Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 26, 1916, Image 1

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    HA D
Call Tyler 1000
If Too VTnt to Tnlk to The lie
or to Anyone Connected
With The !!?.
Ob Trains, at Hotel
Ww Stand, ete. Be
Lou North Holds the Lincoln Slug
gers Helpless While His Team
mates Hammer Opposition
Over the Field.
Rourkes Put Up Superb Exhibition
of Game as Bid for
While a bunch of Arctic brrcKCH
which would have Inaplrcd rejoicing
from Admiral Peary or Doc Cook
whirled acrowt tho diamond to chill
the bonea of (ho athlete and noml
fehlver up tbo aplnr-a of tho tl,no,)
fans prcttont, tho demon Kourkra
yeaterday Inaugurated tho ncaaon'
hoHtllHloa at homo by Riving tin?
lowly Link from Lincoln a mom.
fftorluu walloping. While Lou
North wit, bowling along In bin bt
rlde, allowing but thrto hlta, hla
mate hammered the orftuing of
MftHMtH. Gregory and rower of tho
Llnk for fifteen aafe blows and
copped the rombut, 7 to 3.
Th pld attendance yeatcrday w ap
proximately tl.wo, A fan do not regard
baa bell a a winter aport tho attendance
Burfnrfld. With a good (lay Omahg'e
opening crowd would unqueatlonably have
reached a, mark of 6, Via. Four thoutund
' honl k )f I 1 aw tho gam aa guaat of
ilia Kotary club.
Vimy (.real Oame.
Tha itouike put op a awell exhibition
tit the national paatline which plcnacd the
ran and rnncttea mightily. They fielded ji,,,, dipl'nmtlc corrrapondence over the
In miprrb atylo and whacked the pill with it,lW rxpwt,.d to follow,
enjoyable re(tijlnrlty, Kverxbody on the Th n,uy 0f i,utlment among the
'iud hit enfely except Jioucher and j world's neutral for tha protection of nan
North, end Karl flmltli dlntliigulahod him-' tr)l t l(.IltH i recognised tn the JJrltlah
aeir by collecting four anfe w.m while I Wll.-ti .n In conclusion!
AfMnuger Marty rccfod tlirwe good ona.
Omaha atnrted to batter Howard flic
nry. who la auppnaed to he tho cream of
tha fhickllng hurling corpa, In tha third
Unt. Karl Smith atarlcd tho dolnaa In
thla fiamo by alapplng a aingla to nentcr.
Marty Krug followed the lead hy wallop-
Itig a double to right on which Karl gal-1
loped to third after waiting a few pree
ioua aeconda to lump I,olicr In. hla futile
efforta to pluck the drive off the fence.
Ray Miller drove one at rVhmarvIt, .no
huefcefl the hall Into the grandalntid In
an effort to null Hmithy at the platter
and both flmlth and Marly rtgtatnred,
mlth arla II aul.
fhegory retired the rtourke In order In
tha fourth hut Marty' hlrelima were not
10 he downed o enally and they brolie
looae again In the fifth hpiimd. r;rl
Hmltli again atarted the bombardment by
ahootlng a drive to center. Krng aaerl
flced and Cyrua Knraythe'a nil to right
acorrd Kmlth, Miller wna afe on
Hchmandfa error again and he and Km
aythe reunted on Ernie Krueaer'a tv.o
haa Mow to the rlaht garden, Pi-teal
trickled an Infield hit to Hievenaon which
nt Krnle to third. Tele Kllduff amaahe.l
a nn inrougn abort and Ivrueger marked, J International law and by tha rulea of hu
The aeventh run waa added to the home ! mnnlly that have hitherto been approved
total tn the aevtnth Inning. .Miller paatm) , by the civilised world."
a knock to right and he acramhled to aec At tl e outaet li e note aueHtH that th i
i Continued on f'age Four. Cohmiit (nt-.l :
Zeppelins Drop
Seventy Bombs
, on Suffolk Coast :
!.VfrW. April 3S.-J p. m -Hvei, ;
hemha vera dropped during laat night', !
Zeppelin raid, due man w la injured
Knur Of five Zeiuiellm. the r.frieUI I
bureau ana, took pait In the tad.
