Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 28, 1916, Image 1

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Call Tyler 1000
If You Want lo Talk to The flee
or to Anyone Connected
With The Ilee.
OMAHA, ri!IIA MuK'NINu, AW.1.7
liMti TWKLV K llA(!Ks.
Ob Train, at Motel
i gr ,r
Jagow Calls on American Ambas
sador for Talk on General Sit
uation and Will Return
for Another.
American Ambassador Will Be Re
ceived by Kaiser at His
Field Headquarters.
WASHINGTON, April 27. --Soc
ratary I.analng announced lute to
day, In reaponsa to attentions, that
tha situation between tho frilled
State and Germany wan unchanged.
BERLIN, ApriTi?. Foreign Min
ister von Jsgow called on Ambassa
dor Gerard at the American em ha any
at 10 o'clork this morning for a talk
on the. general situation and declare!
hla Intention of returning later in
the da.
BERLIN, April 27. (By Wtrnleaa
to flaytliln.) James W, Gerard, the
American amhassador to Germany,
will leave Berlin tonight for tho
German army headquarters, where
he will be received by the Gorman
emperor. .
Dr. von ileihiiiann-IIollweg, the
German Imperial chancellor, who up
to the present has been at tho army
headquarters, la expected to come to
Jierlln tomorrow to prepare Ger
i.'any'a answer to the lateat Amer
ican note.
I'rol.lcm Most Difficult.
LONIHIN, April ifl.-Tho most dim
I'lilt problem of diplomacy which Ocr.
many haa been called upon to solve alneo
the war bcaan la that presented by the
American note on aubmarlne warfare,
saya a aeml-fifflrlal telegram from Her
llu to Ihe Cologne (iazatto, aa forwarded
tiy tha Exclianaa Telegraph correspond
cut at Amsterdam,
'The semi-official telegram saya th
answer to the American noto will not I
given before the end of th week," tlw
correspondent telegraphs, "a a tho decl.
alon to be arrived at la th most diffi
cult Hi nca thfl outbreak of. tho war."
Crabtree Favors
Sacks for Chewing
Gum in the Schools
MAMSON, Wis,, April 27,-The Htnfo
I01uoatlon,l Bulletin, Issued today, com
ments favorably on a iigRatln. of
I'l-ealdent J. W. Crabtree of the Hlver
(-"alia Normal achool that there should
bo a gum rack in achoola.
"Pupils have a rlahl to chew sum,"
President Crabtree la quoted aa eaylnK.
"Teachera do It, but they know when,
where and note. Why not teach those
convetitlonalltiea to the pupllaT 1'ermli
the pupil to chew gum on tho playground
and on the way to and from achool. Hut
what will the poor child do with hi
gum while In tha recitation or aaaembly
room? If h keeps it In hla mouth ho I
aure to forget hlmaelf and before he Is
aware of It be chewing at a lively int.!.
"A gum rack at tho entrant', of tha
room containing a number and a peg
for each pupil aolvea tho problem."
Lieutenant Miles
Returns from Russia
HKATTLK. Wanh., April 27.-Lleutey.nt
Hherman Mllea. I.'. 8. A., aon of Gen
eral Nelaon A. Mllea, haa arrived hero
with Mra. Mllea from Prtrograd, where
h haa been ndlitary attache at t'lo
American emlmney. Il will remnln oniy
until he rocclvea onlera from Waehlng
ion, which were expected todiiy. Lieu
tenant Mllen prali'd Ihe work of lr.
rougeno T. llurd of WeHttln, who in aerv
luc aa a aurg'U with tho Tenth Huj
Mian army corpa.
Lieutenant and Mia. MXIen returned to
tha I'nlted Htatea, via VladivoNtok, on
tha Japnneae-i'anadlnn liner, RiiiprrH of
Japan, which arrived yeaterday at Van-
ouver, tt, C,
The Weather
For Omaha, renin ll I'.lul (e uiiu I -lull,
I rutterlarra at tlmaha elrrla.
