Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 29, 1916, PART ONE, Image 10

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10 THE WE: OMAHA. SATURDAY, AI'IML 2f). 1916. " -
.11.1,. ii. ,.h.i.i f .lrhta arinnr ha metric Ft in. Think how dlf-
laud by the announcement that tha
Rockefeller Foundation, through tha
China Medical board, will grant that In
atitutlon .V.ono for building and equip
ment, and 1WM0 for oxpemiea of furulty
and atudenta over a period of five year.
The lyt.dO will be used in constructing
two new wlni; to exlmlng college build-
Inge, for the. erection of dni niitorlra for
students and teacher, ntwl for the, fur
ther equipment of I lie lloratorlr. All
the money ta to be expended In brep ra
tion for niedhal education, or prepara
tory work leading up to a medical couraa.
Hlxty ntuilcntu will be eent to Tslnanfii
from tlic I'nlon Medical college In Pek
ing, wbnii la owned and directed entirely
'.Oorrenponrtenee of the Aasortated Preea.)
TPINANKU, China. April 24.-Membr
nf the faculty of Bhanturw Christian uni
versity lui-HlPd In Tulnstifu ere much
and meaaureg, ' flcult it will be for the I n m-htuan to
"All the thing., that Kn3I,.d and rYnnce 'hread hi. way UirouKl. J.
are agreed on," the editor, "auch ! rt.l,h weight and meaau when,
a, the interchange of language, and the -"er the war, ho in, ,,. to . I-lh ti ada
building of the Chanel tunnel, are a. " Indua.ry to furnW, htm '
nothing compared with the ab.olut. n.-l Keater part of what he need to k.'om
ceaalty for France to Indue England to and "build Ma hU-Kd lactone,.
by the Rockefeller Foundation. Tlicc
Btudenta will he the preparatory clans
and firm and aecond-yesr class medical
men. The appropriation for the achool
her la a part of the general plan of the
Rockefeller Foundation for the better
ment of medical education In China.
(Correnpondence of the Aufxlatfl 1'reM.l
PAni., April 24. -The ai-ir-ntiric editor
of the TempH doubt whether any per
manent friendship between Frame and
Kngland la posnlblo aa long an Mnglanri
Women's Hosiery, 75c
Worth $1.00 to $1.25
Silk Hosiery, all ahoe, and evening
hbadea; silk to the top; full fash
ioned, high spliced idea, heels and
torn. Garter top.
Women1 Thread 8llk Ho.lery, Mo
Rllk boot and fiber Milk hoalery, all tha
de.lred hades; full faehloned; wide don
bla rter top: blah spliced beel and
toe, with double ole.
Womtn'o Hoolery, at 28o Fiber silk
nod allk ltala hosiery, black, white and
colon; fhloned and seamlee garter
top.; gpllced ole. beel and toe.
Children' Hoalery, 2Bo Bilk lisle, In
aky, pink, while, tan and black. Fine
ribbed, double heel and tort.
lav ?u
and Toilet Needs
Pain) Olive Shampoo, 60c U.29c
Canthrox Shampoo, flOc slse. . ,29c
Gravei Tooth Powder, a can.. 14c
Jap Ron Talcum Powder, can, jfc
Trailing Arbutua Talcum, 26c ran
for 14c
Java Rice Powder, genuine, in
all shades. Saturday, box. 24c
Cucumber Vanishing Cream, BOc
ai 29c
LuMritfl Nail Enamel, 25c cake
for 14c
Cute Nail White, 2Bc elze...0c
Jergcn'a Henzoln Almond Iotlon,
for IRC
Hind's Honey Almond Cream, fine
lue 29c
Djcr Kias Face Powder, in all
shades, box 44c
Luclle Face Powder, $1.00 ulae
bo 59c
4711 Lilac Vegetal, 76c ilze bottle,
for ' 44c
Itnbcork's Violet Water, $1.00 Ue
for 59C
Crejne, dt Merldor, 2Rc bo..,1ftc
Knlhymol Tooth Paste, tube,,jOc
Kolynoa Tooth Paula, 25c slzefhc
Ixirm'a Mrunette Kouite 24cj
1-ji mnn . ... ..i, . .....,. ...A.fU
Htlllinan'a Frerkel Cream, 60c elr.e
'r'r - 29c
47 1 1 Rhine- Violet Talcum, can. Jlc
Djer-Kiss Vegetal Toilet Water,
bottle 88c
Woodbury Facial Cream, 25c lze
ibe 12C
Marguerite Sylvia Rouge, 60c rU
for ,29c
J'tlmefa Almond Meal, 25c le
ffr 14c
Hay' llaJr Health, $1.00 alze bot
tle for 58o
Kye Iirow Prnclli, epectal at...go
fiozndoiii or Kublfoam, 25c aire,
' '-..10c
William's Shaving Cream, 26c tube
'or 16c
Pebeco Tooth Paste, special,
tube 28c
Gillette Razor Blades, $1 pi.. 75c
Rubberaet Sharing Brush, at..0c
C'olorlte, In all aliadeg, apeclal.lgo
Traveling Toilet Case, rubber lined,
r 24 c
Seldlltz Powders. 10 In a boa.. 10c
Lydla Plnkhara's Vegetable Com
pound, $1 .00 alia 03o
Kllmer'a Swamp Root, $1 bot.63c
California Syrup of Flgi, 60c Tze
for 29c
Wyeth'a Soda Thoaphate, bot..3Qc
Bromo Seltser, $1.00 size bot
tle ...,65c
Wyeih's ' Llthla Tablets, a bottle,
3 gr. for 14C
Garfield Tea, 25o pkg. j(Jc
Caacareta, 6 no alze bos 3$C
Upactlc Plila, bottle of 100.. 28c
Phillip Mink Magnesia, 60c alze
for 390
Peat-ham' Pllla, 25c bot fc
y m
Our Annual May Sale of
enabled our personal representative to pur
chase in New York recently for this ftale
some of thft most beautiful Blouses we have
ever had the pleasure of showing in this An
nual 'May Rale. Every Blouse in the pale is
right up to the minute for style values that
excel anything we have ever offered.
