niK BEE: OMAHA, TUESDAY, AP1UL 25, 1016. h NEBRASKANS INVADE iTTtTTTirnr HTinmiiTn NAMED AS U. S. COMMISSIONER PROPOSED POOL HALL LAW PLACED ON FILE Ordinance Providing for 9 O'clock Closing Not Favored by Commissioner Kugel, BILLIARD MEN ORGANIZER HERE r BY JUDGE W00DR0UGH ioup Eiver Delegatei would Have rm Savannah-to-Seattle Route Pierce Thii State. ie Centra State Bank THEY MAY BE UNRECOGNIZED When the Savannah to Seattle Highway convention waa called to order at the Fontenelle hotel Monday morning, a delegation of twenty three men from central Nebraska appeared to bootst for what they tfrm the "Loup Klver Short Line," The Savannah to Seattle route, a tentatively outlined, cornea from Falls City to Omaha, fience to Moux City, thence to Sioux falls, ind wrt to the mack I111U country : find Deadwood, 8. I). ) The delegation of I-oup City fel- lows want the line to cut through mtral Nebraska, an followa: Co lurabiiH, Genoa, Kullcrton, St. Paul, mmm Old, Qurwcll and Long Fine. Hold Crll Mrrtlna. , Thaan twenty-thrra men Mii a little mrnllnfr at tlir Kontunclla In the Intarcat of their propo-il Jllark Mill, l-onp J liver ami Omaha highway. They wore yellow tiiHlwfi hearing lliu Initial of thla m rioi1 lltm, Aliliouah they were not In vltoo aa dp,gt' ti tho larger eonvait Hon for the national highway, they aoon adjourned their llliln meeting, after ap pointing nix (IcIciKxlcf to the larger con vention, and poured Into the room whare the Havamiah to Hnattln highway Con tention waa in protean. The oredentlula cnmiulltee of the na tional organization haa not a yet paaaed upon ciailenllala, an'l It I nnaalltla that th lx aelf-ehoaen dnlrgatea of the I)up lllver Hhort Line will not be recognized. The altuatlon, of courae, la that the big convention waa planned to have dcle catea only from the pivotal polnta, or the main ellle to be touched, and theae were tentatively sgn-ed upon before the dflegHtea lire Invltd at ell. f, A. Wella of Omaha waa named tem porary chairmen and riarka O. Towell temporary aerretary. Mr, Well In the eonrae of the mornlng'a aeaalon auggoated that thin new diagonal route be termed the "Waahlngton Highway," Inetead of the "Havannah to Seattle Highway." N. H. Abram of Seattle, Frd Houaer of Atlanta, and C'ierke O. Towell of Omaha wera named membere of the cre dentials commute. ' V. A. Wella of Omaha, Courtney Thorp of Havonnah and C. B. Wllaon of MHch- ell, h. I.' are tho membera of the or ganization committee. The delegate were the gueat at a lun( heon at the Commercial club at noon. $ I ' aiam.. 4 Murray Is Offered Job by the Allies Aaalatunt General J'andenger Agent Murray of the I'nlon 'I'a-lflo I uauk from Wlnneren, whern lie went on rail road bualo'-aa, and while he did not en Hat .ie had acorea of opportmiltl'itt to f Join the iirltlah army. Not, only trt , hut he waa promlaed a rnimniaalon if ho would Join the color. On hla trip to the north Murray waa accompanied by H. . Carter, the on pany'a dlNtitrr. paaacnger agent at Mln neapolla, who haa come on to Omaha f r a atay of a few day, tloth of the rail road men aaaert that Wlnnepeg- la a rat military camp and that on the afreet one meeta more aoldiera than civilian, i.erruliliig atatlona run two to half a doien to the Mod In the bualneaa por tion of the city and Juat outalde the coe porate limit there are two great cam; where the raw recrulta are worked over Into aoldiera to be aent to iff front Gang Which Stole Enormous Quantity of Brass Pinched John Koaky, Joe Kewanla, John Cqvol aky, fleorge Koropa and l.d Ouealk were arreated by Hpeclal Offleer Fred J'nlm tag ef the Mlaaourl t'aclflc. aaalated by t'atrlck l,ahey of the llllnola