Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 25, 1916, Image 1

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    a Daily
Call Tyler 1000
If Vou Vn( in Tulk to The lief
or to Anyone Connected
Willi The lire.
VOL A'LV-XO. L'f7.
Oa Train, at Hotel
Kiwi uunda, to., oe.
sixdu-; copy two ckxts.
MOTORCYCLE COURIERS IN MEXICO The rapid fire explosions of the motorcycle are now common sounds on the des
crt stretches of Mexico, since the "steel steed" is the approved mount of the army courier. The accompanying picture
shows a few of the couriers, will' ' ir machines ready to carry dispatches from headquarters.
Bandit Said to Be Either Dead or
in Hiding in Vicinity of
1 1
,v-.t 11
., .,,.4 I
Constitutionalist Chief Agrees to
Conference Between Hii Mili
tary Leader and United
State General.
Report! Arc Spread that Villa is
Coming North Again to At
tack Americans.
WASHINGTON, April 24, Gen
eral Carranzn linn agreed to a con
ference btdween Major General Scott
and General Obrcgon, Anibaaaador
dealgnato Arreriondo go informed
Bearctary Lanalng today, nd aalil
the- conference woull be held either
at Juan. or El J'gao, an aoon a:i
Tha Information wat given imme
diately to HwrHury Haker, who for
wards! It to General H'-ott, Borre
tary Haker aald General Scott would
arrange the dctullg of the confer
ence, WArSTIINtiTON, April Jf-Klealo Ar
radondo, Ornaral Carranaa'e ambf,
dor, Informing Kerrntary Landing today
of rtlnpalr from hie government Indi
cating llnil a conferenro between Oen
erat Hrott and Ccneriil Obregon will be
arranged, Baked when lie might cpe-t a
reply to U-nral Oirranxa'e note aug
gftMIng withdrawal of American troop,
Hcrrrtary Ijihalng told him he preferred
to await a report on the Heott-Obrrgon
conference before replying,
Kit TABO, Ap,l7:4.Accordln to
jMexban arriving her from the Interior,
report a have ben eprevd that Villa la
t-omlng north again with the obicci of
attacking the American forte. Accord
ing to them, tha Imndit now baa omo
V follower and will be Joined later by
J'edro Hrarammita of tbe Torreon dia
trlct, mho baa 1,30 men, and General
iiJaounloa, whoae command numbere J.'AA),
Thnao ptraone any thai tlie LW) n
gotlatlona Initiated by i'anuto lleyca are
Intended to diaw .Jriicral Trevnln, the
"rrarus commander at Torreon, Into a
trap and that Keye capei t to Join force
(ultimately with Villa.
Tha travelera from Chihuahua City any
he etory of Vllla'a death la generally ao
repted among tha poorer cdnaaaa, w
ra dlaeontented tlmt the American
ironpa a'lll remain on Mexican aoll. Th"y
report eoneldcrabla aentlment aafnt
fjenertrarriinaa and In favor tit in
ral Ohreton, who baa been reported a
having avlnwd feeling agMlnat the Amr-r-eana.
Tnty-hrea Vlllleta prlaonera ar r
iort4 held by tha Carranz. aijiliorlllea
In Chihuahua City. They wll be exe
nUd oon. It la aald. All la owlet In tb
rlty. It la aald, although, this largely due
lo nnmaroua arreula of peraona with aa?
pecfed revolwllonaiy tendunclea, 'fhc
ood altuatlon la hitter.
A private mcuai received hero ny
the Amarlnan force tiava been drawn
l,ark aa far aa l-'an Antonio on the Jlcxho
JVorthweatern railroad, ? Ithonali arnall
detarhrrienta had been aei n In the tielh.
liorhood of Paloma, a ahort dlntmn
. aoulhwest of Cblhnahna City.
