TlIK BEE: OMAHA, MONDAY. APRIL i'4. 1916. 9 EDUCATIONAL THE VAN SANT SCHOOL STENOGRAPHY BOOKKEEPING, pay School for Young Women. Evening School (or Young Men and Women. Haturday morning class In typewriting. Ion C. Duffy, Owner and Manager. I0 8. 18th St. Omaha. HARP Summer term offer to students beginning April 15. Harp furnished. aCLyrto Bid rj-orrt t a De Un8t ud to. Dancing Genevieve Hauflalre. Web. 6J3H PERSONAL THE FACE Blemishes Removed rimplea. Moles Rlrthmarks, Hod Nose, Outstanding Ears, Hanging Cheeks, Baggy hyollda. Warm, lilackheads, .Moth Patrhea. Oily Kkln. Dandruff, Falling Hair, Kcalp Diseases, Freckles ana bkih inseases, wnetner nun to nis ease. lininjre blood or unhygienic habits, rfn be remedied. Horn cases can be cleared up In a week by an Immediate Method. A graduate and licensed phy sician who lias made a study of the fare in charge. Consultation free and confidential. Phone Douglas KM. Hours 9 to 5; evenings, 7 to 8; Huwlays, it) to 1. Offlre-l Hee Rldg., Omaha, Nab. RHEUMATISM, atomactl, live snd kidney trouble, goitre, nervous ness and asthma sufferers arc sue cessfully restored to health by roe. Examination Fraa. Call Suite 313 Dee Bldf, PR. W. II. KNOLLENBERO. Chiropractor. Tyler !. YOU NG women coming to Omaha as strangers aro Invited to visit the Young Women's Christian association building at 17th St. and St, Mary's Ave., whert they will be directed to suitable board ing places or otherwise assisted. Look for our travelers' guldo at tha Union Btatlnn. PILES, FISTULA CUBED Dr. B. R. .Tarry cures piles, fistula snd other rectal disease without eure cal operation. Curo guaranteed and n money paid until cured. Write for book on rectal disease with testimonial Ml. K. R. TARRY, 240 Bee Bldg., Omaha, Nob. $2,000 TO PENSION INVALIDS. Tha Ldls' Home Journal M.J The Katurduy Kvenlng Post .W The Country Oontlciuan H.OJ 103 iulisi-rlptlonH by April :iOth eerm that $:0" for The Invalids pension Ass'n. Your order or renewal contri butes Wc. Phone Douglas 71'.3. ur J dresa UOKDON, THK MAUAZLNK MAN, Omaha, Neo , FKRHiiNAL- MioHi's" maple and Shaf fer, bBth, electric treatment. Open jj a. ni. to 9 p. m.; Sunday, 11 u. iu. to 1 p. m, Doug. 713. 401 Ware Blk. THK Hulvatiori Army Inilustrlui home so llclts your oid clothing, furniture, mag azines. We collect. We distribute, phine Douglas 4U5 snd our wagon will tall. Call and Inspect our new home. IL'0 1IL-11I4 Dodot. : PHOTOGRAPHY taught" In alfbranohea. Few tiOo 1" aaons In kodak work saves ycu money. Kinory Hchool of Photog raphy, UN.lhonojrverJ. bM TT?! .Ii'V 8-day drink and drug treat i1 yjllUUl ment i best known cure, booklet free. THE Fl'KLL Y, 3167 Far- nam.Omaha. FhoneJIarney 74i. DR8. JOHNSTONS, Chiropractore. of hheldon, la., wish to announce thelf location at 2107 N St., 8. O. Consultation free and Invited. I'bone (South 4018. r u v t u it e ter' nporstlon. Call or write Drs Wiy t Matheny, 80 BeeBldg.. Omaha I'ACIAl- iiihwmhkc. manicuring, shampoo mid Milp treatment. INDC KOrt M KTH ' HI IO P. Hos; Bld"... Ty leMMTK VVK Yi'mkc'a Hpcr liilty of stout and sur gical corsets. NL'-HONB Corset liop, Wrb-Hiindoi land Hldg. Bed ArfTbHAUK ANU tLECTKIC BAfHS. chiropody. Mioses Cray and Head, !10 214 Bain P,ik , 17th and Douglas. D.ttil YOUR clothes dry "cleaned, pressed and returned the name day. City Pressing Club. 302 Neville Hlk. Red 41)73. MAH BlUJOMAN. Fteam and'ehower bHths. Massage. Had 77. Room gOH Karharh Blk. ' SIAHSATili Mies Webstar, 61s PaxtOD Blk. D. 8?f7. Office hours )0 to 8. RHEUMATISM treated successfully; re uH guarrint'dJ-i rJU owser 314 Bee Bldg. W"ANTKD Day or night nursing by col ored graduate nurse. Call Web. K1. PHI VrATK lioMie for nmiemily cases. Cnll('oirax2416 N. 38th St. eCIKNTlFlC inaasage. i-t Bee Bldg. Phone Douglas 6372. FOR riENT ROOMS KurniHMl Itoonia. ATTENTION, HOOM HUNTER: If vou fall to find the room you desire among thce ads, call at The. (lee office for a Room List -given complete detailed descrip tion of vacant rooms ui all pairs of the city. If more convenient phone rite Bee Want Ad Dept. and liive your name and address, and a list will be mailed to you at oiee Nc UMs are issued ovirv week. VOl .Vi liimiiieaa man wants congenial rm.iiiintilr; W vtX FiiniHin district ; wall Iiik diet ne e, im " l iii convenleii' eK. Ilarnev till!. IK Vol' want smiiellung better thsn usual, see me. Umc, airy rooms with modern i onvenleii. ra and well-fur- .,iI,.mI ; N. 2?A. NI" I I. V furni-ihrd rooms: re ducnl for iulck rental. Kl N. M St. I'liimc 1 "tiuglas TM. vril NI St M.d-v P.ooins, Sterling Mi ; Tvier ,"! 'nil Sunday, or tnoi iitnic , or enlim I.Vl:;K, well f iiui. hid front i.m.ik. l 'U s ;'h -t. .-."it I'll fr.'iit iwm In strictly modern home ii. ml" ni" n .! Jackson. Har ney 4k-l. ' ,i r- .ll "Hiiluinen pr?iiml. houih Hioin-. liow! :ul. Ii. '"-Til K-gittlK all .i i. i I lie.--, tr ia e rami ; reference C-.ll g" '1 rt HM.viil-U' i-.iii In t. o family. i7 '. . i.