Want-Ad Rates UCkUM WITH OIDI1I per word each inaei'tloa pedal at; f arm and Ranch Lamia. 7e per each Insertion (Count aix, worda to the line.) foreign advertising under AIjENTS OR HELP WANTED Cl-ASll I'AT10N8; In pur 'tril on 1 ', per word. litre, conaecutlve time caoe sum .on time 7C par line mre cimcmT uiuh i , U'ount H word to the Una.) JT0 AD T1IIV TO TSAV A TOTAL Of BOo OB X.EIS tiai io rr SAT. CAHD Or THANKS, PKATII AffD 10c rr Iln ach InaarUon (Minimum charge to centa.) I Monthly Ttaia for atandlng ada (no change f cony) ,..1JD pr Una (t'ount alx worda to tba lln. Contract rataa os appUoattoa, wmnt TDC.fl Ml K K. r.nAtllkl fne 1 1 ,ir'r' -"'"".-7. more t ban on ineorreei; ineeruon 01 in advrtl.mnt ordered f'r mora than one Urn. AnVKRTTHPinn JinM retain ra-pta given hr Tha P' in payment lor vent- Ada, aa no mlataka can ba ractlflwl without thri. TOR Tim TrT.rrTTOKJ! 1fot rgnnnt conveniently bring or and in your aia. Aak for a Want-A- Taker, an-1 yon will rclv th aame good gervlce aa when delivering your ad at tha offic. PTTOKP! TTT.FTt 1nfl. WAVT.AT rOT.t'MNH fT)SF VUBNINfl KMTtONH f;0f. M. - MOVIE PROGRAM Current offmrlnge of tba beat Motion Picture Tbeatera In Omaha. (Ciang4 Ially. Dewalnwa, l&TIi T "Itmane of a Hollow Tra," a moat gripping atory of the love or an 111 viij.W of an orohan, a film of today. Ktioekltig fait Knockout Keny, ........ .1 r, Jl 4lintl t.r,4l. "Th Hi range Ca of Mary Pag,' fourteenth plaode. Mutual Weekly. In th Toll of An Adventure," I real, "The necret or tn . 1 reeia, rft)VCKH3 ' 14lM DOUCLAB P!g reel of good picture, grrft-flSW4W HrieiriJtiuT lia f Aimnw. tl. 11..,.. .. ir..4.le.. Pin 4iru.ni I and iircneatra wuaio, . Today rreaenta 'Kir, wii.iii iv in 1 I '..'' i?J-ZJVl" Jetrtfc. GBAND, 16TII AND BINNLY. r.llllan I.nrrlan 111 .Mhn..M .b ii.e Forjrlva," -reel World reatura. r, . 111 re. ADO a gooo roi,l-4jr. TfflTi ADdUt ilfili' TTIVI-"! I "ft rfWlIBfiP 24TII At IjOTIIIUJI. Karl Wllllm and Anlla ritwart til '"ill Pin of the Mother. " Sili;RMAirivTir&"BUIlUETTE; riva-rcl maaterplece, "True Nobility," lo a good comedy. goalh. APOLLO. 2424 LK AVEN wOlTtiT City of Falling Mght." , "A Path Tub Myatery," Lubln. Hella-Trlbun No. 2k BOULE VA HD. 3 U Ikiiwhrth. Tuewlav at M "nd .. Metro Plclur Karvlcn offer Uonel Parrymor end .Ian Drey In "The Flaming Hword." a thrilling atory of the Rock Hound 1 oaar. KOTQLFK." 2661 LEAVENWOHTH Robrt Hall and Mildred Gregory, In "Aeeordlng lo Law. ' Writ, MCfVftOE. WiTrvriiiSTXr 2566 FAHNAM. n.iultable Motion Picture Corp. Bra- annta Alice Hrady In "The Woman In I 47, Fredrick t.napin a iitiuauai dra ma tie tale 4nlk ltd. HKSSfe," ma a n Ul'1.. or the Rich " aell to. th Hell Hoy." Lubln. "Vernon Halley a HKetcn hook or Hnainn, I'.aa. 1 ORPlIEUM, 24TII & M Five reeli of good picture STAR FEATURES Special Extra Reel Feftturea now appear ing at tho following Theater: &si Lf.a VKN woiiri I, "Failing." 24TII AND N K'l'H. Wive of the nich." lb llTlTVAflD" S3D"I lilbAVEN WultlT. The Flaming Bword. IM PRIx, jyfil AND DotvflQ: "Itmnaiic of a Hollow Tre. gripping tory. muat lAHVl..N THKA TI?H, IfiFFAUNA.i In th Toll of An Adventure." "The liecrel ef It' .-," 1. 11 ,:;f, writ and JUN.vf v. l .lillaii I i lain. In "Hint.M ll.e W laa Fofg'v l.'iWIU'J'. -4lll AND MiTlllU'I' I.. t.laiina a;4 Anl( Una of the Me knl'a Uteaart In ilethei In, 'MUM.. ; FA It V V VI A Hra.tv In "Tiia vv uiiiaii In 4,,' l',..,i!t.t,. M.iii,.i, picture 1 mil. HHi.i r llA.l. .a1! t.EAVLNHOItrii 1 1 . . 1 1 1 lt.i l and Vtl.ll.. ireory . 1.1 1,oa tn I At a H UMAN. IH AND Ul'ltPKriif Tf'. Nwll t' " l ml iniipi ua, iiis.tM in, r hs ivi r A 1 " ' - 4 I V t S1-I IIIU"! I I ' 11 at V AM, ' ' A v 1 I 4 ..! 1A .1m. tv. a f , ! f ... o ! , . I . It .AU I (, '1 C A I I. I'll. ,- If ,. A il II 4 K. at i tJ M ll rinNiar. l eaf iA' 1 t 1 1 nil c aij I t I oa l.l 4l4.ll A K . . 4 4 - 4 4 f I .) 48,. V ' 111 14, 4. ..,,.. Ml ..I ll a v 4 1 a a, t 4 lti. 11. r f,mai t t,..i, riva-.-.A ai-ii.4.i ,,., ci m aiteie t. II M -AN 1 A A 1 l A ! 'li I 11 Hi.ai. t'. t It 4 I . t I t , I . ...1 l MOl MKT A!. (KMKTIlBim. MAUSOLEUM- WHT bury your dead In th cold ground In gjormy weather when you can buy totnb In a marble building at reasonable pile Tel AM FftOLKCMI i 0..D. 2177.. RmiineMe, In, oilmen' ..ihh. ifiitUKii it.il). wil I pni marker 'vh i hmli flllllHa tl DKITIH4. I.. I l .M-,l I i .Hill l.oe Ainu I p.inl, bnv; Ar.Jiur .1 and 1 a -.- Howeia, North T. niy-cigmii avenue, i'uj. Anton and Mary T. chapek. H-'i '', avenue, boy: Lyrnti It. a nu Jiay Heeling".. nl Hawthorn avenue, Waller and Allen Joy, 2110 Maple, Hr: t :.,.,.. ..,,1 i rri .lohneon. !" South Twenty - eighth, girl, I-autlt and Dorothy urn 'it, Vit Aiapir, noy, wiii'i"- . naivaime .vnijiiiac, in " John and Alma Morteneen, 1 HI 4 perry O. and ,tarv Preatv. l rii-r-wood venue, boy; Jocph C. and Edith Reynold. Hoaworth apartment, girl; David and Cornelia Rum, V W.''"; Kirl. Verne and Ueneviev rmiui 4 1 n I ir K . V Deathe John A. Moor, , aw ". v..h.r,u,l Or.vea 11. hnanltal. i.ianya V. Dlggl". , North Nineteenth. Mar- t.i ii,,,.ii 4,4. Ml Hurl: Mra. prmne ,iloriU, rit, " iHxiro,... ...... Mnrllin VXV' IHIHelltr. lienra- r. i rump. Hi, l a' ii I."'" ' " ; I VI. Kinmet , Wllltaui K. Worrla, Vf. i K',..i. rl,i.t., Y4. mvaiiiic Itritiv . i ... ..... U,.i.tl. TU'l c-elilil O 1. J. Clival 47.2H loiith Thirteenth; Joapn Kre)r, 71, Mxteenin ann r, im ;. !tla, S. 2 Meredith; Walter V I-inon, fiT. Wll North Thirty-ninth . Wll- 1 u 1 U Iver 4a ti.ti roiiwi r'n-niTiuu """:..::. . 