' Pablo Lopez Will
Bo Executed in
Chihuahua Plaza
EI. TAHO, April H.-rublic tec"thm
n tha plaja at ( lilhoaho City . to end
the career of J'ablo I ,ot'-z. tha ilia ban
dlt captured HHlurthiy neiif Hanta Vaabel,
.cording 10 paaaengera arriving here
from Chihuahua. A almllar fate will be
tnetad out to the three men who wen
taken with I,npex,
The four eaeeullona are act either for
foday or tomorrow, the trivelera anJd.
They departed from (tilhuahui Mnudiii,
ahortly after a Ipi'lal tiaiti left that city
lor Hanta, Vlel to brut bm h the four
The exe ullona were to liike pleca wlili
(liia ceremony and thnuaanda w.t fx
Ii'ti'd to wilneaa them.
The Weather
reircaat till 7 p in. T"e.,iv :
l'i.r liiiinlin, Cmim il i i(n and Vt"luuv
i'alr; not imio h ,hani.e in , tnperal.'.
Il.iiir Peg
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BAN ANTONIO, Tex., April 14.
rrunrlaro Villa, allghlly woundid,
tut not Incapacitated, waa reported
to havfi moved Into tbe mountainous
M'idon northwpat of Parral, Tbla ln
forniatlon, wlilch bna raiirhnd Gen
eral Kunaton, la from a aotirra that
cintaea him to regard It aa authentic,
Villa waa laat rrportert aorn (t
Mopoava, about elgbty-flvc mllr'a by
trail aotithweat of Batevo, whfrc tb"
moat advancod of Grn-ral IVnh
Ing'a forcra wrra yatarday.
Move in ileiiernl I'r' rterlcU . K.ihelun
tu i, for a redt'trlliiitloil of trnoM lo
Mmlro r being hi-idc todi.y ! tlnieral
i. J, I'ernliliU.
li.liilU of (he plan hae been etre
fully guarded by ;enrl Koiielon nit I
Oncral Hugh U, fcolt, hill It wa Indl
em.d thut It doia not provhl- for t'vi
rnntrlng of a, new mum line of coiiiinunl
cation or of tha aalabllnhment of a new
border bane. H la niideraiood thai cl-n
erul Ceiahlng will he Inati icted to icll
In all mobile detachment except ihoaa
dolpg acottt Only and anler oti a period of
Overnight and early mnrriltig teporla
from fieneral I'erxhlng made no mention
of fighting at Hatevo. Colonel V, I.
ltrown, Major It. h. Ilowae. and Major
r"rana Tompalna ar In tin vh lnlty of
KaJevo, however, and H waa regarded
aa not unlikely that the report from Kl
f'aao Ih'it Ibey had I ern allavked t'lerit
wara untrue.
Villa Hernia ajorlttneaf.
FIEfd) JIKAhgt'AMTKItH. 'amlijult.a,
Mex, April ?A. - Illy wlreleea to Coliim
bua. N, M i- American military author
Ulra today obtained rellahla Information
that Francla'o Villa ha not croaaed th"
iMrafigo-fhlli'iiihiia Ihir. When rbta'dy
followed by American columna In the
Hidalgo dialrlct In the vh inlly of Tarrpl
win h a too i oa no oi mrn ii.'.iii,",
wer-lward to the Hl-rra Midrea niountnlna;
He la aald to be either d"itd or lu hiding
In tha niountalna, northweal of rartnl,
Today'a reporta placed him laat near
Japanese Having
Plans of Forts is
Put Under Arrest
NKW VOrtK., Atvll .24,- Documenta
ablclt were found In tha poaaeaalon of
young ' arralgr.ed In a Hroolilyn
court WaJay anrt whh'rwere aald tn eon. 1
let' plana of Colled ettfltea fortlflcatlona
nod not book with Inecrlptioiia, al
lud g apparently to Immigration and
California, have been turnd over to
!nc ag'-nla of tha. Department of Jua
tlee to he forwarded lo Waahlngton.
