Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 28, 1916, Page 3, Image 3

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from tho auprrme court cummlealoti tojahbii were dcatroyrd by the tornado
tU.. u. .......... ....... ....i ..,..,L 1... 1ll.t,.U,. ati.l
BEFORE SUPREME JUDGES! The aroiitkla given for the appllcutlun burned. The aiiita nri' agalnel the
I r thai lit,. i.iIIn Itivttlt' Itmiort h nt I. rln- I 1 1 1 rn i-il l-'lrit i. nil Miirtnit tiiKiirnnee I iitll'
CMil-cr a ra ataiai uniiirne i .ecromry lienor announcea una morn
SHcEr AS LAWN MOWERS jlng thnL the hourd had bought 229 aheep
I hleh w ill be turned looae on the ground
i From a Staff Correapondent.) 'rlplm of law. which Imve newr been puny ami the Amertiin Insurance com- l,INi i H.N, April
7 iSpe, Inl.i-The '. and It la expected that everything will
LINCOLN, April 27.-MperlBl, Appll-j derided in thla atnte nnd that ihetc arc puny. ijch ha. I Inaitred the b iililiiiga state Hoard of Axrb ulturn bta nuule nc ! be kept clean from all kinda of weeda
North Bend Couple
Starts on Long
Journey to Sudan
NOIITII HKNt), Neb., April 27.'Hpe-cIh1)-cc
mid Mr. I'aul Hmlth and
ration waa made to the auprrme court i few piei i-.leiita from other alatea. imaliiet tire nnd IlKhlnlng
arranKement for mow Ing the Mate fair 'and bealde when fall cornea there will be
today to hav(. to caae Involving aulta Tlie point to lie decided l whether: 1
cauaed by the Omaha tornado, removed j bull. Una belonging to .Mfirltii Wllg, Key lo the Situation - Ilea Wnnt Ad
grnunda Ihla year and will not reaort a good profit for the aaaoclatlon derived
lo the uaiml mower to keep down the from the aale of the wool and hep,
iv-l i aa a v i
Make Thii Comparative Show
ing of Votei.
fk'rom Btaff Correponderit.)
LINCOLN, A prll ir7.-tBpelal.Acinrd-U
to the return officially reilvl at
tha arfka of the aecretary of tato from
aventy-lx tountlea, dovcrnor Morliail
h recelvnl mora vote for ths vi.
pral4nilal nomination on the doino
eiaMo ticket thnii I'rtldirit WJIoii hu
rPlvd for pnldfnt. Thee count)
alva the governor 4H.2M vol, while tlm
prldrnt receive 4t,MI, or T0 Ip than
the governor,
Olhitr ttate officer on the df-mot-ratlo
Hekt, who wre rutininK without oppo
ol'lon, run foil own' I'uol, t,W; Aniltlt,
44,171; iVmnon, 4I.3W.
The vote on lt auditor on tlm -
piillln aido atlll rontlnitf clone In thr
". irt y-lx rountl- report Inif, the vol
iridln: Miner, r.,327, arid Mirli, I'.Wi.
t'outill not rfportlnu at noon tixliiy
wrra; Adarna, Jlln, t'udiir, Cherry,
f'uailnf, Outr, DouU, Kllliriora, Fron
tier, On, Orralfy, I.nrMr, I'gwnw,
Polk, Hfott a ftluff and Hhcrman.
Bnlfou l"J Ira ft limar,
H. rot Aliraham I,, Hut ton tv,'i to ikhiii
the r'-puhllf an nomination for anvcrnor,
Hcroidlrif to hi epin account filed
with th ccrtary of elala today, Tim
Hem altow that 1190 waa paid to ninny
fit weekly paper and tXii to Unlit dnllv
pn para, for headquarter, for clerk
hire and ll for flllln fee.
Clarwe K. Mile paid out IVMt.92 In an
rfftrl In land the aiune. nomination, dl
VIiJ follow; Hanner and eKpenc
nt putting llum up, l:.17.:et, cut and ad'
vertlalng, $.:; labor, W.w; eiprea,
lfi.il7, and filing fee, JIO.
