Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 25, 1916, Page 2, Image 2

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Bandit Responsible for Murderi of
Seventeen Americans Captured.
EL PA80, Tp., April 24. Pablo
Lopez, Villa lieul.euant, rcponlble
for the murder of seventeen Ann-rl
ran at Santa Yiabrl and who was
nhot through both leg. 4a the raid
on Columbiii, N. M., was captured
yesterday by Carranilataa near the
srrne of hi crime, according to In
formation received today by Ocncrat
; Tbla new m contained in men
tigea from the Mexican gownmpnt
operator at Santa Yaabel, who aald
(bat ha him no If had en Lopez, ft
waa bopod Infonnat'on regarding
- Villa might b obtained from Lopez
Three of Lopet'a followera were cap
iiied with htm, the four bring taken
in a mountain cava where they bad
bftto biding In a ilarvlng condition.
All ara being taken to Chihuahua
Tom U Atlaebee),
tteniints of HsMa Toitiu ai.v notified
'.er.eral Gvlr to'ley that ll.elr town wa
itm-kM thl morning fcy Manual JJaca.
latently reported killed In an engagement
with American 'l)ler snl fifteen other
Villa bandit.
Tbry uld that they defeated and scat
tered the renjiia after killing J:oa and
eevrral ethers,
icrnmpanytrig rne mtj' w a r
iiict from the resident fir Information
in whether they could Halm a reward
hrh they understood had boon offered
for the body of Itaea. imeral (iavlra
wired Instruction to hava th body sent
to littn,
L", it waa reported, would not give
Ma raptor any information about Villa
further than to y that ha waa "over
voridrr" In lli distant mountalrM and
had to depend on foraging for provisions.
" "eiej. jU.TnOiU. Neb.. Anrit 24.-.Soeial.V
ieneral Oavlra also received a mn Mstrift rourt began hr today In the
from Chihuahua City to lha effect that April term with Judge George V. Corcoran
Martin txpe, brother tit Pablo, want presiding. A large nurnlwr of Important
to surrender, ilovernor KiirKiuea, r ease will b tried, among thm twins
wording to Ihl report, received a tele. everal criminal cases. The trial of VrA
gram from tha mayor of Bustlllos, saying l-uff of Marnuetle, who I rharged with
that Marlli; had applied to hlin for term felonious assault on Nela Nelson, will be
of urrender. Tha mayor totted that an the flrt trial hefora tha Jury which ha
official of the government b tent to been railed for May 1. Thl trlitl ha
carry on the negotiation. Ibeen postponed aeveral time, tha first
No word ha been received from Oen continuance blng mado by the county at-
eral Cvaso and Colonel Carrsiua alnre Itorney by reason of clue whl''h pointed
they atarted on their hunt for Villa' to the Innocence of Luff,
body a week ago today, aald General I Another trial of considerable interest
Gavlra tnnliilit. Mop that tha body will I' thl teYm will he that of Mahlon C
ba found still elst In tha Currant 0110 "aalnat the International Harvester
I U'u,H I
Soldiers and Men of Crew Victim;
Transport Steamer Collides
with Cruiser'
SHANGHAI, April 24. More
than 1,000 soldiers and men of tbe
erew of tbe steamer Htiln-Yu were
lost when the ateamer aank after a.
collision with the cvrulaer Hal Tung
Saturday evening aoutb of tha Chu-
san Inlands,
The ateiamer, acting aa trans
port, was taking troop to Foo Chow.
The colllilon occured during a thick
fog and only one foreign engineer,
twenty aoldlers and nine sailor out
of tlx foreigners and over 1,000
soldier and members of tbe crew
were caved.
Tbe Uln-Yu waa veel of 1,623
ton. It waa built In 1889 and waa
owned by tba China Merchants'
Sfeam Navigation company of
District Court in
Hamilton County
headquarter at Juarei.
Newton Elected Head
of Letter Carriers
company. Otto bought a tractor of the
International and gava hi note for It.
M allege he had a freat deal of trouble
with It and finally hauled It back and
turned It over to tba agent of tha com
pany. He anli in thl ault for tha can
cellation of the note.
