niE'BEE: OMAHA. THURSDAY, AHHL 27, 10K, FOR RENT HOUSES "U eat. VSi; Rk.N'T-Sli-room home with three quarter baaeitient, nil modern except heat, iMI'KO Int. Webeter Ht. W K B' i-A H N A Ml, 32J' N . ' 3tli." -r.. I bath, with gauge. Itorr. J-ROoM ctJttage iiuar 2ltli and Ame. eliictrlu light, Kii for conking; newly decorated; only 111. Dmrat Sweet. Douglaa 1472. XZ'C N. 84T1I. modern, 7 room, f.nt. Ifiltt Hliernian Ave., mod., 14 room, IT!, JOHN' N. FRKNZKR. I M COLAH JM. Yon RI7NT -n.iom modern hou .( Ki N. !'.h Av,, on car lln. Iniuir at ",iC,9 California. Phone f larny 2-l&v DUS "GRANT" "T. 7-r, com., modern," "r T. Hall. 43Ramge BUI. Doug. 74uV C?'irTAK,J block from ifurtvr lake, 14th Ht. and Ame Av.Oolfai( 1789 tr7 NORTH 2:!l "i-rraim modern bunga low; niTiiinl porch. Web, Zli;l. ft AY l7-roomrll moflprn, B-ml Park. Ingulf as:t N. 37th fit, VnoOM. utrlctif modern, oak'rinlnli.'iM and Arac. an nth. ... tflOOM home at 1141 K3.;1 "at rol ; mealy arranged; aituated on tar line; place rem a lor 1 per montli. and I a. bar sain at that price, Call tin office for further Information, Calkins Co., Doug) 13111. CltvNHt'lrink Rld. Till "Arbor" Hi., fi-room, " i;li f water, $19. 1fl 8o. ZUh, room mod., 2d floor, ft'jka . KQijmH. I), f,!W7 or Rod 722K fi)H RENT New M-onm bungalow, ful'lr modern, nicely flnlhml, Jf'hona D, k2i:i (Ol.rilv " for" ieii't. lOliT & 2oth Ht., "alt room with nrw paper and modern nah room, for lis. f T;OTTACiK8 ' of t room each to rent, 114. PhD. JMToland & JTrumbuil. t'OiTTYLN'T"My Y, l-rHmT-H 'motm homo 677 8. 2th. Harney 'l, Mlarellaneona, Vvtt "IiaV'K" vvft a t yoi Tw a"n i" Jloi'Hi;i. ani cotta(;i';h. paiTtlv mmdkhn. t'R.-1U Carter Ike lllvd ,.I4') K. .l N. With Mt , 13 Oil MOUKKN BXCKIT HEAT. l-R.-i!4 Haratoatt Hi , f.-R. filf. Marliia St , VUfi t-li.-mi t th Ht , I,"i 7 11. XI N. 27th 8t littt .STItfflLV MOKKHN, tn. -r,i't n, mil hi. (now) s.t i ft. m ft. 3U1. Ht 27,60 I H.mH N. 2lat Ht. V f, N, 40th Ht.. -n.-.'iJ7 N. 271 h Ht Mt.-l4 8, It Ave TOO)! 7-R.4..3-. Bedford Ave ,, 2"00 7-n. :in h, aotn Av. i n.- ;rn h, mu Ht , ,,,, av f, H.SM .Maaon Ht, "'' H-H 414 N, 8lt. Ht.,,.,, ., ''"' H. 24MO Dewey Ave, (clows In).., K.j FIATH. rATTTI-V MUDKRN. 4 n.-I9!$ fpotiglfl Jit..; JO.' HTRICTI.y MOI'I.KN. i n.-wr llownrd Ht ,,.ViH f-H.- 919 8, d Ht, 2T,.i t-K.-J H. SKIh M . HKATKU A PA HTM K NTH. R.-Apt. No. S, Clyde, im Ohio Bt 1100 WE HA VP! OTITKHH. HKK Ot'H COMPUCTK 1.IHT Blii'-OHK r.ENTINfl, PORTER & SJIOTWELL, Office With American Hcur1ty Company, yt3 k. nth Ht. fMiim,jwia, ll li-tur"Ht., 7-r atricltly mod..27J0 Si9 fipe nwr Ht., 9-r ell mod,,.,... Ho. on W rtrietol St., 7-r., ll rood J7.'0 2WI l- mtnot Ht 7-r ell mod , n 2212 Clarke Ht., -r., mod. ex. heat. M, 4217 Hurt Ht 6-r mod. eg, heat.,, 14, W 2SllCharle Ht., 6-r., mod, fx, heat. 27.11 UU Corby St., -r., 11 mod l.0v iM Ho. 2th Ave., -r., all mod 22. M S2II4 Mavenworth. 10-r md ,, ht. 20.00 : Reward Ht.. -r.. mod. eg. het, 13,'W I72S Iavenworth, -r., mod. ex, ht. 20 W 4204 Hamilton, fr-r mod. ex. heat,, Jo.00 24IVj Ho. 11th. 6-r., mod, ex. heat., 12.60 McCACfUE INVESTMENT COMPANY, 150 T)odi?e fit. Dong, 416. . Must Rent at Once . W5 N. 2itfh fit. 1 rm., all mod....1.00 10"7 N. 2ith St. 7 rma., all Kent ba len reduced from 120. Nothing better In the city at tbla low rental. . A. P. Tukcy & Son, Phon Doug. W.lSn- WO. Wx Bldf. "for bAHijKNixb an vnvUrkt, t.r dnwntnwn. colored. 112. Aluo t and a (Ilk bunaalow) and ACRH GROUND, IH and 17. Alao 6-r., Cali fornia btingolow and .cr, $lf. Tl. D. tarn, un v&xton bi. HOUHKH FOR KENT. C'RKIOII. HONH A CO., SM BKB BDDO DOlfO. 21. FOR RENT AP'TS AND FLATS Went. APARTMENT '"CDOHB IN NO CARFARE. Apt. No. 13, Lfayette. 17th Av. and .laiikaon St.. 2 rootOH and bath. atrlcUy modem, atoam heat In winter, 12.60. Apt. No. 1, earn building, 4 room and bath, atriotly modern, atoam heat In winter, :k.M. Mluhty chiap rent and no carfare. HAVN'E & SUTER CO., Ui Omaha Nat l Bank Bldg Tl Nrj" uitim-neate I'urmient, either 4 or S rooma, on vei riruain eirnBi. JOHN W. IlOHBINH. 1WS KARNAM ST. I-iloOM apt.., modern, 26. V&IS Maple. jvey at nm mupie. J. A. AIIHOTT, 4 PntteraonJBIk Monk " Sl8 NO. 16TH bT. a.tnnm modern flat, ounoalt Ford Motor n in; good for roomera, $32,60 per month. Jl, A. WOLF, f,M Ware Blk. "ootr. t " fill niodiirii iiDartiin'iit . i Mum wlih acrevn porch, wig hi-ao Wi. OUlll. f-Tii"oM inoijxi ll Iiil luielit, N. V , rnr, ,,u i .,,,1 Am.: large room; private laondrv room'; heat and Janitor aei'Vire, 140. l-:NfoN MYKHrt CO , t.t Omaha Nat. HnK llltlg Phefe l''. ','4 FIVK-ltOO.M Mitim tinned apartment; civ rtelnill. The t'dula iia, 'th and' IV..lei... Conrad Vuung, Hi flran det TheaH-r. !'" 