19 NIK BKE: OMAHA. SATURDAY, APRIL l!I. i!lti , i J 4 '0 HOTELS SAVOX HOTEL, lttti and Jackon St. Clean, modern. comfortable rooms gl moderate prices. FOR RENT-FURNISHED ApartmenU and House Aaanmerita, SPLNU1U, NliW, n;HMfcHfiD. TRAVERTON fireproof, WH AND LA NOON COl'RT. Catering to people of refined testea Apartment 1 completely equipped for housekeeping; up-lo-dat and comfort able, TRAVFJt BROS. Tel. Don. tttH. 70 Omaha Nan Bank. rhnr" 'h' "f,nln t or, Sundays, ! ROOMS and balh; fu rni'shail apt. In t ha Muawood, 2511 Harney Bt; very deslra- nie. i;n i (.1 FOR RENT-HOUSES Weet. WILL tuk generaT oonlrot for your new home and relieve you of all de ntil and worry. Will work out a Plan to milt. Phone Benson 123. F, 8, Trul Hneer. V.i and 8..3U Lincoln BTv-D.-u-ronw csch, hous strictly modsrn, wun n water heat Price.JW). Dougl Jt Fuir'KltNtii'-room home with three quarter basement, all modern except heat, large lot. Wheter Bt. west fahnam. 'ill N. th, l-r., I hatha, with gtrage, V. norr. jTiif what you want! 142S Wli-t PL. oor ntr hous. plnnlrees, noiveiied porMi, all onk floor beamed celling, flnu fixture, lighted parage; fro, W" ':i.M()ViM nt'itta'ae near 24th and Amea; elect ric lights, ga for rooking; newly decorated: only 111. Krnt Sweet. liouglH 1471 FOR RKNTV-4-room' modern house at b'M N. 2th Ave., on oar Una, Inquire at Bi'a f:allfoi-nt. Phone Harney 221. JiHjN"-ROOM" modern houeo, nic yarT" rent frnmj)wnejr2llnKnewa lilb uHANi ST. 7-r. com., moaern, w T. K. Mall. 4W Rama Bldg. Doug. I4 :OTi AOF.. 2 block from barter lake, 14th Ht. and Amea Ave. Colfax L fWW ft'FH 13 D-foorn "moderi7Tunga- ow: Teen"0: poren. vvn. an. ilA V r7-rom7all modern, BemliTark. Inquire S2 N. 7th W. SiOn'KKN 7"room hous, Ik Is. i'tA St. Colt'ex 1171. aiii." "v! "tH'rii BT.-4 room home. Phone " """" " eon III. - TZ", jit iw.i.,o'"IV I ui h. ittd street: nicely .ranged; situated on cur line; place lent for tfo Pr month, and I a bar (tain at that price, Call thta office for further information. Calkins Co., Douglas HIS. Cltv Nat'l Bunk Bldg, 8 R.ioMwYnd aun room, will le vacant Mav 1, loi ated at 2 Jonr-a Bt., 10 pur month; look tma pver una i i iim , walking 0UUii:c. New vuk flulali. i' Oinhn- Nf ti""!! . 3,1, Arliii'Bt., &-"roo"m, "cliy water, ju. t1 So. 2Sfth. 6-room moiL 2d floor, HnUs Mhiell. I. UX!J or Red 722. W)1 H. wTN-'lli a rnnnth, Water""paiiT aalkiiifr aixUnca, J. A. Olaen, 61! B:e Hld. D. CTiS, COTTAGES ofl room euch to. rent. l. Ph. l, Ml. Toiand Ik Trumouii VoRKKNif Wey 1. 7-room, ell luodwn houwe. 877 S, IKth. Harney 2002. lli'i-lliirio. WW 1IAVK WHAT YOU WANT, HOCSKH ANU COTTAatS. PARTLY MODKRN. 4 R. 112 Carter Lake Ulvd ...IH.O0 u-n.-,sr,i n. jotb Br.... .......'... U.W M(.rl.-.I)V KVCKPT HEAT, SHraloaa Hi. ......... r.. ... 20 W ft-R SI Martha Bt Il. H-R.-2332 s. m Bt ,..... n.m T-H. 2M N. 27th Bt 16.00 aTRirrt.T MDftKRN. fc-R.'-SM! N, 6th Ht. (new.... 26 W ..T at! n lut St.... 27.W .R.-(f X. Hat Bt ! H-R IMS V. 40th 8t ' a-Ti arr K 7?th St l.00 a.R. nu H. iMh Ava T.R.-463 Bedford Av. ., ;.. .W 7.H. r,2fl fl. BOih Ave MM T-R.-) N. Jlh St W T.ll t.7? K 5klh HI K5.'l0 n..anM Munn Bt 25.00 I D .11 V 3lat Ht 00 n.R.2ri?A Dewev Ave. (close In)... K.6I FLATS. PARTLY MODERN. 4--a Pouglea Bt. 10.00 .tn.tr -R.-2fi4S Tfoward Bt -R. i B. 1M Bt HEATltD APARTMENTB. tni;. Vlvda. 1S08 Ohio i&on 26.W . is. WR HAVE OTWBRfl. PKK fUR COMP1-ETE PRINTOD U9T - BHFORB RENTING. , PORTER & SIIOVELL, . Office With ' American Security Company, i! n 17th at. Uou, toil oil JaardHSt., "r.. all mod. ...... ..i.1oT 209 B. 13th elt.. 10-r., mod. ex. heat 6.O0 24 Franklin St., -r.. all mod.... 36.00 m B. Kth St.. 7-r., all mod. ...... M hi Evan St. 7-r.. all mod.,..,... S0.00 08 N, 2th St., 6r.,- mod. ex. heat M ?!!! N. 1th Bt.. -r.. mod. ex. heat 2O.00 ima s. a Bt.. l-r.. rart mod..,..., w.fto niRWPTT . COMPANY 471 Bee Bid. Pougla " FOR"GAKPiiNli.'a ANU POULTRY, .r inwntown. colored. III. Also I and a I (Uk bungalow), and ACR8 GROUND. H and 17. Alao -r CaJt ornla fcungaloK and aver, tit Tel. U. 1107, 607 Paiton Plk, .. FOR RKNT. CREIOH, BON8 & CO.,. m RKK BLOO DOUG. MB. FOR RENT-AP'TS AND FLATS '" Wear. " AARTXlKXT TliOSfl" NO CARFARE Aot. No. 1. lfaylt. I'th Av. and Jarkaon Bt, 4 rouma and bath, atrlctlv nmieni. aieam heat In winter, Might v rheap rent and no earfar. PAYNK Sc SIjATKR CO., 4m rimah .N1LJtank JHldg. If INT. Umni-lired Aparunent, either )i i-i.,.. n w i t amain trt tfillV V, P.ftHHINN, ixf fAltSAM HT. Man. (.'i7h'&" Ipi.itmH," PI ! Mapl Key at Mapia. j 4 A M H 1 11', 4 l'tlrn Blk. " ' " " III .NO. 18TU bT. room modem Hat, etiwita f'nril M..