. , . . . , 'i
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United States ambassador
to Italy, who arrived on the
St. Louis with Mrs. Page, on
a three months' leave of ab
sence from his post at Rome.
r ; Si
I trv," I! !
Wyoming Rancher
Killed When Struck
By Freight Train
MITCHKM,, Neb., April :7. fFpe' lal
Telegram,) Joe A. Graham, a well
known ranclier of eastern Wyoming, waa
etrnek and instantly killed by an east
bound frelxht thla morning at about
o'clock whllo attempting to drive hi
automohllo airon a iallroa1 (rnnilnx
within Mi feet of hla homo, ab)i(t foor
mllea went of Fort I.aranilc, Wyo.
Air. iriiliiim wa ulone and Iho train
vinl In l.ilti alht for morn tlian Vf
yarda from the croaalnu;, and thu engi
neer Ma I i'd at the lnieat Hint he waa
blowing tho whlKtlfl and fully expeytad
to aec tho car atop, until too lute
The ciiKlne atrut k the car and knorke.l
It about, forty feet, throwing Mr. Ora
hnm from thu car and breMking hla neck
and one lea. When picked up by tho
crew, ho hud tho ateerlng wheel in bin
hand. Air. Oraham waa 45 yeara of aae
and eovfn a wlfo and on aon about
21 yeara and a daughter 4 yearn old,
Stockmen Will
Put Pressure On
Big Conventions
. TOPKKA, Kan., April 27.-A call for
a natloii-wida convention of atockmen In
Chicago, June , to tako up the flaht on
railroad ratea before the republican con
vention and endeavor to mnka their de
manda a part of the party platform, la
being aent ott by J. II. Mercer, Kanoaa
atato aanltary live atock contmlnaioner
and aecretarof the Kanaaa Live Stock
aaxoclatlon. It ia alo planned to aend
repreacntatlvea to tho democratic con
vention on a almtlar niinxlon.
Tho call in the outcome of tho recant
meeting of live atock ahipplng lntareta
with tho InteiHtute (,'omnicroe commla
alon In Waaliliigton.
t'ne of the purpoaea of Hie propoaed
convention will be to set up a uniform
live atock contract agreeable to both
uhlppcra and railroads, licmanda to be
rnudt are:
Increnao In maximum declared value
of live stock and that the Iowa caae con
cermnn maximum values bo reopened.
Swiss Troops Open
Fire on a German
Plane AlongBorder
(ILNl.VA. Apnl :''.-- Via Parla, ieed
In tranamiaelon. U s territory haa
nti'ilo been vtoburd ! a ihnimn aero-!
plane, Th" machine flew over the region
; of I'oreulruy at .lawn today and wan
bombarded b $wih uoop all along
! the frentlvr.
I The ar ciaft il!opid nornim on the
j French town of liillc, ' eleven Inilea
, outlieunt of llelforl. (iinl then croaaad
1 Hie fir-a fioullrr a ar imd (line, finally1
dlaappt arlua In tin- dueeibm yt Af ift.
Agrees to Modify
Exclusion Clause
W 1 1 M ITi N April The aenat.- I
111 llolri a ' 1' O tttiutllUlee l-nl,l MBreed I,.
lo.,dif' On' UIV r. I'm nil irillnii ef
i . pen Ima n mil t'i'
lilirn, t. Ihe t;u.tT tfc4l.1t ae-
Kieu! rrtlt ling ll.ltll i ' r Hi I !! ir J i l f 1 ;
lll-,.rri. j
Irish Rebels Represent Only
Small Minority, Say Leaders
I tiN t t .ii , i , i.. , . ,
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Scott, Funston and Obre- ili
Meet in Either ' ;v;-"'a , j
Mexican ' ";;v
Official Announcement Made Con
ference Will Be Held There
or at Juarez.
nt l,l i;ti.