11,.... i ia n , L miiiinor, r, The following marriage llcnaea nave neeri cranteu. am and realdence Albert Moukuu, (;malia ,, ,vy -lna, I -a Angelea .. Joaepii j, Huo'ea, wman Maria ft. Hcbaefer, Omaha John Knlglit, flenaon M over 21 Catherine Coleman, Omaha Mike flold. Nebraaka t'lly Ileaa fioldberg, Nebraaka f!lty .. Arthur ll'iovct, Hockfnrd, Jll.,., Ktniua en vfoid, Omaha Nalvatote Hill, Omaha ... l.ncla ciico, (intalia . hi ii.hiWVk.mwit". C.i.ir.l P'urriltina conipaiiv. norllieaxt corner Klghth and Farnarn, loading dock, Ufi; T, llernatllie, li rioutli tweniy fifth, repair and addition, .V"; braaka Teleph'ine company, allerallona. I i! (xi C A. Thomnaon, 2W lmfil. I alteration r-frt lrJ $1 , t..-,. LOST-FOUNO-REWARDS. II Toil La. .arlhliia aa will advartla It kr. f ll irelr WiMf II I'eina lir aa non aeraos. Itamark.kl rovxr.ne ar ruaaai .bnui Mwi v laroiiaa iaa ..iiinia. Ill l.,WPi who (net loM etlala art fatorwlwl la knn'lni tkat Ik. law la in. I la requiring tli'i to a.k tka own' throuak advartlMiuent toil olkilaa, tkat a lallar. u o ... if uaw ia n rv, velvM a aev.rt ftnallr ZfMAllA" ti;Nflfni-!'KtH''TilKt itAicwai i.oarani, I Peraon having (oat gome article would An veil In cell l.n in office or tnal Omaha A Coundl iliff Hlr.,t tJ' eiini.il."'""""""""' ,'nAhJ.rA"r,: a a i, jviany arii:m mmnn o.y nr. t-wi.... ... and the comoany I analona to reatore hm tii the rlahtfu ownarg. Call Iioiitf. 4k I LOHT-4"n Foreat lAn . lemelery.. car, gold-headed umbrella, with "J. t," ini- flala. reward for finder. Phone II. "- Ht.ici ...trbh feather boa. In.it. Hal, 7,h Hf t.eiween 1 lodge and Kouglaa. 1I....-.U tMA't fk.HT-Aul,it 1,1.1 Mra between O.nab. .,.,1 Mllliird. KeWiird, Colfag2. fmoWN leather bin book, fard of 11. ll. Voting, wal. mi. I'ewarn. IIMT-I.ad ea' Hiiriiie Pin rewara. 1 em- pliona uarney ,'.,, FOR SALE-MISCELLANEOUS ' .. - - - jrurniiura ann iinwaiiei ' AN OPPOKT 7NITV Our nrlcea are "a wa y-biilow" any Iblng ila on the furniture market. I,t ua allow you "Lgt ua aave you money, gfjTH Fl ltNITIRK CO.. Corner Hth and Hodge Ml. Doug. J:il7. OMAHA PIMXW CO.- Kelt and hair n.nltrea.e. mad. over III new tick at half tna prb of new one Phone ua for aiimpi or ncaing. man nroere inmu. Il7 Cuming Ht. ,ougiaa m, ircMt-ri oak furn lure for aale. alao aanllarjr coucn. (ireaaer ani inree-ourner oil t4,ve complete. All In good condi tion. Ca ilurnny JW, : ii fT'iionea. a ana afivca. 2fio rug oil all klnda, iKiullry wlr and neitliig. 1 ii... 11 till P. m. I No, 24th HI, Klaao aa M lnl latiraiali. 111.1 in toned. Imnd mail, inatru- lliellt, lirollglll lino Allieii.ti. irii4 iiiw country tiiertnany) before war; five day' fr trial at my expenae; on faay payirient ir yon, " ",,n" R,.rtiu Mardiaa, lu.uto i, Iloaedale, Kan- I'lANOH FOR Itfc'N'fT Oood make, good condition. fP,H) per month' new planna, 14m, per monm. A. HOMPH: CO.. bMH-ll Dougla Ht. TTliKTACii AHl.H tVclllian plannpluyer, t roll of iiiualc. will en or iraati. Harney tt,m. illiltl (IRADK KtO Piano, liJS. Pliona Walnut 1214. ' J.welri. illaniia!, walehr. ( I tt I ' r... I AAII1' IP H-"F w........ at mill ann iMiugiaa ni. Typewrltera aai! tupplle. KkV niiicblne aold the aamn a rent it tier month. Bee ua befoia- you buy or .1K u 1Mtl. omnha. Neb Slit H. 1 k t h . 1 miiiha er PirWRITERM aold, rnl1 and re paired. Kent Hll uiiver iyiewriir a inonth for $fi. Cetitrul Typowrltur Kx h,ne. )' Fan.ani itt.-.MIN41TON(4. Moiiaicha and Hmlth I'H'inli ia lor lent, arid anywhere. Hem- tn K I mi Typewriter i umpniiy, I' i-"' ItlCl.lANCE Ribbon and Carbon Co., typewriter ann om ..hmmi.-.. wn.,i a.le and retail. D f.'-'l! Ii.l. Howard Mt. Vlll.l ami KlllllilN A CARIIUM CO OKIC BUPPIIt. MOUglU 41,1. AIM plug. Mai'hlnrry aad r.ualae KW AND el' I'nXH H AND M11T0IIM liXl'KRT FI.FiTHtciANM AND M ACIIIMoTH, l.H pnoV l,t TltlC U. WlillKH, , Jrt M l.'th He, 1 una ha. an4 office Fluaeee. " Iik.Kl, '". ', allow c. hiv- lug, rlc I'll), ,'ii iniAiia riaiiiia at bill ply to, 414 i i a i.'in. i'oug ; i llaril4ate aal 'I1144I., ri'l.t. line i f ai lentei 1 .m l mi'i I milt il at 7 per win on 'i i'i'i " iwiaia. lui'i 1 I. buy ait a. 11 tailni iint.lx unit and nti, ..i ni.'.iiimn i;ti iiug'aa at. Hrtt !. ( l iaal. .lit.l .4, UMIH Ha. IIKlK I't.lVTM J,iilte y.ei(. C IA 111. A. 1 r I A, p4 liaat, S i e. l iv lo Ma agent .omnuA.i-.ii riuin. Mlre gi.ioml tl . Ai..friie, a-o.lh 4.111 ! '' lwli-l M ai , l .ar p, dill, a li.A" a . .41 i.l .'( a .1.1 Kin ilia P.i."!! inot a 01 1 l-n:4, n kAI.Va 111 "Hi I ! ' viai Hi ,N a at 10 iH.Agia i J (l Maii m. m.i I lloh. i .14 I SI1H.'I i ll Hi !t Cil, I I. a .. I (. .01 1 tw M t" 11 1 I' l ,,' 1 in .in 1 t. i... t i rp 1 tin 1 "in 11 ,1 .. 1 I a I ' a ! Wi... 1 wi. Wa'"" liolalmi 1 Mltllillivi, i H l ' '4 1 gMlaa M.raiMr, iSwint; Mfti ltiiipi W a s ,1, I KIA.1 l.4 lll I a I iiwo A. Mi. ki M Hit tii V I s I t ID 1, 1, I l,4l H. t . O t HOHi4 ' t .!- . 4, , 1 . V- . A A 1 ..-t ' A .-t , 41.14 ... I'1 i'4 ,. At. 1 1 , a .-,. ..I AI I ""II. 4 (..! i 1 I... I j., ..ii i-,l'.",l t'-. II ... .l !,, 1 i"'1 , n i--i ', A4444 I (! I Do! I 1 1 a. -ai. . 1 w I I,..' THE BEE: FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS M iMcfJIn netM. jTv hUrh sli.li, I. ,1,1 of miallty will be maititniti' d; 4 niiarla of I Hd Fontenelle whiakv. I.!