Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 29, 1916, NEWS SECTION, Image 13

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    Tin; hkk: omaha, saturiay. april inir.
To lot portlBf Ooodf."
Llfhtlnr nature Bureaa-arandn,
Dlttnoid Xnfrmnt Blur, E'lhtlm.
Boot Frlnt It Now Bavan Praa.
Today'i Movla rrorram, alaaalflad
action today. l appeaj-e In Tha Ba
KXCLUSI Vb.LT. rind out what tha a
rloua marine plclura tha,tr offar,
Oaa "T-TU" abler aUnlrlaalf
' Dlrorca U Qrantd Cum' In K Fri4
bn lvn a. dlvorr from William
V on chrga of drunknna ami In-
flijllty. Hho hi hnrn award-xl alimony
of m
ult la DImJA null of llavM K,
M'Cllrit';ck gnlnit Tha Uoa Puhllctilna
company wan diamUfM In federal irnurt
II In a Mallnnary ctiglnsT anil aiunlit
Hi.Htt (waua of an arllda puhtlhd
loaaa Clroue Tiektta Ifarry Ifnl
lander, 1Z1 l.ravm worth tre(., lot two
M lo Ilia Hull Klnto rrdl hn
burglar acnlrif 1 mrric ( and ran
Miked til grin-try tor Tlmrdy nlhf,
Incidentally li lout $18 In caah, fi In
tmpa and nni valuahlo papyri.
) Waatarn Unloo Hull for l7 I
brought MKlnl Cm Wentcrn I .'Minn Tl
liraph company by Jarnr W, Murp.iy ba
rati. In (rnnemlalon of a nre'ia" from
1 - . - tit I I U 1 . ,,. Nit
f praia wrn mnflnnun. inprc ir rHTiniriK
Judira Wakala? A4itraa Tataraaa
Cianeral f'harlra Y. Manderwrn e.gnip. No,
1, Kona of Vrlarana, met a Memorial hall
Thuraday tilKht and llt-nd to talk
Viy Judff 'Wakelaiy, who sarribit a trip
through Ewrop mI by him everl
year ao, mnllonln many jilac anl
tblnga at hlaiorlnal Inter!,
Andlronf, rira goraana. fiundtrland'a
Preparedness the
Theme of Baker of
Department of War
NEW YORK, April 4,-Molllxtlon i,t
me.rln lndulre and tommcrra a a
prima factor of preji.rdrre,M ttr national
defen waa urd hr today by Kecr.
ary Rakr of tha War department In an
ddrM bfor tha annual banourt of tha
Amcrlfan Kewapapfrr rnbllabirs' aaaocla-
"At flrat tlil qiialof ( pr'parodnaa)
revolved around inri military prepara
tion In tba fiarrowrat aena'-," aiild Mr.
Hakrr, "but, nr, tlio war dnvcloiied In
3-;uropn, l''rnfd (hat tbraa thlna are
but part of prprilon, mid rl
tivly uai-lir.a part, wnlraa tbty ara bd
upon othr llilnaa very muid mora dlffl
rult, to "Mjr; thing wbkh muat bo at
urd !on in advanra of a crtala or r'laa
Va tbn obinlnabla only with irll and
fearful tjnticcary loaa,
"tn tha ffrrt plnoe, Iberia muat ba, of
-our, arinn and aoldlera, ahlpa and
fllor, and Oia muist b modprn and
'l"iut(!, N nation can Juatt
Dunnnon nnbatilad farmcta Mh tha mda
flrraruii v. Iilili wrro adjuata a few
f)ccil'3 H l,
"Th W'ond mnldllxatlon nf aaaary fa
that of tnir Indnatrira and commirra,
Tht: ar In Knrnpfl bad wn uidar way
Timr than ymr b-for wm of th
count rlca wire bl (o f'l'Hp tll men Who
ftoiunirrr for Ihtlr rmla,
"Tlit! li'lrd i-iohiliie.'itlon that la nf.
Mt' In Apiiiirial, In order to maka aa''rl
llr'fa for Aacri' i muat b aura that
our atakc In tlia roiintry Juatlflca It. Our
liiHlltufioira i.nirtl b. ao juat, our arranac
triciil.i frr fj,lr l Iim I. fvcry man In thla
nation III n alizc how completely Ma
npportutill ' and Ih il of Ihoaa who coma
after him tctx upon the tonllnulri pro
pctliy of I In nation aa whola."
