THE P.EE: OMAHA, THURSDAY, APRIL 27, 1916. Health Hints -;- Fashions -:- Woman's Work -:- Household' Topics What Has a Husband a Right to Expect from His Wife?- fly DOROTHY PIT. A men has a right to expect hi wife not to throw away th bait with which ehe caught him aoon they are mar ried, No aon of Adam would ever hay undertaken to eupport a lady If h had only een her when her hed brletled with curl papere, her none waa shiny w1 h coll cream and aha waa attired In a. wrapper that waa not on speaking terme with tha wash tub Sot 1ne marriage change tha maanu lina point of view on thla' aubjert. A J froway woman la Just aa unattractive ' merrled aa single and no woman haa a ! right to expect her husband to display an rnthuelaam about coming homo to her of an evening unless aha preaenta at treat a neat appearance. flefor marriage a woman dr her beat to make hereelf agreeable to a man, When ha ra.Ua of an evening aha ta bright ami cheerful, aha devote herself to amusing htm, above all aha hsng with baited breath upon h!a utterances, laughs at hie Joke, ennores hla atorlea, anij feed him on all tha flatlery that be will awallow, Thla make a hit with the man. He marrlee to get more of It, and to acquire a permanent audience tha'. will alwea give him tho glad hand, an1! an lncene burner who will never weary of the task of lighting Jo-tlck hefnr him. Yet you could count on your finger tha number of wlvea among your per sonal acquaintance who never throw a compliment their huebanda' way or who don't Interrupt them In tha middle of their hert atory to auk you what you think about the latent, cut In faahlon. Thla la bad tiy and bad faith. The men who married to get somebody to ad mire him haa a right to expert a eteedy diet of the aame brand of flattery which hla wife used In ante-nuptlal daye and thi.t aiie will continue to make hereelf aa agreeable aa a wife aa ahe waa aa a sweetheart, A man haa a right to nxpert that hit wife will control her tongue and temper. I. myself, believe that temper ahould be tha flrat cauee for dlvorc and that either a man or a woman who flnda that he or ah la married to a peraon with an nnllv nble temper ehotild have tha privilege nf dleeolvlng tha matrimonial partnership here one member of the firm la eo dl ogieeobl that it la Impoaelble to get along with him or her Thtre la no use In raying that a woma i can't control ber temper. flha can, for the greatet vlrns,o on earth la ao mill that butter wouldn't melt. In her mouth when H la to her Inlereat to he eo, Te tua ahe la married to a man do e not give a immn the right to Insult him by all the cruel sjid bitter thing a temper maniac aays In her ragea. Nor dnea It confer the privilege upon her of nagg'nt, him to death, although tunny wive ap pear to think that It doei. Th's U a mistake. The very leant that a man baa a tight to expect of hla wife la thnt ahe ahall conduct hereelf like a lady Ina'ead rt a fishwife, Nor doea he marry to get m . ene to continually harp upon hla fault Marries la never o complete a failure aa when a man la afraid of hi wife bs of her temper and her tongue, and beta ue the more ho la a gentleman the lea capable he la of dealing with her a aha deservea, A man ha a rliiht to ex,'t tha a wife hal reapect hla personal liberty. tfy Hie in!niJII!U!IinHiU!inil!!!l!l!!IIUII!!!HlU!!m!I!U!i!!!!!!!;n!n;ni.1 621 Residents of Nebraska TIMES SQUARE At IVogdwgy, 44 th to 45th Sttrr u- the cmtrr of New York ' gocial and btuinrag aaivitirt. In dace proximity to all railway terminal. n!iliin!l!iliiliftiiiitiiitiiuiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiintitint;tt.iiui armours PR0DUCTS