-.. iiit, d tvi ruuiueia, it. A. wour, ,! U,F H k . t-e' i (UVtMtl iibdeiti apait'ixAI. r.Kii.i ... J t M- es-t it ih. . . ti t... I'll. .! t. . ,h 4 I l'e Ai ; tai A ; large r"v, , .l aui lai.i'-wt t ilMUlS !' I1. f'.-. I.h..; ;4 t il KM heel rtwet, tif'-i tea i '.. Vtsta, .Hh ... I .t r ll : I uubg, 4.4 ! In, V'"'" . H lit'' VI keat4 Fal. tt . v . . ? U'. fti.ie I m hi I -.,e, Li iaale. ti ii ' T., il H .It I I. ! I si J..fv!4 In , j i v t t . 1. V. tn 4e : . . ..!, . (tl I I iu i i f '..-.-1 ., I t I' ' l t i , ' M 4 ii i hi.. v. ). h ... I' f I .'.. " a i Vj. t ". i" (', .( ei.t,m. I ti-.'n ; .' i i' t .- s" ;- m . e t i , i fcl t ! '.-I ' I" I , "V I r I lll t -.I I i. -i - . Ml n H 43 I I ? I I kg r ft, I ' 4 Viartwf , i i a 1. 1 ' O MOVING AND STORAGE GLOBE VAN & STORAGE Store, move, pack. k0; I hore van- and I men, ll.Io per nour; atoraga, gper month. Batlafactlon (uaraateeO. ougla OM and Tyler 230. , GORDON VAN CO. Packing, storage and mov ing lit) N. 11th St Thona Douglas 3M or Webster 64M. FIREPROOF WAKEHOUSEI Separate, locked rooms, for household gooda and piano ; moving, pauklug and "oilAifA VAN AND BTORAOB CO . tM a. 16th Bl. Douglas 414. FIDELITY nNTAL SERV1CK FREE Phone Douglas M for complete list of vaoant houtea and apartment; alio for storage, moving. 16th and Jackson 8l. METROPOLITAN VAN WTOHAUE CO. Careful attention given to order for moving Decking or storage, office at Raymond t'uriiUur Co., 1113 aud UJ Howard St. Phone D. U24. FERRIN VAN & STORAGE Packing, storage. IB Cap Av, Tyler ISO Maggard Van and forage Co. Moving, packing, storage and shipping. Pbon Uougla Hue. J. CREED Express Co, Moving, naoklng and storage. 120T KsrnaniTrjjt. Dotigl JI14I. FOR RENT-BUSINESS PR'P'TY lores. STORKS. Modern store room and basamsnt, (21 o. lth St. i fin location for groceries nd meat. CONRAD YOUNG. 121 Branded Th cuter. Doug. 167. BVokfiT building and basement, & leaven wo rth. N. V. OHn, 410 Bea Uldg. . i'hone Douglas A j(LK small tore room 1620 Cas Bt., 120 rent. Conrad Koung, wa uran deli Theater Blclg. Douglas 1671. STORK" " UOOM 'at ;"7sw-181t arnam t Thos. V. liall, 4.MI Kanife os.i'i) 8TORE, modern, low rent, near post- office. U. P. Htctililns, lliiu A.-nicago. itOKK nulliiing. living rooms to rr, tM N2lh. IJOUKlSS ItM , , " MlwHiiiieVu,. tAItOK, "Tight", baeeirient, u lth Bt.: choice louiuum roi uiuiarus anu v" Wright Usmiry. I. ir.2 T- w- .-'i:-. tr REAL ESTATE -IMPROVED TIIIS BKACTIFUL HOME, ' , WEST FARXAM. Price reduced from bfi U l2,rA). Prac tically brand new; nxs eveiyihliig up ... i,.t t nl,l' A iirSi DP 1TUUI1U. I'll sleoplng porch, two nmlds' rooms, I nrttv fhenlaces. dun. Af you llitr- ested in something up to last minute? Then don t overlook seeing,. inn. .... OBBORNM, 701 Oms. Net I k. U. 144, FiVE'WJOM BUNGALOW WEST FARNAM DISTRICT .Modern in every detail: geiiulii liar, ain at I2.7W.OO; only cnh re SulrtdT baiinc. Ilk rent. , Phone Doug. 1M ' ffrlULER . CART, , Keeiln Bldg. . nl. ON TERMS, will bu a modern 7 room House, wunin ft mm m runum car line.' In excellent location, This Is ona of the best bargain In the city W. T. SMITH CO.. D, jgi. City Nat, Bank Bldg. W. U BULBY. BONa, INBURANCa, Ktvrlh, then bek it jthen you will buy it- Flv rooms finished In oak, newly dec orated, extra larg living room ex tending acros the house. with fireplace, beamed ratling., butlt-l bookcases: full cnwnt basement; furnace heat Houss Is less than three years old. Owner compelled to sell on account of leavLng city. PAYNE! INVESTMENT COMPANY, Eth floor Omaha Nat. Bk. Bldg. D. 1781. ncOMPELLED TO SELL Practically hew' six-room ' bungalo' 98x42. lot 42x124. all modern, built for horn by owner; only tSi year old; hi water heat, iinisnea in oax ana Diran, larg front porch; a cheerful, oosy home In every way. Price, $3.H0ft, on v navment. Located at 4100 N 21st St. Beon only by appointment - Phon owner, C'olfsx 1707. j UYTOWItllBRE -' ta and Hamilton ttts. A nifty bunga inn it larrn momi and arranaement