Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 29, 1916, PART ONE, Image 1
Oma Daily Bee PART ONE. NEWS SECTION PAGES ONE TO TEN. THE WEATHER. Unsettled VOL .IAXO. L'71. OMAHA, SATURDAY MORNIN'G, AIM? I!, 10, 1M6TVTATV PAfiKS. Oa Trwla, el Kotrt Tw Standi, ato, M SING Ul - COPY TWO CENTS. AMERICAN ARMY U. 8. CHIEF OF STAFF AND MEX ICAN GENERAL MEET TODAY. KANSAS BAKER ADMITS MURDER v OF LITTLE GIRL GERARD DUE TO REACH CAMP OF . KAISER WILHELM GASOLINE AND WATER BOTH SCARCE IN MEXICO-One of the handicaps In the prog ress of the American force is the fact that gasoline i3 as hard to get as water. The photo graph shows a "juice" wagon carrying great big tanks of gasoline. This tank truck, used by the First Aero company in ordinary times, has been converted into a gasoline station on wheels. x , CHIEFS REACH EL PASO FOR MEET Boot, and Funittoii Arrive at Border City and Make Arrangement! to Confer with Mciicari Generals, OBREGON NOW IN JUAREZ American Ambassador and Secretary Leave for the Field Headquarters 1 of the German Emperor for Meeting;, FEELING OF OPTIMISM PREVAILS HA HE r Arrives Across the River from United States, Accompanied by Trevino, SECTION OF TRAIN WRECKED K1, PAHO, TeY, April 2. - - .Major General Hugh ) Heott mul j-'n-ii-irlrki Funaton reached ; I'hmo ahortly before- o'clock mul Im rnedlgti-ly bold h ronfereiico with Andre Uurcla, cxlciiii inin.iil nt hi Vhho, to arrange for tint ul hiiI place of the fintl, conference Unit to determine lint pcmllng. military qijaetlone between Mexico and tho United HinU-n. El PAflO, Te April nil Atvero Ohr-egon, mlnMir of war of the de fa Ho icovcrnincnt, In In J tun c today wiiltlng- to confer with Major General Hcoft unit Ftmnton on ih fnllllary queailoria that are Involved In the American punitive expedition Into Mexico. General Obregon, ne i ompanled by General Jacinto Tre vino, military governor of ('hlhiiH Img; general Humiicl H. Bunion, Gov ernor KnrlqiieB of Chihuahua and J realdenle Joan m mt, Iorrern of I'arral, reached Juaref on a xpf-rlat train tli Ih mornlnc. The ihird section of diiiiTdl r Miffiififi' train, beating General J.nls ( iiilierri , military governor of 'hlhualiuii., waa de tailed south of Jtjnrcg hiu! govern I pas senger were riairfed Injured. It I not known whether General Ouili'trci w hurt, General Obngnn reached Juaict oolt mill I'lllialoil H M. General! Heott mid Kuiialou urn flu to re!!,) lier tonight, wbell It In expected t t)lt AI I'lllU' Ml' III H ill to Iliad" fr III" first conference to be li-ld hi Jnnri'4 to morrow. General Obregon unllnlputH mU' fn' tory C'lnf'rclH'', nd wldl h (lid iml r . H w linllfiild h wnn veiiifil with ili)ry fioweri liy Flrnt ''Muf ''m" rtnr. lit ffit r djutminl of the mllltnry ultunilon tlmt now (ihtuma ftlnntr h MxUn border, Th Muxltn mlnUtiT of wr h'ld iv rl enrifrnr;f tmliiy with th military nod civil nnthorHlM of Urn d fnitto gov rnmnt of (.'hlbimlnm., In which every tthmw fif th Mlt UAtioii til dlnou!, that th elrt praaonutlon of tlio Meilcan propoaala rould h mada to tjnrral Hrrtit nd Kunaion. Oitiiriil (ilircK'iti Marta It cl'ar tddny that Uia Oirratizn jtuvornitint w In pnaltlon thurotiKlily to piilliii northern chihuahua, and that t) Atnarlcnn troiipit, havlna fnlflllnd Ihlr aiirmuni'cd piiro of lirealiliiK tip I ho