Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 25, 1916, Page 9, Image 9

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    THK r.EK: OMAHA, TUKSDAV. APK1L 25. 1016.
"Tosrnaaad' tor Bportlag CKoofli."
Lighting Tixttu- Burgesa-Oranden,
Diamond engagement Blags, Eldkolm.
a?e Soot Friat It Now Bearort Preee.
To Borrow Monty on real estate, sit
J. II. turnout & Co., Kecllne Hldg.
Admitted to Court Thomas J- Mo
Ouiro as admitted to practice in lh
federal court.
D. A. Baum, 3G33 Itrnt; St., will sell
h'Mivhnld rou(Ir at public sale Tuesday
nornlng alter 10 o'clock.
Cm "T-TU" Ihingle gunarlanl
"Today'i MotI rrornua," Iaalfld
section today. l appear In Tha B.
f.xciA'SIVELT. Find out wfiat tha 1
rloua moving plctura theater ffr.
Draws Kaavj rina Mary McOowan.
Xlnth ana Capitol avtnut, wa fined $.")
anil roata for tha theft of $30 taken from
Charles Carpenter, visitor to tha city.
Jar dlna Improved City Commissioner
jHidliie telephoned to tha city hall to
atatf! he exports to return lo hi work
vlthin a day. Iast week ha vti Injured
ly wild horn in the hors barna of
tho Smith Fide stock yards.
"Wasted, Chaperon. Tha Phila-
the class of Trinity Meti.odlst church,
Ulnney and North Twenty-first streets,
will give an entertainment next Thurs
day evening. It will consist of a drama
tic reading, "Wanted, a Chaperons," by
Mtss Maud Roys, and vocal solos by
fin I Chasa Abbott, harlton.
Andirons, rira oraani, Sunderland's
St, Mark's Sunday
School Presents
Special Service
The Sunday school presented a siieelal
I'a.-ter service lit Ht, Mark Knglleh
Lutheran church Sunday, Charles
f'u' inldliiH. It consltsed of liiaaler
hymns, responsive reading and recita
tion. Among (hiiie who recited wera; Will-
rd j.arnon, Dorothy Wight, Mildred
Thompson, Vlolri Korsetl, Marguerite Neu
ninn, Madge Suatts, l.sura Wolvertoti,
Mne Larson, Lui:lle l'etron, Leon
Peterson and Genevieve faanson.
Tte Kasler hymns were specially pre
pared for the use of the church and en
titled ".lulillnie," O, Arthur Melcher di
rected the choir of thirty voices. In the
primary department of the Sunday school
the sbiM table was laid out us a scene
In ralestlne showing tha hill of Calvary
llh the three crosses and oilier repreeen
tatlons to prepent the story of the Pesslon
to the minds of the children. This was
artarged by Misses Louise Haabe and
Ids Melcher. "
Mora than 'M partook of holy com-
jciMlon at the morning services, Includ
ing a class of thirty sis new confirm
ants, A number wera also received Into
church membership by letter. The church
was so crowded at both services that ad
ditional chairs hsd to ba brought In.
Paschal Victim
Is Presented at
All Saints' Church
All Saints Episcopal church was beaut!-
jnd profusely decorated with now
An elaborate musical program was
a part of the morning service and In tno
evening the choir of forty voices pre
sented the cantata. "Tha Paschal Vic
tim," by J. t?cbastlun Matthews.
It was splendidly done, though it Is
work with some parts of extraordinary
difficulty. The pathos, tha grief, tha sus
pense, the aufferlng and tha grnd not
of final triumph In the passion, death and
resurrection of t'hrtst wera rendered with
dramatic effect
The muUc was directed by J. It. Slmrn.
The aolo part were taken by Miss Ger
truda Mlllor, Mrs. If. C. Qreenstreet and
Mlsa Hlldred Churchill and Messrs. Glen
Whltcomb. Paul Illgdon, Charle S.
Haveratc k, Georg Compton rni L. Wy
koff. Martin .Bush assisted at tha organ, play
ing tha prelude, Franck'a "Except From
Piece Symphonlnue" and the postlude.
"Alleululla," by Dubola.