will' surprise you. The finish Is osk and . he heat- Hoeulal features galore M.SM) will buy It tcah or terms), lt us show you this' today. Tomorrow may pa too late. Call Douglas 13, to get R ASP BROS. PRAIRIK PA1-UC BeauUful 2-story, 7-mom. stucco, brand new; cash, 140 monthly) south front; splendid hade, hedae and shrubbery; paving taxes paid In full; oak finish, whits enamel bedroom; tiled bathmoin storm sash and ccreens. Call owner, rclfsx Hfill Good ilomo Very LitUe Cash Five-room eeltag wltb hath; largs lot; fine shrubbery nd fruit trees. Price. I-'.AM. Located 4ini North JJth ti Noma & Noma, 4rt Bee plilg rhonaDniitlas4rr. DNLr$ioo clVsu ru RCirrv-A 6 -room cottage with lara enmei' lot. Lots in f fruit sad room o sarden. Two hlo-k from Amea Avs- ni car. Prlr II '. A. V. TUKEY & SON, Phone pf'ie t-A' W7 1 W o W Fild 'to cW'SiTaS! F-'TAtK' ' 1. educed from lt.. i.i t,5n Now lttr aiithorising a prta of ll.Sfl. ITi mom hoii. t) ..iif-s lot, l httou Hi: Ureal 'i4p t)a.KuK il W4M.AOI!. Ht Keeluta Hi'KAUL BAMilAIX. 4 room t ite. t di, sea, waUf, M ft. lot, ll.k'i. term. M vash f isr Iwt ; ! IKTW ', m iri ii.rwi m rilol'-lt WIK. nllsi Hws.t M , f wi.at. tMU e- , !.'.' I Htm !i 11 1 iShnliUU . jkt S., i " " " ? VH VO I f H PM:a I! V ( u nw !'. !. 4 an- Iali. .r ' i iM.ite.4H. i'S f tn,. li ". IS i'lj 4 See t;s ( all nr, I j. i ,it)iii,Sg t.lV, omri "t Mi ' 1 1 i .. fVtTf .ir, rMii il.-' mw.h tr t-i i rt w it o.rt i i ,,-. ssir, I- n (tn JlAvi'M, i s !, I 'I!. t ., iu.-Um f !--.. a 'r ei, 4 th t )- I li a r i. i i , i , l I ( 'I, t. I It f I , , . ' - 'S '! lit.niU b,4.( ,.' t 'g M ., I f -III! I 11 f V I I- 'I I l'. i I, tm - i , 1, l-i i,,!,, a t m I. 4.l Ate I t ' nf 1 A' .-4 1 Ik 1 1,:i"". ':. (u.-th. Wi I , -.1 M ' '. 4 1 , T. . i to r t ii It 1 ! i- 'V I ! i I V U k-.t v I I I an 4 '" ' 4 ' 1 , ,., I". a I . V. Mini! 4 ",. v i I' i a f ' Vt b -., , a ' ' . 4,1 ,l l nl a i a A t i '.I ' REAL ESTATE-IMPROVED ttouth. ROOM bunsalow, "brand new, all moo- rn, osk floore throughout; oag nmsu In living and dining rooms; large, light, while enamel bedrooms: good location, restricted addition. A bargain at W.000. Easv term. BENSON & CARMICHAEL, 442 Paxton Bik Doug. 1721. Mlecellaneone, SA KKTrwitif: FOR RELIABLE AND SAFE FIRE AND TORNADO INSURANCE O'NEIL'fl R. K. A INS. AOF.VCY. 94 Brandels Tlieaier Hldg. Tyler 1024. 12,'WO-KABY" PAYMENfS. T mi., oak fin., hot wster. heat. AM oh O HA NT Ml Brjndetg Theater REAL EsTaTE-UNIMPRUVED "TWr'in. TH beet anre ar oul Bsnsun way. The het pic to ouy a res mil nen ,n wsy Is In Bnon Gardens, Richland Acrea or West Benson, where e i-an sell you on or mors aires from I CO an acr and up, on very essv trms. HASTINGS IIKTOEN, M4 Harnev Bt Phone Tyler 10. BENBON Garden acres ar the" best ploae-ln acres to he had near Omaha. Call, write or phnna Tyler W for read ing matter, telling mora about Benson Garden acres, adjoining Heneon. HABTIN'73 j HFYnKN. 1l4J)rneyJt "L(VT MlilM, iSiTanfTTiewey A va'T opposite t niviTKity Mings.; fwu. uowisy, 4214 Dewey Ave. Walnut 1TH Korlk. XFTrR'TookiniTaf Mi NrN M""LTlA"i"rt different buyers decided that It waa the best proposition on the market and they backed their Judgment by BUY ING lota. If YOU will com out today you will understand why other ar buying. CHARLES W. MARTIN ft CO., Tyler W. 745 1 Omaha Nat'l JIank JBIdg. THRKK full slsed lots, fins view, near .list on Ohio, for 'Jm each; terms to suit, He Dexter L. Thorns. 411 Bee Building. loath. 20 Acres Near Fa!racre. MUST UK BOLD BT MAT 18T. High and sightly, with good Improve ments, Par price ana term, can, Hiatt-Fairfield Co., -24ft-7-l Otnnha Nil Bk. Tyler M. WILL BLll.Ti" TO SUIT. Havs 1.1 first choice lots tn Leaven- worth KelKhts Add.; easy terms. Doug, .m, Carl );. Rolen. 6)4 Pailon Bldg. REAL ESTATE INVESTMENTS MlecrlJnnrous. CI.)SE-J.N"lNVEsmKNT ICiist of 24ih. between Harney Bt nd Bt. Mary s, we have a first clssa, close in fotir-abartmnnt brh'k building, no reiilliiK fur 1110 a month. Kach apart- merit has five roonie with separata furiittce. No Junltor or heating charge. This Is sure to urow Into money and will ma 8 or 10 ht cent on the pric. Half cash, hitlance fl per cent, 6 year. ARMsSTJtON G 1WALSI I CO., Tyler lf-:, Ml Rose Bldg. ""' NEAR 24TII AND'T'OUGLAa" " 1100 PKH FOOT. l.'nil riif ini. i.sxl.'l. Paved alley In rear and best vacant buy without doubt on DousIhs Ht. Could possibly sell Mist feet tor I-Ni0 per foot JEKF'VV, JU'.Dl-'OttD & HON. Doug. ml. .a. svtmr.w.