Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 29, 1916, NEWS SECTION, Image 14

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Health Hints.-:- Fashions -:- Woman's Work -:- Household Topics
Women at War!
We do not mean the Amazons, the
dynamiters, nor the militants.
But those food women no dear to
our hearts who make our homes for
These wholesome folks have a
treaty with cleanliness that keeps
them ever at war against dirt and
uncleanllnesi In all Its forms.
Soap, If you work hard enough
with it, will make things clean, hut
It wont' kill germs!
Born mixed In proportion with
soap will make the aoap work bet
ter and your work easier. Also
borax kills germs.
Bo that by using borax snap chips
you get things clean with lens work
than by the old methods and you
also get them antiseptic.
25c worth of "20 Mule Team
Horax Soap Chips" will give you more
cleanliness with less work than 00c
worth of bar soap or washing pow
ders. Ad vert Iseitient.
sTuraber of cbeckt ndord
Carey Cleaning Co. br frank J,
Oarer, Pi-m., war (tolas iMt
night, .ru aotify polio or us
If preeented for payment.
Webster aa.
Household Helps
If you rub a Wt of dry soap aero
the new spool of silk, you will not be
bothered by having the silk unwind too
quickly when threaded Into the machine
fait water will clean bamboo furniture
and Chin cue and Japanese matting and
will prevent It from turning yellow.
If a spoonful of lime la kept In the
pantry where the Jellle and preserves
are stored, It will prevent them from
To prevent table linen from becoming
yellow, fold It In an old het that has
been well blued before putting tt sway.
To save time and work, iw should fol
low the example of the Japanese and
eliminate all uncle things In the houae.
A profusion of things In the room de
tracts from the feeling of spare and
rim km endless car and dusting neces
sary. Acid fruits should never be prepared
with a stent knife. The best preparing
tool are nickel or silver knives.
When making hot starch always use
napy water, as It gives the neoeseery
shine to linens, and th Irons will not
Hhoulder of pork Is 'delirious1 when
stuffed. Huy a nice freah shoulder; have
the butcher bone It, then stuff It. 'Hew
It up light, roll It In a cloth and boll It
two hours. Then remove the cloth from
It, put It In a Iron baking pan and bska
It two hours.
When serving hot 'bread or pastry of
any kind, use hot plates. The most deli
cious pastry can become soggy when
served on cold plate, , ,
Between Sports -o- wading -o-
As We Had to
and as We Will
-0- Nell Brinkley
Copyright, Intern'l News Service.
15131915 'frL'U
Will Savo You Money' ThertAftoaSon
Our BRASS BED Section Is fr H iTM ThjB w ,g Ba4,
in new dress and shows many up with a kos
new styleg and values. The bed J !Sg.attw. U
here illustrated Is 2-inch con- i fo-J
tlnuoui post conHtructlon, ten Rp--flS- i, I Lj
, -inch filling rods, steel angle if f" h - L L ' 1
'.irons; only 87.05- " -lo ;1P(I,M(' L L L f.
shows how neatly one of our ,, 11, ,t f W h L
$10.50 box springs and $6.75 M i . f & p p ML
roll edge felt mattresses cause 'III . ' vJaJnf
a bed to( appear. ALy IJr
'. (Think The IYIe Over.) 'jtr
eomfortabl bad XI ' 1 t 1 . I Jil J mA , Z.VT
A luaurioui
when oloaad A,
comfortabla bed
wbea open.
Duofold aud Tail length, $1.76.
The liavenpoi l slio n la covered In Huaniah morocco leather. See the big
anil chair that nitch It at $S-BO, ami the rocker at 110.50. All of these In
olid quartered oak. very strongly hulll and well upliolatereil ovar ateel aprlnga.
He are prepaied to take cam of your malireea onlera and make deliveries
Saturday ami Mnnriav from new, freah inalir.'aaea made up for th day buat
ncaa at thoaa aainn low irlces. Kvwy inattress true to description and cov.
ered In select art llikliign.
