Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 24, 1916, Page 6, Image 6

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Bringing Up Father
Copjrleht, 191 . Intern'l Now Service.
Drawn for The Bee by George McManus
' I I V1!00 I fcjf MY;00DH5. I -OO YOU REALLY ( f r- ( " f HEUO-MIE-OONT ,
i aH CHAViOf, 'j HOWTHin.YOU A 1 THlti-io- J - XJ PFMPMoiel ft YOO HEN EMBER WE -
H LL CAUON nRS.OMlTH a Mft. SMITH' ? HOV YOU MY f1 M ' . feW1 T04TVtp IN lOLrT
t 1 1
i 1 I
aha Athletes Defeat Boosters
Before Easter Crowd of Four
roln today, 2 to 1, In a plti'her' battle
hat ween 'injr itorrman and i mm or tn
Bluux tribe. Heoro:
AH. it. II.
I'onnev, 2b 4 (i I
Houghton, lib 4 0 0
('HllllhHtl, mi .1 . 'i 0
l)une, rr u o
Walon, If 2 0 j
Ksne. Hi S I I
HenHhg. rf 4 0 1
Crmnhy. e. 0 1
I 'lin k, p. it II V
By vur.n . nt i ioii.
WOINEH, la., Amll IHiwrtal
, grrn.) Th rrurl and unmerciful
: trkalata fell nn Baldy lalx'lj'a deluded
, late before Soma 4.0U0 fan today anil
: la It two out of Ultra on th serin by
nlng up a 7 to S victory. It won a
' t Kaster Sabbath for Ilia Des Mnlnes
: a and fanet, who ware out In fori
j (exhibit their new Ka1r finery ami
afully cbeared their athlete' futile
' iril Thompson of molat ball faina
; ia hla Initial appearance of tha seaton
lh Bourke and bad tha Knottier on
( hip In every Inning except one, tha
ji, whan tha Booster man tutor to puah
tin ot tallica aero tha rubber. Ceoll
lad In ki1I-(1k form and waa riven
ilUea' support by hla mate. Tha
iirkra ' atarted after Muaasr, who aiao
It a spltter, In tha aooond apaatn.
jiffir 'a two-baaa wallop. I'rteat'a aaxrt-
, iuid KIMuffa drlva throuth Hartford
r tha flrat eountar.
I Tab Lead In Kirtk.
tie nooatmi took tha lead in tha flflii
jh thrca runa. A walk to Muaaar,
iin'a aacrtflea, anothar walk to Mnloan
I Tea Jonaa' lone alnaio Into ornlar
uwfd by another lnl to tha aam
t, itavo tho labollltra thair thr) mark
After till frame Trwwnpaon allowad
ona mora blntrla, whlla tha Rourkea
iti'd a bombardment aaralnat Miuiaar,
U.h waa Cwntlmf? with Mr. MIIHkbu
'tha a not aftor laball chaaed Uuiur
Jli" rliowor a iid brouaUt forth tb pa'4
ilt from tha 4f -out In tha a! nth
itiHt altllrr coatfd a walk from Muaacr.
e Uooatara' hurlar then unoorkad a
d pitch and Krueger, reefed a lilt to
V Prit'a Infield out aoorad Mlllor.
Jlduff alanuned one at Hartford, who
nxaed up, putuiif Kruegnr on thira ami
il fluff and aeoond. Diminutive Petr
irt4 a double iteal and Hartford made
two-4ae chuch Into tha (randalaml,
'itch enabled Kmeger to aor with
Inity of tlma and Kllduff to ina to
) rd. , Kllduff anored on Uoucher'a (
;la fly to left Thua with tha aid of
I philanthropic Mr, Hartford, our atlv
a, made three runa bark. A, walk to
;!. a wild plt h. a walk to Miller,
' llrr'i atolen baaa and .Kruerar'a two-
se knork counted two mora for Omaha
J the aeventh. A final marker waa
J hiked up In the ninth on GlUlirnn, Jiit
It could not be aald any pitcher ever
I away unm athed with tho Itourki'
I irty Kru( not a walk and raced all tha
i ty home on t'uraythe a inla to rllit.
