Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 28, 1916, Page 7, Image 7

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    1'IIK BEE: 0MAI1A. FRIDAY. AriJH, 2S. 1916.
"Tiwund'i tot portl&r Oeoes."
tlfttlaf a rixtv BurseM-arn4n.
Dlnoa Bnj-avf smsM Binfs, Eds els.
Boot Mat It Now Beacon Pre,
torsade, automobile, barflarj It.
iui ni e. J. J I. Imrnont, Kerllne Mils.
took ranolsra Moot The Omaha Pot
toek club will moot the evening of May
I on tha ground floor of the court hnum.
Placed oa Police Toroe Joseph Ber
ber of 7717 Boulh Twenty-fifth street has
been appointed to the police department
on ueual probation of el months.
'Today's Merle Fyeffraa," oltuslfM
aertloa today. Is appears In The Be
XCLUflIVKLT. Find out what the tre
rloua muring, picture theater effer.
OlUokg wlpsd R. Yechert, 3880 Chi
eego, reports to ths pollco that the
elilcken houae to the rear of hie home
an forced open and nineteen fowl stolen.
OaaoUns Stolen- N. Konherlln, 2011
Kurnern street, reports to ths police that
hi Karate wa broken Into during the
nlKlit and a conlderabl quantity of gas
oline stolen.
y rs "Tes-ttle" alaa-ise) gunderlaad
I Churoh BnUrteinmettt Mies Blanch
Bellas will appear In a dramatlo number
'at the entertainment May 4 of the first
Chrletlan church, Twenty-sixth and Har-m-y.
This entertainment t being given by
j p the Omaha Christian Endeavor union,
Jst Tn proceed to go toward defraying the
spences of th oomlng state convention,
to be held In Omaha In November.
Two la B an km ptey fk y It, Ander
son, an Omaha traveling man, filed a
petition In bankruptcy, with liabilities
iOf 14,145 and aaiet of PI), on which he
elk exemption. Rimer MeMlchsel,
iproprletor of a feed store at i0' North
Twenty-fourth street, filed a petition In
bankruptcy. Liabilities. tX.lM; sets,
U..W. He ssk exemption of ll.w of hi
Andirons, rir orseos, Bunderland's
William Carlisle Cannot Be Tried
for Capital Offenie Crime Un
der Wyoming Law.
Cold Temperatures
All Over Nebraska
''old temperature were regltered out
In Ih statu Wednesday night. North
I'ln l to had t shove sero; Valentine, S;
t'l.lbertsnn, 24, the latter being (lie cold
est In the state. Freezing ternpera'nre
ere reported from weetern Kn,
Wyoming and the western pert of the
liekotd. The minimum at Omaha wa
'4.1 above eero. "Pair tonight and pmb
ehly tomorrow. Warmer tomorrfrw," wa
-the forecast yesterday.
I miner Sleep.
Take Or. Hell Pliie-Tar-Honry for
t hat backing night cough; It stop the
cough and you leep, 2Sc. All drugglti.
- Advertisement.
In order to make more available room
for tenant, the entire eighth floor of
the I'nlon Pacific Headquarters' build
ing I being rearrengd. The partition
f re being taken out and the entire fore
nf the freight auditing department will
be put Into one big room. Instead of oc
cupying several smaller one. The Con
solldntlon of the department will leave
a large area of space that will be ar
langed In room for rental purpoae.
The change In the freight auditor" de
partment; wa brought about by resion
of the survey reeently made. Thl sur
vey showed that on the eighth floor of
the building clerk were being given
considerable more floor space each than
the regulation requirements called for.
Ifow to Trevent t roup.