SAN ANTONIO, Tex., April J7.;
The conference lietween Generals i
tirolt, Fnnaton and Obrcgon will take j
place at Kl faao or Juarez, It wan;
definitely announced at departmental !
hcadquartera today. Genprala 8cott
rnd Funaton expect to leave for Kl
Paao tonlglit,
KL PA), Tea., April r.-The confer
ence between 'ienernla fteott, Funnlori
and Obreon will b held In Kl I'liao,
Junrexi or "thla vicinity," aeeordlna to
tha alatement .of army official today.
Thla waa confirmed by Mexican t'onaul
Andrea Garcia, who ld that "fieneral
Obregon ia comma to Juarez."
C'onaul Oarcla could not atate when
General Obregon would arrive,
fieneral Obreaon'a exact location wan
not divulged by exlcan offl lale, but
from other aourcea It n learned that
he probably waa at or nearing t'hlhuehiia.
Tho run from Chihuahua to Juarea mi
der ordinary condttlona conaumea from
(en to twelve hour. General Obreann
mlht,, therefore, reach Juarez by to
night. It la not regarded aa likely, however,
that ho will leave Chihuahua until bo
learn that Oenrrala H'ott and Kunaton
are well on their way to.KI I'aao.
That the American repreneuuilw at
the conference were in ignorance of
Ohregon'a movementa waa evidenced late
laat night when thay wera In communica
tion with Kl Paao hy long diatance tele
phone, aaking aa to the wheraabouta of
the l ex lea n mlulater ot war.
Maker anil Inlroelon,
WAHJIINGTON, April 27.-ecrotary
Raker today telegraphed Oenorala Hcott
and Tunaton to proceed from Han An
tonio to Kl Paao for the conference with
General Obregon.
(Vmeul Htlllman at flaltillo wired Miat
General Ohregon had left Torreon In Kt
night for Juarea. General Ubreuon
changed hla plana to go flral to Pledraa
Negraa, oppoaito F'.agle Pa. Hy going
dlrct to.Juarex by way of Chlbnahua,
Ohregon riakod a poaalble . interfereuts
from Villa followora.
C)fflciala expected General Obreaon will
reach Juarea tonight, fieneral Pcolt and
fieneral, Funaton are expected to reach
El Paao late today or tomorrow.
Guggenheim Sues
His Four Brothers
For Ten Millions
NKW TORK-, April 27. A ault for
$10,000,000 for alleged damages, with Wil
liam Guggenheim of the Uuggenholm
family of copper mine ownera aa plain
tiff, agalnat hia five brother, waa
argued In tha aupreme court In Brooklyn
today. The defendanta, laaac, Ianlel,
Holomon, Morrla and Hlmon Oiiagenln lni,
contend through counacl that there a
inaufrlnlent proof and aaked for a judg
ment under which the action would be
William Ouggenhelm allegea that hia
brothera concealed from hlni certain de
talla about tho affalra of the ('bile Cop
per Mining company and that he Buf
fered a loae to the amount of lo,0i,(,w.
Juatlce Benedict raaerved decialon on
the motion made by the defendanta.
To Withdraw Draft
Bill in Parliament
I.U.'l0.', April 27. A bill pmvldim,
for et:ibin of inllltui y aenu-e v.a.1 in
troduced In tho llouxe of foinmoiui today,
but aroused aucli opposition that the
governiiii nt wlthdiew it.