-1'; h,, tiled In bond. Henry Pollock mull oider houn. Doug. "18-, S. ii hi ALU J KTTK3 "LlQt'OU HOUSfciT Ti ii"t;th and Douglaa. Unified in bond wbleky, ho:, $1.00, 1.2j, fuM qua 1. $3.20 (Joldcir t VVblxky, full (luivria bottld In bond, prepaid. Paeklev !roa. . 'imaha. VojrxALK- j'ral'rla hiiy. Wrfta Wnaon Hay Co., Inrnun, Neb a vnt .ln i. t.i lot. for ..1. at nv di!xd prlcea. National Itflttlng Co., ..... .... ...... ... - . ll'h ar.d Clark. Iiouglaa 1Ih.i. WANTED TO BUY MIltU IU BUI -- -. .- V'ANTKD HUli laa aurveyor'a tranalt, an liitriitnetit that I dealgri'd for gen eral land aurvevln aa well fca drainage work 1'rba rnuat be right. Addreaa r Sail, Br-. DKHKS, DESKS DKSKS w !..., iineo i'ii ..... "no iraoen ItAcJlMA V J, C. peed. 12I Farnarn, iiia' iiMAn win pay yo.i inorw m - tiltnr. cloth, and aho Web. (U. Jllgneat price i.al.l for l Hand cioi.ii anoea, trutifca, auitcage. I, (l or D. Ol.U CIHIIKH' OlA HMOKI! pay btgheai lube. Wbier 1.24, W vV'a pay beat nil for old clolhea. I). Ileiit prb ea l aid for old cloibea. I. 4'K ANNOUNCEMENTS Rltol U' '1 A A It I M "I,u ky Wedding Hinge" at IHth and uouglaa .', 1,1 VH ont.loota. V. M. C. A. Out Park. I.m m it itiiitterl. CA,r.ED for ami delivered. Ka' air work Koamnteed raw filing I'ougbia il2a. Jwnmowera aharpened. Ilrney UiTi. Motor He pair a. CA llll.l. KI.KC. CO., Ilea Hldg. I W,t. Pr- imlaa. ceonllon, Hide Knlfo, Itog Pleating, t ov, tiiiiioiia, iteinatitenitig, r-eo. nw lug A linn. n Cu 4,jl 'l I'aalon ink, it Vita I'la. bar, bullea' tailored garmen' for all oiiH.lona vm Moaa ni'ig 'l ,.- ANNA MI.ATKU, dieaamukerj ladlea' al k anlla a apeclalty, Kntllh !!. 4' a. ;:o. Si V day. work guaranteed Wab. ', J,ni4,r' I ireaamaklng Col. ICi (Jlly Nat Terry Iireaamak g tfoliege. 24a h Karriaia WOltK giiaranteed I bone Walnut l aarrrlt 'l 4l'ure. CKMKNT walk and drlvwy. T), 2WL I aruenler and ilr4Mtra. laard A H.n I9MI Capitol Ave. f. MH ioung, rep'j , Jobbing, acraane. Weh. I7J7, C. W. llokanaon, 2iW. fvnwth, Tyl. jf'W-. Oalaoualli Pkrilalaab Mr. J. ft. Mualck. lloaa Hldg. Ty. JBI, llalrdreaalutg. ij.r.AI Hair Parlora -OT Halrd Bldg. m.'.,.i, i,,i,,- .lain, f ilial and violet i.f Manicuring, aiaip, nieiei ana vi"i' treatment. Toilet arlb lea, l. li, - i OMAHA Toi aupply, iV M. 11th. p. tU. u-.i,l., ho ro'r-g. hat rt'ng Ml Far. fled M. ; Hutlon Pl'allag " " ri. If VAN A HN AM. I1re I lent Ha and Million to. Phone Doug'ae MW. Wi l -aion in. N'ortbeaat Comer Idth and Karnain big. Accordion, knife, aide, apace, bog arid ann.rav nleatlntf. Comblnalion bog and aide pleat aklrt In all lateat dealgna. Hematllcblng, pb.ol edging, pinking, ru'blng and bull on a mad lo order. Mall ordure given prompt and apeclal attention. All work guaranteed. llnla (leaned an, I Hloolted. BTRA W, Panama, all kind hat, cleaned ami reiiiockeil. H,li i.f 1 iiarnny pi. AM. K INI'H of bale clened and blocked. V,l Farnarn Xt. Phone Red I leaser and llyvra HTATIi I'KV CI.KANINfi CO., IM N. 12t h m, l. Wr72. l.'iureaa 4,441 an le. TWIN CITV F.pr4a Co, I..22 Caa Ht, oougla 17 IT. Heavy hauling a apectaliy. Jole'g I'.xpreag Co,, 2,'H Farnain. Hnf. XD, KvvrriblM (ur Mrttauaa. ACCOROIMN, aide, knife, guiiburat. bog pleating, covered ouuoiia, an aixea ana gtyle; hamatltchlng, plcot edging, em broidery, heading, braiding, cording, evalut cut work buttonhole, pennant. JfiKAl. RUTTO;- AM) PI.KATINO CO., Jrt lionalna Hlock, iwugiaa Aei'iinnlaali. E. A. DVV0UAK, C. P. A. 47 Ramge flldg, Tel, Dougla 740. Halb. DR. RKNDA-Knlpiiiii, Hteam, Modera Turklah, Electric HATIIH nn MAN. HAiil'7 for tired nerve and rlieumatnin. Prlvat apartment for ladle with lad attendant. In 10 Famuli). I'hon i). J4ji. how lard. nick rervlce. on Rlk. Ktudln Kin, nil. I). HIM. r. errlblna fur 4 hlldren. I,KT Mi: I make all kind of clothe 1 1 ''rrn. " 1 1 " e ba t r '.' 1 it. C'oalaiuea. THEATRICAL aowria. full dreaa iult. for rant, an n. ntn m jonn rennnan. Plaao laalraoiloa .. Ragtime piano playing pnalnvely taught In 20 Icaaoii. 4.2o Cuming. Wat. ( htriivractiir. gollial Adluatiuenta. DU. RCKIIOllN, 414 Roao Hldg. D. 634i. Palmer Hohool glad lonautiaiion tre lra. Rillihaham, 1.1 Crelght'Ht I Ik. D. Ut Dr. J. CLawienc. I tiaird Rldg. D. 4L llonaeileaalaa. tt vctiiic hmiM. 4. WJSS i,,..n.. 'ivi., .1:11 cleaning, our work and you. Let u remove ow and out In your cteen. Tyler Ml J. Ilelreilvea. PHIL WlNChl.EK, 2i'U Dewey Av,, HluidoWlIlK, llivxnllK.'lllllg. II. (,'". JA.MK.4 Al.j.AN, 3U Nevlli'u lllotk. Evl" deuce aecureil In all ciiaea Tyler lliki. Kvlilencn aci iiiid; all ciinea atrlctly 1 onfl- denil'il. coiiaiillatlon free. ';' Hee. Ty. fAart'iiftiiiaiiue. Paulfiil inarbln grave tmnb. The I4ir I'ophHgii. All lelbiiile tind k r run furn, Puri'li and Window Ni-reena. I FROM fru toi y to you. Phone Red 4.4)7. Hand l.aaaitrr land la inily, llnl clai oik, titiiiii.iite T lad lof l. ptli'a. I'm Ii Imug. ..' I hlr4l44l4lll. Carrl. J. lUifmd a-u l aa Hlk Red i7. Ja.llei . 4)f I be I'rai'r, II II, CI.AIlloliNK, alj l'a..n Hlk ; 114 tat. Notary public; itcpo.ltioii ieo. D. W." Ilrlll, .1"! H.iker i..ck J I'alullna aed Pafirlag. Omaha I'naie Cu !n k inn t '."itlii ;A mrmm Ibaafli. rl.KAN Ui H M. an, I I I ll. iltOI illlI.T Vslt f' l.UNt; Ll.KiVtltiv'. IUMII AMI 11(41 I I ll CM ihu nun l.aa, FlalHrr aad W Irlua. m'lfK I V " H'iie machine ' ll V I 4A .... huiia .11.1 ie.,ili.a lamp K'3 lUnilli Ml l . . 1 Talliiiiaa. II MAR t "7 lAll. r and . !AIIII, pra!fl and i- in, i.i 41 n nth Hi Oat Wl.ii aili 11 akii in ii iing full l.ind .ii..ai .'.a I'ai..ii H; Maker. ( k ,,.,1 pmrv ".I lH' 1 bakiii "ta , p. k7 I I.