Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 28, 1916, Page 2, Image 2

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Mrs. George Reid'i Actual Ex
perience Was Distressing:,
Though Interesting.
Lucky Result of Incident
Mm. (Jcnrge nM1, of IM No. etreet,
Mucin. I "i t the few Nehrk
.,mrn who know by """I eupcrlenr
li,s. II I to live en bread nd water
for any length of tim.
Timt kind of ration dee not anund
.ry lnteriln r.1 It I wor tbn
Hint when It I actually mih, day after
dr, ferr two month. That 1 the length
of tin. lhat Mr. Held auetalned life on
l,r.nrl r,d wier-or rather, cracker and
W liter. , ,
Teniae h dun m nior good than
Miy of .r ru"ll"ln 1 vr took," Mr,
IU-M elated to Tbe Tenia. Man at the
Hurley Drug Comr-eny, 1WI etreet.
Tor twelve year I, nffrd from
iom, trouble n4 Indl'geetlon. I could
t fr Md fond of any kind, end lived
n rtarkr and aeler fit two monto.
I very wk,
I eaw eiotement about Tnla In the
,,eii,ii.i,er and derided lo take I'. I
em nndifnl reult from Uklng Tn-
After i skirl two bottle I feel much
better, It h don rn moi food than
.,v i.ihpr medicine that ' ,r,ed,
u i,.a Bivni me alrenglh, I recommend
ii r.erane t think It I wonderful,"
v.. nMalned III tflnaha il
, n.,,,,j riff ----- -
ii,. i.h,.fifiit A Mif'oiiiill drug at ore,
null and linilae lret.
Tanlne miiy be obtained In l!nn of
il, e.miu- r-ltoMttl Urug Ktore; pr1ng
fwlil. II. Kierii,um; Weening Water,
ii.,irr hruii Co ; Nebraeke CHy, H'ritr
j,,.i.. m. t-n: Auburn. V.. II. I '"Hi
aai.lend. II. II. Con: Mlmo, P, 11
' I'll, l: Fremont, Hrnwn-Frderl kn
- r mk land. M. O. Ilaidlnf
K. II. Koiia; I'oliiinliu
ii,rii lifim flote: "l'inro, lllll'i Itiar
(1,i., y; U-.;r, K. V.. lt"'Hi M'ki.ion,
V''iiik 4 Mntflf, Fuilrlort, Hrlfflll Hro-i
lliok-n lu.w, K It, Ui ITiadllm, Kr.nk
A, l.ltitoln; Toiiliy, J- ncn.
Hid (. Iliariiiaijr.
An . Iiinlva TmI" ('nt "
V."a.rii oy N-l.m-.ka town id
vihuifc In lo'O iii'inttia m liiin'lffl
r i,,,itlfiilr aldra Airy
f,l.',c-ii, M"llilii Ki ty, Ohio
Absolutely Removes
Indigestion. One package'
proves it 25c at all druggists.
The Boy is Falh:r
to tho i.l a r
OHwylnfl Ilka llill tra frtufhl with
I moat important meaning, uid what
will aid IM fUMrlADI
imithtr In nnanrlnf
hrt Bltb, ktt
lrnft, bar oanlal
u, t and th t
nllf Of 1H U I
ptliia I tul'jM ot
vst moniKiit A mom
Ilia ywitnlMd halo Ii
aplauilld rm a (I
known aj Mother
Vrlcnd." A nolled I
tin iiurlM It tuba in
lfi)lr to anaka Ihnn
firm .ind pMant, II tliun
llfla Ilia r'.aln oi
llramanta ttmt firodur pain, It llflitan tU
liiinli-n on I ha narfoiia irln, Inilwa calm,
. nUut nifliU of liwltlt l!n llaep and
tn )kr Ihs dara aunny and happy, flat a
Urfila of "MotoWa rrlirnd' of any dnir1t
and yon will tiicn rcaliia why It haa been
rfn jilil rd true lo lt nam In nm' beat homet
tnronih tlirna fftntralluiia. It 11 parfwlly
liariulva Imt an effmtUa that Onra ued It
la raiommrnilcd to all part ant mollwri bf
thoM who want throiiih th orilral with
ururlilnr Iu4. Ity wrltlnf to BimdIUild
UrruUtor Co.. 413 Umar Blifc. AUaula, (la,
Priioncn at Laminf AtUck Topoka
Man Charged With Murder of
Little Edna Dimmore.