When tha child I subject to attacks of
croup, ee to It that he est a light even
ing meal, as an overloaded stomach may
tiring on an attack, also watch for ti
first symptomho reene, and give
Chamberlain's Cough Remedy as soon as
tha child become hoarse. Obtainable
everywhere. Advertisement
Word reaches I'nlon pacific head
fiuarter taat William h. Carlisle,
who robbed the passengers of three
of the company's trains and was sub'
sequently arrested by a posse and Is
now In Jail In Cheyenne, Wyo., will
be brought to trial before Judge
Mentzer, with Judge Lacy assisting
in the prosecution.
The trial of Carlisle will be held In
Cheyenne, the Jury called for the
March term of district court having
been called back for this purpose and
after it had been excused.
It la probable that one or two at
torneys from the Omaha headquar
ters will go to Cheyenne to assist in
the prosecution, They will also as
sist In securing the evidence for the
The fact that farlUle pleaded guilty
when called for arraignment ha put a
new phase on th rase asalnat him. Th
Wyoming ltule let the Jury fix the
penalty In case of train robbery. They
provide that the trial Jury, If a con
viction I voted, may determine In the
verdict whether th punishment shall he
death or life Imprisonment. However,
th ca against Carlisle has a new and
different angle, one that He never be
fore confronted ft court In the tte.
Make l.nw Confusing.
When arraigned before a Justice of the
peace, Carll! pleaded guilty, in the
event he should tlll tnd upon this
plea In the dIMrlct court, It would-upset
all precedent and mle the wording Of
the law confining. As the law stands, It
provide that the death penalty can be
imposed only on verdict found snd re
turned In open court by a Jury. H I
contended that if Carlisle ehould tlll ln
slt upon hi plea of guilty, the death
sentence could not be pronounced, and
also, that with the plea of guilty before
the court, there could not be a trial for
the commission of a capital offenae
it I admitted that In order to Impose
the death penally there rnut be a Jury
trial and a verdict and It I alo d
milled that It I difficult to e how
ther I going to be a trial If th mn
stand upon hi plea of guilty.
Considerable effort has been mad to
ascertain who Carlisle really I. Among
the secret, aervlee men of the I'nlon Pa
cific company ther I sn opinion thst
he I Wlter J., Cottrell snd thst h hs
committed several crime In Denver in
year pst. There 1 another opinion
thst he 1 the son of a names mkr
of Iiveland. He has been Interviewed,
but denies that he la either a Denver
rrtmlnal or that he lived in Iceland.
Winter Wheat In
Nebraska is Perfect
Th Rock 11 nd a crop report for th
western district. Including Nebraska snd
Ksnss. under date of May i, compiled
from dala sent to th general offices of
the company In Chicago, h been re
ceived at local headquarter.
Th report of the Hack Island Indicate
that Ih winter wheat throughout Ne
braska Is in perfect condition for this
season of the year. The acreage la estl
mated st 8,OT4,1on. or 10 per rent lea than
lust year. It I asserted thst while th
aoreage Into wheat la lea, th corn
acreage will be materially Increased.
ThLor Mary Page
By Frederick Lewis, Author of
"What Happened to Mary":
:: Pictures by
Tb Cast of Characters for
Philip l.niton, ltinsr fnr ttsfsnss,
la m wim Mr Hm w.inell
Ur Page, ilwatrliisl star, sccuw at
murilr IM" "
Ua I'ollwt, puriuM of Mar, lb t
h Is seemed ol urorlo
Hvdnov Alaswsrt
K. H Usslels. theatrical unul
,,' lUrrv itllM
Proew'ttiing Attorney Jolm II. Ciassr
I'an I'm. SWrj's ftbtr drank iMjtu
tttt. SUrfi niulhr
,..,77., frsnkle ItirmitnJ
Mr "llrti1"0. g.lmun K. t
iwteulv Kisnk llmlll
Mr. !. rolloek busliiM sskmiui
,"...7 Arthur UtM
A iUse hSB't On rui t) . . . . W llllam Omsw
, IrraeuM gMtot
..-irws U.riss
,,, SUM Villi
W. MclnrsulM
Mail's mai4..