The pclaoner deacilbed hlmaelf aa Hho
Hhlato, t era old, a atudent alx nioniha
hi flit! I'nlted Hlalea, Hu waa found
guilty of ax nit committed when re
fueed a tra'nafer on a trolley ear on
April l, and waa about to be aenlenced
when Aaalatant filatrlct Attorney Kdward
W. Cooper of Klnga county aaked that
he be remanded pending word from
Washington aa to the outcome of an
Inteallgallon which
fr. Cooper aald tha
federal authorltlee ere making regard
1 he piiaoner'a mlaelon In thla country. I
i, ,.t 11,. .......r.... ... - 1 .b I
are In .lapaneae, according to Mr, Cooper,
and (ire being tranidatcd. They are aald
to ahow that the writer had been oh
aenlng topographical and other condl
tlona along tha I tilled Htatea conat llnea.
r.iml'ih acrlpl In thla hook contained,
aecordlpg to the police, auch phraaea aa
"I low can we enter Amerl'a?" '.'Jttirrnh
for California:" "Uood tlmi-a for ua In
t tdtfornla," and nunieroua le'oherent
Hhlato had nearly tvio In hla poaataalon
when arreated, He waa reuiainled for on
week to avalt word f 11 VViienlngton.
Champ Clark Takes
Floor and Tells
House to Get Busy
WArtIINOT, Aplll Jt. - .speaker
Clark look I lie flmu t.idiy am ailiiinn
lehcd tha houae In ,B BK
and !( I away from lien.," lie aald hi, III
d- lili.ciala ami renuhll, n hnvn hn II
making long epewliea lor pnlltlcal effe. t
Mtid he wa tli, of audi tu tu-a,
"If wa dun nit ,.ll to hi,niia we
HI d- her,) unlit Hi,. fi,i flu a, m l
ttie nwliki r. ' I lh e rmild h I ; 1 1 1 1 1
loiilkht. A U'iti n wa tay tier i.time
in, ml.. r Willi nit liiflainmalile . lup.-r I
tlkelv tn lU'ike nliie .narn l a! mill
r ilguia around 1 1 . - nld and I .!.., I
atiil lhal to Iiuiiimm
' Vou repnbll. am ght lo hi Ip ei-red
thin are pit n iu'.'!i . 'ii, , t n. .1
31.01 i.ur f. in ' t a the ilroi',' ml
hair . Hi" ki .1 I'l I lit all
.!,, t ill l II I i a l"0 hut "
Suffragists Slip
Out of Los Angeles
1 1. a sM i ' , it a ,-fti .si i.,u.
t-n i t ln a ... f I a t i( I
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,,.., ...t. ut,,'!.! ! . ! Wllill Will Plinr
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it ee-y" i .i- ,m -jij..!! I ;r Ijl tw j i: m
fcaaaWajaptaiaiWlait' fagiiafinwan , tin 11 w'ea WaaWWiia waa, , Jr A, & ) ,Ukj.iaW.iMaa. .. aa v aV 4at. a. a.teiu4A.V.,-, 'a.
Bandit who Held Up Three Union !
Pacific Trains Says He Has
Told Too Much.
"I hlive fnlkf.fl liUl ii leh &n,l unit!
I " - I
I gni r-olnj; to atop," in ganerled to1
, . ,
by William l ('arllale, roble- of
three Colon I'gclflc tnena, captured
laat Bat irday, twenfy milca north
of rtawllDfl", Wyo., and i&w In Jail
at f'liejenne.
I'nlon Pacific offlclnla hera learn
that farllalo hag concUdcd not to
talk and tha ftunday night wbci
an attempt waa ma do to k-1 hi in to
t'll roiixMblng concfrnlng hlmaelf
prlnr to the tirno when i.e went Inlo
tbe train robbing tmalncag a fr-w
rceka ro, he remarked to Carbon
county offldala; "I have talked too,
i.iuch and now f am aomg to Hiou,"
However, t'nlon f'aejflc offlclnla feel
certain of tha convlotlon of Carllaie. If
baa already ronfeaeed to three robberleg
and now tltn queatlon of where he will be
tried will he the Important one to decide.