Tha official itglement;
" nUhl a air raid over th Norfol
and Huffolk coata appeura to have bee i
carried rut hy four . r the Yt ne'li a, md
two of wbbh made a aerloua aitemi.t t
penetrate Inland i
"About aeventy homha npp ar to luno
been dr miM-d, One man la nported a. rl
ouaty Injured, No furl her dculla of
raaualtlea are available."
The Weather
IVraeaat till 7 p ln Hr.liie.dn
roe tiinaha,, iVuncil r.lurr and
I- ale.
MralMr at Uinaha
rataritaii ,
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Britain Declares in Note to U. S.
that Practices Complained of Ane
"Jurisdictional Sound
and Valid."
Cites Invasion of Belgium and Sub
marine Campaign as Argu
WAHIIINtiTON, April 25. The
latent Jhltlnh note In anawer to tho
American protfala agalnttt allied In
terference with neutral trade, made
public tonight wt the Htato depart
ment, contend that the practlcca
complained of are "jurladlctlonally
aound and valid," and that the relief
which nntitrala aeek la rather to be
olitalrtfyt by the mitigation of negei
aary hardahlpit than by "abrupt
change, either In th theory or appli
cation of a policy baaed upon ad
mitted principle of International
law carefully adjuatod to tho altered
condition of modern warfare."
It dlacloae that "an Impartial and
Influential commlaalon" ha been
appointed to find way to mlnlnilzo
delay and pl"dge the allien to- mako
their reatralnt on trade a littlo
burdenaomo to neutral a poaalble,
More Parleying likely,
Tli note, In which the French govern
ment concur, reiterate th military ite
eeaalty of regulating commerce to neu
tral contlauoua to Germany and luatlfle
tho effectlvcm of tha blockade, which
wax chnlleiiKed ly tha laat American
j ,,,,,
"Jil tiiH,efty'a government have noted
with alitceru aatlafaetlnn the Inforinatlon
contained In the concluding paaxagea of
the t'liited fitatea note, of the Intention of
the I'nlted Htuta o nnderake he tnak of
ehainplonlng the Integrity of neutral
"The firat net of thla war waa the un
provoked InvaMlon by the enemy of nou
trnl territory that of Iielglum which It
waa aolemnly pledged by treaty to-roteot,
The rilaregard of neutiul rlgbta
hna alnee been extended to naval warfare
by tho wanton deatriicllou of ntutrnl mer
chant nhle on tha high acaa, regnrdlea.i
of tile live of IhOHe on boant,
Mould Welcome le(lo.
Jlla oiaJftOy at gnvcrmnent would wel
cnniu any coiiiblnutlon of jieut i-nl nullum,
under the lend of the 1,'nlttd Ktnea, wliM)
V.ould evert n effective Influence to prn
veui tho vlolallott of neiitral rlghla and
they cannot belle that they, or their
allies, have much to fear from any cow
bhiatlou for the protection of thoae rlghtu
whb li takea an Impartial and comprehen
nho view of the conduct of thla war and
JurliicH tt by a reaaoiiahla Inlerprelallon
of the generally accepted provialona of
Ahieil.nii complaint l- not a) nrnh tha
ahltnieita Intercepted really were In
tended fur cue In the Kiiopenu n tit ul
M'ontimied on I'aga Three, Col Three.)
President Comes to
New Jersey to Cast
A Vote for Himself
PIUNCKTON, N. J., April :.-Pre.
dent Wilaim came to hla, former home
l.eie today for lh double purpoae of
vitlng in th New .lerxey preeblentlal
prlniHrlea and planting a treo on the
mule of the Lincoln Highway. With '
Mia, Wilton he airhed here ahortly be
fore I ,, ni,
Mr, WIUi.ii b mfeienci. nted for lilm
a'lf. There were no coulees fto- dele
gaten to the democratic national con
venMoii and all can'libii a were pledged
to ntc for the pirxl'bnt lemuiilliatloli.
Mr. V 1 U..M . iwin- here in caat hla I'hIIuI,
however, tircauae he I.-IumcI eveiy cltl
ta ll hild ole.