Central. for the theft of an enormou ((iiiintity of railroad biaaa. Thla la aald to be the blggnat "plnh" of II kind ever made In thla loe.allty. The property o far ac counted for, and whleh haa partially been recovered, wua found by I'nliiiia.g butted In a bank at Forty-eighth and Maaon etreel. Hraa to the value of 4,W) haa been taken from the llllnola Central, $!,fl00 from fho Mlaaourl Pacific and 12,00" from the Xorthwenti'rn, with a large amount from tho I'nlon a'lflc. In all the total will reac h In the neighborhood Of $10,(100. Confeenlon have been a'iired and l"W HardlriK, Junk dealer at Fifteenth and Cuming atreeta, to whom A quantity of the braaa waa aolil, hna been apprehended and releaaed on bond. Auto Thieves Steal the Council Bluffs Police Station Car Three automobile were reported to the polba to have been atolen during the laat twenty-four bouia. They belong to Klmer 14. Jtumbangh, 307 North Twenty fifth atrect, whoaa ear waa taken from In front of hi home; fartln Hteven, ' Mil lard, Neb,, taken from Thirteenth and Pougla tree.u; tho Counell Ulnff po lice department of Council Hluffn, la., taken from. In front of the Counell Hluffa central police atatlon. The latter car waa a flivver need by tho health depart ment of the Iowa city. OMAHA DRIVING CLUB READY FOR BUSINESS Incorporation paper lor the Omaha Driving club, cnpltallied at 13,000. huve been filed with the county clerk. Ed ward Petersen, wealthy railroad con tractor in the Woodmen of the World building, la prealdent; O. M. Kinlth, well known horaeman, laaecretary-treaaurer and Kdward P Pec. la the third mem ber of the board of dlrectora. "Wonderful thlnga are In atora for (imuha," declared Mr, Petemen, when aaked about tho new club. "We're o Ing to do thlnga on a big acale and give the peope who Ilka horae race a real run for their money," Horae heretofore confined exclualvely to the grand circuit will be brought to Omaha during the coming aeaaon and Omaha aportamen will have an opportu nity to ee nearly all of the rnoat famou horaefleah epeclmena of the world. SOUTH SIDE LICENSES UP FOR CONSIDERATION The cltjf founell held a epeclal aeealon yeaierday afternoon for ronaldrratlon ef flfty-lliiee lif rlghty-flve Mouth Side retail liquor application, Theiw llciiea will he urd fi.r eight lonntlia from May I to bring the Mouth Hido II enar In unU fortuity with Omaha prur. The Ut a Inon Ibeneea lenoed by the former Houth Omaha i-mim'il were for a year from May I, 191''. Te II. eii fee for the eight month wtlt '. ahtih la elghl lerifiha of i ''. Sick Germs Cripple Omaha Police Force Motorcycle Officer L. 6. Thraaher, who waa Injured In a collision at Hlxteentb and Farnam atreeta Friday night, la Im proving. Officer A. A. Rich I critically III with peritonlil at Win Memorial hoi pltal, while officer Fred Hitter, who I at the aame hoapltal, 1 recovering; from a recent operation, officer Harry l.'lmer I confined to hla home with rheumatlam and Hergeant Ruiaell I at home with an attack of grip. Officer John Holden la In the Llater hoapltal Buffering from blood polaonlng and Officers Jamea Mo Donald and John McDougall are at Hot Hprlnga, Sergeant Vvllaon, who haa bean (erloualy 111 at hi home for more thin a month, I out again and vlalted head quarter Monday morning. SAFE LEFT UNLOCKED; THIEVES GET CONTENTS Thieve gained ' entrance to the Ne braaka Mercantile company, 131S alreet, through the akyllght Snndiy night and atole 15 In caah and 122 In atamp from the atrongbox In an unlocked aate. Orotte Uroa. company, 91S Farunm atreet, wa entered by thieve and the atronr box forced open, hut nothing waa ob tained. The aafo In thla eatabllahment had