171. HX-IUiOM elram h-aind flat, nwlr nl'lt-l otl dn . m 1 itvtMi i t fit, Cotirad u'tng, In jiiari.lun Tli-al.-r t''"M - i KSt 4 t'MVI ui,Mnttti, in U'f M.o m iik ilt.h- l-idik tiloul porehe t e It l'n elol :; . ,: . i t l K i i' I I. 'V. I i, w i "o U .... . ,- li :t f ,io lot . t ,.!,., . to , i l,i.. ., t , t I ni t i I l c Muitritua, !'KI',-,;i't'0 li(i .-4tl, ..,!,! OiiU I ! It I'M f t., - - I i,t h ..I ., , t.. of . I . i tin ,11 I .1 ,- O IM . ' O Ol'' I O..' vo a ,,,,, . o ... lo II V. ! ami . i, .. , i .nii ,(,.ti v . i ,y me ,.io. I'hitK lv if i l".'t "f ' aiitui w i m .ii;,'n t t t:' y lii f I t' I )' Mil'l.t'.v 4 I'1, " jri.,i, n,.t n4 ate,, ag h, I .-', iref f VI i, ...... i-e ' '', I" ,,..,.. i' I' i : Vi I : I ,,'! ,.!.' I , i I N l foHl I' 1"'" .' MOVING AND STOHAGE LOi!E VAN' H MUltAtiK 4 ..n., I i i"" -'.. 4 't 1 -M !.. (iOtUK)N' VAN It). I . !(, I . i ' I I .i smi m W 'i KHi.l KiHsr titi.iuM .-, i.- i l i.. I i. U .'4 0 . I - i ft . a I -. . -t ii,. UV jN i I Ul .Hi til t " i 44 MOVING AND STORAGE FIDELITY Phon Douglg 2x lor complete Hat of vacant houee and apartment; alto for loraee, moving. 16th and Jackaon Bt. METROPOLITAN VAN A 8TORAOE CO. Careful attention given to order for moving Racking or atorafe, office at Raymond Furniture Co, Hill and How ard 8t. I'hon P. FERRIN VAN & STORAGE jrjMnwtftreK. Tap Ave 1 trier !). Maggard Van and Btorag Co. Moving, packing, atorag and ihipplng. Phon Dougla 1411. I I ' Tffi'Pn Knpre fX Moving. U&IUV peaking and atoruie. 1207 Farnara t. lougla 14. FOR RENT SUBURBAN A BKAHTirrr homo of about H rooma, hot water heat, oak flnlnh, lurgn mant l, mn room, alecplng: pvirch, rrill reaeuti able. Auk to ta It TMOH, U M'CAItnr, K fell no illijg. Red 44, FOR RENT- BUSINESS PR'P'TY Ntorra, Modern tor room and baaement, S22 Bo, Utii Ht,: fine location or grocwrt and nwuta, CONRAD TOUNO. 22J Brnde Theater, Dotig, W. I'Oli Rl;NT-4Jiierrtor room, mdi'n! brh'k, btxt In town; In rlh Irrlgiited diatrtitt. A Ouuvalr., linalare, Huotta I'luf f Co , Nib. Wold; building and baaoment, Xffl Leavenworth. N. I', O Hrloi, 410 Bt-e Bid. Phone 1 longing Hlh. IK!4IRTilLK amHil More room j'B20 Ca Hi,, ?o riiiit, Conrad Yogng, 3i2 Brai defit Theater Hldir Doilglaa 171. HTfiBfc, BOO MM t"lM-l'ilf l-arnam Hu Tho.F, Hall, 4.W Itamge Bldg. U.JW. HT' ill K7 "modern low rent," hear "poat offlce. O, P, Htebbln. IHI" (1il"Hgo. bTOBH building, living rooitlg Ul r4U, N l'uu , M lai'ellaneuua. W Wu'lK,' light .""Ueiniit,""tm 1lh Ht ; chol.e louatlon for mumru ana pool. V right A Iwkoui y. I). Wl, WANTED TO RENT "t fMrUheif"lliiae end Flat. vVANTKH TO HliNT-HlrMly modern, five-room bungalow or rottngc; annul tzf; In good neighborhood, J'hnn Col fax 2:iM. ,... Fiirniaiieil liioneea iMfl'l (a, WAKTKD-Kurnlahed, 2 or room apart ment. Moat ho etrletly modorn; Went Famairi dlatrlrt. Private bath, run ning hot and cold water, a.ecirb! light. When anawcrlng give full particular, Addrena K li:.4, llee, REAL ESTATE IMPROVED " ;"' '" ift'fif"lJB"80lb ANY OFFER C'ONSIDBRED AUTO AND LOTS TAKKN ON Two ft-room bungalow, one floor, Otiarter-aawed oak floor, oak ftnlah, finely decorated, Juet, being completi'd, corner lot and garege. W-Vifl Barker Ave,, In Leavenworth Height. ALSO On 7-room hoiiae, 1S24 Sahler, outh front, elegantly fmiahed; my home all m;;ht (1U AT HOM1C PRICW. FRANK O, HLWAKO, , iM WU BAHl.KH, COLFAX J. 3GT1I AND JONIOS . PRACTICALLY NEW $1,000 Her I an up-to-date modern home, with dandv alecplng porch and ll other modern convenience. Jt I fln lahed In oak, I located on flrat-claa eaat front lot, 42x130. ,.uiv dlatane from both th Farnain and Weal Iav enworth car line. Term can b ar ranged If deelred. ARMSTRONG-WALSH CO., Tyler 15M, tm Ron Bldg. THIS BEAUTIFUL HOME, WTST FARNAM. Prlc reduced from lf,,00 to I12.WW. Prac tically brand new; ha everything up to luxt minute; 4 large bedroom, large sleeping (Kirch, two malda' rooma, jiretly fireplace, den. Are you Inter ested In omlhlng up to laet minute? Then don t overlook awing thle. OHKORVIi 701 Oma. Nat l Ilk. D. 1474 "FIVE-ROOM JiUNUALOW" WIST FARNAM DISTKICT Modern In every detail; genuine bar gain at 12,760.00; only ti'iO.oo caah r' quired; balance like rent. Phone Doug- la 6074. SHt'LKR CART, Keellne Bldg. REDUCED I'RJCE New 7-r. modern, oak and birch fltileh throughout, beam celling and all built in