The SlO.OflO damage ault of Jacob Mun-
dell agalnat tha American Surety com
pany may ba tried at thl term. Mundell
died for Injur! received while working
ORAffD MM NO, Neb., April fL-tUp
etal.) Tha Nebraaka rttata Ietter carrier
concluded thalr aeaelon here lata Haturday
night, elacting tb following officer for Ln th .t.cirir.i n.hi t,uiMi,, n,i.lm.
the enulng year: Jrldnt, Charle H. that the jrtv enmnanv had taken over
,wion, utnana; vice preeloent, Clvda V. the work and wera romnletlna th lob
jury, xreno teiano; eeretry, w, (T. after the contractor had abandoned It
Knak, Omaha; treaurer, J. A. llnmlre. and that he waa Inlured while In tha em
Wncom; collator Mutual Htneflt ao- ploy of the uret company.
elation, tell lyough; executive board.
Oorg r, Harrl. Omaha; J. It. Clark. - DEATH RECORD
nim-oin; n, w, iiurrington, Fremont.
neamey we icted a the neit place John A. Moore.
or maetlng. MjIIR. Neb . Anrll
In th buelnea nn of th organ)-1 A. Moore aird M. a nloneee of thl rttw
satlon maana and method whereby the died auddtnlv ve.irrt. .rt-.n..n .( th.
rrvica or ma ramer to the and relden- of hi on, Jarne, In Omaha,
to the department fould b tncreaeed. Mr. Moore came to tbla county in the
thereby addln to th acope of th rar- early w and located on a farm ne
. .ry,c. in aigmry or hi. Office, Kennard. (Sever.l ve.r. I.lee n,ovl,.r
T'erry Correll of Dalnvlew, Neb, He wa
a Ufa long member of the Haptlrt church
nd alao a member of the Monl fra
ternity. Ml a Heck,
EIX1A rt, Ne April 24.-(Hpeclal.)-Tb
funeral of I Mm Iva Heck wa held In
the Methodiat church yeaterday after
noon, Itev, W, W. Jtull officiating, Mlet
lieck taught a year In the Ivlgar chooi
after her graduation and then wnt to
Unroln, where eh taught for two year.
Then aha went to Emporia, Kn., where
he ha been teaching lnce. Hhe died at
the bom of her brother In Beatrice,
where the had gone to re.t nd recuper
ate after a nervoua breakdown. Hhe
leave a mother and three brother,
ftieeman of Kdgar, John of eDatric and
Weeley at Emporia, Kan. Hh waa .13
year old.
Mr, tl, A. Andrew.
YORK, Neb., April ?4.WHpenlal.)-Mr.
D. A. Andrew, who h been maklnf hor
homa with Dr. J, N. Kllgore, died at
S o'clock Saturday afternoon, Bha waa
l year old. Th body waa taken lo
(retn for burial.
Mayor Charles Bryan
' Gets Most Pop Votes
(from a fttaff Correapondent)
UNOOtN, April M,-(rtfclal.)-Tbat C,
W, Bryan will profcably ba tha nominee of
tb populiat party I ahown by return
coming n at tha offlca of th '-reiary t
The (evenleen countle already report
ing, every on of whltr ahow vote on
the people' Independent ballot, give
Mi-yaa, a blyger vot than Nevlll. I1ielp
county ve the largcat percentage, th
tot atandlnf: Vrynn, 11, and Neville, 3,
The other Indicated a vol. of about two
or three to one.
Harvester Salesman
Killed Under Motor
PAnVv-EU-, Nb April 4-peclal
Teleram.)A. C. Ixngnckr, traveling
ealeeman for th International Harvavter
company, w Inatantly killed today,
when tb automobile b wa driving
upaet and pinned him beneath th car,
Tha accident occurred two mile wet
of Anhton.
Protest is Filed
With Insurance Board
From a Staff Correepondent.)
LINCOLN', April 24.-8Declal.)-D. L.
Mnnlng. on of Chapman 8. Mahnlng
ha flld a protest with th Met Ineur
anc board agalnet granting a llcenao to
the t'nlted Ftate Fidelity and Ouranty
The elder Manning waa Injured whll
at work on tha new Lincoln High acbool
for the plumbing firm of L. W, I'om'
rene A Co. of Lincoln. The latter corn
pany wa lnnred with tha New York
company agalnat aicldental Injuries to
employe, and eoon after the accident,
which occurred on February f, 1K1JS, tha
urety company began paying a, monthly
Indemnity to the Injured mnn. In th
following Auguit Mr. Manning went to
New York to live wtlh hi brother at
iKlmlra, and the lniirnce. company
ceaed paying on tbe acridonl.
Ixbor Commlloner Cotty dvaed th
Manning to bring ult In New York
tale agalnat 1 bji pomerene company and
tha guaranty company for th resumption
of tha payment, th Pomeren company
to accept rvlca and fight it out with
tha itxuranc company, but they failed
to do o and now will endeavor to pre.
vent th company from renewing It
lloen In thl (tate.
