Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 27, 1916, Page 7, Image 7

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    TIIK RKR: OMAHA. THl.liSDAY. APRIL 27, l!H(i.
Turn Hair Dark
With Sage Tea
Grandma kept her locks dark,
glossy and youthful with a
simple mixture of Sage
Tea and Sulphur.
The oM-tlme mixture r(t Kag Ta and
Sulphur for darkening gray, streaked and
farted hair I grandmother's wipe, mid
folks are axaln unln It to keep their
Iiatr a Rood, even rolor, which ts qnltr
nenslbte, ss we are llvln In an ace when
n youthful eppearama la of the itreatra;.
Nowadays, though, we don't have tha
troublesome taxk of gatherlnit Iho
und tha miy mlxlntr at home. All
drug store el the ready-to-UNe produrt,
Imptoved by the addition of other In
aredlenu, ailed " VYyeth Kaite and
Hiilphur Compound," for about M rente
a bottle. It la very popular because no
body can discover It has brcn applied.
Ml m ply moisten your comb or :i soft
brui-li Willi H and (Ira ihi through
our hilr, taking one mnnll atrand nl a
time; by morning the giay hair ll,ip
pesrs, but what dellshts the ladles with
Wyeth's KhZis and Pulplmr ompourid, In
tnol, besides he.-uitji-.ilty dnrkftnlna 1 1 1
hair after a few njpllrntlin". It nlao pro
duces that nnfl ln;ier acd h ppearswe
i( abundnii' C which I so iittrii' tlvi'. Tnin
mady-lo Un pieparatlnn Ik ii delluhtful
toilet reo,ulnite for tliote who desire a
nioie voulhful jppraratice. II la not In
tended for the. cure, mitigation or lue
rr.tlor. of :)laaao.Advei tlxement.
Tha "Come hack" man mi'ly never
down-and-out, HI" wrskend r ndill ui
I K aime of ov er-work, Inr.K of everetee,
Improper eillna und M' ln d'-numd hImii
I'latloiy to sat itf.v IV c, lor a rea'th
alvlng appetite and the refi ejtiilntf eir,
eaaeutlai M stmivth. iKII.ii MKDAI.
Hnarlim OH 'apuu'ea, the Xntli.nal Jlnm
my nf I'ollnpd, will do the otk The-,
are wonderful' Thr-of thee rsnmile ,
eae.h dy will put a man on Ma leet Yi
fore he known (, whether his tr n'l
come froio uric n Id polonln. the kid
tiya, (travel or t'niie n 'I e I lad b r, a'o ...
acti deritnKeiiietit ir other ollmenia . Ii i
befall the ovcr-sealum Amerl dii. I'oii l
Atilt until you are entirely d wn-and out
hut take them today. Your diwmiat will
ybidly refund your money f thry do not
help ' you. 2.. Me and II 0) per bo
Aecept no B'Jbutltute. Iiok for the name
i'll.l) MIJDAI, on every box. They aie
la p"fe. original, Imported Mnnrlein M
."n pan Ira, Ad vert Icemen I.
Mildly and Healihfully
Mary T. Goldman' Ora Hair
Color Restorer is the ordinal prep
aration for safely atx! quickly re
storing the natural color to fray,
faded and bleached hair in a few
day. Leaves the hair clean, fluffy
and natural.
Free Trial Package and pedal
comb. Test It on a lock of hair.
This teat will prove morethati any
thing we could say in an advertise
ment, write now ana ociurc 10 irn
th original color before It turned gray. Was It
black, dark brown, madlum brown or light brown?
Regular II . 00 else at yourdrugglt'. or I will (111
your order direct. Clever Imltatora. not being
able to Imitate tha preparation Iteelt, have copied
nur label almoht word for woid. To b aaft
and aura, remember the nama.