LANSING, Km., April 27. An-
rl by th torle of tb murd-r
of Edna DlDimor In Topcha Tui
dy, 200 prUonim today wr dl-
Hrnfd aftur tby bad attempted to
RlUck Frd UlaafiU of Topotia, u
p lad of th fflma, In th itata pnl
tonilary yard,
Tht prlaonr bad heard of Dla-
arll'a arrival bara to aa blm from
thti Topaka mob that Invaded Iaw-
i nce laat nlaht, and undo th ry of
"(.'win on, boya," they ruhd at llta-
ll. r"piity wardana and prlaon
eiiurd clubbed tba mob Into aiibmla-
TofftK A, Kan,, .prll 17 -Moal of lha
men who wnt to l.awrnir laat nlht
wild tha mob to lt rri'l Hlaaall, who I
l,li, Imld for lha murdur of Kdna Mna
moie, raroa barlt to Tojcka aarly today.
;fltmnt apparanily haa auwiifl.
How to brlna Hlll to Tojoka for a
ri-llinlnary hearlna U tha problm that
la now bolharlrif fha Hhawnna county of-IMal.
"Wa do not dara to brine" hln hra
now," aald county Minrury t. r
Atrhlaon, "and yt ba annot ba bald
Indefinitely In a Jail In anolhsr roiinly
without bln elven at a prwllmln'
ry harln"
About lha lima lb wouldb lytfhar
left her for .wtrf, anolliar moil
tormd th roiinty Jail nndur th ba-
lief that Hlaaall bad not baen takan
frmri Topk, OftUr aldrd tnain
and finally a. eommlitaa of illln wa
appointed to aaamlna tha Jail to prova
ibat f.lall wa not thr. Th romtnii
!' rerKiil aattafled tn moil arm in a
ahort lima lha crowd qulntly dlprd
Idaaell, a baker, Ti year old, dmlitwl,
arrordlnav to Joaeph Jlolman, ocpuiy
berlff, lhat b bonaht randy ylerdy
rnornlne for tha Tlnmor ir. iaii,
however, denied knowlda of lha mur
der of tha girl, who body w found
In a biirnlne vcnt bona ahortly aftr
lie hud trtd to ' hool.
Aaked why b Ixmaht tli cndy, III
ell id;
"Anybody would buy rndy for lhat
MWent llttln Klrl,"
Tern Moba Vlall ,rMra,
I.AWJtKNf'K, Kan., April Z7-Thl i-Hy
la oulet today after lha apriura or
tha mob of nearly Vfl iininked men
who w br from Toxk, Kan.
Ihlrly mil away, with lh avowed In
lenllon of takln frd lllnnell, alleged
layer of Kdna llnmor, from Ih l)ou
la cotmly Jail bera and lynrhlna him.
Th flrat member of lb mob, having
enni from Topeka In vn motor ear
raaihed th I)oul county Jolt bar at
mldnlahl. They demandud that Sheriff
W, J. Cummlna produra le and
wvara! floiirinhed ivolvri, But th
mob w apparently wllhoul leader.
Th mob aciepted tha rherlff offer
to permit any four men tu o through
tha Inll In tmtlinniiy that IHII had
bftn lkn to lnaln on (lovarnnf Tap
par'a ordera, Itor, Iwnnly-flva molor
loaa of mob member earn to tha Jail
for a aacond arrh.