Comb Explodes, Baby
Is Badly Burned
TALLM CITT, Neb., April J4.tpe-
clal.) Btawart Henry, tha i-month'-old
on of Mr. nd Mr. Hepry Motman w
burned about th forehead and bend
when a. celluloid comb exploded In hi
hand. II had been, pitying with n
tvory comb and hi mother took that
away from htm and went about her work.
Tha baby went to th dreaier and got
a celluloid comb end w playing near n
oil tov, when the comb exploded. Th
mother w near when th accident oc
curred thua averting more erlon burn
to tb baby by txtlnrUehlng the flame
with her apron,
fall election. The ucceful republican
candidate comprise: Thorn Conley,
representative. Thirty-eoond district;
Thoma Ihnera, Fifteenth enatorlat
cUtrlct; D. B. Cropaey, treeurer: C. O.
Marthle, clerk; F. I.. Rain, attorney;
John O. Itawlen, ehetlff; V. O. C.
XVooater, aaeeuor.
Fix candidate contended for republican
eherlff. P. H. flhea will opposa him on
the democratic lde.
Dry Workers Ease Up I
1 on Hastings Contest
liASiTlNQH. Neb April 14. - Special
Telegram. )-U. H, Itorher, dry leler, who
threatened to cloe up Hasting uloun
becauae their bondsmen had gone bank
rupt, aald today that he would not r
lt th acceptance by tha council to
night of new bond, but ha would re
serve th right to take the matter Into
tba courte later on. Other dry leader
her oppose interference In any way alnce
tba licensee hava paid their money and
It hna already been epent by th chool.
Han Hansen, on of tha foremost pro-
hlbltlonlt, ha taken public lu with
U. H. Korher, declaring It Inadvisable to
mke such a fight now with th dry
mendment. before th peopl at the Nov
ember election.
H. T. Canon of Lincoln, head of th
antl-saloon league, wag quoted Haturday
eaying that one-third of th saloons
In Nebraska wr In danger because they
had given bond from tha sam ecurit.y
Greek Laborers
Moved by Railroad
BEATRICE. Keb., April 24.-tPecl,
Telegrm.) The Greek laborer, who
threatened to clash with resident .f
South Jleatrlca on Sunday evening, which.
resulted In Company C, Nebraska Na
tional Guard, being called out, were tsketi
to Holmeavllle, seven mile outh of her
today by the Vnlon Pacific company by
order of the authorities after they had
been guarded all night In their bunk
car by the militiamen. Th south M
residents became enraged over the con
duct of the irek who celebrated Easter
by killing a couple of lambs, becoming
Intoxicated and Insulting women a they
passed along tha tret. Trie eltlxen or.
dered th railway comptny to act or they
County Attorney Memor trueceeded In
getting in communication with Division
Engineer Mlln early thl morning and
stated that unless tb gang waa out of
town by noon today ther would be
trouble, Mr. Malln at onca ordered th
laborer taken to Holmesvlll and dated
that they would b dlacharged upon their
arrival thai,
Washington Affairs
Wr department report indicate that
attandenca at the army Instruction cmr
for civilian thl summer will approxt
mat ZK.fiO, hecrelarv (taker, reporting
tn congree on the department' plena lit
tbe ramps, kd for an appropriation
of HM.OWi for their expense.
Thayer County Bay Tractor.
HEBRON, Neb,. April 24.-(flperJl.)-The
Thayer county commissioner hav
purchased a tractor to be used In work
ing th county road. Th tractor will
arrive soon and a demonstration I to
b given on the Meridian road near Hebron.
(From a Staff Correspondent.)
LINCOLN, April 24.-(Hpe..lal )-The
fttate Hanking board turned down the
apllcatlon of the Farmere' Htate bank to
be located at Dalton, In Cheyenna county
thl morning, Th propoaed capital of
tha hank wa ll,o nd tha preatdent N.
L. Wehn llvd In another town,
Da Hon ha a population of only Vn
people with on bank, th Dub on atet
and th board flguyd that one hank Wu
sufficient to do tha business. Thl with
the fact that th president wa a non
resident, led the board to reject the ap- j
plication. I
fFrom a Btaff Correspondent.)
LINCOLN, April 24,-fHpeclat.)-Depuf
Sbarlff W. H, Oonewag of Council Bluffs
aplled to Oovernor Morebead today for
rMiulsltlon to tk hack to that city Abe
and E. Jacobs, charged with Inrceny.