Thla wan Mr., i!sin a flial Mail to.
nini ctoi. l... e .lie ma 1 1 le.l the 1'i-ei.t. j
,.nt lb Inii.Mlu e, her .. a of
M old lilfi.l ll Hie iiiiImihIi fm.illl
I'rii.ile a ditoluig lain a In. . iuhJ of
(lu.t.iit . rlni'iii waa al th aiatloii
In i leer Mr and Mi a WlUnn, 1 h pn .
Ileol taalkril ( .mi hr aliMun tu vole,
Inl Mm Wii.. m ill. I ti.t in Hi 'Micg
V tti pieAidcnt fiia)t. mof 1 a
t'..n ariKed It. en ft'it.tmol'ile i. Un '
il, lalVlng In Hi loi l.lie i f in ai.l
SWth Mi.eni'f Mt-l-tnf t'i nl'lM
aai oh irm( .-( .ut'..rtii d.itn H
ll I'KliMH tn l. I"b .lele '.
1 Stm
t-l r ..lorn t t
tall-. II
Women Crowd Galleries to Hear
Mr. Sha froth Speah On Suffrage
ttl H. fS . tl
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Eleven Persons,'
, ing in Streets. . -pital
and Large k .ioer Are
Unsettled Conditions Known to Pre
vail in Certain Parts of
Owing probably to the Hrltlah J
cenaoranip only th bare facta 'n j
j connection with tho arreat of filr;
Hoger Casement and tho preaent aff-l
uatlon In Ireland have been made!
public. It waa announced officially
Monday night that an atompt wa
made laat week to land arm und
ammunition In Ireland from a Ger
man auxiliary, under tho gulae of a
neutral merchant ahlp, In conjunc
tion with a German submarine. The
auxiliary wa aunk and a number of
prlaoner, Including HlrNoger, were
In another London diapatch It was
Indicated that unaettled condition
prevail In certain part of Ireland.
An unaucceaful attempt wa made
Sunday to wreck a train near Mary
borough, aouthweat of Dublin.
8lr Roger, wbo wa leader of the
aeparatiat faction In Ireland, went
to Berlin after tho outbreak of the
war with the Intention, It wa said,
to open negotiation between the
German government and the antl
Kngllah party In Ireland.
fWaten Are Hilled.
I.ONDO.V, April .-According to an
official atafintni lnuod thla evening,
eleven peraon o fur, have been klllel
and about twenty other. .Injured tn the
Dublin ditiirtan?,
The official communication laaued thla
evening concerning tho altuatlon In Dub
line aaye:
"At noon yeaterday a aerloua dlatuhb
ance broke out In I) ublln. A large party
of men Identified with tho Hinn j'Yin
party, nioatly armed, entered Ktephen'
tureen and look poaaeaalon forcibly of the
poKtofflce, whero they cut the tele,
graph ami telephone wire. Houaea alao
'were occupied In Ktephen'a Oreen, Kack-
vllle mi eet, Abbet at real aad along thai
aerarat Koldlera Killed.
"In the cout'fe of the day aoldleia r
ifved from the Curragh and the altua
tlon la now well hi hand. Ko far aa la
known hera, three military offleera, four
or five aoldlera, two loyal vierifeera and
two pollnetnent ave been killed and
four or five military officer and aeven
or eight aoldlera and alx volunteer
wounded, No exact Information haa been
lec.elved of the oaaualtlca on the aide of
tha Hlnn Felnera.
"Iteporta received from Cork, Limerick,
Knnla, Traleo and both Hidings 0f xip
peiary ahow that no diaturbancea of any
kind have occurred In theae localltlea."
It la announced officially that Blr Koger I
t'aaement waa brought to London on
Sunday for trial.
I The announcement follow:
I "Hlr Roger Caaemcut, who waa nrreated
l In connection with an abortive attempt to
land amia In Ireland from a German vea
el, waa brought to l.unrlon on Hunday
morning, lie waa met at Kuaton by offi
cer from Scotland Tard and I now de
tained In military cuatody. It la under
alood evidence of hla proceeding In Ger.
many alnce tho outbreak of tho war will
bo produced nt hla trial."
Hlrrrll'a aialrment.
Auguatlne Hlrrrll, chief aecretary
Ireland, alt that grave dlaordera had
broken nut In Dublin and that twelve
peruana had been killed.