Advantages of Omaha's Wide Streets
ioii ran ha
eUitk book that unfobl
frea copy of a wonderful
wa Ihlnat wiik'K
II eipactant uwtber dcllgbt to t4. Writ
Mra, Animal aplaa.
N'OnTII IlKNU, Nh,, April J7gia
rial.)-Tha death of Mr. Auguata, I'au
Una Kplea nreurrtd at tha hoapltal at
Fremont whore aha waa being treatod for
dlaordara Incident to pneumonia. Her hue
band died of thl ttmi dleoaaa two wek
ago, both bavlng conlracted avr cold
while attending a wadding In January
Mr. Kplea wa a natlv of Herman y and
w 4 year old. liar four children are
Jamee Morhy,
OOLITMnim. Nob,, April TJ.-lHpei lal
Telegram. Jm Norby, esiperlritend
ant of paving for llnrrlban Pro, of lc
Molnei, died title morning at !:li of
hemnrrhaga, after n lllnen of three
week. II leave a daughter, one ller
and two brother living In Chicago. The
body will b aent to Chlrugo,
Alkali Makes Soap
Bad for Waahing Hair
. Ji,m eONi and Jituparcd eliampoo
MinUIn ton inurli alkiill, wlibh't veiy
in1uili.i, n It dtle the vl and mak'
ili- buir bilttli.
Thr b, nt tliiiiu tn uc Is junt plain niuN
t- fi. il i:i nmiul nil, f"r lb' put" ami
.miit'ly jji. , lf, lie viy clfMp, aivt
Imia tim Itiunt elt'inlve enap or '
HiiiK el-t' M tn ptfit. Vnu i-r
in u t am- ill 'in ulnro. and a few untii e
Kill l.i-1 he '-nlr fnml'y fur ninnlli.
- v mnieleti ti bull wllh water
mi,) ml. II In. abniu a ti'Hponn'ul l all
ilml U initimt II make en elnihlam'
,.f ij. h, ( N i.iuy Utber, rene ihor
.r.tlily. anil. inter out The btr
tin, tMbkiv and eieulv, and U "M
ttt j, ii i,...kti,u t.iKbt. flnffy. y and
i iii tn hamllv. Iieide. II In, wenn and
4kea imt rvelv iHHHIiie of duel, rtnl alnl
,ieii,mll' - Advmieenwnl.
I .1 ..f i. i. l a-i t i -'f
t MM- i4 ISi .I ' l If
v . v Il Iff '' 1-st '
(t t a-t M"ii H ! !. r e(-i
i !'-.) M.I - I i.' it-lh (fe i"t
: . ....I ' Igf t.M J,. . 4
ft ,f I tis fe- .' -i '!, i! ' Aft ''
IK ' 1- b-- ' ( W' , - w " i
Vt ' i 4 tt:uf -tM tM kl,!
,-t r '' V'' ...--- i
t. ; i a . i ,t - -i
t " ti,,iw' t s- I 1
V'.!.' e-..:-.(i-v. i Ut ii-M'tti H f swe-i
v J I S . - i 'l , l. a I' a)!.
g, . t I t t " f a 4
Hi i . J . f M 4- t a I 'I . j
- i ' I ','' trW't)fw ft
LdkpzD ! mum
mm? . - ; M-
Dennsi Unable to Agree a Measure
Deipite Letter from
WASHINGTON. Aoril 27. Iloua
dnmorrata In raucug tonight were im
abln to agrnc upon thu 1'hlllpplnc In
depnndotife bill, following a lt',er
from I'realdnnt Wllaon rndoralfs h
n:anure a H paHkod thn annatu.
Aft-r aevfral houre of apf(.h mak
ing the caurua adjournod until to
morrow night on the auggfatlon of
Bpoakpr Clurk, who advlard hla col
loagupa to take further time to think
ovr the mattt'r,
Huch vlgoroua oppoaltlon to tbi
bill dovolopi-d In Ihe eaucue lhat vpii
aonie of Ha aupportera admitted
afterward that Jtg fate waa doubtful.
