THE BEE : OMAHA, TUESDAY, APRIL Jj. 101(5. 15 FOR RENT HOUSES li!wtHliieiM. WU HaVb WHAT you want! JHOUbifcS AND COTTAGES. PAKTLY MODKHN. 4- R.-1H2 Carter Lake Blvd $H. i- H.WM N. 3uth St MODERN KXCKPT HKAT. 5- R. S914 Karatoga Bt -R Oit a. 6th St l0u 1-11. i!sl N. Z7th iSt lo.OU STRICTLY MODKRN. fi-R. 4UU N. 17th fit 26.00 fc-H.-.l N. 3wh 8t. (new)... I.-H. HS5 N, IXth 8t 27.6U t-K, H22 H, Slut PI K.W S-K.-:W N. 21t St 30.O) S- lt.-4i.lft N. 4nth 8t a.oo ii- It.-uKi N. rth bt 30.00 -R KIM . Soth Ave 80.00 ;-k.-4kih Bedford Av no. no Ml. Mil r. With Ave Uu.Oo 7-K. 677 8. 2Sth St S.W H.-3K! Mason Ht . MI.4I4 N. 8lt St J Oil -a. S:ifi Dewey Ave SIM -n.-tm Davenport fit 4o.00 H-R, Choice brick dwelling, strictly modern Went Fsrnam district.. WOO H-R.-SiSl Harney Bt 0.M flats, partly modern 4-R, a2S Douglas tff 10.00 STRICTLY MODERN. 4-R -S Howard St. 2B.S0 -K.-!il! S. 3W bt H00 7-B.-W1 fi. 2Sth St ! 2"0l) 1IKATKD APARTMENTS. CLYDB-IS. OHIO ST. 3 FtApt. No. 3 1J.W 4.H,-Apt. No. 4 , 18,00 WE HAVE OTHERS. HEI1 OI'R COMPLETE PRINTED LIST BKFORK RKNT1NO. PORTER & SHOTWELL, Offices With American Bocurlly Company, WJI., 17th Ht, .IyJ5?l?: Itfust fount at Once tot N. fnh Ft 7 rms., all mod.., tlS.OO 10"? N. SSdh St. 7 rm., all mod.. Bent baa been reduced from $30. Nothing hotter In the city at thU low rental. A. P. Tnkcy & Son, Phono Doug , joi mv W. O, W. Bldg. (12.00 4, room, with 4 lota, lot of fruit trees, good Harden spot, not far out; Mil Maple St. $l!.0O room, with large bam; will make neoeaary repair. 35ft room, nice big lot, 2S40 Frank lin St. SCOTT HILT, CO. Douglas MOB " 'fif. 60275 1 "DA VENPOIIT 7 (I elegant rm: bath; every conven ience; garage; large lawn. Open, tfee It today. fi!3 North 23d, brick, riioTerii $27. f 121 Sooth 27tli modern, 7 rooms.., 215.00 2nd South 4lat, modern, 7 room.... 2.I.O0 IQHN' N. PR ENSSKIt, Douglas , M. FOR OArtUENISiO AINU ruuwm, -r., downtown, colored, $12. Also a i and a t (like bungalow) and ACRM OriOUND, -$ atld 17. AUo o-r., Cali fornia bungalow and acre, fit Tel. D. 2107. CO? Patton Illk. FOR RENTAP'TS AND FLATS, , 10 DAtfDY ROOMS MOD. PLAT ADAPTED TO BOOMERS, tilt N, 1OTII HT. CAN'T BE HEAT. KLEOANT S-room modern house, hard wood flnlwh and floora throughout, -tra larif living room with open fire place. E. O. Hamilton, orlioo Jiaintl ton Aptu. Douglaa a,4d. FINE atnam-hented apartment, either 4 or R rooms, on West Karnum atreet. john w. nonniNH, im)2 farnam pt. 6-llOf)I apt., modern, $35. lSlS'Maplei Key at 1X11 Mnplo. J. A. ABHtlTT, 4 Patterson Blk. Nortai. " 818 NO. 16TII ST. O-rnoni modern flat, opposite Ford Motor plant; good for roomer: $32.60 per month. II. A. WOLF, ,,H Ware Hlk. Dnuif. WW, ton RKNT--room' fitiU" N. 2'th St. Snnlh. Ciii'aiM iiinili'tn auarttnutit. N. W. i"or. Mh Ave. and Dowev Ave.: larire rooms: private laumirv room; boat and Janitor nervier. ?40. BENSON A MY ErtS CO, 4C4 Omaha .Vst. Hank Illcln. phone Iiontr. 746. riVE-BOOM steam bested apartment; very desirable. The Cttnla Vtsta, 30th and Pnppleton. Conrad Young, 322 Bran dels Theater. Do'ig. IB7I. SIX-BOOM steam heated flut, newly Papered, very rieslrnhlr, ;Vi20 lyaven worth St. I'oniH'l Youiifr, 2:".' Bra.ndt;la TheHter. Ionu. ITmI. I'TiR BENT First flcor, S roottig lip doi in 1-27 8. 34th. Iliirney I2'S. 3 BOOM.-4 t. "Clare A)its. Harney Mi." Mlsf'fllniieaius. APAKTMKNT8. $17.$0 4 rooma and bath, nicely decorated, oak finish, steiim heat, janitor ervlce, everything first class. $25.004 rooms and bath, heat, Janitor ar-rvlco, oak finish. Nathan Apts., Sherman and Willi Aves. Se janitor. Apt. No. 1, or call office, Doug-. t;;2 50 room and bsth, nice large rooms, newly decorated, Janitor servire, everything up to Mate. Tho Ivy. Slinirutn (Hid Sherwood Aves. See Janitor, or call office, Doug. JW, SCOTT & HILL CO., MeCagno HIdg. rrTTMODKRN brick, only f!S. W RHiHT t.ASBC B Y . I long. Jfi2. S-ROOM "iiouso "for rnl In Kloicnce. All modern. PhoneFlorenc.. IV,. efDDERN' room "apartment, incfudlns leeplnf per. h,jweloct d. Harney 13), (irrVKN' rooms, "near poatofflce. $.(), it. P, Stebblna,WIOt 'hlcaxn St. MODF.B N apa r'tmenta, $18. upwaril. Near postnfflr. 1. P. Stebhlns. WANTED TO RENT i nfiirnishrd lloimei and l-'lata. WANTED TO' RENT 7 in IHooiu mod ern residence, est Fsrnam district. Phnne Walnut Mi. -1t 11r., r MOVING AND STORAGE ' GLOBE VAN & STORAGE Storea moves, pack. ; horn van seil 1 men, ft pr aour, sioraae, I) fr month. Satisfaction guaranteed. Deugiaa .. and Tler 930. GORDON VAN CO. f'aiking. f.- tn I io. . p t tu N t:i', ! ). .. tV)il. SM cvr Weir Ma). IUE'HCh.)K AUniOt'SK i-arate, h.ckfcl rt,uia, f r huwhU t 'i4 ('lan ie, manna, a, auig ami "I . ie ohAtlA VAV AMI tn iSK i n a a ! e l - ,4 ti'Jt HPK1JTY .