Mora than W graduate, familty mem
t(r and mmhfi of tha graduating
rlaa of I8H of Crelahlon unlvoially
bah! trVIr annual run-Alurnnl bnno,uc( hi
tha ('ommarnlal chib yr,lcrlnv i-VAnlng.
The Crlhlon (iee club quartrt, cnin
poad of Mecam. Knhler, Burke, Jt.'ildAln
and Plillhr'ii, aan atrvtral lectlona.
Kugane ( leiinon, on of th aololata of lhr:
club, aang two aoloa.
John Urnnowltu, tha rellrlng praaldant.
r"'nw vi mra yi " i wtw iiiw,u vj viu-
vrlty and called attention to tha new
gymnaalum and contemplated high tchool
aa an tvdenc of It. Ha rrortid that tha
alumni aaao'-lallon now ha l.vo mem
tara. ,
Dr. B. M. nllley waa alaeted praatdant
for tha enaulng year.
A. plan to preaent a r.5,orl andowment
io tha acbool by Inaurlng tha Uvea of
twenty-five atuderita for each waa
carried out, and Ed awoboda of the
nl'rr law clnf. chalnnan of the rum
ittlllre hvl:i the matter In I'liargK,
iinde the fnnniil elft to president M,--Menmny
In the name of the iI'im of
W'hatavef may ba your need, a Ilea
"ant Ad nill get It for you.
ftTTMi rtiii, r . a rr it :t it., tir.i
ifi tnwrd npenlng tiFiiiatlna ti ft
tie the nu me of rmplovea of Dm i
lnli"ii liiteivma In I ill I'niflcirah
,lrnr .ma and hln nl aa taken Inie
tedr at a iona nivetlng of atrlkera wlcn
toen.v ileiartntra !' named In tr'
Hi l inni i'rfl,i, .n ll,v,.Uri na
iJU'fueiua hl. h thr'y 1(1 a'ieni in r
ri. ili ptfti ltl ff !'! rr-rf.ria fi
ii,ii"li l nutet t"1y.
iit Hn''. h'a ti4 ,fh!i
t, k'hi t'rri tl rrrlrt
-y ai,'iat ' I'i'li.'ag and I
lv I I'.r it' r " dm. r r uiM
ants, hi, u In. I ai t
I i :r k MI i " H lf 1 r
f. I (f S I '
I'cietna It Conqueinl
't I i" 9 i , 4 lc U wvl !
i p i $ 1 ''' t i i
V j , n ( j i rt (, ,1,,, 1 4 i ! ' n , i
I l "T ' , h . it , -i
t ', I ! 14 i i a ' !
te l,. - U " i i' ' t i - t - i
Selection of Fifteen Out of More
Than a Hundred Applicant!
Starti Fireworks,
Th nerrratlon boartl'g grbltriry
'!lcr(lnn frf fifteen out of 125 !
IrUrantg for poaltlon a playKfo'JO'l
ipervlarir portend morn griff for
thla IiohM, which recently went
through a hapttam of fire and waa
Juat tu-Klnnlng to aettlt! down again
t. n rcKlrnet of pfurt and qulcf,
Itikiead of allowing all of th ap
plicant (o tako fompi'llllv examina
tion, (he honrd announced (he name
frf flft"n who will hi exainlPtd nt-it
Ihuraday for IwpIva poaldona,
"Thla la mwiilfeHy unfair and la bound
In caa a reaction Htien the nanrea ahall
be prenenled to Hie city council for con
flriiiatlon," rlated one of the city com
mlariloireia lio doea no( car to bava
hla niimo uei at, thla lime, but who
proitneea to c beard from when tha
matter r omea up In (ha council meeting,
A ai hnol lendier, who filed an applba
tlou, linn prolnated MKHhrat bring rhut out
of the enamlnailoua, Mhe rualntalna aha
la qualified ind aaka for an opportunity
to be examined and prov that aha la
rapnble of aervlng aa plgrouiid auper
tiaor. Kar h nieniber of Ihe rtecreallon board
aelecied three of the many applicant,
making a. total of fifteen, which la pre
tlcally e)iilvlent to appointment, fnaa
much aa there are twelve poaltlona and
three will be uaed a ubatli)la.