The "TwIMght sleep- pictures, depicting
all pliaaes of the treatment of several
patients with Pcopolamln, together with
a complete lecture on these various
phases, will open at the Auditorium this
afternoon and ovcnlng and will continue
for three days showing to women only.
Even the door tenders and the ushers
will be women and tho pictures will be
thrown from the rear of the stage so
that the operator of the plctura machine
will never be vltdble, Madame Erha
Ttobcsun. the representative of the society
tinder whose direction the pictures are
hon, arrived in Omaha, yesterday after
noon with th film and several assistant.
Madame Koboaon deliver tha lecture with
tha showing of th pictures.
Burd K. Miller lectured at Theosophlcal
hall Sunday evening on "Th wr of
Happiness. In which ha gave an out
line i t th thlnas which give unhapplness
and their aouir, and brought out ths
Idea that It man's lack of knowi-
d of th reality f tMn that caused
lh eternal questioning wanting the
tr'ith tuht by dealt, and how tt wa
eslt!e to find r and p' thee from
fr of dth and rhanae and ending II
iwrlH that b d-iembin Upon au
di , to be at the of another, to
I., .,k'l Ik liia rint ! tf ttth
was mtserv. nt t b lf -dependent was
r,i,i'li B it !' ilependenc eonl I
t owe a f t t,'" i'i ImoiMlt f.
t Jiiii lth eviil.jtMn
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Robbers Get Thirty Dollars from
Curo Mineral Springs
The safe In tha office of th Curo
Mineral Spring at WU N atreet aa
orackad sometime Saturday night and 3i
In money atolen by unidentified robbers
who made good their escape. Detective
Ed Fleming Investigated th robbery and
reported at th station.
Hntranc to the building waa gained by
tearing off th heavy wire screening on
one of th rear window of the bottling
works. Th thief broke the glass in the
door that led from the bottling depart
ment to th main office, reached In and
turned the key In the lock, raining
entranc to th o'fic in thla manner. Th
knob on the safe Joor wss found to have
been broken off and th works of tha
afe driven clear through, forced with
blanket and tools found In th building.
Th robbery was not discovered until a
lat hour this morning. Content of the
safe war found strewn bout th floor
of the offlc end th money missing. Th
police were called, but It appeared that
no clue had been left by tha burglar.
tore Itonm Hobbed.
As II. Orunger, 1"07 South Twenty -slxt.i
atreet, wa abrnt to make ready for tlu
opening of a bakery at tKt South Twenty
sixth atreet, thieves ontered the vacant
store room sometime between April I
ai.d 17, and stle most of the merchanilli-
thereln installed ready for th open In a
day. Orunger reported to Hergeant Jam' a
Bhcahnn, who Investlxated, found that
revet a I rolls of wrapping paper, linoleum
and other equipment for a new store room
wer missing, also tools of all dcscrlp
Hull. '
It was discovered that th back door
of the pint a bad been broken open.
Ilnnlrra Open Tnnrnry.
four five-man teams of th Htock Yards
league of the South Hd will open the
annua! handicap lourney at th Hrune
wick alleys at Twenty-fourth and M
street, South Hide, at o'clo' k till evn
Irig. The Hhecp Marn, Curo Mineral
Hprlngs, Clay Kobertson an'! !wlft A
Co. quintets will roll In the Inilial series
of the anmal tourney.
Manager llurb Gailow and Aaslstant.
Ren Hull have completed the entire
schedule which will last five days, carry
ing tha Initial rounds In team meets
doubles and single. The single will not
open until Thursday evening ' at
o'clock, when the latter half of that even
Ing and all of Friday evening w II he
deold to entrant In thl dlvul6n,
An entrance fee of 50 cent per event
alii be charged all bowlers, the only
iet ilci Ions being that the entrant tie a
Couth 8ld bowler and be able lo verify
his UMunl score so that a reasonable
handicap can be slven If necessary. Th'i
scale has already been set up and everv
entrant will be glcrn a auiiare dial. Th"
chedule for this evening follows.
Monday, April 2'
Sheep Barn,
t'uro Mineral Hprings.
'lay Kobertson,
Swift A Co,
DOUBLKH-lO:),", I'. Si.