, In bl letter, banded Uj Kirentatlv
Joru', chairman of tlio Iwuae Inauliir ftf
falia couimltten, today, and Irad tv lha,
(rauciM, the pieel'lenl nld that to ileaf
up any doubt aa to whether he favored
lha bill a It pneeed tha aenata with th
Clark amendment for Independent In
four ar, he wlhd to eute that he
une'l'ilvocelly indorerd It aid bopfid It
would pea without amendment and with
ii.t a dlKxenilbg vole.
Ilrpreennttttlve Jone mnde a long
apeei-h and preaentad a reeilutlon to bind
lb houee demoi rat to vote for th bill
without amendment,
to tha recent debarment proreedlnK
agalnet Preeldlug Juxlbe folley or the
auprem court,
Alfred Hnechlrl.
FFlrTMONT. Nh April S7.-(rtperal,)
Word haa been received In rpemont of
the death at Chicago of Alfred Knerhtel,
former well-known fremortt boy. He
M year of age and unmarried,
I'KTtfftrliirfia, Nb.. April Ji-iUpe-
clitl Telegram )-Tba fSkhnrn Valley Aa-
oltlon of Congregational Cburrbe
b.aed her today, elfntlna Hv. Mr,
Vila of Nellgh, modoralori luv, J. Ml.
Hind, Newoaetle, clerk; tev, r.dwin
I'ooth, Norfolk, chlrman of the board of
llrwlor. Tli neat annual ineeMng will
be at I'lalnvlew.
The fallowing program w given!
nevoMonal-Miidoraior Jlev, (J. h, Chilli,
Muig I'lne,
fermon w. it ruronm
wiiun'khua x wonxiN'i
OrganUatlon. .
lieviitintml - Ml Mary K. Hughe,
llrunawb'k. . ..
Itetlrlng Moderator Aonree nev, t,
I,, Hbull. . . .
1'repartng for the ftundny rVhool rlen.
lalton-Mr, K M. Mall, Nellgh.
Ideiilulil(ev, A, i . wavia, eouin
n, Mimnv Brnooi four or niuay
Huperlnteridi-iil M. It, ftuell.
The Cbrleilun Kndiutvor-MI Grace
Hooper, I rate, ...L ,.v..
The Hoy ana tn i numinrr. immii
lllmnen, Albion.
MUnlelerlnl Methoda-Jtev. Kdwln Doolh,
J'. N",',,,.lk..,-. -w,
v r.i r-ri 'ei i ,v.r.n,.--F.
rVrlplur and I'rayer- flev. It. It. Tludd,
Hermonnev, e.. ti. npraa'ie, nmn,
Arfdreae- Itev, W, T. King, Crel.
Communion eervlc.
Oeorge Kleffner, euperlnlendent of
ma.Ha at the central poatoffle, will leave
next Hunday evening for Weblnton, D,
,, to attend the convention of the Ilo
llrement aaeoclatlon, a imtlonal organ
lllon wbb'h I working to eecure pen
lon for poelal employe. Th conven
tion meet Mey . Oiarle J. Maglll of
Hi money order department will leave
for lha aaoni convention Saturday eve
ning, nleharile apeahe at IMerre.
rilCllUB, H, l April J7.-(HpecU Tel-gram.)-lt,
O. Iclcbarda. Indepeudcnl re
puhllnan candidate or governor, epok
here tonight, covering III ldc of a
primary law and duvotlng nm attention
Many hotel, reataurari' and club ere
(doptlng a aytm of vommunU;tlng or
der from th dining room to tha kitchen
by mean of an electrical Indicator,
The National Capitol,
Tberadar, April 91, ll.
The kenele.
Met at noon.