WgUr Hume l.'ttig, lutaideiii of the
I o, nt gmerniiienl board, placed Hie bill
I ie fore Ihe home, naliig ll b the
Inleimofi of 1 1 in government to ertllat
ever) unmarried man net ween the aaea
of IH and 41. It la uii'leratooil the hill,
embodying aafcla of irciponnU oiilllneit
In tlu report of the aeutet aeMon at
which tei-rultmg wan talieji up, bail be,:li
appinted by the mlnlairy and army ctmn
Ml. Tiie iil.nnuie mel with a.ttre ,rltlil-
I I in flout all iteitioita of
1'iemlef Aanullh auiniuni eil tbil In I In
of h,M fprllng t he govei untetil would lot
pit it
1 i.iui ll..,i t iiiiUlaiv i'tn.( fur mnl(
men .i n . i.i.-.i f,r pi a 1 1 1 , 1
III Ian. at' The a i.ik ai Uu if tin
ii'i4ur tnt t.ceu liiiiit'-.t. 1, r, t,
! eMti'li-e i,f man nt cuciip
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WITH ONE OF OUR OUTPOSTS IN MEXICO This picture, taken "somcwheje in
Mexico," shows two of the colored' soldiers of the punitive expedition, on outpost duty in a
tree, signalling information to another outpost. '
mm: m pmm
I i iii r in ii i
Small German Assault North of Fort
Vaux Is Repulsed by Artillery
I'AltlS, April 27, French poal
tionn before Verdun were bombarded
heavily laat night, but tho Genitalia
made no atrong infantry attacks. A
email aasault north of Fort Vaux waa
aioppi'd immediately by French ar
t'llf ry, tho war office announced thla
afternoon. t
Hot'cral ileniian patrnla were encoun
tered north of the A lam and were ra
P'llacd in the fighting with bund gron
adea. A ilerutim rei;onnolb'rliig pirly
eaat of Le JMeaiill waa dlierad.
A ikrinan aeiopbiua waa brought down
in Wplncoiirt wood by a French pilot.
The text of I lie- atatement followa:
"North of the Alalia aeverul German
patrola wero repulaed with hand grenadea,
"In the region of Verdun thero waa
an intenae bombardment of tha redoubt
of Avocourt and of our organlzatlona on
the Colo I u Polvre. A email enemy at
tack directed upon an element of our
trenehea to the north of tho Vaux fort
waa Inline. Iliitely (topped by our curtalna
of fire.
"In lirralne we dlaperaed a Herman
lecnnnolterltig pnrty which attempted to
reach our poalllon to the eaat of Le
"On the rest of front there waa
no evi nt of Importance to report beyond
the iiaual cannonading."
HOXIK. All.., April 2T.-VVhle two
S'pey women endeavored to perauadn th"
caahler of a bank at. Almlra to look into
the future by having them read hla palm,
a package of currency containing V dis
appeared from the counter and county
I offlcera aay It waa taken tiy 11 7-year-old
' girl confederate of the women. The child
I ran to the fronl door of the bank and
I aimed xim"thing lo .1 mini "ij horseback,
! wlm ee'ciiped. The women and girl went
1 placed In Jail here peic'ltig an invcatlga
lion. , 'ivphie. ouhIc .1 i.'iiilUir ititempt laat
; KC'U to rob u ha 11k tel Muttgari, but th.
child In that rii' "' 1 deteeied as aha
1 feired a roll "f lulH eiiiitiilmng S.".
British Envoy Gives
Copies of Orders
W A-IIINii'lUN, April '7. -'' "pu of the
Itrillnb udllilrallv u ,,i,tels l.l lllt-l'l till lit
calitiiliii-, Milled Die ii. in, in goi i I niimnt
eoiiteiidH ppivule f,.r iilliiiliii oil submit'
rilled, Hi ,' il. iUend I i 11;. Mule depnl't-
niMit in, l,-i t I,', lb. ii inn A uili(iad ir
Ml I'e' H .pi ilia 'ii-'' . Tie V a" Hit i i
' ii i e i u H i I with Uhoi' 'i -iii-i ii r I ri 'enttv
lo London nod win ptildli-lird Inter
lib a ilittenn t'l 11,011 Ihe 'lllle (ppait-
iie nt
Tf'fli i W h i U j ' i H H a t (h
M t ! , k a' w t kl I ti- . , rul la"
1, lfrr.(., (i.-.M, '!. I Vi.'l.l'l'k
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., i1' -'. m ivt
("i'i-'iU' !'!,. (,f ht t,tt(
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One Year A; u Today
in tho War
it. .....! ii I i 'ii it. -,!;, j,
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Munitions Embargo
Conference Begins I
Its Propaganda!