Crowe and Mellon.
Anderson and Knsper.
Htork and Wllkereoii.
Hanson end Mnllny,
IKjiriil.KW-U I'. VI.
Knoskl and I'arker.
Cain and C. P. Heafey.
itllon and Rohlnaon,
Thomas and liurk.
Work at Armour Plal.
An entire first-story ot the new Ar
mour & company office building has been
erected on the company cite at Thirtieth
and 4 street. Th building will he
beautiful brown brick Interlaid t h stone
pillars and fancy atone architecture. It
la set back mor than thirty fert from
th (treat pavement and will ba sur
rounded by lawn whon completed. The
structure will be one of th largest and
finest of offlc buildings In the South
When completed In July the local com
pany offices will be moved at once
from their present location In th cen
ter of ths main plant bordering Q street
to th new building. The present office
building will be torn out and a large
alx or aevsn-atory structure built In its
place as aoon aa possible. This building
will b devoted to an Ice plant, cold stor
age and machinery department.
Funeral of Child.
Herbert, 1-year-old son of Mr. and Mrs.
John Roose, 3SL8 G street, died yester
day afternoon at the home of tho par-
enta. Th funeral will be held this after
noon at 4 o'clock at th reildence. In
terment being at St. Mary' cemetery,
How to Look Years
Less Than Your Age
Th most aged face will look years
younger after th n of ordinary m e no
li rM wa fr from ten dava to two weeks
Thl remarkable sultanoe. because of Its
peculiar ahsiirittlv power, actually re
move th thin vl of faded or withered
outer cutlcl. a llttl at a time. Gradually
th fresher, timre youthful skin tlnderpesth
Is rvei I his aheorvtlon pnsa iietng
a ptimly hygleiilo on, an entirely natural
oumtirim i acquirer untie nirmreni
from th artificial complenhm. which an
lienrs aiivihlng but stilish, though often
caring painful evtdene of nhlMlnhns
Ah ounc ut merXM4 was. obtainable at
snr dru etr la aufflrlent to rel'ivenai
an? eoniuli-tbm. It la put on Ilk r!l
nroam at hIUm, and ramovsd morning
tin wrm water
Tn r.tKai iwh aga mark a wrhik!t
an I fvims, ineke a waah litin by die
olvtng I os. t"''tr.l Minltin In t
itrh tsaael. Tbi haa w.intorrul aatnn-
aant and fundi I'WWiUi It quickly ef
fa at) tilK'ia uf wrtnkloa matiwr how
viaiacd i"Hii th skin firm, aimaitn
an t "in lHking -Advertlseiueiit.
DandrufTy Heads
Become lUlrleia
If i.i at lima, tteautlrui,
s" y slvt hair do t ll mesa gt
il l ot iUii ic.'r fur tt all! start c
iiair ant r.ta i if vat i nt
It .hmi A i i a t In l' I Wun
r a m'i l I sii li
I t Jo- ' ,ff I t . H. I
! Jrw It sr,' ! f't lt a gl
: t I '.! l u. -I nut 1 i) ft
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"I I . I l ' ,t I : t s .
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;..r aii t a" I f-! a ii- vn
M. 1 i at) t .41 . 1 rl, l . In;
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."i ' U '5 ll ' -. rv.,
MONDAY, APRIL 24, 1916.
Announcing Bigger and
The offerings which we have prepared for DOLLAR DAY could
Every department contributing its share of the wanted merchandise
$1.25 Black Satin
Duchesa, Tuesday, yd.
RICH, lustrous Black Satin Duchess,
good, heavy quality. Very desirable
and popular tbl season for dress, suits
and skirts; regulrly 11.26, Tuesday,
$1.00 the yard.
urg-TB Co. Mala floor.
Boy's Silk, Cloth
and Straw Hats .
A SELECTION of allk, rloib and
slraw bat, algea 6 to 6. All
thl season' newest ghapeg and color;
very specially priced for Tucidgy, at
Bnrgesa-ITssb Oo-fonrth Floor.
$2.00 Wash Dress
Patterns, Tuesday
ONE of a kind, new wash material;
worth regularly 26c lo SBc a yard.