-r .i i n ,t I t AS' I II I I. ' i f ui"i li.l south imiin oi ( ri" 41.' I'.iiit1 UAiKma "1ut-ie v ''"ii I I '" t '' . VhW". l'"l'- !" il. il ?litiiUl,. o4.l m i-" '. ' .'' "l cmidMe, toi- , ft i n t ... i I i . I -IH I ' r-o-ws. . a'. . 9 I V Im . 'It V I W (' - i' ,. i v ir.H I ' i... a itaid. f ., ,., i .... !'' tfl in 'iiili ..: .-. -t , ;,. !" i , - f S. . . f i. '... I , it , ...( k. r-.'". i1 i--m t.Tn. I 'A . 1 i.i . I I- r 1, m 1 - I I.. . r j 't t ' I . A t. t I 1 , I . , I". I "' , I' Hd !.( 1. - I I ! S- . I I lUltli . ; .. , 1 I it J FOR RENT-ROOMS llsasrkreplne; looms. LAltOE oulsldo BpHrtnients, fumlnhej complete for housekeeomg. 1 room, I3.&0 ir neck; 3 rooms, tti and J". Lin coln Apts., 3103 Chicago. Tyler 317, ONK liousekeeplng room and kitchenette furnished. In a new apt.; suitable for I or 2 parties: reasonable to the right party. H. 67if7. PTXE "Furnished sleeping rooms, modern, 111 S. 26th Ave. Phone Doug. 703 1. CAPITOL AVE. 1812 Model irnrVnlshed housekeeping apt. rooms with lavatory. FARNAM. 2S33 Two "nice hotiekeeplng rooms, electric light, gas range. FVUNlSHKn rooms for light liouaekeei Ing end sleeping. AOS N. lHth Ht. DAVENPORT, jni! or 3 nicely fur nished rooms reasonable. COMFORT A BLK, clean, modern rooms close In. Red 4233. I nfnrnlsned Boom, BOOMS, north and east exposure; wir mg msiance; lawn, snaoe, nice location. Kea7H.3. THHEK-HOtlM unfurnished "basement, tS per month. 11 H 34. Harney 4f.f1. Room astre. YliiTTEapTjTlvHd" bp! ht koomST CALL THK MKK WANT AO PICPT. snd find out all about the rUBNIHIIEl) ROOM GUIDE. It's a plan that is helping many people ren Uiuir homes. HOTELS THE CHATHAM, A Beside n t I aT Transient Hotel, 110 H. 131 h. catering to men. Douglas H02. 60c to 7&o day, o. CaOKOBNIA HOfEL. UK--LifX 1A'7 California Wt. Special lutes to Douglas 7083. Permanent ltoomers. 1 frvf E L8A N FOR t ). H OT E L T I A B L K T, : lHh and Farnam. 3nth and Farnata rtpeelal Bates to Permanent Ouesta. DILLON tlousekeeplng and sleeping HOTEL, rooms. Dsy or weeK. ISi X, l"lth Rl Dnilgia77e SAVOY HOTEL. 16th" and Jackson"" Sta." Clean, modem, comfortable rooms at moderate prices. NEW Just opened. Lvery- TABK HOTEL, thing new and fire proof. Bats Me, and 15"2 Cans Bt. up. Tyler 10J0 J. FOR RENT FURNISHED Apartments and House i-tlOOW f uriirwheT'f liT"ll Pernoiitii; W,'l Lewvenworlh Ht. JTelJDoiig.Jw?. A parrments. I fiOfTMS and bath furnished apt. In the llniiywood, near ...ii Harney; south front, very desirable. D. 147;. FOR RENT-HOUSES Wl. VACANT MAY FIRST v,'ew modern, 8-rooni home. Fur nace heat. Fine garage. No. 3812 Davrnport. Telephone Owner, Harne) 6533 or Douglaa 260. WEfiT FARNAM. t-r. and sleeping porch, I06 .South Mth Bt.. east lront; West Farnam dlstrlcl. Reduced to H'.W. PAYiv'E SLATER CO., 116 Omaha Nat. P.ldg WHAT'S between outside paints snd In side plaster? Watch one of my well built homes under way. Phone Benson -ruilinger. t WEKT FARNAM," 3JJ N. 3tli. 8-r., 1 bjijjis,wltji((arage. !. 3f.lK AND 3..30 LINi.'oLN BLVD.-Il-room each, house strictly modern, with hot water nosi. rnce, poiigias iins -HOOMTiou'sa, ail "rnoflVrn, 322" "K". Silth." norta.. WELL. Still 6 rooms modern ex cept heat and balh, $14. Caldwell, 2tl 7-ronm, modern except heat, newly decorated; convenient to car lines, eaay walking diatance; I'.U Veb. 37l'8. S-ROOM cottage near 24th and Ame; electric lights, gas for cooking. Newly decorated. Only $11. Urnest Sweet. Douglas 1473. 2101 MIAMI ST., S-rooni modern house, ex cept- heat; nice lawn and good garden; lal per month. Call Douglas V1 or Douglus .113. Jl'ST what you want. 112S Wirt. New nouso tine trees, screenea porcn, an oak floor, beamed ceilings, fine fix tures. Vacant Way 1. $40. V'eb. 3M7. Oarage &-ROOAI apt., modern, $26. 1X1S MapleT Key at 1816 Maple. J. A, ABBOTT, 4 Patterson Blk. FOl'R rooms, modern except heat, 113. to small family; on paved street; In good condition. Webster 4il i-ROOM modern cottage, walking dia tance or Fora Bldg. Harney 1104 37ir7 NORTH 23D 5-room modern "bmiga low: m reened porch, Web. :11I3. ltii "GRANT-ST. 7-r. com.. moaern."""A T. F. Hall. 433 Ram go Bldg. Doug. 74. FOR RENT Modern -room cottage, J:'s Newsm. Webster 6777. Honth. -IH")O.M home at 1U1 S. 8'.'d slret; ni.ely arranged; situated on car line; place rents for Hi per month, and Is a bnr gsln st that price. Call this office for further Information. Calkins Co., potigl.-is nil. C!v Nat I Hank Bids. " I'.'iO.M modorn houna, Ml 8 2Ttli Hi., .i;ji rnonin. ( sn iioiigias Wf or Doug las .VI13 Kemp & kuechiikk, toZ Lea enworth Ht. lili city water, l.l tn7 Ho. 3"h. r.H.m mod.. 2.1 floor, links Wimll. D or Red TyX Von RKXT New .Vroom bunfcal.nv. f d'v modern r.lcely flnislird. D. r.'ll $ CtiTTAOKcl of i rooms eh. to rent. $'l'h l'.5"7 Toland A Trumhud ll'U lil.SI'- Mav I, 7 r.M.ii., all nu.di.ri hmiM. 677 s, Mb. Hsrnev !. Full HKNT-Fiva room cottage. Z23i lh M Tel, lti-. ( H Ml'H'M Imiise, rii.Mlern' tlsmsy MT. M IscellMHettna, Si j AND At' ItT.VI FA'T. " .", r I......