State Department
And Bernstorff Lock
Horns in Igel Case
WAHHIN;T,V, April The mate de-
partmenl. and lluj 'ierman einbaaay ap
parendy are at a deadlock over the dl
poaltlon rrf paper aelzed by agent of
llifl department of Juatbe, when they
raided (he, office In New Voili of Wolfe
vou Jel, former ?eretary to CaplHln
von J'npcn, recalled nillllary attaclio of
the emhaeay, The Ktale department la
willing to reluril tha papeia n deiunniled
by Ihe 'ierman ambaaaador If lie or
aome other renonlhl offhlal of the
Mribaeay will Identify then) a being
fon fide, count vou Jlernatoff lualata on
having all the doeumenta removed from
the officn and refuae lo peraonally Iden
tify any of them unleea d'recied to do
' by hla governnieul, lie aakeil the lier-
lln foreln offlcp for lniru'lloua.
McCall Vetoes Bill
For "Billy" Sunday
Tab Built of Wood
nOfcTOV, April '.- A hill providing for
fbo erection without compliance with the
city' building law of a ta,ernaca for
ftflv, W. A. Hunday'a revival meeting
wa vetoed by Uovernor Mc:l today.
The governor explained In a meaaag
to th leglalatur that "aubatltutlon of
wood for fireproof material, aa provided
In the bill, for the conatrucllon of tha
tabernacle would materially Incresaa tha
danger from fire or panic "
fProm a Staff t'orreafitindent )
WAPMJNtiTON, It. ., April fl.
-(Hpeclal Telegram.)IIowrd II. lial-
drlga of Omnha, delegate a t-large lo
tho republican national conventlan from
Ncbraaka, I In Waahlngton for a day.
Mr. fHl'Irliio carna et on bualnraa and
This Coupon Puts 43
Cts. in Your Hand
'THINK of it a 5 quart
A Kettle made from absolutely
pure thick sheet Aluminum, for 87 cents
instead of $1.30, the regular price. We
are losing our own profit and fliviwf the retailer'
profit to vou to introduce 18-92 Aluminum
O)okinu Utensil into every home. ! lere is the
hi'Mest bargain in the best Aluminum your good
money can ouy. The Coupon below la actually
worth 43 cents. It represents that much cash.
Hut vou muat h prompt. 1 hi npportunMy won't
last lonf . I hla Kritla la on of Iht UrMop quality
ftuarantceil to near and tsc complete
MtMactinn for 20 yeara. Mad by th oldest
Mimilnum comern In atllnr. alt. M (,'. Hlt.
drantllle. Ohio, hi uaJ a fla-qurt S.)' Alum
iniim Ktltla every ilr lor li yr tml aat In a lei
11 Itill l llMlk IrMKl HH K la " II l '
Mmiwhiuw I tit h t ".((...ti Id i.ur Jlttft anil 111 him
ti ! ika i,c Id I i It i ' AIumIhuw Keitl 4taiit4 M
he liia I li Mil It '1 AluitiiauM !! Ma4 l'. i m
h.a . anl mt iU
ix.ti ue"
! t
Illlnoirt Pure Aluminum Co
I modi, C imiI. t !. Iltlmtla let. I Mil J
CUAtlTf MWif
m to::: t)
TBir.e uia
Qualifying for
agf i a -.aiaMaiiaV .aM.aarli
Cure for Dandelions
Dandelion Halad W'aah tbor
oughly on pock of dandelloua,
remove root, drain, and took
iititll tender, In two quart of
liolllng aaltt'd water, I'rulii, rca
non with aalt and pfpP'r, and
add two tablfMpoonfula of niellml
Ittitter. I'reag Into a allghtly but
tered oval ahapi'd mold and thill
tliwniKuly, Jiemovo to a anrv
log dlab, aurround with a bor
der of rrlup lettuco leave and
hard bolted ricga cut In tbln allce
Rulbven fialad Cream -Mix
thoroughly one balf teaapoonfu!
nalt, one-half tableepoonful of
niuard, tbree-fourtba table
f.poonful of augar and one tablo
t)otrr of flour. Add lby yolkg
of two Kga, allghtly beaten, three
tableapoonfula of melted gutter,
thrcr fourlb of a cupful of milk"
and one-fourth of a cupful of vlna
gar. Cook In double bollr, atr
ring f.ooafantly, until mlitura
thicken like a aoft mMard and
form g eoatfng oii tho tipoon.