Tisane, voiles, organdies, rpes, glng
hann, flaxons, etc.. atrtpe. check, floral
designs', etc,
urgess-Mssb Co. Bamat.
$1.50 Hemmed Bed
Spreads, Tuesday. .
SNOW white hemmed bed gpreads, good
welnht, crochet weave, aorted Mar
seillea pattern; a regular $160 value,
rfpeclally priced at $1.00,
nrgsss-Wash Co. aamat.
$1.69 Gray Enameled
Kitchen Outfit at....
GOOD quality gray enameledware, In
cluding 1 atralner sauce pan, 1 Queen
cooker, 1 hatter bowl and 1 J2-qt, diab
pan; regular $1.69 value, et complete
for $1.00.
Burgess-Mash Co. Basement.
Garden Tool
Outfit, Special...
A TIM ELY gpeclal In garden ' tool.
Tbe outfits Include one spading fork,
one rake and one garden hoe, the com
plete get Tuesday for $1.00.
Burgess-Mash Co. Basement.
Women's Crepe
Gowns, Special ..
CREpft gown, in while, pink and rain
bow pattern with empire round
yoke, dainty lace and embroidery ribbon
Insertion and edge. Tuesday only,
choice, $1.00.
Boigess-Maah Co. eond Floor.
Children's Ribbed
Hose, Special, 6 prs. .
CHILDREN'S fine ribbed nierceried
Hale hose, full aeamlcNg. alzca 5 to
8; very desirable for acbooi and play
wear. Tuesday, 6 pair for $1.00.
Burgss-Mash Co. Mais Tloor.
Women's 2-Clasp
Kid Gloves, Pair.
THIS is a very unusual glove offer, es
pecially at thl time, whet, there Is a
st:ani!y of leather. White, black, tan
and gray. Tuesday only, at $1.00 the
Burg-Vala Co. Main Door.
Men's Handkerchiefs
in Box, 6 for
MEN'S linen Initial handkerchiefs, full
tilze and excellent quality of linen.
The value warrant the laying In of a
aeiiion' supply. I'ut up sli in a b,
ut $1,01.
Burg-Maa Co. Mala Door.
Aristokrat Music
Rolls, 5 Rolls for. .
AHI8TOKKAT music rolls. a-note,
tfst paper, petfwrt rutting, good r
rangt'iurnt. All popular elttttlun and
song. Regular price Zie the roll, Tues
day. 5 roll. $1.00, '
Biifg-Mak Co. Fourth Floor.
No. 13 English Long
Cloth. 10 Yards
IM IIKil aid", No U KtigUsh long
OU rlotlt, stto aail. soft iiatiinl fin
ish, ti.S'l" fri'iu lung ae led t.iile tut
liui, tlelrabl f r nlglit a!i!tu g"it, un
d'niiilltis, elf
Brc.Bak (,', -Baat.
Fancy Embroidered J 1 (r
Pillow Ca.iei. 4 for . H
A SAl.t'K t'f unusual Imt'iirtan
tiMha li. "!- I ti.i liaie a ht
of Ibis it. tratu? tntilrMl.Uie.l iiti
ji. tleslgat, spleMstM selection.
I ues. tar, I fur 1 1
Bui Bash C - !
Men's I4tl Hoi. 10a
Qu!Uy, 12 pairs
rpttr: tut f f u Ui
I ft iflor. got.) utalll lUie, tia lal
11- iltilu, H -lrll at H 'ir fnf
II ft
i.ii tv .. Bawsat
Burgess-Nash Gompany
"everybody store'
Better Values for
$1.25 Mohair Suiting-,
42-inchcs wide, yd.,
TI1IH Is a season for separate skins
and mohair is among the most fav
ored material, Good assortment of col
on In pisln, triies arid checks, silky flnl".
arli.kli' anrl rliist (.roof, rrgulsr I 2 " value,
at II CD.
Burgess-Mash Co. Ms la Floor.