alao been left unlocked. DIVORCES ASKED AND DECREES GRANTED HERE Following are appllcatlona for divorce, Hied In dlairtct court li Mela fhoe n.ekrr aiialnat Frank; married In l'l. Mi. r I ha from William Dlan, t'arr.e f ro n It. K. Iligha, Nellto front Charle ller rup. Dlvorii granted by hiilgee (av an I !.lle and dH'rea f'ld: Ituth I. Iloth'i from Itayniond llughta, Manilla frmn Paul Kiuack, Alma Huntley from Prank Matilda Hutllna from Jamn W llollliie, John V Peteta from Hrnl K. Priei Went Al . vr atara thrlr or-they HI get uo l. tf nthtn will, Treat awake ea t lt e tiare, loingetuiui linooliUl ami lung ailment ftillow negtrrteil ifhle liki Or King New I !). It Will keep ..! All drue(lta - Ad et llnmnt Body of John O'Neil Saved from Burial in the Potter's Field t it! U' ( ttn 111 ! .i sti-t -I I. S , , .: lf' ...a i. t.f Aiifrl' lU . J t t) Nell, ht i ,il a feolef la h, j-' .'f..ti.t tt the ,,.!t"tS ll H,lui- ,iri.t . . a-.'t dlvieiH ... I m.i l'tt M N,.it MttM'tt '.?' jret at the la i,4 i n,) it a krr tirotbff, it. in l nl r, t a r a the oil n U ' V"'" "5 ,a fcetff-t t i t -t ! 1 t a et, In fc. i to !e 1 1 h t I! Tee i'wiwi k (. hr 1,1 'iiiu' ati il viufi,n, ti-r THa ,ik. , n ii, 1Hll n,m t ,i tl e. i-a f t .,l..,a 'Ike u, I. a (..,,1 in a , '' al in '! tt tiiiili it, Mi ii -iwu it.i.i,,, ,,, t I .. I t'W a4i . I i S. i , . ! a I a fiiiii a,,, r ,,,, ,; . t - . i w, t . i r ... i. ,i i , , t V i Ml t. 1, ! , . il f ( , , M . U) k ij, I .'. Mi .1 Vt , , I'.. ti t . k.o. 1H. V -J ,, , , , I , , . . The city council committee of the vthole placed on file nn ordinance Thlch provide! for closing of pool ftid billiard halls at 9 p. in, Com iiilHsloner Kugel, who offered tbs ordinance by request, aald he did not favor the measure In It present fynn. V. A. Oardner, organizer of the National Billiard Protective league, c.mie from Chicago to organle the jora) pool end billiard men. "The preaent oi dlnancea, If enforce,!, will meet any altuatlon In connee(ini) with pool and billiard place," atat''d Mr, Haidner. "Three-foiirtha of the Omaha pool and billiard men will within Ihe next two week organize and co-yi. crate with tho official In the enforce ment of existing ordinances." A protest against restricting Thirty aeronil. street, Woolworth avenue to Pa cific atreet, for M'Sldence purpose wns placed ,on file by the city council roio rnlttee of the whole, A delegation of member of the Field Club IHslrlct Im provement club urged the city romml i- loner o restrict till street as pro vided by a rcent law on the auhjeil An ordinance will he prepared declaring th'a atreet a realrlcled district, CITY TO HELP PAY COSTS OF BOULEVARDJMPROVEMENTS The city council will endeavor to com ply with a petition from residents along Happy Hollow boulevard, asklua (hut the city pay half of the Improvement of Ihe boulevard from Dodge to Izard alreci, providing the properly owner pay Ihe oilier half. The petition will be brought up neit Monday morning In the regular order of business. Custard Pie Hr Is an aay roelp for euitard pit that I dallclous. Try It today for dlnnar. Fi 7 retponn twmlta I H 1ratmtm trill 1 Tahltpoon four -3 Jabltipooni luar l illlt nutmeg I tful lettng$ h'vaperaitti Milk tuixrduilk I tuplula) u altr. Tut milk into double boiler and icald. Stir flour and aiiftar toRether. Heat, the yolkg of the eggs to a cream and add flour and augar. Add salt and vanilla then the well beaten white of the egg. Pour all the ingredient into a deep pie tin which has been lined with crubt. Grate over the top of pie a little nutmeg and bake for twenty five or thirty min utes In a moderate oven. IS I 5!f (IJm fir- o3 Cottage Evaporated