-1 t i. i. I HIr h," : ' U ', l (lt ( . . .! ft- t i 4t !., t-,f ( , !'t. . I i i 1 1 t.a UtlM " lM i A MS u. i Am4 . i i , ii etiaact., gnn M ?! r"t i !n 1 ' 4 via at t- i , t .ii.i! t . I i al I i i . a, t "A: I 1 v .i. -,r , (i . I J UU'IV VAN k MvUAUK r t!i v(e , i i, a t . FOR RUT SUBURB i ii . . , . k I i 'Ii. i . a. ' i t . . s .. . 1 I I'l t Ii , A M. )' i ' 'a i suvvtn RCSORTS t 1 .i 1 1 . a C , .-.-' 1 . t ,1 I . , 1 . , , 1 -1 ' t I ' .- . i FOR RENT-BUSINESS PR'P'H Hlurra. STORES. Modern atore room ana baaement, 633 So. lth St.: fine location for groceriea and meat. CONRAD YOUNG. S'-2 Bratidels .Theater; r)oit.157. STORE bulUilng arid baa.nietit, iXM Leavenworth. N. P. O'Brien, 410 Be BUIg. Phone Douglaa C&7. P'OR RBNT Giieral"etore room, moIin. brick, beat In town; In rle.h Irrigated district. A. Utiuvaln. annulare, !ii DKS1R ABLE mall ator room 1520 Case St., $20 rent. Conrad Young. J22 Bran dels Theater BldaDougla 171. ITOBE BOOMW at f0-'ll! . r rntn St. Tho. F. Ha.ll.4ia R'JSli'1:. STORET modern. Tow rent, "near poat offlce. (). P. Htebbln, 110 Oilcago. 6TORBbuiidlng. llvlng roorai In rr. N- 20th. Douglaa 11 . " Mla,eliaMeiua. OTSTE7n!ghtbasementTon Ittth St.; choice location for billiard and lwol. Wright A Lasbury. D. 162. REAL ESTATE- wt -IMPROVED MTH AND JONES PRACTICALLY NEW $4,000 Here is an up-to-date modem home, with dandv sleeping porch and all other modern convenience. It Is fln lnhed In oak. I located on a flrst-claa east front lot, 42lft. uJtsy dlstaiice from both the Farnam and W'est Leav enworth car line. Term can be ar ranged If desired. ARMSTRONG-WALSH CO., Tyler 151. $38 Rose Rldg LOOK AT THIS Two acre, Improved- new eveti-room house snd harn, fruit; located west, close to cr and paved street. Thl Is very close In and will make the party who buy It an Ideal home; alao will double In value fast. Your t a bargain price of 3.suu and on easy terms. W'M ho" " ' "ny tlmr- R. W. BARRETT, 4?0 First Nat'! BkBldg. I)ouf.lfl0. '' WEST FARNTAM BARGAIN-46,500 Nine-room, modern home, In enoellent condition, Five bed room, two bath rooms, south front lot, with garage ana driveway, Easy term. GLOVER & SPAIN, Douglaa mi. m-n City National. CATHEDRAL DISTRICT 11.200 tin' term: 7 room, parlor. library, dining room and kitchen on first floor. Three bedroom and bath, second rioor, cemented basement, rurnace. Os and electric llRhls. Lot Wx!25. ter raced, with fine shade trees, shrubbery and cemnnt walks; block from Far num car line; 3 block from chool. V, T. SMITH & CO.. D. 2013. CtyNat. Rankjldg 'cathedral 'district. Five-room stucco bungalow, almost new, oak finish throughout; nice large floored attlo where two room can be finished. Full cement basement: nice level lot, east front. Resaonahle term. PAYNE INVESTMENT COMPANY. Sth floor Omaha Nat. Bk. Bldg. 1). 17S1. ONE house left at Boulevard and Jack son. Brand new, all modern, oak fin ished: roome and bath, for only I4.2fA The more you aee It the more you will spprenaie it, JEFF W. BEDFORD A SON, Doug. SM2. 6-BOOM house, 2 lot, near Fontenell Addition; grapes, peach tree; 12,500, Vd cash, balance term. Owner, Harney W. L. 8ELBY ft SONS, INSURANCES. $,rioo Btiys modern home, West Farnam, H rooms, 2 baths. 823 N. 3Mh Ave. It A BO A IN. 8 rooms and hnth, modern except heat; smnll fruit, for f2.4oo. Terms. 4'J1S Mili tary Ave. t'lione walnut M. Worth. NORTI I SI DE RUNGA WVf $3,Ii) Practically new 6-room bungalow, oak flnlxh and oak floors; on paved street, blook and a half from car. Nice location, new dis trict, near 2Bth and Laurel Ave. Owner left city, will aacrlflce for quick sale, $i00 cah will han dle It. I). V. SHOLES CO., ! City Nafl Bank Bldg. Dong.Jft. COM PELLEff TO SELL " Practically new a!x-room bungalow. 2t',x42, lot 42x124, all modern, built for home by owner; only 2'i yeara old; hot water heat, finished In oak and birch, large front porch; a cheerful. coy home in every way. Price. $3,SO0, on easy payments. Located 'at 4100 N. 21st St. Seen only by appointment. rnone owner, i oirai 7w. Good Home Very Little Cash Five-room cottage with batb; large lot; fine anruPbery and fruit trees. JTtce. J2.850. located 410f North 2Kb S Norris & Norris, 400 Bee Pldg, Phone Douglas 4270 2453 CROWN POINT AVENUE FULL TWO-STORY CORNER LOT Largo living room, dining room ajid kitchen on the first floor, three bed room nd bath on the second floor; first floor flnlehed In oak, with the exception of kitchen; second floor fin ished In white enamel, with birch door and oak floors; hath has tile rloor. This hiiuse baa been built about one year, is nicely decorated throughout, is very attractive and well arranged s.nd can tie had at a very reasonable figure and on g,id terms. IIIATT FAIKFIKLD CO., 3Vi ninaha NatL li.itik Bldg. Tyler), THAT fine hum at '.'CI Emmet S"t,"for only I ,', Sit rooms, fully modern. Ifsides i.fpton hall, full basement bricked up. and cement f!m,r. Paved ireel, paving paid W. II. OATKH. 