At 85c
Dainty Lingerie Bleuaea, embroid
ery and lace trimmed model. Jap
allk and linen Hlou, alao black
Jap allk. Exceptional raluea.
At $1.45
Crepe da China, dainty laca and lin
gerie Blouaea. The materials alone
are worth more than the price we are
asking for theee blooaes.
At $1.95
Tub silk, Jap allk and lingerie Blouses.
All the newest shade In the moat, desirable
tyle. These are wonderful jalue. High
and low neck models,
At $2.45
Pongee, washable aatln and crepe
da china Blouaea, Stripes and plaint
shade. High and low neck models!
with long and short sleeve.
At $2.98
Lingerie end linen Blouses, two rery
desirable materlala for summer wear,
Jtnd they launder beautifully. Choice
of various model.
At $3.69
Georgette crepe, crepe da chin and lin
gerie Blouses. Tbey are very filmy land
charming Id their daintiness. Dozens of
Top Coata for girls 1 the mw
Spring effects. Large pockets and
wide, belts, roomj and ieary modela.
In miitures, checka, plaid, aarftw,
poplina, etc. At $3.98, $8, ffl8, $10.
Girls' Wash Dresses
Fast Color Wash Dreaaea for jonrif
girls, of 6 to 14 years, in pretty ging
, hfltna, percales, lawni, linens, reppa,
etc. Plaids and checks. Dainty girl
ish models. At $118, $2.98, $3.68 and
up to $10.
1,000 Sample Blouses at $5
No two Blouaes alike. All the new materiala
Georgette Crepe Washable Taffeta
Crepe de Chine , Will-o'-the-Wisp
Conje eorjy, aa these Rlouaea will not last long. Put in
your spring aryj summer supply. Never again will you have
this opportunity.
Long or short
sleeves. Low or
high necks.
Extra salespeo
ple. Also extra
Second Floor
lfrkrvtaTkri's? Qillr Ciiiir A special offering of fifty Fine Silk Tailored Suits
Vtf Ullieil t OIIH OUIIS in l,igh-rrade models, from some of th best Fifth
Avenue makers, including the prettiest Soft Taffetas, (Iros de Londres, Silk Poplins and
Fancy Silks. All the arood wanted shades for the coming season. Sizes for misses and
women. Semi-belted and flare models, Russian fronts; some with large sailor
collars, fancy full skirts with yokes and wide flares
With Style
TO COPY a Hat, from Paris
or elsewhere, is an easy feat,
but to patch the inspiration of
the moment and embody It
with improvement that make
it better is to realize the ideal
of the artist with the concep
tion of the practical milliner.
AJ5KE, KKOAUMK they oom
bine latent style with smart
ness arid daintiness.
Cinderella Hats
At $2.00 Always
for rnlcse and Junior combine all
the artlatlc merit of the higher
priced modols, with a wonderful
fairylike bt-auty all their own.
12 00 alway -within the reach of
3 Hats
Lrr-ZI V able
A? lr Variety
f $1.19
Tha rery bet Turbana, appro
prlata for all occalons. Unique Trl
corn, Watteaux and other medium
and mall hat; cople of original
hand blocked shapee. The small and
Urge Sailors for practical wear.
Braids are China Split, Leghorn,
Milan, Three Knd Jap and Milan
Hemp; color show plenty of black,
white and French Hlue, Heet Root,
Old Hose, Champagne, Brown, Tan
and Dottle (Jreen.