-. . I.T, I- nt'.t int-,, .-w .Mas REAL ESTAJ EXCHAN GES "FINBTJOMB IN BRilfS PARK. WANT FARM CLOK1C TO OMAHA. AND PAY l.'AHM DIFFKRKNCM. This Is a 7-romn, all nwidern houa; south, front; luruc lot, with fruit; on boulevard: new hardwood floors down- -lair;' new eleclrlo light flxtur; new porch; -newly, (siperwl throughout snd newly pslnteit; reaiiy to move ngni in IV. blocks from cur: close to school and churches. Price, 14,600. Be owner. 8110 Myrtle Ave.; PjnHajiwa. K-lilt f.XI-HANCJK. M.000 No. 1 drun store, welt located good town In Iowa, . Want residence In West Karnam. Dundee, Kvunston Happy Hollow, Field Club or Beinls Psrk. D. 1610. W. Colfax, 702-4 Keelui fOR HALE OR f RTDK-LTvery, feeTimT dray I am ana sir. targe lot, at. V, Brooks, Owner.- Leshara, Neb. 1,100 ACIuJh of f ine valley land, on rail road. Clesr oi mongaga. am ran o farmed - Price 126 per aor. Will oon lder Income property and pay cash dif ference, w. k. craig, mi wiy iiat Bank Hlflg.. omana. FOft H AXTtS0 RE HCAt aUQW. Well estubllehed business In the dtyj net lnoome per month, I'too. Thl busi ness can be Increased by th right party. .For further Information call at 2n8 Keellne Bldg. OWN EH will ell or exchange for Texa property fin Nortn Hid alx-room modern home. Southeast corner front DeslrabJ loratlon. Address B., Bos ITS, McAllen, -tex. WILL exchange two brick store &nd frame cottase, renting lor MO a ya,r, ror vacgni lots or screnge. J. 13. ROBINSOtf, 442 Be Bldg. D. WOT. WI 1AT HA VK YOU OR DO YOlTvV'jtN'TT Bee us first. We may have just what you want, wg sen or trad vryTnin. anywher. C. J. Bmith. Tyler liOt. 6ll ho, isin Ai ' A fine irrigated" Colo. land, clnar. Wanted clear Omaha, unnrnved. Mia Hawver, J24 Grand Ave. Colfax 7S2. OMAHA Income proiamy for Nebraska or lowa farm or ram h lands. J. u liar her, 7; Keeiln Bldg. Tyler I71. CAN' sell ur exiTlisnse anything you hav In iffer P. J, ('anan. Mcfsgue Bldg. ALL modern fc-ronm cottsge; will trad ror good lots. Colfnx 3.v. REAL ESTATE-BUS- PROPT (6 I-Kl.T. tilth St , 1 htks. from vladuat. H.dV Mu esue Inv Co., Mot ague Blng. InTKLTb" KNif I rid iTisien"t advertl-' ing win ' sen - any saiatti real esiata. and th lirat numlHir of prospect! v bmr can t reached through th Real Kuttln and Want-Ad Guide to ail of Oreiter Omaha -TMr I'tTW REAL ESTATE SUBURBAN Heasoa.' "TAf Vi'l it ti"Mh Sj"iiLNONf lil. t TH 1.4 LOTS lift rn down nl ll vr month; rrl'' xi,, . (.liUs, lM4i4 t n I villi' ei. .lii I Imk and hurnhami a fur tn in m i, not erul , r line. Ueo, R. W riilil. Mr nffb e, fiinsha. " " fiangre, I'll NDKi; $i,ArtD He ) ,t llitl an ns'.t r- .in hMM l ii.i lin ti'n laa r F'll'.y nn"l ih timi a,. I'll 4 m-in i ll h f f ,i, ii .l I I Ii ! a i n the .,1.4 ( ir t . f i le n etictn4 i.ri.i(ig h Uaa. ! a pa.e.l ' II4IH1 14 .Sfiil'S- S '"-I t'IS'l grout..! T'.e ' " I ml" "' ii - t srraeiH Gi.ovr.n & Spain, r - . i4 in t"j S-i eai f,iK !. 1 ie4 lk if D-df l i i,,l k. . (! tig ' I tn He Ih lt ?'H i.li.i t f' Y'Hl'" W4Hf"AKMl'ril0Wt Jh.lt I . si S - M."I a. . i t a ,iii . i.fc. le ii i-as .i I . f V, a I !! .MS t, M'iAKRT : . l H 444 i : , i . ii ' . ... s " I .i . a Ih , ! A hi a 5 l"- t l4 l. ..., .i'i4) n.t 'l is) e ..4 1 a yl M.V, 4.-S a..i'i: Y" la ! !,, . t i . 'i-,i r j.t sf.cr:w.ii "....ul"'! u" Iif4 h hi'ii, ! !- I i . U i i tig.la if i l i i....ia o g i . 4 t ,i;.e ' i - f . f I S.iei Mo " " i .. I ' i i - i 1 ' i I li w m A i: i '..! t.'H ,1,, I II 1 ' t ' 4 - r Ii . FINANCIAL JKTBataTtTr LMB'atartaTagiea. Wt are romly at all titiieg to maka loam on flrst-claa city property and eastern Kebraaka farm. Ratei on request. UNITED STATES TRUST CO., 213 South 17th Bt. MONEY TOXOAN ON Apartment houses, double brick house, sink's houeen, business property and farm lands at 1, V and . w. ii f Hum ao, 12H Keellne Bldg. Douglas le THONBY to loan, elx tier cent, on Omaha residence and nearny rarms. D. K. BUCK & CO., . ll Omaha Nat I Bank. ' t TO i for" luari on bwst olas oll reshleiH'e in amounis k. up; wv farm loans. Rensonabla commissions. ' PF.TKBS TRUHT CO., H'l Karnam ft Osl UI A homes. Kail Nebraska farm. O Keer HP Al, I.ei