
Net Ruffling for Flehur-s.
K.V to MH a yard.
Ostrich Ruffs, SI.50 to SH-V).
Toilet Goods
for Saturday
Orange Flower Skin
Food, regularly 7.V, spe
I'inl, Saturday, 59c
Mennen' i'ath Powder,
Xon-Spy, 45c.
the lain B.iturday.
I.M TKIMMKH HATS f,.f , 2M..
TUIMMKH ll.Vls fur $U.50
$;;.' Tin mu:i mi. u-r uw
rnlrimtiH'd Huts iwvUe t lrt K kl tiv , in rtH ihe
wanlt'd , Nthiiil.iv, SH.
I f Irt rd ft hl tnf, r !" it, n! t .-ntitiful al a. i'a,
worth i"', fttid ', Stlurdny,
Experts Assail and
Defend the Traffic
In War Munitions
WASHINGTON, April 2. - A mertea'e
munition traffic waa analysed by emi
nent legal authorlttaa today before the
American Kocloty of International Law.
It waa both assailed and dofended.
Prof. Jamea W. Garner of th L'nlver
alty of Illfnola aald Oerman authorltlea
were among those who had moat vigor
ously defended th. right of a neutral
nation to sell muni lions to a belligerent.
"The practlc. haa uniformly been In
accordance with th rule which recog
nizes an entire consistency between th
aal i of arms and tha obllgatlone ef
neutrality," aald Mr. Gamer. "The ae
aertlon that Germany prohibited aal and
exportation of arraa to Spain during tha
Fpnnleh-American war la without found
ation." That munition traffic present aatraor
dlnary and prepoterou anomalle waa
stated by Prof. Phillip Marshall Brown
of Princeton university, citing th neu
tral right to sell gun and ahrapnel, hut
not war supplies.
"Th. Interest of neutrala," aald Prof.
Brown, "when they clash with the prea
Ing necessities of bclllKerent sink Into
ralallv Insignificance. Th United States
la being mad to realize that neutrala
must in soma lnatancea either endure
considerable Interference with their In
terest or ale. fight.
"Belligerent Interests take precedence
ovr neutral Interest. It la Impossible
for a neutral In varylnc fortunes of
war to remain friends of both belliger
ents. It cannot observe a 'benevolent'
neutrality and remain truly neutral,
Ignomlnloue neutrality will ba treated
with just contempt tha refuge of a
timid, telflsh people."
Action of Germany In selling quanti
ties of arms to Great Britain during tha
Boer war, although Oer.itan popular
opinion waa wlti the Boer, was eltd
b) Charles g. Brand of I-ew Tork aa an
Inconslstnncy of the present German die
approval of th American munition
Presents a Showing of
Many New Blouse Styles
Styles for Saturday
The newest creations of
world known designers;
Blouse fashions that are
dainty, delicate shadings
and colors, soft appealing
These styles are wanted
by women who desire the
Choicest of Clothes.
Ready to Put On Suits
For Spring and u
Summer Wear
Priced $25
These Garments are "Quail
ty Suits" in every sense
of the word.
Fabrics, workmanship or
styles have not been sacri
ficed to sell these suits for
This offering in a truly re
ninrkable example of de
petidable suits for a moder
ate price.
No Charge for
' Alterations
Trimmed Hats
New Flowers
Untrlmmed Hats
Fancy Feathers
Never hefor havt we
known of Mmraftl luti,
untrlmmed htj, bt&utiful
flowrn and fjtncy feathrn
selling for lutU m In
Legislator Asks
for Pass and How to
Vote On Rail Bills
KA8HVILLE. Teun., April Jfc-Lrtter
to tha Loutrvlll & I'ashvin and Nash
ville, Chattanooga Bt. Lou I railroads
requesting passe for Judge. legislator,
wltneaaes and newspapers were read to
day Into the record of tha Interstate
Commerce immlsalon'a Investigation of
corrupt practleea by these carriers,
Carey Williamson, a former legislator,
aald he vot : for a full craw law, an
alectrio headlight hill and other me
urea opposed by railroad and that after
these v tea tn 114 hla pass waa not
renewed. Senator McKlnney testified ha
had roqueeted more than too trip paeee
In Wi.
Examiner Carlton of the commission
re copl of letter from th fUea
of f two road, ahowlng general us
of ptiaea In Tennessee and Kentucky.
One letter from a legislator, requesting a
paa for a friend over the Chattanooga
road, concluded, "What do you want
me to do with th. railroad bill now
be for- th commission."
Flight of Germans
Over Switzerland
Causes Friction
BERNE, April 17,-Vla Pari, Delayed.)
Th. flight of a Oormanaeroplan. over
twlaa territory nar tha region of Poren
truy yesterday morning, occurring so
aoon after a previous similar flight over
th same territory, haa prorok4 th
t rongest Indignation In Swttarlan4. Thl
la reflect In all eentlon of th. pres.