47J"Hna?ia Nat. Hunk Bldg Doug I H I HAIIUK TABK - Beautiful 1-slorr, 7 ri"iu. a' uic", brand lie, f SO cash. Itn ninninir, s,nth front, nilm.lil hde. Iinl and shriihltv: psvhig lama laid In fill, fmtaH. wbn iinm-l t.etirtHims, 1114 bathroom; imini ea i and : n i a!l owner, ii .1 tj"lAL tlAH'.iAlsi. " """ reom ri.'aa. tuUd ga. water, lt n. ..t. 11 term, $ taak r f erit car far i !' i I" HOST ! " X. iif Pl.rMl """ t inip'r. Mtii.icits e,ir. '' HuM'x ft, ef v, a. V til a, . I'l' S, II t I V I ll I? , .1 - Ht Nav. l V aaaih. lnv-'i M t nn, I . t f ' l I . aa . -I a. I ( .1-4 S I ? ' .1 4 'f ! ..: .. I . l... af-a it -a i i.-ai- I I'll-! V , 4 (I'll ft i a -' ti I' t i S t. 'i 1 '.Vf nVtl.N I'l t I , N ' II .' 14 ll I'll1. i Km t k .,, . ... i .:a .; iat .a i. ii-i-a. a . -4 - t :. 1 1 , - - -! - a a ,. I a ' a t a-, i ,,a...a s i iw,;.''' i- a 4 I n a t 4 au i a i . ' ' -i ' . .4 Th '.' r )', ici1 i . iv tu ,., a a t I . v , a-.n " 4 re'ii. 4 at nail. 1 i a a ' ' I ! ! . , i a ) i ; ' lt ! I .t . s t tiM.aha '1 i. a t, t ii 4 ii -c r- S I !! , I I a . 1 'V !-,'B , in i . . i, ,-.!i t, Ill . , a I ' i " . ' 4 ! f ' f . ti a i . i , t Nt".., i , I 4 i K & . '...a .ta , Hi i'-m w a , t 4 , f ii, .s. a in . . a I M - H i '1 ;t', H I . ata,', t',,v. ,. t ..,. I, .i-l ,lMa lai(t a 'a . a, Mlaceilanroiia. BUN'GALOW $100 CASH 4 rooms new, modern except heat. STAIRWAY to atticcould finish two more rooms; cemented baiement. Price $2,200. balance easy monthly payment, Ask for Mr, Lowrey. HASTINGS & HEYDEN, H114 HARNEY ST. PHONE TYLER M. BI'NOALOW of rooma and bath, new, fully modern, living room across tront of house, haa fireplace, beiamed celling, dining room haa window seat, plate rail and panel wall, entire house Just newly decorated, cement basement, fumane hem, dandy east front lot 40XIM. Price for quick sale, $:t,iii0; about fcOO .ah und the rest monthly. RASP BROS. Douglaa ItML SIIULER&CARY" Announce that their offices In the Keellne Building have bean enlarged and their telephone number ha been changed to DOUGLAS 5074 $.Tflnn:V6WN balance "like" rent, buy 6-room; full lot; gooJ neighborhood; price, $2,2N). $IM) down, bl. I5 month, buy 4-room; full lot; near car; good location. WILLIAM COLFAX. DIMO. J02-4 Keellne Bldg. fJIRjcfY FIRST. FOR RELIABLE AND SAFE FIRE AND TORNADO INSURANCE SEE O'NEH.'S R. E. & I.VS. AGENCY, 8.14 Brandela TlieaterBldg.TylerlO? "we" have buverr. and renter for noma of all slxe. We show with S auto. W get result, ( nil us up, YQPNHMAN. ?30 Om N Bh. P. I47I. KJM lujTs TToo'tn. all" moifern lioine,' frame and tueco. actually worth t4,M); easy lamia. Phone t)wner, Walnut MI9. f3,9oO-EA8Y "PAYMENTS. "" T rm., oak fin., hot water heal A MOH OR A NT, 21 1 Brandla J'heiite REAL ESTATE UNIMPROVED tVortk'. - Big Ijot Bargain 16th and Bunlotte Walking distance, Ford fnotory; city water, sewer, gna, sidewalks, tOxMo; quarter block to car. only $mo. Terms. PAYNE & SLATER CO,, Hid Omaha National Bank. APTE R" ioo'kln g" a"t MtNN M t-I "SA I d different buyer decided that It was the best prorHMlllon on the market and they backed their Judgment by 131.' Y INO lots. If YOU will come out today you will understand why others are buying CHARLES W. MARTIN & CO., Tyler 1K7. 742 Omaha Nafl Bank Bldg. SEA I'TIKCL lor Tn cathedral" ""diafrlct, fyixlSO, 4i-foot parking; fine shade trees. Webster, tint. PHONE Dougin"2f!47 ' for" printed i" liat of 1200 and up, lot and aereg. nalk. 20 Acres Near Fairacres. MUST BE SOLD BY MAY 1ST. High and alghtly, with good Improve ment. For price and term, call, Hiatt-Fairfield Co., I4H-7-I1 Omaha NCI Bk. Tyler HO. WILL BUILD TO SUIT. Have 1 flrat choice Iota In Leaven worth Height Add.; easy term. Doug. 59K. Carl E. Rolen. 814 Paxion Bldg silserllaneoua. LOT, 60x140, fo"rniiilbyowncr,'SMs Stono REAL ESTATE EXCHANGES WANTED TO TRADE A fine California bungalow for an Omaha cottage. We have a nice prop erty, located In fine California village, on main electric line from Lo Angele to beadic of Santa Monica, Ocean Pnrk ami Venice. Full tot, with fruit and flowers, chicken house and yards, fine lawn, beautiful roaes, garden space, eto. Paved street. Hotmo In flrst-clas re pair, screened porch, five rooms; water and ga. If Interested call FRANK WH OX, PHONE D. 1X16. '"i02 OM. NATL Bl.DO. "WANTED GOO I) 1 10M K 48) acres, 4 miles from Atuolmo, Custer Co., clear, for modern, well locaintt - house. Will assume. R. W. BARRETT, 4.'0 First Nat l Bk. Bldg. l3100 -. FOR SALE OR TRADE. 40 acre, Baiindnra Co., $5,0li0, no im provement; will take half in clear rental property, balance easy. Good chance to get that little farm home you have been wanting a long time. q. O. WALLACB. 