Strain and cool.
lopped In tha capital to e a number of
old arhool frlenda. lie believe that
Hughe will t nominated at Chicago,
and lnte h got Ilia eiMiern trend of
thought I mora convinced than ever
thnt the position ha look In Nebraska. In
tho re-ant prlmarle waa (ho logical on.
Pea Vnt Ad 1'roilurn Herulta,
r "- &
otAiiTV ria!T
JPAVn uai
Wdt U A ill tin a
ihel tu tra lure I j ktmtmtn
lata I vueoti I r !'
to m otAiiit
IMal f
To Retail Merchants:
art hmht auihorifrd aril
spun Aluminum Krltlf Ni t
at the adtrrlised prut ot f? umu
IlllnnU Pura Altitnliuim
f'ook County
the Ana nias Club
hcil swallow
Street Car Running
Wild Strikes Pole;
One Dead, Many Hurt
CINCINNATI, l April 3. A Mreat
rar, crowded with men, women and
children, became unmanageable here to
day, ran wild on a duttn grade tor U
block, Jumped the track, craahed Inlo a
lelegraph pole, which almoat demollehed
It, and cauaed tha death of onu woman
and Injury to thirty-eight other. Ml
Card rllllger, aged an attendant at
tha Clnelntiatl Ueneral hnapllal, waa be
headed. Hh waa lo been a brides
maid (onlght at the wedding of Mia
'.rrla Olaler, who wa with her on tlie
eiir. Mia Oelaler waa aerloualy Injured,
I'hyalclan at hoepltal lo whb'h t tic
Injured were taken announced lata today
that probably twenty of Ibo "lma were
In a. aerloua eondlllon, aome, poenibly tn
(ally hurt.
Tha accident waa caured by the fallur
nt I ha car' brke,
Offered Thousand
To Exhibit Robber
CHBTK.VNE, Wyr ApHI .-nepeeal.
Ona thouaand dollar for the hire of
(rain robber William U Carlisle for Hire
day, with h bond of $;'fi,lor) gurnleeng
hi return at the expiration of dial period,
(ody wg offered Kherlff Krank H,
Roach by tha manager of a carnival
company which la allowing here. Tha
offer waa deellned. Carlisle, wa witling
and anxloua that It ha accepted and i
pred dlaapproval of the aherlff ra
ful. Tha hownin (lealrad lo exhibit
tha outlaw here and In Cenvrr, call
mating that io,im n admlaalon money
rould be lollecled from peraona wllh a
morbid curloally reuardlng th prlaoner.
for This
5 Quart
httitt. on S at. "II. W
auaranirvd h u. in l.i i
itni, i.) $ (V),
Frank S. Kfynoldi of Grand Island
Mistakfs Aocflerator for
Mri. Helen Thonipnon of liraml
Ulaod, aa Ukf n to 8t, Jnai ph'a how
pllal a tha roatilt of n autoitioblli
acrldent at thf lntri lino of Twrn-(y-flfth
and Cn atrti ThtirHny
nlgbt, with hrr facf ami arma badly
cut and hrr loly hrulard, Franl.
8. Ilrynolda, a ami of Mr, Thoinpaon,
a I ro of li rand lland, who waa driv
ing tb rar, farapod without Injury.
According to Hi rrjry tnld dm po
pl a hy j. r. Krynold. It driving
wtt. on r ftrtft ami hurt Jijt ar
rl v J at (ha ltrrt Intvi'Mellnn whrit tic
mw tha trri oar approarhing from tlir
nuth on T'ftil)'-fll..i trrr, In Hn t-tr-mpt
lo lnp Ilia aulrr, Mr. Hojniililn
niUlrnik Ihe foot arrrlfralor for llio
I'ralt pHal aiul oprwil It In It full
enptrUy, apfrdlng up His i-r, and lima
hurling It Inlo (ha tr nf lh a(rrr( i r
at full Thi rar, wlilrli wii a
Kord, waa rnllrHy imolltxit.