1 1 f V n r. w wli.t n . AOUfca.lA-1
Combination Kelt, (toll KUsa Mattreaaea, 46 llia, art ticking. J3-
All Cotton Mattreaaea. it, Ilia., alt ticking.,..:
Thick 1-ayer Felt Ma!tra, 46 Ilia., ai t ttcktns e0
We traUd ail th higher gTed U "fell aad hair" TO Tgoa oavocn-
-mr x:tr.: -arair yuM rim
LONG ago oh, a few weeks or bo we of the
zone where the snow flies were wading
waist deep In the gllsteny feathery stuff,
whipping around corners In a gale, with our
nose pink and our finger tips numb. And we
worried about the
precocious Spring
wore comfort! of fur and
spplo-blossoms In our too
bonnet. No wading now of any kind we walk
abroad and twiddle our thumbs and are bewil
dered but we dream of wading to come
heavy green sea-water with the foam Hk the
sleet to beat the blood Into our cheeks no
sleeves, 00 fur, no Spring bonnet to worry
about, but a free body and t warm skin In tbe
sun. We are just at the uncomfortable, awk
ward space that lies between sports. .
Philanthropy's Dangerous Point
Haven't we bad enough of It? Haven't
we hsd too much?
H was announced In a few easily-overlooked
tines in the pewapspera that a
young girl of northern New York hmi
died after one year of marriage tiled.
It was thought, of a broken heart. .She
was It, this little American brkle. A year
ago, her face aglow with happiness and
neautlful with trust, she married, It wna
then said, aoeordlng to th respected
phrase, "'Th man of her choice."
The truth was it was the man who
had chosen her and who had overborne
her maidenly reluctance to man-leg.
Net an unusual situation, this. It
Phenomenal Bargains in New Blouses Sat.
An Immense spe
cial rash purchase,
of bauttfujsilk and
lingerie blouses. In
rludlngjjljl D d reds
I'pon hundreds f
the season' choic
est model, and at
artta scarcely half
th Ufl worth
The entire pur
chsse will he placed
on sletn six big
lots Thousands of
with all the dieting
live air ol snisrtneas
rtiu'll usually find
n garments sold for
tutlhle and treble
he sale erlre
Blouses at $389
iwore ef charming ! dis
tinctive deat.ns suitable for all
pcsfoe, Jfee ry lMt-t e(
lh . s aew fkric se t
f"lirte. n4 l"e Bi t fiMi,
Me 1(4 tt ahuee, tn Omaha
Uiwth T .V ao l .Vi,
Blouses at $283
1fty distinctive mode!, la
leeiitiful greU ertpes,
crf de rMsas, leces, ats, ha
lrte, elf, Kiiding a
detful l!oe vt Sfort aa UUieMf
kl.l Ilea
Mtk t mm (
Blouses at $19S
Cnm la tuk lav u
:s, rre s. nefandles, rtv wtly
i!. Unee and tlalnlT linger
ies Al site a elor pc.ttes
tf charming new dei.
At $1.49
I. mm vi,.u
l rh s;:i. 1 ret
! 1 i.!n , cdiiffnt,
ta'tetas, H a f "e
n 1 dftisty i s a
4e I $t
At 89c
la Uf s'lts. 0e,
t f 1 1 lie-
r. V'lia,. ti ,
I I t - I
t 4.l at ! .ft
It I et II
1 5&p
At 49c
lee I w
ti M..wMe
Is Us difMont
stutes, al , 1
! e-t ..t,.r-..
ms t t 4 si 1 1
im ji
might have re.aulted In permanent happi
ness Many such matches do. But this
match was In one respect extraordinary.
The man convict. He was on
parole. A tender-hearted philanthropy
had established In th town In which the
Kill lived a boarding houae for paroled
convict. The tender-hearted philanthro
pist choae the gliTa mother to manage
the boarding houae. The guest, as he
exprenxe.I It, -foil love' with th
The air of the boarding houae was full
of sentiment, the sentiment of the phil
anthropist, who called hla paroled con
victs hla ho.Y.s;" the acntlment of the
mother, who with tears In her eyea talked
about her mission to "raise fallen men;"
th vibration of this sentiment struck
the young girl, permeated her balng.