feature; prennert buck foundation; aoulh front, clone to car; firm-claim ma terial and workmanehlj), A complete lioine In evory detail. IWt buy In onuihA. owner, ooogiaa lu:. HN APf6R gt'B.'K'BALli tM mo., i;,J cwnli, h i. mod. cottage fine large cor. lot, apace for 3 bouae beautiful uliade and fruit 1 1 -- , paving Pd.; choice location, on car line, hot far out. A bargain lu combined home and lovcHiuient at 17, to.,, ,M, kinuk H ' " Uh1.': .Tyl, r 'l'J. ARl5 you afraid to cjtll me for Informa tion thinking that you will lie annoyed forever after? Don't worry I haven't time for that, will gladly gtv you anv Information dmlreil, aftnr ihnl it. la up t you. Phene lirnon 1 r. 8, Trul linger W. L. Ht.LH V It HONS, IN8U RANCH, ! n BI'YM modern home. Went r arna'n, I riHOin, I bath, a j N. ,1th Av NOW OPKN FOR INJUNCTION, N'lat iRi'a.iM lu.t 1DI.NCK 'li!lh l In i 'k I lira lilioui I DUle ll.itm tt w. C'.tnii .!n i and into .i MINSK LUNA ADDITION I i ,, 4i- l"l:t lW a Itiom- . ...lo... o I a i. j. . io , i . , ..--f, luin I a-t 11, .i,iil i.itii '.ip ii.-i.i;.i I il. l O "' I I f II, i H ' '! bi4 l'"' i . .. I I, -I 4. , t ! I I . t I lo- p- : ( '.-. .l f , 1. 1 . 4 I 11 It H MlND'iN :t V ei . r. i . e i ('.!?. i'f'1 n in'ii S Ui. il : l'; '. iili'W, It V. V litis I 1 1 1.. nil. f II! . I I ,1 , 111, t ( - t l-t .Ol 'o 1 II- - . - t , HI! l II. I-... I I Ik I t.a la fc.ia m t'it I .,! . , I .11 lO" .1 I ! ..I I . -.1 . I i,4V M.,. U K l o 1 1. . - " I ,,!: I I t ! -i.m .f )n.f " . i ts v 'M.s r i nHi'tsf. ' Jl ' s ! Ii -!' 1 1 l OfMl'i I.MID.H) iSI LI. t M- fr"" ' iS. lf-. I I Jt. 't 1, i a HI 1 5 .f 1 1 ( - t I-. I .!' H i-'U - " t k J f m I . i . i 14. I !''' 'V h " i ' ; ft ti t M. t i,. .4 I M 1 v' a I REAL ESTATE - IMPROVED BirriNMlJNtCIyAHiE 3127 Hamilton Kt. A nifty bungalow. ItA iatge rooma and armrwenieiit will aurprtsrt you. The floinb la oak and can't he tH'nt. Mxi-I'il (euluna galore. H.X-V) will buy It loaah or tcriimt. lift urn how you t hi today Tomorrow may be too late. Call Ix.ogl ia l'l, to gi t BAHP Hid iH. Good Home Very Little Cash Flv room cottag with bath; larg lot; fine ahrubliery and fruit tree. Price, Located 4107 North tth bi Norria & Norris, 400 BBdg Phnna jiougla iTI9. T'RAIfUt; PARK- Beautiful 2-torr, 7-room, atucco, brand nw; 'M eaah. Ii monthly; eouUi front; tplendld ehade, hedge and ghrtibbety; paving fnxea paid In full; oak flnlah, whit enamel bedroonte; tiled bathroom; aiorui eanh and auneiia. Call owner, Colfax M TO cT7mrfA"S" iTAT'lC" Reduced from lo l,Mi. Now a letier MMtliorlglng a pr1 of fl.lWi. Flv room hoiiae, bualnea lot, Clifton Hill. I rent np. OI'ViH'ilO l. WAL1Afir, I4 Keel(n Al'h5 L" BA BOA In '. ft. room eottage, toilet, gaa, wgUrr, ta rt, lot. II.Kj urun, M in or Ford car for 'iully, H. P. BOHTWP'SC. Ul) BBK PLD. Pjrtj Aj.( jiKliKRMoN, ft-room col logo, mo'lcru i-gi-ept heai.; cement wilk and ahudu, neur KounU park; I3,'"0 buy I hi. I', J, 'I'KHBKNH CO., ftf (mi JVafJ Bk. CHOICK, M iDKBN eotta, 210 Kugglc HI , out of towg owner. Will cell chp. F,ay ttrma. II. M LANDKRYOU. m Nevtll Blk. J"",-.,7Mfc i 'NB'.'Ji "liuiigalowa, ouk flnWi, at a fcer- giiln, Wcbuier 412. goilth, 34TJf AND AHBOll STB. A dandy, well arranged, -rooin lioue, enci pilomiilv well boiil, uti lcllv mod ern, oak flnleli, liime porch on front and gouth aide, ginugc, corner lot; t)ih aireeta piived, Dandy pl' and at 4,MXi I a MSA P. 11 " how yon. D. V, SUOLEH 00. lfi IflCIfy Xat'l Kfirik tildg Do'jg. 44 " IN ClvNTKR OF FlKLTi"'C'U:""" DISTRICT Kbaant 7-reom houe, two-tor and attic, ).)g Wi-foot lot, eaef front, paving all piiid, A bargain at 1.,'yXl, Caah or term inn t.e tnnde I all, J 1 1 ATT-FA I RFJ KLD CO., 24S OiriNh National Tyler Vi 6-B'MJM bungalow,, bland new, all mod ern. oK noon inrouariom; inn iimaii In living and dining room; Imge, light, while enamel bedroom: good location, rer.trlcted addition. A bargain at XiSM. Kav term. BENSON 4 CARM1CHARL, 42 Paxlon Hlk Doug. 1722, g-HOoM bungalow, with guiag, on very eauy paynxnl, near Jf.lh and Woof- worth Ave fall owner, RfMl. -- -- f ,..laeua, OWNER MUST SELL. FIVI-l(ioM. nearly new, well built atrlctly modem cottnge lrf.ow cot on ea.y teime, Hi Tee tie, lile, etorm aaeh, fruit, etc. If dcalred pre-nt owner HI rent imlll Heplemher 1 and povalbly longer at t.Z. per month. ( loee lo school, rhiirrhe arid car ui. Hood reaon for aelllng, KC(JT & HILL CO,, Doug, Wi ((round I'lr McC'ngue Bldg ;m DOWN balanc like rent, buy 6-roorn; fill lot; good nelghliorhood; .. . rnnnt,. .,A A...m. 4.l ... ,k irice, fi u.Jvrn, vnt. f., iiioimii, my 4-room; fall lot, near car; good location, WILLIAM COLFAX. D. 11110. 