Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 25, 1916, Page 11, Image 11

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Society Notes -:- Personal Gossip -:- Entertainments -:- Club ' Doings
Till- liKK; OMAHA, TUESDAY, APRIL 2.), 191(1.
Chicago Ha "French Wounded
Shop" and Other Cities Have
"Self-Sacrifice Weeki."
II MKI.I.II ( 1 April 24. ,
Ointiha hni ber-n on of tho Amnrlian
' Itlrn taking first rank, even mora than
liKipurtlmiu'e to its size, In the l!iOgl;in
iilii-f wurk, It U a matter of worn than
lusiiiK Interest to note rtuw )hcs of
Hip work (slsewhir.
Clili'dKO han a "Krennh Wounded Hh'ip"
wnd on ths owning of May 1t tin enter
tainment, the flrt of It kind, will h
h n lit Ornhemra hall, where lc 'turt-s !
r nurse will be Interspersed by the
nsiv sarins; nmiu and dance ,
Another American social i-haua
drought about by the wer In "iirlf sai-tl-fl.-e."
In HoHton, ChliiiKo, Now Vork and
'aslilnxton, member of prominent fiim
lllnii have iMs-ed thmiislv to it "srlf
smrlflre yesr," simitar to the "no If snr
rifhe wr-eks" In the Culvutlon Army In
spirit. Una of tlio principle, of this kui;
llfk.f for the Helfjlfirw Is Unit II must im
purely personal, iiir!uillnu luxuries, plea
iiiin and sniusoimmi. It memm wesrlnu
Isst smson's frock Hiid gowns, making
over bats, disposing of unnecowiary nm
toring and nil such econoniius that
omrn would often make but for fr
of the criticism of their art.
flut sympathy for ravaged tlelglurn l
something 10 pervading and too potent
t shak society aa It lias, and then to
leave nothing permanent behind It.
f'erhape, It will make for greater aim
pllrity In the llvei of many of the psm
pared of fortune. -
Morgan-Tanoock Wedding.
Mia Beatrice Tancook, daughter of
l;ean and Mr. Jamca Arthur Tnncork,
wss married at Trinity cathedral thli
morning at K o'clock to Mr. kalso Mur
gitn, son of Mm. Albert II. Morgan of
JjftWlH, la. The marrlago nervbe wan
read by the fnther of the bride, dean of
Trinity cathedral. There were no bridal
attendanta, and only the Immediate mem
bera of the families of the bride and
bridegroom witnessed the ceremony.
The bride wore a light brown tailored
traveling milt, with amall black hat,
trimmed with flower, fihe carried a
bouquet of llllea of tha valfey. The out-of-town
wedding guests were Mr. Albert
H. Morgan and her daughter, Miss Janice
Morgan, of Lewi, the mother and sister
of the bridegroom.
Mr. and Mir. Morgan will be at home
In Omaha after May 1 at 900 North Flf.
tleth street.
Vancouver Guest,
One of the guests of Kanler week will
he Mra. Robert Mora of Vancouver, who
ta expected by her husband's mother,
Air. W. V. Morse. Mra. Morae wa
formerly Mllaa Gertrude Bub of Ne
braska City, and la at preaent vlaltlng
her mother, Mra. N. A. Buss, Many of
fair are In planning for the Vancouver
guest, Including a luncheon and a tea
Oil weak,
No Easter Egg Hunt.
The annual Kaoter erg hunt at Miss
Anna Crary'e homo on Kt. Mary avenue
wh abandoned yenterdny on account of
Mia Crary'a illness, but the children of
the Floyd Hmlth's and the J. I Taxton'a
had a little erg hunt of their own on the
Crary ground. They are Kleanor and
Kdward Pmlth.and Hetty and little Jamea
Psston II. The Kater egg hunt haa be
come an Inatltutlon with Omaha little
folk lnce tho first one, over twenty
yearg ago, given for Robeit Shlverl'k.
Today's Affairs,
Th Aloha Tango claa. under direction
of Mlaa Mary Coll, wilt meet this cvenlm;
st Turpln's hall, an event postponed fruit
laat Rtturday.
The White fthrine Whist club met this
afternoon at the Maaonlc temple. Mra.
Mary Wearne wa hoate of the occa
lon. Le Mara club give a dancing party thl
evening at tha Roma hotel.
Interest in Chicago Weddings.