She KiK-cumbed to It snd married th
Jailbird. That In one year of marriage ha
mulcted upon her th gift of a broken
heart and broken life, was treated scant
ily by th newspaper. There Is so much
big na now, 10 much of wholesale
slsughter, of the neit national conven
tion, so many national and personal fu
tures In the balance, that an M-year-old
bride's hrokon heart weighed but little In
comparison. duesn't it weigh enough to lie
upon our hcaita, to stir our minds to
acihii) .' Aren't you a little tired of the,
philanthropists who ant t "give the
i'"j cnsma si wnaiaver cost : I am.
The men ho hear tha clang of prison
i.Hu behind them are no snow v-roN-d
alnta NliL'tv-nine of exeiy hundred if
them nave scarlet borders en their lobes
or thev nuldnt be that Thy tr not
nini l sup and chat with, ti hue and
Why I Never Married
No 5"The Woman Who Sacrificed Her Happiness
.'to Her Family Tells Her Story . . .
Why do so many women who are at
tractive, intelligent, full of human affec
tion and tendernera-the sort of women
who were designed by nature to make
ideal wives uml mothers never marry?
la It because they were bent on celi
bacy? Or Is it because men were too
stupid to know a good thing when thev
saw It, ami so pnswd them over? Or
Is It the fnull of social conditions that
never gave them their matrimonial
It Is one of life's great pussies and In
n attempt to solve It Dorothy Dig ha
asked a number or charming 01a maius
why they never niar-lcd.
The reason 1 im sn old maid." said
the fifth woman, "Is beoauae I seeriftoed
my happiness to my family.
'AH of my brothers and sisters are
married. They are prosperous people
with good wives and husbands end beau
tiful children and oh arming horns and
they are living full, satisfying live.
"When I go to see them, they are very
sweet and patronising to me and they
'poor Jane' me behind my back and
laugh at me In my fee when my new
disagree with theirs, and tell me It Is a
rlty I didn't marry when I "was young.
"Once I overheard at little lt-yar-old
niece say to her mother that ah thought
Aunt Jane was a perfect old deer and
then she esked hr mother why 1 was
sn old maid. To thla my slstsr replied
casually that she waa ure she didn't
know, for June had been an estremely
pretty snd aUractlv girl, remaps 11
til because Jane had never cared for
man, She was born a spinster,
"I seilied a little cnlclly at this, for
I ci uld have told my sister that sh ess
nunc At lesst not until Itm afisr ill, ,
cm! g-iiu that w-.rVd then b...... tmo I "" ef th reasons why I bad never tear-
ites (.u,m I s. bren llmiut., fien i r, snd why I a ImtHv eld meld. t nrtning aimieesiy aooui en tn
se of life Instead ef being snugly an-
their ! ic Th irs 14 reflect, to re
1" lit l i r'.H, to if' Theirs not
ti won and td
Ihrie i a i'cat deal ef fa' setiti
infills, n ""! r?liitui,'t, a great ttl
t , Bi.i, I,. Orante.t that they at mn
ally werpe-l, p rliii .!mnt, the
hv had '. 1 (. a." s ili.H,,-, nf them h:t a twttar ehn fiee
tt t ho hv be. umii t rl-J.-i.t
ef h t mi. I etatis It 11 .M
ha en said l ih. ...(tiniitg nf Aa
hKok I tH"!u a f'nr Hist in 'hal
est t,.i haca" MxtK l, (,
- i'ihh was ' ig h n. t tt
'"" '' !! 'M .fi
I Sif;aa. r .if . ... ,,i
. hi. is bat m-..M nf hob iiKi
'' ... 1 t st M'ih.- y'ti..
i pfMlr,; 1,. i-ltava it
wit t y Man ! ta . v at n I t
a ' mass !' -as. sa ,
t" I " tl '. IK.H. (It
e I .t. ' tkmi !,'. ii
IfiU-Hl 11 th,,,, (,, l ID) ( at.
that fm t i au t nt get af '
M K,ili.j .,! S'lt,w-?