ktr. Vrnw..,
(Ctil'J right, 1015. by NU'Clur rtiblh a'.loo )
illai'Ttil .
iCoitiiiuieil fmm Teelerday i
Did you do It"
r N tm Hut I w kind of or. beu
-. man ti ,'"l r!lu' erraiul bov fnr
sj i v that's dnd cretv sbmtt S sltlrt
"What ere you doing on the file
. ie'"'
The i'ielmi to !ii!v llial H
iir t lb" I"U mom leine im lie 'ii
, tir ! ilnees- b " Hlmii. did tun eln o
l.,r ..;. itr 1" get n-H 'n Slid
,trt ee i,i f't tt.) likelv t.i
, ,,, , H, n,i-t V"i M t- h III
,li; f, rem i ,.1.11. I It
f), ih.i y n ii'l I'x l l'"l
' i, .,1 rrl. .1 ll ll.fcl't "
She1, .-t4H !
V , , u , I .. I,- -I e . I .1
... , it i1 all' I. ' 'I' Hi
Mi (.. Ir I ltl il-l.-'
..-, Lit -f.l .ii'i''t ' U ''
iliioi ..f ' i!' ti ki' :
.Is 1 .-.. l ' .... ' '-
i ..I . . , I s I., i . . ' '
I found a revolver, didn't you?" Langdon'
' voire rang out triumphantly, "fleorge
Shale, what did you do with that re
i volvr?"
Kor a moment th man wayd s lie
i stood, then he laughed and flung hi
! band w ide.
"I shot him with It!" he hrtked. "1
shot him! I didn't Intend to do It, but he
waa a dirty dng. lie had threatened m
again that very iilglit. lie struck me
i he culled me hi Juckul end when I aw
j the gunI knew my chance hd com. I
took It out and walked around and nld,
Here your smelling aaits and when he
' turned to take H I shot him. Oh, my
! Odll "
I He broke off with a storm of gsplng
Everyone In the room was en hi feel.
Kven the Judge had risen.
(To Its Continued Tomorrow.)
Had to Lie Awake and Scratci
Sci!p. Hair Became Very Life
less and Broke Off Terribly.
"Mr ! ignie li4 ttltl n-S
.i H'I i.t-m It set n l f M-a.i.iw
Si uttUitt'l 4 Ht lie i4
. g eef u I h Sue
l t e"ii
el l . I .M ,. . .,
I ,
' I ' f .
I- .1 l :. I -
I ..
... t, in ,. ,
. !' ! a i it. I 'H
i .1 lha ... 1. I th l.t tM,.ik. i.:t
111 t.i .11 t !. WMI
' e . f I to. I ,'
- . ' l,. tt .1 . tilt (
N In. - t t .1 I
tM..,i.i,Mi .!,. eaxt k km ana
k t -i I II bat nmi
.Kat ant i' t ... !.,.-( I at f. ilalt
i-t' !(...- J. .i I I,-. tlaMl ).
... ,.-..,! M. l lnil,
V .i a . , j , VI ,. ,: i '..,,. ..( at. .
N.utitlc t nth I rrc h M.til
Store Hours 8:30 A. M. to 6:00 P. M. Saturdays 9:00 P. M-
urgess-Nash Company:
Thursday. April 27, 1916.
Phone Douglas 137.
"Buylt And
Leave It"
FRIDAY sod Saturday have
been set aslds by th Mr
rhants of Omaha as a time tn
help rellev the destitute and
helplegg coddltlnn of tha people
of flelglum and Northern FYanrej,
Clothing-, blank tt, sweaters
and this chsrftr of goods ts
If you buy rneirrhgndls" for
this purpose Just tell the galea
person to mark It for Ilelglum
sufferers and It will b sent to
f'omnilttnej headquarters for you.