Kenaior llnellng of Wleeonaln charged
(bet I b American embargo ronfnence
nM'blcngo wea behind propngnila lo In
duce him to etipport en embargo on mo
lilllona of war lo Kurope,
Hlaal Inquiry beurlnH ended,
The llnuae,
Met at It a. m.
Meurnd debate on (he agrlculluriil
'IKNC.VA, Neb., April f-Mpc,ll.)-Th
Killmor county ()IA Kellow uele
bralid th nlnely-nevenlh annlveraary
her yelerdy afternoon and evening,
On the program ware member of th
order and flebekah from Oeneva, ,
eter, Krlend, Fairmont and ork, nv,
4. Y, Toucher of Ornaha, grand chaplain,
delivered tha addre.
The aupper wa ervd In the baniuet
hall of Fraternity tempi rf tha membera
of Hllver Mnk ftebekab lodge. The room
end table wera beautifully decorated In
(be appropriate color, three jink, and
by flower, fern and blooming plant.
The program we held In the City Aud
itorium, decorated In flag and the three
t .l.l'.I.AffH, April n.-hoHtop Kay
Chapman of th Cleveland American
baee ball team wee found to ha bdly
Injured today aa the reeult of twlatlng
hi knee In e play at aannnd baa in
the laat Inning of yealerday'e game, II
will be out of the lineup eeveral day.
Iledli'etlim ol Blew Chnrcli,
fONCA. Neh April Ti. (gwcil.)-TI
new ,( Meihndi.t church at Ihle plare
v. Ill he dedicated Hunday, April ). The
main .pi nker will be llev. J. M. Itnthwell
nf Cnlimihlia, Neh,, who will he aeeleted
by yier Incel paelnr, Itev. A. It. r-'gglea-ton,
and fonner ploi inl nelahnor
log mini li-r, The building I of bitch,
', with a full hueomrnt
l.nue Mir evlel loaee,
i.ocr ciTv, Neb. Amu :r-(Hpa,'in
- Tbe union evangellatli) meeting., ninler
Ktwln brethet of Teie. clnaed her
Inat Htmilay night. There have been A
Prnfcealoii. thirty of whom came for
ward at tbe lent meeting
Relief .
for the Belgians
THIH 8TOIIK haa aet aalde a number of warm and
aervlcrabla garmcntg for women and rblldren that
ahould ba of great help and comfort to theae people
In need of the bare oeciNgiueg of life.
Home of the garmenia were formerly priced at
110,00 and ean be bought for Mia IMglwoa at Sl.frO
Other Heme are to be aold for aa little aa 2.". l,"'r
real vulne being much higher, This la tho way the
atore will do ll part, o
Buy It and Leave It
The riclglan Iti'llef . CommlMloo will do the real.
mm (dbhe
1516-18-20 FARNAM STREET.
l'reeni lurectloa,
NIiinii l iniment applied lo a iie, cut,
w ii r hiwlae pratenl Infaiilnn and
blood polmm JV All ir;,gglia Ader-
ft a.
I"" ' ,
iel f 't 'I'lun.'a-uo1) "",'J .
A Never Failing Way
ta Uaniah Ugly Main
I l 14 lw (1, I
S, e, M lmi -ia l (m'i ft
I, , n I t- il,r i e Mk,' I
niiul at y t- n u iltii I j
' be 01 e.'kicH .il.''i' lii.-i
I t n.n u,e , rt-- a lite-. A ..i.
i.-, nr.' e'l't '!( if the hI
l il M.I ii(.m It, bi( 'i(( ,
,,i .n. I I..JI ll:.i l a t J j I
,,,i.f Mk,4 II. Ih1!! t..", .l
i,.,l .( ivn '.I i eel n'- fl
,.J . ,il VI (,..! 1 1 J M,
i4i-m( order.