Th. semi-official Bund aay th time
baa com to demand from Germany
aamothlng mora than iprslon of re
gret or xcu. Th moderate Journal
de Geneve point out that thl I th thir
teenth Incident of th kind and that th
Oerman mlnlater gave tha moat eolemn
aasurance last August that there would
b no furthr violation and added that
Oormn aviator wr ordrd to keep
The New
New sport Ktripei in silk pon
gee, colors rose, Cope, Kel
ly green and navy, 'with
natural pongee to match,
$1.00 a yard.
Lustrous finished taffetas
and taffeta gros grain, ex
ceptionally good -weight
in a complete range of col
ors (36-inoh), $1.50.
Black taffeta specially priced
for Saturday's selling; a
good weight in rich black,
very well suited for nepar
ate skirts and coats (36
inch )f $1.59 a yard.
I T 1 i i
a. m r i v i
Bh J av. of
- eV - a . XI
The Last at This Price, 25c
We aro fortunate in having secuml at
the old price a large quantity of "So
ciety Linen." a high grade writing
paper with envelopes to match.
100 Sheets Paper, 23c, 100 Envelopes, 23c.
30 Envelopes and 50 Sheets of Paper. 23c.
The Price Will He Advanced Ket Tuesday.
Women's Gauze Underwear
For Late Spring Wear
rtauae YaaH. tmtt Cat.' fina tiM.I til t m
aw nk, ta!. I.V, WW ! a-.ttt . . k.i ,,
t t iVv ; f ttt ft ll !. ai,,
(te I'aloai !,! Mriviti I vl,i :-,,t
4 '.. filial fr 1 1 a . !. k, ttt ..,
n..t r? Kat, av, , ftti,t ,
The Underwear Section I now in iti new
location Rear, Mln Attic, Pint l l-Mir,
thre. miles from the Bwls frontier, yet
the raid have been even more frequent
since then than before.
Th. newspaper describe th flight
over Swltterland as an Insulting dlre
gard of federal authority.
Wife Leaves Spouse
for a "Larger Life,"
Taking Money Along
SAN FRANCISCO, Cal.. April -Charging
that hla wife persuaded him
to take a trip Into th country to aketch
cherry blossoms, kleeed him goodby,
after getting from him hi offlc. keya
"so that ah. could get th plan, cleaned '
during hla absence and then took pos
sesion of cash and securities valued at
MflO.floo and ran away with another man,
Samuel If. Westfalt, a wealthy mining
man of this city, filed ault her. today
for divorce.
On hla return from th. eketohlna; trip,
the complaint allegea, 'Vtfell found a
nolo from hla wife aaylng aha had left. -,
htm "for the path of a larger life," j
In addition to tsklng all the cash and
securities In hi offlc., Mra. Weetfall, the i
complaint atates, had their Joint ban'
account transferred to B.mul H. Day, a
young fian Francisco attorney,
Th. court granted an Injunction ra-.
training Pay from making ue of th.
bank account and Issued ordera to pre
vent th. collection ef dividend, from tha
eeeurtlle alleged to be missing.
The Westfaila were married in H97 In
Indlanstpoite and cam. to an Francisco
In VjOt.
Fatal Auto Upset
Near Ravenna
RAVENNA, Nab., April Jfc-fwpecie!
Telegram.Woe Novotn. a young
farmr, lngl, waa killed last night
when hla automobile turned over wher
there waa a culvert and a turn In th
road, Thre. other young men war. In
jured, but not dangerously. Novotn
owned th. car and wsa driving.
Purchases Charged
Appear on Your
June 1 Statement
Silks First
Georgette crepes, some new
arrivals in new high colors
and delicate shades (40
inch), $1,50 and $2 a yard,
English Corduroys in the
most wanted colors, rose,
leaf green, gray, Oope,
' maize, white; $1.25, $1.60
quality, Saturday, $1.00
and $1.25 a yard.
Remnants of Silks and Dress
goods, desirable lengths at
specially reduced prices
Saturday. Main Floor,
When Choosing
Silk Hosiery
Remember that this
store is the hosiery
headquarters of
Omaha, ready with
well-selected stocks
which include all the
season's newest plain
and fancy hosiery
MLK 1IOSK with Hale tnpi an 4
aolna, black, white anil
roloru, T"j6 pair.
iaHK MM IIOhK, a variely of
atvlea and rotors, JIM
31.25, 31.50 ani
more, a pair.
NOTICE! We have Inat re
reived a large nhlpment
of oulataa blank flhrr
atlk boa with ribbed
tore, ntr a pair.
h I' V. C I A Ii Children1 hhfk
cotton hoae, fine rth,
dnuhl knena, hrla and
toea, I'M, 3 palra for 5c.
M Cf)MW rHAM At t IM