- 1 4in b"iif and nililii. i..a,.l t II Hi l- N i'Oi W, timaiii aad ll"ii, I'lmH'i 1,1 .ci .ut iim ii.iw,.,a A All 41 A S ll 'I k tl 4M , A l.l 11 h I . .11, 4 II.il.IHwa K ! k all l'.4i t lla. V '(- I"" 1 ii' I. u " hMf 11. ... I l li , U ! -4 l I. " 4 I t II . " I. I V ft I.. .4. ,,,,. Ill . tdieillilaa I44V. t ' l A A I " h.4 l tin Heiidlaa 4a4l.. 11 1 i ''.. , . . . t e.4 r .nlle J. ,1 . .1 A I .. 4, I i 1 I' .. HI l,'llll C l. !'' I llli'H O IW4 ll. !. !i I, a 1 .it ! " ! I I .ti Id, , .. . I. a i. .t iiii( t i" a li.ailaa ln"mll I k t i t 41 1 4t i. 111, it H4' ll4l. 44,,.a- t 44. 4 , k.A'. i, a I I H ltll,4. H HV' 14 V4 .. I tS . t ( al I la. lil 1 all I 1 ... 1.. "- I P I' 4 tll.4 ,t ! aad Iia.ia W a4i.e. , 'i ',1 , ' H a. 1 iii..e , VA tan aa 4 iha 'H. ' ', '" i-t si At H llA, - 1 4- '4 . , , 1 4 a 1 APRIL SWAPPERS' COLUMN KIumjN Home ibonsruiii mid r oma to awnp for ainiill aotoinalli: revolvai, noUiiii or kooiI b ullici- nltraa. I also lune lawninower. nearly new, ana oil he il' r. Will trade for good latlitr aulti or gttn. AddraaH.11ti'. L AI.MO.-T n-r Alajeatb: rane and aome beat jewelry, baritone braa horn; want ... n.. I ,.) mn r.i.n hlltlUA low niLt ijm a K""1 woranian "u w ready to ao to work at on'e. Aoaref. H. I'. I'M. He iiivii r rm ui"u.nt-i'h 'f Trricatinc atoek (ahareoi to trade for gooa auiomoune or Omaha property. A m have aecotin Hand i nra to iraJe. nai no n, y. ii, je. I TiiiT - ;.!. - :; 4..,' (..- ,.. trarfa w ' " 1 for a good delivery truck In flrat-claaa riitmliig order? New tlrea and newiy overhauled. Addreaa n. .. 11M B. "vk ,,randT, ,ory f Kreetnaaonry," In aeven lieau-I i..m.. ....... ...... M.l.. nHra 1 I tlfully bound volutnea; regular price Ui. Will gchange ror good roll-top oa. Addreaa H C. 111, )e. jAKlJAk" caae, portrait lena. tripod and dcveloiilng tank to trad for a H-flat cornet, or what? Addreaa I u. Hea, FILMS f.EVEIlPJTD FRKK when pr.nU are ordn1. KnlargmonliB from any negative. Kaae Htndlo, intn and Harney. WOTOtt b .al and auloa to awap Iowa float and Kngln Work a, a&th t, una Ave, J, Council Uluffa. la MONTHS old brlndle bull pup to awap A'Lr..'T rlf'C Wht yU' -.- - s. - - " . .r. t.. i AI'IMNO machine, will agenanga ior typewriter, office furniture, automobile. or what have you7 Addreaa 8. C. JUU , !"""' . V . . a , Iaa . a ( 11 H.4.,' i '... -. -s.. -. -.A.,. . i t you want inia iso-a' ra nnn, i In? Voland A Trumbull. Oouglaa M. iaria vi..... ,.,.w ',.,.A i.,. l.arneaa Mn.l MMW,.n A,f, P.. U 4' HI Ml-. 1 tA INct;pATOH to chang "for chicken. lice II. C, U3. BUSINESS CHANCES CAFK and rooming hooae for aale. double ...,.,li..l.. ........ ein.l.e 11.. mTZled fou'monVh."; flrat-cluaa ahape. Flxlurea, Uglit and furniture aro all good. Heat cafe In atale ex.-eul. aome of the hotel rafea, flood tepnfallon, beat claaa of trade In ( Hy. Ouaranten I lOO-bualneaa, and over daily, Ovr $l,'t atock now on hand. JU'iit. gevanty $?0i monthly. Hoomlng liouae ut ten (I01 room oi.Doalia cafe, Modern exuept heat. Oood furniture and light and everything Oi K. . Rent twenty dollar (tjii monthly. Oppor tunity for a live man. Ileaeon for aell' lug la b'kneaaAddre y JCII. Jle Tv .lui.lui.e.f ni.niifacturer want gen eral aalea manager to open office and maiiago aaleamen, W to 7' capital liM-eaaary.' Ulrf-ral contract,; money mak- inu i,n..ll,llltle. iinhmlled. W III pay ax-I Ina iioaalbllltlea unlimited. Will pay cx pene ir Chicago If you are man we want. A, C, v Wt liepuoii'; iii'i, lilcnao. TtAUP FtV prill MAT.K with lot and build Inif. three deck itotiert a, ovvr one oar iela dav douah mixer, and other equip ment. 1 aali aulr la at Haturday. W. No wholeaale. all over the counter. 3123 )Va yen worth. Il,;i JII VH liie only variety tore In . . ii... i.i- n II. ......... town 04 fieni won i.-i'.a p...'..,". I m.i.. ..i,t n.turea. r.6. ftenaon for lllng, alcknea In my family, Ad ' ' " " " - ".. . . I dreaa an N. Firat Ht., Montevioeo, Minn Piaiirliaif"for 4lo: will f ajil ciieap if .,,1,1 at nncu; miiat aell on account of poor health; five new tablea, been out one year; county eat town; popula tion J.WII. Addrea Y 371. He. Wlf.l. pay caah for dry gooda, clothing, al.oea or general ato-ka; muat lie cheap; ipilck action; glv particular In flrat let ley, Addrea Ixjck IKiX xi, vvinier el, low. A NICK clean, np to date hardware clock in one of the beat Wlaconaln town; Inventorle about m.im; no trade conaldcred. W, Webalnr, Ilud- aon. W la, ii V I . V d n 1 i7TimTle"wrr v a to re in a thrl v- It.g north Nehraaka town for aula at a aacrlflce. owner retiring, writ v. u. It neater, Hrunwp-K, jsen. MOVING Picture Thitatere. real bargain; mathlnea, repair, auppllea,, acceaaorlaa. )w ann eoolil-nan.j. n" urn OMAHA TllEATF.ft SUPPLY CO. , Halrd Hldg Tlnut. JUM. rrin gAI.KOood. clean atock of Hard- war. ; II v. town central NeNraaka. Oood ron for selling. Re quick. Ad dreaa, y zr.7. nee l)owd Hiile and Auction Co.. Imana, have 1 cloaed out more moae. atoca man any TllKATKHH -ituy, leiiae or aell your the- other firm In V. W, write for term. ater, machine and auppllea through Theater K. "., lattf r ernam. l. iw. WILIJAM.i. ealabllahed 2 year. To buy or aell biialnraa him. 411 McCagu Hldg, Reference IJ. n.wat. nana. motion" picTiritK machinkh. New and rebuilt bargiiln. Rupplle. Omha Film F.xhange. Hi H. lit n ut. riirricp" in? rrnl aataiu or inauranca; nmn floor aa Dee office; 13x21 feet; IV). The Hee Hldg.. tmice iionm I'w. r ui--t.f. or bnv a bualiieaa. call on Iliiach P'jrghoff.JTrenxer Rlk l). ffllf). TO OFT In or out of bualnea call on OANOFKTAI). itt Ree Hldg. Ioug. Mil. TO ii'iiickiy aell or buy a hnalneaa write JIM WRAV, Hloux f'llv, la I TII E" While M utile The Perfect Tomb la the Harcnplingiia. II o in I n a llouaea. 