Vllllatii hand, ahould wltiidmw lo the t'lillnd Hla-lia, Hoiim fi.KiO t iinanzhtlit auhllern, trat'dilriaj from northern Hnimru to rn Clilhuahu, wa tineritl )hre;iin' moat polant rKUmeiit tliat ha C'Mild ini-ft Din altuiitlnn without aid from the I'nlii'd PW. VrMfxtluK lh api-clal train of Onneral otrrexon hy u hour wan a trunp train noiit In idvatna to protect tlcnerHl Oiireifiin'a party from n poaalhlr aur pi ica attack from rosing hitmla of YlllUtua. IIIMlarr Hcleomr fur Olii-moii, All Juurex turned out to muUa l.eiit,riil uhr'giiit and hi party weh-iioie. l-'nihr ordera from (ieiieral (iuvlm. mllltiuy rornmitoiler In Juarez, troop Mro-d both ld of t alis I'onierilo, from the rail road aiiitlnil to tho etiHlnrn houne, w hi-i o Ohrefoil and It party were enrolled, 'I'll Juare military hand aided In tlia welroina, pliiyln- ta liveliest air at the railroad ataJlon, whera awoea of Mex ran ditlhereil to greet the Inlninter of war. (ieneral (iahrlrl ('Savha, with hla utitff, dreaeed lit field tinlliinn.i, with Aodie fiaicla, Muh au cnixnl I i 1,1 I'uan, nffi. cially wi'li-nmeil Ijcnul nl iihnnno nt tliR alatloit. Tlt band Mew 4 fanfare when the e Mnn baarlng tienerul (ihregno (In w In ifHinlliiord on 1'ngu Two, t'dUinni Twu.) Tho Weather FW't Hi) t i lrtr 4 nt.-iliM. t 'ft. ill m. Siii inliiv .1 liMi(ti) nlld Vn Hilly -. liiuahM Iralerilat. ,". .i m . i a hi . , T I ..... '..i ... ,i .... 1 r Mrrlurr Ml k in , . . , !- a in ...... n : 1 1 a til wi i -i l.i . , , , . ... . l I l m 1 1 3 l, in ' .' p. in . J 4 p, in , . . , m I I in a l in . . , , , . : .. l' l , r ' r i h I mal Mvi ril, Hi )'' I ,t Ml .i i. . II n I 9 II, ' C Ii i I, I 41. II .l i t. 1 Mltttt Ml' I ' ( iji.-iit I t- i . I , i ,-i l j ! . li I i a) i-m t n I l.i ii Itl. i a MepMfi In. hi latln it I f M .1 Il'l I . nl, -! ! 1 I.Hfr-tf -,11.!1.. ' ..11 - !. ' M It i . i i"i l-i"" H 1' ' 1- 1 1 bin -i I ! t.,1 1 I I 1 I , 1 ,.i.i .,. f .. 1 at,. '! , I I,. l '! I, . . I r . t . I . . , I ! t -i a I 11 4 .St.. I I I- k I I I - "il- I t .1 . I 111, '. 4i I C I I I-.'.... 1 1 I . I - . I !-i,,.:. , i. , , . . I l: . 1 1 ti I l- a 't i I, .i i v w i r , . t i. ii fl I.'. f neit ,,,H tt ' ' I t i 1 I . . ' I -I I miUt in' . t i. f -t , I. A, l I itil, ,uit.j,, i iti j '-" , . I-1 1 ... fc J1A.I mlitf. HUSH L. SCOTT VtiKLGOti One Dead, Five Hurt When Auto Turns Itself Over KfvAKNKY, Nb April 3l.-(r!peclal Telfiaramj- Joiiepli N'ovotne, 17 year of nae, leaiijent of near Ilutlcr, thla county, la ili rul a a renult of an automobile acr-ldi'iit Thnraday evening, In whfch the uiachlni nilflaid a tirldKt over a arnall e tri o in and vtm hurled a dlatanca of aUIV net. I'lvt other pi-i.nona wera In tha car. John fii hiiii r, l.",, auatalned a dislocated ahoulder, and Alike I'ontlienkey aeveral hrulten rlha. Ilo.' Muaall and Mary Hclmler, each l.'l, were badly brulaed, a wa oJhn llimh, IK, The new ma' hlne, waa deiiiillnhfd. It tinned over three, time following the accident. The n in n who died w driving and wllnendi-a nrt that he waa travel ing nt a fiint rate. In an attempt to dudu a mndholc he bust control of the car iiTid,i niili not get It hack In the road before marina the river. fnniial i-ervl'iia for Novotne will be held In thu lioheniliui C.'Bthollo church ri 1 1 iT. i h y afternoon. Russian Railroad in Persia Will Be Extended to India WAHlll.ViJTuN, April W.