614 Keellne, Bldg. 1100 ACRES of fine valley land, on rail road. Clear of mortgage. All can be farmed Price $2S per acre. Will con sider Income property and pay cash dif ference. W. K. Craig, 1317 City Nafl Bunk Bldg,,Ornaha. OWNe'r'wHI eell or exchange for Texaii property fine North Side six-room modern home. Southeast corner front. Desirable location. Addreaa B., Box 676, McAHen.Tex. "WILL exchange two brick atore and" a frame collate, renting for .'40 a year, for vacant lota or acreage J. B. ROBINSON. 443 Bee Bldg. D. 7. WHAT HAVE YOU OB DO YOU WANT? See u flrat. We may have Jut what you want. We aell or trade everything, anywhere. C. J. Smith. Tyler Ml. 611 Soltlv FOR KXCHANOK71 acres, ,-mlle from good town. Price W per acre. Want stock gen, mdse. up to I7,H). Write A. A. HeornlnriLNeb. AC B EH fine irrigated Culorado Und, clesr. Wanted elenr llmaba, Improved. Mr. Hawvr. 24 Urand A ve, 'nl 7'.?. fAN sell or exeheng anything you nave to offer, C. J. Canen. Mct,:ague Bldg, REAL ESTATE-BUS- PROP'Tt 6 FKIIT, lth St.. S bfk. from viaduct. $. MuCagu Inv. Co.. McCagu ludg. REAL ESTATE U DURBAN Heaa. "St a h r "i Ti v k iu u ei fN " Sk n son f" BUT TB1H LOT' t't.Cn down and flu per month, pnea $;no. i, i." iHid en Icut ei. beturni 1 lark and Hurnham; net far fruni huci aed tar hue Moo R, W HW, Baa nffe !'. tieiaite, " A 4;tH! LOCATION Vur Htorwi or AparUm tH Hou-e OV t If OI.N II (tilt WAY IS IHNHKK This ta a li p-iith s'i-4 (mni , .Miar lt en ill una having 14. ftt , 1 - t nia' t-,"l aliaal aid Id fi a fi,,niia en imii inri"i - 1 1 4...... 1. a 1 - ai a 1I11 -in I,- n--i. tae pta- rapid. S,a .iii liin 1 l . , la I 1 I t -ai aaa f a , ' a ntiai u ....,i... s,atf luiaal I'M- ael tt.a an l-i '!- t.r (itti.l. A tOMp.VNV. t., .-ja '4 'Hi Nattuxal a, a I i a-" ,B'ia.l i ' ' a ,-, , , a a 111H f ! ,.1 a- t fi - il site 1, , 11 ''; c ' 1-11 tf v 1..1, ,1 4 t- at a - 1. ' III 'Si 4 , f-. a- a a , I I ' ' 'fa -1 a 1 a ' 1 Vttc r I , 41 ,!' t .' I t l '. ' H 141" lit t IS I ! i a"!, Si'i (.' , ... .'4 Hla iltaaaat t, "ti .( t, 1 !.. ! . ) t t : - . J I' -I "l 4 " I I .,,.. ,i.4 .,.! (.. r-.cili I u REAL ESTATE WASTEO 1 h 44 1 w t I r,r I . "'4 I I I . ct FINANCIAL Me Eitata, iJoJia,rtagja W re ready at all tituea to make loans on first-clan city property and eastern Nebraska farm. Rates on request, UNITED STATES TRUST CO.. 212 South 17th St. ii M ON tt Y t6LO A NON"" Apartment house, double brick houaea, single houeo. buslnes pnnieity and farm land at t. 6'-' and elk. W. H. THOMAS. ta Keellne Bldf-. Douglaa 14. OMAHA homes. East Nebrsska farm. O'Keef REAL ESTATE CO Wis Omaha Nat. I'hone Jiougla 1711. TO 1 i for loan "on bet clam etty residence In amount $2,000 up; alao farm loan. Reasonable commission. PtCTEBS TRUST CO.. 16:1 Farnam Bt MONEY to Toan on improved farm and ranches. W alao buy good farm muil- gagea K Klok Inv. Co.. Umaha. N.l DELAY. W. T. GRAHAM, BEE RLW1 MON iTY 'fo" 1.0 A N , lorT year, on Improved properties tHOPEN CO., J'oug. 4221. fONEY "on hand for oily and fKrm loan, il W. Ulndsr, City National Bank Bldg. ga!1Oi1' ClfY aniT farmToana, &7 fcVi. i Per bent. J. H. Dumont ftjUo.4IK JviHdln. Bldg. lint) to iii.( mad"e piromptl y. F. prWaatV Weed Bldg.l8th and Kar""J St. KOL MONEY. HARBIHON" MiBlf ON 0 1 M Omaha Nat Bank Bldf. Abstraet. f Title. Guarantee AWlct S.S;. "VS" Jr'"! hort notice. R. 7, Patterson Bldg. D IW. IvFliRrilla Ouaiantee "and Xbalract lvi"''"Co., a modern abstract office. REED AHSTIuTt" C7C oldT"aT)treet of fit In Nebraska. t Brandela The. Block and Bond. Farm Loans on ICasy Pajiripnta 16 yeara' time, I per cent semi-annual Interest, no renewal required. Option to pay ail or part at any time. J. TI, Duraont k Co., 4IK-1. Keellne Bldg Phone Doug, 90, $1,1,00 "klORTOAOft tirtni 7 per cniit seml-annunl; secured by property valueil i,ii. Tannage igwmis inv. co w.o. w FARM AND RANCH LANDS ColoradoJI.ands. FoT!Nl-3;0-acr unclaimed homestead"; good (oil; ample rainfall; nrtealan water; near free Umber. Price l.'nn, filing fee and all. J. A, Tracy, Ft. Morgan, Colo. Iowa t.anAa, IOWA BARGAINS If you want to buy an Iowa farm, c u. ANNTS & RO II LI NO 29 PEARL ST. . TEL. 101 COUNCIL BLUFFS, 1A $0 ACRES, gently rolling land, woatern Iowa. Well Improved. ' me half In gras. $IW per acre. Tho. Campbell, Keellne Bldg. ii n nae l.ei 11 da. K ANS A S FA KM B A I tflAt 1 0 acre smooth, black '1 blue grass, IfVi 3i acres-Well Improved, flnn place, $f. Wi acre 4 miles town, smooth a floor, -i'i acres Mile of town: 40.0M other. Write Burnett Bros., CnlonyKsn. Mtsaoarl Lsnila, 'ARMS For .Sain-$.i down and $f mTmthly buy farm In Missouri; send today for free list of bargains that will suit you. Box Mount Vernoi I1I. CHEAP Missouri farms, uny izu,vay terms. WL H, FRANK, Neville Blk.. Oinnha. Molilalia Lands. V ill H XT. E- - X ,im a ere s mo, 1 1 h7 7lcb, Ti rlgated farm hind at Valler, Iontana: three to six miles from good town and rnllrnad; KiS to 60 bu. wheat; 40 to 8u hu. barley; 60 to PKi bu. oals per acre. Fine for sugar beets and alfalfa tlnod schools and ample railroad facilities. Term very liberal. Writ for our new illus trated booklet, Immigration Pent., .Mou- tanaWoste n Ry. V 'alter M on I ana. TVorlh Diibnla Lands. CI foTcE Fa rm La nd s - For sale ,;Tm acres of choice farm land near the largest wheat center In North Dakota; lands all In one township, suitable for a set tlement of a small colony or neighbors. Price for entlro tract, $20 per acre; easy term. I -and located In eastern Slope county, Addre U. H. Suit, Marraarth, . N- D. OVER 14 year In one plane anil oneTiual ness real estate; never oanceled a contract, had a lawsuit or sat 011 tha witness stand. Does stability and de pendahlllty mean anything to you, Mr. Land Buyer? Agenta and buyers wanted. Send for list. E. C, Lewis, Mil nor, N. D. Mebrwsliai t,sflHn, TWO'" SECTIONS of Cheyenne county land: a',4 miles from town; one section silghtly rolling; other leyel aa floor; black loam anil: 4i acre broke, Price $2n per cr. Terms; Any reaaonabla terms to eult purchaeer tf bought at once. Write NiiKent-dcLongprts Drug Co., Iidge Pole. Neb. MI At'ltlOrt fine alfnlfu. grain aiuT atook farm, .1 mile from Broken Bow; must be sold during April, send fur descrip tion. Box N. Broken HowL Neli. FOR NALiC-Reet large bnly nigh grade medium priced land In Nebraska; very little money required. C. Bradley, Wei i,ech, Nh $1S PER ACRW buy a GOOD iAa"cr farm 2 mUce from nmana Belyea A 4ilfford, Us Kamge Bicg . imni a Neb. 3fu A., adlctnlng lle'siiev, nil fine valley I ,n'l miiiod prlcat tKM. worth jf, tain, u'riia i C Patterson, fitnahe. Sr Ynrla tnida. PHt iFlT reality, nut a promise. 's eiiws, team, hens, i a re, good buildin. pan M cow, tsaiti, lot, I, alatmralc hiiiltbnga. : acres, jO vr a ire. Writ f ir tihut.Ht K. Munann. Jl.i a Salmi 1 , i4vl uae N . Y ulh Paaula laada. IMI'tiOV tli pui.lui'live fartna ,if jeaVI .rm nd h(ii,i ! l 4 mi'ts from tp-, lr ecbiHil. n I wmI road t.'l o I1-' l-ai a- 1 a. I" la i'li I M,.in, nirii-st, fiimi 4 t 4) eai Jmnrs II t I !" 1 I ' SI rwielleu,. " "'"'UPtKH WITH" tiii; Mi f t TO N if ra"V land fla .a . ii i. eel. a'l 1 mn rae tea k :i, t .-f f -.n tar Ike aui ))! ita a 1 I w.-b which 1 I- in !a- u V( n'llt a"S a .nt ai a (1 -k f iu,h$ tn 1 tl 4 S( e i 4 1 , TH it 1 1'-' tale ! ( i (a kn 1 'a'.a ('..( ; . , (1. ,( t .,iaa, l,a a,! Vai lain ! k u li i -aae ).( .ti t . , a - I Pi ! 4 a i I a--., a aal ia :'. ' ' ! ii f i 4 . If , a I a v , Ijk,, ...,, ti I a . - la ' I ai ... . , l ,. - aala -.i ' ai a '01 t in - I, i i'a " t a, t. " ' t " I'll. ' i a (,,,'. .t, I - t -a hi inn .n ' l a a.ia, l r .' i ' ' r. t ii tvii, j rtnvlt ai -i ii - . aa, a ! 1 " . a a t . ia tfca '.'. t a j. 4 FARM LASD FOR HIST X '1 -' I. . , 1 I "u . 4' POULTRY m Pit STOCK j f lc, a f., i, s '-'I as, :,ia a : a a a a i i,i--.i ; - a 'a (-'. a r- iV at a I'irv 4 ... (a,. POULTRY AND PET STOCK Tom ft a u Hon" triiXMPloN KiiglirtiTC C W. Leghorns Imported by me. liunr- anteed peillgree of M to i eggs, rags $10 per l,i und up, Also heavy laying strain W, I, H. Ducka-egg peril. Cheiryeroft Farm, Hot 1172. Omaha, Neb. Benson 4ii. "LI VI NU MI'RIC BOX." Our wonderful trained altiaing canary, $10 each; only a few left. Max Ueialer Bird Co. EOliH-Iniilairituniier duck's, fawn and white, lik- each Phone Bed TltltlM-Burred Bucks, blue ribbon stock, 10i- each. Itod 610. , "m v rt r in uii ii.- ll Wanner. Screening fl.St per 100 HisT" hn N. I'lth St. HORSES-UVESTOCK-VEHICLES ITa h eshTb im'i'(j ' NTTttlNTa W make them ourselves and sell them direct to the consumer Why pay two profits for Inferior goods when you can get high-grade goods at flrat cotf ALFRED CORNISH OO,, 1210 Farnam St., Omaha. IIA V-1! 6i "t"ir." A. W. Wsgfier. i"N. IS. I,', iti mi ii i.a,l aaddln ounv. abso lutely safe for children; cheap. 2-10 Hodge SI, Douglaa 4W'i. ibs ,ii . M a..a.a. ... AUTOM0BILES-F0R SALE RIIALCLRJUlt(AINS"" If ',ui want a good used car now 1 the time to buy. Wa need the floor space and must aell th following car: 4 Fords. I Page. I 6 passenger Studebaker, I 7-iaaaenger Studebaker. cleO. lights and starter, f extra tire 1 4 cyl. Detroit, elec, atarter and lights. 2 overland. I Mlnxwell trunk. We will give term to parties not having all cash. C. WT. Francis Auto Co., Douglas m. 5:i-I Farnam. AUTO" CLEARING HOUSE 220 Farnam, Doug. MiO. Biilek runabout, very clay. Pierce Arrow, touring. Begal touring, brand new. Ford touring. IBIS'elea. fqillp, THE AUTOMOBILE WONDER Make a ton truck out of your Ford car. Everybody la buying thl "Form a Truck." It solves vour delivery prob leni and Sella like wild fire. Agent wanted. For particulars ee or writs JOIINHi lN-DANFIiltTII I'O . 