AiB, w. tl Omaha Nat, Phone Uouglag 1711 MiTnKY to loan on Improved farms and ranches. We also buy good rarm mort- gnns. Kloke Inv. ro umanv f ItV and farmToans, iTVfc. per cent. J;JlDumont eVj.'o. 414 Keeltn Bldg. iU" to Iiu.mw maue piumuiiy Wead Bldg., llh and Fs F. D -ad. inn's Ht. NO DKLAY. W, T. GRAHAM, BEK HLDG. IdONKY TO LOAN, for I year, on Improved properties. HOPKN A CO., Doug. 422S. On'ey "on hand for oity and farm loan, il. w. Blndor, City National Bank Bldg. GAltVJN BROS.".,0,Tk""hP Hldg. "X?71ft5N'IiY. HA R It 1 HON " A Ml ) I ITON u 1 m OmhgNat. BsnkIndf. Aliilriai, of Till (innra n I nn Abstract Co, W can bring UUtUiUllCU Acuin vnue ahetract on short nolle. R. 7. Patterson Bldg. P. M7 "it V Yi ii Tltl OuarauVe "and AbYtreoT iviij"c0 modern abstract otflc m S. 17t h Ht, Tel. D. 647, RFKD ABHTHaTTt t'O .," oldest abstract off li. in Nebraska, vm Brsndels Th g lac lis "and ttonda. iit) MORfGAffi" Vies ring "7 wml-w nual; secured by property valued 14. fi" Talmage Lnnmla Inv. Co.. W.O.W. Hid FARM AND RANCH LANDS 'Arkaiiaaa Lands, aTfRTplTTSl NO nniiortiiiillles for farmers stock raisers and rruii grower, jiorauo Land Co., Horatio, Ark, f nliiredo Lands. H'OCND-a20-acre unclaimed hoiiieeiead; ooo aoii: ampie raiiiinii; wtwimi uir' nr free timber. Prli'e :k, filing fee and all. J. A. Tracy, Ft nan. Colo. Iowa I, Bade. IOWA BARGAINS If you want farm, see u. to buy an Iowa ANNIS & ROIILING 19 PEARL ST. THL. 104. COUNCIL BLUFFS, 1A, i) ACREf", gently fofllniTTand'. "western Iowa. Wall Imptovio, ins i air in r. 1 1 lb per acre Tho. Campbell, Keeiln Bldg. Ilaiiesola I. nuils. i t V teST'tM oN.'li R. "i k tMU'l R. Must ell at onos my 400-acre farm, located In the best drained district In the Red River vuney i nines soum- aial t.t Hxllraml. Bulk COUIlty, Mllin. adjoining on of th best Scandinavian seltlemeiil in the valley; i acres un der cultivation, with lair improvineiu, nnh hlaok loam soil: M per acre; equity 110,600; nart cash, balance terms 10 SUIt. AOIII'll owner, nuif. i,iii, 100 20th Ave. North, Minneapolis, Minn fTUTsfER wlshss to sell Id) aoies, wU lin Minn.; suited' for took or grain; large dwelling; granary; price reasonable; ay terms to practical farmer. Addres j. M, iianeix, naiiaon, jn Miasoarf M4. ciuui kw m lir, duwn and 16 monthly buy farm In Missouri; ssnd today for free list or nargaine inat win mw iv. Knt fLh. Mount Vernon. Ill, IH) AORKS cut-ovr timber lend; fin hog lanch; 12 per acr. w. n. nrawn, oum merviu, mo, CHEAP Missouri farms, any sis, easy w""a FRANK. Nvlll Blk Omaha, Worth llakol Lands. UVTffiA ii yeariTTn on Pao anj on bul ness rriti li.v, ' ' . eontraca had a lawsuit or sat on th iin,u stand. Does stability and de- r.-.M-i.llli w mean anvthlna to you, Mr. rnd Buyer? Agents and buyers wanted. Bend for list K. C. Lel, Mil nor. N. D. JMebraeha Lasla. , Northern Nebraska Farm for Sale iso ,,.., rtnh black soil with rlay sub-soil, laya almost level. I mil from live rl. It. town, I' HUI.IM. .. KB acres under cultivation. Price I n .er A verv low pric and In foialTon where prices ar advancing Ask us for full particular. J, II. Dumont & Co., 4t.m keellne Bldu I'hone Dong, a,"! "Jolt '"flALW Improved" and unlmproee farm lands on at year- Uin; 6 per cn nn Hifnrred payment. 6 per cent principal; reliable men with stock and lintnernenia neen nip'f. u.. i'r". owner, K,mmet, !Sen, -uricftKs"c:iffitp": Wheeler county, Neh., north of Erio- son. to per acre for taJHi. nonn more, but 1 need money. Addrea M. 12: niiali Bee. . , . ti t w rina alfulfa. aiaili sn l aim- farm I miles from Brokan Bow: inns be old during April, eend fur descnu iinn Una N Broken Mow, Neh Ht" PF.il ACR 10 hoys a tVor le.e.'te farm ti ll' from "ina'a Belye Ulfford. I Ramg" B't'S, mat- Neh " Neet rk l.aade. Plfi iFl;r" rtialilv, 'not a priiinise, T rnisi. Im, hens, W t'r4, gi4 iiullding, ' Jo cows Usui, loiiis, eiaMirai vnildinss, a r. M per af-re, vvoie fnt photna . i iiisun. Mi a. Balm ' "r'!"j.,N.....T. ., V4'lsaatM ! r,lVt) 41 MRS - U.liO acre f riht tueaHBW mi.a in "un ifniiai M iumt aln. n main itn t i i , a 1 , ail laid i4oa to loan, i ate.ee ekS'em inmititli, sell '"'Hi 4o a. ,s uf a.'in fauns 'i, e III I'Hil I'n.e le h; ii, g i'(ii lend, t r.