The Jacob. It la alletted, took 2-yenr
old colt from Frank N, Iwls, living near
Council Uluff to Omaha. The, colt waa
valued at
Official have them locatcj, but will
not make the arrest until th low of
fleer arlve with the paper.
Chair Presented to Kdllor
TABLE BOCK. Neb., April ! 'Ppe
otal.) Th three rutal mall carrier. J, H
Talbot, Earl Irwin nd Carl W. Beck and
tha mall messenger, J. C, neck. Invaded
the sanctum of the Argus office a day or
two ago and aeUIng Frank II. Taylor, tb
retiring postmaster, seated him In an ele
gant office chair, which they had hrough
with them, the gift of th quartette,
wa presented lo him with neat speeches
by each reviewing the pleasant relation
that had lwy existed between tha car
rlera and the postmaster, Kdttor Tylor
responded to the speeche in a feeling
Nominees Jefferson,
rAmrtcrtr, Neb., April j.-rcii.).-
With the primary over, republican It
thl county are already preparing for th
and. eventually, th reward.
Ulnlr, He leave thrc sons and threa
Charlaa B. Duffy of Chicago, treasure, Z '"J "Z!
Of ln national mmnncmtltn m nA tcnii.-l ....
O'M.her of Omaha, national organUer Jhn' ''" ra n'1 "' "f lhU ",d M"
made vlgorou defense of the right of the
carrier to orgsnli and to protect them-
vver nsj were in attendance, including
in Omaha band of thirty piece, which
admirable organisation wa a feature of
tna session and gave It vim and pep.
FiLAIR, Neb,, April Jl--"reclal ,)-The
large traction engine, weighing
pounds used by Ortmm brothers on their
firm here,, want through a bridge Inti
Dl creek yesterday afternoon, and pew
i on b aid half surmergnt In mud an I
ater. Ki i,rtnim. with his heliwr.
Carlrton Taylor, ws cromlng to their
lowsr farm when the accident wnml
Voug Taylor Jumped clear ef th wreck,
hut Ortmm went d.wn 1th the euelne,
h"t beyond a thnroiiah durtng and a f
irche, waa lint Injured, They eieet
li svt an pi rat in rr.m Omaha to g t
IKn eryrins out,
tea (row neatrtee,
UK ATRK E, Keh , April ; Ppedal )
I., t Vrh,Mi was arrested y.'eler.Hy and
' In H en ttt e .art a of aeeaultint
! )wmi (tiihtr nf Thionas ilunn, Tt
rfMitalt f'.el.l r Mr untin rhi
Iii.-e nith striking and rhking htr
ru..i h this county report that
Mb, at tt4 heie mad awd rt""
ni'i Id rata ef a f ita f,t rult
mi eit prnapcis tn (is r..M are
trtM th spring
. c.moillt. ,1, l,t
i hi ii.nn tn Dim teiti. at rM'.a
f. ni.,r than a t nr f a:
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Mv )isri ven re4.l1 tmir s.iir.
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"I "lliH 1 , 1 , -1 , . 4) tll) ,,s
itie or a lUttniami vr.tit.i.
ri uHk
Ts injnfc le bevt'lut O'lesllnn
lie a. m t triina vi ! imu an 1
a.eiy foattiiv kn.iaii ,t iriina
Jt.e T-N..W'nnki," ,ri ,tft )
i tiialt iurtmami cil,tii 1, an t lh
ti,i(r rt. i,M4f a
I''"1'"! a 4it! a. (1,4 rtisi
tnui (,., will t at ,). nil,,,
tt. ira l.ata itir at, it(if
1 f i.tttiit
Btwlwaaa W4n.fc Truat rrwtt
"More Clothrt in t.rss
)it4 t (ill eaart nattier
1. nf ! ,ij 'i.-4
N .., !!,. . 4 t I a J-a. ,.
I a i' . . ..i.i i.,f)
14 Oatr la
Freling & Stcinlc,
"tttaak ! IMSH l4.e
1803 Fa mam Street
if .
t ,.
I 1 , .
Unprecedented Values Enter
This After-Easter Sale of
At $2.50, $5.00, $7.50, $10.00
TT'S a determined effort to clear our display room of the
i- trimmed hatu left from our Easter businens. These, we
have greatly reduced to make room for the new things ar
riving daily.
Somewhere in this selection is a hat for you one which
will suit you as though you, yourself, designed it and at a
price that you intended to pay no more. This idea':-
Trimmed Hats
Formerly to $7.50
Trimmed Hats
Formerly to $20,00
Trimmed Hats
Formerly to $12.50
Trimmed Hats
Formerly to $35.00
ttaoee Tlec 1
urgess-Nash Gompany.