Seven-Piece Glass
Celery Set
COLONIAL pattern celery set. ronttlat
Ing of on celery tray and six In
dividual aalts. A value thai I of Ilia
mot unusual sort, Tuesday, the ( for
Bnrgess-Vaan Co. Bassmaat,
Men's Golf and
Motor Caps, at, ,
OF course you'll want one of these
new silk or cloth golf and motor
caps. All new colorings and veiy desir
able for general lutdoor weat,
Bnrgess-Mas Co. Fourth Floer,
Long Cloth, usually tf 1 f(
$1.50 bolt, 10 yds. for, $ vU
FINE chamois fln!sh long clulh, made
from long staple coitoii, excellent
for gowns, undergarments, children'
wear and night shlri, .1 In, wide; us
ually $1,50. Tuesday, 10 yd. holts, $1.00
Burgess-Masb Co. Main Floor.
Men's $1.50 Shirts,
Tuesday, Special, at.
FOLK pattern, twelve colors. Every
ahlrt positively a $1.60 value. Coat
style, cuffs attached, neckband. Thl
spring' patterns. Wry special,
Burgees-Mash Co. Msln Floor.
$1,55 Nine-piece dl A A
Moco Cooking Set. . P 1 vJU
INCU'DJNG 1 covered bakihg d Itttx. 8
custard cups, 1 nlne-inrh round balt
dish and I six Inch oval brilter, brown
glazed outside and white giatd Inside;
warranted against tracking.
Boigees-Mash Co, Basement.
Coverall Aprons,
Tuesday, 2 for
COVERALL aprons, made of good qual
ity percale, trimmed with plain color
banda to match floured design, specially
priced Tuesday, at 2 for $ 1 .0t;.
Burgsss-Masu Co. Bccond Floor.
Men's Mesco Silk
Hose at 4 pairs. . ,
BLACK, gray and navy; every pair
worth 60c; double heel and toe and
double sole. Really $2.00 worth of bono,
Tuesday for $l.t'0.
Burg-Nash Co Main Floor.
Ivory Comb, Brush
and Mirror Set
A LIMITED quantity of French Ivory
comb, brush and mirror tiets. Very
attractive and specially priced for Tues
day's selling at se., $l.u.
Burgess-Wash Co. Mala Floor.
Chiffon Auto
Veils, each . .
J l HT what you need for aiiloiiMilnling
tlifHU windy Hi'Tlna flays, Hood se
lection of colors and very Miffi;.lly priced
for Tuesday, at, each $1 IH.
Murssss-Nasu Co. Mala Floor.
40-Inch Silk
Marquisette, Yard.
AN aluacilie scli-cium oi IU inntu.ui
sett, all th new and pniiitlar evru
Ing shsilcs. aUn plenty t( I 1 U ami
w Into, full to tut In aide
Bures-Msh C. Mala riuur.
Bleached Muslin, 15
Yard Bolt for, .....
S AMllt!i uiMM in.i.'ii, liicti h.'tli
full tl triile ldt ilir Height and
grsd ttuil u'Ulh r ' i ; n. h huli'-r
uki,, i..(ji! , llu- Lull . laid.
I I mi
! Mask l'u Kliklll
Feather Killed -t fr
Pillo. 3 for . p l.UU
Iill.lMVVit t',t!-,i ul, Hi,,.,. I. -k I .
I ' t i , ' ' i i 1 1 in , iit,
J.,ill,i- f if ti I l II 'Ul
ti lting l'iiilt I ' j ti ! (in (I ' i'
Bat(f Mh ( .
Men's tl.BO Work
pAnti, 8pffi.U
MVS C at n .t i.f -t 1
,i t . ,,.. o I I I lUll
hi I el il I i til t' r
H lllJ i l I It! II l. !l f t l lS
itsv sill ""
$1.25 White Skirt
Corduroy, Tucs,, yd.
WlllTK washable coitluroy, $ Indie
wide, fine of th smariest fabric
for separate skltta and suits, regularly
sells for $1,21 Hi yard and spedslly
priced for Tuertdny's selling, jafd, $l.'ti.
Bnrgss-Mssa Co Mla Floor.
Heisey Glass
Goblets, 6 for
GOBLICTH, lleisey i;Uss, colonial pat
tern, 10-otinie size. A rtmatkablit
value specially priced for dollar da),
Tuesday, Met of ill for $l..
Btirgess-Masb Co. Bssemsot.