-eas e , ,,ir si n. ! dl 1 pl Ihs la n l t,a, ,iii . an fur ! king Ote anti.nu atiilt ain h en near l hums pn,.K i..a 'i 'h l l'"at Ii-' ye i (,l ln.il I r Ki'leS tllli lna 1 1 i.s i.' lw l lr ' H' 4 , m.ii . ( hi'el,a pi l ,. s .,lif, Tl fU'M LAND OiMI'AM, is-v. 4iier, . elsr Hspkl, I.- . f i'M lr laivl 1u His aai, sJinialng in -al a,' Sal la Ain a. er l.-i l i . sett la.l. ..: I V u, e .(i I.., 1 Ill,r,lllu,..lll 1,1 t M W IT(I fHB V'i". to i s n r'H leni St la li e ,l ihiH f I a k i I el a I ! ..., tN 44 ai- " a an i s I ii.i tits a i l" ih lath-ia. iL,iiy a--1 i ia'i t m ,a a lln .. ...U all.-a 1 .e iiilli-a ie Iwi' 1 ' e I se .w i V.lii I sex tar I .aae See a , !" I la ess-J a - ' a i I 4i .ai a k I i. , s I a ..I a iai t VI ye U -i l ha f 'ea , . an i 'I r aa 4 - a . y i ail a,-, a .1 t. ' a. , a i.l i r H I, I , I I, ' ia H g 4 mat at I i a i , i I a t. y I. f h VI 4 t !! a "-a i j i . a . K. if. k a I OS J' KX.l, inn r, p a . I"l 'if't I' aa - POULTRY AND PET STOCK TOM BAR HON CHAMPION KiiUsli S. u, vt . irfignorn, imtinnea oy uusr anteea pemgree or n.u 10 34 enas Fggs 11.60 per U and up. Also heavy laying Also heavy leyTng strain w. I. It. ducks egK". lew Pr 12 t'herrycroft Farm. Box 7i-B, Omaha, tsett. Phone nenson 4trl. iuivONS pay far better tnaii tlilckana; always penned up: little apace neeaed tart: fiue book explains all. Majestlo Wquab Co., lept. W, Adel. la. ,:i,iviNG Ml'SlC itox.:' Our wonderful trained singing canary, :0 each; only a lew left Mux Gelaler UlrdjTo '."" 7 H. TWh,n egg. 15. Ii rtf' lr lfli; Mammoth W. Pekln ducks, 11 exits, $1. Il A. Snoa. Benson, Neb. Tel. Benson r.. r:lirf"-Tn'dis"n'-nunner dueWs," "fawn ani white, looen Phone uea ki, iOGfl- harred "Rucks, "irua ribbon toi-k," lOn each. Hod Wtm. aixl graTn.liuTliS 11 76 VVal-nar, rMN.li Screeidng I1& perloi lbs, nni f. 14th 'it HORSES-LIVESTOCK-VEHICLES rar'aat Ii a Rn kssT" BAbiiOJ " TRTT TTiWRX We make them ourselves ann sen mem direct lo the cmisuninr. Why pay two profits for Inferior goods when you can get high-grade goods at first costf ALFRED CORNISH CO., 1210 Farnam St.. Omaha. HOG raisers write for free rmnklat on care, tieatmint aim nieeases m ii"a. "r C. K. Rli'hiirdnon, deputy stale vcl-ei-lnarlnn. Wellsvllle. Kim, GOOD young llaht tesm and harness. Brown Park luikery. 2ist and y. rnone Ho. n;w. . Sl'AN ofniares, wngon and harncas, fclnl. Call Wehster 74i. HAY-MM Ion. A. W. Wagtwr. 0l N. 1. AUT0M0BILES-F0R SALE "IaFsATTCAIilJAHQm7" If vnii want a good used car now l the lime to buy. W need th floor space and must sell th following cars: 4 Fords. 1 Page. 1 6-passenger Studehaker. 1 7-"asenger Btudabaker. elan, light nd starter, 2 extra tires. " I 4-cyl. etrolt, eleu, Hirtir and llghta 3 Overland. , . ' f Mkixwell truck, We will give term to partle not having ll cash, C. W. Francis Auto Co., Dougles 8(13 IJHi-iRJarnem. AUTO CLEARING HOUSE :-M Farnam. " Douglas 3310, i iiiiiiiilon touring, liib, 1H1.1 Ford toiirlna, mechanically right. 1UI4 Ford touring, fine simp. Pud Ford touring, electrically equipped. TUB A (JTO B"HOi'-"bervie. Firs't,t; price right, 1601-1 Jackon. Tyler :. Autc- I pairing and gen. Ford for sale. blacksmltlilng. Used $25 For Helping Yourself Go Out to Dundee Today This Coupon BRING THIS $25 Thlg Coupon, when prcgentod at our office by th holder with Ten Dollars in Cash will be accepted as a Thirty-five Dollar FJrgt Payment on any unsold Lot in Dundee personally selected by the bolder, between 48th street and Bint avenue, Farnara and Howard streets, at our regular price and Easy Terms and subject to usual building restrictions. GEORGE & CO., : Good Until City Natl Bank Bldg., lOOLotsAre , - Omaha. ' Sold , Series B and $10 As a First Payment on a Lot in The Community Beautiful Places You in a Position to Really Grow With Growing Omaha Tomorrow and Sunday will be a goriil time tn inok over Ih n 10f.cre Irart of The Poat Farm lhl we sre subdlvidlnK into half grre and , r 1ms, a-tilth will he nn Ihe market In a few dfiya The prlre nf Acres Will Be As Low as $150 Half Acres As Low As $225 This tg (h rich! Ian. to f s fn ied sqi where. ii:t.ihl ,r groalng fruit n, garden trm k It l g'l well drained, e),'ie In pe.J r-is l (it1 fee j'.tuev service Th term will h t I'FH ViOs'TH ON AC 11 KM AND IT SO I'H OSTH mi r ACiiw I he .n ati. n la e'il tei.. n V tut Is pari of H post fsrin, l "t !ut West