Tko faJaog Confer TH) HkcWIoYrCstt---
Excellent Suit Values
$25, $29.50, $35
Hand Tailored by Men
In every sense of the
word these are "Qual
ity" suits. Satisfying
in style, dainty of fab
ric and excellent in
See these surprising values
New Spring Coats
In Sport Styles
Practical, strikingly
original models, with
the necessary snap to
make them suitable
for out of doors wear I
$15, $19.50, $25.
Apparel Section 2d Floor 1
Tonight, Tuesday
and W4aes4ar
" . . WaaaaT Mat I n
ncnry w. taage Offer
nry W.
ayt. a. tn
lCatla. ftfto to $1,50.
-OatAJgai rxrm caamv
Daily Mat., 1S.B8.BO
.n g, ia.aa.aa.7ft
Hark tlrmi aln, Afiar 14 Wska' Tnur
TilJ, wnMiBRrt LUY woNrimtriiL. wtoe;
Mnlli) Williams 'r""'k rnnm, a. , ta
mOIII Wailllaima "lynanaa
Illy Hart a 4 irry fnnlas; -arl A NoWa,
niirna m pirn ma iwauiy I -nuriia
Ladle' Dime Matlaaa Weak XHjr.
Jane Grey
Tk Bast ef Tandrrlll.
Dally Mailaee, ItlSl T.ry Vlfbl, SUS.
fllhar aria Hill tllr Me,
I Valeaka I IwrmotL Waii.r V Mllt,.o i a ,
I Bivratt I Tha I Kllami'raa Unrila Allan.
.4 iVilil. Harutrl (aioialua
Tln, riritiaim T.aial "kl)r
lrla, Maltnaa, aallary. Iftr; Haal aaaia fak
,'"i,l anil Sua I too. Miiia, lo, , nv . IN. .
aiDfurs, Talkers, Daaear d. X.Q1
XLEar oak ioa tio
WTilrlwlnd, WhlrUng Bkatar.
Tint nn rhoto riaya.
1 u Mat. Tomorrow, tat.
ni;ni (M of M'xxv
hiumik KAHM
(iwi .y
Mia Last w.i arpearaitoa
aalura m.
Phona Itottgloa e(.
TVanl.l rrehmas FreseBt
Marguerite Clark In
"Mollle Make-Believe"
8,20 ARU.JT
NORTH BROS. "Qulncj Adams Siwyer."
!l l t lllul !l
ii v i i r
i tont raatHAM At m
T .as1 "'
Watch the Grass Grow
Th CiUbrateJ
Coldwcll Mowers
anJ Qthiri
All Sitti and Vice j.
ias. Morton & Son Co
151113 Dodno Street
i4tj timk rum i i h.
j TUB MlinVKST 1IF. I lui l,nm,
mwaj ta a ia rln tf tn r
,1 ttr lea, fiftran, a" I ! aar,
..a h,la falUti tJ . i nr , l,
ial la fn H same mtvittt I nlir
, ,'an IK l-Mu tit r ti,'.iat aM
fart i ( i fill, inl h f Whaa
' n it- i 'l r I ta pat
lUfiat mt IKa Is Ifcua ia4
. N iMi'.-a is ' t a !
tftw'a ii' las a ta n I I - tt i
i aiwui nl am or I t tti
ra d-- If t ' a ! a i
t al an. Hi" In t ea f ."
ill H-aaJ la (n ft I .
" :
tut! va uif rt t i n mit 1
rtsu atiiiiMjiijiuii" nifom,
o m a m a inirv
ltltillt. ! IllltSKlt
llttl IIMtl lltflll,
I .rtMi f I sitiliiti,
as Taraaaa
rtkls yu
la Otaalt
T rillal Praa.aU AW
AIM a m aaa Malt 4 lff
la C a 1 1 a a.
April 23, 20, 27, 28 I
Ittit KM VUK
IrtiUl, M II trt aili.a' I Sat
Where The Omaha Bee
, Universal Animated
Weekly May Be Seen
iv mo Mioio
ill nt
TurpU'i School ( Dincint
Taa.l. lkl at r.,aa iUhi,
alfct itaiaiii awniaa ! Mas A .
Ha.l laasvaawi. rmat i.a aa.
Ua.a. M,a( t,t
41. s; j"f:1-M
a a I
: p---ii
4 ' t M US' M wrp bjm r
Xe... menr1 "
- - --