Other filing ware:
V, f, Omljce, republican, deegale-al-larga,
17), 00,
ilould inetr, rapiihliran, dlatrlct dele
gala $149 Hit
O. W. Waitlra, republican, dlatrlct del,
gala, ,4
i' tinker, republican, rongreaa, fM.M.
Itld II, Merer, republican, cower,
s.m. '
Charlea V. Magiew, republlean, na
tional committeeman, 1277, M,
Long-Distance Hiker
Married in the West
fftKMONT, N'b April J7,-(Hparlal )
Mia, Miarloti I'almer, who loft Kremonl
it June, affompanlcd by her two aona,
io walk a;roa tha country to tli ronat,
waa rnarrlid to Frank J, Koy of Heallla
laat wk aoon after bar arrival In tba
WaablnKlon plly, aeemdlng to lettara -'selved
by Fremont friend, Mra, J'almer
and her aona madn tha trip In tha hopo
that th long hlk might benefit tha
health of one of her aona. They miula
tha neat Jlttla aiim of 2,7."iO over their
pane by advertlalng a number of
taualneaa flrma of Omaha, and Fremont,
During her realden'a In Fremont Mra.
Palmar followad hrrr occupation of nuraa.
live stockToarTraises
various quarantine orders
(From a Bluff Correapondent.)
l,I.VfOf,N, April 7.-'Hpcrlal.)-AII
ndera heretofore made by tha Htate f,l"e
'lock Hunltary board prohibiting the Im
oortnilon of rattle, aheep and awlne from
errltory ,nt of tha Mlaalralppl river Into
the atato of Nebni! bnve been re
coked by the board and aii'h atock (an
now ronv Into the alate undi r rule pro
inilKiled and ;t forth by tho bureau of
iniFnllndutry governing the admlanioii
if live trck under date of December II,
The board at lta meeting herff yenter
Dfiv further made order that rattle, aheep
and awlue ahlpmepta originating In ter
ritory eaat of the Mlealaalppl river nnd
tho atate of MlnneaoU nnd north o' ihe
Tcnneigee-Kentijf'ky tntt- line, or any
part of aurh territory ahnll not enter the
atnte of Nebraaka, tinleaa loaded In rare
nhftrh havo been proloualy cleaned and
FRKMOVT. Neb,, April 27.-(Ppeoul.) -t'anud
ala aendlng tbnuaanda of young
nun to the war, with the p-autt t ha t
only tho boya, cripple and old tm-n are
left In many towna nnd rommunlilea,
according to llerma-n Wunderllng, a for
nnr Frmnomer, who la provincial In
'tor for the C'Hnadhin gnvarinnrnl,
with office at Victoria, Thern are .'v)
Canadian troopa entiuued In tho Curoix-an
war now and lACi more troopa In train
Ing. Th'c will hn a big almrtngn of
farm handa for aprlng work, .Mr. VVun
dcrllug )'!.
Nolra frmn .Nurth I'lalle,
NullTII J I.ATTi;. N'b, April 27. - ij.e-(jUI.i-Hhy
I'atrlck, a farm Imiul, who
) that III Iiumib a In tha rant, baa
hern bound over to the Uncoln county
dlatrlct court an chargi-a of ntnlutory
kault on tba pi-inui of i year-old
Wllimi Mahclr nf Krarnev. Tba gul and
l.rr talhir lama to Noilh i lulle
i tainey to apir agalnat tint iiulli.
I n'ri.-k .e.,t ri.'t gullly In Hn i barge
lln waa reuiaiiilid In Jl In iti f.tiill of
, l.iid.
i,itliiiiid iraflo ocr tbe fiilim (
ill- waa held up tot aeiem) horn ra-
t t m m bi ll a vt rnthoiiitd fiiabt Irtiin
i n im.i Ihe d'lch in-ar JnqulM v a aioall
ain'.i ai-al of tilhc. t iitirt' u
wi'ia i d mi lh" ttakaa and II an
in' I rll aflei nnm llittl aii) llolln
-i ii.1 .a
l 11,1. . 'l III I'm I.K I lil if raiall.f
' l"i li tull waa 1 1 . 1 1 ...(.. r. I t,i
t t i.llii, i.u a llil" ita laai' Ih
fir a. . 1 1 . i 1. . I InaUad
t! i . .a'.otaii in1! i.lul.Mii'c.a l.i
. I ll. I i of Hl- . II a
I la f . II.- i ; aa ml. lib I ..uui..