Our Trimming Sec
tion Offers
every kind of trimming approved
Wings snd Hlrd effect, Cockade
Wings and Hlrd effect, Cockade
of niack Foliage with a single daah
of bright) color for the new Black
Sailors, or the more staple June
RoNc, Forget. Me-Nots, Plain Foli
age or American Tlcaulle; In fact
all the wanted effect; crlip and
new, in great profusion
At 39c, 69c, 98c and
kim IHl 1 I f II H If" af
Ui $100 a Dozen
Tlie Rose RunIics are in good Cf"1
foliage, and some in blossom.
They will bloom all Summer.
Basement Saturday.
vEacli v t lira i
M!t't erl ''. Nr Inrll Plinlltrd
montnt In iwijitt tiirkvl (-,. n qq
HI, lu. ti
a i in. II en4 t !. Wi.lavarlh, eii l
Hfiftl ' . uftranl( I, mti Ktthaf
iln ( r tiuniine . frteutlful df
i Kiu!r Hill lu, tc QO
Hi rl WiifO
'fin. II M I opn fr, In kut hamt trtl anil itaifitl rftA I4,1
fc tin falia a la, mii urani4
fur II . Hunr (In no
U. ti. ... , ,,,lv.JS
n. nr at (, nk II Uala4
t ,ta fnavniam Kautar 1S! AA
p.i. lit aa : .n.a I3.VVI
It ,a. IT !) II . kf4 vaii h, a.l
lutit.t n,wn la. a, l,ar. !.! filial
:t, aiua. aa a $12 50
I I wa a ua iti, i r 4a
..el,. mi in it at a- -4 $I4 1 1 'a r
...,ni.i i i.i.n tt a, $34 00
ttiut hi'a f. I rwt 4tamai4a. aili.
ii a ! aai l It kl aM4 , -ii
li( nKntt-aa tlm 17 Cf
M i l!H rM a . JV
rta ). f-i'-l dtamiM4av wa'tk
ia I itiat, ai I T "af a4 tai'
i"iinm Haa' ltt J16 50
t aal . tl tm ra,e trMa kaait
t'fHi nan I , u iAsi,.iMaa ft? Q4
lit a . aa a - a . , ataJUl
ai -. .,. ai fHilir l,aai( I
' I ft .- - "nit It '
,,.. la at 14 ti
r. . a
-.. a a a- ' a I- t ffaaf .wl
n.i .il a- -a II la I iyt
t i at a tt . nai I Wat
i-t it iaea a.aa
t a int. i i .ii
- I "' na as.. $137
I ll tl "
aa t ,a .! ta.aa i-,a,ail. H
aa t tt lat -ii.a4 aa ai-l
a..t tii l t $5.5)S
a 'k at , a, , la.
;: ui
ia -'
t t 4 a ' '- v' - k
aoi.ll liOI.D JKwn nr
Snlli! (old brooi liaa. aal wlih baaullfnl
aaml pra, loua atonaa An4 rati paarla
Raauiar 1 1 US a ml i I, 1 "Q
luaa, aa.a prloa
fntfd nld ararf pint, alam and all ef old,
liaauliful anamalad daaiina anil tat wllh
raal paarla Macular vtl ia to
II 19, at, aarh
In a Sale That Will Break All Records
For Little Prices incl Highest Quality
TM K WINMOW IMSl'LAYS do not .teum to tell the atory, Saturday morning we will
begin what we think will ha a vary, very remarkable sal of fine jewelry, and thta store haa
always hel.l the record for high quality and littla pr'cea, VK WH.L HKAT Ol'K OWN
diamonds, Wathe, Nlid O.ild and Killed Jewelry and Clocks
The Lowest Prices You Ever Heard of
l ti Miirirt wttii hu'imi ii jiaiimi ,
r'Atli-a. ! Mlt
f lit' ligii' a-. i
nlld eald ruff Mnha, with rillad faaU.
Haular II to la I! II valuta. 1 fin
aula art- , alaW
' SaMd f nld pandant T.e Vatllaraa, kaautlful
i In daaitn. a.ina ananial wnra and anma
wi riin taai I'tiii l,4 la nn
till laluat, aaia prira
' Bohd fati a'lrtal riiiga fir and full
li.ii.iai III, ana ta a J2 JQ
'i. I 4' --a' k-a a tl al a at
..! a: fctl H.aaf..a4( 'I44
tawa. aaa a
f,l.:tt '
n.a-.'al -I- I I 'at
Ha l lim H . l- . .