of Heti"S Viesi d t e cit th snr! t rv ftrnie isd ataatut tHsw t-il tiu- H fpi rf aseatai from ,) p m Ikiti't p'il '''ft t'Kikli'ii e Ihes icrss. ten in a'ii mi t -t n i lU'iifr rn Hastings & Heydon lll!UkU r. Phone Tyler 1000 AUTOMOBILES FOR SALE THE AUTOMOBiLK WONDER. Make a ton truck out ot your Ford ear. &rybody U buying Oil Form-a-Tuck. It olv vour delivery prob lem and " flr- " wanted For particular or writ JOHNBON-DANFORTH CO.. 16 N, llth, Win will trad you a new Ford for your old on. . . INDUSTRIAL QARAOB CO., . with and Harney D"g ; OENERAt, Motor Company truck, two ton cana-lty. good condition. Can bo 1 1 ah Jjd k h tia lDn u gji. FOR BAI.K- Q-l li-tl. f.TiM traotlott nli- l liJ Jilllrhell touring ear. Of fered at a bargain if taken at once, Veola Auto Co., Neola. la. All kinds of repairing nd fart for eel, tlsed ram bought and fold. J 4441, jfllK WOOIiS F:iictrtc. lniost new; bar gain; owner leaving city. Call Room 42ft, Fontenelle jr lioiiglak I41H. , - Pi iui-' tn ' iniipinr car. eieotrie HghU and starter. 6'A 113 , 17th Tvler iT, tTS R I' C A R B AIkTA NO"f UKPHY OUU1KN AUTO CO. 1114 1 J . Farnsm Bt Aaloraolilles Waated. ,,iy In iron, quarter section South i ui Vota corn, altaira farm for lato model automohlle; en- cumhrance only 10 Address A. isn Bee. ; Aim llepelrtnaT PIsj- P ATTF.RIKS cnargea ; lnsiaK;ton free; any tvpe repa'red Omaha osr ase. 2010 1 Harney. Tyler 6M u S'EB.Auto Radiator l.palr !f rtces rlcht 5IK jS2!hJ,tnl10' fl) "r"a"riI"fo"rmarnMo we cant repair. Colls reiiairedBsvsdorfefjJlO N. Utt. 7lff, 'MUHI'MV'-AuIo Mpslrlnir. Ill S. 1R St. Tyler W; nlgtit. Red f 94. ..B.foe VT;b"R.. ri Far. . tm. gala Tires "J - TITIFH advancing, but w keP f PJ8?! down. WpclI prce on Jandard makes. Tlr rep ring. One good t r made from two old one. DuplM Tlr Co., 3511 Frnsm St. "AUTO TIHFS RFRT1LT, P 00 TO l 00. DtTO TIBF. ffl. Wll .t!y''"?SIL-. TiiW't thfo"w away old tires. V mak one new tire rrom i oio m un. t In 1 Vulranlrtn Co.. IMI P0.-.n?.tth-:-- F.leelrle AatMWtill.; AUTOMOBILE lNaUTtANCB. Fire. Theft. Uablllty and Property Dnmage at Lowest Hate. K1LLY. F.LLIS THOMPSON 1M4 City Nat. Bank Bldg . Do.i.J1 Wslter'Aiidersi.nrtxp't'riin'g electric batteries. Btorsge. 280 ,''r"mJ,;,, MOTORCYCLES AND BICYCLES -iri'xrfW'VirniVi5T75R u.,in In need machine. Victor Rooa, 1h Motorcycl Man.'ol LavnworU. OR MAIL COUPON $25 f'HO.'iL TVt.rR 1 1. pa a iJ3tii teii urn tw,x ttfTfa n mi ):m m kai!a jm Hal- AFFAIRS AT SOUTH OMAHA L Stockmen Tak Interest In Special Soon to Eun Over Union Pacific in Weit. TRIP WILL LAST FIVE DATS Interest In th farmer' pedal that will never a larg part of western Ne braska under the auspices of th Union Paclflo railroad Is manifest among local yard man. Starting Monday. May t at Kimball th train will cover twenty three Nebraska town In the Piatt Hver valley. Colonel I TV. Leonard of 1-awne ?ty, member f the tt llv etook anltary board: Dr. Anderson, stat veterinarian. nd Dean E. A. Burnett of th State Agri cultural school will make th trip, Th latter will deliver lecture at all of Ih farmers' meetings In th different fop over on th ubject of pork production. Tho South Side Improvement club will meet this evening t g o'clock at th Madison street, gchool at Fifteenth and Madison street. The meeting wa to hav been held lsst Friday avenlng, but through some misunderstanding with hoel authoiitle the school building was not open to the public. Th annual lection of officer will k plac at the meeting. Plan for th nw year will also be discussed. I.mheran f harch Reception. A public recaption In honor of new members recently enrolled In th congre gation of Bt. Luke's Lnthersn church will b given this evening at Ih McCrano hall at Twenty-fourth and O street. A special program ha been prepared. Wan All-Pay Traffic r. A campaign for an all-day trafflo wrp on th corner of Twenty-fourth and N street Is being started by many down town business men, Th complaint I that having a trafflo cop but two tiwri of th dy, between I and T O'clock in th early evening. Is hardly a hlp, but hlndrne to. traffic. Admitting that this is the busiest part of th day, busi ness men assert thst at Interval there occur a similar busy period which would necessitate the stationing of n all-day corner policeman. Saturdays ar especially