-, .) S in jm , tti.r i n) . I'.' "' fl. I"i."l. ere.l, .M N ?nli i., :uiM. it. l.asct.H'iit, I Li , t: -. 1 a ... I 1 r pn , "h M . t , Ir apt. :. 14 !"U M I I'-" N P. D.alge A Co. Ji i"l.,. ll Ii' U r t , f r , tn. ilv rnl ,'.' hi . ... -vr at, r, a-i iiK-d : iifii..i , 7 t , eu i, i ,, r .' 1, ,1. 1 11 , I r ail t.,,.,1 5 .,, : j...k si , r, 10...I n ht ).u : ii'.ti 1 .- -1 . ., . . ' ; ' t t , 1 ' , o. . 1 lfi j . ; l . V111. at , f , a. I M....I i. --.' ... .!.. , f , ': .,..n , . ' . v.i .IK !"Vr 11. . I . : i'.. 1 ..,. I r 1.1 ..) . l a. s i I 1 n . ..hi., 1 r . ... " H.IH.... I , HKxl I t l i.l .-i.. ! r . m.-! 1.' M.r.Vtlt 'KIN'VF-STMr.NT ntMI'ANV, 1. a 1 ,..i, c FOR RENT-HOUSES Mtseellaneoas. FOR OARDKNINO ANU POULTRY l-r., downtown, colored, in. Also a 2 and a 3 dike bungalow) and ACRK C.ROl.'NP. I and 37. Also 6-r. Cali fornia bungalow and acre. 314. Tel. D. J107.M7JPaxton Jtlk. T 137.50 2751 DAVENPORT. f elegant rms. ; bath; every conven ience; garage; large lawn. Open, bee It today. HOUHKS FOR RF.NT. C'RKIOtl, HONS A CO., lOt BEK BIDii DOUQ. 200. FOR RENT AP'TS AND FLATS West. FOR RKNT-tHB TiKSf"" ROOMING HOl'HK PKOPOHITION IN OMAHA This la a large, brick residence, located fin the northwost corner of and Dodge Sts.. known as "RF.FDIU'RST." This building Is 2 stories and basement, and conialns lu rooms. The rooms are very largo and In most cases provided with running water. Kntlre building Is steam-heated. One feature Is the dining room facilities, which are In the basement, and consist of a large dining room with alcove, butler's panlrv, espe cially convenient servlne table and kitchen. If you are looking for a high class rooming houso, we are sure this will please you. The grounds are ample, there being large lawn on the east and south sides. lor further Information call THK BYRON RKKD CO., 212 H. 17th Ht i'hone Douglas 297. " "10 DANDY ROOM S MOD. FLAT ADAPTF.D TO ROOMERS. 6IN 20TII HT. CAN'T JHC BKAT. B A ROA IN. M mvA Ku.h ......... r .. m V nt,t b... lot )x1H2, on car Hue; shrubbery snd1 smell fruit, for 32.400; terms. 4t"l$ Mill- tsrv Ave Phone Walnut 3mm. it,yi AST It-room modern house, hard wood finish and floors throughout, ex tra large living room with open fire place. K. u. Hamilton, orrice Hamil ton Apts. Douglas a.5. " ' 10 DANDY ROOMS MOD. FLAT ADAPTKD TO BOOMERS, BIS N. fil'H ST. C A N'T UK HF.AT. flNK steam-healed ni'urtrneut, either 4 or l rooms, on West rnrtiain street. JOHN VV, ROimiNK, Tai? FARNAM HT, 6-ROOM apt., inodorn, " r..""" 1S18" Maple! Key at IMS Maple. J. A. A HUOTT, 4 Patterson Blk. slODKRN frroom apart merit. Including sleeping por h, w. ll iorat-d. Hsrney !(.. North. 1 18 no. imr&t: D-room modern flat opposite Ford Motor plunl, Good for roomers, 'M.U per month. II. A. WOLF, f.14 Ware Hlk. Doug. SOW MOHIOKN l)-room Bliiirliriniil, Including sleeping Jior. hwell locted. Hrl!Mi. MODKItN, steam-he.iied apartment neaf P. O. I1H upwiirds. Ii. P. Htebblns. HTRICTLY modern "6-rooi"n apartmchC I Irt, 2124 Miami Ht. KOB RICNT-e-room tiCi 'tt. 94th HlT J ' ' aooih. '2" 6-Riaj.I modern apartment, N. VV. cor. Ave. and Dowev Ave.; large rooms; private laundry room; heat and Janitor service. 140. BKN-SON MYBRH CO, 4.'4 omiiha Nat. Batik Bldg, Phone Doug, 746, FIVK-ROOM steam heated apartment; very desirable. The Chula Vista. With and Pnppletnn. Conrsd Young, 322 Bran dels Theater. Doug. 1671, MX-ROOM steam heated flat, newly papered, very desirable. '! Ieaven worth Ht. Conrad Young, Kl Brandols l.'.7l, MODBR.V 7-ro'om flat for'renl. In brick bulldlngK'W ftKrh. Prl e, t. D. II HKVF.N rooms, near posetnfrice. t'i-j. O. T ui.i,i.(n. 'Cn Chi. ago Ht, FOR RF.VT First fli or. 5 rooms, nudern. 27 H. 34th. Harney I2.i. 3 ROtiMH. Ht." Clara Apts, "Harney' '47. M laeella 11 roil a. APAItTMrCNTS. 1.17,604 rooms and bath, nicely decorated. oak finish, steam heat, Janitor service, everything first class, rooms and hath, heat. Janitor service, oak finish. Nathan Apts., Hliorman and Willis Aves. Hee Janitor, Apt, No. L or call office, Doug. lis. $.12.50 4 rooms snd bath, nice large rooms, newly decorated, Janitor service, everything up to date. The Ivy, Kltennnii and Hherwood Aves. Bee janitor, or call office, Doug. 1009. SCOTT & HILL CO., McOagtit! Bldg. APARTMENTS. $.'17.604 rooms and bath, nicely decorated, oak finish, steam heat, Janitor servlio, everything first class. (2.1.00-4 rooms and i.sth, heat, janitor service, oak finish. Nathan Apts., Hhernian and Willis Aves. Hee Janitor, Apt. No. 1, or call office, Doug. limn. 3irA-4 rooms and bath, nice large rooms, newly decorated, janitor service, everything up to date. The Ivy, Sherman and Hherwood Aves. Hre Janitor, or call office. Doug. I0o:i. SCOTT & HILL CO., McCague Hldg. PRKSSF.I) l.iick apartment, Only two left. One of "I large rooms, on ground floor; one of 7 lingo rooms, on Ail floor. Cut price to lii'm a month. Fine loca tion. Close In. Meat, water mid Janitor service, furtiifdicd. Worth double the money. Phone Douglas 4M0 or Walnut 21 TC. II.. MODI7RN brick, only 325, n-r ,, jn WRIGHT .LAHBI BY. Doug Tj3 6-RliOM hoiiso for rent In Florence. All modern. Phone Florence. 