9 ROiiMfl. all modern; furniture," tor aaTe, l.iii). Harney Wi4. SITUATIONS WANTED WEEKLY RATE. UC PER LINE. day work or bualneaa ada regular rate. I . a. 1lL I line one week ......V. 3 line one week eachextra Una P''.rw" Xlalw. TIIOROt'OHLV capable atil experlenoed young hotel man and wife of hinh.ct chaiactnr and atandlng. want poaitinn aa day clerk ii.i hoiKebtcepir ill hliili OMAHA, -" ......,:., . v ,,, ,r,v. in Nell 4la-a Hotel, Heat leiaicipv. AUOre V ;i70, Hee !, isl'I'li iN viitiitcd by an experienced man, .AI yeaia, atrong and well, u ranger In city, aa hotel clerk or manager, ref. 1 ri ll.'," Aibln-aa Hotel I 'ea Moluea, )3th and Itnwar l Hi , Itoom 1. oinalia N eti IUM1 men or onion who aunt good loalttnna annum ndvnrtiae in 1 lie Ilea ll la the paner big bt.alnraa men re.nl. lank. 1 . int.keie. rwtill and wboleaaia inei. haul. WASTKD Poalnnn a bnokki lr, of fl.e, ledger or snipping vlrik. li year' nil leu- In a"W riiineiil a.-. -..1111111, a 1m- I of refetencra Addrea E P f. Hen Ynl'Nil mall ftanla pltiii a b.n.k. kixper or - ink, f.iiniltir alth aim. .at all tinea of tn.ka. a ill accept 111 -ilr.l aalaty etail. Addreaa K !"'. lie ViUMl 111..11 il.ali.a ponlinn ilniing cir after a. i.m. 1 mini I " i.."in aim Koani 4ii..ii.-... r.l hi lunilah trfarenuva A l.lieAA 11 I'M Hee i.MI 1ai Mf.NT waiii-l " " i.i ai....I i. Aii tv fUwoiaii. painter r al an-,.4n.l 111.11, 'in an. good ia.'ivn t.l.lie.A t MP', I' W I-I l 11 pniii. i h..wa-n,An want a ., . In t..o it mil cf I.. 11 a. 1 11 Cel., e.l. I'Hiiii fani'lt man 4 a 1 1 ate i iii ilif.ti to an "AM pi..' al e ii!i ,i pi... mi. i.i. letHA". N. 2 I Mam! ai In i tt 4 n MIS 4ni4 1 b."ki4; P gll.HI Al, I ! ! 4 ,. 'lf"ll.'4 II 1 A AA 11 CA I'C b l will . kind I-.! . -,i ii I . 1 . II4A I I 4 A A ivtn'-i" fiii Na-b.i, e a I 'i in ' I" r I H 'l '. 4A tl.HinM l a ' .111 .it. d'lllh 4 111... I 1. ... V, 4k 4 4 4li-liae..A f lIlUl ll II lA4l '' '.! b4 H ,.4 , 4) t ..lii I i..,r A4i4f, n A ll.li pi...... I -. t , 1 1 p , , hi h 1 ,.. I- i e.iai a-. ,.a. .-it (A 1 Aln4) I. , 4 1 .a I .. I ll A , 44 I H 4 I , v N , a A I ! I.A.I .1 A. !.. I .1 vm.l-' W..l4 1 'l St. II ' ilf t Nt'.'l -A.at.il In , ia.4 4. ia, ii ! 11 e - - I at 131b. SITUATIONS WANTED THK BEE liarii r.i- "Sit uailoii ad'' la lower than any o::it imi,i oi -.- tlalng not enough fi sor ro" nrlr.tl:ig. , .. VA.TKI Poaltlon aa ho'iacl.ecpet . VDtintf woman with 'trail uoj , ii.ii- encea. Call Walnut 1!2i i iu roauion aa n.ni'' widower or Bactieior. Jiavs own t.ir. Boiith 4H8. vrit - v?i" tu 'iM,.ariih.r with xprl enf.B W,(,ea poaltlon. l-none neo.oii c-. UnMiLK.A(KO" iady war.ta l-laca aa ho,i.liei,r In clt v. Addrea B rrr .--.. .. ; T"r".r , t7..i w aten M r.U-'oa mioii y naflIp 1-MiritT l!f Laaaerry aua Df 1011. ..ftirf ".jl " ebatef fa-. ... ltfeXIAtiLK colored woman waiita laun dry waahlng, aay woia, cirau:a v- laa ai. WANT!'..' Position aa maid or day worn by einerlenced col, woman, n. u"i'OTl.krwub'lT'ar!Ti'ieca Work, la' cur- tfllna; work guarantee!' ""; . . '..K tiJdt LBB VKK LA UNI 'K I , ilf) aiuoriii,. Hand work cniiea ror ai n i!-".""'7r.- . .j i . k c l . uom.n atanta nay ora. Uouglaa Kiai. i " ilZL '.!:- - KXPKKIKNCKO laundrcaa men a ahlrta. I'ar, j.i. &r.dr7a7d'ay' worTToV Jan. W. l47. - - r'-;7k it i.f FIKHT claaa Unndieaa, (lav work. M4. z. fexi - r fenced laundry: cleaning. Web. 2018. dug nu fir niv wura, iui lanrn - Waahlnf and hue curtulna tioi-a JJy 'f tI.ANKKTM or bunalo waiili,g: J'."J."-. LAL - MDP.Y. elaanlnu, day work, h, . t - . . tii.h iiaai COM P. woman ent rtar.worg. Wb,.)Ht,i, Practical mire. Tyler btW-W MJ..?1'".- U..... u uuMhil.V tlllOO il WK.I1. H"', irj.vLiiiv and day worUr Wen. Ml HELP WANTED -MALE aiorea and Iffl4a. ,Kr x..r. ...a... .ih t.oiv. Ml. 41 rJ. i o- """"... ItM iX"!?'"? 0V.Z.V?.&rM. Off l lurk ant bookkeepr, f'ituiei " "Alimy other opunliu not llgtsd. t" ua at once. ..,,- ... , CO-OPKRATIVB IIH,l'(.iit.,Y' KILii HI 1 l'y 4aiinnai in.oi. WH can aiway placo oompeiv'11 In good paying poainon. fee. otily W "enta for Investigating thT;cmahti co.. iw? w. ow. ma 7,.j'.,..-Vl ti. i.n.,i.i.N.ruir to lake com- I li,iirr.ir.,o '." .. ... pleta charge or book a ann ni.. ' 7 Vi... a .oma tvt.ewrltlng and abort- hand. Will pay $' to m ,0 art H 12M. miana ee. - - - " fnr fiut.liiiim r. " r "' . ..i.u n .rt attractive nour; mn e,. ...rt.. tm.lneaa exocriem;. w""""" Addreaa V iiee, MAI.K, "alenngrapher for offlc4j polllon aiir;iiv 1. ....i hnalneaa exrasrlcwe eaeentlal, Addra C 11. H"; . , I1KKPK., W. Hkkpr.. " ' Hteno., V'K nieno. ann '!"' 'r a. fire Aov. 2. Watt itef. -0 I Jlrand Theater. -r;v, 7 i.r. 1 a tic tTF,NO. (PHIVATK hW") , ...ll'O.nf) U I f t-"l HAf.fXMAN (KXI. rnneceaaary), i . w TMK CAM) Hir.SZhJMl HKBiLLiSii Profeaalna aad TraM HICK" I'M FOR iH'(t JOHH. CO-OPKItATIVF. HKFBKKNCK CO., Katabllalied Ten Vear. Iir-I(l cliv National. firua lore anape. Job. Knnlat. He Hldg, galctnrn and lleitora. SALESMAN WANTED 1 ., Vehniaka Inatltutlon lia per mnnent offer to make to a man who 1.... etinerlcnce In celling curl tie. Vou will find Oil 1 a real op portunlty Mr the rigtu man. .unN mimlier and all Partlctl. lina poaalblo In flrat letter, which will be held in tiio ainctcav uoiniu.ifc.. dreaa R lb...M: WANTED SALESMAN ii.ve Nebraaka territory now open for a high-grade ealeaman. One with lnurance expcrlenc preferred. Lib eral drawing account and 4:ominlaton, but liould bo capable of earning from fWi to l'K a month. Olv all Informa tion poaalblo ill flrat letter. Addrea C pikO. He. WANTKH-f Hghly rcwimrr.ended. aub- atanllal man 10 rrprene.n .