-The nucaian railway lul exteiuli-d to TabrU, I'erala, I i ol hi 1 .1 .. will he puahed Into HalindilelHn, to Unit t'ein.H.I ih lirlllah Indian i-lli.'H. iici ill 1 1 1 K lii ii ciniiiniinli iituiti to the 1 ii pill Inn -nt of i 'minni'ice front II, It, linker, iiuiiiiiei.ini auuclie at J'el marad, ih- i Ihlna the in tuna nf the line Into I'ei la 'the Una I Hnnn-, m dln-et to l!u Hhii iile t ho ii,,.. i,f Tnhru, nuiat of U'h lnilnelb Kent llit'cifch Turkey, Tlirl In (lie Irii.llii cat pet market of tlia wurhl noil hit ii popiiliUli'ii of Iii,mv It l a ii hem y trnile hIh In tinttim and ill ! d fiiilla jlitniea nf rialii are fclHlMl ill tlH I I . 1 1 1 1 ii 1 1 1 1 4 tlillhll). Lasting Peace Must Unity of Power, ''lti.. i-i ii i r H Hin'ii, ' to an alii' ' i ' Inn nwi.eual I . . . . i Hi .ii in. ii, " I. (Mi. National iiutiii ; if h .i t.t el-ic. t.t r l.-liv null fiat liy till hj III.I II.-Ill f it ll,l t1 ef I ... I i II It ti ll illl .' fl Hi 4 ' .iu ll, I II " f. 1 t t. r it .1 ..f .... M lit 1 1 . I fc '4. '11 -I 1 1,1, ., i I" ln. li I I lia I 111 I if 11 J,l It (I. I ' I I' I : I I. U I'll I ..I'., f n . t ll .. : 1 1 1. 1 I . I i f fn f IH'i..'. it: I. . m 1 I 'lit ! I 1 t r" .it nt t I a tial lut i l H it oil o ul I pin., ''I- i (.. H ! I t f I f 1 1 V 1 i t . r i . . ,( t... I ...le -.. Il'n. t I fl.l . 4. i.nuM fi tali i : if- ,.i l " a ,'tn Mi y .i . t, : -l,l I tht IS I i t U ' :"! a ',' "";': ''-JA Kd ,' , ni, j. i li.i. ,, ,ft Fred Bisjell Confcssc to Peniten tiary Warden that He Killed Edna Dinimore Out of Revenge, MOTHER REFUSED TO WED HIM Confessei Luring Child to Empty House by Promise to Buy Her Some Books. SETS THE STRUCTURE ON FIRE lANKIN(J, m n . K , April '.'x. I'red IIUmoII, h TopekK linker, cnnfcNMod lute today thai ho lonrdcred Ktltiit liliiHiiiore, a lO-yenr-old lrl, In To pi'lut lunt TuendHy, HftonRn cHuar I hy the refuaal of the child' mother lo niBi ry hint promptrd Hip ( rlnip, i ninny of lite (itiilli of which went: ! of a revolting character, I The alory of tho murder wn told j to J. K. Codding, warden of Kan-; Hpn hiitle peiilicnlHty, and I 1 ' K lo tdicrlff of Topcka. ! HctiHcll lit aald to have admitted (hat he lured the child to enipt-' liouxn by telling her hn would buy I her noma hooka. After lying her and 1 placing her In the cellar, h went out and purehtiHcd aonm tohacco and a newxpaprr. Then letutnlnK to th houae tio found hi victim at III alh ul hut going to an upper rnnm of Ihj building ho et the Mrurture afire From a nearby corner bs waited un til the flro companlea arrived and then went back to hla father' bakery. T, P, A, Gets Warm Welcome from Live Wires at Alliance AMjIAN'i.'K, Neb., Aprtl W.-ffprclai Telegram. )Nearly 200 delegate ',r aponded to roll call thl morning, when tlie atata convention of thi Traveler' Trot active aiaoclatlon opened In the Im perial theater. Mayor Romlg welcomed the delegate, preentlng them with a , large key to the city and Inviting them j to partake of It ltopltallty. 