Mr. tilrrall rnade hla aiinnnncomeni In
reply to a itieatlon by Pnuimoiier ' rang
Immediately after Hi axacinblliiu of the
houae. He aald that the pontoffl.e had
! beii forcibly taken poancaKlon of and that
: telegraphic communication hud been nit
i lulling tha day. hueii, H, Ulrrell
j ,U'I, aoldlera arrived from the Curragh
and the agitation now In hand
Mr. Klrrall de, re, thai Hi renela
, 1K1,.,, of f, , ive differ
, .,,.,,,,.,,,.. . i
He a! hi aniioiiiicml that four or flM
niiil.'n had b..n klilad.
Toe lit. f nft'iiUry for lirland ,)
i laird li i n il. I not ai tiow many per.
..ia had teii arretted; neither enuld
t.a ii" anv nme Kuio front tha
it.fiu iiialf,.n he had ia.flit.1 ha rn.ill
j that tale ! lad lai !'
iV'iiii.iKiii. alio. wnb tuii.'in, h aaht.
milt waa nv ttr'i.- .11
t ! orloig ta Bight Mi fr.ll !!
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GUESTS OF THE ROTARIANS AT THE BALL GAME One little segment of the bleach
ers in which 4,000 happy school boys rooted for Omaha and cheered for the Rotary club
of Omaha.
I I'T,
ffi l.t
i H:M i
Squadron Appears Off Port Near
London and Flees After Short
Bombardment of Town.
"LONDON, April 25.-Vrbe Gorman
tattle crulaer a'Uiidron appeared off
M 00"10'1 tod"Jr- ,'0Cttl naVaI ,orccB
eugagod the raider, and alao Urlt-
A light cruiser. The German war-
hhlpa retreated In twenty minutes.
The following official .announcement
waa made;
' "At about 4:30 o'clock thla morning the
d'erninii aiiiadron, accompanied by light
crulaera and deatroyera. appeared off
Irfiweatoft, Tho local naval force en
gaged It and In about twenty minute U
returned to Oermany, chaaad by our
llht crulanra and deatroyera. , .
"On ahnr two men, on woman and
child were killed. The material damage
aeema to have been InalRnlflrant o far
a la known at preaent, ,Two Pritlah
light crulacra and a deatroyer were hit,
but' none waa aunk."
I'oorth llald on Coaa Totrna,
1914. The town of Hcarborough, Whitby
l.oweatoft la on the North Hea coaat
about I'D mile to the northeaal of Ten
don. It la almoat oppoalte Tho Hagua.
On prevloua occaalona attacka have
been made on the Kngllah coaat during
the war by German warahlpa. The mint
important raid waa made December R
and llartlepoole, about IH) mile north
of Ixiweatoft, were bombarded and about
130 perantia killed. Hed by fog the
German veanela eaeaped.
On January 24, l!H", a further attempt
of the kind was made but the German
aquailron waa mat off Poggorhank by
the Hrltlah crulaer aquailron under Vice
Admiral fIr Pavld Heatty. On being
alghted tho flermana made for home at
high apeed. The rear ahlp, the Pluecher,
na aunk, and two other crulaer were
act on flie and damaged aeverely, Th
Hrltlah flagship I.lon waa dlaabled by
a ahot In one of lt feed tank and waa
towed In,
The flrat Herman naval raid on th
Hrltlah coaat wa mad on November A
1114, Three battle cruiaera, the HeydllU,
Moltke und Von der Tann, tho armored
crulaer llluei her and Vurck, and the
protei tad 1'rulnera Kolherg, I Iraudeti and
Straaaburg, left port on th evening of
Not ember !, and at dawn appeared off
tarniouui, rney iioniiiiiroed Tarmnutn
and LoMratuff for about twenty minute
ami torn returned. A Hrlilali auhmarliin,
the P-d. attempted to puraue the ihirmana
but elr.ii k a mine and aank. Th Yorck
t)lo atruck a niine and m ut down with
rrt men
Til rnld of Hartlepool, S' arborou
ami Whlttiy m) the moat lintoitant of1
the ai'ifu veniuii 1 ha lieriuaii rrtilrr 1
poured hmt i f hln Into the town for
an hour and n hail and In addition to
the lars number killed, ii or iimr
li'M'Ui were wiiuinh l,
Ih....(i i i. i,i,t raalerly nn In
I'liglait l an tmp.u laiit fial.tng alath.n,
Mud a fatMi.iutl.le .'.h.,t H
..m Inl i,.n t i .t m.i
Roosevelt Men
in South Dakota
Call Conference
!' 'I V r U,' i till
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Unpletlgd DelcgatoH
Lead in tho Bay State
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Fr-ench Repulse
Several Attacks
On Dead Man's Hill
I'AHIM, April !9. Three aucceaatve at
tack were madu by the (Jeiniuna laat
night on the nuvv I''reni h poaltiona near
Dcidman'a hill, on tho Verdun front, A
war office announcement today aay the
first two aaaaulta failed completely and
the third attack, although nnltcd by
tho uafl of gaa, alao broke down. The
German auatalned heavy loaaea.