f T a a a ' kimammmi 14 I Ja a j n ' l IVwf J WUMla - tit I l-a I TfT "I I. . y , uaaaMi er.Ui-p Vj V Ultl uu J r I ia Vifl jZZT I rfW vU wnviaullmuitw li th-'. ' ! I j wwfW)"'V"f ' fcxm. vi mean - Vrule -fi, !. I l'rr j . aa a i t a . i time a man I old enough, to nmrry he la pretty well ealahllahed In hi tastes an) hnblle, and he doea not marry to get a guide and mentor who will rvie hie entire plan of life, A man who had hai the tiitclluence to aucrred In a profession or ho'd d"wn a job that pay enough salary for him to afford to seum the luxury of a wife may bo fairly supposed to know enough to come In nut of the rain, what to eat, and, generally ape king, how t take rare of htmaclf. One might ulao Infer that he la old enough to have a latch-key and that If a woman lrunted him enough to marry him aha would trust, him out of her elhl a. few hour of an evening oe caalonally. Thla la tha view of the aubjert that men take In their premntrlmonlal ex latence, hut, unfortunately, only too many of them find when they get married that they have got. a Joller a well aa a wife and that Instead of being In earthly Eden matrimony la a reformatory. Vet there a many a wife who for-e ber huahand to eat health food tneeea when hla teate runa to lobater a la New burg. There la many a wife who, be caua ahe doean't Ilka to drink, never per mit her huahand to hav a glaaa of beer unleaa he takea It. on tha aly. There la many a wife who m.ikea her huahand realirn from hla clung and who would no more let him have latch kv In pear than ahe would let a fhlld hav a slick nf dynamite. There la many a man' who cannot even go to dinner w ith a friend or play a gam of card In the evening with a lot of old cronle without having to perjure hi Immortal aoul by the Ilea b tell the tyrant on hla hearth alone. Thla I all wrong, A full-grown able bodied men baa got a right to hla own opinion, to hla own taatea, h'a own way of doing thing and hi own freedom to coma and go uwjueetloiied Jtiat aa lone aa he la doing nothln? dishonorable and wrong and heriu he la married to a woman doean't give her any right to Inter fere with him at every turn. If more women would reollae thla we would hav happier homea and more homekeeplng lnwbande, became (hero la aomrthlng In tyranny that makea every one of ug want to Jump over the bar. The quallMe that have been enumerated are only the mnt elemental thlnga thnt a huahand ha a right to expect of hi wife, but (f women would only reopeet them w ahould hear a great deal e of a divorce court, for, after all, any woman can manage a man who give her mind to It and la willing to take the trouble. Do You Know That in aome parte of Hpenlnh Guinea there la a conatant plague of rato much i that the flrat thing the tradera ak the traveler I whether he haa brought a cat with htm. They will cheerfully barter a eheep for a ral. In certain part of Tlraill rat ar a great nulennce, The common cat doo no thrive for aome unaccountable rea son, but le replaced by a apecle of amiill hoa-inrietrlrtnr-thn glbola. TheNanake are not vfnoinou. They eei In the houee, generally taking up their poeltlon at the foot, of the atatra. When nightfall approach they begin to wake up, and during Ihe night they glide awlftly ahmit the premleea, looking for rata. It l claimed that they are o eaally domeatl cated that, f moved from one houe to another, they Invariably return to the hour whence they have been taken. registered at Hotel aAstor during the past year. a 1000 Rooms. 700 with Bath. A cuisine which has made the Astor New York's leading Banqueting place. Single Room, without bath, fj.oo to M Vhubk . . . J-00 M 4 0O Single Room, with bath, j.oo to 600 Double . . . 