MarrT. CaMnua, u CoMnua ttdg., tt. Paul. Mint
Anyone Can Now Have
Sparkling White Teeth
"It la a startling- fa-t, that few hava
-eally rlran. apotleaa teeth." aaya a w'l
known dentiat. "All teeth aro covered
with tranxparent fllma which In time be.
como tlned with vellow, Mark or o!er
'.Int. Ordinary tooth powder nrd creama,
uacd ever ao religiously, lull to remove
Iheae (llaRolored fllma. If more people
only knew It, merely brunhinif the teeth
with refined avatol will completely remove
the unHlnht.y aiana In a few m.mite.i.
"Kqually atartllng la the fact that ab-iut
Ha per cent of adults havo pyorrhea. ThU
aenerallv begina around the hack testh
md exists a lonr time before Us nature la
tuapeeted. Gradually infeclion aprenda,
bo reddened or swollen Kutna retreat
from the teeth, bleed eaally, pua pockeiK
Term, teeth loosen and fall o'-t. If ih
trouble goes uncorrected. l-'ortunatrly,
the refined avatol la an effective preven
tive. It Immediately kills all pyorihei
paranltea, or 'amehue,' H m' in eon
tact with. If all people knew this, drug
elata would be unable to aupply the d
rnnnd for refined avatol. A iuui-ier
worth of thta harmleiw snbstnner. neat
Ilka tooth pasta, will do wonders toward
keeping the mouth In a healthy ula'e, the
teeth sparkling white and beautiful. "
Weak Stomachs Hsd i
So Da Inactive Bowels
First Thini-Eich Mornin
Before Brukfat
SI tirrtsf NT from physic, pills, mineral watar.otl
and enemas, as day is from niwht. Olf t ISIkt in
taste, action, result. DIMCMSr beraui with its
ui constipation snd kindred ailnieut pass sway
Ilk miit bsfot th sun. OiMlMST twesus It
InvlS'irst and upbuilds, sndSCCAUSi it is a nstu
rsl wsv tobettwhaalih. itroiSr stomach, more
rular boweta, clssrw ssm, grstr orsy.
T first class drugsul or f rotee rsa (at rrult
Viiof for yuu-l vr Isr. (V by part Psl from
US un lr vur im a i'
MutttroU Loosens Up 1 hose
Stiff Joint - Drlvt Out f'nin.
I,. , It kn
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Towaa'a (or vortlat' (ooa.
tlghUng riarnraa Burgtaa-Orandea.
Dlmond Engagement Blnr. Rdbelin.
Hae Boot Print It Now eaeen I'rasa.
for lale i V4 and 6- city and funn
nirti,NMca. .;. II. ,eu.m.!, Kvellne
Die "Taa-Tllt" Mhlo(it MunderiamJi
"Today's foU yro8faui, ejistf1J
w tloa t o.Jay ! appear In The
r.-ri.UHl l.l.T. nd aut what the va
rious moving picture theaters effar.
la order to avoid Imitations of out
K'T.ulu,. .SieUkUi a bread aeu thiil tliit
label nppeara on every loaf you buy
ays Oocapatloa Tax Th Western
tnlon Teliijiaph company remitted tM.H
to the ilt lieaaury as occupation taxc
for the first quarter vt tills year.
Sisters Ars M.aslk; r..n y Head of
Kliiphtiid, O., has u.ked the police to
try and locate Ills two alstm-.i, Mr-, Alice
Woodey und Mrs. t'harles Mann, v. hum
be nsfierls he last heard from 'n this
lowan Ii Eobbtd lluuier Cannon of
Aeldon, l:i., irporla lo Hie police thai
he win enticed to the second floor of 'M
North HlMe. niii atroei In the early mom
lnu lioun h Ms men, who robbed him
or r.
Bus on a Mot Wan en A l.amaon,
Leslie I". (laiea and Hurry e l,obdell,
doing lniaiti'S.4 as l.amaon Hiolhers &
i'h., filed soil agulnst the j.rown Con-
".'lohiied Alllllng company to collect fl
1 1 omlssoi y note of $",,".