Thla, boa ever, will be left to Wyoming
hOI, Th I rl . I u 1 1 1 U Ii. i, . f
.. ' .. . , , ' ..
three countlca and In the one where the
atrongcat caaa ran ba made ugnlnat him
It oh he il Three Trnlaa.
The flr.t of the t'nlon Pacific train i(.0,limllr,,, nf(hP committee an I
bherlc that f arllala hn. eonfeaaed to, ,nmi.,v werk f,,e
rB"""7 '"" 77 . ,
w at vtlirri iiw ii-mi ill' uis'i i"rr,s uiv
e ...... v. thi.
, Mu,,n,,.r Fmsn, v. ,h. aecond.
whn he held up and,, the paaacn-
gera of No. 1 In Laramie county, and the
third, when he h, Id up and robbed the
paengera of No, It, In Carbon count y.
If tried In Hwe.elnaler county, Ihe trhil
would ba In Oreen Illver; If In Laramie
county, Cheyenne, and If In Carbon
county, ftawlln.
Itcgardlena of where tha trial la held,
or when, Carllelo la certain of a lite aen
tepca or death. The Wyoming lawa d"'il
aevarely with train robhere and provide
that "any peron hoarding a ntllr a 1
train for the purpnaa of robbing any of
the paaaengera, or cniployea, or rnha any
paraenger, or employ, ahull lie tried by
a Jury In tha county In whbh the crtma
waa committed, and If found guilty, In
Ita dlacrctlon. the Jury ahad fix the ra'n
ally at death, or llfrf Impritoninent."
Aa to the payment of tl;e reward, noin
ing ban boil il'.tia. It aaar.-gatea lii.VO
and will be paid to that puny or iartl"i
who furnlabea proof of I living made Hi
laptura of Carliale
(arllale la irratuBeg.
farllrdo aaa airmailed at Chntriiii jea ' aeliuogtapha acie thrown off re
l. iilny on the charge of robbing i.,. I cording drum, ao aeierr were the eliwka
aeiigi-rr. on the I nhu, pacific ( n erluii I I The ahoeka continued until 4 IJ a m. It
I linlie.l on the nluhl ..f Annl near 1 e.tlmiit.,1 li Mrector Tmidorf that
Clie f line. I'mli i waa brought ti
I'hiienr.e eitiid"y from'iu ,.
inl' i , d a ph a uf ind guilty "ii iuv
(..Hill, r.mrilug the right to , banga hii
I'l.-a later.
'I'm- trial t In be held at )
Hostile Aeroplane
Driven from Dover
by British Guns
l.iNI'V ii)l . : . tiii h..
li! Mvs. ,l.i .- I i.i rt I'.ilri I .
, . i , i r i , i . at i t w a ail. i. Ii. i i..i
( in, i ami il im nit ant .4 -;.--4 p.
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I'm f ...e ,l:g .'!.. ui itxul Wa
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Tree at Princeton
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r Casement is
LONDON, April - Mir Itoger
';'- cP.r from a
nl.111H . . . . w . Tl .
official announcemrnt wua mado to
ifnnAm a i nn i tnn
; 1 1 1 K Ml. I I A Mf W A 1 1 . N
i Democratic National Chairman An-
nounces That He Will Retire
After St. Louis Convention,
WASHINGTON, April 24. Wil
liam F. Mc.Comlm, chairman of thn
democratic national committee1, to-
I oay """V rrainim. i.n inai
! 5? J'-" unb, wnt"!,, ln M'
til... ., 4 UM A a n
'TPHF"1 P'"" "' " '""
(ratic national convention in nt.