3, W. I Outline, prealdent of tha Commercial club lalao welcomed the dolegatea. nti,t preal dent, W. O. Wa.te, Teaponded playing a nice compliment to Alllanc and Ita citizen. After a abort bualn aeaalon the dele gate were taken about th city In auto mobile, The annual memorial aervlco wa held thl afternoon, attended by the delegate, flaltor and cltlxen. National Chaplin Rev. A. A. Brook of Hauling, Neb,, delivered the memorial addrea, Secretary l-l upper calling the roll of de. parted member. At 7 o'clock thla even ing, 1'oat M of Alliinee tendered the delegntea a banquet at the Drake hotel, cover being laid for S.V). A grand ball In the Phelan Opera hotiae cloaed the entertainment for the day. The committee In chars of entertain ment baa aomrthlng aperdal for every minute the delegate are out of eajon. At Rundown thl evening lx "wild aid woolly" cow puncher rode Into town through Main atreet "ahoollng up the town," when an attempt wa made hy tho marnhal to arreat them. I lo waa roped and rendered helpleaa. but with tho aa alatanca of aevcral dlegatea aucreedeij In placing the cowboy In jail. An tninio dlate trial wa held, attended by about a hundred delegate. The "ahoot-up" proving to be a feature of h program. Joseph M, Cudahy Is Vice President Sinclair Oil Co, NKW YORK. April . - The newly, formed Klin-lair Oil and Iteflning or poratinn, a roAiOfmi) Imlepetident ron i ei n oiganixed hy Hurry K. Miiclair of Tnlaa, dkl , waa formally launched here today with the election of officer and director, They are: Harry I. Sinclair, president: Jnirph M. t't'Jhv, I'hhaao, flret vtce prenldciu, V . It. lanm, fhl eagn, aecond the prealdent, and II W. Hln. lalr, Tulna, aecrrtary - lrenaur-r. Thrfe. offlcera and Thennr Itunaevi-lt, Ir , Albert Hhiim U. . I'avlion, f ew Vnrk; W, T IVniim, thhaBo, I: it 1 1 iilou and Ii It Ki-im., Tulaa. and II I". rliiht, hiin.m I itv, ie iii.m tun. Be Based on Says Oscar Straus l-i mi ait nii,,.,- 1 1 - . tf "lliy ,l, t l,ifn .t rf. H OI ..(.,. .1 u.B u.t t ,,,,!, .fim ni UM m ' rie Hi" plat i.f tlitiimaev ft II. iet lui..,n hitii." ) ri ( .ian in lii.t..Hi,l ,i, l iii,l (,,,.,, h, I l I., I li X l.f l . l ..'l. I SI,,. vt.lll i.l I 1 1Ui ncli t,i c ih I ' l 1 1 t c. 1 . ,1 . : .t .,i,nl i. I 1 l-fll. ,i,i ( L . , ' I ll lll'l ,,). il . II I 11 I I , .11. i -It llnm I if i aiv. 1,1 li l 1 r'.i t- .ii , I ' I ffl f I Ui. IN -.. Ml . . f -. t .'i? tt h u- hi t I 1 H o 1 hi . Ii , I il .,. I'f t I It ' tli i.f itli. . if I I . ! Ill 1 1 II 1 1 l. . I ' .-l .I--I U, i I, a ... f ia"t I 1-1 an I I I I ' I . f. I'-. c II tl I i l 1. . 1 .1 t , .t I-, t it .if ti i . i ' i ii 1 I 1 1 ll I . IL, I . . I. I .It I . cf l if a '.ii , i( ., k i"it rn ! f.. w IM' K -ni e atiiai ' ! l.i ti. ai- a t j iHa f i . M m 1 -' I 4.1'- h V,..-, 7 V I Tf iJ S -" f 'k'' r. ""! " ',SJ i : l1!' ? W-JT ; V v, - J .a r , - ( ' - ' -V- V 1 f.-. w.t;.'.;'- V, i-':, j GASOL1HL ROSE YLACH KILLS SELF FROM GRIEF Worry Over Fact That She Wai About to Become a Mother ii the Caue for Doing Deed. MAN HAD PROMISED TO WED HER That, Ml8 Itoao Vlaeh, aged 20, li!8 rirree Blrpet, whoao decaplla len njjd mangled body wa found on the (rack of tho Omaha railroad, north of Klprorvew, Thuraday, com mitted Mulcldf, wa all but conelu aHely determined by police inveatl gatlon yealnrday. Worry over tbe'fact that aha wa about to become a mother, and the cLaenna of the man who bad prom ised to marry ber, wore rpaaoni given by her frlcoda and relittlvea for tho act. . ftoae lived with Mr. K. Kaatron fit tho above addrea, and