"MODETTE'-The New Wash Fabric for
Summer Frocks and Blouses, Friday, at 19c
r'AREFTLLY woven, beautifully printed In th nw sport stripes, florals
t - , - a a, a i a a . . , i t. - .a . a. a - A . v.
snrsvs and combination
stripes and floral designs. A finely finished fabric, tniaranteed non-shrlnkahl. vva rerom- -k
mend Modettn for ladlea and misses and llttl folks' dresses, for sprinf and summer wesr; b sun I HP
to seo the new patterns and colorings before buying your new summer fabric. 34-ln. wide, yard. ,
25c Mercerized Poplins, 120.
Mill lengths, white and colored. Mercerised poplins, Repps snd suiting: values up to 26c, yard . 13Hc
Batiste Remnants, 82c
fibort mill remnants fancy printed 27-inrh batis
tes and 38-lnrh wide dress voiles. Very desirable
for waist and dresseg; Friday, at, yard, H",
Shaker Flannel, 5c
27-lnrb unbleached shaker flannel, napped as soft
ss rbtffon, on sale, at, yard, Ac.
Underwear Crepe, 7Hc
White underwear crepes, marquisettes d voiles,
on sale In mill remnants, at, yard, 7 He
36-lnrb curtain scrim, wa 15c,
at THc
50c Bab7 Blankets, 25c
All the slightly soiled and
mussed baby bankets, regular ftOo
kind, white tnd colors, while they
last, at SAe each.
35c Silk Chiffon, 15c
Dotted silk chiffon, 82 Inches
wide, perfect goods; be sure to
ask to see Mils special as they sro
unequaled Jo making pretty sum
mer dresses; st, yard, Iftc,
Two Corset Models
$1.25" Values at 79c
Cl'LKNDID corsets In two style
sv medium bust line, finished In
ribbon and lace, good quality of
coutll or Jalve material; very
comfortable; a usual f 1.26 corset
st 7tc.
50c Brassieres, 21c
Large assortment of women'
brassieres, In both back or front
closing effects, embroider or
trimmed; regular 0r kind, at 21c,
Burgess-Wash Co. Baaemsttt.
Children's hns upporter, all
sites, .nlr, JOo,
Taffeta m binding, 1-ysrd holla
fnr a.
Iwtrg else hair nets, with elastic,
S for lOe.
Men'a ahlrt hnils, all Rises, I
for So.
Iliirrr's needles, 2 fnr Be,
l.lneilr ninry halts, lOo.
Htiiall harrettea, shell and ant
her, Bo,
Hliear and srlasnrs, etvh, I9H
I laming eotton, D for Bo,
I, ir a hnttle machine oil, M,
Kla tsrie, l.oll, 4o.
' "Itnn tarn, all Width, bolt, Is,
100-mrd silk thread, n), Be.
Ironing wx, ah, la,
D0-yard halng eofton, .
Col Ion threal. Jlfl-yd. spool, 9e
ftiwik end eyes, rsrd, J,
I'arnlng egs, J for Be,
Bnrgess-Baah Co. amt.
Drapery Remnants
UnderpriceJ lh to Vz
A8KLISCTION of unfast, repp"
detilm, cretonne, ticking, lin
en, scrim, marquisette and plain
and fancy nets tn various length
of to 6 yards, all reduced for
35c Cretonnes, 18c,
50c Curtain nets, 25c,
30c Marquisettes, 15c.
75c Cretonnes, 40c,
Burg.Bah Co. BaMmant.
Sheets, Pillow Cases, Muslin and Tubing
20 Per Cent Underpriced.
AM. the slightly soiled and mussed plain and
hrm-stltcbad sheet and pillow esses, all th
odd length of bleached and unbleached muslin and
wide sheeting, all the short lengths and ends from
bolts of tubing snd pillow rsslng, will be sold at
the regular muslin department st a discount of 20
500 Boys
to read the pe-il Ilurgeas-Nseh
announcement In the Friday even
ing papers. '
Kvery live, red-blooded boy will
be Interested.
Don't forget, Friday night
pit per.