Omaha frlenda of Mla Kllen Harker of
Chicago, who haa frequently been the
gueat of Mia Kllsnrwth Congdon here,
ara Interested In the marriage of Mia
nnrker'a brother, Joneph Phumway
Ttarker, and Ml Jane Vincent, daughter
of the William A. Vincent, which la cele
brated today, Mlaa Ttarker will he an
attendant, aa are the Howard RpauMtnics,
who were gueata at the Mt-Kermn-Htewart
wedding In Council Muffa laat June. Mra.
Rnauldtng was Catherine Tlarter. the
fhlrty-mllllon-dollar hrtrte,
Mlea Oertnide McCarthy, formerly of
Omaha, will be en attendant at the wed
ding of Mlaa Kdlth Ptaleii llrr(on,
dauahter of Mr. and Mr. Carter II.
HurHaon, and Cyru U Manlerra, In Chi
cago, TueadAy.
Orphenm Theater Parties
Mra, Will 'd will glv a theater
party Ihl rvrnlng In turner of Mlaa Ia
llirtty and Mlaa Mary llarrtty of
IliiUdrlphla, who ate tie home aui
of Mr J r". t"od and h Co.
V titr party of twelve, followed h
i p-r at thrlr hnme, wilt lw iin ly
r and Mm lloy A lhdK
cihrr hixta of .i,ln m the
nihaun ar Mr r A frttrl:, ,,,
wl l hv lM lf i' r. Vel
ith, !evn, I ' i lla'tkoit, aevvn, .Mr
. to Mt)n. M I '1 lul n. Mr I'
Mi. I i V' t M r S.-rr
I i..-t. fu I i ' .f will
Ilra t l' A M l't i, lit t. I,
li.m,,, Mi r M. I'll t Mr t hartea
At tl.wi a''"'"- tl- r.nk
I u ' .t i . ' 1
A V M.tx.r f " "t I M ,ff.
h I .nt i f (i St't M tii. '.'tt
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' C.f
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k oh I. I Ct V. f 4i ' a)
i . T Vi
. i Yi
. , i '.,.. 1 1. a p
)i Jg l.ntii ltt,
1.. 1 ft f 1 SI i t " SI
k . , . ' 111 a I-
Frock with
f ' 1
HA fir V , ja i,
rtrr f -; v 'A .
in whim r f '
, ii in i .-'igitiBgrar
' '.I. .-, laaaaaw
The charm of thl frock I In the aoft
fullnaaa that li evident throughout. The
jaklrt, to prove that It follow the lino of
uie acaaoti, 1 over rive ynniH wiuo. uan
Farmer Boy Waits in Court House
for Correspondence School
A mall order romance Is burgtod,
and Elmer Krutfe, 23 years old,
"hand" on a Sarpy county farm, In
Kver Hlnce laHt Thursday, court
house attaches have noticed a ruddy
checked, curly haired young man,
with a brand new 1810 model hat
and suit and nhoes to correnpond,
loitering about the building. In hla
lapel he wore a carnation that vied
most desperately with a scarlet cra
vat, AcroBS his vent was enough
gold chain to supply the most ex
travagant need of every tin-horn
gambler In the lssourl valley.
Thursday, his face wore an ex
pression of anticipation.
A I.ove-I.orn Yooth.
"Some lovelorn nut waiting for
his gal to Bhow up and get married,"
thought the blase courthouHe folk as
they nurrlod past him.
All day Thursday he waited In tho lower
corridor. At lunch time, tho court
house worker paaaed him by without a
glance and at quitting time, thoy looked .
briefly at him. It la not unueual to ace
a wlll-bo-brldogroom hanging around the
courthouse, waiting for the lady of hla
choice. There are plenty of Judge In
the building to tie the knot
On Friday the youag man showed up
again. He still wore the look of antici
pation. The flower In his lapel, though,
waa a little bit ragged.
1 Very Reticent.
Never once did he oak a rpicatlon, nor
did he apeak to anyone, hot all day long
he loitered about. y thla time, he re
ceived mora than a paaalnu glance, He
was still maintaining hla vigil when the
horde ol clerka and Htenosniphcra and of-1
ftclul piled out of the gloomy old build-
Ins to enjoy an extra holiday duo to Ar
bor day.
"Thai poor fih Is still there," wn the
only comment uiado aa ll.ey throngrd
On .Saturday he showed up again, and
thla time, noting the lak of Industry
about the il'e, tnotilred and learned that
nearly all the offices weie rkri on a
coiiiil of the teg holiday.