Irty (ltd aoniA tall aprlnttne; to turn tlic
' ck, but be did auc'eirfully with the
1 of Kdle Hahn'a worn out wing,
I Kraearr Klaaal-a '
Krurirer wa tha aliiggtiia' atar of
! p paottnie with three aata blnwa for a
I rievt average. Two of them were of
; a two-play tarlety (ihlahnma t"t
ilduff arid Prlt wwa tha (leldir.g atar
i f tlmstia, while nbn.ty on (he le
tiee' rluii did anything to attain dll
ut ion.
1 ! rf !!.. rke herded the rattler eutti-f
I U uluae at T e'ilpk tonlgtit arriving
J iimIi at tt a'rlmk. thua gtttftg them
I it cf lt before oiwulng the home
J e-n lih te lJsa on Tnly.
a iv tt ii a a r
... 4
.. t
., I
Tolala . '.5B J I V 17
AM, It. If, 0.
rrlll, If J(lt
Itinchmari, lh 8 0 11
Thnmn, cf, ..... J 0 1 4
Morw, nh 4 0 It 0
l.ol r, if 0l
Hi hmandl, lb S 0 0 14
Htfveiieon, 2 12 4
llohrrr, (! t 0 0 t
Hoffman, p, 2.0 0 ft
Flint, p , 0 0 0 0
WllllHma 10)0
Mohnmm 1 0 V l
A. K
i i ft
16 i
l o-i
0 1-2
Total 27 I 'il
ItHtled for Hoffman In elulilh.
Hi, 1 1 ml for Hih nm mil In lilnlll.
I.lmoln , 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Blou Cltf 0 1 0 0 0 0 0
Two Imjie hln: Htnvniiaon, ThomiMin,
lli'imllriK. Iioulile plavn: TlioniaKon to
Itoluer, ThnmttHon to Hrhmmull; Croghy
to Kane: Nauahton lo Cooney; Leleune
to f.'ooney to Kane, Htolen b": Kane,
llenallng. Muitirlce hit: Hliiclitrmii,
Thomaaon. Itohrer, Watson. Kane, Clark.
Htruik out; Hy Hoffman. I; by Clark, 1.
Ilmta on bull: Off Hoffman, 3, off
Kant, 2; off Clark. 2. lilt l.y pltohed lioll :
hy Hoffman, Wation and lJrune lft
on hae. I.lnnoln, S; Hloux City, 7.
HIH: Off Hoffman, 4 In right Inning; off
l't, I, In ono Inning: olf ClHik, In
nine Inning. Umpire; Carney and Id le
man. V
Maraball Allow Rot Three lllta and
Joalee Are Drfrated,
T. jnsKI'H, Mo.. April 2a.,
yielded but three hit, wlilrh roupled with
lierfiHt eiiporl and timely lilltliig by hi
team main ermbled Toeka to hut out
Ht. Jogfph here today, 4 to 0. Klghlann
Kanuna were thrown nut at flral be,
All. It
Each Team Uses Three Pitchers,
Contest Finally Being: Between
Ames and Schneider.
CINCINNATI. 0 April 23 - In a twelve
Inning corileat here today, Ht. loul won
the flrt gama of the aerie from Oln
tilniiatl, i to 1, Kab t.m ued throe
plUlirr. the contrat finally being''' be
tween Aiiim and Hchnelder, the acora
bolng tied when lhey went In. Bforet
A H O A K. Aft H O A B
Mi-nlier. If . I I I (iKIIIIfer, e(. I t I I
t 1 0 llllerai,, t 1 I I it
I 4 I 0' ham, lb . I 1 li 4
1 It t ivlriiruh. rt I I 1 I
lift Mlrnll. III... I 1 I I
t 4 4 lllleill, If ... 114 10
ill maudlin, ib.. 40110
0 4 4 ftrlark. a... I 1 I S 4
I (iTiiiimi .... I v I
I oU. Kenrr. . 0 4 0 4
II 4 0 tlH,'h.nalter. I I t I I '
41 owin a.,,. 4410
4 4 4 ttWllllam
Milillh, cf ,,
Miliar. II...