II al . a I . I fl ! '.. I ..ii,, .i ii,,
Halu Hiki ll Haaaiiaal
a I. III. 'V. ( I. , a a... ,t ,
liia iiiititi - ...-t a I of h a!
t.lMlk I IO. II.,, . i ,1. - I, U ,
It al ,. pf - .
aa I . a'. . a -I I I I
t vMog ati On ! ' h '....
tea . I I hi, .. ., ! . . . i . i, i
It. i I Ma l;.-,l ! ,!', , (
I a "a J l vl i i. Ih '.
two llulo ilaiighli-ra, mlaalonurlea of
Hudan, who Imve been apendlng a fur
lough if one year with their people hare,
Blurted r,n .their long Journey to the In
tel lor of the fudiin dlatrlct today, going
by way of the I'aclflc, Indian ocean and
Ited aea, to avoid too war gone of
Kurop. They will be eight or ten weeka
on the trip. Thla Journey back will com
pleia thflr trip around tho earth, by a
aornewhat rli'iiltnua route, d wilt ag-
g regal a ronalderably more than l'n.
TO T0PEKA for meeting
fKrom a Ktaff Correapondent
UNCOLN, April 27,-IHpcat.)..jyeveral
lundrmen wilt leave J.lneolji tomorrow
for Topektt to allend the atate meeting
of the laundrymen' laeoclallon In that
city. Among the number will be Harry
Jnrobherger and Italpli Hegua of Omaha.
Qulggle, K. W, Truman and l'".lnier
Kvnna of Lincoln: l ll. Iloaglnnd of
Ilnatlnga, prealdent of the Nebraaka a
amdallon, and Frmik I. Itlnger of the
N'tibraakn Manufacturer" aaaorlallon.
Valrbury aaraaa olr.
FAtHlirnV, Neb,, April 27.-iKpeclal.)
- Kd ft. Miller, a piiiclilnlat In the Itock
lalimd locomiillvn abopa, loal the middle
firmer of hla right hand In a large lathe
In at night.
Mr. and Mra M. .1. Ilaney of rlpnkane,
Waah., aro In the clly vlnlllng with
their ami, ('. K. nnncy. and Mra, ftaney.
A large number of (miner living In
Ilia vicinity of Dnykln, in thla county,
are complaining of an unuauul heavy
Ina of life among their young plga, due
to aome ephli-mic,
Operating official of the itock Jaland
at thla point have plaed a work Iralri
In aervlce on the Falrlmry-Nolaon branch,
According to County t'lork (',, O.
Marthl approximately J,") volea were
polled In the recent primary. Thla la
conaldered on of the Inrgeat volea ever
polled at a. prlmaiy In thl county.
oe from llelrli-e.
HKA'J HH'K, Neb., April Ti. - (Hperlal.;
Ilorac W. Loeber and Mlaa Maevl
Hmetber were mairleij yeaterdey at 10
o'clock at the home of the brlde'a par
ent, .Mr, and Mra, I, M. Hinelhera, In
thl city. Jtev, C. F. Hteven officiated,
Alter a brief wedouig trip to Kanaaa
I'lly, the young couple will make their
home In ffralrlc.
Tha civic, liiiprovemenl department of
the tfeatrbe Womim'a club held a meet.
Ing yeaterday and decided to aet alde
May 2 to aa "dandelion day'' In Itea
trlce, and have raitueated the mayor to
laaue a proclamation to that effect,
1' will be offered to children gath
erlng the moat dandellona, during the
Mhyor Kaundera liaa laaued a atatemmit
to the effect that, aa the town wa voted
dry at Ihe recent city election, h pro
poed to ne-f that It w good nd dry.
All violator of thi ll'iuor law will be
punlahed to Ihe full extent of the law,
according to the mayor,
ielelirale (Jolilen Wedillns.
FltKMOXT, Neb,, April 27.-fHpecej .