Wine Glasses, Tues
day, 12 for
AHt'LKNDIU assorlineiil of tln
glasses In colonial paltein, inee
ount e sle. Made t f good quality I bin
blown glas. Tu'sday, the doren, $1,00,
Burgtss-Mash Co. Basemeat.
$1.50 Hemmed Table d j ff
Cloths, Special, each JJ.aUU
MKItCKHI.KD table cloths, wlib a
permanent finish, good wlght, spot
t,r stripe pattern; slue 64H ins, square.
A splendid wearing cloth for every day
Burgess-Mash Co. Mala Floor.
Willcw Clothes
Baskets, Special. ,
HKKK Is a special In the hoiiNirrnlah
lng depiitiment that will Intereat
every woman who reads or tears of It.
Willow (lollies baskets, wooden bottom,
rattan handle, well niade, sp-clal, $I.D,
Bnrgess-Maah Co. Bssraat.
Child's and Misses'
Shoes, to $2.50, at. .
ALL lb children and misses' tan,
black and white Mary line pump
left, from last week's business all si ?.;
regular $1.60, $2.00 and $i.60 value,
at $1.00 the pair.
Burgess Mash Co. Basemeat.
Women's 50c and 59c
Union Suits, 3 for
FINK white cotton union suits, low
neck and sleeveless umbrella style,
lace trlmtimd, In ngular or extra sis,
regularly 60c and 69c, Tuesday, 3 sulli
for $1.00.
Burg-Mh Co. Mela Floor.
Girls' $1.50 "Shure
Fit" Wash Dresses.
CIIILIjUICN'H shure fit wash diessea for
J ageg 6 to 14 years, made of guaran
teed ginghams, percales, in t variety of
styles. Kegular $1 60 values, at $1.00.
Bnrgss-Mah Co. Basemeat.
$2.00 Alarm Clocks,
Tuesday, Special
Hl'NUItKDS of clear ton alarm clocks,
alternating or Intermittent alarms,
or Iron clad a fane, mantel alarm clock,
alio a O" iniiliiiKaiiv mantel clinks, aniitll
ny,t, rrgiilar t- vmIii'-s 'I'iii-biIhv unh, II 0 '.
Btirgsss-Mssh Co. Mala Floor.
Silk Net Dress
Patterns, to $5.00.
(HtKAM, eliite aMl black si'H emtinilu
J i' red net diet, patient, "loilo att'l
but Isle, full sle fo: dress. Including val
ues to $5.00, ai $1 00.
Buraesa-Maah Co. Main Floor,
10c Baby Flannel t -j cc
White, 14 Yards for p 1 aUU
AN i-vi client 1 1 n 1 1 1 of ,.nre "hit
fl.mticl Hull derrves tspwial si
ti.nili.ii nf mothers, a il u apet:atly
il,i.ttd rut I'ii in s lice, Holt or M
vards, $100
Burss-Bash Co. Bssmaat.
12l2c Witrd Pillow
CiHca, One Doren, .
III icliliiaiid VVatd piuu ui"
si.: Ivil. ' On- spl'i ml I I, if liut
e 1 ill ,l n at ill hunt Olle tl'iM II In
rail! i iistii.iin ngnlai I .' 's lue at
f I I'll I lie tlimt a
hi Wia fit Bsssuisal.
Cambric Buby Ptl
lows, Spcciul, 4 for
(.!,i.,l, .1.-1 (iiiii ef .Uimi whit
. iii I i ti ... et r I l.i. I ( l,.. Hit
I till si. ) l.'tla ..iiialU ("I
I ..t l at t f H 1 I
lists U Co - .
lloyi' 75c Kni ker tf 1 A A
Pants, Two Pvin for. -p 1 UU
H. M sun kH- e( i nl rl mad
ft ""-l (!. I'.r.lit.r nl liti'V
UiSteii!. ! ( t I f"l
tt f t ?Si I t fan '! H '"l
mga Na C - Bl
not be more opportune.
at most unusual savings.
Wool Skirt Patterns,
2l2 Yards, each
TWO and one-lSalf yard of black and
white wool shepherd checks, threa
dirfetent size t hecks lo thoote from;
very popular Ihls season. (Special at $1.00
the pattern
Barg-Mo Co. Mai Floor.