buy day, si frmcr and tradesmen from the out skirts of th city usually mnk thl day ml Wednesday their trading periods of thei week. Sanitary Board Aels. Action of th Mat Llv Stock Sanitary bord, convening In LInoo!n yetrdy. In lifting th quarantine ban on certain western nd northern stork, wag greeted with acclamation her by local commis sion men., Mlmhi WJtllagflr Par. Mrs. Housel eper Let u sell yog th family ock and stocking. W hav a grand lln and oaa give you th most. satisfactory result fle th brands- Black Cat, Kverwear, Depend, Boy Scout, Rurson, Best o'. Hose and Interwove. rice right. We hav wonderful values In children's and misses' muslin under war. Wa can safely y, half of what other will and what you might willingly pay. Ladle' aulta ar cheaper. Ladles' coats are cheaper. Spring- dresses are on tap. Some beautiful things. We are keep ing away from that trail of higher prlcaa, W can iav you nlo margin on a great many thing. JOHN FLTNN 4 CO, ' Magrl City Gossip. Vtctrols and raoords. Kstlonal Mnaln Supply Co., Scargo block. Recitals dally, Baptismal service will mark th morn ing schedule at the Grace Methodist church Sunday morning. Psstor J. W. Morris will conduct a reception of nw memlier. . Th bis erowd of th bowline taurna. ment Is expected to npar at the Bruns wick alley this evening. Th lsst of tiie singles will be played in th wlndup of ui mL, Carl Beat, local former hiah school atu. dent, iia returned from Plattsmouth, where he ws work ns a a Dreasman with, the Plattsmouth DaUy Journal. Real la getting . his experience a a linotype maonino operator. A nartv will he given bv funlnra of Ht Martin's church aj, th parish horn at Twenty-fourth end J treat. Saturday afternoon at 4 o olook. A May entertainment and anntal wt'l b given Monday evening. May hv members of th Bnworth league of Oie Grace Methodist church at th ohurch at rwenty-nrth and h. streets. For Sale g-4-oom- house en aeoount of sickness. No reaaoruvbla offer rajected, M24 K. KM St. Tel. So. 8201. Office scaea for rant In B office. 23H N street. Terms reasonable, Well known location. Tel. South 27. Church Campaign ; Of One -Win -One Brings Results Reports have been received from fifty seven church of Greater Omaha, fifty two of whloh participated In the Win One campaign, which culminated In th ICaater services of th Protastani church of th city. The Win-On campaign started about Ih mlddl of November, after all In vtslhl result of th Sunday campaign had been labultd. Th campaign was a quiet man-to men affair, being a work. Ing out of personal vngel!sm. The goal which Ih eammiUe 1 it charge f th campaign set wa Lin by Eastei, the tntal rtiimber added In thes flft). s.'ven churiJies .Using 1,711 Practically all, liioliidlng th foraign srwaklng chun ha cf th clly, whll not affllistlng illremly wlih th Win One lampalgn, carnal en a vlgurou earn r'a f their wn for naw member. nd all epi,ri Indliat that thaee fhiirrhe wre aol iiereaeful In thl or. Report Indlcata ta Faster unf wa Ih nmi friitil in plnl f ill). Pons t th ehur hs V i nrh ra aver tperiea-e.) The i hurrh reeei a tk largeal smiiNr ef stli'i. i.a en tY 14 day wa at, Man a ,V.e..i ''sr ii.wsl, a 1N iMiiy. Pn lha go, !.... y lh Kiniiat Mam , , eifi.nia. tv aiid rCSls4 te ad tlte a r y leilar. tt l"sit ( h enve'ias tniirufiaav la gf,iri,ifU.,m la thai a'ta, Hf dM a ra't, f not NMU, I ha uta f Iks iargat . Ia aa.aat aa4 Ike Saraaltg age af targe Culls from tho Wire .4 . pi 1 1 .. K t a. f, S il 1 1 !' I, 1 I.-I-. ' a ip-4 l w., at i i., s i '. a a a a i n,st.g j, w v Vt-W i ruaiil .urn m 4 ""'a , tae pea a -ai r t k-i ia :' fe'illfW.": I 'It.. I a fig a i ' I ,'-. as 4 it ffl ! if I ft ' " l I ft . J P - -i'' I "I ( K k t - W ' ' ' as a ".., i-' a a i I a, . I l . i i, i, . !"!. 4 le !'- a at f th i1' ' I'. ..,, 4 a 1, w . " x - ' ... r a . a -: e- I 'a I, I ia j l-sia-l jfHV-( l,i l ..aai lJ ti""'.' i. , f,t fie I. lfai stst-ae ' I ...a W w fanilasa '( I leal" ava faaaaaa la agflj N'Va, a..- I aVSMat la I ce ! h ' ie.- Bi;K "I rf i V- c f ai Oi , . "', i V li 3( V n g n . b' i il n v. l. e. I a I II li . I' V I ll-n a i-4 laiaasaiaa, i v.4 i'l iilli III" - I 1 1 iia ia 1l s 4g i. .1 , S "I .3 ' I 1 ft'. M Si i ,''s, I 4 v.oaai.1, hiJ i. i . . r Mtis'-it. fit, ' 'i v 4 SA. e-i (. i-l O I