702-4 KellnJ(ldg. j,A'pt,Ty-" j jukt, ' FOR HKLIABLrS AND 8AFK FlftB AND TURN A DO INBURANCM hi:k o'neil's r. f. inc. aokncy. 714 Brandel Theater Bldg. Tyler 1024. fktoM "tti; Y 7 room, all modern home fram and atucco, atualy worth $4,600; ey term, ('hone Owner, Welntlf ail" 2,eoO-KASY PAYMENTS. 7 rm., oak fin., hot water heat. A MOM GRANT, 211 Brandel Theater. REAL ESTATE- UNIMPROVED We. I, TUB Tieat acre or oi.t Benaon way. Th beat place lu boy a. re out Bengon Way la In Heiiaon Garden, Richland A' re or Wet Pennon, where we tiln cll you on or mote gi rex from I-' iin (ml and up, on very eay term. HAHTIMJS J I I'.YDKN", 1'14 Harney Ht. I'hon Tyler SO. llK.Mi-tON (liirden acre are the beat oloae ln acre to be hod m-r Omaha- Call. wrlt or phon Tyler Mt for read ing matter, telling mor about Benaon (aroen ar-, enjoining nnon. HAHTIN'iH HF.YI'KN. I14 Harney t, DOT .Vix 4.'td and Dewey A v ot.poalle I'tilvernlly lilda.; lloie, 421S Dewey Ave. Wajliut 1 or(U AFTRIt looking t MINNII LtWA. SO dliferent buyer dl;c,ed that it wa the boat projiOMitlon on the market and thev r.ucKed their Judgment by lit j IN'fJ lot, If YOi; will com out today you will Vhderatniin why other nre buying CHAKLKS V. MARTIN & CO., Tyler 1K7. 7(2 Omahii Nat l Hunk Bid. (ii'FOOT lot, pa i nd, oh Decaluf Kt, be tweeii 21tli and ?Hti. Room for two houfcea. Verv liieaii .1, l HA It HIOR, Keellne Rldg. T 1710. 1' 17 A I 'I III I, couili from lot, iH.iKA I'lorein c Hld , near Miller Pink, firm place f"r home or tnvinlmcnt THAT Doug. Wl, pltoNK tiopgla '."it for printed Hat nf I'vift end up, lot and acrnage, gnalh. 20 Acrt'H Near FairucroH. Ml'BT BK HOLD HY MAY 1ST High "d instill), with rood Inuruv in. nil. r or puce ami icriin can, Hiatt Fairfield Co., MM (imxht Nl I Bk Tyler ll.l, liClt.Il TO M il Have 1 1 firs .tioi.w l"' lu leaven Wimii Ruight A.ld , tiny ( una Doug rl Call L lii.lew, . Pl"l Itldg REAL ESTATE" INVESTMENTS ' INVi HI MhN f. ntH ANO F.MlSV'il hTA l ..! -1 il. !.. "I lie k tn lull lot I II. f ' ll.l ul ! r A hi f.i fu l lot I.U'i.lll.g riullu J I!, hi MONT CO, i 14 Kire'lim . U I ' ' I I. i 1V l.-l Ut ST ('.; I VI : V i r i X. ll t. . ' I .. I it' ll I' ' 'f F l I -t P- i.l. ' eh I I II, W I (..'.'it ! Hi "O.I ,',! e, , .1, .. ...,1,1 lol tl ." f t I " I'lnllli .1, D D REAL ESTATE EXCHANGES 1 1,4, i i i wi K 1 Ui. 1. wi I1 " i i .. , i t, l . , A I - 4 l' l't i I I-"'! , ., ,,,, ... ,., t I , , . I ! fcl.-l -IH t ,,,,, .. A , h i i in I ,. .'! 1 Hilt I -h I ill ll.l. i-H V 'II V : ll.j ,',1,,'1, t I t.a'..t.l tit - Ms lot ,,.-' I i i i I.1 li'A I- ' 1.-.-I e, i I .!-. " 4 I I :M , .1 I ' ' .. 'III. In 1. , v - . I'i ' i ii - " .- a. t i-l I . -1 a a I ' i'i -v ii.a il , ! , a, i .1 't I. . ' aa I ' i' ' ' I I f . a ,,,..-'. Ian .- 4 I H t-.-il. I f -i a ', ' i ' ' ' " J I I. I. . . ai ; 1'" ' Lu-: ! v H V I" U li. '1 1 O' I'li 4 41 V'I; HCU I a i i Hi.1 ' '! l ii t t "i " ' ' ''!" - 1 ft ,-, m . . t 1 1 ...,:. . i I it. .i i H, I". !. REAL ESTATE- EXCHANGES FOR KXCIIANOKiJ crea, t,-iiille from good town, lino iu per a. i " iii atix k gen, md. up to r,,(Ki. WriLe A. A. I("inc. tifulnard, Nb. II) ACHF.H f'.ne Irrtgated Colorado lanfl. clear. Wanted clear Oman, improve.!. Mr. Hawver. i:4 Urand Ave. Col. 75!. tiMAllA Income property for Netiraaka or Iowa farm or ran. h lamia. J, i.. nar ber, Ton Keellne Bldg, lyler 171 1. CAN" ll or eiohang anything you ha to efrr. C. J, canan. Mcv.agu eia. O Mil I II I ll !! IIBIflllMlllllllll I lll'l - REAL ESTJ.TEBUSPR0P7Y tt FKKTi llh Ht., I liTk. from viaduct. K,iV. WoCagu inv, Co., f agu i'iog. REAL ESTATE-SUBURBAN Banaea. "tAR'F"Y"oiTir TToVI iiTsT BiCNON I 1HIY TH 114 LOTI 110.00 down nd 110 00 per month; prl l,W).0O, le, IV0I2; located on lcut Jit, Ixdwren Clark and Burnhm; imt far from erhool and car Iin. Ueo, It. Wright, line off!", Omaha. Pontic. A?J60D IOCAT10N" For Btor or Apartment Hougct! ON LINCOLN lUOIlWAt IN DUNDEE Till I lrg north and an at front corner lot on car line, having Iti feet north frontage on ffcidg atreet and l-tl fe,.t et frontago on Forly-nlnin ve nue In Dundee' newest addition, where dvlopmeni at taking plac raphuy New iti,W aparlmenl will lie built mat eaat. of f Din coiner. Hornet htng choice, and will mak a goixl Ittveat tnent Prtc and term on application. GEORGE fe COMPANY, Dnng1a7M. fniJCity NtlmilBnk X i i y flue liouae tn Dundee on Doughi beiwcen 4Mb and 4iiih, Son Hi front lot wtth gurag. VV IL OATI.H, 47 Omali Nat Hk llldg. D. J4. jb(jNInift-Well ""lonated lot, beautiful yiewj Biuin rroni, pwi i,.o.h ail paid; a eell t batgwln prtcg. t., a. liiimmel Phon Doug. n.iS. CMOlClS jot In Lvanaloii for l by "wner; tiav two Wit lm t""-,"'.r' will "il on or won, j ituinn aferjl"' i .,. KVANKTOT JH Til K BKHT A DDJTION F.VFH 1-AiD OCT IN DCNDKK. . FD.rene. tr,TTSninn TBADi-iaer. frU farm with -room houae, I'A ml.e north of Florence. ;ail Flurence Kiib or lyler 2dir7. RrfJin fA r ,. g, NeHiaway for aeiaaa. J2''m'iz" M laerllaoeiiua. "XcRKAOK KAlUUfNT " u,l oooliiir liKtieon. 