I ..Mia. rr ...
Miu.1, Hi...
HiiMialif, u
t.inaef. e.
Jaaiier, O...
Kalla. a. ...
Aniaa, a....,
Duller ....
' Today's Calendar
of Sports
Bowling: Opening of annual tourna
ment of Southefn Bowling congre at
Boxing: Freddie Wlh galnt Ever
Hammer, ten round, at Milwaukee.
Harry Will agalnit Ham lrfcVra, eight
round, at W. lxml. Jack Brltton aalnt
Ted Irwl, twenty round, at New Or
leans Jimmy Wilde agalnt Johnny Koa
ner of New York, twenty round, at Lon
don, for world' flyweight champtonhip,
ler. lb
(loodwln, Sir
Hohwellaer, rf,...
Hiinaon, If
Kruger. cf..
It I'D.
o IS
Yatllinore. Zb
ITVMihran, ea t
(Monroe, o ... 4
Namhult, p 4
4 12
tf . . ,
M. .f , ..
,tn, tf
uiii l ,.
i. . r ii .,
-i a . ,
i i if ...
.1.. iu
, -H.
fvt a
MrCabe, rf
Sullivan, rf
Klrkham. If
tlourdan, lb......
lwrry. III...,
iKeran, 3b..,
Keating, aa
Orahani, ,,
1 4uilermllk.
Hovllk, p..
will In nut
A B. H. H.
!T 15
p"'.... I
Itlat kburn, p 0
A. K.
27 11
0 1-4
II 0-0
Total JH 0 t
Hatted for Hovhk In eighth
Topeka 0 ft 1, I 0 1 0
hi. JVeih 0 ft ft ft 0 0
Hea on hall: Off Marahall, . Hlru'k
out: Hv Ixiuitermllk, 1: liv Hovhk. J hy
Manlvall. I. Wild pllohea: Uunlei nillk,
Hovhk, Hit: tiff Louilermilk. 7 In fiv
In five and one half Innlnga; off llovllk,
i In two and two-third Iniiiiiti; off Itlurk
hum. I In one tnnina Three he hit
tWhren. Hit by pitched hall. I'.y
l-nuil-rniim, llanmni r"rnetl run"
Topeka. 3. tioutile pluv Juurdnn to
Keating, Kernan to Jonrdan. Iit on
baaea: ToM ka, V. Ht, Joatih, I. T ine
11. I'uipirra: hane and llvnn
H r. t II
W It I t
t.rlaalles Oat hit tVlrhee an Take
atame l kenre of at ta Kl,
1I 'V li'lt, t'ohi
hit N h liila here
mm, 0 t.i A.
at'ile. vrire
Vhter. if
h .-fitrr. aa If
Khi. her !
It jh
atiiri.ta l' ,
a'rip.ia. v
li. . la, p.
April .1 - !enver eur
todav and the ln.'nli
II H tt
1 i in if
-.. rf
)t, ..-, i f
i..ii. (I.
tiuiiiii. ia
I ii, I I aa
I I il
I a
I r
a. i,
i i a
. .,. fur
I t i
a r ,
IT 14
d a
. l
t I
i a
in i r .-' a t
i e'l ' '- ' '
!-. I t '
I tta ' a '
. . t I
i i I -a
4 !
in the heal gam of the
4H ft HO A K I
4 111 ft
I 1 I
I 1 1 t I
4 I 1 t
t l I e
1 1 i I
t a a;
... a a o t
,4 1 1 1 f
PJ X i ;
Alt II It II A ', ,
.- t 1 I I I
. . ,. 4 ' ' '
.. . i li
...4 " t I
1 I i I II
i 1 i i i a
i .1 I I
I I 11
a - t
a i . a a
I ,l t it 4
i 41
. .a i a. ia a
a;,. 4 1 I
I J 1 1 I 4 4
li . ail a'1 ii ta
' , i ' a. .
. imi.i a I . . ; V t t .
i ; V . a . I
aa -hi a . i ji h.i
. i n -( l '
; !,. I i'ii in 1 1 I
a i ai a- I 'An i '" i I !