4 00 to 7.0a Parlor, fWraom and bath, 1 10.00 to f 14 oo on youf dtahr't window. Package Don't a Shvo a--M.a. .w -cmhj, prepartHl in sanitary kitcnenn a 1.., mnjtrm vira im Lil.-Vin 1.twir un.l fn. P"Ht JteeJ, Wtvt t a'khil, itvj Cthf pwwJ t!l!e U fri rvt The Love 1 ' . - VwWf'tfAWm VfflHa&2 yWfImsm i T lior bonnet under iter chin, Sh tied her goMen rlnRlotg in; Hut not. alone In the xilken onarn nid nh tin her lovnly floating hftlr, For, tying heP bonnet under her chin, Sho tied a young nmn'n henrt within. Steeper ind ttteeper ktow Iho hill, Madder, merrier, rhlllior "till, Th Weatrrn Mind blew down, and played Tli wildest trick with the little maid, A, tying her bonnet under her chin, She tied young tnan'n heart within. 9 Foods try Cooking ft g j ami" m ,- " i" ytnr UV4. ! ltHtvt.1 tneny Twiw, Vl I mf. l.uiari Chakan. Vtt4 Meait Ikt aatHi lain, b rwatur) fvw iw. c'. Fr lunch, li at'tf , i - pf MrrfHn la, ba a I hand. - Knot - Household Helps A ini fumltur rlih I eiaht oitnrea of N'd oil, four ounr,ea turpentine, two nuncr-a ammonia. Apply with ii"h an'l ( l,Hii w'th wixilcn i lth. After whlng a white knitle,! 'er.-ev, i put tt n a ct biar tu (try. "'l hn It en a line n the air It will Wrp a letter hf than If (( 1 en t"e lina ili"iri, ik I evirllenl fnr i-anln mtuv ,'iiiih it tiouM re rpni"i un a r' f iii while flannel, ltt f,tr it t.ft- tmiie. n,t then well bruehot nt iawn It Met y U.Mi !iiiit l bte4 tbl'l en a ), ef H,hd in l ' w 'i i vara fianue', itiait' r I,.. .,.! .1.1 .alt Thla a Krk bim kii iKii't M b r . I l..M I" , , ! , U tl ( u I f,ti ,i i waiart aii 1 ' 1 it t I5., m -1 I it M.I IH in tM'i, t e it Ihi .l 1' in V , 4ti I' 4 i 1 1 It fc, 1. 1 . ,.,i.t ,.f 11 i "i f , a . ia t"j , 1 i""-4 a . I i t 1 1 n I . I ., it t i:t i 0 - -0- -v- . . a f " O, Western wind, do you think It wbh fair, To play such tricks, with her floating hair? To gladly, gleefully, do your bent To blow her againttt the young man's breast, Where he has gladly folded her In, And kissed her mouth and dimpled chin? O, Ellery Vane, jou little thought, An hour ago, when you beaought Thla country las to walk with you, After the un had dried the dew. What terrible danger you'd bo In, A i-he tied her bonnet under her chin! - F rom an H on hv Nora Perrv. Women Hard to n t rTTintN. 'Women ei Imrd tn get nn'withV Tliipy are mi. -crtam qmntltlr. captlona. hilitlikr, iiiireiinlii( anil unreaiiniiablx ? J'.rbap Ainu niabe Hut what (,f thla wNuii I ra1, anil o tM- h reatt. In the tnwair "Juror Willi lloi.l O it ' 5,i 00 who tan 1011U reait In lit ti hlaca bea ! 1 1 tf. "NmiitHr tlmrii ll.'u.t t rn t'l vvik with in iyii.. 1 oinn tia i it t,, art atng wtib. ' In. ti"H' br ef wrtinmi wranahn tr and mraiu In th-'ti vl.ib rl iailM( t. a tnteiraiin ro! mm that fal Irtw the rin w l.M,t tliat Ihe Jir U'kxl I t K'ui t"'i that blow ei Ihreairnod If ixt n. 1. that btt tir I,mv b" .a if rai ii in l:v v,i. I alal l-tull t., f.4 "I air, "V.uwKae ! !. 'It net wa'b ai'h iki If a ai'inn t am ai i'li' f .i,n i"t hhmt in '" f''K bf-t la '(tir an. ,.t nf - 1 . I I v , 4t ". ' a .t l " .1 V t W II- 4 1.14. ':n H .t, " ' I ' M I a I irv l- 't t ' t .t'.m tut. ,.,,.ii,. j anu it,p a !! l. f 1 . 