- ...... iroctor company In Nebraaka and weat ern Iowa. Not neceaaary to open an Omaha orflco, but muat io In poaltlon to actually aell farm tractora to rlealere In the territory. The right man will ba backed with plenty of rood farm paper advertlalng. Olve reference, peat experience, etc. Addrea K !l)l. Wee. THRKK) NKAT YOI..M ir. 10 travel with manager norma e c ,. muat furnlah flrat claaa referencea and be able to finance alf firat week; plea ant work and plenty of money for the right partle; give reference and phone No. Addreaa F. 127D. tltB- Ay experienced aaleaman, ability, good ..fAn.tiPM'. Iowa territory; aalary, ex- . nenae and permanent ork to a man who can meet our requirement. The H!kll Manufacturing Co., iWJ (hi caito fit. . lALKhMEN for Nebraaka and Iowa, to handle me iaaiei .. the market; If you can earn w to 1W weekly, we want 10 hear from you. 12411 W. O. W WANTI'aD Man with Ford machine to travel with auto device In adjoining coiintlea; big profile. Addreaa (1 1280, Hee (ALKHMEN to' aell automobile p olaltv la A. 1 .. i. M Inlar tlmitll I lal Untal nil In Nebraska. Iowa. South Dakota and kanaaa; good able line. Sort Bee ..Hldg. IE vol 'have aeUliig ablllu' aea Htand- ani rec. jiiv, .w .. . . ...i Hldg Omaha. BOMFT1HNO extra good, big mony for fhe alcman who la a bualne getter. 1017 W. O. W. Htandard I'-Zl.' . 7.4 c 1017 W O. W Hldg. Trade Srtiual. MOLEH'S liARBER COLLEGE Men wnted lo learn th trad. W have original'! P,," tn 'ach It otilekly nd earn back tuition while learning Tool Included Open to Nry nn. Writ for catalogu. l9 80. I4itl 8t Omaha. Neb. OOOD MEN WANTKO. to laarn auto wink for in big prtng rucii fine tralnln aork 00 auto anj ertrtr ai.irtli atatetli ami lucA.v Al io cot.i.rar.. 1 Farnain H Oinaha Nb 1.1 AltN libr Iran, iiuua than mak rwur iniuiin eon" i". im. .i .. n. luilv.l Job ,.i'in.1 ''! ur writ r ,.ti''i. it" ii TlU ilfV HtltHK U i i 1 tun: ttKN ii(A, I.i learn tli baib.r trad Tall n I ll Al" , , " nui'i OMAM t liltnr P iMI 1 MIC H.t.l aad hli,l, UtllMHf IMIIi'IMrSr A''v. I a, rlilHii 1 t'.Oi Al 4 II, 1 1 .atiii fo ll .1.1 l l P tl laer M.aiwMi U t m r TH K C S 1 1 f TK MKM , iSDP 41 .. t ..1. 4 ...oii.i I. I iiii L.IAIKII AAA I l l4 '"I"!" Cf I 1,11. 4 ki i Hal, ! a-..! I..,a.i 1. . 1 1 1 a a1..- a n-ii, 4 a 1 aula f f '' 1'.'H Pi I ......I .4 art'H H.- i.iui !. A' I' ' IMr.1,4 S. . 11 4--. . an'H - I ' k,.., l t ' . ' - ' ' Ia , 1 V T' , i I !" Ni I M I I t A- vl, -, aJ ic I 4.-l , I 4 4- ' I . I I.... ,ts ll i4 1 a k.r I A I 4 4 I 4 kai.a A tl, 4. .. I..4 i , I f. I In 4 ' a A ,,v 1 it 11-1 ., l i e Hi A. I .... oai'-iaJ t del ml y ' ....t.. fi-i f .4. i.. 14 I 4i , H MAi-t. I tt IM I i' S a al . I A i' ' a ... It HELP WANTED FEMALE a tore, and ffta. SO r ll.lNt; 1 EX. : Wi.y pav n V l.n. fee. If you aro . i ll. lei. t in cxperiet.cad In commercial v .rli. ae i a at once. Roger Reference to, . PiX'n Block. V, IC HA VK more calla dally for com petent; atenograpUtra than we can iui. i all and tee 11. , CU-Ul'fdRATlVQ HEFERENCB CO., J0I6-1 City Nat'L1-111"14: hTr.NO. and l.litaphone operator, j'J. iditaphona operator, oienu., Typist. P.-JC-X. opr rator, H'J. Walta Itef. i' o.. kt'i Hrand. Theater, BTK.N'OO'lUPUKH and clerk for perma nent poaltlon. PoaUlon will pav nmu In accordance with ability, htale ex perience. A 127,f tmalia P- r. "Profea'aioiia ami 'Iradea. WANTK) 25 gills to operate Power ma- chlnea In ahlrt and overall i'mioi,. clean, airy woVk rooma. jirlvato lunch hall, permanent poaltlont ar.d aplendld wagea. See Mra. Iiobeck, M. K. fcmlth Co.. 9th and Imtiglaa. CIA'K aTid mitten" "tnagora axcerlem d on power iiwdiinea make gioi !., piece work; atuadv i7iployineit ; nate age, expuil. ni e n 1 pieavnt enip-oyjnent hi firat letter. Voiing Mfrf. Cx., Hni- ar.ooHh, la. t i( 'i 1 1 v r"ir'V: u.f.t,c iood tiay; x- peilenced preferred, hcott umana mid Awning !o U'4 Harney Ht "label but- ter. Harding 1 ream 1.0.4 "tn ana nm ney (Vt i. Phone Iviuglae 91. WA18T and gown flnlalmr at once, m citv J2a,J"naiRiinkJii.(ig. I.F.AItN liolrdi'eaaini,- ai 'I lie '"'P'.p'l., lloii.ehold an4l lnieaiU. Iti.LIARr.l-; girl for general houaework; laundrcaa and houao man iicio. iie room, good wage. . ti4 No. .St 11 Ml. Wr.lntit Vr.,2. WA.VTKI-Experleti(ed gill for general houaework; no waaning. ir. . Kmitli, S)I0 Pcwey Ave. Phona Hat- tiey IfaJ. . W A NT E I ) A "com pet en t girl for K('!"'r houaework. Mual be good cook. rmii family, a Harney Ht. Phone Har ney a':j.'!!l. .. ANTKi'"-A wiiit'e girl or middle-aged '.vi man to aaalat with houevork; good l i.t.ie 10 iiflit party; good wugea, Col tn.? im. I HAVK a nicely fiirnlahcd apartment and meal exenangu 101 "'7?' V and wlfo preferred, Cull KiS J'fcrk Ave, or rilioiiM llarnev JtCli. OOOO girl for general houaework, good home, good wage, no other need anpiy, only 3 in family. 