Mr, and and Mr, ,. ,. Foryth of Mhel
ton, former well known realdenta of icre
mont, cclnbrated their golden wedding
nnlverry at their home In Hhelloii,
Wiinday, Mr, and Mra, Foraylh for many
year readied III Fremont, Mr, Forayth
built and operated the flret grernhoiiae
ever erected In tho city. They left liere
about twenty year ago,
Fremont After f on a nil Ion,
FIlF.M'iNT, Net),, April 27.-(Hpoelal.) -The
Fremont delegation of Traveler'
J'rntcctlve aaaoclallon membera to the
atnto convention at Alliance will innke n
bid for the fi; convention nt Fremont,
The delciinllon, numbering twelve, will
aupport Frank I'lnlierton of Kearney fur
the presidency, Walter fl. White of Fre
rnont la the prealdent,
tulii Tlilrf tilven llve Vrnri,
t'liAHINI'A, la., April 27.-f Special, )
Floyd Weaver' of t'oln waa aenteneed to
five yeaia In the pcnilentlHry for ateal-
Ing a Ford nir nt Toln, In. Me drove It
mi m the Mleanurl line, aertired a nutn
ber In that atnto and alnrtcd for South
Hakota lo vlall a alater when arrnaled
at fonver. H. i. Hn plend guilty to tlm
(hinge. Ilia mother u In court with a
long petition anklng for clemency.
A machine haa beeu rtcvtued to apply
ateain to the n to deatroy Iuin and
undealrable vegelnbli' growth.
Mr. Went-And-CuMt "
-Herd's Mr 'Gels-lt'
The New I'Ihii t'nin i'ure Hint "a aa
.Mirta ga llio lllslim sun,
'Iliad to meat !u"' emu the laui
to the ...Mi. "I'll kltvad fur you'" aia
lha corn In the m.i.i . lUxnr and i i.rna
love eacli othn, r.Hoa on lo be cut.
Ta. r
aa. yajea ' 'faEN I
aHIr, O 1M I l llf 'le-lt' !
lar M Alia I ia It t 1
in an! g.-.- . a ai d l'll. -l il!
MMkiit ,..i ai.t Ili li ant;
! Haul (lit ,l I, a
Nr. ,v tiift It it.ata.l ll a !ia ta-to j
latf I a.iiOia ...,, ,,t n.fl . rala j
a'..i'4 a o V,, ,,,; ii ii, ; , ., j
it -ll a al v., 1 1,. .
N .hu,g I i all k I i ii
.1 1 1 . 1 1 it a a
i ' a ' I a ii li i
I'tia V .... t ait .i
la I I I
k...(t , . a j
( I Ii ,li I . ,
a-- ' l '
ilili'O l..'.t '
i a
"if i .
S l 0 !!' ra I- 'l. t
t a i-u s- at
i i
i' '
4 t
t a a
. a. M .In ! i t
. 4 I I , .1.1 H
t I I a 1 1 . I t
' -.. . a.t !
One big lot of lightly lolled
Crochet Cotton, (', M. C, IJetay
Ho, etc. All regular 10u o
balla; lo cloag out. b11..0C
200 yd. ipooli Mgchlne Thread
,1or V,c
100-yd. apoola of good Hewing
Silk, apool 3'ic
Large- piece of Klgailc, black
and while 2''C
Hafely I'lna, apodal, .1 doi,.ic
Hhel! Hair Plna, Friday, box 5c
Darning f'otlon, apeclgl, 3 apoola
for 5C
Hlaa Tape, 12 yard bolta.,,,5c
Linen Tape. 1 Urge boIf.,,.fjc
W'aah Kdglng, gll fnt color,
VT grd "ViO
VVgah Kdgifig, 'ill fiat color,
bull , 5c
Heal Mercerized Hick Hick, per
b"H 5C
I'earl Huttonii, apeclnl, card.Jc
A Won
Blouse Sale
Hera Saturday.
.'" -I1 L "' a """' ""'"aa'a.m a .i.n.uni.! , a... .. . i i
A Won
Bl ouse Sale
Here Saturday.