More Than One Hundred Leading
Creamery Men of Country As
semble for Special Meeting.
More than 100 of the loading
neaniery men and dairy authorities
ff the United State cotivoned at
the Pttxton hotel Tueaday morning tit
a specially railed meeting of t hj
Amerlcun Aaaociutlon Creamery
Butter Manufacturer.
Tho head of tho largpat creunicr
le and dairy eatabliahmcnt ln the
country, as well a several middle
west state officials and repreaenta-
tives of agricultural colleges, wore
In attendance.
The program, which was in charge
of George llaakell of Chicago, pres
ident of the Beatrice Creamery com
pany, who Is also prealdent of tho
National Butter Manufacturers' as
sociation, and O. I McKay, aecre
tary of tho organization, started it
JO o'clock.
Illaena llanuen IHH.
On of tho moat Important nuilteia up
before the aaaorlatlon wa a general ilia
cuaalon of the Haugon hill, now pending
In congreaa, which la aimed to regulate
tha oleomargarliio traffic.
I'rof. l'arrlnaton of the Wia.onaln
fltnto Kchool of Agriculture delivered an
addroaa on Trnier Hlandurda for Hut
ter" and led In ad l.trurMon of Hie aub
ect Pr. II. A. Hiirilliig of lUlnula gave a
(Continued on Page Tan, Column uno )
Czar's Troops Arrive
at Marseilles, France
other rouiiuaaiit
! ran. April J - An
if lluniuii troop r-
tl'tiil lu re t-day
The ffi'nl for. a of turiuiia air r l at
Miiiirili,. un tlioradnv of laat nek and i
aior.lay paaaed through t.yoiia on the,
l iiori,aid, pre.. nimbly for '. a1
with Hie fi h tri a t ti, front. Thai
.;inlf ..f iiivii In tha n.lili..n wa'
dot ducloaed, tt!.ugh lb It iIiih con !
Hiint wa d. n-. at a aiiug fur. a
tl oaa liilloiat-d lu itlapal' lira fnit
M.U., IU. that , i 'tartar f a
r H!i--n toett a.,..; I a. ,,i 1. at 1 11.4
fr.-ltt It mala lit I'tn e. k. tl',i t:4
m;. .ii.-M ,iler ttaii.log I ran
it., (n t'l.'li'f tim tt In !
C. v il II.-ul IH tri.ia lhait I t fl .iiia
Secret Session of the British
Commons Causes Excitement
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Delegates from Many Cities Attend
Meeting; of Grand Council of
Officer of the grand council of the
ftoyal Arcanum of Nebraska were elected
at tho aeaalon of tho council In Myrtle
ball Tueaday afternoon. ' The new offi
cer aio aa followa:
(Irnnil regent, !wuid ti. rtradlejr,
Omaha; vice grand regent. Jullu Tlnaea
aweig, fmiiiha; grand orator, T. lloyd
'Pynart, Omaha; paat grand regent, W.
Charlea Snndblad, Omaha; grand aecre
tary, Hlanlcy 1', final wick, Omaha; grand
trenurer, K. A. I'armelee, (jmahn; grand
guide, William Hrlffltha, Lincoln; grand
chaplain, Charles 8, Copcland, Omaha;
grand warden, Frank l. llutge, jr.,
t'edar tlaplda; grand ntry, -if, C. Ktai.
ford, Omaha.