Mr. Thonipon waa thrown (o tha pa a
nifiit, ai'eordlng to a vtalamrnt ntnn by
wlltira (it Ih a'Tlrlcnl, and auffarail
vr ruta front th tirnkrn l whlrh
Ml from lh wind ahlrlrt and rrar of llm
trt fr. I'ollca I'liyalrian MHUrr, who
tlndd (ha Injurrd woman, any ch
Neutral Steamers
Are Reported Sunk
riOTTERDAM, ApHI ja.-fVU Ixindon )
-Th Pulrh tnililp Mauialiavrfi
trurk mlna yptiriy hilar Imund
from Imdnn for (hla port. A tug rarry-
Ing (h anrvlvor rrlved at Watrmrg
lNIx)V, April I. A dlupatfh to
Lloyd 'Shipping gfiwy y lhat th
fhilrh tiamlilp riubh and Mnhavn
hv (rn danmgrd, hut aro tl afloat.
Tha Imti-h ati-ainr Noord?i haa bfii
link, Unyitu nnoiiiiri-i,
COfKNIIAUKV. April 2.-(Via, trfn-
don.)Tlio Norwrglan alramahlp Htroina
n, hound fur l,ubrk with a rro
of hrrrlng from Norway, ha b"'n Mown
up and unk off fijailaar, Itamnark, Tha
irrw w landi-d at Wariii,inutid, Orr
(:orrpondnra of Tha Aocntfd Pr.)
HI,Af)iW, Hrollanil, April 24. tlrya
liylm-n, Ltd., who prior to tha
of war, war among (ha moil prciapfroii
of ftlgln hlpownra, liav Juat rnm
plviad th purrhaaa of an Impnrlant ahlp
rd on the Clyln. Tim yard I that
formrrly owtid by tha firm of John Tlol.l
Co,, l,(d., at WhKnlnch, nrnr (llnrao',
and envara aonm ven and a half g'Taa,
wllh uplo-dula plant and a good tlvtr
w , 1 1' If
1 &Ml Cund Brewing Co. of Neb.
I ciKAyS lii M ',B- Dlatrlbutor, A
ypOOfA I . v 1 '10-4 I.aBwortu at, I ,
Naiia?SIeJi ' Tal. O. OTI, Omaha, fa. Tig B. lath, O. 4834 3
P'a'iJf I -''''i?'',!r') T'pi mwwi!!p tofHtfytnn f'W"9 mjff,i??& iwwwii -
rZwf I iiV w 'W' ' W I h.mfi0H i-f if' yi'-awi. mw 4 i
fjf ' 1 lvV "' ' - -
Wm V V
Thcao?ge Mary Page
By Frederick Lewis, Author of
"What Happened to Mary":
Th Oaat of CUaiotre for
rati aTBAMba caan or kabt
("fcillii lninii. n..r'ir for fna.
I 1,'vn oil ri kl.r. , Hnr Ualitalt
ttrr fain, lhlllial t4r, f(a of
orurilrr Itdrm War
Pat t'irllnrt, pllranar of Uarf. IU ru
aba u (ucuaad at raunlrflni
Hv4lir Alnarrrt
K'll Danll. Ihoalilrll mauaa"
, Mariv imiiklriana
Ffrvavtltlhi Allnrnrrt"".'J'll N. I'nl
aa !! M.ri a (aMiar ... fnoa lil
Mit- la". Ui'll uimliar , ,
,, filial Hat ami
klr llra'.D'.Q K'lmuiiil uh
twioii K muk iiamllu
Hf. (baia, ri'l, li imalotaa aava iai
A-lliur Hala
A tia hanat Ha rnurtl . .William 1iau
Hill Colloi't, la a liUf
, Klrrra llnlrt
Aaia. aa a Iraaa , Marian Millar
K. r'a mall M'a V ai III
Mi. Varaiiu MultarauKa
(fopyrtglit, 1911k, by MK'iur ruhlh atloo
(UAt'Tiii at,
troiitlniii'd from Vrtlarday.)
Miry hrinnlf wna alnndlng awaylng
llkn aonio luvrly Illy, th light rlf a won
drou Joy Rhliiliiii In ln-r ryi, whllr hfr
lll murtnurrd otrr ud ov-r "I'lilllp
Philip -I'hlllii!"