for more (ban a year had been keeping com pany with Ledwlg Kozamek, who Ined with hi cotialn, Wr. T. Mo liilo, 1309 South Socoad atreet, I'riiniiae of Marriage, A month ago, according to Mr. Kaa Iron, Itoao dlaoovered thut he wa to become a mother, and aaked Koiaerek lo marry her. Ho conaenied and told her to look for a houae. TwaUa day later aha completed arrangement for their future home, but Kozaerek, after telling hla ciiukIii that hn waa going to leave town, did io Immediately. The fart of hi absence wa determined when he failed to appear for work the next morning at the Otla Klevulor company, where he had been employed, koine time. Itoae, who had been working at the Hen Ulacult company, for aeveral month, waa forced to quit work t-aturdiiy night on account of her dclli-iilo londllloh, and alnce that time haa kept to her room, grieving over Koxaerek ijeaertlng her. the repeatedly told Mr. Kaatron and Mr. Martha, tiroes. 1IW I'lerce etreet, an Intimate friend, tliat aim wua going to kill hi meir. Thuraday n Ik lit ahe left tha houae, alone, about ii o'clock, after bidding everyone gnodliy. I'urlng tho inornlng ahe had rxpreaeed her Intention of au clde. Keen lir lllpa teher. fHi-patclier Miiitliiaon of the North aeaient, while itrhliiK hla auto north of I Kimence about T."'J Inat eienhig, mi a girt wulklng along the track, i'ondue ! tor I liiimhera and l.imlneer intmcrman ! of KKtra hoiuid for Hie city, aaw j tier nit ilowu on the tia a and tie her ' ahoe. at a apot near heie her jacket ! and hat urm found At Mai tlmum' i IV of wattling ahe ateppeil to una able, i mid when the train hud gone by again ! luck the I In Mo. illy af'i-r thla a j north, hound extra, vi It It nitd'ietor Hart, ilng and tnnlncer Madlaan. Mailan aa Me la aaw an nt)wt on; lii.i track, but too late to avoid ti1klng , i He iraiU'd H it he bad run cvarl aoinenne, aid bi king the ttaiu In thai apot hnin thl olijeii tgy, foul d lUma tier ll a ftMlclile, ' lti.iiv I. hi, liiioB, nl i anli uT-Tt,,:; ii n. I on Urn nil and ili j oinatioii witch baa pig- t . ..Ill Mtllfl the fl I'll : !' I itin I, r n i e i i i t mat ll.l ll hii waa woilnl ll.ilu tli bo if l ihnii iltiia ', linn t l i a in. i! iji.nii..n a tn a 11' w .i il. I Jt' 11. e. nl i pi that team -. . .in .1 it.. iMt I tr I l 1 01 1. i trrMiig II '-ii n i , ,1 I HI. I,. I 11 I'm l,,.- ..1 I" i VI, a- V I. n I . I V ' i- ..isl i' I - I Ill l I I It I , .111. I. I wlill l .1 4 I i.l ' It I I l. 1, 111 K I ' V I.. 1, I .1 It .1 I II' c t SAYS MUNCH PUN IS FLY OVtR SWIUERLASO;, I S i 1 1 t f ft. n M ti I.H ' l H I il .11, I xii, a I t' t I . i' I t.i ' t i ' - ' I f ' I l t I - St H ' Ml lt I t-l ram 'tit f I I' -lt I .,.i .i . i iii-ni-a'iWiii. i, - . .-..( - - . . 'Ji. : .--i -i .i- A--.a-oi l jfLt-L-A. w-ii-- . f -) UMawu ii- aai. mW8ii .ir-a-' 1 ,tuallHi iii Mr fcWiHWi WWi m I Alaska Union Rejects Offered Wage Scale Hr.WAItli, Alaaka, April '.'X.