The new truatrea arc; J. W. Teegar
den, Weeping Water; H. XV, Hohlnaon,
Cedar Itaplda; T. C. Punn, Cedar Hupida.
W. li. McConncll, pt grand regent of
Iowa, now deputy auprenie regent repra
aenting the aupremo council of flnaton,
u her to Inatall tho now officers,
tilleala of I oioincrclnl I lob,
Jletween forty and fifty delegate at
tended tlio meeting, Tho tltdegate er
tho gufHta at a luncheon at thu Cominer
cIhI club at noon.
Tho total memberahip In N'ehraaka. at
thla time la lil, as ahown by the report
inado iiy the grand aecretary.
The report ahowa that the variou
councils of Nebraaka have paid Inlo th
national fond for widow and orphan
In the laat year a total of $3.1, M. lift, Item
ized a followa;
Pioneer, No. 118
Myallc, No. )
Wi'cpOia Water, No. K'.i
Cum, No, KH'l
1 nloii Parlftf, No. )!!
.$ t.w.s;
;:.; i
. io.r,nrt. i.i
. 2,bi.;r,
. ;i,:,;ii.ib
. ;:!-
. ni v ...
, :t
rioiiller, No.
NubiriaUa, No. IIV,,.
Heatrlce, No. I.V.'i...
Klkborn, No. t Ti4 . . . .
I'-Hlla I Iiy, No. I!r.'7.
llHveliH'k, No. I'm..
N'ehraaka CliyT No.
Gordon Jones Hurt
In Motor Car Upset
PKNVi'.H, A pi tl i.. -loidnii .lonea,
iromliient peine,- baiiKir and meiiih. r oi
j tho Kedi-ral lleene tord of the Kniii
i City district, wa aerbnialy Injured tod iy
In an Mit.iiiiotulo ai i bleiii, in whbh h'i
j aim. Cordon Jone, Ji , tie, ;', nn, hi
ami In law, Tiiiii't Jonea, aged :l, ..,e
i killed The acchlrnl occui ri d t.ei.r lion -
ni it, Colo , thirty -art en iulln t ,t o?
I inn er.
' "
Nr'W VcltK, Ai'tll J",. I'eatt fe.n
hl''l ''' ' I" Amer
' "eet IhtuugH Paila cr
""""i ''' ' l'"niliy
ata WillUnt tl, Trm.lwr.11, ti e gutrrn
luaiit f i.i aiperl. ttamiitra neatly
all ilia pre. Iihi .na rniating th
I 'wt'l ain't The vui,iti re-ht,
aduy to. iall.g t.i.llir. lit ,ti,r,-t
lian.a II, tit t.elarait t mr rt.
lull. )t.le thri I vit-i!! mi !-imii4
lr pH in r. ir.-ta, the s- n y.
I s .'.t4? t,
4' n ..... r. 1, ;(,
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I A ,. t1
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I I li"..
General in Command of Forces o i
the Border Will Accompany
General Scott to City
of Juarez.
Mexican- General Will Have A'mtut
Forty Thousand Men Ready to
Back His Views.
nt t.i,K.Ti.
KI, PA Ht), Tex., April i.'.-.tjrn-tral
Alvaro Ohregon, mlnlntcr of war
of the d facto Koveinmint, de
parted from San l,ul potoal tod.ij
for Juaren for hi ron.'errnco uith
Major General Hugh I Sc 'tt. of 1 he
I'nlted Btate urnty on the miliary
filiations that are now iiendlnu b
tween the I'nlted State and Mexico,
A diapatch was rerelvrd today Iiy
( eneral Oavlra, comniHrnlrr of tint
Jnarex prUon, from Onrrnl ohre
f,on which atated he "had utartnl
on hla Journey and hoped to ace lilni
8A.V ANTONIoT" Tex., April 21,- -Oencral
Fnnaton will aeronimny
tleneral Scott to the conference wllli
General Obregon, It, waa announced
rl department headquarter: today,
It waa Indicated General. Scott ami
Funaton would rpnialn here two ur
three dayt, In order not to arti'o at
tho border too much In advance of
General Obregon. They '. In
atructloni tomorrow.