V A jh M . ,N 1 "v V, Al'fil I? "4Ht! T
r t 4iii i i i i mi i i t t i' .i J n i . -1
K hI lli tYiH UtM'in I'OUliU, ( .
t N hU tl, I U i ttUhtti,
I l. ri M i. tS I W, nilit 'HMOklt, I'fll
I'! - ,1 llHi'l''lll r llfi.t S
11 t t 1 I' lll'fc . t W(ttt" tt
t I, i HMt"l lH 1 I'll) 41'it l-t4
III i MUll t 1 lwtt ti t
l I Tilt ami IIhhwiiI "la , tif thl
ill) r (nil Hug m Iter I'll il
mil), etaiuriU), i iMt,
ait.tni, i,ti; mini m;
Thl hale, beginning at T ID Hl
n1y nmrtmn and r.itlMli until
I i' in. all! inltiile an uiuianeli
Urge eh'pmvi t tttit front the itillU
t f lb t i l aeta In the yt'tuntt)
AH h Ula ! w-.r. r.. d
eign will la uHi f4 l a li.g !
mi h! tilt mole In lb rualiimer
kir I a. e I utlilil blu if Ih
pi bate been well einmled b-i
I Ml
Why shouldn't i
Sanatogen help you, too?
When to eonanenueu moulder of pubUe optmnn
Col Kenry Wittereun, Ih aditur, k) enawieed that "without
btoetogm b pouU not have reoovend lu vtlallty,"
WhMl a writer and eamraliet a reapaeted ka hi learning
and kem poweri of ohrvatKM aa John lluirough m ui that
bmiia of huutugea h "nair bMtM aleep" and ha a "mind
end tien(tn muck Improrad,"
When eoreliK hmou a Arnold rtannait and u Ollhejt
rfker, and medaal uinoniia a dwnnguulwl a Dr. C W,
Uleeby of Undue and , C Vea Nuwdee of Vienna, bare
aa l their keiief la 6nlnn;
And wbea lb eutewl rnre!M Ha pieced Ha teal e
epoeaval ee anleiwnii N beo- m ttgned Mane of wen.
nail nam bar mot the )l,0M phrakxan,
iuraly fM eHeaf eaake when yai weigh (urh Bet) aeil
end etuaallf Uiet thai m aianetiiuig In ( tke lite
ttibvrr-ll unueiial eiaitt, WW Wity to ' wtak l
' A eel nwUirkf tbta, Aew fM yea) ateiey talunf edtfiniaiafir
'tbe UaM aaeabajaei tvr
SaaalaM w U k pel aVeftwt, ' '
eoiM. la am ( l ua up '
OrW ert. neaenMei C"4VeM Ma. tea, I ! J
ta ewt aeeatw .1 r-
Ikmi aa e IM anmaj M Mi " i"
Uneaaeeu m ana i
war eerv keel"
Vrr v,.'...'..vjj;iHTrrr
1 1 1 iii 1 1 1 w a.
w r i
teW I" "
f . I wT "'a I
"I an. aJ I
'whiw.l" ea.:tJ. ' I
a nit, e nt a..'Uin ..... f
' """e mt T -aa-l .,
e" an. .a- , . , ,
v m i i- , j
W I ' 1
1 . ...- 1
OCyUlbieaal-a .l,.,l,l,.B.lIM.,i,1.,..a,,Wi.,-le,,,..enaJM,,l
fvf 0 "Tut tUvb of StarutUen," ivin full and Imereating (ecitcotwerMttg &trutto(n arul IikIuJ.
lug ailual n;tirl ttiuent Inun rtnuicnl meJM:el author it lea ott ne tiw aiwl uptnuUting vKie tn man
aiUtmnte. Tttia Wuk i liw.NVine ttniey Kr U n The lUnei Clnta,t Co., Ifvin. It, Haw Yptf
Ti10)iP50N-BELDEN 6 CO,
Tko FasliiGn Gntef ofllo MlcldloWc,
Purchases Charjrcd Friday and Saturday
Appear on the June 1st Statement.