1 , .1' a M(ii-v,.,hi ',at,, 11 ,.1 i i.i , t, th I..,, ai,ta .'f i..MMt k, 1. anuw In ai,Vl By Nell Brinlcley Copyright, l!tll, Intern'l New Service, Get Along With? 1 we bear, but her In th flrat paragraph, of the day 1 report of prooeeillna, a In j rnnfrra, w read that a "(rav and 1 reverend aenator waan't apeaklnv to j en ef bla brolher enatnra. let lie call Ihe n'ibbe4 one H'nator ttrown B'it heiyatur Tlroan waa n"l the only one ho came unrtr hla ban of limee, Twa othn wer belli- treatel to th quiet cur bv blm. We will ay thay ar Hen. Mr iliaan and Krnalar While Ureal the aitibariBMiiieiit, e4 r l, f tnn aenaiora, ael ehairtu'tH waa I'- (inainaaa ,f Hie iNIti n,1 tenitary Va'tue 011a man piquel Tel woman I... v f their i,i.flee ta rontrat f KemiaU are unfit fw arnment t mp'i ai'J bK'ii A a.iniau e.liior he lahoia la a f fi llh a half .,a male f th ' .,H v..u..n l'l n thai ahe hll,lt!et ef wl'i'ne ei p'l itranev In thai offk tn ee !" ha ba.l e la lni(ti4 e-tiaal In a Tha a ef the laea lla eia 4 l. W. Whll h ret 1 1. ua'ta-en l it bet Hm . ! at I n liaH la ! 'ir ti tf t iM lanl r te ''' aw 4 eM , I , e ,, I a, thai n a. ! i ial. Mat baa Wia aia a -4 t ! ' Ha" Th 'l'a! I , .,. I T ! Tragedy of an Appetite n.r MB. BOBEBT WATSO. A little boy who brought hi nwUnr bottle to th dliipfiiaary to b refilled waa aked by the wearied dotor, "Wtaf wrong wllh your mother?'' for a moment hla face waa blank, then he caught an lie aid brightened, "I think -I think ehe'a got the apitetlt," he (aid, Whether the mother really had th complaint J am not able to elate; but "ChHrlolte W." haa It and haa tt In an eerlou a form that ahe write to Implore ai'J, Her letter nine: "I am troubled very much with a glut tonoua appetite, I never know when I've ha1 enough to eat, I've tried and trial to be moderate, but I can't help rnyeelf. It i-n't that I eat dalntlea, or want them, If it I only bread and tea I am I'itt th aame, never knowing when to top. I think It must bo a dlaiaa. Will you pleaao tell mr. If it Is or not? And what nhoull 1 do or take? 1 foci that life U not worth living, and I do want to b tmra e. I tim only 20 and hav worked ; hard alwaye " TIt la ait eplalle of de,gr, lut ahe algri it, "your hopefully," At it a hard worker I entitled to eat freely; and, of the laet two, I would aay th it a girl of V needed more iin.irlhmni than a lad of the aim , Growth anl development call for miterlaln. Work mean the romhiiatlnn of no'irithmcg'. On all counts, lhre muat be a btaj de mand frr fool to meet every reiulrement and make anre. that no part of the ayatem la penalized and that, the evolution of th proper woman or proper man goea on evenly and eatlefactorlly. A houne building mean a vat deal of thing, but tho hody-bulldlng mean men In propurtlon; ant, whereaa tho ar,!bl tecfi areclficatloni, enable exact quan flil of particular thlnga to be brought for the purpoae to the houae, your body hua to pick l'a need out of the mt of lord you efferj and the matter fa fom plicated by tho fact that your buldlnf 1 all thn whllo living end acting, and reel fuel and the wherewithal to effect rerelr end improvement. Therefor! I would commend to "Char litie W." the old proverb, "Never b tahamed to eat your niat," and ' Eat. t pleaaure. drlnk by meaauro." 1 inc'ine lo b'ili ve that the truth burled In y Inga like "Mere die hy food thnn by fam ine," anl "."pit kllla moie than a,ilgot" ai d "Gluttony Wile mote than tre aword," are' "They ore aood who mind their telly too much," are aimed at thraa eming th elderly who appear to live to rat. la auch en appetite a dlef the letter aaka. That would be for a doctor who had examined "Charlotte W." to anawer. If, studying the maid, her meala, her work, he could not reconcile th amount fonanmed with the other fact of her cae( he would be forced to conclude that ahe had-not a dlieaae exactly, but-a symptom which pointed at dlaeaee. And the symptom haa a name. Older book call U "Unllmy," modern sclenllfle work erell It a "Bnllm'a." and the word como