1. a .. atf,
., ..) j . . ,t 1 l lk,f 1, ,..(, -J, ,
I u ! t -t a r 1. , .( tt' h
1 J, I ,llf ',H (I'll 1
inwi ft,tW b.t i,a 1,-t tm
k'H4 I I . a I a t'i V.' I
1 hxred tn the af harbor ef my ewe
b m.
' CeMaui y thsr was er any woman
t. h...u ha dnmastt'i Itf la tnnr l
l iring than is la in 'l my Mfe I
long4 liis(reasliy t 1" and b
!... I a I' re children. Even thi
ity t ant !v I put anl Pan and
a iin a 'l I bad ne drvam ef a
,-ifrt Ik eeraer ef eife and
' a taw nMinlb sftae we gredn-
l rr.M fi.j'ege faibar 4W4. Iev.
ex .i. a. m hi full t kale
l.a ii.dren an I blr e'l'l wwr Kaf
ka ,., t,.i 1 a th ' t au4 lb
ii(i na a:is au se tt-'el ea a t
H, e.ifden tbe ! f at l-.l Pe
e I' " Sdi ' t tl
I s 't .t'ta l tssek 'kI k d'nl
ft ISat M utta.hlag ' tJf
t k'.hi i i...n...l it kMO lazil y
l , aiiiH r- f n a
u t f In tfcaif .
j ' wits 'a af I1"-ts I I
'. I .t h I ..w tn gls 'w
j niaid t-i gat lesea en tnia.
i t iil kr swi.' t Vet ' ttf
. . i s f i H sal e ' "'
,K jail iNa tMe s (Sal 1 bit ea b
, , tut si ami i t.s iiiil a4 e-a
it ! nt wa b.. a sa I b seat It ..!
It i ( ' Iham t mt t.a tM f men
tt W :slt ellkCK t al t tt tKi
iHt is h ata la ta t H : a
M i ei, t tt kaarta a
l - :- ! i4 soalata
' 11 I si i it -t t a. !
i'a f i ! ,
Ta i f asi ! I th state tida fl
low they showed marked talent, but
to develop their gift they hsd to have
education and speolal training, so ,1
worked herder than ever and denied my
self more than aver snd put them
through college.
"I waa 22 whin tny father died. T was
40 when th Isst child was firmly planted
on hi feet and able to stand alone with
out any aaslstanc from me. for the
first time I wss free to take .my own
happiness, snd marry.
"But the opportunity came to me too
late. Those years hsd changed me from
a blooming and beautiful girl Into a
worn and haggard woman, much older
than her years. Women keep young
through happiness, through lack of anx
iety, through pretty clothes, through the
ability to take care of themselves.
"itf life had been en long, desperate
battle for the bare neoasattle of life. I
had had no leisure ta which to think
ef myself. WhaUvar mousy thar had
been ta spend had gen for th children,
whs need and desire hsd been so
many snd so Insistent, and se In my
plain little working clothes, with even
my hair combed tn the most economical
and time-saving way, no man had looked
at me for year except as be would at a
highly efficient place ef machinery that
was guaranteed to run without creaking
or oiling, or breaking down.
"One man there had been In the early
day ef my eririe who wanted ta
marry ma, but although I cared for him
very much I refused him. I could not
add! upon htm the burden ef i fam
ily e suppert. Neither rould t leev
them to starve, 1 knw whn I sant him
ay I seeled my doom, but l could net
huy happlnea at tbe vrte of tending mv
llttl sister and krthr to th b'eeic
shaltsr of an s?lum er the a vary ef
'That's why I sm sn ell maid I sac
rificed myself In my family, but tby
bv navsr realised tt IXen my mother,
haa she tmesis ef haw has
ether M)drn era mMted. wonder
sag'te'y why I dtdn I merry, ta, gad
ea). ha t apologailrally. that Jan as
th kl leesing ef sll ef he gt'l when
she wte yeueg "
Leap Year
Do You Know That
Th I tided Hle .nrl less yef
esl IWf ll'es
I rub e I s i e ni
stkse4 la ninety Sere
(ta tat
Nf b I th e.'e . e' fn. .