6-r noUMe, with ham and ahed. Fin for poultry and truck farming Beiieonalde rent. V. D. WKAD, XI'!J5 JiJJi, HT,T V 1,1 FINANCIAL ""arK(a Vtfm'mT MmTimB- we r read at all viu io make loam on flrt-clM city property and eastern Htbragk faring. Rate on rejut, UNITED STATES TRUST CO.. 212 South 17tn fit. It oukTroWi n "on " Aoartmenl buea, double brn k hou. lnt.1 hooe, bumliie Pf'Prty and Xarn, Uuidat rand 121 Keellne Bldg. Doug! 141. ItONKY to fua n, ! lr cent on Omaha rgldnce and nearny , u. k, p.ncK a o.( 912 Omaha Kat' Bank. . iZr-TtvT'im i..r l,,i, r. on beat ci Ottf ,..iHr.,a In amount 2,00i) up: ! farm loan. Reaaonabl commiaalont. PKTF.RM TBt'H'f CO.. 1622 Farnam Ht iiF,lt A homa7 Kaat Nebrsaka farm. O'Keefe BFAL EHTATR CO. il Omaha Nat. Phon Dougla 271. uiar"!r v i..' iouii on Imoroved farm and ranche. We lo buy good farm inuit- gnge. Klok Inv, Co.. omana NO DELAY. W. T. OHAIIAM, HBK 111,,1'U. -QfjfrfrfQ M)AN, for year, on improvea proper . HOPEN CO., Doug. 42. MON K Y on haijd for oity nd firm loan. If W, Binder, City National Bank B!dg. GARVIN BROS. ;,rV CTTY anTTarm I'.ana, t, Wk. per cnl. LJ f Dumont Co., 4US Keellne Bldg. tincTtoilTi.'iiw made promptly- F. D. W-aad, ' Weat Bldg., pth and Farors Ht. 'M'ONKY! HARRIHUN MORTON OO ig fimriha Nat, Bnnk BBIgj. gbatraeia el Till. f lnoronton Abatracl Co. W tan bring liuaraniec (lown your Bbtrct n ahnrt nollr . B. 7, l'Htteron.Hli1tf.D. 2.-47. T7t,'lfTl(T Ouaranlce and Abstract IVl.Jtlln ( m modern gbatruvt offh 106 8. 17th Ht. Tel. D, 64. ftirir.h ABHTBACT ViV.. olileai. ahatract offlc In Nbrka. 2o llrndl Ihe- Hluek and Honda. Our Nebika farm morigage re not at (acted by European war or Panic. Amount $(' 7r. to lai.tmu. vv uoneni mi Intereat and principal fee of chaig; year In th Nnhraaka (arm field wBhotit a low 1 our raoord. KLOK K IWVFHTMF.NT COMPANY. Wl Omaha Nat, Bank Bldg., Omaha, N. a l"ij0"M(jnTlAtiK."lHiig""7 'tT t'lit aeml-aniiual, w ured by property valued 14,714). Talmaga l"ii't !v' o , W.O W. FARM AND RANCH LANDS ArtB(lll,t l.anda. kl'liPRIHINii nppoil'Ji.Ul for fnrmer. atiu-k ilcr and trull giowcia. Ilumtiu I. and Co , Horatio, Ark I olnrndu I.Hoda. Fi m"M' .Co-, re imclnlioeil liimieatead, au'i.l ol, ampin rainfall; ." near fie llmlier I'm i ' filing fee and all I Tracy, I'l M..rn, I'olo ) I TWO ( III! D'H IOWA FARMS f UK 8DL1I AT A I. TUN Klghly etn, a.liolnlng a. Moot- gOIIO-H t Ml''. ll, itil O ! I' ll ''I .r.p Mule I n cl.u p I". A PH! 2. i'v Cv li MO l,,i'f.:l ',(.. in, ill, ii, . .,.i or write C if it . . --"iMi i .- Villi. 1. Iinpl" e. nil f irm, ail oi oin n I o I firm lliif. Jour (! ,r Mm m l, t - t nl , s i 11 "I 'il' m. i t , r.lllt I, -.thlM I I I 11. 1, o ! all. it nil I h I 'I t . ii.a Minis (.! A,,itt 'ili lull t"'' I , ; I OK Hi.' ltflll-1. f D till ' ' II, ,! lli.i, K.ih n U.b i it '' . ' ' I .!l Mn. fi I JOWA liAIHi AINS .1 ! ! i .1 I ANNIH I KOHtJNd Ai I k, t Bt. I ' Ud A- 1 1. l.l ra 1A ,,,, 4, p i (, i, - t ' u '- ' ' ' '" , . i. . ci.- " " 1 i- m -t . !-. ,.,l i" ,1 1 , n. 1 1 t --.-..!, 1 s . I ' ' ' , ,,,-t I. , I 1 1 I in " hf a l-t I ai -. I I I.. Val i4ic- 4 ' ' , j- .. ( .a 1 ' ' Ka..... I 1( Mlastiail 4 "l I i ; r-i 1 i i i- i ii i , , , , . , t., "I . . - I i 1 - s ,'.! ,. ,4 I ' '" ' " " 9 " ' I I I. V t . ' V . i " I I ,',.( , li I l4,-. ' t -a .. FARM AND RANCH LANDS I no Ula c.a l.amla. PA B DI.1, llCf-lAVA. TUB 1'Ali.M KK H BKAL tMKADlHL After year of Inv.nt r.'lon th oitN KINU i f II.I.INOIH eataiillHiie.l a model ton In pouriiriii I.i.uIhIhiih, on lie' riulhru I'aiRi. railwav, I virnt veven iolle west of New Orleana on Piiiul liern Nutiotiiil Aittomohlle highway. P.-irm In tiaela to ault you. Laud put m crop for you, hehoola, chui'1!' and nioatly ponhern e(tieiuent, Itiprnin ta'iv. a wauled 11. I, olLBCtlT. i Mulaon lliimhe biiilJing, New or- I.Mii, I a. nrlli llHkiMH l.anda. farm,4 nm sai.i: (Mi kvimmh; IN Tlllv II,D RjVlll VAI.IKr OF NOU'lll DAKOTA. pKlelv l" TO P17H ACRK, BA.N'.INa IN MIZK Fi.OM lm Ai'lll-S. TO .'