1 3... WANTED TO RENT I nfiirnlnlieii IIiiuni'n Mini Flats. W A NTI'1 1 TO RFNT-7 to mom mod- ern resldenee, et Furnani district. Phone V alni.t h'sil. MOVING AND STORAGE GLOBK VAN & STORAGE Stores moves, rack, ships, 3 horse van and 3 men, II Hi p-r hour, storage, II per month, hattsfaeimti guaiaiil4. Cm and Tyler 230. , GORDON VAN CO. packing, storage and innv. trig .'II V 1111. Ml Pl.ons Douglas m or W -beter MM IIREl'lKXtp W AUSillOlKB Merarste, locksj 1 na, f..r h 'Ui-hi.l l I end 1'i.uto, p. king auj Still 1'll.g OMAHA YAM AMI tiToHAUR CO 4 M lt'i tt i .' l-4 riiiKi.rrv xwvi: iuki: l-...,. I".' lt ; r , .,;"l im i.f .!' r.,.... I . " 0 .. !. t t '.iis. i.i.Kini I-..:, ti I Li, k.-. '' ' " ' ' i" 4 sine- !.? F.m.i.'t 1 . . U I til" p. LI UV AN n If ti A lli V siaH.n gi.a. la rrs ft I" 1 o 11 S' " nll,.i l l'.'nl r-,i,.. 1 vu i t Li I... . i. Ml I '. ..v. I. t fjcnrl 'H S'-i . M . "ef I ,. t " ! ! . I 1 a FOR RENT-BUSINESS PR'P'H stores. Modern store room and basement, Hi So. 161 ri Ht.; fine location tor groceries una meats. CONRAD TOl'NO, 3J2 Brandels Theater. Donjr. If.7. STORK building and basement. 3j03 Iaavenwnrth. N. P. O'Riien, 410 Hee tiuiH" i'hone lioufria :ib,i,. Foil RE'T "ienersl store room, modem, brick. b'at In town; In rich Irtiiintel district. A. Oiiuvaln, Mlnatare, Bcott s llluff Co., Neb. DESIRAHLK small store room h'.t Cass Ht., Ii rent. Conrsd Young, ! Bran- aets Tneater mils;, noumas mil. STORE, modern, low rent; near Post-office. O. P. Hteblilns. tl)0 ChlraKO. STORK ItonMMatTwMi! 'Faritam Ht. Thus. F. Hall. 4:3 Ramae Itldg D. 7404. 6T0R& hiilliiinV, llvlns rooms In rear, a N aim. iiouaiaa tun. M laeeiliiiieiius, CXiWR! lisiht"" Usementr on ' lill h w choli e location for hllllsnls and pool. Wright A lsburj. D. VA. SUMMER RESORTS Pok KF.NT Skoboif "lakes, the "Mc.Ooi rlek cottsae on Dee Moines ltach. Fur particulars address K F, McOorr REAL ESTATE-IMPROVED Vet. TX)()K AT THIS ' Two ai'res. Improved' new seven-room house and barn, fruit, located west rlosa to csr and paved sheets. This Is very close in and - will make the party who buys It an Ideal home; also will double In value fast. Yours at bsrgsln price of :i,,sio snd on easy terms. Will show It at any tliua, It. VV, IMKKKTT, 4S0Flrst Nat l Hk, Hldg. Doug. 310.1. OATHKDKAIj I USTIMCT I3.anv On terms: 7 rooms, nerlor library, dining room and kitchen 011 first floor. Three laidrooms snd bath, second rioor. Cemented l.Hsi'ini.nt, furnace, (las snd eleotriii llahts. l,nt fix!2fi, tet raoed, with fine shailo trees, shrubbery and cement walks; H block from Far nam car line: 3 blocks from school, W, T. HMITII CO.. T. ?H1f. Cliv Nat. Rank Hldg. A NKW " ' room, 2-storv houne, Just finished, located in Hemls Park district, one-brill block from the IlMnry enr line. Rullt by owner for home, I u( must be sold. If you want a good house that Is built right at a liamain. ( all Jlarney H4H " CAT!) Kl KA T 1 UHTRIcr Five-room stueeo biitiKslow, almost new, oak finish throughout; nice lame floored attic, where two rooms can lis finished, Full cement tiss'enient: nice level lot, east front, Reasonable terms PAVNH JNVKHTMF.NT COMPANY. Mh floor Omaha Nat, Hk. Hldg, D, 17S1 B-K'iOM house, 3 lots, near Foiiten.'Iln Aiiuitlon; grapes, peach trees; li.W), rssh, balance terms. Owner, llnrney VV. L. 8ELBY t HON 3, INSUKANCifi. $,noo Rl'yg modern home, West Farnam, a rooms, 3 batns. IN. :tsth Ave BAiMJAI.V a rooms and bath, modern ecept heal; lot mxm, on car line: shrubbery snd small fruit, for 2,4n0. Terms. 4HI5 Mlll- tsryAve. Phone Walnut .IK. North. MlLCEIt'PAHK Hl'NOALOWSr Five rooms, balh and pantry, strictly modern, full basement, finished In oak. the best of plumbing and furnace, fine location, close to car and school. These are the best new houses In Omaha for the money. Price, 2.m to .'l,lii; l:m down, balance ssme as rent. I -nested at W! and 2MI3 Crown Point Ave, 1 block souUi of Miller Park. Houses will be open from 2 to 6 today. Com out and look them over or call Col, 1UI7 and I will call for you. C. K. MUSUKAVK, OWNEIt, (Jood Home Very Little Cash Five room cottage with bath; large ot; rine snruooery snd rrult trees. Price, :'.3fO. Located 4107 North :th Ut, Norris & Norris, 400 ReeI!ldg PhonDouglss 4779 FOR HALK-Ry owner, (-room housed one floor, garage, on paved street, leav ing city. Webster 4773. 