2319 Ho, S2nd, Phone Harney 2,42. WANTKO-Experienced girl for general houaework, !lre. Al. , icwmuii, Howatd lt. Phone r;ms. WANTED n experienced aecond girl, no rooking; no waahlng; V a ween. mi.. John 1 Kennedy. Tel. Walnut .'B. HXPK.RrFNi'Kli while girl for general houaework in family of I. good wageg, Mra. W. J, llynea, Harney .!. WANTF.fV-An exp;renced' acon4 girt .111, roil referencea. Apply Mr. V . H, McCord, 22bl Ca Ht, Tj i yi' I I iii exnerlenied girl for gen eral houaework; no waahlng. iIO Mewey Ave. Phone Harney 2wm, i- ."ei. 1 " a t" 4 1 v 'i-; -41lrl for aeneral houaework, ainnll family. Tel. Harney 741. 1304 H.U51li ft, "i-v ii,:ii ii-.NfrKO iiiri Tot general houae work; beat of wage. 4WM liavenpolt fit. Walnut 2i:. tU a v'ti,'iii firi "fo"r aeneral houaew'irk id' waahlng; good wage. Jliimey 3231. tn 8. Vtll Ave. W A NTI'fl ,--A girl to aaalat with general houaework. Mr. Nelaon, I'rairbt Park, Colfax ?..2. COM PK'j'F.NT girl for ;' vj'"ug5' work; beat of wage. 7!22 . iVith Bt Hiirney 6ID; Sir'Ti i.i."r.ii 4Vr ieneriil houaework; muat be abl to cook; reference; good home. Walnut im WANTED 'A competent cook; reference required. Apply 2i H. -'U AV, or pnone Harney aim. . , YOt'NO girl r HofM with general I ou'. work. Mrg. u, i. iiyvi-.e, 4,01- ney m. , WANTED "at once, a good girl for gen eral houaework. 4MJ Dodge St. WANTED Middle-aged lody to look afler home. Colfax JH9. r.v vrTL-, .v.fiTfie ciiok nrivat" family. er,M.. . ... ij-...n ' f-a. a ..W ki Mr. Victor 1 ;.iiiV:.... "" "" ' ' WANTED-Experienced conk; white pre ferred. Mra. Arthur Me i.Harney 44 W'ANTF.D-Olrf for general houaework; no' waahlng. ml Paclflo Ht. Harney a. lornine4iiiB. f.APIES wantj-d for decorating aofa I OW at home; goon pay; experience unnecessary. Ca 11 f orenoona. 2.W f. 13th. EDUCATIONAL BUSINESS COLLEGE) STUDENTS SAVE MONEY ON COURSE. 1 For aaa with good reaiona for aell- Ing a variety of courae in a relUbla Buine School, one of the leading bual .. college of Omaha. Will be aold very reaaonable away below regular eric. If vou are conalderlng taking a courae investigate thi at once, alnce Bpring Term begin aoon. Call otflce, Omaha Pee. PAT RCHOOL ' BOYLES COLLEGE. NIGHT SCHOOL. Every day I enrollment day. Rook keeping. Shorthand, Htcnotype, Type, wilting Telegraphy. Civil Hervlco-all Commercial and EnglUh branchea. Cat alogue free. . . HOYLES COLLEOE, 18th and Harney Sta. Tel. Dougla 1M6. THE VAN SANT SCHOOL BTENOORAPH Y-P.OOK K EEPI.NO. Day School for Young Women. Evening School for Young Men and Women. , Katuiday morning clai In typewriting. lone C. Duffy, Owner and Manager. kM S. ISth St, Omaha. ilARP-flummer term offer to student beginning April 15. Harpa furnlahed. Si Lyrio Rldg I.ortta Define Htiidio, Danclng -iienevleve ManflHlr. W'l'b W7HV PERSONAL RHEUMATISM, atomach. IK and klilney trouble, goitre, nervou. avaa and aa'bma aufferera ar ue i(ully reatored tu health by nia . Egaminatlnn Fri Call ult 211 He Hldg. DR. W. II, KNOLLENI'KHO. Oilropr actor Tilr VM. Vol' Nil woman coming to Omaha a .irinoiri ar. lev Had to vlllt the V ulnj Waioeii t hrlapea .cutl.n biilldlnl at ti'ti 81- and Mrr Av. wni thar will be dlrild lo aullaPI. ttd. In piaie or etberwU aa.kii.4. I"k iMf rat lravlr g ilJ. al lb Lulu kl.tl.ill. . PILES, IMSTl'L.V cn.Ki r n n Trr rti. f4ii; t4 tb 'l a '' al a).'aib Cue iiiai4 and a aif i4 atn if4 Wri fur N4 en re- tt ati 'U ln'l iiiuiaia l it, 17 K TtHKl. " . I'Oigh. Nrrb r, 'MIO DkV i H i Tka I44U-. i p. Ai,.i . ..t ,. .. ia. aji' Mlng l i .,, ., 1. -4 a a 4 .. . 4,4 I 4 IWAU4.1.4B 4$ 1 l l v I I M f a 14 4 I l f IK P I A 1 I I ! A a 44, t-Jl 11 '" Al 4 'I t II 4 4 , I'l -41- (., ll. UvUll t'N. tilt V l Ail MB MAM ii , ah. hi PERSONAL PHOTOGRAPH V taught In all branch. Few aoc leasona In kodak work you money. K.mory School ot Photog raphy, 12 N. lith. Phone Tvler Mi. WUH l,iv liiv drink and drug treat tUtlLtjt ment la beat known cure booklet free. THE Fl'RI.EY, J167 Far narn. Omaha. Phone Harney 4J. W A N T E I A man and wifa or two young. men with car to accompany anotn couple with iinr to California, either lr June or July. Kindly addrasa Bog 9. Wljama, la. DPS. JOHNSTONS, Chiropractor, of hhcldon, la., wlh to announce thell location at 2407 N Kt., 8. O. Coneultatloa free and Itivlted, f'hone iiouth401. R II P T IT If V. Hucceaafully traatiwf U U I X U It U wl,ll0Ut aurgical rperatlon. Call or write Dre Wry Matheny, V Re Hldg.. Omaha. yOIJH clothe dry cleaned, preaaed anT ret'iined ti'e aame diiy, City Prening CiibSo2Nvllle Hlk, Red 4i3. MAK RRL'OMAN. Oleam and chowcr bath. Manage. Had T,r.. Room 203 Karbach Hlk. WK nmko a ape: iulty of atout women anij a ii Klt il roreeta. Nl'-RONF Coraet Bhop, Web IS Jiiderianil. Rldg. Red i.m. MAM AU i', " i N I , J-;i.ECTUlU UAfBir chiropody. Mlaae Gray and Head, 214 Halrd in k ,, 17 th an if Dquglaa. P.jMtl. LA Dl Ki improve your iook. Hkln and g.alp treatment. INIH! KOHXiETHJ HHOP, !) Rnae Hldg. Tyler I2W,. Hash A .iv- Mia Vebter, 6U Paxtoa Elk. D. 32r7. Offb-e hour 10 to I. n r. j , 4 l"4 iit-.i4 luriTMi uu i I W gill g.iarant'd. Dr. Rnwaer. 814 Ree Bldg. Dnm'ii iTuii .. . a ...it... WANTED Day or night nuralng by eol , ored graduate nurae Call Wen. WIS. PRIVATE home for maternity case. Call Colfax 2042 441(1 N, 8th St. SWKIUHH maaaugn taught, $2S, diploma. , w rite i-ror. Vhrieii, 441 N. iith, tCIENTIFIC maaaiiga. uM lie JJIdg. pr"ne IlnnirVa KXll FOR RENT-ROOMS Kiirnlahed Hooma, ATTENTION, ROOM HUNTER: If vou fall to find the room you dealre among I lire-) ada, call at The Hee office for a Room Llat -give complete detailed drecrlp. Hon of vacant room In all part of th city, If more convenient phone Th Reo Want Ad Dept. and give your namo and addrea, and a list will be mailed ,to you at once. New lixta are luaued vr.v week. yoi'Nii bualneaa man wanig congeriTaT roommate; Weal Fatnam dlatrlct; walk ing rtlatiinie; inoderii convenience. Harney HUM. MON' AMol'lC 2124 Douilaa, new flaC nicely fnrnlahed; plenty of hot water; ahower bath; board If daalred. LA ROE, 'well furnlfhed front "room. ioiT H, 19th Kt. BOI.'TII front Voom In gtrietly moderd home, (leiitlemen. 