STYLE, SERVICE. SATISFACTION all thre are yours when
you purchase in this Great Enlarged Basement. We have been particularly
j fortunate in purchaiin? remarkable lot of Read v-to-Wear and neaionable
and Rug Strips
At Remarkable Price
We have a few Rug Strip
Iaft in and 4-yard
lenjftlig, suitable for hall
$2.C0 and $3.00.
27xM Aimlniter Rug, rMulai
1260 value 1,7I
Uxl2 Axnilnaier Rugi, regular
$4 00 vgluea $2.71
1 Inch Aimlniter Rug, worth
to 11.25. it , ,,Me
Rag Rugs
8l7.ii 24i3 Inche, worth 66e;
apeclil ,, , Ho
HlJ! 27x54 Inrheg, worth 11.00;
apertal ,B9
Women's and Misses5 Silk Dresses
at Special Prices
In the Basement Friday
LM pitrt-e of Drapery NVf,
to 48 int'hf wiil'. Hpet'ially
priced, yard . 39c
2,.'i0() yard of Scrim. Voile
nd other Curtniii MteriBl.
vbIiich to :i."ic. yard JQc
One I'tiae of Krular Hizc Liii'f
Curtflin. very uprcinl VHliifM
for Friday; Hioice 49c
Turkish Towel Ends
6c Each
Another uhlnmenl of 6,000 mill
i-nd of Tnrklh Towel, hemmed
nnd fancy border. HpeciMl Krldir,
eicb 6c.
50c Damask, 39c
M) piece of fine quality met
rerlzed dimk, 64 Inchei wide;
all very pretty pattern to iclecl
from Vird, ite.
25c Fancy Linens, 19c
Thii I lot of dimple, ronilit.
Ing of Bcirfii, icilloped with em
broldered deilgn. Ech, 1e.
25c Roller Towels, 17c
About 2,000 Roller Towel, mule
of nlcf qmllly, mft flnlihfd hue.
Knch, 17e.
$1.75 Spreads, $1.45
100 Crochet r1pred, hemmed
end, All very elibonte piitrrn,
Weight, 2 pound ounce; ilze,
7fii80 Inche. Hperlil, each 11.45. ,
All at Wonderful Low Prices
Tlie Mimeiiifiit iJrpartment offer one of the beat lr ever annnunced nt thi
lime of the year, Slyle ritfht up to the minute nnd value that have never hern
Over 600 Women'i
and Miasea' Silk
Dreaaea, made to sell
for $7.50. $8.50, $10
and $12.50
Dozen nf atylr, made of taffeta, il
ioplin, China i)k, ete, Fvery drea a
new. riffht up-to the minntf ntyle--lilnek
and all color,
Sizei 14 to 20 for miiiei.
Bizei 20 to 46 for women.
.Inat think of buying; neh wonder
ful value at o mall a price. Fine
material. exeellent workmanahip,
wiile, full ikirt. Many are elaborate
ereatioriH embroidery trimmed, white
collar and euff of vnriou material,
Every wanted eolor and plenty of
Mark. Sire to fit, moat any mia or'
woman. ,
Beautiful Dresses made to sell for $15, $17.50, $19,
$22.50 and $25
A piirchtiKe of a New York maker' entire line of aHinple. alao atoek
hand -over 400 wonderful creation to aeleet from.
Fine maierla!, fine work matin hip, beautiful crea
tion; many very elaborate treet dreaae, party
frock and dancing drenan. Jul. think of buying
mirh wonderful dree right, at the tlm when
moet deilred for ao Utile of their actual worth.
Mot any kind of a wanted atyle.