"Vou're pot open on rtundav urn you?''
he asked an elevator nmdie tor
A llrrci Mrtorl.
"No." replied the flnrluatliius one "
Xrtghl and erly Mond.iv moinina the
young man rame I'at k Tills lltoe, , h'a
face d t lints of S"r-i Ills
i (c waa 'utai Hh l il leld.
I and the finf lit h! nil".hoii n
wliherrd and dtU-d II niu.te flrl(('.t
' f..r mrrli hci office
' hft mv lian la Mnier hry-, ' bi
e.ltnd lo "v'ui-t ' lte I i" od irf
Tii ti! tui n 11 a I'K'kin fr m.
ht ltvre '
Ni.p' V.l ( ' li'l ' Mid "
1 I, eniil . iU .!. I .v l ' U V
I ( Ii. siii' I' !'
t .., w, ni n f- I '- 1 t i (
that i(. h ' ' ar .J-'t
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k-ili I and l .'I ' , i f (.!
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Soft Fullness
i A 91
I black and yellow button that harmonise
with the yellow tone of tho grown, trim
tho craenful bodice In front, The two
toned embroidery and deep licit firs par
ticularly effective detail.
me," lOlmer sighed lo the marrlaKC clerk.
"fhii wroto such a pretty bund, and her
letter always amelled all cwect and nln
like a drug atorc. l-he promlm d lo meet
me hero Thursday, when I sent her a
ring, but I gueaa ahe went an packed off
with that atreet cur conductor from
lirooklyn what's been wrltln' to lor.'
Ill lip quivered.
"I'm sorry," aympnthlseod Htm blicndoi I,
"but there's nothing we can do for you.
Have you still ant that paper with nil
them pictures In?"
"Well, mayhe you can find another
Sonlniale from I'lraf.
"No, I guena I'll go back lo the farm
and klnda Juet drift along, now, Jut
like I UHter before alio onme Into my
"(Jee, 'that's too bad!"
"Vep, Well, good-bye."
A the farmer boy left, "Cupid" raced
from hla stool to tell the newest ro
mance to the waiting little pink eara of
all the atenographera and lady clorka m
the bJilldlng. , .
Roof of the City
Needs Repairing
The roof of the. city la leaking, or
will leak during the rieit rain. The city
council committee of the whole waa In
formed by an architect that the roof of
the city I in II needs rralrs. Commissioner
Kugcl said tho City Kmergeney hop.
tal should he repaired Commissions
Mumniel apoke on behalf of the roof of
the pnvlllon of Hanseom park and Com
missioner Withnell declared tiat f.",oro
would be nccesrary tc add respectability
to the roof of the Auditorium.
The comml'sloncr turned tho'r imkeu
Inside out in mute suggestion thut th
roof of the city exchequer likewise need
a little rtlmulnnt.
Attack Army Morals,
Police Quell Crowd
NKW TORIC April 2i -A meeting of
the W men's Peace society in Itrooklyn
was terminated lnt night by poll who
were called In to protect Frank Until,
from twenty or thirty men, who resented
jn(( B.1(1, ,m tn, rmy i nftVy.
B()h(li wh() My h , H,,B,N
i veteran, and who ia an Inatructor at
Colmntda iintveralty. charsed that the
army nd navv reeked "with Immor
ality" and challenged snvone to deny It.
Immediately mitnv of the men In the
audie.nre, some of whom were sailors,
rushed toward Holm.
I.KHANON, i, Arrtl U. I'liln boasts of
on nt ftte two women til the wliopi
country who trnln and rue Imrnr Mis
Veata ftilha of thla city now I prepar
ing her atilng for th coming ramtxilttit
In the slate I am itr.itt ami fk
forward to a . . rseful one, ,ha i on
dnrt a t return, liin of I rr own siel
). lun.te oi,.i t st It In her siring li
tri'hait ! i :i who ha t-'it a factor
in i Mil troii ley in !
rfrnonal Mrntinn.
Mi V ! It and M, Mirry Wmtih.
htn ef iiiosi.a, are amnig tSos r!
Kiel I t' t tie l-.'lel. I t ltl 'f
Tho dentifrico you'll bo
years from now
looiii Powder
fFfJ y IW Iw Ihmtttt
fcsej it U4f I t sos....
'! lr I Ft H .l
i rel I I MM!