-The An chorage I.hor union relet led today Ih wnifo ainlo by the feilm-iil arbitration board endeavoring to aettle th alrlka among workmen on the government' rllway In Abinka. Tho alrlkn bcgnfi Kehriniry 12. BRITISH BATTLESHIP RUSSELL HITS MINE Wanhip Sinks in Mediterranean and About One Hundred and Twenty-Five Men Loit, ELEVENTH BATTLESHIP LOST LONDON, April 28, The Hrltlab battlcahlp Jtumiell hag been aunk by a mine. Admiral Krentnanlle, the caplaln of the Jtitttaell, twenty-four offlcera and 67 men were, aaved. About 124 men from tho fluaadl ore inlnalng. The warhlp was aunk In tho Mediterranean. ' Official alalcmenl, The alnklng of the j'.uaeell and of lhCnele Sam. Oermnn auhmiirlne waa announced In I the following official altemeut; "If, M, N, ltuae, . Captain William Howdnn eiinlth, It. N flying the flag of Hear Admiral Kreemanl le atruck a mine In th .Mediterranean yeatetdajy and waa annk. Tho adinlrul, captain, Iwenty four officer and Bid men were anted. There ara about 121 officer and men lulaalng. "A (iermaii eiihiuiirlne wa nul off the eaal count yealerdny, One officer and aeventeeii men aurreudi'ied and ware miido prlaiinor." Under oldlniiry condlllon the Ituaaell carried between 7n0 and koO men, The Ituaaell waa laid down In ISM and completed III I!m3, It waa 4oTi feci long, Vfi feet 'beam, tvventy alx leet deep ninl (lli.ilitced M.oiiO ton II wna armed IHi four 12 Inch, twelve ll Inch, twelve, 3 -1 mil and alx 3-pound gun and four torpedo tulma. It coat about Hi.m'i.'mO Tho Ituaaell la Ihn eleventh llilllnh hnlthiahlp which bna been lout durbm ihn war. The other were tho AmhiclniJa, llillwark, l''ot mldnhle, IrreHlKllhln, (icean, Colialh, Triumph, Mn ienllc, Nntiil and King l..iir. VII In addllloii about thirty five nihil irltlili warahlp of varloiia ilaaaea have been deftrmeil, , New York Police Will Break Up Gang of Blackmailers: NI.W VHtli, At. Hi A 11 inilier of arreata ar ekiai teil here anno In a pulp I catuiialun In I. leak up galig-f of lilaik miller who have len feting upon wealthv ilalior pollen 1 'ooiiolailioier W01..I (ill ln.i that bla liiveatlaatloli had heell pioceetlllia for aavefdl lnolilh and action in ht l e 1 tpa. lei la lb imar f itute 1 It h ,i '"' leaned 1 t e liU I. 11 a-lr Ii atuitiutttl 10 ii em proapetuu tljtifH 11 I I. 0 laie tooiight ttiiMiiitilM of mil to .In l u.ltini men In Nw Iml T'i nt'i-al I .ta.'kitiallli g ng I tl 1 r).. a In. tinting t lout 'n tn ti'trii I 1 1. 10 I c t mm lni i f t- .!-.! vn Ho. in tli Horn l,. a. i.l...!ll ni. I Uir Tie fi..m a. h' in li iln . Lit 1. .11 I, 11, I 11 il.timi tn ttv ni lint, ll ' Ilirl,iei I (t ill. tl Hi tn I I H ill" I... I V United States Leads in Production of Most Metals and Field Crops VV t ii I I ) V . I 1 1 s I . I. . I l l I' i .! a i t .nt l i t ftl liv an I It l 1 ' U.ii t nil.. Kt ' -il I..J , I ll.l i it i . 'I'l I 1 rot tit I1- t. ( t . . ft t 'Of u . i 1. 1 - g t't e '! I t '. I I V lit. I- I I' ! f I I ' I tn . - n Hi t I I I BIG POSTAL ORDER FOR OMAHA OFFICE Nearly Half Million Dollar. Worth of Slampi, Cardi and Envelopei Included in Requisition. TO BE SHIPPED BY FREIGHT CAH John C. Wharton, pontmaatrr of Omaha, did a little (hopping In Waahlngton, J), C, lie apent $77,958.20. )e gpent It all for poatage aUmpa, (natal card and alaraped envelope. "Hend It, plcage," he laid to Uncle Sum. I'ncle flam waa Tery much gratified nt (he order, He noted that Omaha la buying more poalal gooda every quarter, berauae Omaha la proaper lug and growing ao rapidly. "Von might aiao note, uncle," aald John C Wharton, "that the inereaa la, perhap, due In no alight degree Id tho efficient admlnlatrallon a poalmnater of a man whom modeatv