2313 Hamilton Ht. 6-ROOM bungalow, aTriofiy nio,lrn. t5ak Chatham addition, Web. 4223. (-ROOM house, chicken house, two lots, ror eaieorreni. weiister mtn. 2453 CROWN POINT AVENUeT" FULL TWO-STOIIY CORNER LOT Largo living room, dining room and Kin nun on me iirst rioor, inrau bed rooms and linlli on the second floor: first floor finished In oak, with the exception of kitchen; second floor fin ished in white enamel, with birch doors and oak floors; hath has tile floor, This house has been built about one year, la nicely docoratcd throughout, Is very attractive and well arranged and ran be had at a very reasonable figure and on good terms. HIATT-KAIRKIELD CO., 24.". Omaha Nat. Hunk Hldg. Tyler w, " ON THE PRETTIEST MILK, EAST FRONT. SEVEN ROOMS. Three good large rooms and fireplace on the first floor. Oak floors and fin ishings, three nice bedrooms, sloeplug porcn sna nam on ins second rioor. Just newly decorated and practically a new houso, Nice big shade trees, house sets back about lirty rect from iiouiovard. Oarage with driveway. This is a very pretty place, Call us for an appoint, ment. :Omaha Nat. Rk. Rldg. Tel. Tyler CO. MILLKIt'PARK. One of the mi.l homelike plarea In Miller park. Three laige rooms on flint flour finished In oak. Three large rooms with combination sun room and sleeping porch on second floor, finished In white enamel; large closets; linen closets; clothes chute; built-in huffet and klfhen cabinet; full cement base ment; full-sled lot with shrubbery and trees On I, In. k from Miller park and a block and a half from ear line. For .(Ulck sale Me have a V 00 price on It I- smv Irrms. PAYS' 10 I ' KHT M F.NT COMPANY, f.ih floor fimaha Nat Hk Hldg D ITU. Kill NTS5F, l'l.A.'F HCNOAUjW, III AD THIH THK Hl.i; IT TIIKS YiU' WILL Hi: Y IT -Five rooms finished In ok, newly dec eratrd, etira large II" Irs n tending across Ihn house with finplsrr. lysine. I t elliiisi. bwllt in .o..k. r . (..II cement bs.inu.t . f.irt.s. e I.cni Mtnim is lesn then thtpr ).mi eoini lleil t el on . ..nii.t i.f l.ili.4 rti plYNi: IS'VI ,,-TMI NT 1 "iMPASr, H i flm.r ll.ns'i Sl HK I' 1,1,- i t il PKAlllIt; PtKK - I"'. Ilf il I t fOWll. St'l.'.li, .ISI., I.H.. ll .h S, Si.'.lli fi.o.l ; '. iil'l i.hd, t.i-.lBe St. I nhf'.l,! mt ni.i)S ti paid in f.ii. est. finuh whiia ei,in- t.i'.lii'e.... 1 1 .c 1 it !,r-,iii. " o. Mil l n'lr.,1 i at! ..!,, ,, 4" I 1 4 ! ' I S' I. 'i'tl'. .'H S'.iilh t I 1 H ISiim., .1 l .,t lip I- ,1 mi I 1 l t'..i.' I'" t' 'i I ; ui 1 4. . J,- " ! l'f'""'l' A 'iN Do'., V-7 II.' Ml. II l It I .S m r "I."', 1-i.i, . isr as tt 1 1 I 1. '. tat r rr 4 l"t e , ,.! k r in " rs 1 f , a in ' 1 1 i . 1 I II" - I V II"! HIS' ...!, I i-ii , ..... r. i,f tg ". i; i'-m piatk I. II I I I l I - ' III I REAL ESTATE IMPROVED lloulh. NT.AU 1PTH AND ST. MARY'9 AVK, W FKET FRONTAOIC, WKLL IM PROVKD. HAS BIO FUTl'Ral laMMi BUYS IT. RASP UROS., H! McCague lildg. Douglaa I'M Vianhiim'"Tark". HI health forces owner to sell good eight-room house located on prominent corner lot; nice shady lawn; near two rsr lines. Lvmlnme walk downtown A bargain at H."0. PAYNIO 1 N V FST M F.NT COMPANY, Mh Floor HiiiRbs Nat. Hk. Hlilg. D. 17s!. l.HOOM bi.i. mi!.. w brand new. all mud ern, oak floors throughout; oak fluUh In living and dining rooms; large, light, white enamel bedrooms: good location, restricted addition. A bargain st Kasv terms. I1ENSON A CARMICHAEL. f.45 Piixton Hlk Doug tn. S-ROOM modern bungalow, south front lot, good sue; bargain; terms. Tele phone Tyler nil. Full HALF, HOI. tlv modern " lino in house in Field tlub district, two blocks from llanscom isrk: lot (finl.'Vi or ! l'U': large garage, and absolutely every modern convenience. Price right, cash or terms, owner. Walnut Ht. Phone Hsrnev 4MW. HOPTI I 21 fT HTIll 'FTT H A fulAIN', 14 O rash: price l;'.!i. Hven Moms and lialh, H1'.. , heat; big lot, f'nl.n feit. east front lot; paving and all sie, dais laid. Onliotna Realty Co., 701-TM Omaha Net. Rank Hide D. 1474, miscellaneous, HOMK I IHT RF.AD IT, .'., IIOMK, CliOi-IC IN, AT II A I V COHT -room modern bouse, furnace, good repulr, bit (lli. paved street, fins lawn, trees, alley Lack. Hnap, .74); JM) cash. Call for apolulment today. Also, i'430 Wirt Ht , -r.. hot water hist large lot; easji tetms, Prt a. 12, "mo nr. N. 2Mb Ave., -ro..m, all mod., oak finished, cement basement. paved street. I'asy terms; worth 13,400; pH.a now, (z.mio Dundee home, modern, 6 rms; terms: $'i.2ro. D. F. BfCK A CO,, lli Omaha Nat'I. Hank. Doug l.TKI.-n SHULKIt&CAIiV Announce thai their offices In lbs Keellne Hulldlng Jiave been enlarged snd their telephone number has been changed lo DOUGMS .0074 :mif "DOWN balance liite rent, buys 6-ronm: run lot; good nelghiairhooil; pclce, 2,2.'i0. IM down, bl. $15 month, iniys 4-roomi full lot; near car, good lo.'sllon, WIIXIAM COLFAX. D. lf.l. 702-4 Keellne Rldg. HA f'T.T Y FIRHT. FOR RKLIAHLK AND HAFR F1RI0 AND TORNADO INSURANCE ft Kit O'NFIL'H R. K. A INS. AOKNCY, (I,'I4 Hrandi'ls Theater Hldg. Tyler 1024. WF, have buyers and ranters for homes of sll sizes. W show with $ autos. Ws gt results, ( all us up. YolfNOMANMO Oin 1 Ns' Ilk. P. 1474 IF Ytiif csn't reiit'The 'Vou'se that "suits, we will sell you a brand new t-room home, on terms like rent. Phone Wal nut 3211). "' " $:',0itt-F.AHY" PAYMENTS. 7 rm.. osk fin., hot water best. AMOH OHANT. nil Rrandels Theater. ti-,.' '-.' ..... .'. -" ,:.'