Milk on account of Ita creamy richness is superior to bottle milk not only in the above recipe for cus tard pie, but for all cooking purposes. It is economical, convenient and absolutely pure. Nothing added juat some of tha water taken out sterilized but un sweetened. Made in spotless condenaeries in the richest dairying districts in this country, by the American Milk Company of Chicago. HAVE COLOR IH YOUR CHEEKS lie Bettor fxwiklng Take Olive Tablets. If your skin la yelloweomplexlon pal lid tongue coated appetite poor you have a bad taate In your mouth a laiy, no-good feeling you ahould take Olive Tablet. Dr. Edwarda' Olive Tableta a aubatl tute for calomel were prepared by Dr. Ktf wants after 17 yeara of study with hla pat lent a. Dr. Kdward' Olive Tablet are a pure ly vegetable compound mlied with olive oil. You will know them by their olive color. If you want a clear, pink akin, bright eye, no pimple, a feeling of buoyancy Ilk rhlulhood daya, you must get at the cauae. Dr. Kdward' Olive Tablets act on the liver and bowela like rlomrl-yt hav no after effecte. They start the bile and overcome con atlpatloii. That why million of bote re sold annually at lue and ?Jc per boa. All drv -Iste. Take one or two nightly and not the plraalllg result The Olive Tablet Company, t'nltimbue. Ohio. CUan Complexion l- ... .n , Dun t tiy skin iimiMra Von ran bate a vlrar. ihan romplrilun If using a little iiiw, p.ii(liiet at any drug i , ,r f"f ur rtr lar botll at l ' Kni.i i-aslly fm. ail trace t y o, flrt. Matk hU. write, ant imgwurin aiot n the su ii.sf antl heaiiay .him is a. m .r , n ky aor grs t' t i'ii. it'iili o I ( ll, i. and ! ii lull f a at vt u t ' JM.fJi. X ot, t I. u..-l SUBURBAN HOTEL .if ! i I I . .1 t ." H , I I ,il (kivla Hiaaett t ft , ' I - k ! i i . a i -. i or.onat; hkenneu. rrop .Ill .1 USE hiim FOOTaUSC, OF OMAHA Capital $200,000.00 Will soon open its doors at Sixteenth and Dodge Streets, with ample facilities for conducting a commercial banking business and a complete savings department. Less than 5 of the Stock Remains Unsubscribed The Success of a Bank Depends Upon the Management t i . 1 '"i""i i 1 "" r s) I tt . V , , ...... fti) V y' op L,wa.j. m- p f V J "1 Civ i 2 i A1.IIKIIT S. WIIITI)) rrealdent. W, C. LAMItKHT, Vice jTcaldcnt. ARTUL'R HOOVER, Cashier. Tlif most irnpoi'liiiit purt of u Imnk'u bu.siricHH is the lonning of its niunoy, hihI its huccohh 1o pons iilinoHt t'titircly ujxm tliat out? feature. If a bank makes no bail loans it is virtuallyTortuin to jmy (iiviileiKls. Mrn bave been f-clcctt'tl for tlie wtivo lnanacmont of tho Central State Hank who aro fully cquijipetl by experience and training to gunnl tho interests of stockholtlers and dopos .itorB in tbe extension of credits. Mr. While, tho president; Mr. Lambert, the vieo president, and Mr. Hoover, tbe cashier, have ouch had previous experience as members of tho lonn committees of other successful city banks. Among the Stockholders Are Active Bankers of Nebraska and Western Iowa, who have, a thorough knowledge of tho situation. They aro convinced that a fitate bank, founded and chartered under tho Nebraska banking law, which guarantees the se curity of deposits, ably and conservatively managed, is certain of earning large dividends, and that THE OPPOTUNITY IS UNEXCELLED As It It Located In the Most Prosperous City In the Middle West Tho new City Directory gives Greater Omaha a population of 217,000 in fivo years it will be 300, 000. The huge volumo of trade, and traffic is much larger than tho city's population would indicate. Based on population, the number of banking houses is much below tho averago of other cities. i , i