IHila and will be unable to direct
Mr, W'llaon'a campaign for re-olcc-t'en.
riepl)ln to Mr. McComha' letter, the
j realdent rxpreaaed regret. Rr'd H, l.yn-h,
nntloiial commltteenian from Mlimcaoli,
la enpecled to ru'.'ceed Mr, McCnmhe and
' ,.
conduct the campaign
Mr, I ynch, auggcated for the chalrman-
uhln la nritl' r'hr.let.lml nt Hie everilllve
I m cetlve charge of preliminary work for
1 , 1 .1 if
Iloon'a Ion, Homer S.
! f nf ''onnectlcul. vl -e chu.rmnn
'"- """" c,.,,.,
: Tumul.y, .c retary to the ,.eal ct.
"bo have bt-cn mention, d aa pot a 1 lc a te
1 ","(" ' Mcomba.
Severe Earthquake
Shocks Recorded
W AKIIINHTON, April 24. Two aevrre
aarthu'iakea, one of them of great In
tensity, wera recoided at tleorgntown
unlveralty on the aeiamngrapha thla
morning. The heavleat ahocka ciimo gl There waa a elmplMty and filrectiieat
3.21 eastern time. 'ihoul It which, anmcone remarked, might
The flrat of the rpiakea, which tha rec. n uppiied to Iho proeedur n tha
nrda Indicate waa quite heavy, aagan aliirlal of caaea In federal and other rourta,
11 III o'llock laat night and continued un
til HOT o i lock thla morning. It waa
eatlmnteil Dint Ha center waa about 1,"
mllea from Wr.ahlnalon.
The aerniid acrlca of ahocka, which
j i ro decidedly atmngnr Hihii Ihe flrat
j began at
a. m. The ilhratlona reairlied;
i tneir maxinium imeiiattv at a .i n.
' I "'iiea m two or tne,
ihe renter of tha aecond eartlniiiake waa,
a mllea ft .nit aahliiglim end b be- !
Iiiea thai If It occur tn an Inhabit."!
Bandit Robs Bank
at Bingham Canyon
I ISUH4VI t'tMOV. tl.h, Inlll ;t - j
A ..i. liilit aioo-l and iiwiake wa'ked'
ii i.i lha l',i.tier Mie batii a. la at in.n j
tcdan Hiid I" l.ii'liea aa I t, '' .1
M iliar S. :.r, Hi-, in.lilti, .iii'l 1. 1 king
Iota, in a a ,t i I wiih I ,
I'l-i. r I- .i. . lititii I'at, ' ap. I
,n. t lit , . II , I Ii. I141. ll! I-, I Ii , e
1. t hiMi a ( - s stolon l,,.(l n. 1 tl
H I .',,. 1 I ti, .! -a' l ll. .a III
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.. ., .i t . - a , i :-i t'-..ltt
Louiisiana Sugar
Refinery Act Void
4 4-.'lV!- ,.n- :i f!.a v -'
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I -waat ., oliwif , mi a I !
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!..-. ' it '- .t.l ( ( !.
Newly Appointed Federal Judge
Sworn Into Office by Judges
Mungcr and Smith.
Joaeph W. Woodrougli waa aworn
In aa fcdptal Judge for tha N
btaHka dlatrlrt Monday morning In
Hie aouth court room In the federal
building before an audience that
tilled iho room to capacity.
All tho diatrlct Judgea, gcores of
nttomeya, federal offlccibolderu and
Membera of h new Judgn'a family
vrro there. Four great bouqueta of
flowcra ornamented tbe big room.
At 10 o'clock Federal Judge T, C
Munger of Nobraaka and Federal
Judge. Walter I, Smith of Iowa en
lred and took their placea on tba
bench. Mr. W'oodrotigb "fofiowrd,
cecoited by Fnited Htatea Marahal
Thomaa J, Flynn.
The audience roae and the court crier
declared court to be In eaal(,n,
Clerk of Hie Court H. c. Iloyt than read
the cammlaaion, algned by President
Wllaon find appointing Joaeph V. Wood'
rough federal Judgo for the rtlal-ricl of
On lb la ilmliil(ered.