Bant.cncad for Tlisft Monies Hpaiht
of sloiu ciiv plnided guilty In police
court to the theft or tools belonging to
', I.. Voung end waa sentenced to
menly rlays In the county Jail. Tlia
loolic were nlued at
Uplritt CntrA-tainmsnt Mrs. Charles
I', finer und the Mlllp. ..yan studio will
limn diargr of the entertainment to be
itlvrn nl the Klni! Christian church May
t t, 8 o'clock. The entertainment Is
under auspice of ihe Omaha Chris-
thin l ii'leTdf union und promises to bs
inont imbiue and novel,
.ncirons rir Sortans. Hundsrland's
Deporting Undesirables Krldsy nlgbt
Hi" I iiion 1'iielric and Norfhweatei n will
handle through Omaha fifty undesirables
who urn enroute east. Thry will bo
lal.eii in ,w Vork, from whence they
will bo deported. The members of tbo
party nr" mostly men and come from
Han I'ranchiefj, traveling In two cars
and In tharxe of United Ktates guards.
Three Omaha Firms
File Their Papers
1 of Incorporation
Incorporation papers for a new
drug and chemical concern have been filed
In Ihe county clerk's office. Buph Hlcltell,
Halsey O'Dell, Bernard V. De Wees snd
Oeorgn W. Tlnslcy are the officers of the
The Affinity ttpark Plug company or
ganized for tb purpose of making and
lobbing spark plugs for gosoline engine,
Incorporated for $30,000, according: to
pnpnra filed In the county clerk's office.
W. k'. Dlsbrow and M, V. Smith are th
Krirkson tt- Undleaf. a new plumbing
and heating concern, have Incorporated
on a (10,000 basis. Carl Johnson, Erlck
Ki ll kson and Kred C. Mnllcaf are the
Interested parties.
Rourke Expresses
Thanks to Eotary
VV. A. rtourke, president of the Omaha
Rase Hall club, wishes to eipress his
thanks and ' gratitude to the Omaha
Rotary club, which made tho opening day
of the Western league season In Omaha
such a success despite the Inclement
weather, "Rotary established Itself aa
Omaha's real live-wire booster club,"
said Mr. Itourke. "Of the ,O0Q paid ad
mlHslons well over 4,000 came from Rotary,
Including the school children, who were
guests of the club, and the Kotarlana
The Rotary committee which assisted In
planning the opening day game consisted
of J. N Jlogan, Ray C. Klngaley and K.
T. draff.
Omaha House Will
Open Lincoln Branch
M. K. Smith A- Cq. of Omaha will rstab.
llsh a largo branch factory for the manu
facture of both men's and women's gar-
inenta at. Lincoln. The Lincoln branch
will he deoted to the making of women's
hoii-e flrexscs and walstrt and men s fine
drcs shirta About iCci hands will be
employed at the start, but tho forca will
be Imreaser) as laphlly as It la poaatblo
to train operator", until it In hoped to
Lhave from :! to M machines running
in tne plant
The factory hullding Is lo. ated on N
street, between r'lftr-rntli and ."Ixteenlh
Keith Neville, demn. lath nomlnea f..r
iovernoi, mil l.e th. $ at of honor at
a banquet lo l.e held at th liriisha
holl Prlclav r.enliK.
Tha e ill re giten undei th
ms:mi of ilt i ii Sv, N.iilli
I'luMr i ' it ..oopiHptg former feaidrit'.
uf Vortli I' ". h new tuitiil ti.
(Uioih Mn Neville ; , rop, pain
fcif h'maiol and tt is ii.nltnii, thit
a i M her ef Sunn I'Utla ftl,, l, ,.l
th SI lll mihii doa th-
In- l T !' i)iiri.Sfi ' tt
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L. Carlisle, who held up three Union Pacific trains, and
Rubie Rivera, sheriff of Carbon county, Wyoming, who with
four others caught the train robber.
fM? ) ft t
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SHERIFF p'hA , &
Attorney General Will Try to Gain
$50,000 Estate for the State
School Fund,
A case rivaling the famous O'Con
nor estate fight in Hasting, Nelt., in
promined by Attorney Oenfral Willis
K. Reed, who this morning be
fore Judge Oryce Crawford In county
court will try to gain the $60,000
estate of the late James Dates for tlx
eUte school fund.