50 &
Made of fine Taffeta, f'repn de f'hlne, f'repe Me
teor, Chiffon, (ieorgeiie-wonderful combination
of fine materia la. Mot of I hem arc an ni plea In
varlou lK"a for women and mlaae; othera In vi
rion altse and color. Correct alylc for aprlng
and aummer, Cople of high priced model,
Women'a Fine Cotton Union
Suiti I'mbrella and cuff knee
tyle; ome faney laee, trim
med and ailk taped. All air.ea,
."iOe, quality, i QA
eaeh aJatC
Women' Flna Tolton. rlle,eTlaia
"Cumfy Cut" Veata, worth a
to Uc, apraclal 1UC
Women' Cotton Union Hull, laea
trimmed and euff knea atyle. All
alzea. He quality, r)g
apeclal abDC
llnya' Oenulna Poroakntt Bulla, all
l!ea. Imperfection of 50c Q Q
auallty, each 3tC
t'hlldren'a Hna Cotton Vaat and
Panta, odd lota and aluei,
Worth to 16c, each 1UC
Women' Fiber 8llk Hoot Moaiery,
black and color. Doiihla heel,
toea and aolei. Second of n ff
V,r. quality, le price, palrabOC
Children' Fine Mercerlxed Cotton
and Llale Ftoalery, black, f
white and colon, pair IOC
Women' Fiber flllk Root llmlarv
aeconaa or zrc quality,
Hlack and eolora. Pair,
Men'a Cotton fleamlea Rock,
black, color and all-whit feat;
double heela and toe. Worth to
l&c, Special Friday, per in.
pair lUC
Men'. Women' and Children'
Fine Cotton Heamleai pj
Moaiery, 10c quality, pair, V2C
Women'a Fancy Whlta and Colored
Kmbroldered Handkerchief!. Men'
Plain White Cotton Handkerchief,
all good ab,ea. Hpeclal, I
for 2Se; each, .... , OC
White Fabrics-Wonderful Value From the Basement
Thousands of Yards of Fine Silk and Cotton Materials,
Chiffon Dots, Crepe de Lhine, Brocade and Tub Silks
Very special Friday on Ihe
Alao plain, pink, white, black, hiker, red and brown hhade, 2-1 and .'16 inehea wide,
bargain table in the Itasernent, 14c a yard.
Domestics Down to Little Prices
Buy Now and Save Money
3Inch Highly Mercerlr.ed Ulaek Rateen, full boll 1
32 Inch Kngllah Hport flhlrtlng, fail color 1 in I
32 Inch Kepp, highly mercerised; plain ahade i2
2'ic Kmbroldered Curtain Marquisette and Hwla. ...... .1 tAiut
27-Inch Outline Utility Irea Olngliam i
36 Inch Heat. (Irade Ilrea Percale, HrIH and dark color!
27 Inch Printed Vollea, thla aeaaon'a alyles f
32 Inch White I'll t'nderwear Crepe
nSlnch "Hope" Hleached MuhIIii. off the bolt,,..
"tMnch Curtain Hirlni, plain and fancy border,.,
27 Inch (lenulne, Kvereit Clalo OlnRham
9'4c Full StMiiiliird Urea Percale, full boll
American and Hlnipaon'a Hrea Prlni. full boll
27 Inch (ienultie Whittlngton Mllla Krlnkle Heerauckei
Cotton Clmllle, oriental and Peralan deaigna (
Tireaa liatlate, 27 inchea wide, beautiful quality i
On Sale from H ;:I0 to 11 A. !, Only
32 Inch (Jeiiulne Devonahlre Cloth and 32 Inch Kilt Suiting, mill
length, eally matched. Full aaaortnient of plaUIn, alrlpe p"
and checka. Yard OC
38. Inch Hleached Muelin, lung, tervlceabln mill rem
nanl, good grade. Sale price, yard
v a iu
V A It 1 1
and Slippers
for the Entire Family
Women' Slipper, in all the.
new style plain piiinpH, one
at rap, crnHH-atrap or the eight
at rap alipper. Price ranging
$1.98 to $2.85
Mla.ea' and Children'a Mary Jane
Slipper, In dull or patent, leather:
Nl?.e to II 11.49
Sie 11 '4 to 2 $1.69
llnya' Oxford, In tan or blaik;
lace or billion atyle; well olea:
Hire 9 to l.Tj $1.69
Sites 1 to Ii $1.98
Men' Oifonla, In tan or black;
Kngliah or high lne laat; button
nr lace alylea, Worth to $:i 60.