16211 18th. I "ui V-CVI ivilii'.ll ?Vialaii,l loaf IimRH used a little as a denionstraUir; good as new. ,i r nrii inuring osis. a runt's truck,' In A t condliliin; will carry a H ...... ifn IT....,m U( I lotlalna Slrtt TiiE AUtf) 'SHOP "narvlce Ftrt." price llgllt, IDOI- jecaaon. Ifiar a.w. auw ra- pulrlng snd stem, hlacksinulilng. Used Fords for sale. WW will trsde you a new Ford for your old one. INDUSTRIAL OARAGE CO.. SAfh f.A liana fiHtl. OK N F. II A iTTrt oTnr" Company truck; two ion cspacuy, gnou i-onouioii, ua boushi right. Call Bougie S34 AttTO WREt'KiNO CO.. 316 8o7 Hth"Br All kind of repairing snd parts for sal. Used ears bought and sold, D. 4441. lOlfi WOODS Electric, almost new; bar- f ain; owner leaving cny. an jioohi Foutonella or Douglas I41N. USED CAB BABI4AINH AT MURPHY OBRIEN AUTO CO.. IflM la IS Farnam St FORD louring "car for quick sale iifA J06) N. lHh. Anio lpinlrttiarNinl Peiattosj. RATTER I EH rhnrged, Mc; inapectinn free) any type repaired Omaha Oar age, 2010 1 Harney. Tyler frf. NEB. Auto Radiator Bepiilr Service and tirtces rluht, 21S S. IHIh St. D. 78M. ft 00 reward for magneto we can't repair. I oiia i-,urn, j.n t i" , , . .." 7lE Ml'ltril Y-Auio repsirlns. lit 5. 17th St Tyler 2n7:nlsht, Ited 74. tnha Itadiator t"it""(Si, Far.jXlti)!' Anlo Tires anit Wapptles. TiREH advancing, but we keep the prlues down. Hiieeliif prices on stsndaid ins Has. l ire rapturing, onu goon lire made from I wo old ones. Duplex Tlrs Co.. 2T.IX Farnam Ht A I 'TO TIKES REBUILT. $2 ) TO $6 00. DUO TI BE CO, Pill Chl'-sgo St. DON'T throw away oid tires. tVe maks one new tire from ! old one snd save you W!. 2 In 1 Vulcanising' Co., .1M Davenport hi., oinaiin. Jven imug, bii, F.lecfrlo A olumolilles. AUTOMOBILE INSURANCE. Fire. Theft. Ushlllty and Property Damage at Lowest Bates. KILLY, ELLIS THOMPSON. 111-14 City Nat. Bank Bldg. Doug. 2811. Welter Anderson, exp't ren'g electric. A batteries. Storage. 2230 Farnam. D. 4317. MOTORCYCLES AND BICYCLES "HA RF.RY-Til VI OBON MOTOllC YCLEti Baranln in used machines. Victor Rooa "The Motorcycle Mao. "2703 Leavenwortr. SILBER LOADSJOR OMAHA New Boat to Ply Between Here and Kansas City to Start Right Away. TO HANDLE 150 TONS FREIGHT "Hall, Julius T. Sihler," thus spake Fred S. Knapp of Omaha as bu stoud upuu the dock at the river (mnt In Kansas City on Saturday, and saw the Julius steam up. Th Julius F, Sllber Is th new teum boat that Is to ply between Omaha and Kansas City. The boat 1 about to mak It fit t trip from Kansa City to Omaha. It pulled Into Kaunas City from farther down the river, whim Mr. Knapp there to greet it Saturday Th captain after shaking hands with Mr. Knapp snj exchanging a few word snout th com ing voyage. P'lt hi men to wink Im nediaiely loading for the trip to Omaha Tin- Jiitlu r S;lber will rf Pa) tun Uf . Consider Action of Strike in the North IMC A Ai;' AUa1., April H - Wiuht 41 -1 . 1 t'f f Isthu-' ail ,n .fii'hg n c'i!(hi m tk 11 ril v. u ". W'Hlinei 11 n . r" itr 4 ... St- UU; U- ho.$ls M . 1 A rH ,t I ..-'Hi -t1' r:ii tt MMM-l- ':' 4f r " 4ft l.-tt .kts) i.f ( v. ,1 n j'i-nia fc t v : r.ll t- 1 H.l " v i ' tm ' -m ! 4fc t ' i j ' r (. i 1 . t 1 ,'.iimr ft A's ti 1 '$iV? " t I l-'l r ,n $ I s, '! ' - 1 ') M 1 S 14 ' I rf t ' .! 1' I'. P f y-', lv4j CiRl At It VPTS LIFE BY SWAU;v'3 A POISON ,,,., .v . 4 ' 1- ! I i...ft,l , ... . C J ... 4. 'a - , a fi,i , . , . 1 ,1 k . I- w ai, ... . a ' i I .. .. , v 14 a , -11,.. a i'il , ', . I " , I : v ' 1 . I h , , 1 , i,i'.-- ! t 1- 14 "' .i . m 1 '' , I . 1 14 . I ' . i 1 .. ' i 1 1; ' 1 14 I ( EASTER DAY MOST GLORIOUS OF YEAR Beautiful Day in Spite of the Warn ings Sent Out by the Meteorolo gist Who Make Weather, SONGS OF THE RISEN CHRIST It was a boautlful Easter In Omaba. Cloud, novr-red In the sky most of th day, but tho gun ahono brightly much of the afternoon and the weather man's threatened "show irs" did not materlallfe. There be ing no wind and thn tomperatura be ing just right for comfort, nobody could find fault with the day. Tho crowds which "went to church and thosa that didn't were arrayod )n tho beauty of new clothes, par ticularly the feminine part of th. crowds. The pleasant wnather brought milady out In great numbers to two and to be son In Omaha's "Fifth avenues." And the real Fifth avenue or the Champa Elysens surely showed no finer display of beauty and fashion than was seen rlBbt here In Omaha. Anlo Ha lis Day. And tho new guto had Us day. For on the boulevards and the rout's leading to the country were contlnu otis strings of pleasure seekers. In thn churches of Omaha, choirs and conRregatlons, In anthems, solos and cantatas, sung the glad Chris tian songs of the risen Christ. Mot of the churches were crowded to their full capacity and In aome the crowd were too great to be