Air, Woodrough wna ea' orted up to thn
wl"'r- J'",', Kmlth adn.lnlatcred
tba ahort hut rolemn oath of office to
him and Fcdernl Judge Joaeph W. Wood
rough look hla a( on the bench bealde
the other two,
Immediately Judge Mungcr declared a
"reoeaa" of court, during which an oppor
tunity wna given fur nil to ahnkc hand
'will! the new Judge l.verb ly filed rma
and pave a congritulutory handiihuke to
Judge Woodrough,
Then court convened again In the nortn
court room, Judge Munger elMIng with
Judge Woodrough In the hearing of mo-
The whole ceremony took 'ca than
five mlnule and thn hnudalnikliig about
fifteen inlnutea.
Mra, Woodrough, wlfa of the pew Judge,
mit near the tench and received
ua many handHhiikea aa her huaband.
With her were, her daughter, M!a Mar.
g"i y liei kett ; her unit her, Mra. tieo gn
C. Homier: Mia W. K. tiurh'V. if of
,1J(J(tB v,..,.ro,.aira law pi.Hiior, Mra.
; n, c. ,.yt. wife of I He clerk of the court!
Ml, ,1(lM.k u ir,ham and Ml.a
Helen Imiihiitu
4iiolnla I ur4 Offlerea,,
The lo w JiMlae tiaa aMMiinted tha fd
lowtng iifflcera of tha coiiit.
flunk Miti llffe, aieimgiaphei , Charle
.- Mr jtnghlin, t lilted Mate ,-. omnia.
rfn,.r, Herbert X I'snhd, riferee n hank-
signed, ami H K ! ulidrt. ref.rre In
bankruptcy at Norfolk, tn a n eed V.. I',
..ealhert y, who illrd l",t aniniii. r
Jmlli V iumI 1 illicit la Ihn fifth fed. r tl
.ii'ii In at (iitiaha
Ilia fnliiiwlna
t lour hi l"tnlv, amiio In lu t;
W i M. H. gli aworn In in'1
WUIlalil H y in' I' aw tun III laiina
I, IV..
T C. 41 ki. '.iii in M" l I, I','
the i.f'i.e I'lll I- a r le Ii',
T-, !.,.. , ,,1 tl(. at H ef .St.;
.....r a. "
I allium law HI.
1 1 r r v v ni'1 1 .
I I r..ul
I n .'!!. i.i 1 1 . 1 c. I ..
a. .i ' - t .
,1 , , . i . .I II It'
a . I ''-' t '
I (.. , .,
V llM
American Red Cross begins
Campaign far Million Members
-H V if-'N. ft .ur ,. -
4, i:'itlS :' Li 'i..w.
, .,, a 'I i 1 ai.. 1 r. ' l-n,
'i.. 4 4-. I- -. t t I a
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v., .a I " I t- I ft ''-" 4-...,
" ,,aaWi!,aa'".
Three Men Killed in
Gasoline Explosion
UtH ANHKI.Kel. Cel., April 24 Three
nu n died today from burna aa a reault
of a giiiiollue cxphialnii laat night al the
Pacific reduction plant, where city gar
bage la reduced. Four other employee
were burned and Injured. Heveral hun
dred gallona of gaanllno burned following
the rploalon of the Vapor In a vat. The
damage waa ratimated at 1 1?").
Pickets Join H inds Across Bridge to
Block Entrance to Westing
house Plant.
PITTSBURGH, April 24, Deputy
aherlffa guarding (he plant of tho
Westingbouae Kleetrlc and Manufac
turing company at Kaat Flltaburgh,
where J 1,000 men are out on atrlke,
haed thalf cltibi today to forco a way
through crowda of atrlkes pickets for
vorkmcn trying to enter the thopa.