forhhl me to mention." "Quite o, quit o," aald th pollt lllg liirreaae Miimii, The poatal good bought by the Omaha poatofflce In t qunrler iiotounted to only f:!in,iin. (.'ompare that with th more rn cent figure mentioned above. Homo of Hut Item on Colonel Whar ton' hnppln7 Hat were; 1fi,0iKi,iKO j-cent atamp. to.myiDoO I cent aliimpa lOnmO 3-cent alamp. jm,m t-i-cnt atiimp. Solium 5. lent atiimpa lon.OtW "-cent ataiupa, Jon,)') 10 cent ataiupa, l.f.n.W't poaiul card Thu-liiilf mllllnndollar order will he ahlpped to (imiihn by frelgiil In an ordi nary box car. Relief Ship to Kut Grounds in Tigris I.I'MinN. April ii;t,p. m l-A relief ahlp bi nt hy the lli itieh vvlili aupplli for tho ijarrUim at K ul -ill-Annua grounded In the 'Maria, four nillea to (he cant of Kut, It waa announced In 11 11 of flclal a! h 1 1 liu nt thla evening, ' An attempt made on the night of April '.'I In aend a hhip with auppllea for th ntiglo Indian Ihhh abut up In Kut, though ran led out with tho uliiioxt gal lantrv, uiilort uinitelv failed," a) lliu off Iclal announcement "Our neroplniii a ibniniipil ihf uliip aground near Maganla, ahout fnur lulliW iat of .tilt " LOTS OFFERED FOR SITES FOR OMAHA ATHLETIC CLUB M41H ufitii 1,1 .,11 tula 1,1 1 1,,, ii,imlm, AtM.tlt 1 Inn tut ioaiUi trt(tii.hiy altyr- : lumli. all I1.1l liitii- i.f wblilt h 1 1 at t J I'lli't by lb .iiiniiillt. '. , , .in, 1 le.i a out of tb i,n.ii..n at h.iii in, 4 li for thl itr . Lii. biiiian Ttui f .i.i j are takfit ui,,t, r adv I ul , m, im m- ; fiiiiialimt It aiven u M , fl,, iiri'('ittiuii irt, or tn th pr..rrty in i A iiv.inixt f n it ,,Mri, imti-,1 mint I he iltn IK tai l to unit ,.f tht iro-etty liflvKil. t.. II I i tr. I n . tw SJuiilaf It 1le. I''. ll)! tg .1ft nit it t aiixicni. t j in t c lint l it I 4 ti n 111 I-. nt anil 1 1 ii i in i t I ''.vinli-. t t im U l.i lii f 11 111 I t ,1,1 I I , ,1,1 1, 't 1, 1. ill. .1 -. I .1. .1 I t I t I It eta in t-t lf Itl .icn , ' ..,.t.M. l-i i.f a . I I i " I '- t' I"- iiiW mi.!) of i h ii t ..x. i j.i,,,, t it 1 Htlitil I 1 . 1 1 -. 4'l I M . I i--l I Itl t ii i . l in.iMti t'littiAtt In i I Vltt . -t : .! ' III I. I- . ,1, 1 ( , li I l I I I ,1 , , I ni i - i-. i t m p. ir--. . , .-I f. , i , . ; i tr i ttit , ., t M m ,i I i tut I i . tint ... ,i e t i ri,!. ,.., H iin . ' r- 'i Stock Market in Berlin Firm and Higher in the Belief of a ' Peaceful Agreement. INSTRUCTIONS ARE DELAYED 111 i.M'-.tiv HKIIUN, April JK. -tlly Wlrelea to Kayvlllo.) ... vice Admiral Kduard von ( apelle, the naval officer who auccocded Admiral von Tlrpltn laat month a mlnlater of the navy, left 1 rrlln on Wcdneadiiy lo confer with l.mpcror William at the Oerman nniiy headquarters. riKHI.IN, April 27. Vl London, April 28, f Jameg W. Gerard, the Anierlrttn ambaaaador, and Joaeph C. drew, gecretary of the American em luitay, left flerlln tonight for German army headquartcra for an audience with Kmpcror William. Although no Information ha been phen out regarding the purpoae ht Amhaaaador Gerard's Journey, It la evident that Kmperor William wlabea . a thorough personal talk with him In order to obtain a clearer view of the American position on the sub marine laanfl. The) train will reach lie deatlnallon at 7 p. m. tomorrow (Friday) and Amhaaaador Gerard ex pect to return on Bunday, The