L . I YON MON'I, l
M t W. JilliSt , N. l ilt ,
Shbkcspfare Tercentenary Celebra
tion Stimulate! Interest Among
Public School Children,
The Shskef pcarr' TVrcrntrnnry
(Ctrlinitlnii Iihh Hlliuululcd unusual
Interest among boys mi Klrls of th
llbllc school Mystem. Hun'rlnU'ii-
(ii nl (iraff si'iil tiri'tilnrs to lonrhers, i
miKRCHtlng that they bring out the
fcliiikospeare plrlt In their own
iny. .Most of tho teiifhorg read
I miib's stories of the plays of the lm
Mortal bitrd. Theso stories were
written for the child uilnd and up
,(iil more Hum t lie vrlftinul text.
Tho siipi'tlnteitdrnt liflioves the oc
bunion wus vBtualiUi In iin educa
tional way un will serve to popu
larize Hhakespeare among the chil
dren. , -
Write ;sh.
Josephine (Irnlit, eighth fctuila ti ichef
ul rentrsl school, traveled through tiie
Hluikesiiegia country, iiinl hn gave hr
clem' the benefit of hei observation. 1"
this room a bust of the dmmntlst ws
tit.iceil In a oiniiiandiim otx'ti'in. The'
boa and girls wrote essay and viewed
lllLisliatlon of mny of the scute Iden
tified with the pl. Th .romance of
Anne Hathaway was received with Inter
est, In the lower grade Nimh stories
of Hhakespeare were read, "The Teniiet"
being received with most favor. The llf
of Hhakespesra was brought out In a way
lo meet the understanding of tho young
people, Principal i-oyle of the school I
pleased with tht renewed litlereet III th
man who contributed o much lo Kngllah
I II era t ure,
"Julius I'aesar" and "The Merchant of
Venice" were studied by th hoys and
girls of the eighth grade St Miller Psrk
school. Principal Hunt urged the study
of ipiotiitlon from a few of III play.
1-nrrle Arouses Interest,
The Hliiikespeare tercentenary puzzle
contest held by The Ilea was one of the
chief features In connection with riliaks
spcnro week In Omaha. Ho and girls
asked llielr teacher all sort of one,
tlon relating to the character of the
plays. Tlio public library, too, had an
unusual "run" on Hhakespeare,
The celebration was not without Its
humorous aide. Jn one of the rooms,
when the teacher read, "A horse! a horse:
my kingdom for a horse!" a red-headed
boy whispered to his pal, "(iee, )f Jllchard
could have had an automobile.." An
other boy asked his teacher If Shake
speare ever appeared In th movie.
The young people of Central high
school will present "Ths Tempest'"
next month. "A Midsummer Night's
I 'res m" will he given by members of the
I Huh etchool of Commerce, and "As Toll
I.lke It," will be played by young the,
plans of Houth high school. Mary Irene
Wallace is directing these high school
A substitute activity for the Hummer
School of Missions I being planned by
tho Woman's Federation of Missionary
Hociftles of Ornaha, headed by Mrs. V.
J. Hires.
"There will be no summer school this
yeur, but the committee has another
plan, which we will be ready to announce
shortly," said Mr. Mrs.
The summer school was an annual
event until last year, when It wss aban
doned on account of tho "mily" Sunday
A committee from the missionary oc.
etlc mot at tho Young Women's Chris
tian association thin afternoon to plan
thl year's work.
Charles (S. Trumliall of Philadelphia,
editor of the Hunday School Times, and
well knoan nationally In religious cinles,
especially s n Hunday school and con
ference man, will give a series of talks
In flnuiha May f, i and 7,
The iin ei ink", two of which are sched
uleil for the Young Men' Christian ssso
elation iiuditorliiiu, one for the First
Methodist e.hureli and tiie other for large
imaha churches, will b held under the
supplies of ihn extension committee of
the Hilly Monday esmniilan,
The third annlvernary of the ilrnahs
Music vereln w celebrated Kumlay
afternoon and evening with a mush si
program and a dame Musl-al numbers
weis given hy the ilernlsi hter iT.or des
Cuuhn Music vert-Ins, Utis' hwlsier west.