15c Mercerized Cambric, 6VjC
Heavy, but fine mercerized cam
bric and a good quality o-lnch
bleached muslin, on sale Friday,
at, yard, nHc.
Remnants Muslin, 5c
One cane of 36-Inch bleached
muslin, remnsnts, as long as tfiey
last, at, yard, IV'.
Dress Percale, 3Vc
SA-lnch wide, fancy gray drees
percales, limit 15 ysrds, at SKe
the yard.
Red Seal Zephyrs, 6c
Fancy checked and striped Red
Beal gephyr and York sepbyr,
mill length, can easily be
matched, on sal at, yard, fie.
Remnant Curtain Materials
SlMnch Marquisette, white and
cream colored, was 26c, at 1".
30-tnch quality fancy printed
bordered scrim, was 20c, at iac,
SH Inrh curtain etamlue, white
and cream colored, was 20c, st
Bur-Bk Oo Bacsmsat.
Rose Bushes
10c each or
$1.00 Dozen
Pink and
White Killarney
American Beauty
Variety in Foliage
All hardy Nebraska stII
mated stork.
Bnrg.Bih Co. Basemsnt.
Special Display and Sale of Women's New Suits
Including Suits Formerly Priced, $20 and $25.
at $9.95
ASEAKONABLE ovent of MJprr-mr? irnporlnn
arranged and planned with tho co-oprration
of a manufacturer who drtirprl to dispone of his
fintire stock. Scores of the newest models in navy,
blacks, shades of tan and the popular checks. Hhcs
16 to 42.
New practical uits, new drefsy suits, all pmart
styles and varieties unequaled in the city. Suits
worth every cent of $20.00 and $25.00, Friday, $9,95.
Top Coata in Scores of the
Newer Modes, Friday
A WONDERFUL collection of new coats will he
sold Friday at a fraction of their value coat
will be sold Friday for $5.00 that pell regularly at
$15. Blacks, navys, tans, grays, checks and mix
tures in scores of new models; fizes 16 to 42, at $5,00,
B twsa-lTsetl C". Bas.m.nt.
Embroidery Edges
Insertions, YcL 5c
A BHKN!)!!) assortment of em
broidery edne. beading and
Insertions, also cambric and Swine,
2 to 8 Im hes wide, specially priced
for Friday, at, yard, IV.
Corset Cover Embroidery,
Friday, Yard, 10c.
Embroidery flouncing and cor
set cover embroidery, 1s lnche
wide, very deelrable for undergar
ment, Krlday, yard, IOc,
60c Flounclngs at 25c
Bwlss embroidery flouncinns, 27
to 40 Inches wide; Id-Inch all
overs, fine Bwlss corset cover em
broidery; value to C0c; Friday,
at, yard, 2Ac.
Flouncing at 25c
Sbsdow lace, flounclngs, allovers
In cream and white, 18 Incbe
Neckwear, Choice, 5c
An assortment of soiled and
mussed nerkwear. Including flat
collars, collar and cuff set and
Jabots; choice, at, each. IV,
Lace, Odds and End, lc
Odds and end of val. and tor
chon lace Insertions, specially
priced at, yard, it.
Veilings, 10c
Bilk mesh veilings, in blue,
brown and tan.
Bars "ash Cp Bas.meat.
$100 White Corduroy in Remnant
Lengths, Special Friday, at Yard 59c
AVKIIV special purchase of whit corduroy In remnant from 1 yard
to 4 ynrd In a plere. All full 1 yard wide. This Is the f
correct fabric for wash skirt and suits, every yard perfect; jZC
sold regularly at $1.00 a yard; special, Friday, yard.... S
Bnrr.s-rasn Co. Bas.ra.ot.
$3.00 SATIN BED SPREADS, $1.98
Hemmed Mam-illes spreads, double bed size, raised design.
We have about 15 dosen sample and soiled towels (not damaged).
In different qualities, which we will close out Friday at about H reg
ular price.