.oio At R i H. THI'R; FARM .4 ARK UUHII.Y i M PHoV I )i . Ili.-K 'IO I'lAI V, AMI CROW 1'7 V -KRVTHINU A HL'M'A NTLY. Til I'. HISKHT CAT! I K COl.'NTItY IN A M Klip A . i IIKAI' RAILROAD HATCH TO MXAMINM TlD-. LXND Uli.l', INFOBMATRiN. SMtlTr; o CAR W. DAVlh, 2". H HIXTH HI., OVKIi 14 . mi in one .U. ki, I one biil- licHw rr4l pilitc. n.vec can. eieu a n.iilrure, hud liiwuiill or eat on the wltnieK aland. Doe atahlllly and 1" ja 'iidahlltl v mean anything to you, Mr. Land Buyer? Agetua and buyer wniited. Heud for llat. L, (7, laiwla, Mil lior. N. D, . , rtrbraaba l.ada. full i- A t 1 liupioved and liiilnil'MH ed fit! HI ImoIIi. on 2" year' lime, 6 pet ,-ent on deferred payineni, 6 r cent on pt ln. ipal. ii'li.ihle men a II h elm k mini impletlM'til led iply. M I.VOli", owner, KmiiiicI N'-l. 61 ACBI'4 tin iilfalf. grain and atock furm, a mile ironi isroKeii isow, mini h aold dutiug April, ncnd fi r den'rip tion Ho N Broken How, Neb FOR BALC Pt larg runty high grart medium priced lanl in NiraHa; vary lliti money r'puid. C, truiey. Wol i,ch, Nh fi t ."I'lCft ACRH' buy a f)of)D ferfti Str. niU' fem Omar a Rely (.If lord. II Ramge Hf.g., omara rn JThI A , adjoining II. il,. , all flu valley land, improveo. rn a., womi IJi.oiiO. Write D. C patteraon, Omaha, Nrw t ork I anrta. PROFIT i iH I y. ti"t promlao. I cow, team, nena, an a' rea, a"o uohuioh, I' hull' 20 cow team. 1'l, latioraf building". acre. ) per cr. Writ for pholoa 17 Muuaon, 242 H, Huliiia Kt , Hvr' tme, N, Y. M'laeonefn tana LAND HALKHMKN - 10,'KIO ar of dralni-d meadow land In nuth central vvi.eoimln. on main line railroad; all land '4o to town; drains ayatem complete; 'll from 40 acre up. Horn farm Improved, (live long time In I, ovine. Open land, no rock, Not a i .,.vrr atiioiti deal. W plow the laml (! t our plan for backing lha get tier with milch cow. Heat near-at-hum piopoeltlon on th market today for you tn handle. Only ft) mile from Iowa. Price from ki to per am. Hood comndiialnii to bualnea producer. Writ today. THF, PriDDf LAND COMPANY, Inc., Owner, Codar JUplda, low. , Hellaiiro, BUYKRH WITH TDK MONKY TOINVK8T, Frm lnd ad placed In (he oot nrnna re, h th kind Of peool. all uver the weat who hve ampl fund wllh wliph 10 invet in lanae. uuallty and ijuantlty are both found In 'I IIP: BK.K H country circulation. Th auldicriptlon rata for Th Be I much higher lhn ny other Omaha liewnpaper. Nalurallv The Be I rad by a claa of well-to-do farmer. Hi rid in your ad and racb om real buyer. FARM LAND--7m account of wealerh lntereta, will aell reveral large trai-ta of farm land In North Iwkota arid Montana at wholesale price and on eaay tenua. Addre Y. i7 Bee. " ARK YOI! OOIM1 TO BUY LAND? If o, get a copy of our Journal flrnf It ha land, city property and stock of Honda edvertlaed from nearly every eiiile. Ho that you cn find luat what you wlih In It column. Katabllahed lit iMr. reaching 7ki') readera, Hend 2f,c for ona year ubi rlptloii or II for FARM AND RKAL EHTATB JOURNAL, TRA KB, IOWA. FiflMiC ai:reag'i nd city property fuf aala and exchange. C. B. Combe. M ftrandet Thea'er 'ldy Dour Mil. IPO U LT R Y AN P ET ST OC K Irl' i, iJu r.uu' 'loTl.l'nur Dlafl Chll' M ai 1 nlwy penmti up; Uifl Dpanead to ntrt; fra book rxplftin mil. M&Jti HquAfi fo., iM'Vt. wl. AM, I. " J "(f ixfiKfn. At'utc imV in afsrctM-7' 11 1 ifikiFiofl IrnrinaT jftrtarv DO each; only a few left. Mug Uellr Bird Co. KOOH Didiau ftunrier duili. fawn and While, "C e' n. rnone neii o,i. KiiHH Haried Hoc kg, blue ribbon atock IOC Ch. Red 6IWI, MXD groin, H Ilia, li 7i Hi-riilrig II 2i'i per 100 lha. not N. Pith Ht HORSES-LIVESTOCK-VEHICLES Foe ale 14 a ft S.'kMHADDLEli "J.JTlT TRtJ Nkrb W make them ouraelve and sell them dtreit to the coniimer. Why pay two profile for Inferior good when you can gut hlgh-grnl good at flrel com ALFRED CORNIbD CO , 1210 Farnam St., Omaha. HAY--MMI Inn 4 W VA wi N. W, AUTOMOBILES'-FOR SALE FORDS"" FOKDS 1910 FORD Touring Car Il' l'i)2 I'ORD Touring Car U I'd; FORD Toiirina ar t'lf. I'.iKI Fnllh Touring rar I 'l' i!HI FORD Touring Car I 11114 FORD Touring Car-.,.- 13 1UJ4 FORD Buadter. JM I H 1 FuRD llowilaler . t-'D I DHli nioiui. nlal null, oiirri hod I .0 lo V.l CORD 1 1111111,1 1-Inl rai. , .1 laid .. ITS to t'.u A bu-i fin if ntner cr from i il P lipiiiiMi i;tl in rum1 '', I- J, , I I l; .IL' , ! D .' !-' UKAi.CAII HAKUA1NS ( , , .t , ...i .. .-t . i 1 I 1,,. . ; , . 1 ,. I ,. 1 . l 'l I' B " , '411 I .