Reed will auk that the court pre
vent Hans Anderson from bavins; pro
bated a will made by Oaten, in which
all of the Bate property la given to
Anderson, and will petition to have
the estate escheat to the state.
John Bates was 87 years old and
a mental deficient, who had Inherited
a large entate. He lived on a big
farm near Bennington, but slept In a
shed, in spite of the fact that he
owned m fine house a few steps away,
ne had no living relatlws nor depen
dent, and when his condition became
such that he could no loiuer caie for
himself, Anderson was appointed guar
dian by tha court. When Hiitea died,
Anderson presented a will In which all
of Bates' property waa Riven to the
guardian. '
Mr. Reed waa in the court house this
morning, trettlnn his side of the cane
ready, end will commence action to
day, lie saya the money nhould i. chiai
to tha state, aa Anderson his no Icil
claim upon It.
' Some t went) -five members of Omaha
Post No. 1. Travelera' Protective umw iit
tlon. will lae imialia Thursday in(M
in a epecial car over the thirllnittnii, en
routs ! Alllanie, Mhaia the .Vrhraaku
division of the Travelers' protective ew
rlstioii will luild ta annual ruuvcnilon
Friday and Hatunlay of this week
Can't Do ihe Work
A bad b.i k mahci
I. ii it u ot k iat th t
Ml l Ihe d'tii
I Ii r i t and the
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Mil' iita you,
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An Omaha Lxampln
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DOANS litis
50l il trwd NbS
Swt.htr W.W-e ( hurt U H
This Lad Afflicted
With Scarlet Fover
for the Second Time
Jir. A, K. Detwller roKirted to tha
health office tho rare oocurrenue of a
psllent afflicted with s second attack
of scarlet fever. This victim Is a boy
aged 14 years, lie hud Scarlet fever four
years ago.
h. M. Avery, 27. of )IS Mason street,
died Tuesday at City Kmersenry hos
pital, where, he waa attended for scsf
let fever.
The Omaha wheat market msde a jsin
of 1 lo J cents per bushel, nothing sell
ing hnlow $1.02, while tho top price was
at l W. The receipts were sixty-six
Corn was k cent Hp, selling at (19 to
72'4 cents per bushel, with receipts at
seventy-six carloads, fiats wore cant
tip and sold at 41'4 to 41 cents. Re
ceipts were eight carloads.
Treasurer t're and Chief of Police Dunn
ure Kolnfr after autnmohlllats who hava
failed to tuko out IMS licenses. It la
stated that many motorists are delin
quent. chief Dunn dlrocted his traffic anuad
to set on the Job at. once, and the treas
urer atnles he will hava Inspectors at
work this week. Arrexla will be made,
as It Id believed ample notice has been
It's lr. KrivtiirnV (Hive Tablet lor
Pewaie nf tha habit of coiiatipiitlon, 1
develotis from Just a few consitpato
Oft j. unlcKA otj Inks yourself lo ,an
Coax Ihe Jaded bowel muselca back t
normal action with I'r l;dwarU' (Hive
Tablnls, the eubatltuie for calomel, Don't
force 1 tic- ut to action i'h
severe medicines or by merely fluHhliig
out Die inttatlnes wltii nasty, skaenlns'
ratbarti' a
lr. i;dvtards ln-lievei In Kontient-na,
perlsieticy arid Natures sxelstaiica
Dr rdwarda' iilva Tablets i.e,ru tha
bowels, ttielr action la tfnU, yet poaj
llv There is never any pain or srl!
lti tshrii !r l.nMi tibia Tahieta
aia iiini ("S' i"c riiiu in treatment j
Vid ierMot'" shu'.ld hate j
;jis(d lHe Tahleta , t
taula 1:011, pound tolled will, olita 4-1 1 . yuu
will know trum ,y il.tlr oln. ,ouf
Take 00a nr t 1 i , nui ii.ully and hav
in trouble with owr liver, l,fla or
topiacn, l"c and :u. par If All dru.
t he il, . Tatlt Hits. t'til,iiiit,.ia1
Try ThU If You
Have Dandruff
1 1 4 tt ,in a t-a utor f ; .
ta ta.o.., 4iai,i(,,t' w m. l.nti r att-t
u u ii,,i,t , i ' at4',,. ta p 4
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'4 - t
So Says Mrs. Charles H. Norton,
Who Has Returned from Seven
Months' Stay In France.