est SHfagatl In f'"1 -'' lt
leltttiltst I -. it. a la us
i tie. ei ' en ' liii
,de f t atksr im ant
At tlli- Sft fen leg u Vt 'i
Nee !. -.a- re : - a. lai
. 4 li xu atia f (
fa M4t l-e lll t b. k tea .e
ttetsat v,4t4 .(. i;, 1
Ki. a tMr pet eml ! n T
MMttl H kt a r1 ' ' el
eia la tbe tf l f, a
una. s wet, S tat te tt S
' 1 suppose they call It leap year because
nobody leap at least, I can't call te
mind a single feminine thing who he
ever owned to leaping at a man literally
ss well as mot&phoricslly.
I have known a tew to set their rsps
at men; I hav l-nnwn others who have
thrown their bonnets over lovt's mill In or
der not to mlae anything that's going, but
the most forward girl seems to hesitate
at taking the verbal fence to matrimony.
But why stink at speech, when you
don't stick at anything else? It must be
much eseler and cheaper to eay outright
to a man, "Will you marry met' then
to waste powder and frock ad lib. en
every man on the chance of hts popping
the question ene day In a moment ef
aberration and general undoneneaa.
If I knew a man nice enough to prenoae
to, Td take on th Job. Bnt th quality
of the 'average man ta almost as much
limited as hla quality. Tf s onr fault. I
suppose. We've turned htm Into th
spoilt child he Is.
For fear ef lostng hire altogether we've
Indulged htm tilt It's no wonder almoet
every male of marriageable age doesn't
find It necessary to go seat of )e tn
hare a harem and quite nnneeeseary te gt
to church with th favorite.
Iap year should com as a godsend,
however, to th girl whe ln't too par
tleular to look at the man before sh
leap at htm. Ths chance are, wtih a
little tart, ths might be able tn ineffa
him til right I put the "Uef tn beenusa
sll the ttperleneed p"Ple who have been
under Cupid e fire will tell you that U
takee ttr.t tn deal wtth a man.
riadly what tact has te de ertth Int
t have never been abl tn find out Rut
tt team te be one of the essential t I
married rep tsk with them en thel,
knevenetn. If they tea tt, trouble ea.
suee. snd th brtd ..,a back t hee ealf
een'alned fat and life, whtl n brute
I'"1"! tolacee himself i'h hhli'l
and lntdeptt! eelebratet bis fraedem tt
the tame time
And tn a year like tbi with, men it
o"d b baati t gt tm i g.i
sal. as It were, wltn rnly rtv iti
leave It euih la ha easy f ir any d
la p ,i! eff pr,tal,
leu will find the tet ie rebsM
treatest eti. I. When a nan bat ...
i m ef IS many ruMng ant bt iai
"'. girl lha Itfi .f hiTO, !.,,, ,
!'s t f t't . ef hltn, th ..... .
"heie, In fa, i, al er Mea. and lb
laa.Hcg tadf te fit ah tHtl.tre.! I'.l a I
ef flti tn ftont el Mm, vn a t .i,
de if ka i in t t. 4 wtifi ,(
" 'ixi te fnl It e. east) -n:
t marrte.1 if aiiH . eiaey V ,, , ,
i-l lie l.nt t i4hl Id i , tf
i- ii e'a-1
Tt..e, mi , -rtit if ttait
a tti lv.(n.,i V i j.. k ,.t
""' k .t ( t..f . tn (t ri ,
''" as .-. ,
' via t f . t , u
f.i sui t . .,. !,., ,
iI h 4 teal
1 1
ea ..tiH. ( i,,!.,,.!
Mit b,. .aeei'a ta a , ....
leg en Itttt mf , .a , ( ,H
ftiarj eithttbt nt.-. a, ,. , . , ,
arH M
t .4