Will Begin With a Paid-in Surplus In recent years it has been customary in tho organization of largo city banks to sell the stock above par in order to creato a substantial surplus. Stock of the Central Stato Bank haa been placed at $125 per share. PARTIAL LIST OF SUBSCRIBERS TO STOCK w. a LimtBT, C'lirpuratli'ii t 'nunaal. til y i( Omaha. THOMAS BbAJrCMAAD, Vl-ire. firat htato Hank, t'ntoarinl't, NX. O. KOHIQMACMlia Caahlrr riu Natlunat Hank, i 'urn II Hluffa. I"a. w. m. ALLxn. jaw, V- Prra., " Ui"u rtatlnaa Hank, 81 Oiaf, iwa, u a. raCBAio, IValil'i, lilt"i Mat flank. Kaiainn. Ni FATBICK BOVI, Vin iix, i liii.m Mtain (lank, M ..o l It n - li W, O. MITI, Aaat. ( iM.r, iit4 lunk. . r, 1 1.4 !. BV. R. BBVaHT, rrHiiri..r M.'. lAiyal. lMit!4 T J. O'BIBIb. t-l ri' at l-'ii, ii!iti4 Nh ritai at attaoii, I ! Si. '' (, alrll" ! ratal johbbo, i .tiff, Mtt ti4 a, i it' r VH AVI JOBiOBT VI- fr a Ii'. i.f '.. ', , ( r ataoia. 1. t'r '...i.-r. ai Mtna V.i, Jcn imiivia i, , , ,N at wrr. f I M O. W. BTECial, I'rrai.lrnr Mrat Naiimiul Hunk, t'lirvdnn. Iowa. . o. avKTxm, I'rralili nt J. J. I "-right (V, i tniaha. N''!' VK, O. J. UlU, t'lrartKr I ! l imiiiy llatik, M'... r N1. JOBIH BTIBAI., tlr tir I ! Xu,.iil (tank, H.'liiivlcr. Nf- mobcb Mtaua, ltf,.,i,l l inn.! evina I iii k. Klln. ! JVLIUB 0- BbLEB. IHrntliir Wiiialnw Miaia Hank, W Iri U. v Nl. W. n. OWBM, t'iM.r l.,,,rn paviiiaa llank, H,n,,iiir. l-."a a mu at, b art-aw. rri'irui txiirt'a 1 1 4 1 1 at urv, l nti l n N i. M ataaaaK. I't, i,, o( i . ily , i HMa1'. ri. J w. BkAcatoftO, ! Il l a .... . i a t't r I :l , i . riABt.t.a 1 BTAVMAHM. Iaaf,ir i,- I'kk i. ! I,- J tUBTI,t) t'il. '.r t . I ' v- O. M4BjDaraT t. W n I m I' tftl f . I. V t . ,a f s I . I ., BOB n T , i I I LABB OLBOaT, I'raalduni Hauner i.'iiiity Hank, Marrinliura. NkIi. WILIAM BVBOOIBT, Praalilrtit l armora Stat Hank. Hilvrr Otv, Ina OBOBaB IBTIBB, Vlca l'rri l-ni lliat Htt Hank, I nrll. Nah. Plrei tiir Citlaait Htata llank. HI Caul, Nh B. O. BUBCIIiaB, Vl.f l'rmi l,,ii a- I Nat'l Hank, ,fa.l i.a jerra t. unvm, a a 1 1 1, r I niin,,i, Miata Hank, lMk l"a rilD atOSTBOK, t'aali. Kim" .Mar niata Paitk, ( Vi t JOB at r. MATS, I' u ii.ln niaia I'uiik, hi p. ' N . I. B, B. a rm it iK t. ',jiihI4i aii-1 r-'H a.i. I tut.i S' JOBN B ELLIOTT, ,m ' ',i r 4' -' n'ai t'4ni, 1 , i v . B B. BABEL, AllnH t,,'it, ti,l-a Null ItMVIk BlkfrVL. V.- I " !' ' Si'. I I' IIH, I1,,, V I. , I A B BV WB. f ( . . :fh W ni . V . t, JAMKB MAQIBW, . -! i i r 1 1 i tu i,, . . i VI B L run, III.. I . . I I . I 4 r t- : ' A. BV, BWBITBXB, I'realdant harmara Hiale Baatr, Uranil iilvar, Iowa. lOW, OACXLJDT. fru-klay Driia., M UitoaaJ l.l'liira, I'lnalia, Nt, BLBB. ABBA KBUQ, Omaha. Nl. B. D. BOWBB. Ira. I'ttv Truat navlnr Hank, rarn, !. OABL WBrTELDY, fir, V)ni ('niinly Main TanB, ('rvilnri, .ia DB. XOWIW BUBCBBTT. Vlca-1'rva havinna Hank, Hwvnit.ur, luHa. DAVro OAVLT. IMr.n i',ii ink, )'i,,ii. ,a O. O. LA BOB B, ilrfti.t tini ,sii.hi Hank, h W. B. BBCX, l'i-i.lnt ravinga HanB, a.t I , T. r. TIOBB, ,tiiiar l;.-a i ni i'nnaarva ln-ii '.,, im',rt Son t. B. CABAUY. Iri.lil h,ai .tii. ttaak, I !,, 0 d aatrra, It., ,,i i. ,,( B'at ll .!, ,.. t ' w r loauiDia. V i. I1. ... -i ,,.,,,, nvtrvr r, a b auaaa avaicB, t i,ibi t-.Di, ta I -.'.... V h r r BTAvrrta, I a S i i THE CENTRAL STATE BANK TFMPOUAHY QUAKI I US 748 Ornahii National Hank Hldu. Omaha, Nebraska In 6 th r j ai ! 0 It' fin Ml! t IB r, a ll. 1 'tl rrr an I t ft. rv ar j Iv a ru o u I 14, a. e )a .ill j a W I h In t '... 1 I W :, i 1,1 ( I I M; U i , I I' v ' . , l t 1 i I . I . , , ,, I M t I't Inn I . U I i ',i II ' ' " 4- . m . . I 1 ft ',! f 'i t I , i, IS,) I 5: t - 4 I - , . i I