. REAL ESTATE UNIMPROVED PHONIC Douglas 2V47 for printed list or a sna up, lots and acreage. LOT, fi0l40, for sale by owner, 3i4j Hlone Ave, IVorlli, TWFtVliJ vacant lots for only l,SiflO. Fach lot 40X134. On Red ford Ave. between m Ave. and 87th Ht, W, II. OATEH, 47 Omaha Nat l Hank Bldg. Douglas 12H4. V At A NT itf 0-ft, front, new paving all paid, be tween zmn snu .'titti, on nortn side or Decatur Ht. Make an offer; on easy terms. J. L, BARni;RJeellneRldg.,J,yler 1710. SoiiTH front, comer lot, Mlnne Ivtisa addition; with all Improvements, 3 blocks t'lrar; Doug. 3H01. UK A r iTfT ' l7 lot lit cal hedral Sls'trlel' WixW, 40-font parking; fins shade trees. Webster 1916, tOSIfBl. HANSCOMPARK AWltlSliT -I)TH 40. PRICK, $."76 TO 1375 EACH. $f. CAKH, 5 PER MONTH, COME OUT HUNDAY, APRIL 23D, 1916. HALIO BTARTH 10 A M. AND WILL CONTINIK INTIL KVKRY LOT IN TIITO ADDITION IH HOLD. TAKK WKHT HAN'OM PARK CAR, OFT OFF AT WRHHIT BT., WALK BIX MAX'KR WKHT TO OCR BKJ HIOV. OCR HALFHMKN WILL BIC ON TIIM a nor so all day. VOOF.L REALTY AGENCY, J01B-18 V. O. W. Bldg. Douglas 34SR. " " OARDEN.LOTS, $100 TO 200, $1 DOWN, CO CENTS PER WEEK. Ruy one, two, thr, or four of them. They are located on the Houth Hide, near good csr line. Make your garden and start your cottage at ones. SHULER ft GARY, D..6074. 504 KesIlneJJIdg 20 Acres Near Fairacres. MUST BE SOLD BY MAY 1ST. High and sightly, with good Improve ments. For price and terms, call, Iliatt-Frurficld Co., ?if.-7 Omsha Nt I Hk. Tyler , WILL BL'IIJ) TO HUIT. Have 1'. first choice Iota In Leaven worth IIhIkIiis Add.; easy terms, Doug, fall Cerl F Rolen, sit Jl'sston Ulda REAL ESTATE-EXCHANGES 'ii CASDV. ilgms, liens, siatUmery in Piialneen c. lit. 1 for rt caali and lrl ec , must be a.M.d, cheap rent C. J I 'all. in, i.l'l M' CiigUf" Hldg WANTKD- Tt) TllAlilO A fine California bungalow for an Omaha cottage. S a base a nhs prop erty, located In flua t alif.irnte vlflass. on main elvcliUt line tiiu lo bmailii s of Hani Mop!. a. ta-ean I'aik ami el. ice. l ull i"t, will) fr.dt au.l finwrts, rill, ken l.o iM ali i yar.U, flu laan. t,rs.ilir.i r..s, gaidxn !.. eiu aiii-i-l ll.iwn III Hist -class re pair, rem. id p.i' i, Use rooms, water lid ii. If tiiieiiaird .! FRANK. SMllt'K. I'lliiNK D K ulna NATli HUI WANIM Tn Dad 01 sell, rno,lrn r.H.m .,iiigal" liKBted ol l'4 slimt in SSi-t I lli..l dlslllot, I" i'i" I ,1 i 3 )ai, I. e.i ts fi.M.i., nt In, 1 Infill piie-t la I.etl.luiJ kill f,..,r i till in .. ., si' el.. Ill His !:. . I.. in. ill !! toilet lit l ,olil l.i,l, Inlnliin IS-Ua-'"I se.t I I-n l.i il. r, all n.era, si'l it' I "'li" I i li.oili l.a'il ri.ll, I"'''"! sot .1 i.:i. r...-i.i ,.i"i., 1." I . . . In. H. 111 l.l e lit. ! Iei t ' ..-. a II i ! . Ii. .1....1 win 'i a i " 1 11,1 . 1 ana i a 1 i.. m un It at" 11 a i ..( I.,' u 1- . ii , f tr.-.i'i. e A III. ii'. e. m li""' "t fl'lll S""'l ii. '..i ' 1 I . ' ..! ( r .i .t. is v ... 1 1. b s r , , iMrtN'T (n t ,iii,,ii v In. 1. i i rm W.WTI.Ii Jinoh llnMi; IS" .i I Ii-.-. ! it An. 0.0. I ',4'al . 1 I r 1,,, .I...... at. I s...i-j, ... ., M I'l s ,.e 11 . lMttr.VT. I S l,lk. St I t.fc ll' II 4: l I REAL ESTATE EXCHANGES I l.lui ACRKH of fine valley land, on rail road. Clear of mortgage. Ail can be farmed. Price (25 per acre. Will con sider income property snd pay cash dif ference, W. K. Craig. 1317 City Natl Hank Rldg. L Omaha. ONV NKR will sell or exchange for Texas property fine North Hide six-room modern home. Southeast corner front. Iieslrable I'x atlon. Address H., Boa 67f, McAllen,Tex. WHAT HAVE YOU OR Du YOU WANT? Hee us first. We may have just what you want. We sell or trade everything, anywhere. C. J. Bmlth. Tyler l.'l. 6.2 So.llh. fV" R I; Xill a"n 1 ii-seres. V,-mlia "fnTm good town. Price tlliA ir ai re. Want stock gen, mdsn. up to 7,4Xsi. Write A. A Resaot Hralnaru, Neb. oMAliA Income properly for;ehrHsks77ir Iowa farm or ranch lends. J. L, Bar ber, 703 Keellne Hldg. Tyler 1710. m ACRKH fill ' trrlgateTV?oloradiiTaiid. clear. Wsnted clear Omaha. Improved. Mrs. Hawver, iH Orand Ave. Col. til. CAN snlt or exchange aiiyihlng you have lo offer. C. J, Canan, McCague Jllrtg. REAL ESTATEBUS- PROP'TY l iKTTTiliii'Ht , . lifks7From vTaiTun't.' IMoiiMel'Btiie Inv Co , McCague Hldg, REAL ESTATESU B J RB AN IttSftsi." HiCNSuN" HARUAlN Ttiw -room, ail modern l. 'use on cor ner lot, II blocks" from car. Very low pib-a end good terms. Hotter Investi gate, TI71IHI0NS REALTY CO., Omaha Nat l Hank. Doug 213. TWO very fine acres lust "north of the Omaha Country club and west of Krug's perk. Cement, sidewalk to prop erly, Cur three blocks. City water st lot line. Price reasonable. Clerk Realty ('omiwiiy, Oin. Nat. Bk. Bldg. Dong IW". "rlTART YOl'U HOMF, "is fiisNitUN'T BUY THIH LOT! HO. 00 down and DO.00 per month: price $2fi0.: else, Mxl2S; located on locust Wt. between Clark and lliirnham; not fsr from si hnol and car Hue. Ueo. It, Wright, Hee office. Omaha. 