2X10 Jackaon. liar ny 40713, v4 iWTI'f HTIeiiHemen prijTafrcdT Kouth rontiia, Douglaa 71161. Tf" Ni ISTH-l'Tlegantly " fur'niahed, "VlT conT-nl nwia, priia'a faml y, reference) encluiiiged. A Ft'RNIKIIEiD room" tn prlvatiji fainlfyr 4k2l U abaler Ht, Walnut i!24i. MAHON, -.DbV-Two nicely furniaTfeiT'mod- e.rn rooma; fnrnlahed complete; reaaon- able. Harney 414l. TWO nicely fiirnlHlied, all modern lep log rofiina; cloan in; reuaoliable prlcea. 222 N. 2,'ith. NICELY fiirnlahed room, with board, for gill; homo privilege; price ruaaonablo, Colfax 4U7. W I . I .- F 1 ' It N I ii lT E D fr7t 11 1 room; alei Itouar keeping aulto, Dr. Griffith. 22t Farnain, NICELY fiirnlahed front room, auiUh'ia for 0110 or two, 7.00 per inontb. 2221 Hurt Kt. NICELY fnrnlahed room In private fam ily. i:ilH, ,2!th. Pii'ineHarneiM) NICELY, furriiahed room, cioaa In; all' modern. IMJ. 22 Pt. TWO modern loom, fnrnlahed complete. Colfax jor.2 after 11 a- m. KM A I.l,, modern room, fl.CO per week. Honaliia 27::2. m H. 24th. 1721-17271 DODOE Hl Neatly furnlIied" all modern rooma. 1721-1723 dodoe 8'lTNcatly furnTE3i 1 11 modern room. If wtiarlAfrptfift Itooane. THREE light houaekeeplng room; all mixjern, Private lamiiy. o;z . 211 av. T:ler 1W7-J. CAPITOL AVE, lMI2-Modein fSrnlahed houaekeeplng apt. roomg with lavatory. FA TINA M, 222 -Two nice houkeepIniit rooma, ele'trlc light, ga rango. STRICTLY modern houaekeeplng apart-- mi nt, 4 per week, ku . ztn. IOR RENT- Front room for light houie- keeplng. ,12 S. 17th St. Board anil Room. BT, MAItV'H AVE., 2403 Would Ilk to hear from young men wno wouio iiae homo privilege and beat of meal; every convenience. Fl'RNISII ED room, with board, euluhl for 3 pimpie; on car line, otj n. Jim St. Web. M3. ONE email room with ainitlo bed, with" board3'il2 N, lth.wen MTt I nfornlaTieil llooni. 17,25 ft". 2ilTH PT.-Two larga iinfumlahed rooma with alcove and bam on aeconu floor. Phone Douglaa 78m. Hon in a ttanlra. YOU PEOPLE WHO RENT ROOMS, CALL Till', hciii nam ir,ri. and find out. all about the FURNISHED ROOM OI'IDE. It'a a plan that la helping nmnv people ren their home WANTED Room and board In private family by couple; no other roomer. Wtnii anawcrliiK elate price and give partlculara. Addreaa y 11iV, Bne. HOTELS "lit )T EL S AN FO H I '. HOTKirH ARf.l; i:nh and Fatnam. 3ntli and Farnarn. Special Rntea to Permanent Oueat. BAVOY "jlOTEU IMti and Jackon St Clean, moibirn. comlortabl rooma at moderate prlcea. FOR RENT FURNISHED Apartim-nli nnd llouaea Apartmral. "splendid, NEW, FCRNiailED, Tlt.VVKia-OX FIltEPRool'. 24TH AND LAN DON' (ICRT Catering tu people nf iefiil taatef Aiaitmelit I ciunpletaly equipped fur lionai kerplng. up-lo-dnl and innifort THIVI R HRi'S. T"l Dong w. Ominia Nat l Han I 'him Web, 4ij, veiiln. or SitiidaH 1 HihiMs am) bath furnished apt. In th II, .Hi au.id, near 7 11 H.rni), loJtli front. iy di an able. I). lI!, FOR R ENT-HOUsil '" " " Weal, " ' " ' " V'l nrv tea. ling ll.r-. Im Kent . ..Iiiiii.h aaaIii Ui.ii, to pay i'i inula i.iti in. .mi i In l"h l 4ou b t oir reiii piaka the f.Vlilelit. I.M bollle ,' Phone He li. .'U 17. I. ought ftrr i I. Tl I l'lllg'4. flilt HI SI I. win liiilrrn ili'144 ll PI )l..a .1 141 ill fine lApali t or Imm ..a li fi In, a I i ii v Sain .ii.l i' In IA , 11! I H i e, ll I '"" I " i li AND ' l.lN'olA it.Vl P ''4 4.. I, hl.i.AA liPhPl .l.ld'HI l,h III" I w.l.r ,..4i Pic. I I'" '' '' '4H Rk NT Hi. 4.4A4WI h.H.AA Hl4 I'll. ,. . . . I. p 1 ...,. I . . l ' 14 4, , I .) 'AA I .1 4 4 ' !( Cl w 4 .t i iiiMti i v hp,. Ir, I k.i,'. a. 4l'' i in at . J 4 a 4. it r iwirw. ' ',!.(.- IIS li"l l " , III I li I.l a .-I l, i'l. nil . Il l 11. I ll H' I ' I I , 11 I A- -"I" ' 1 I1 ' 1 , t ' 1 .- oat' V ' l-lllll IKIHf ... . . 1 ... A HA4 -. : r - a I I- ,.M .. !' .i," " I t(.. i,. ,-gii. an '" -"'-k i' i . .. ,,.., .!( oil, I I ! I I f f- 4, 1 V V i A I 4 4 I ' li I-, ,4 . tl. V a I, .. -4 al I ,.,,..,, t ,,--. III...,. V a , t'llMtlM i4 HUM eelii j i u 1 1 1 If 11. I - I ' a ' 1 1, i ll It a. a 4 0 ! I4I""I '"' A ' I .-. t l.t-.,,. .4 4 Pi 1 1 A S t 1 I I A ,4 4. I I 1' i 4 1 ll 4 S r A I I I 1 r I4aI ll P 0 . 14 , ... I I . , i - I t - a I W 4 1 A 4A'.. f v, 1,1 4. fHVIVS ! I'- 4 414 all,,, 4 I A- 1 I ll !". A , - U. 1 1 , .-! vl ... tl una f ii I r I MI 444 ill l t l. I t V . . t Ii.- tlttikt tJ I . 4 ' . I V .4 I HI I ''"A I ii K a k fit I ' . i r - II 1 .'I 14 , I A I I A. 4 I" ,A 11. 4 4IA' F'tl.AAl 1 14 , A,,,., 1H I.iIiaI I .. a 44.1" I M ,e,"4 a. a A 1 a a I cii 4 .4 )1 1 4 ilt I A I M .1 p 1,1 taxf 4 H-' ', l4 f 4 tl I V I !i I I k 1. .. V,. I 4 - I' M I . , I Ut 1 l i i u 1 f 41 14 . , I AH- 1.4! 4 '1 i.-A a I . 1 i r t . II a t li 4 V ia an- it-" l t e ia , 1 4 t.,.4 4 4 1 " k a i.a I a 41 a 4 e a. l 111 ., I I, at - p. pi. ;ik i 1 I. lA. V I I. I Ii. ti fpn'. I I ... !. A 4 U it IM ! AH l-(Al O.J II AH X 1 4 .ia A k . 1 ..la I . a ... '. A-....H A, i I . . 1 ,1 -1 - . 4 a 4 i i i' t'. -II"? e I !... p. t ,4 1. t.' I I... -44 a , 1 4,l i i.i ! I-1 11 'i p. 1 i ' , I. I V I A! ' 44." . "1 ' - 1 h i.. .nil . 4 4 IHV i lA ,. li .a., a a, 1 1