Thru, ilh ahnvrt Ihn lurinoll n Ifia
ni of IliP illalrh't allot niy:
"lnotg Chill, you r hfr"hy drlard
undir arrrsl, In ha lifld to alt th
ar'llim of llm arrind Jury!'' '
Agnlii pnitdriiionluni, hrok mil. hut Ml
to iIpiii" whim Mry, hrr yr drmrhad
with happy trjr, frlrd anftly;
"What lo brrorn nf in now ?"
"Your honor,'1 l.niigdnn vnr wn -ultantly
happy, nd hla hnnd ruaht and
r-lnng to Mnry', "ymr honor, tha d
fundnnl di-lr to know what la to b
romn of hr7"
"Mha I dlm'harg'd," anawarad hi honor
wllh a mlla, and mud no rffort to lm
tha rhrar thai roaa, tilling (h room and
tabuing far down tha corridor. procUlm
Ing lo tha world at line lliat Mary I'ago
waa fraal
mill inor chaarlng throng gralad hr
whan h anirgad from 111 prlaon a lit t Id
Intor wllh I'hlllp and har mother hald
Mexican Rebels Arc
Defeated by Do Factos
MKXICO CITY, Ma., April M In a
haltlfl halwaau d.fioil yahal and tha Con
tliuliiiilll army Jual north of tha city
of daxai. th rahala warn ilafaatad With
a loaa of fc't man k Iliad and many
wnmidad or token prlnnar, aacnrdlng (o
a tneamig raialvad IiiiiImIiI Ml (ha War
((apartment from tiia.
One altn tmalln n,r wln Allan a l''nl,
Hi miilar-fiili' piimlrr dir Ilia fl. phlin Inln
Ilia ahnaa nl uaait Inln Ilia (""I liaili, Allan
Kmil Mm niali lllil of nw allow teal
glvr-a tiiaiant rrtlat Iri enrna n4 tailil'inl, firavaiila
llllriara, I ')' ami ra ali,ila H a Ilia r I
r.iiifrl rtjacnvwri' of ilia aa. Try II tnilat
r-.,W t-rilaia, SMv Kur rtiKW dial pa, ki.
A'littaM Allan H.
Olinaiad. 1, N.
IF you have any doubt as to which .
beer is the most popular, listen to
the Rreat majority of people order Gund's -Peerless
Heer. Its Bparkling clearness
and delightful snap give it that zest that
awakens your appetite and fully satis
fies your palate.
Its genuine purity, cleanliness and uni
form goodness are features the Gund
atandard of brewing haa cajcfully guarded ainca
the year ViM.
I-earn how delicious really good beer Is.
Sold in bottles at clubs, restaurants and
barn, or delivered to your home In the caf
:: Pictures by
hr and thv follownd tha padlng trio
tor for hl'wk liouting thatr ivlmtlon
nd rnngr(ulatlon. whlla Mary r)tld
rontantartly agalnat f'hlllp.
forgotten war th dnya of horror fol
lowing tha death of Pollo'k and hr ar-
I rai for g rrlm he knew nothing of;
forgo(tn vn war Ilia unplant mo
maul whan Pollock ptirtid hr with
mnlfalailon of hi iinwaloom lov.
It w th moat wonderful moment of
hr Ufa.
"And you navar aunparlad?" h Mid
at lat, and I'hlllp ah no It hla head.
"Not Hhala," ha nld, "I waa looking
for iinaoii alar "
"Now don't Inlk ny mora about H,
ald Mr. Pk quietly, "Tomorrow,
Mary, I am going to lak you lark to
(h roun(ry and keep you until yog hava
put thla dreadful thing ntjt nf your mind
"And than," Mid Mnry wlal'ully, "T
will com hack and lake up my work."
I.iiiiaiiliui llahlanad hi rm about hr.
"And than." anld ha, "you will com
b,'k and marrv tun. A fea la alwaya
paid a lawyer fur aervl'-ea rendrad. I
k lh igat ona In Hi world. Mary
-will you pay l ?"
And wht th ow-vorad reply waa, not
even hr mnlhar knew,
(Th y.nd )
1i I t ' ""It 'fll
.ji I ': a,
k ... .. ...j r i . lir r., ,
It will wvo you tlmo and money if you iuv WEK WANT1D3,