4""i ci'tr;fl, 'worth $:i.4n0; youriIfruit, t loom house, electric iighls, 12.714) takes ll Phone HeiiMon 44H J. ?-HOO,l houso, lot slid half, "fiicing "the" esst, 20ii. 27ai N, lsl Bt., Benson, Phone iiiuisoii 'ia. " ba'-idee. " " ifcVANH'lNlN Irt TI i W BKHT" ADDITION FVKK LAID OUT IN DUNDKK. Ciiofl'K lots Tn KvHiiston For safety owner: have two M-n Iota together; will sell one or both. Telephone Web ster rein, Florence. FOR HA LIC OR TRADIC-4 acre fruit farm with 4-room bouse. I", miles north of Florence. Call Florence Milt or Tyler SWOT. Room M, Bee N'hnwsv for acres """ WofeiSce fik REAL ESTATE WANTED WK want two to five-acre tracts, Im proved or unimproved, within eight miles heart of city; csah l.urchsse. Clark Rxslly Co., Cm. Net. Ilk. Bldg Doug. m. FINANCIAL Ural Ketal. Loaas.ftMirsTasies. We are ready at all tunes to make loan a ou flrst-flasa city property and eaatern Nebraska farms. Rales on requeat. UNITED STATES TRUST CO, 212 South 17th St. S6uairSLOAN Si Apartment bouses, double brick houses. si ni, Is houses, business property and farm lands at 1. snd W, H. TllOMAI). 121 Keellrte Blda. Douglas 14I. MONK Y to loan; six pr cent on Omaha residences and rienrby farms. D K. MCI K A CO., nil Omaha Nst'l Rank. OMAHA homes. East Nebraska farms. OKeefe RF.AL KHTATK CO !01 Omaha Nst, Phone Douglas J7II. 1 T for loans on bust class elty residences In amounts 12.000 up; also farm loans. Reasonable commissions. PKTKRJ4Jl'RUHT COI62l Farnam Br. MUNKY to loan on Improved farms snd ranches. We also buy good farm mori gages, Kloke Inv, Co., Omaha. No DKLAY. W. T. U UA II AM, RKE RLDO. MONKY TO LOAN, for i years, on Improved proiiertlcs. HOPI25 CO., Doug. 42211. MONK Y on hitliil for oily snd farm loans. If W. Binder. City National Hank Bldg. (JAHVIN BROS. 140 Omaha Nat'I Hk. Bldg, CITY and farm loans, i, b per cent. J,'L Dumont A C;.. 4I Keellne Hldg. flOO to t'lOj'uio made proinptiy. F. D."Wead, weao: lung., ism ann rim": His. 5 mVVNITV ) AIlHlHiltil A "Ml lilTflN" O 01S nrn.h. V I. ,. U 111.... Financial Wantrtf. WANTED, CITT LOANS. Immedlata cloelnf. Lowest rates. Residence loana a specialty. Interest paid but twice each year, FIRST TRUST COMPANY, FIRST NATIONAL BAN1C BLDG, In writing, to Aaeters please mem inn I hut you saw their Advertisement In 1 he Pee. .streets of 'I Ilia. (!iinrniiti.n Abstiaiil Co, We aa bring UUtirtUmU down your sb.n.. .," shirt 11. .the It I, l sileis..ii; D r4 Uuaianiss and Abstract '""(ft, moil ..lull a a. I ultbftV St) a ITU HI Tl D. f, ltd KH AIHI A A i to. '..l.lisl'aU're. I fflie In N' l.tsihe ! h'fti. l.lft !. eloi ks aad Huuita. ur Nmtnasas farm n r'ss are net sf feel'd I n I" 1'. -l wars ei itiil a Am , .me tew ?e I I " " V4 e 4... I " liiinresl an! I'tVu'li 1 fa ' f he. ' ir. ttl l"rt Soi4aftw fft.iSl flld Hanu s V'se le " t--id at 'kis tNrrvjNr i..4)i'4T I final. Net ("ens b 4 , t "inalia. N - e I ' . - i. Il i U . I. . ! (...i ... , 1 4M..0I i... . ftt 1 ,r-.l i iiiii-afii 11.1-1 i, i) I t-.-.i i ;. .4., v i .4, FARM AND RANCH LANDS Iowa IjMi, IOWA L'AROAINS If you ant to buy an Iowa farm, see us. ANNJS & LJOIILJXO 3 PEARL BT. TEL. KM. COUNCIL I1LUFF8, IA. h ACRKH. gently rolling bind. woKfcni Iowa Well Imi'iov.d. 1 ne l alf In gress. IIH per acre, Thi.s. Campbell, Keellne bldg. Idehn Lands, DOES YOUR LA NO yifld you m vv.n a c n k on ANYTHINU LIKR THAT AMIU NT.' lt mo S" ml yon f'rop R..,ori showing what ninny Idnho fnrmeis got last year It will np.n your ey.s to the Ileal possibilities that iiwilt you in that slate. Full Information fre for the asking H. A, Hmllh, Oilnnlxatlon and ln dusirlal Agent, Room t2 I'm. .11 1'acin.- Hoad(juarters Omaha, Neb Kansas LaiidsT " kAN'HAH JCAli'M JIAKttAK: 100 seres smooth, bla.'k Hi blue grass, V AH acres Well Improved, fine plan's, V. so acres 4 miles town, imoojh as floor, M. 1 04ii cresMlle of town; 40.000 others. .WrlteHuniett pros.t tTolony, Kan, l.iiiiUlaiiit l.niiJa, " '7 PARADIH, 'i)tIIJIAVA'.' ' TIIR FA IIMKICH HK.AI, PAHADISK After years of Invest. gullon the COHV KINO of ILLINOIS established a modal town In southern Iiulslsna, on the Hoiilhern Pacific railway, twenty-seven, miles west of New Orlenns on Houthern Nallonsl Automobile bluhwsy Farms In tracts to suit you, Land put in crop for you Hchools, churches snd mostly northern settlement Represen tailves wanleil. 11. L OiLHIoUT $ Malaon Rlanche building, New Otv. leans, J. Mlnneaoia Lands. Si.ooO ACRKH lias' a and Ht. U.uls coun tles land In tracts of V) seres and up wards; near Hlbblng, and Chls holm, ,0" people; fine schools, churches, innrket, road and transportation ad vantages; clsy soil, level, enslly rlesred; most desirable I mid In. this section! low prices, easy terms. Come or wrlia for map and folder, Ouarantv Farm XflNN'TOTXT,o7,i.,rnt7s"ci;ol est "U.ry-truok lands. Our ropertv, d Inert Iiw prices. Lusy terms Arnold, Commissioner, Iron lOinge Itallwsy, t4 . w,0yfo ltM- ''uliith. Minn Missouri Maiti. 