WABHINOTON, April Z7. rienator
lliiatlng, democrat, told the aenato today
that Ilia American Kmbargo conference
had ciiiilucied a campaign in Wtacnualn
to Induce him to aopport an embargo
reaolutlou agalnat. ahlpment. of war tnu
nlllnna to Kuropt. lie aubmlttad a thou
aand Inttera from Wlaconaln elllaene,
which ha aald all emanated from the
Chlingo bcadijiiartera of thla organisa
Lansing Sends Note Insisting On
Release of Germans Taken Off
Steamship China."
WASHINGTON, I), C, April 27.
Kicrctary Lanalng announced today
that tho I'nlted Btatea had aent an
other note to Great llrltaln today de
manding the releaae of thirty-eight
Ai.Mtrlana, Germana and Turka taken
fiorn the American ateainahlp China
by a Drltlah crulaer off Shanghai. The
ncto waa dlapatchcd yeaterday and
will bo given out for publication
Great Hrllaln tontonda that the
in cii, were engaged in intrlguea and
piota agalnat the IlrltiHh government.
NKW YOItlC, April r.-fonrad Wit
helm Aufmaaser, a reaerve officer of a
(ierman pioneer nglmint, was arrested
by secret aervlee officers on his arrival
hero today aboard Iho atcaiiodilp Colon j
from frlstobiil on suspicion that ho had j
been Hpyliig upon Ihe I'miiiina ciiiuil foi -
According (n Chief I'lynn of the him ret j
service, who rxumliicd hlin. the suspl- !
I'lonn proved nnfouiidetl .N'ewrt IicIcks '
Aufrnassor was sent In llllls Inland and i
ibotoxraibs anil il,i mneul fniiiid lu bis !
pAsMessloii fti-ie coiiflai-iiti d, j
Mr. Fly nil auld he would uiidonbtedl
be releitsi'd by the immigration iiiitbor
llles, having sallsfled thiol that he wim
entllled to enter this coiiudy as it tt alien i
Henry Morgenthau
Tenders Resignation
t ASHI i,T' X. Apiil .'7-Foiinal an
nouiict-nient was madi ai the While
House tieliy llenty li.i eiu ban,
Amerb an am'sdi.r to T'irke, had ie
itiimd and Hist bis re-oaiuillon bid teen
aecpied Abrim I l-lkns, a New Vtk
la)H', proiabiv wilt s nired blot
London Paper Says Sir Roger
Should Be Put in Lunatic Asylum
I.IlSlMlN tllil' . .".1 H"iK I I" j ISl ei il ,.l t.,., . .(, 1 , , r, ;
i ne til, tl s i-i'nC- l. be on.ti.i.o.l twlltf . ip !. t ".. l tinttt ni n -i'le leiv
tlil Hie i.pitsii i In Ireland Wl'l I" liitl-tv ! V t ,,-,, l i -ui,, -t K , ti
(,,!, .I,, ,,i, ii i ,i I er t is tut i Mm iii1 i . .., i-.,i, Hirni , eint in .e.l
I. lellitltli ! l'l tt .t V" ! Ilil.e rlr t.. r! fit i 'li !..! Iu'l,
. I .1 l' !' li'i"- ll'-ll" I !. lti. liH ,1.) lUIHHj,
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. i . i i- s t .i.iii I a i
, I'- -ail- !- '1'i.H'i t I; . . '
Itecii'r i i II 1 1 Is -. an Hell h 1. ii'
I '". uf Ii H 114 liinl in a I .ttlt
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i mtf-&mm tm t mnimm t....