accommodated. The fivenlng service In mauy churches was conducted by the Bun day schools and consisted of East-sr hymns and recitations by the pupilri. In others sacred cantatas, wero pre sented. VESPKBS AT ST. MAHV'S tilt R4 II Kelly's tbolr Ninas liinlerhl Portion of liounod's Bedemplton. The services at St. Mary's Avenue Con gregational church were carried out In keeping with the Foster slplrlt. Special mulo was given by the iluilr, under His direction of Thomas J. Kelly, at the regu lar morning service and a spedul musical vesper service, consisting of a consider able portion of Oounod's sacred trilogy, "Tlie Iledemptlon," was sunr st 4 o'clock. In the morning sixty new member were received Into the church bjr the jmator, Rev. O. A. Hulbert. Features of the music were the of fertory solo, "Hoamia," sung- by Mrs. Kelly; the anthem, ta "For Us Christ Is Made a Victim," (b) "Savior of Men," by Ooiinod, and the "Hallelujah Chorus" from the "Mejunah," by Haiidot sung st the close, the congregation landing. The servtoe In th afternoon pictured graph leal ly In word and music the period of time from the "March to Calvary'' to the "Asoenslon." The chimes and an organ prelude by the organist, Martin W, Buah, preceded the oratorio, which atarted with th "March to Calvary" (founded upon an old Latin hymn) as a proceia. slnnal. A solo voire deeorilies th "Cruci fixion" and a chorus dramatbailly repre sents the "insults at the People," A male chorus) tells of the "Mocking of the Priests," .followed by the "Prayer of Jesug," a barlton solo. By concerted snd solo portions the first pert Is completed, bringing out In guoce lon "Th Savior Reproaches the People," "Mary at the Foot of the Cross," "Keep ing Her Watch" (founded upon an old Latin Hymn), "The Dtirknena," an organ solo; "Last Agonle of Jous," "Death of Josus" and "ChoraleThe Church, Apostrophe to Death, Conquered by the Death of Jesus." Part two contained "The Resurrection," "The Women at the Sepulcher," "The Angel," "The Ouards of the Sepulcher," 'The Sanhedrim Priests and Elder'" (male ehorueD, "Protest of Humanity," "The Women Before the Apoatlea," "Hymn of Faith Triumphant," "Jesus Appearing to the Apostle," "His Bene diction" and "His Ascension." Many beautiful solo part, trio), duets and choral parts by men's and women's voices were found through the ntamhers of the oratorio, once a quartet with the choir and at tne laat a choral number with soprano obligate. In a short sddress the minister brought out the Idea that "He tioeth Before." He aid that Calvary was before the people and had not been pasaed; that Golgoth wa tnward the sunriaw rather than the sunset and that the Christ was In every thing that had gmis fefore. K t ST Fit AT THIMITY C A TH Klllt t. Bean Taanu-k Tell of 4aaareee of I'ntnre Life foe I befallen. The faster services t Trlnl'y cathedral Sunday were largely musical, HervUe were held at In the morning, at It In the morning snd st 4 In th ftr men. The eathelral chnir, under the di t'nn of Ben Simile. r'i'lr'd b 1 tlf il programs of song ar-pot print t i the I .iai.r K,ta,. ten .1 AHh'ir Tall in k rd th morn S S I, iit anit rt,illird a stiuft ri an 11 In Which He Innk up t'.a a .ii-. t ib i'brliln find them of a fjtJie I f t p.iluia I In the leeucre . tlun f Ibe Chrtat aa Hie ra,(ft svidan , and sail thai 1 h. linl! end p'll' a had f lir I '! I ' a I ,"-n tha .a. I U..II . k I .' , U' fcr H' I ! 'I, a h in-h .t.-s rg-e " ' The eb'n-h a.iaa . 41 the frtii ' a aa.-.t I' rimla 1 1 1 !! a . Be .1-,-ia .--I i'l,' tla a,t'l,H'vai ,' f, . ,m uti 11 a,i ,, 'it ertiwt I3j a , , am as ri.- im a t h a a ,t,i 1, 1'.. I-'' I ' 1, ' ia. i. .oiia 1 4I14-1 1 441 l tt 1 ih 1 1 t I mutt t Haa, I Owe ten . tata '14 ta !, kai Mr lite tiala " 1 .ir. !,S 1 1 '-"I u,i 11 Hit, lat .. '1 , a I - 4 a 1 a. 1 1 ti ( I, Ht ,t'.t. i .a n, ' 'if a t ti t' a ' a ' t t'- .. ... . , S i, m an k i ' Ba .1 a . '. I a I a 1 !..., I, , t ... 1. ia - t 'li. tail ' !.,,, ..(.' I.. 4 s 4;.e vn;r 1 I 1 ,i. ' a---. a I " a, r . 1 ' . 1 (1 -an na. t a ' a . , l S v"i' , 1 " ' .i 14' . . f tSe .. 1 44 .,., ,J kiiai '' V i i' . ' . o ii4,i.-t, Af, '.'ii 1 Mib ia, . l' , S.,,1, I'H. ' 11 V,.' -Ui ii'4"'- ''. "" '" ...i',i i'"Mt' i-'l l.i. ,.'l4i4 ' umi . , . ;i V aJ'll"a ii-l- tei.l a' !