'ARMrl For cale-Vi ii.,wn J amrivT rmTnTTiTy buys farm lu Missouri, send today f..f free list of bsrgnlns tbat will suit you, Ilox 35 Mount Vernon, III. CIIKAP Jllssourl iarrns, aiiy alio" easy" terms. vVi.H'- THANK, Neville HlkOmshs, North Dakota Lands. r A R M B TOItS A L'rTA N bB X C fl AN 1 i K IN THW RKb R1VKR VALLKY OF NORTH DAKOTA, VHIC'K tn TO ;t I'KK ACKK, RANiIINO IN KIZK Fl'OM lt Al'UliH TO Sf0u0 ACRFH, Tllfl"i FARMM ARK HI'JULY IMPItOVLD I'liHK To TOW V, AND OKOW KA'l ERYTUINfl AHUSdaNTLY. TIK FIN KHT CATTLK COUNTRY IV AMKRt;A. i'IIKAH RAILROAD RATKH TO FIVAMINK TlIK LAND FHKIC INFORMATION. WHITK Oh CAIt W. DA VIH. m H HUTU H'l ilWNKR offers for" sole i , Sfclioiis of go)d farming land, !r plow land, blnck soil, clay subsoil, no sand, well settled community, with schools and ii.'r town In llurlelgh Co., N. Duk.. elihpc whole or In tracts of 100 sores 120 to l'U per acre; terms, 16 per acre down, bal ance lo suit purchaser up to 10 venrs' time. Address O. H, Runliholt, 8,'io If.lh Ave.L HoiithL Minneapolis. Minn. OVKR 14 years lirorie"plaee"and (Trie busi ness real estate: never cancelfd a contract, had a lawsuit or sal 011 th witness stand. Does stsblllty and de pendsblllty mean anything to yon, Mr. Land Ruyer? Agents and buyers wanted, fiend for list. ft. C. Lewis Mil nor. N. D, Nenrasksi l ands. TWO MILLION DOLLARS Paid to 'Western Nebraeata, farmers last year for, tone croa Y,,, cun blly this rich, (Soi-tlve diversified farm Ing land at reasonable prices and on exceptionally easy "terms. Take ad vantage of this '.splendid opportunity Full Information free for tha asking;. R. A. Smith. Colonisation and In dustrial Agent Room 702 l ni1.11 Pacific Headquarters, Omaha. Neb Two MiriTu'ia'a r ri.".;..-.- ...TT .7 - ' " - v.. . ,,,, jruiiiin 1 i.l II 1 1 1. y in.i. iiiui'a irnm lown; one section slightly rolling; other level as f lo.u ; bla. k loam soil- 4oo acres broke. Purs per acre. Terms; Any miiaormble terms to suit purchaser If bought at once. Wrlie Nugttiit-deLongpru Drug: Co , lodge PoloNeb. liso A(''Rl!Jl fine alfalfa, grain andliioui mini, a I....CH iroill uruftun cow; niusg be sold during April; send for descrlp- tion. Hox N. Hroken How. Neh $l: PKR ACRRf buys a "boob ' IfcCTc'raT rsrm a nm-a rn.m omnia. Helyea A Olfford. aib Rnmgs Blig , omaba Neb. 31 A . ailjolnlng Hershy,a"li fine "valley land. Improved. Prlca l'.fiou, won a .i!':'!'rt.vv rl'e D. C. l-attetson, Jmahs. NevV ork l.enils. PROFIT a reaiit",ii"ol s, proiiflse, I oowi team, hens, MU acres, good nulldliiii, l'i."io W cows. team, tools, alaiioraie bulldlnss, j acres, J0 pr aoi-e. Utile for t.botos. K. Mutison, UZn ti. Hallna Mt Hvrs.uise, N.Y. tiregon l.anilei " CHOICB Fmin Lends For eaU'S,T0Oacrea or choice renii lauds near tha largest w'leal renter In North I'ak.'le,. lands ell In 1. ue lownsldp. suitable fur a s.'l tlcment of a small colony or iinlghbois. PH. for entire trai t, I'm pre acie, natf terms. I J4I..1 4 loiated In eastern Nlone roiimy. Address ti. 11. Hull, Marmariu, FIFTY sins raiitous ifmal Uvr mvili lend. J .i, Albert Tosier, Dee, C regime S.ialk llakulw I a a. la. j.ii 1 lU'lH, H i.iI north of Vll.tLnl" H 1 1 Viy choice and sll liilabie. pn.i lU.t'ti. luiiuinl.riin. e I1 'Mini, M 4 "' l .i.r i Miil n! 11.1..1 sui'4 i.i..i.i for f. nitty, Musi be wortti ll.e lllo.) M tl Rl.FM Ils U'avllig1..n ),!.rlM. n It IMl'Il'lVtH, ...,. I li'Uvr fill,,, 0f rs .i i upe ar'is, S 1.1 mlii-e f...., !' bear I...,.',, mi t,i roa N I J 1 1 t wi a..,, it I, c.l, 1, . I"' ' J to I ,ll ft I I I ' .4 I Ml. .-,, v I I lets I au.lft ( .., h i i.i. i.,.. ,,. . , ,,.,, ,,. ''' I ''' l""l 4l 4 I-. l,..i,s I t. sift l""l" ft ll.i good I ii 44 n .,.( I ...i..., I V. I.. '.1 ).. l.,i t.1 ,,, . , , I ft. 111. all .. V li ..4'. W a . II., a f..f .. 1 . 1 ni. I n 4 1 " i- . . 1,. 1 , "I '''"" if" 1 1. i'.iia ..i..s ' i""4 14 .1 t ("I.' I I I--ft '" I .1 lllUl "lIH.ll W-I . 1) 44.114 V4lft: , 1 ,, !, M..I4,, ft 1A tfteaaftla) I aa4. 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I-.H . ; M: r-... '' 1 !('.. Al llTl, It - i .! ur 11 i;.u invrshmr '''ii". ' '. I .i . rf, , ., . ii-- ictl v t .i.. .-, ... leu ! n Vi''t. .'-'. ' " v! r'fm(,,, .1 " .. i n I" !,":'..".' .L7!7 "t ' - ' "I ' m 1 Ii ' v' 1 'r .ot f: l M . ( f -... 1 ,t li V- . -4 1- r.i-. ' r-'t 'f -. t- . . : ' I - -v " '. - i I 1 1,. . I tr i . '! V Jl'H V 't I V f , .t ti n ... t " Ii 1 ' . ! . ( I 4 ... . .M FARM ANO RANCH LANDS 'i t . m 4 e,,i u ';mt ' 4 Wt I i, ''. ft -ft .1.1 I f ' -'I . 1 1 tw I II' I i 1 td)l - , J . I l, J IIL'K'IX VAN STOHAUU I Mi. It i l A is t U ia taalk, 'i' V " f N H 1 1. V M N 14, l Us'." fa ' " ' '. 1 " I ( . 11 I t.i 1 ni t , i ti.' 1 ' . .i, i. .,? 1 I 1 . , . I , I " A" I il 1". - . 1. I. "" ' 1 " ' I " I ." " F 1"' ' II " li(SI I" " '" ' "! I . 1 1 .1 k I . V . 'M ilf ... .I....I '. 1 4 ' g ,.... . I . .. . . ... , ! .1 H I ' ! t ' . tm 1 t'Mg I 1 ' S I . 1 - . - Sal. ,i I f . - - ' f"' 'V, 1 . 1 ( A . .-. : 1 a . ,' t It'' v f! f. .-'. (,. 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