-. l ... t l -'i ( I.M'ell.g 1 l I I ... .D I I'i.' I tv I 1.' .1, -M.l- I , ,...,.,. , .i-.(,l ei el. ' 1 h 1 od 1 11 ' ' 1 - . 1-1 1-1'. ' o I , . , ,,,,-.( ... . i 1 -lO'l l: I' ft , . , - ,- 1 ,1. 1- h, .... . -., , , . , .,,,. it t - ) ,11 ' .pi 11 I . ,.t .. i . - 1 t. . J liuii't Aiitii i u , t 1 - 01. Ai To t i,i:ak!u hoi ,m; n 1 ..i.... 1 ' 7 . 17 - , , t i , , - - a .. . 1 1- . r fi 111 1 , . , . - .-1 '. , . . , , h ' s 1 1 1 - ':'t'i'T-l i ID .' '' '- ' O '1 i,'i Il 1 --, . k -! ( ' I "id ,. I It , -( IU ' I' fl ill t ..lull tall I,. 1 i. -. i . ' in i t" a, I I . Hoill ,4 If 111 ill! Iflk ll- (1 ,H 'I' I'lo'l i.ala 'til. Ami-. , A , 4a I , .! lt'i ,,11 . I tl t:4- 4oill"'in. '4 I . .if' l-s, .. , I. t. . i:i n i'l4 I 'I l" , .1 - a a,,, I .'TtO 4 t, OA NAOtf t O , , I Hili-I I' - i l I -...!!' V' .1- i I - i,i,,l- I ... a I aa i a ..ii i . r-t " 11 1" a l'a t,l I- ,,i4 " At Di ti i' KSt (I I u: n, hi i A 4 . U 1 . . i. I. 4" 4 !. I 4.1. ad 1 (' I " t -I C l'l AUTOMOBILES-FOR SALE lirtw')HH i;iuetne7"afniot new. bar gain; owner leavtng city, call iwnra 4, Fontenelle or Douglna 34R tHftl CAR llAKIlAJNH AT UL'BPHY OTIBIKN AUTO CO.. 114 PI i Farnam Bt Aato HrvalrlHw ant"rtnltng. NKB, Auto Badlaior Repair Krvie and orlcf right ;! H. lath M, JIKI teward fi r iiiaiiiietu w can't repair. oil reftftireo. tmnnrjrr. ,iw n. in. , riK MCHPHV-Auto repairing. 111 8. Hlk M. Tvier "Hi; rtgni, ci ',.. (urmhn Rndpitor I rp Co, 2o"l Far, U. atwl. Aalo T.rea ami wapplle. TIB Kit advm.rlng. but keep th prlue uowii. . .'r . : . (i. r on ninnunii. lonkef Tlii' rrpiiirlii. On good Hr made from two ..II one. Duplex Ttr Co.. ; It (..iriuiot Ht. H'lu TH KM " B l"1 I 'ILT, l: no TO $-.. nrn tu.i; co. tin Chicago st. SERVING INVESTORS FOR 30 Without tt lo to an invif FIRST MOUTOAOKS on prodn'tive Nebraska fanrif. 'i offer tlic following loan to eoiis.-rvHiivp invpf.tors. We liuve iiifulc tlioic loaii after a niont tliorough jM'nsonal in- hDcetioii. Would be pleiiMed to look over the complete paper, and ftlioto of land and building. L'O.OOO.flO, fi; flppraised value, $.t$,000,fH) $12,00f).f0, fippraised value, $35,0)0.00 $!0,0)0,0Ot r; appraipfd value, $30,000.00 $.1,000.00, 0 j appraiccd value, $20,00).00 Inferft pnyable Mini annually, If the above nitwints do not meet your waiitK, write or KL0KE INVESTMENT COMPANY, HOl-2-,'5 Oinalia Natioiia! Dank Pensioning Widows ! of Policemen Is Up Before City Council Huperlntendent Kugel of h police de lairtment prcaented to the city council for eonldretloi! th matter of penalon Ing widow of policemen not ellftbt for rellrameiit, Th death of Policeman Rich Monday bight made alx cae of thlg na ture within eighteen month. The law provide that when police man die before h become allgtbl for retirement hi widow lill receive monthly petition of not lea than 130, which la to be paid out of the regular police fund, Th council ha been al lowing IW a month to widow of police men and 1 0 a month lo widow of de tective, Jfineinueh a Oil I getting t be rpill an Item Commlenlnner Kugel believe the council ihould mk a rul ing for future cae. Th police relief fund provide for all retired member of the department, Th widow of Policeman William Oood I inking th council for a pension, , Nebraska Woman Oil Well Owner on Visit Mrs. C. L'rvln and datighler, Ml Grao Brvln of tneoln, are vteltlng Mi. C. H, AM,n of thl city. Mr. Aahton I Mr. B7f vln'n daughter, Mr, and Ml Brvltt have Jut leturned from Corpu Chrlatl. where Ml Hlrvln haa property on which a 140.000 oil well wa recently dlacoverwl WALNUT HILL IMPROVEMENT EFFECTS AN ORGANIZATION The Walnut Hill Improvement club wa formed lt night at a meeting In King er' hall, Fortieth and Cuming irt, officer were elected. They are. F.. K. Howell, prealdcnt, Carl Ixivgren, vie preeldent, Matt Paacale, cretary; Oeorga A. Kyeer. treaaurer; Oeorg A. Hill, Judge I.c Ftelle and Letr Huttlilnaon, director. An athletic en tertainment was given A machine t-a been devlaed to apply uteatn In (he anil to deatroy huii and undealrable vegetable growth The Strange Case of Dy Frederick Lewis, Author of ;: Pjctues by "What Happened to Mary":: Essanayr Th Caat af t'rWr f Tm trukmum cats or maV i-aua. I'lUi I i.. :i- lr atn4. In I. aim n ll. i.i'll Man . iiiecinxi eta., a a K.ll.l ... - .... t l', i-l a Ma . ,1., a I mt la -I " - i. . i 4 i -ill t II W ! I ! '' .... Ilai' l'a-.H ai,. , lM..i a - - It i-aawl l- r, I4i. l1.- .. I , a (. r - . , .aai l'ii"J4 M 'lu..- - '" l.lnlii. ' I -' Mi all., r-. I ' I Ua ! an' li-" i'a -a I a n a. I ,.i.