Hemmed huck towels, medium size, full bleached, with border, good
welRht; Friday only, each, c. Ce. Bemeat.
Usual 50c Kind, on Sale Friday, 35c
WOMEN'S union suits, made of fine white cotton, V-nerk and sleeve
less, umbrella style, A union suit that sells regularly at 60c,
Friday. a.V.
liny' I'nlon Nulla BOe
Boys' porosknlt union suits, high neck, short sleeves, knee length,
erru color; seconds of 60c grade, Hic,
Womnn's 2.V Himw 17c
Women's outslie, rib top, black cotton, full reamles hoie, sise
9i only; 25c values, at 17c.
Kitra alse 'ees, Mo
Wintnen's eitra slse, white cotton, low nrrk snd sleeveless vests, per
garment, He, Burr-BB. Ca-Basement.
SHOES for the JVhole Family at
Greatly Reduced Prices for Friday
'PlIIin'fcEN tug lot of ho-s fnr men, women, giiit, boB and Infsnts
1 at prices lea than rot tit nianufartur.
Wntiien's high shoes and piinipi, amall site, 1 3 & 0
ami V00 taluea . , . ,
3 - Infants' Knsllsh aokle (lea, patent and dull.
Sit' lU . ,
j . t litld shi, aiit S to , wottn
It $0. for , .
( Ml whit cans inr tan Kuaal
pumps. I J a tsluea , , ,
i rlr. 11 rhllil s eii'l lnlai tttiile ranra
f ill runner stilea
95c, $1.19 and $1.25
Hots and girls barefoot vamUl
tth to It In, fr , .
T Wimiei. a huh alines, butt in soil
I. re, )t t and M Ium 0mmJ
I . ilinolt S tte )U pump., In psletil, .) m l
kill grar sn 1 tliamcsiu kid, At-a e
I'S'ial. t Pt4U.l3
I - Weiiiet, ilinei, pumps an.l oifnrtli,
ft, .tu h .iimi. fl.ior drpsrtiitf ni a rtr
M '"J ! s O l .i t.-. ...... O 1 .OU
p. v p't "t eiii'.fit kldaalit and eateat f fr
11 Me lJk Isktttls f alf, it suit . s et'atlt, asj
,'; 1 I 1 It " 1' ZeWMJ
i J tit tn ft S"' l I " 1 ell Bite ft tm An ah
,. ,r II ! I OtC.iij
t ' it. it ktti'it tufin i. ta tlaik si'. I fr
( , lit,.,., .alf. eeM II S1. f . ... I stllJ
l.ilMt lilt IV.-.. Betat
Pressed Glassware
Choice 10c
AN odd lot of pressed and
Mown glassware, including
goblet, mustard dishes, colonial
bowls, butter dishes, salt shakers,
footed sherbets, horseradish bot
tles and cruets; regular 1&e and
too values, special, Friday at,
choice, IOc.
Glassware Friday
Choice 5c
ANOTHER odd lot of glaasware,
Including tumblers, sherbet
cups, wine glasses, measuring
cups, sugar bowls, creamera; reg
ulur 10c and 15c values, special,
Friday, each, IV.
Bsrrees-Baab Oo, Basement,
Splendid Assortment
Women's MjislinUn
derwear, 98c Values 49c
AltKMAHKAlil.K sale nf mus
lin underwear, and very
timely, too, Just when Ih saving
are of most benefit to you. In
cluding Painty Primes slips, msd of
lb fine nainsook, lth embroidery
flounce or lace Insertions.
Women petiteeata, made nf et
rellent uuallty muslin, with deep
flounce of r inbrililerj' or rts of
laie and lte eilKf I'usltitely
lt! value, apeclally prired Friday
at, rhnle, 4Uf,
iffa.Bsk C Baea .