-.a " i''i , k " SUNDAY CLOSES HIS BALTIMORE REYIYAI, Money and Trail Hitters Roll in on Evangelist Bt Windup of Meetings, "HOME RUN" BAKER A RECRUIT BALTIMORE, April 23,rspe. clal Telegram.) "Billy Sunday's eight weeks of evangelistic effort In Baltimore whirled up to a mangnl ficent climax shortly after 8 o'clock last night and then ended. Less than an hour later Billy; Sunday stepped from the platform after hla last sermon, after the last of nearly 1,000 tratl-htttera had shaken bis hand, while 24,000 men and women, swept from their feel by tha most wonderful acene old Baltimore has ever witnessed, SauJ and shouted, "Glory! Olory! Glory!" "Good bye," called "Billy," as hj descended the pulpit steps for th last time. "Good bye, good bye," came the answer, thundering baelc from these thousands of voices. And then the hout of "Oloryl Olory. Olory!" oontlnued. Sunday I I'l eased. Hundy, tired, hi clothing soaked wttTa perspiration, fatigue showing In every Una of lb face, wa smiling with a happiness that Inspired. H pushed his way to MS mom snd there listened to the shout o the great multitude, whloh filtered through th door. Baltimore did It up In major league fashion." lie exolalrned characterlstlcallis, And Baltimore today, that great lest day, saw (W.OOr) people at the five ery Ice. True, fully 80,nm of the were mJ end women, at more than one service But, st that sit attendance record went mashed, These 06,100 brought Baltimore's total for ths great campaign up to nearly a million snd a half people who heard tha evangelist, From this million and a half people ther came mors thsn 23,0"0 trail hitter. I.S43 of them yasterdsy, 014 of them s the lust service, And Nnltlmors expressed Its gratitude ss best It eould to Sunday when It made Its free will offering. This money was) still being counted nt an rerly hour, Hat 118,000 hud been received early Saturday evening before today's collections, swf. the greater part of the offering, greater by far has always com In that last day's collect Ion. Because of this, Baltlmore'a committee believes It will show Its ap preciation In figures ss large as did Phllsdnlphls. Philadelphia gars $31,000, Or eat Moment This Morning. Tomorrow morning at I S6 o'clock "Billy" will leave Bnltlmors. Before ha goes, however, he will be given Baltic more's free will offering. As soon as th money has been counted a check will h made out snd that will ba presented tn Sunday at the Mount Vernon Place home st 8 o'clock, "Billy" had Just finished hi last ser mon. , Then "Billy" prayed. lie prayed 4 prsyer of thanks to Ood, of thanks to Baltimore He praved a prsyer of thanks to Individuals and thanks to churches. He prayed s prayer of thanks to the newspapers, of thanks to the city snd slate, It wss a brief, but an eloquent prayer. It was a prayer that touched ths heartstrings of those who heard, And then came the last Invitation for trail hitters. Hosh of Trail flitter. The Invitation wa Issued at $20 o'clock. Beforo the second hand on "Billy's" watch had made one revolution, there came from out of the great throng; 24,000 men and wonxm, hundreds who had been stirred, hundreds who had resolved to heed the warning, "There is no to! morrow," and to take "their stand tow Christ then." 'Thoy Jammed the sawdust aisles In their rush to grasp the hand of the evangelist, who was In his little pit for the last time. The tears of these hundreds blinded them, and many stum bled snd had to be assisted to the front of the tabernacle. "Home Run" Baker and six other Ka-a York American league club ball playergV hit the trail. It takes but a minute of time to saw dollars when you read Ths Bee Wsnt Ad) columns. Bank Clearings Bank clearings In the fnlted Rtates frej the week ending April Jn, aa reported ti Bradetrenf Journal, Now York, sggra gate J,rv;,;i'I'n). ngalnat M.fn'i2,7l!i,oi4j laa week and .t,ii,i-,ii0 In this week las veer Canadian cleming sggresate $lga,a Sal laift, an iisalnst 17l,pjti,ia laat week anil $IM.:44.4I In this week last year. Fol lowing are the return for this week and) last, with pereentagn of change howij this week aa compared with this w4 last y,r: T C1TIKH. Amount. I lao. Da New York i t'lcaa.i . Phlliiiivlphl, Boston ti. I .oula Ktin l ily ,. So Francisco. ..... , I'lttatnji sK Ksllim rn I'ltiwland ........... l,ptl.,U I tn.'liiiii'l Miitlti'at'"1! ..,,,... 1 " Aognlr (Mill New " iilH ,,,,,, Mn ,k-e ,t. C ... , . . .!: , , H I' . .1 , . . , !' " ' "." ( 11 , I or 1 ...,,.) . , ! 1- e' -( ,, t i , ,n I,. 1 ,1 1 1 1 a , , . . ..,( ,.v; , I c.a V, ., , , -ii h i t .cH . . 1 -Mi U.i!' ..I . ... . --a 'I' I a aa ' f , a .1'" ,hi ,a r. s.. . V a 91 1 Ilia, . I ,t K, ... I 1 ' 1 1. v 1 M il.'4 1 , ... r . I.Tis,or.i,nn,. i ;v .', :-f. : sii im) till ! tat i.tH al . im taif, i1 a. i til i-i 4;, 4 In iaai 411 'H ,ii 4i ,i' ' ) .'I 4 i '111 ...''! l .'! a nil T' enii 1 1 . no ii 1 i, 11 t'C '111 M 1 I I !- I "I ll, H I ' .' '! 1 4 4 4,' I !' II' . ' iM !! I..1-!- Si 7 i.i I,) t. 14 H 2 Li ' Si 4 In in T. f 41 r m .v ,4 ' !.Y- n i'i 1 t; a a. : 1 t i.'. t 11 i ii . a ', 'l a' I''' 1 4 . . i l a , a 1' . 1 11 1 ;j Hi,, in , I 1 ,n Mi a 1 11 1 1 1 1 -in .I . 1 :, 4 t '. . .1 j s il 4 I ! ,! ( 4 vi a 4 H' tan Ii ft 1 ,11 ,' '-. a ' i: in a 1 i 1. 1 i ' , , 4 lii. -I l 11, a I it, t a,.l i . 1 I'l , am , . ti t.a t'