The principal fighting waa at a
bridge, where tbe pickets linked
lianda across the alreet along which
the workmen paaaed. It waa aald
that, between 2,000 and 3,000 men
succeeded In getting lnalde the
Seventy-alx metal manufacturing com
panlea In Plttabnrgh and vicinity an
nounced that they would not reduce the
working bniira In their reapeellve ahopa.
The eoinpanla, aald to employ g toial
of almoat KW.noi men. conaldered the
eight-hour nucnllon laat week after tb
employee of a number of ahopa had de
manded an eight-hour day and H had be
come, known that other demnnda were
In preparation.
One of thn principal entrance! to tha
worka la by a. bridge owned Jointly bv
the electric company and the I'eniinyl
vania railroad. Threatg to dynamite It
warn heard on the atreeta and a atrong
force of railroad detectlvee waa at one?
Placed about the atructurn.
All aaloona In tha village were ordered
cloned until night. Thla precaution wna
taken aa thla la payday and about ",-
la to be dlatrlbuted among thn work,
Htrlke lendera declared that the trou
bin had eprend to the plant of tha Wea
tlnghouae Machine c.mpany and fully
one-half of the S,0 men employed them
were not at work, tifflcera of the cm.
bany ndnillleri the full force, waa not In
the ahopa.
More Wheat Stored
Here Than Year Ago
Aa compared with thn e.irrepoii.llfn
ilnte of una ear ag.i there la a big In
reaae In win at In aliaae In lb Omaha
1'Kl 'H and a coiiaid. rbale d... reo In
Hi 1 4 1 1 n ii 1 1 y of fill In th ral,
Ihe .ii:iiiilty uf aialu In atoraaa n..w la
:ih i Iniaheia greater than one rr a,
the ftg'irea In buehiila. ehnwtiiaf iiuanll
ii of all atfida nf grli, 1,1 aitiiaa ,"W
a.itd Uat 4- ,ii tt.a aa.oa dale, ai.
V.iw nr 4,.
vv h. t . , , . ,, I 1 a 1. . i. , ' I V. l
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i Viiii f,t i.ciiia im a
l"t' i l, loalk.'l w ,, Hi,l. Hl,
'- ., i h. ,1 . I at "4 I l. I
an. I
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M- . II -IV 4 In f. !( : U .lMg lha a.n.r kV4 tl i-tntt-'Va
-i4aiiiMg Ika ia.i n ,. vf i- ' ' I" aa tin . " ml kr I n. h i an..
th .in 4 ti 4 it hv 11 tl.a4 a 4..i I., 4,. i4 .
W4 41 tt i Ii. ..,. an al m i" ii ,. .,, .., . . ,
1 1 . , v a r iiMilit. a n'1,1 ,. . (. l. laic-n af ha l"H a H 4 m
I. ,t,. ,i .i.h 4a !' Uie.t -4 -la 4 . f n lha ata.'f a..
,...,..' 1 , 1,. t., 11c 1 at 4 i..ihr t .!..(-. a , t . t. ,... , 1
t- , c .... ll. i P. t ,1-., ,!,., !.., ao- . '! ,.... .l,, I, 1 ,
Ambassador Gerard Says Germany
Will Make Concessions to
Keep Friendship of
United States-
Indications That Answer, Wliich
Was Agreed on Sunday, Will Ar
rive Before End of Week.
nt i,
HKHLJN, April 24. (Via Lon
don,) The American anibaaaador
waa railed by telephone, to tho Im
perial chanctdlor'a paluce thla morn
ing. Ila went Immedlaloly, and the
conference, with Dr. von Ueibtnann
llollweg laated an hour and ten inln
utea. When h came from Iho confer
ence, Anibaaaador Gerard declined to
glvo any Information mm to th na
turo of the dlacuaalon and would not
gnawer a queatlon aa to whether any
one clao waa preaent.
It II underatood that th German
reply to tha American note will not
be delivered beforo tho Imperial
chancellor baa another opportunity
of conferring with tha emperor.