Official Statement Says Submarine
E-22 Has Been Sunk hy Teuton
Naval Forces,
nrCItf.IN, April 27, Uly Wlreleaa
to Huyvllle.) -The German admiralty
announced today that tho Hrttlah
aiihinarlne K-22 had been aunk by
Gcrmaii naval forcea,
The annouiictMuent alao aaya a
rtrltlah crulaer of the Arethuala claag
vaa hit by a torpedo frojn a German
Slake A iiiMintiremeol.
The announcement given out. under
date of Aptil Si la aa followa
"Tha Unman naval forcea on April ?l
aank Ihe lirtllali aubmurliio K-S. The
tier ma n readied and captured two men,
"A (ierman submarine on the eame dy
hit with a torpedo a Jirltlali crulaer of
tho Aretliusa class."
Pennsylvania Soft
Coal Miners Will
Return to Mines
NKW YU1SK, April 17. -The ill.'JUO bitu
minous coal miners on alrlka lu district
Nn. j In 1'eiuiH) KhiiIh will 1,0 back to
work tomorrow' morning under an agree
ment teached today between John J
while for the coal inlneis and W. I
Fblds, fur the I'lltaburg foal company
and oilier operators.
Russians Drop Bombs
On Constantinople
I'AJtIS, April ;:?,-- A llaiiis diepalcn
from Athena Siiyi It la reliably stated
there (hut two Hussion hydro-aeroplaiiea
nii i dled over CoiiHtantlnople mi Monday
I IIH'A(it). A in II ll.- I' that
iii. slluiis luvol.lUK ttiiKca mid houis of
Work ln eublilll led lo ii I I'll I, ll Inn will he
iIiki uisi-d at a Heili-H of inn turns 1m-u I tt
iilna Juno I, al New Voik City. It waa
dci Ided today at a nieetlna of repiesen
tailvra of th r.tllroitds and of m four
emplovea' unions here. The i .il'i ends'
side, It was hiuio'iiii ed, tlll be put fur
waul by a lottloiiiil tonlrienr'e , oiioult lee
of fifierit or te ilv oftlelnlii Niiiiirn ()f
r pro. ni.iilt of bull) jii'ieh will he nil
lioimeeit I. tit I
tS , H Mont-, Ueld' lU of Ihe lilolher
ll' 'id of I tii oliinltwi t.njtliieeis, n ling in
spehennail fin IliC Ulilett I epi esell I u 1 1 1 e,
ild I'n y ttiiilll He I epi , muled tc. one
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Royal Proclamation Suspendinf
Section One of Defense of
Realm Act is Read In
' London,
Premier Asquith Says There Is Dan
gtr of Revolt Spreading to
Other Parts of Ireland.
UiNliON', April 27, .(Jfflclal ad
l ilaalntt today that Ihere acre Indica
tion "f a aprend of Ihe revolutionary
p'ovriunnt In liublln to olher parla of
Ireland, especially In the went, waa
'accompanied by tho proclamation of
martial law throughout the Inland.
Hitherto only the city and county of
Imhlln had been under military ruio
because (if (he nulbrmik,
The atatement regarding the Indl
c.ited apread of the i evolutloner
Movement, In atrong contrast wltlt
the reaaatirlng atatemenla of yeater
day, waa mail by l'remler Atmulth in
the Mouse of (Vimmona today, T'1
friah altttatlon atlll presented acrloua .
fiattirea, the premier r.dmltted.
Ilehela Hold litiporlaitl Polols, ,
In Imblln flal.tln la still In prnare-a
In tha ati-fct and the rebels continue
to bold Imporlaiil public biilldlna t
waa announ'-ed that in addition to troop
already dispatched lo Ireland lo copa)
with (lie alluutlon others were being
Major fieneral fUr John Maawell, for.
merly In command of the llrlilsh forcea
In Laypl, liaa gone lo Ireland to fa'ie)
Ilia situation In hand.