Black Glass '
Flower Bowls, . .
SOMETHING new In flower bowl.
Mad of black glass, pretty flat shape
with wld rim; the Istest In table decora
tions, consisting of one bird and 001
bowl, Tuesday, complete for $1.00.
nrg-Mah Co. Bssetn.
25c Bath Towels,
Tuesday at 6 for. ,
HKAVV, full bleached bath towels,
size 210. good thltk nap and very
absoibeni. An tinususl value for Tuea
day, at sit for $1.00.
Burgess-Mash Co. Bssemsat.
Women's Corsets,
Usually $3 to $5.00.
AWIUK selection of corset t meet
th icuulreiiient of all type of fig
ures, medium low bust, finished with em
liihlilery and draw tap In ml 'In, rtotthl
l.s'is', skill well nurt.! in every respect.
Bnrg ess-Mash C. oo' Floor.
0 'Cedar Outfit,
Tuesday, Complete...
A COM HINATION O Cedar OH outfit,
consisting of one oil mop, 1 dust
mop and one dustless dust cloth. Hpectal
for Dollar Day selling, at outfit for
$1.00, t
Buigeaa-Masta Co. Basemeat.
Women's Pumps and
Oxfords, to $4 00, at..
ALL the short liner, of women' pumps,
oxfords and l.lgh shoe. In patent,
guniuetal, tan and while nuliuck; alaea
to 6, were $2.60 to $4,00, choice,
pair, $1.00.
Burg-Mash Co. Basemeat.
Women's 25c Hose, d?1 A A
Tuesday, 5 pairs for..P A VlU
PNK blac:, cotton bose ft.r women,
fashioned regular tiiade foot, hem
top, high spliced heel and do.ible soles;
regularly 2fc. Tuesday, 6 palra for
Bnrssss-Mash Co Mai Floor.
Trimmed Hats,
Usual $3.75 Values
A good selection of large and small
shapes, In good quality hemp, black
ind all the favored season's colors; gmart
y trim rued In flower and ribbon.
Burgtss-Mssh Co. Baaemaat.
$1.75 Auto Hats and
Bonnets, Tuesday...
AN attia.ct.fve selection of automobile
hat and bonnets, lo all eclors. Made
of silk and silk shepherd checks with
veil. Kegular $1 75 values, l $1.00.
Burg-Msh Co. Main Floor.
Child's Embroidered
Dress Patterns
CIIILIHIKN'H embroidered dress pat
tern, in size for 4 er-tid children.
Very dainty and a pattern liiat usually
sells for $1.60. Tuesday special, ut $1 00,
Burgess-Masb Co. Mala Floor.
15c "Emblem" Nain
sook, Bolt 10 Yards.
rpilK rstwbllslted iiitliisuiik for family
1 use, full ". ti tin ties wide regularly
sold from the bolt at I Ct- the i.ul Ttiea
iImv, bull of )rils tut $1 t-ii.
Burgess-Mash Co Bamt.
4'Jc Shet-ta, Tuesday
Special, 3 for
A I I. mid in put mi the t.f'l framed
i l in. I lin ts, s V.''ii' Itiadn
fru'il LctiV l"'i'l tlitesd slimllllg K or
ineilv pitied i,l tsc etli 'luniiav, t fur
It t'U I in il t,l Urlir Li a i tistiitiirr.
! MssM t'u - sttit
Mfll's Fttat Color tf rv
Ovtritlh, Tuesday UU
" 1 1 n iitn.ili. s t.i!i''ii itn i ..K.r,
i'l Li ... .ii,, .. iit(ii t.t a nil t ; .
J fini.n- l II'1" Vim. . ieu line
IsU-ii )ili..i-ets til . .1, i ), sill
pi I' r
Mask t-. Bass,!.!.
Hoy'i Wash Suits,
Nfw Pttttrrns, Kch.
rll I M'lH aeWtiiuit t f I .
till llutlM Mi I l I'4't4,l
tilttn lMt Mli, (.. it tit I
t i S 'i tiei i . jl 1 I' i
) v - r.t r