Society Linen" Stationery
The Last at This Price, 25c
We are fortunate in hiving secured at the old
price a large quantity of "Society Linen," a high
grade writing paper with envelopes to match.
To Be on Sale Friday
100 Shceti Paper 25c 100 Envelopes 25c
50 Envelopes and 50 Sheets of Paper for 25c
The Price Will Dc Raised Next Tuesday
-Price Reduction Sale of
Threc Hundred Trimmed Hats
More than 200 Bcautl
fulllati, trimmed within
the laat two da yi have
been added to our enor
moui atocka and will be
on Sale, Friday and Sat
urday, You know the tfenu
ine Deauty and Charac
ter ofThompaon, Wcldcn
df Co. llata, and you
ahould not fail to attend
th fa important (talc,
mm. mm
Every Tnmmcd Hat in this Sale
at a Great Reduction.
Second Floor
A Showing of Sport Clothes
for the Coming Season
Bright In coloring-, artistic in design,
correct in very detail of workmanship.
Quality Clothes thatare attracting
wide and favorable attention,
SPORT SUITS of Jersey, tfolfinc, serge and pongee,
in checks, plain colors and stripes. $25.00,
$29.50. $39.50.
SPORT COATS of golfinc, serge and Jersey, $15.00,
$19.50, $25.00.
SPORT SKIRTS of golfinc; Jersey, serge and can
opy cloth; checks, stripes and plain colors,
$5.00, $6.50, $9.75.
is one of the greatest foes of
womanly beauty. It is quickly
cleared by correcting the cause
filuggiah liver with the aid
of the gently stimulating, safe
and dependable remedy
Lartaet Sale f Ae Medicls la Ike WerU. i
gelet everywhere, la i-eeee, 10..
Let The
Serve You
To Chicago
5 '
I M r
I k
RofmiyUrthw th f.imrd
" lottgw, his h vr.wUhr"
kind,- comfortable lounjr
intf chatrt and other ap
jHiintinfiiti, immaculate
c Iranllnre throuKhout,
(leliciom me sin, courteous
comiwny'emjployed at.
tendnntt nf company,
owned ateel isiuiimifiit,
ilmtble :nti k and flrctric
btiKk algnali, theae
thAtacteriie th avrvirn
betwrrn Omaha ind
ihkngo ol the
Milwaukee &
St. Paul Ry.
fte or fail t" tMtNkg
till fat ream St., tVweba
V e dcaire (n diaw attention
in tlm model of the Aeollun
Vnrnllon llluatrateil above.
Suite Ua iritrmlurilon, little
mtire I bun a year ago, lli
Aeiillan-Viirallun luia ottulned
an etiiaorilinary nuaaure of
uipuUri(r ii tul i'reii(-i.
The recognition of It mual
i l and Af tletlf euptenini y, how
ever, bii been taken, otn-Htiii-a,
to Imply a liipll prl' e
t Ait Hi l- ate in te.iarib
high In ptlix. but in lb con
ventU'iiul iMiulele Ai I'llall
Inn me! ln inure thai phono
graph nf te nr.l nai i ivpe, anJ
liiay h n, iiitnrtileully pur
i h,i.' d
Tbi i lil'iair.u.l I" Ih
imide) ahiinii eb"e, known g
rti "il, " v. bii b n( bul IfllJ
tint I pun !.nl'', " Uriu rf
$5 Down iind
$5 a Month
Dlbet I ! al I Ill f :
SchmoIIer & Mueller
Pliino Co.
I tl .l II I I uri'MH at.
114.1 urit lo Aeoliaa e
il,ne, t "Uliivbla UrefeanU
,n le.itit
MggieaiiwaiiiiiiwifM'ii ii'iiiiii i ;i.
lliin !' Iicin Ih I 1 " t Ml', til
lit ii.t Ibt ai U ! I ' .
Uaiai.j,WWilB, '''Cj
- .1 , -al- e i i . ,