"The war will surely end tills fall,
the French pooplo bellev. They feel
they could not endure another such
winter as the last one but thoy will
win," was tho paradoxical exe'uma
tlon of Mrs, Charles II. Norton, 20tS
North Rlxty-siH'ond avenno, Benson,
who has Just returned from a seven
month stay in France, at times helnn
Just forty miles from the firing line.
Mrs. Norton, who was Ann,oe
Malrey, a Kreni h woman, prior to her
r.iarrlUK". braved the dangers of the 1
e to reach France last September. ;
"I couldn't stand it here any limner.
I bad to go abroad to sen my peo
ple, Three cousins I have already
li st In the war and many of them
are wounded. I went on llLe French j
mall liner Kspaane. bound for Hor-1
deaux, and returned on the same
boat, Part, of the time our eabins
were locked and we slept on deck,
fully clothed and with life preservers 1
bound about us, the llfoboats all
ready to be manned at a moment's
r.otlre In rase of danger. All llichts
mere darkened and we were ron
rtantly apprised by wireless messages
when we were lo danger jones."
tailed the Woe tided.
While In Franca, Mrs. Norton visited ,
the wounded soldiers In hospitals rnn- 1
ducted by lier unci. One of them waa j
formerly a seminary btit was haatlly con
certed Into a hospital at the outbreak if
Started With Water Pimples Be
twecn Fingers. Was Swollen,
Could Not Put It in Water.
"My skin trouble started wttb a few waief
plmplea between the Angers of my lnft
band. My band was red and Inflamed
always and It Itched so I
bad to do something, so I
would rub tt with rough
cloth until It looked as If
It were ready to burst and
bleed, and I waa kept awake
at night with It. It got
to be a mass of ptmplna In
side and out, and was
swollen, and I could not
put It In water nor uae It much.
"A friend told me bow Cutlcura floap
and Ointment helped bar so I got them, and!
my hand was entirely heeled." (Signed)
Miss Norma Ja, lft 7 W. Mala St., Battle
Creek, Mich., Aug. S, 1015.
Sample Each Free by Mall
With 32-p. flkln pook on rwpmet. Ad
dress postcard Cullara, llepl. T, Bu.
im.". Sold throughout the wurld. '
s3.00 '3.50 $4.00 '4.50 & '5.00 SHOES
For 33 years W. L. Douglas name has stood for
shoes of the highest standard of quality for the
price. His name and the retail price stamped on
the bottom guarantees full value and protects the
wearer against high prices for inferior shoes. They
are the best known snoes in the world.
W. L. Douglas ahoei are made of the moat carefully selected
leathers, after the lateat models, in a well-equipped factory at
Urockton, Mass., under the direction ana personal inspection
of a most perfect organization ana me nignesi paia
alcilled shoemakers : ail working witrt an nonesi
determination to make the best
W. L. DOUGIAS $4.00.
SHOES are just as good for
at other makes costing 10.00
.aa.o a a
only perceptible diilerence is the price.
W. L. DOUGLAS $3.00 and $3.50
SHOES hold their shape, fit better and
wear longer than other makes for
the price.
None eenuina unless W. L. Douglas
name and the retail price is
on the bottom. ' V" trusiuuTta- Vt.1
DOUGLAS SHOE STORE, 1 17 North Sixteenth Street, Omaha, Neb.