Vsrmerchnr a la fap(-e:in. I mmm. ln- mul
the tieiiilsi liter i le-f and weie enthu
slastlcally rn-ld Miuit el the choral
oflartngs ware patrloin of ih fa
Ihtrland Mrs C. liken, Mr p tri
iu and Mrw Helen ,U. Uln sang mini
Herd n W ft '(' and Uia.e I sltrr
! h ( A'Untlc, U, mi il.. I ti
tnuaha H"l""' alisinivoi I u
hrl4 t ul-!)', f.ll-WIi( an :. roieiil
from hs KM eo-oiir H Ti yuang
M,il tlw I t i loss I' sir kmn to
glad you used twenty
m"0- iws i !"
i - r i .
tn) fii.
. f f m v.
, . '
mm ,
( '
I !
( Or7eer'1 I
I 1
Ha m North, dislitcl paenger gant
of th llllnol Central, I back after two
month spent In Florid, alter hewent
for his health. I'urlng his stsy In Ih
Th Basement
Offerg Very JU
marksbls Bargains
for Men and
Why Our Price Arc
I iO west and Our
Htocks Most
, Comfilctp.
Tht? principal rrnNon
for our pxccptionally
low prices lies in th
pertinent fact that we
invariably buy for caah.
We take full benefit
of all (liHcouniM and
give these Having to
our patrona in lower
prieea than would oth
erwise obtain.
The afore with essh at.
lta disposal can snler.t
what It wants and what
will be most pli-ssln to
Its patron i,
It Is the, Hrandots way
of helping, all Omaha to
reduce, the high cost of
Hrlng by continuously of
fering what la most want
ed at the lowest prlcea.
12 yard bolts of Diss Tape,
Rood Kngllsh
Twilled Tape, p-r
Irish Linen Tape, larse bolt. . 5c
Best Imported Hick Rack, bolt. 5c
200-ya.rd spool of Machine Thread
for 2'iO
naming Cotton, special, 4 spools
for , 5c
Ocean Tearl Hut tons, card lc
Machine Oil, special, bottle.. .,5c
"American Maid" Crorhft Cotton,
special, ball Oc
Kh.ill Hair Pins, Tuesday, box. 5c
Klastlo Itemnants, each
One big lot of Jersey Covered Bust
11.60. Hliea 32 to 42. To close
Rugs-In Great Variety
mom i ! brtutif
S7 1 I I
Ven.h ft- an.) blue and r'riu-h prsv nd byt
and C"l--insl b.-rd.-r,
litti $f) :u to
ST BR-1 1.
tha nw WatitpriHif Fahru and G-wiwitU, art t'clnf demon.
ilfaUt n pur CUk and 3il 8tor, Ihrse n." falnii a
Mlif a.-i-l and i -l pr . f . 'i'v m rietv w, V if
,ti,lf t'iirou"'! k .. l-.t'H r f rl- , Mi.'v are i,-5
south Mr. North gained fifteen pound
and assert Iin feels aa strong and ac
tive as a boy In years old. "The south,
is making rupld advance," asserts Mr.
North. "Iluslne I good and people
are properoii;i. Inirlng the laat yeai
fruit growing haa netted tho growers
good profits."
Railroads Start
Crusade Against
Walking Tracks
The railroad centering In Omaha. In
enntuncttrin with those elewhre, have
Inaugurated a "safety flrt" movement
thai ha been designated a an "anti
track walking crusade," the Idea being
to educate people to keep on the public
street and the wagon road lntoad of
walking the railroad tracks.
Joining forces and sharing tha epene
proportionately Ihe railroad companies
have caused to be printed million of rod
tick, on which are printed In white tho
Injunction: '
"Keep off the track. Keep your fam
ily, frliiinl, employe off Ihe deadly rail
road track."
The siliker mo of three ie, one
Inch, Iwu inches and Ihree inches square.
They are being stink on everything along
the ilglit-of-nay of every railroad and
eierywher that yon look In Ihe neigh
borhood of a railroad the tlckers con
front you with their warning.
Th canvassing bos i d going over elec
tlon returns hss flnlhd with th Mrt
ward, but ha discovered no material
i hangs In th standing of isndldsles, ac
cording to an announcement made by
tha election commissioner.
Exceptionally Underpriced
Another Story of Service
There are bo many uses to which theae. dainty
Embroideries can be put that when little pricca like
theae, are quoted, they are mire to go in a jiffy.
Be anre to get your share and enjoy the aavinp
to be made.
Swina, Nainsook and Convent Embroidery Edges, from
3 to 5 inches wjde, a splendid anortmcnt of very pretty
patterns, suitable for children's dresses and petticoats.
Worth up to 19c, at 10c.