h.a walk, It !.-
It 14 ( t
I a-i aa k"a a.ti wa
aa. ,wiat4 I lttl'4. I ra.l
laiaa -. ti at 1 1 1I I 111 -4
, I III aa.4 flU.W.l ,.,
iMtiiiio ii t j wri an
, I'M a . I i 44 1 a i I 14 taa
I 4-1.1 a I aa- i. a a
I lid illw-iiil a I'll
4..'.l III !4llklt f il I I i 4
4 a. t..a u, aaawt.fnl !. a-a. aal nl:,'.4 a .-. .. i a .aiaa aa. 1,14
I" l1"1 raal In la 111 am -a .1 Imtiill aiaai aIb i.i I mfi.tattl aukM I I I liii..i ...yiiii.t I... jit, II
I adiat' flna aaltd ld aal
rraa WuiiH l la II, 4414 i'lra
dlrle' alana aal Hull tall I4 and tal.
aiMh tanaua 4naa and raal efai4i aafi
!r alua la II , aava K(t
ptii ,..,.,,,.'
rlur 001 n rT ain hoi d rti I n
Vaauiaa pink anna It ValMatv eiaal
paid ftl'ati vaHilani and vk4'na
III la t (4 lauaa, aaia fi.i
i,a!4 f.,ai na .iaa,,4 kand aa,atal.
a-." a a.ih 4 " I 1 a I ."t-a an ' t a - I
inl'i.ll , nk 4,-atl itl Ki- i
tl 4 i Ii II it -aa .
ta a t a "
A Wonderful Corset Sale
Begins Here On
Th! Saturday begin a roret aale
hli'h lll li through the month of
Mar and make that pei-loil memi)iable
fur wonderful value In ctireei, A large
1 arlfl y t moilrl Mrnlo of luiporied C"i'
til, mlk tirnrhe and iricoi mieriia
i oraela for mediuiil and n'liiit f:(iiiea,
hum of Tricot, ul her of Imported Ti
quo! trlpr, all iii-atly trlnmied and new
nimlnlt lifuuUr alii t tZ(
(ii 00 and t". t. tJ)aJ,OU
front tned coret In pink and ahlta
eonill. medium hii4i. aa tt ta lllk braid trim,
Inn hip villi elaaito band t bai k, Mr).
under fiont lrlii( 00
lUi'k l''ed frM In fnii'T hrm-he
b'ia Mmleta In p'nk and h;i. . ,,
Itrtrt Mrt .t a. and naat
! and medium
fit, ta l 4i I I. 4t4
$" till l. Iaa h-t'i I t l,- "aa
t 41
,i. .. ...rt u. a, a..i. .-id 4-4 H44 I...I M.k..... b.:4 na
i ihhI.I ,.l ititi44, Halat ' ' . . alliO
.r, 4l4.4 k,.,l., ..t. , ,4t, , I 14, aa, t t)iU ....
ttadaafth Ml, iwiuatl It faa-4, ,i t ., , , ( JyJawU ; I Ttj Hwt, 4- 4 aktane, llt)4 aim
ttite H aa a4. Ia aiawi fc., i jja-j4 aal k tn k..k ai4 I a a'kat .. " t a' dl, .
la. IW 4'. 4-4 ell (!. n ia ka.lHiwiiktalK fate, .,.! I l..kaa f -
7 i.ttw j M laUiV lH ii- ka II at III! H 1,1
tad 1 1 It 4. 4 f
faat' f I
, $1.00
1 .00
k 4 Mfw t M. .
W. fM fl4 I (nfa4 .t h h41C ttHp
Jk44 aC, , ( I.UVJ
1 14 aaWIMl4
f . ......
Boys' Suits-Newest Models
Then Suits are of ev;4 ilurable fabru'a, tsilnreil
to fumbina tle it h ervi.-e, Kmart jmiu K l. k, Ni.rf lk
with 3 i le.ia belts, fan,. u platted aiul i-alh jm.'ket efff tv
tirev, blue, brown, gren, tan fffe.Ms m ttri-tive nmturr
I. l.. 14 1, 1. a .
inn .11 uriiii.i i,iie rr,,T I M it f M I T4 of (T ' 1 fl C
at , PJaJ
knifVeta with earh a-ut. VruiUrU j ihi,
Vtpl H !. ff t . k tt i N S) !
- '.'l ' f
" '- '" V" 4 ' ' " 1 i
4 . m ttsai 1 f " m
t lliil 1 lilt Ii I 1 III
at la
1? f
Boy' RAincoAti
''n-t. r!?ir.i4i4 l!i IH4 f...n 4 Iran l.i I anil ft lll t t
I it !
I t H ai .tt lIS) I . f(M
lt"r ,,M """.. $i.9
S!- '- : .--.a-nt .... lTi'.,i
MH ea, ."i rul i i i .. i f I u , .m 4 e4ii'
amti((a pf'ei'ip (if laH. pi , ,,,,,,, ,,
4 1
i ' a) :. t .6 -it'it
11 " SI . 4. J
i . . 1 1 a) v