White JiBite4 bfrad bm. gold
letterad and trimmed, special, tt
flntd tnist waabteg powder,
Isti package, Ittt,
World Fslf totittt i ik, f-
bote i i O C
O't'edsr pi'llth, JSf sits, V,
fiber h!(f !. reinforced
ilk wire, t t I ! and
lkas i tsln.s, Ki
I'.arl wbtts laundry
iap, I bars I t ....
arm purs ftt tucie i)
lr', I fU.
lltav m.!s, rirr, rt
r. r.d hl', vsl'ie, V,
arie C.-Bv
25 c
$3.98 Trimmed Hats, $1.98
TNTEKKKTLWLY now aro tliese trimmerl
1 hats for Friday. Every favored shape,'-- "0
including largo sailors, uriiart triwrriH, pokes
and bandeaux iat, in milan hemp, lixero and
tagal braids, effectively trimmed with perky
riT.linn l.i-tU7C a-lninftr ut-1i lArtrVio nf IVnnpVi
4, aay. ,(i i iw , UUIIIIJ ,-a.ja.j avwi. ... - . a.
flowers and faney feathers artistically put on. f1
Hats, formerly $3.08, Friday, $1.98.
Borr-Bash Co B assmaot.
Men! These Shirts at 59c
Will Appeal to
You Friday
SI 1 1 UTS that will appeal to you
from a quality, workmanship
and price fitandpoint. Dressy hiitN
moderately priced, made of extra
quality material, tan color, well
made, wilh ample room so that they
aro especially, desirablt' fur outdoor
r-wirts. A fdiirt that linn Hplcridid
wiar refis(ing iiali C
tit'M. I Viday,
rially priced at
Mcn'i Union Suits, 39c
lllri's-evn and veiiillalii! mesh
union suits, slmhlly Imptirfert, of
He quailtle, all site, ecru suit
whit color, rinsed crotch, re
duced to ill ,
Athletic Union Suit.
t tiisde, big 'ii tiitcnl nf
listeria!, tn lh (ait thut
thev r tttn "pit'kouls" fruttl llnei
thst tt(iiti bate tn sell rrguUilv
at .',.' II i'i 'i snd a blslt hi II .'i.
sit thl settsiin goods red'K'i'd t'
la ,
f l'lllii lli'ille i HUM! nil!
snd liniM lit:t. , iiih.miii, ir.
ritlnr, all i, Inrlnling It tin,
reil in iil i 4k.
Men's Furnishings Reduced
j Hlue tliambrsy shlrtn, IHc,
I llenistlti bed whttf hsndker-
'. ' h id, nc.
Nslln striped hemstitched full
site bsllilkerrblrfs, Mjr.
Citrs qualities, 4 in hnd tie,
st '.'III.
Ktim ijusliiii-s list Wing tie,
! for
Mark vntine sliiris,,
Hipp iliiili shirt, tiillars at
, Uih'"l illh,
M..II cuff itu k Imii I tiMt hlrt
f .r ftr.
tinft r..lrt int. Hi t
j lilt Jt.
II M'ii, ti lur liiMti ,v,
C w in t
rP iivitr ! k, i,.. I I,. n. i,,.,... II,.., t? It l... . .....i ...... ..a.,.
aiilt Well lnl ef mmleil an siti,rr , In .,.. 1,1
all nc siting t.iiiil a spleuttiil talue i I3 I'n,l4,, aT.H-V
Mtn'i $12 00 Buits, 57,85
Mn pent, eili r!l I I j Mii( i d.i i.,.ir II. m a ii, I wbtl
lr bd rk, tteal lili pa'tern, ! sirtp ineiall, tii iMiir, ii
! t l' U ft 1 1. P-f (sllnset, H, '
Attractive Vulur for the ftoyi
Huts 'i iIJ S.iit.ilk rfiiit ) .tiil, I ,H. .
IV., isaslt stiilt, t elttt tittiut.el U Ii , , (
IV"' Hiltltinn i' i.ttrre khlik r tlil, (lle,V
.... t .
't talla ...
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