A Brannew Beverage
I 1 ;
..,r.n., m iini.ii n.i,.... i. .. . iiMiiiwwMMMHmiBMa .ammtfw,m1fnMmitm
itwii.av.m, i adic dd AMnv nr st.joPii.
utoney to write
for irit n r Calif tiriti
tral huitlr( btirrtU atuivtl
the war. One in at tielfora and another
near Nancy. 'Tha soldiers never lose
their apint. They slnK and laugh and
Joke, and aa soon as they are recovered
even a little, they apnnd Ihiilr time In
hajdu't timkliiu, embroidering and even
sewhiK, just like the women."
"lint the wonii ii of France' They are
alorlfius1" exclaimed Sirs. Norton, with
all tha gestures end verve of the typical
Frenchwoman. ' They have slipped right
In to fill the plncea of men gone off to
war. Thev flil the ahops an. I alorea. run
elevatora and si reel curs, have gone Into
the ammunition fnciorlea and. yea, even
clean the atreeta. Nothing is too diffi
cult for them to 'undertake,"
(olejrliiif Iteanlla of Mar.
The women in mourning weeds and the
number of crippled men who walk the
street, armless, llmhleaa, noseleea, or
with half a faea blown away these are
th glaring results of Mm wsr apparent
on tha surface, according to Mra. Norton,
iltherwlea, lll and bualneas go cm lust
the same, the peopla having grown accua
lomed to i ondltloiis by this time "At
Ihe outbreak of the War I was told that
things were altogether different every
thing was suspended and psndemnnlum
. 15131513
Will 9av(?You Money
It alwayt pay to
and then
f r-WYTaJif
r. ri
44 I I, I . I II II l
Arm fQ TA Duofold dJOO 7C Rocker ft
Chair .OU Bed . . at . . .P1V
A heavy, handsome Suite for the living room
in genuine .solid quarter-sawed oak, in golden
and fumed finishour price for the entire
suite like illustration, $42.25.
Note the large Arm Chair at $9.50
The massive Rocker at . . . $10.00
The Duofold at $22.75-
Makes a luxurious sofa when closed.
These are covered in Spanish Moroccoline,
which is more durable and lasting than the
split leathers so generally used. The sup
ply of these suites is limited.
See Them Today Before They Are Picked Over.
shoei in the world.
$4.50 and $5.00
style, fit and wear
to B.uv, mo
? i".
On Tap nnti in Hot tics
Omaha Beverage Company
(002 to tlOlfi South .10th .Strret
Hume South 12H7.
south sun; station, omaha, neii.
'rl, Sherrv, .Mimil an I Aulica NS'iii. Thty !.
ami Mill sell I4 viine tin ..per than
reigned. The war had. come so unex
pectedly upon them," she said.
They Lot Araerlcaaa.
"Oh, hut tha French people love the
Americans for all that has been done
for them. On every hand are proofs of
gratll tide and regard for us. The Ameri
can flag la displayed everywhere, ami
especially Is It noticeable In the thea
j ters, The. most popular act depicts an
American woman visiting In France snd
being accorded all honors they sing
American aongs, and In oounttess ways
I ehow llttlo courtesies to American peo
i pie. Here Is the only place music la
heard. Its note Is hushed tn all the
cafes, parks and public places."
Mrs. Norton came to this country whsn
a girl of M. fibti made three trlpa
i abroad. Her husband, who went to New
York to meat her last week. Is a re
tired employe of the Northwestern lines.
Our first alien and sedition laws ware
passed In 17M, when wsr with Frsnee
seemed certain, and It was deemed
necessary to protect Ilia government
against Internal foes.
It takes hut a minute of time tn save
dollars when you resd The Bee Went Ad
col. mns. . f &
TTurt A Reason
get our prictt
j. !.,. ,1, ,t t,t-
t I.A
3 SO S NO S4.00
Best la the World
$3.00 12.80
m 1 k
) mi um imy new,
i 1 1 r it
w. l. oouoiaa waa
I t sutto woaKPiaa-
C f Ti"x. hi viaee or sot. mc
I I Jj sioin MSNurac
I i , I 'll TUHINaiN STS.NO
I .t J ie MAW Tyt
a. -..ill
4 r4...J
j .
a ii s is gp
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