'render Aaipilth announced In tha
houae of commona today that tha lebelf
continue to hold important public build
lugs In f'oblln and that street anenunterf
ware atlll In progress.
Revolt May apread,
Premier Aaejullh told tlie bonaa th
Irish situation atlll preantel acrlona
featurea today and that thera were IndU
cation of a spread of tha movements Id
other parta of Ireland, especially In ilia
The premier announced thai Major
'lenaral Hlr John Msiwell, who formerly
commanded the tlrltlsh forcea In Kgypta
waa leaving thla afternoon for Ireland.
The major haa been given plenary poweig
under martini law, over the whole court
The premier said there would 1e a
eearcbln Invest fgWnr- Into the cau;
responalbla for the outbreak. )la addal
that It. waa obviously necessary to xer
else military censorship while martial
law prevailed In Ireland. .Thla cenaor
ship, however, would be directed merely
with reaard to the essential military re
OUlrementa of Ihe situation. Ail poaalbla
latitude n the transmission of navig
would be allowed.
Irish Leaders Deplore Mare,
Kir Kdward Carson and John Redmond,
t ho want the leaders of 'the opposing"
faction In the Irish home rule contro.
veray, expressed In the House of fom
mona their abhorrence of the uprising
and their desire to support the govern
ment. The Iroopa In Ireland have been and
are being stronaly reinforced, .Mr. A-
! ipilth added, and the government tvaa
satisfied tha force dispatched waa ad,
I (uitit to ileal with l he altuatlnn.
I Tint Irlali authorities will place theni
Jsehcs at the cllspoaal of Major (
Mnawall to carry out bis Instruction,
j Iteplylng to a nitration whether the
government bad been warned of a da.i
j Kcrotia groaih of arditlon, I'l'cmlcr Aa
i ipilth said:
"Tho first and parainount duty of tlia
Koveinnient Is lo restore order and let
stump out rebellion with all posalblq i
V'lKor. That wo are d'dlia.
' llehlml lhal there Is undoubtedly nil
obllKatloil whl ll lexis upon the goiern- i
incut of malduit a eenri Iilna Inveal ltto-j
linn Into the causea of and the respon
sibility for these eveutr., That nl.llt'
Hon we filly rucoatil.i" find Inleml IH1
I dim harai'- '
i Pu, 'In in.ii imi of martial taw through-I
out Ireland may Indicate en ealenaloii uf
dlaturbitiices, ijetalla of which thu ni;idi
IU IiIhIi i i iihiii liii) la w lthliohlinx Ciibii
riii.piiti lies yesterday and early today
ave the Impression that the Prltlalt uU
thorltlea bail tho stuialloii In Ireland
well in band.
The M'Kliil.y i luh la .liiiniii; to Unit
wlllllll a few weelis a ln r inri. ,.,,i
mitlU4 in one of IHn I. ill liulcl- T.e
III piohitlilv t ike lite form of a rei t u
Hull ,i all the candidates mi the n iiil.
Itt'itll lb Ket and llieie Mill be tllll !!
le ches, I flufts ar- belli niude lit l,i
mm or tu irpul, Iii aim of nutimul itiiui.
Inline lieni nt tlmt lime. Mhuv uf
iiitettf'll 1'snilld.tii air non out i,J i!u
lit mi shun litpa ti'tlinu up, b.i are
i kt ltd I it pi pit nt y of lime l-i i
ili?. a'p-it me Una
Itiv Wnisl Atlt it.. Imt
lit!!,. In! llu- laiii-li tln-y
ilu, 'linn Mik I'nr H
atilu radii r thiiu Ihn my
ilu y p t, 't'lii-y U ymir
ll'l- ill tllllilMlll.! Ill'
linuicH .111.1 Ii ll i j tl g H
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