Sale price Frl- Q QQ
iIhV SataJ7
tilrla' Tan Calf Oifnrda, rubber
and' and tn-rU, lace (J -1 ff
tle. Pair J) 1 UU
:mo pair nf Womcir Pump and
Slipper, odiM ami etui r A
To clime mil al, pair OVJC
Clo sing Out Corsets (Ij II
Worth $3.00 and More at tj) j,
' IIKHK'S a lot of Corsets that havo become
nightly Noiled from hatnllinff but arc excellent
in style, make nnd finish. Heal bargains at the
prices we quote. You can obtain just the Myle
you are looking for and save $2 and more when
you purchase, in this sale. Kvery pair a won
derful value.
Corsets at 75c a Pair
l'Vr medium and slender figures; medium bust
wiHi reinforced front uteri; long hip with extra
good garters attached.
Sanitary Aprons, 15c
TMially hold nt L'.V, and very excellent values.
Baaamtnt Cort Department.
Mm ami inn Men Sprin
Huil. inaile of aulH fabrtr. In
f,iii-y finiliei ainl unf niiii-i Wur
altMla t helol. Mine Hrre elf
MliMiislh priced fQ ami $10 00,
N aprmi In M'ii and
oiilg Mill Tnniaei. airting and
aeitlieali.e In Oirve Ii t loll
$1 J. $) ll ami $Ja
Men I'M. m NU'I tlaerall.
i i fa nl It
lhkl )il', tiiait of l)'l ulru'if
fat.tic that 1'iii'f Ai
aura . r pall $100 and $ &)
Men I nd uii' M ltIinui
Uii.mI. eft Ii eali'e li'uf "f Ii .
, $1 la $' W
m& Women s Trimmed Hats rtj
Worth Up to $2.50, at iD
v Im llitaciiunt St. uf fnii '
f '-H nl' WiUlHIIH II. ila fm 'j A-ar.
'I apniM;- Si.rt, Tria'orua-a. an. I CTf i,'i
1 a.ur. r ililfcrclit atlc ami almpev ."V . ft
TnilllllCil Willi Ullitii.lia. I'liUIITI, I'lilHV Willlicia T al'
etc, Kri.larly ...1,1 f..r i-'.nl nil nt $1.00 rrtiUy. f P .
Hats S 1 .00
Children's Hats at 69c
Rhown Her In tlreat Vnrieljr,
I'like, iMcaa; altil S. Il'tiiil lint, trilllllli-.l Willi ril'lfiii itc, Wunli wit I I $1 i, at CUo each,
. .a- t
Vt" 'I
lan Ml'lmtry C JtiMin'lt
ON H-aTI KOAV hall of
ft-r id iiiiiiieni aim It tt
at uii.l.'ifiil lutle prlri. All
ti'li i.l.' p.. iHaimind,
Uaii lir. Mni4 linlii attii tlol.l
I'lllfal Jelrv, llruiM hr,
Srlf I'lll. l lm t, .l
Highest Grado
Hr iliill lit rrli pptt
0rtsai Cni at r'ilut'e irt.i Mstmm
ii, l-4t v It.iil jirfi' I aiit. Midi lil ii.
r.iM'r , , ,' , Ma
l.are Hue, l.pat t l,i l s;e I , , lil
an. I i, . , , , , . , , t. 19
I li U t l, at a ( I'lja I A tit, l.l
i t. en. I rii-l , ft 39
Houscfurnishincs-AII High Grndo
A Wonderful Refrigerator for $27.50
1 slfiif ltn', r,ti.,i i-i.iiii'f in ria. frmit paiirl, uih,iIIi-i
WttK . ..r. i-.t' iifrtinf an I u.. fill; litti-i tttth nhite i-nnii I.
f.., i,i ht $24 75 H.rtib r nl.iia ttncl j. fnfi'Ut..r. 10M, l.ahi."
a j It . 1 1 piTt i U ti I nr. I IJ.'fi nralir, tiiwaii lit pri e frmu $10.00
Lar lilua Enamel Vatr Titla, vthilo
Ihey , , 15a
t Mi! v one .t a fmluiiifr, nntte C. IV
, iti im mail nr lelephniie urilrr
Mta, ll.ltr ,, t
M M S-. ll .1 ,
Mia ii i Ii if. . i I . . it. 'I t wit t , ii I ., n i,
! 1 ' 1 ' ii I a Sat
. 1 1 o a i i
. a I I
I J It I
I 1 1