Invitation to vlalt the fierman head quarter was brought to th amhaaaador terannally by relgn Minister xon Jagow. The Invitation la regarded In finnclI circle a a good omen. Neverthele, enperlemeij oberver conlder th altii. lion very aerlou and bllev that th mr fait of the amhaaj1nr' meeting with tli emperor and hi advlaer la of lea Importance that what wna don at Ih conference at Herman, headquarter, Tho ultimate derlalnn at Waahlngton l held lo ha quit Incalculable until It la known how far Utrmany meet American wlabea, Th nwa that Amhaaaador Oarard wa going to I Im heedifUMl'teri wa known at noon today, but the venaora, for aotna myaterlou reaaoti, refuaed to allow cahlegrama lo be aenl announcing that fact until, tonlghl; Jual a lhy hud re fuaed lo p dlapatidiea with new that th American note had beep banded , to the foreign office, until th next day, Merlin Mock Market Klrin. UK ft U.N, April IS. A feeling of con fldenea that a aolutlon will he found to the pending tlorman-AmoHcan differ einea and that the pmnnit tcnalnn will b inl. cuerted an evident Influence on the berlln Htock exchange today. The market wa ipilet and firm, and dealer who yealurdiiy unloaded varloiia, line of atoi k wera today repurchaalng, ' Thla feeling wna atrngthencd by the repoit of a recovery eh th New York atock market yeaterday for the game reaaon, No tangible developtnenta upon which thla confidence I baaed ar yet evident and the situation an far aa It can be obaerved lot changed little In the biat twenty-four houia. The chancellor, I'r. von Rethmann Hollwrg, and Admiral von Holtaendotft, chief of tho naval general ataff, ara , i.ii at the general headquarter, hut no Immediate decision la expected from litem on the giitrral bmun, although It may come tonight or tomorrow morn lug, which will liidloiita how the chan cellor' report on the poaallilllly of a aettlemi nt ana received in the circle there, tiemrii' Inatrnclton Delayed, American Amhaaaador Herard haa not received the general luatructlona from Waahluatm, which gr heralded In th ni wapuper dlapatchea. Their arrival will aubstantlnlly cotilrlhut to the settle ment The worst of the dlffloullle In lha mv of rem lung a ttlmrnt I tli ti-ati b led channel of ronimunlea lion between Waahlngton and Herlln. Ambataador llernatorff t unabl lo com munlealo with hi government except in oneit ilpher and no auppUimrntary in. formation on th altualion In Waahlng Ion I available her. (carman atatratiteu read fully thla great handicap lo a ettleitiitt, Una ct th blgheal of th rot ld to the rorrai pendent of Th Aotlated Tr this aft i linull "No. hnv no nw and Amlitut dir Herald, I vindei aland, b Hun el!hr 'Una fc ttiake piaitlalton -tirmrlv il f'l i. It bv )et tXt im il-illni, it, i .1 nut vl.ti ti lili Iheut in i gb.ieiii' of f irther ln'iirii-. I 'on PRINTERS OF LONDON JOIN THE ARMY AND GO TO WAR 1 1 'nit ..!! nlvm el lit ..-M'tH.t i,4 t luM'tiV, Ai'ivl -rv, ituiuMtt, i., I. t In. I in. I t'.a tlii ti e it,,, II it i icya ef t' From A to Z and Then Some tt WmsM titkf ,'t l.iuc tvtik ti liat tlity tmiHi ttl Ii t'f lliHUi Wiinl ,i nn !t-l,i . t i v , l.t wijijii ful I fun t, t ,ifV ltUv. -,ty ,,t tt, ,,-4 ''l y!l tl. '. i Hli-v W It A I ii iml ,t!il t I 1 . I X 1 f i u I I i' " li i fii4 tt Hi r I t i ii l 'i I lt Inn i I l