from Greek words for "ox" and '"hunger." If "Charlotte W." la a victim of o hunger, ahe wants to know what to "do or take." Irreverent, readere may whisper abr.ut graas and hay being Just the thing fcr'her complaint, hut the matter may be too serious for jesting. Bulimia Is a symptom of d1aa, not a disease in it aelf, That mean that bulimia may oc cur in a, number of dlaeaaea, and that other symptoms muat be found (more cluesi to narrow suspicion down to such a flno point that the real our- ef her exces'lve appetite may be Identified. Do "Charlotte's" letter contain a hint of other symptoms? , For one thing, I think it prove har body stronger than her mind -her muecla are better then her nervous system. Bh confesses, that though she ha tried an1 tried ahe cannot overcome thle appetite, even bread and tea can wreck her best reanlvea. But she always work hard, ahe la vlgoroua, but weak-willed. Then In one dip of her pen he declare Ufa "not worth living," andvwlttt the next ahe signs quite "hopefully," Now, of the many dlseaae in whloh you may find bulimia, one great groun of dUoaaea ineludea auch nervous ail ments as hyaterla, neurasthenia (nervous 'ability), epilepsy, brain tumors and In aanlty. "Charlotte'a" letter I toe alert, too eondae for the last of these; but I think tt probable that her nervea may be out of order. She may be a little hys terical and debilitated. I only throw out the bint. Let her be good to her ner vous ayatem, avoiding excitement, almlne to live without worry, denying herself tea and coffee In favor of cocoa or milk, ,plng early to bad, perhar having a eold bath or a cool aponge all over before she dre of a morning, end In general liv ing th lmpln life. And tf In a month er thereabouta her appetite le atlll irre sistible. I would trongly dvi "Char, lott W." to bring her ca before a local doctor. Advice to Lovelorn Py Beatrice Fairjax, !. Bar rrUa-. Pear Mia Kairfaa; Having tn In New Ptk two yaara and not iiavlr had lha plraaura of meeting a y,un lalv a hnm I ard 10 a, out wllh mot than few time, I am writing ii )u fr aav , a I a n yaara and hav a goed in r w la illy large a Saw York It i very bard for a iraii(r le inak fnanl llnaaver, if )i, aara to l,,in lha Viui Mens 1 hrloilan aaltl r a i i. van md iini,iiht'v in,r '' '"I of )n.,r naa And If pi,nt Miif q (ruf!,t and a ! I y I am ,a hy wauM In I'm lni,.t 1 a aj ta the t itafr n, f-ia la l lha e lhlH,- t-l-ih e, car l !"l a ba f niif lit fiae aM ln a a air a -'iiil l- r-l bia fiii 'a !'' f,-m t (4, i4 i' haihf ,1 iwm and lu 1 t4,i a e a a't -a 1 -a a'i -i'i an e. .. M, .n,t f. 1 h.ihif ttt ae J,, ha "' I aa )ta4la t ear t I iil,i I ha luatn "I " I" a iel"' 'I in anl ha a,rie taH I, lHn hi .M,,, I la. a kin, I al I kiw hi ., ih4 ia a a 4 aaa H '!,i ff .ta4 thia 'a ah . a t , Mi.i'- a. 'f aai'4lt-t iKal ih4 aia i ii lie,.4i.. a .,.a a I nan e. la a far ' m i 4. , 1 . lt:w,t j i., r' " ( ' ' a 1 -I 11 it a a '"!' I a 1- i-,i in ti .! If- .h , t:, ',- n, r .. 1. tot , , w I if, , f.. -1 a 4 a "" (' I . 1 1 1 n r a a-.' : , t. a a.-- s'.itj ,,.,1 1, .4 1. I,"l I I !. I'ukt T ' . n. .air i , t 4 f ! a - mi. 4 4 a f 41 h . t At In' ll t t a 4 ' I h tlilUO' '" I M 1 "! ,',( ,,ti So,, , (. t a. v . I -... i- ' ., e. I'nlHSIf . j , 1 , 1 . . H kt 41 Mil . I n i n ta i. v . - ,,i 1,.,, tl'e ta h .,m an 4 : i it i-l", M a -a!a m ia a'e f'f. a ta n.i'i 'i ' rM ' it 4 ; a a,'l i'i-i .' a i ' a ,i, ? h, 4 . , a ! ,).-. ' fc-i t ', , aa :.,i in. ii.i4 t '.'(.'hh1" If . a .i a in al'h am, ah. , 'a 1' !' Va iKia, m lt 4 ' 4 a 1 1 . 4 - lgi:vlM, ll I I ,e., a I I I 4 "i 1 H !:! 4f t lf a -i- t u , i'i I., t t ,.-a a !"