WAHMINOTON, .April 24. Con
fidential dlHpatchoB from Amhanna
dor Dcrard at llerlln Indicate that
Ormnny will maka curtain concea
alona to thn United Btatea In
icaponaa to tho nota demanding tba
immedlato abandonment of proaent
nicthoda of aubniarlne wvfare.
Whether tho conceaalona will ba
sufficiently broad to meet tba A mer
it an demand appears uncertain.
However, offldala reflected an air
of hopofulneag for amlcabU aettle
nient of tho laaun.
It la underatood Anibaaaador nerard
bna rif elved broad Intlmallona that the
Oermnn government will go to great
lengtha to preaerve friendly relation with
the I'nlted fllalea. Ha la underatnnd In
have gained hie Impreaalon from offlclali
of the Herlhi foreign office. Including
Porelgn Mlnlater von Jngow,
The Merlin government la confronted
with finding a way to aatlafy tha United
Htatea without a routing the elfiwrt
which Inalnla upm relenlleaa aubmarlne
campaign. Mr. Orard'a dlapatchea are
of a highly confidential nature and wera
received during tho night.
Heply lleelderl I pon,
ftEilLIN, April n fVla. Copenhagen
and London, April 2l,)-Tbe Imperial
chancellor, Ir. von Hethmann-llollweg,
returned to Ucrlln thla afternoon, which
would gecm to Juatlfy thn aeaumptlnn
that the rmplra'a rcaponalhlo leadcra at
great hend'iuartera have flnnhed conald
erallon of thi Amerlcon note and reached
a declalnn concerning Germany'a reply.
What thla reply will be la naturally un
known to any hut the hlgheat offlolala,
Tha chancellor return. It la underatood,
waa not a peeled until Tueaduyr hence,
a (,nnerl declalon gppcara to have been
reached earlier than looked for. There la
, intimation or w nen ma reply will ba
j formnln'ed, but there aeema to he much
significance In tho fact that the Lokal
Anaclgnr, whb'h la conalafently well In
formed, naye that "Hermiiny'a atrength
and preallgn have ao Increaaed In tha laat
twenty montha la the eyea of thn whole
world that tho tiermun government haa,
Indeed, only to follow the commandmenta
of wladom."
I Report Americans
Killed at Satevo
Is Not Credited
KU PAHO, Ten , April 34 - Neither tien
eral Pell at Tort Cam nor military head
iiuartera at Colombo, N, M. had any
Informntion thla morning regarding a
Mexican report that American in gn aoi
diera hail an eiigngi-nient with nm
cvIUna at Hatevn, T)ie report, wiitch
la not credited, mild aevenil iH iiroca were
Thn redlapoallloii of Hie Aliierl. it 11 forcea
In Mexico with from thn nmt
mil hern polnta, l ncc, ptiihln in 1
Mexican penple only aa a liio tuw,trl
withdrawal, aciurdiug t Andrea i.aivii,
Mr mean i nn.ul in l paan.
"i'riaonally, I lliiuk th I'nitf l 44iaia
oldiara unuld .In mora rffa'tve wi.ik by
noiply patrolling their own border." aahl
Mr. llar.ta "1 h attack stwi.nUy bv
Manuel U' a mi emin Tmuaa to lit tear
nf tha lim a of lha A in. 1 irjim aimug tha
iliff. ulty of iKitlting thla vminliy
Italian Airmen
Drop Bombs Into
City of Trieste
I I'-t.l V, l'i ;t ,1 , .1 ,
" -Th.- A.iiiii,i, .ii, t in.
tmt ln lai.U.I br 4 .i,.lf,i,i ,.f a 1,11
" a. I .,1 , , (... , f, ., ,
'w'uVM kl'ld Hn ,(. ,,.,, wmul.t j,,,
ei 1 t 1 1 a inu.ii.'ti'ct
To Jam Army Bill
Through with Rule
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