- I , .hi e .4, . VII' IA Miliar U,,.4 11 II M- . ni .. ii k , t , .i Ul I I III a- - tt,K,' t'Di kr M ( t 1' aiMltl. 1 lM4M tird ! il 4 t t i - Hi .. I I . ' i' I '' ' ' ' ' 1 -.. I ..r " I II I M ' '" ,. , f. 14 1- .14. ll'!'i i. ,., ,,..-ll4 k4 "' " 1 4 f . , 1 , 4 l al HI ( I 1 i IK, f mn ttl i '' ' t (.' i . .. I ike "' ' 4 '! " t ...I C till in '"" tl.M l''' I al,,;,.!,, 11,14 j-..'-c.w . e-4 4 i'Mii l.t fcul It ' !""" M4 '! 44 I'liUl 1 '' tl ll la... I I '"' M ten.. I - ( I -.1 ' I t ..... a't 1 ' "" tli.aa Idtit I ' 1 ' anl,1 I t ! l''lt '' A 'i.l-J. .,otrJ(t-H ' " AUTOMOBILES FOR SALE Auto llrea and kiipiiltee, DCiN't throw "wy old Tlrea. VV mak one new tire from ! old one and av you liOT,. 2 In 1 Vulcnnlxlng Co., 1SU Davenport Ht..Omha.Nb. . DoiiiJJl Kleetrle A liwnhllea. AtTTOMOBILR IJioUHANOe. Fir. Theft. Llbillly nd Property Damage at iiweat Rate. HILLY, FLLI9 THOMPSON. 11-14 C1tv Nat. Hank Bldg DougJB. V' : f e r " A n d r aon, "i x f "t ' " re n g'"ic t rTnl nalterlea. Htorrige. r.'30 Farnem. D. 4217. II A RLE Y"-flA ViDHON"' MoTOtlC Y'CCkC Bargain In ued machliw. Victor Roo. "ih ,lotorcyc Man. "M laavnwortjr, Wnt Ad never hlrk their work-thy will get result, If anything will. YEARS tor in our record in handling have you cail tit our office and application., iiit-pedion report call on u for our complete liit. Duilding. Omaba, Nebraska. Bigamy Factor in James Killing, Says County Attorney County Attorney Magney ftrdy de clared that Mr. A. B, Jm, who w killed by her huahand before h hnt him lf Monday, rim to him lt Wednei dey and revealed a letter ald to hav been written lo her by a woman alleging ah wa Jame' wife, and th mother of threa children ty htm. In thl Utter th woman artd that no dlvorca had ever been aecured by either hrll or Jmei, md threatened to prosecute. At thl time Mr Jame ld that her liiiRband wa carrying a revolver with which to kill her. County Attorney Mag uey axgert that he doe not rmmbr wher th woman Ilv who wrot the letter, Mr. L, Ftlen, ,Ime' gltr, gald thl morning that her brother hd been mar ried befor but that h did not know anything of a dlvorc or whr hi firit wlf lived. N. P. Sass Talks to ' Members of Ad Club N, P. 6 of the Thorn KHpatrlck company addrd the Omaha Ad elub on "Httlemanhlp" Tueidgy at the Pg ton hotel, Mr. . a cloe (ludant of leman- alilp, brought out many Interesting and lntruc.tlv point In hi fldre. He ahowed the difference between having graap of th "talking point" and th "gelling point" and explained that too frequently th alemn wa too liber! with hi talking point and none too well verged In celling point. "Too many folk behind th counter," aald Mr. !, "are there without the llghtet preparation, getting email Huge beeau they are not alemen enough to mk their aorvle worth any mor nd then lllng their gervlc to their employer. To be a good lemn man muet, absolutely know hi bual nea and make only audi gtatement he ran hack up, have Judgment, tact nd know when a ale can be cloned with ntlafacilon to th cnatomar." The talk by Mr, Ha wa proclaimed by the member one of the most clever nd Intereattng llatened to for om time tui thoa ho heard him. Mary Page I ef the toniii and a th Apeetator cimid and tri1 and lit Judge' (vl rppd ; fur order a mm a vol roan ihrlll and HnaKl tli-il that a ht vou v got rot he for, I II" Dmrt iia iilU'hd W, lo rant prove ainOuiig ( tIl yiiu h ijoit'l knew Riultlii'," j I il l I l... man in a light -checked nil an atrua ing lit the gnp nf Bran . iikii ( il iiuan, who draw him in ill, tlnan thru igh th guplng criivnl 44 l,i.g.l,,n i IH t till r ait wHi.iai ' i ii i-r . a t bile ' I . t CatifS" l it na.l H ' inn, I ii i :' till tit i.ra in n .aana pght ttamlng cf Hi tel!lle vv h i l.i ia,i a ai.t , t in. I li . I I li alt th II When ),, 414 .ii- IK tuiil aabt ai-.gdiui brief, git.,1 l.ia I n o i ...i f- i ai i4 at 4ii , ' A l .at li laallf I la a nla.npl 1 malt Yen I n( f f"f . H 41 1 I .. Hi,,ii,i,'l tllij (Ufa Wliil?, 'a'-m' Call hi -a-l l. .,.), f 4 ,f a, I I ml 1 ..-! ai oil) in n,'it ge-t t .,j,.. . -to I IM Im la. I Hp li, In 4 4l t -4 liael l C ,) ll . 1 414 ; I iin,!', I j la. a w ( ' lh mki HifPHn kl4 H UliWliliHg . at t k l.V4 H. ei.1 IHVt,.ta Dial, ia t W II .! ( I 11 t a ki a 4 he an) tR i ll k Ilia tr ii ii ' 4 I - 4 l.iiit-b'i. ' NI ki 1 t-aW ti;i.,M a4 l4 I- at fa fciwi .1,1 1 H.ait " ka ti .-(.' ( ' Ha aa I -- l f ' klrU h ma gi I Ka-ut,;! H ki4 w ttii 1 a hi ii l -r a '- - I 111 ll i X I''- ratu4 "Tail(rw41 HA M- , N Ii I '. , ' hi