General Funaton'a partlcJp;tt)rtt In
the border negotiations waa ordered
by the War department aiid la In
line with the wlahca of the chief of
rtaff, who believe that the purpose
of tho conference will be bttor
orved If be liaa with blni ono who In
more Intimately acquainted with the
fetalis of the altuatlon. f
Itecelpt of newa that more Mexican
troop are beln concentrated In north
ern Mexico Increated the Inlereat at Oeti-
eral Kunaton' headuuarter In the com-
Inf eonferenre between Clenerat Hnah 1-.-Hcott,
clilef-of-tff, and General Alvaro
Obrenon, mlnlater of wr for th de feto
government of Mexico. It waa rtlzeil
that OenrI Ohron a mlnlater of war
haa o dlpoed 111 force tlwit by tha
time he meet General Jicott In a 4'plo
matla engement he will hv behind
him within eay reach no fewer thin
to, '100 mn,
Oenarnl Hcott probably will remain bet
until lie know that General ribreumt !
nerlng the meeting plae at the bordr.
which, It I believed, will not bo befor
the end of th week.
Panatnn hrter.4 1. 1 lie.
Tho ronennt ration of General t'eruli
Irm men ha ciuitlnued nd t alay the
punitive force aro backed totrethrr In
a much horter line, with the main p.:it.i
of concentration nt I'aaa (irandci nl
Namlqulp. feout reported movement
of do facto irnvrrniiient troop cnnlln'l
Ilia. Official hifnrniatlon placed t''e num
ber of thoae In and about T01-1.-03 .1
about yi,(ft. Military entlnnitea of thore
In J-onora that could be uae.l aRaln-t th i
Americana are approximately Uoo. whl!
another 5,yyi are In the i.,'Hto of t"hl
hunh'i. Kallure by General Obregnn to lonvlpc
General Scott of the aoundueri e. hl
diplomatic araument.i could be followed,
army men here naaerled, by a its prae
ticnl uae of thla combined forra.
lirnrral itlieeunrt On the May,
WARHINtiTi'iN. April U.".,-Advice to
Hie Mexican embaaay ("day aald Genernl
Ohregou left Mexico t'liv Sunday niKht
and prediction were made that hla pe
clal train would make much belter rpeed
to the border Iban regular traliM, hi t
take about five day.
l'inbay offle'alt antd It waa posMbte
that fibreauit mttjht atop at hlhuiili n
to rece any available In'.nrmailnn in
to Villa hiding place.
It waa believed tier Hint the confe-en,...
would beam t Juare on Mevbmt
and be completed In I'.l ro lllle. lien,
eral tihrvK'in irrfertet ,rnl na bcliig
t' tu Han Antiiiihi.
I'art of tha Heventeenili tnfamrt mwrl
th bolder j ealerday nt t'nlu'rua !i
atreiistben lleneral retailing' Hue of
rruitmunh l Inn The fr. enteenth tn
.lude.J In the ;,Sfrt addiilonal troept re
eenilv p'.a'rd at General JVC liln
Th mwilitlnn !' auppllea in fi. i 1 I
tn raitiaiu In .tnl o a month or m ir of.
ftclala ul tn.tav.
Aniril an I'tuiaul I et.-brr at ( 'h 1 " u . t
Ha lelrgl titie.l the ,11 tlei.rtMiecl
that h "ra tably Inforine.t ' Hi.
'111 l td Wall e,,,rt,'d ly mtl s o, l
of Ha'e
German Powder riant
In Bulgaria Blown Up
j l It V a. tf ,1 : 1 14 f .r , ,
' t ti'iiait I'.i1 'In' I ! ii ),:(.
ei It I l" i 1 . ma 4 .11, ,.in
t t ?'. "C,W t... .. X .!. I
it.i'i,.-r if 1 . i' '.'i.. ii.,. .-j,
, n t-f I r.-..... t a 1 ,1..-. t ..1 1 5 . .
W In k tut h i, x t ) 1 ". r
W ftt't Al ".'t it r, 1
liu'tilit-r that Tttii 1.
will tuny )tur ff
ti ( U ft ut ri wJ,
Tin' wv tint r!,tMll..
folnmim jiii it i rviat j
aiiivh iii li - ! .
i'l l'i . 1
in 1 1
' t