A beautiful lot of Patifitc and Organdie Flouneings, 27
and 36 inches wide ; some very neat and dainty lacy patterns
for infants' and children's ' dresses, also for graduation
Worth 08c, nt 59c.
- At New Low Prices
Tuesday on the Main Floor.
100-yard spool of food Sewing flllk
for 3'C
Kanltary Aprons, Tuf-sday. , . .15c
LlnRflrle Klbbon, for underwear,
etc., bolt 5c
Kalad Brassieres with dress shields
for 50c
Ran Bilk, special, prpool
Rustproof Dress Clanps, rard.2'ic
One bla lot of sllKhily soiled V. M.
C and Betsy Ross Crochet Cot
ton, worth 10c, ball... ...-3o
Kxtra mift face Chitmols, each,.4c
Fast colored Wash Kdiilng, Dc talue,
yrd l'io
Wavy Wire Collar Htaya, spm-ial,
card lc
Bust Forms and Dress Forms
Forms, worth lo
orth lo
Acme Irpss Forms, adjustable al neek. bust, waist
I and hips; also lo any height, These forma are tha
! best made and anil regularly fur IT S. On A j Q O
! sale Tuesday for only , , STryO
out, at
Wilton Hugn; Home of these are
Worth Up to l.'i(H), Ori
eiiineiitiunal ami iillnvcr
pat terns,
t 'baiimoiit Kng in tmittled
blurs and broM na, eg 4J1 Ctf
nUr prie. sale pn.e. tPHrtOvl
French Wiltons
tK'iWil Isripabana, heriuaos aiul lie
Nise ilU.. .rth to tt l.VI, !. SO
hue !Ul ti, woitU l.i at, $5T-W
Nonpirfil Chenille Rugs
bur l bedroom and lattt
of r Tench prav and pink,
ic , ban.
. . . M fM)
.,.$2 00
IThe Doctor Calls
;it "Auto-intoxi-
1 Cation" It means 8elf-
poraciing an ailment that
is almost universal with
men smd women of sedent-
j ary employment Its cause
W Vw- J -w - O '
ible foods. Mineral oils and
saline laxatives will not cure,
it Help Nature to clean
out the poisons by eating:
Shredded Wheat Biscuit, a
food that builds healthy tis-i
sue and keeps the bowels'
! sweet and clean. The per-
feet food of health and
strength for youngsters and
! grown-ups, for men who;
I work with hand or braia'
It is ready-cooked and;
'ready-to-serve. Made at!
Niagara Falls, N. Y,,
ASK FOR" 1892"
Pure Spun Aluminum
Cooking Utensils
Guaranteed for 20 Year
No olhar maht hat Imtttd psilf year
. , i, ii... ' I. j. -1 i i
Ort VaHsrty of
Complatg Btockg
of All Sixes, In
Ntwttt Stylet.
West Electric Hair Curlers, I on
card, for ....19c
Men's Shirt Banda, Tuesday. .. .5c
Knitting Cotton, whlt and eolora.
ball '-.C
English Twilled Tape, bolt lc
Large. Hair Nets, with and with
out elastic; 6 for lOo
Wood and wire Coat Hangers, t
for 5c
Wire Hair Pins, package lo
Reuiniints of Inside Skirt Belting,
some worth to 60c a yard. With
and without bonea. Hperlal Tues
day, each plrcfi ,,..12e
Hump Hair Pins, 1 large package
fnr 4c
New Curtains
Now is the time to buy
Marquisette I'urtnin, trim.
mei with pret- (? n
ty lai c, pair. . u) 1 O
r'llct Net t'urtaina (Quaker
Make), kt Cl GQ
pair OiVO
t able Net Curtains, verr
fine itra.le, per Q AQ
"- (PJO
l inen Wiinlnw .Nt.a..,
luiiipltle, rjr
I .Strrt.hera, speeul
r h
I'tuarr I'rafl Net, ittiens
ff lirw pitttrrn At p. r
i.t . 39ct85c
rlihi!r. hundrrth ,f
I terra .l arer ft'tm. Vr
w.t r. ZDC t ube
l'i.l.irr,l t! rd. e I !.i.i.i..,
1'i i'isl kh.'i, iir f .), ,
1 jar.l, JlK JA
:v and OVC
M ir pin- irt with 1 1 r,ik
iM-'e s .riiM.-ui a im
Yard ,,i 1 'OC
t Hl4
t Ji