, rt.. . i- n .... . ..
. i h , - -..-.;
Tutrila .,..41141 Total .,.,41 10 44
Halted for Hallee In eighth.
Itetted for Hohnelder In twelfth,
gl, I.oul. 0 0010000000 lr-1
Cliiilnnetl ,0 000001000 0 t
Twn-be hit: Beall, Chae. Stolen
be; Hml'h, Hewher. Double play:
louden to Griffith to Chane: Untnel to
Mllltir; Pmlth to Mnyder. Itaae nn balla:
Off Jaaper 1; off Mt'Kenry, 1. Hit and
earned runa: f)ff Jaaper, hit. 1 run In
al and one-tlilid inning; orr anea, no
lit tea. no run In two third Inning; off
A trie, 4 hit, no run In five Inning; off
Toin y, li lilt, I run In aeven Inning; off
Mk Kenery, 1 hit, ho run In no Inning tno
oiitai; off Hchnelder, hit, I run In five
Inning. Hlnn-k out: Hy Jpr. 4; by
Ame. 4; by Toney, t; by (hchnelder, i
timplrea: Qulgley and Byron.
Notee of 4b Alley.
Hon Amaden la barred In tha Individual
tier tournament. The word "tar" keep
1 1 1 in out.
never rI inntnln are around with verbal
llnla of their next eaon'a team. Wvery
one ha Neale, Milple and Wartohow
iilKiied up,
Now that Hi Booater and Omaha
loHgiie have r.ompleted their anhedulea.
why don't the nrlner Iminedlatnly rail
liitetltiKa to organlae tor next aeaaonr
Kd Maurer ay he ha order from
headquarter to reaae ar.tlvltiea In the
bowling gain. Kd wa recently married,
o tt la vrrv eHy to guea whara the
ordura rome from.
Will rlalina he I a hot-weather bowler
He admit hi weaknea at tha winter
enort of ten-oln. but claim he will
nuike them all nlok when the duck pin
i (iiiiniHiH e to fly this aiunini-r.
"Dad1' lliiiitlngton and "Stick" Cain
have applied foi' adintealon to the "Old
Howler Home." "Irad" will be plru'ed
In the ward for the aged and Stlrka"
will b placed In the ward for the wild
"Jimmy" Martin, the Stor-Clra Belle
atar who wa thrown out of the game
through an attack of hlondpolaontng In
hi nht arm, la faring nh'iy ana ay
he will he bark with u again next ea
on, at runner than ever.
There mint have been a tnlcalng link
aomewhere when the Brook field 8aiitti'
team of the Hwlft league tried to nop the
pennant from their rival, the Kmplrr.
After a heated t'onteat the latter tenm
walked off ith tha honor,
The Mouth Side Jailer are of the
optiihm that thev rouhl heat the Harlow
i 'nil, l it v rhamp. and aak another
iham. They rhallenge llie lattei- team
for a aerie for a hig pniae. The mem
hera of the Colt team lake the noaltkm
that they would all reaiaii their )oh and
tuav the Jeltera ry day for nitme' If
lhey o dealreil.
Omaha alley owner ho eont"inplai
featuring the dut'k pin lama will find
that the rutiher lellll pin will make a
ili-alrr hli with Hie bowler than the old
iilii ell. a lie si-ae will 1 a limdeni t
In In. laaae the -a V I hi atyie put
full Peiier than He otner one Thy
g tittle inula. t" i It !' In the lni
' hen" AVIpl t'riiiu hrnlii-p endul
a mpet niirai Ilia hinlHi fea
ture. lu h hol d tha it, malum In
laentv rii iuia, (iinel to ha varv aatia
(. Inr l.i all. and will uad.nihle.1i he in fiture I lurttament of the kind
H-.-raa it iiHiat eaaee were lower lhan
Hiiim nf furwier lootiail'itl. tut el
Pennsylvania Eight
Wins Over Yale by
Close Water Length
miLAPKLPinA, April 23,-Th Uni
versity of I'ennaylvanla varsity eight
oared ahell rrew defeated Yala over the
mile and a half t:oura on the Schuylkill
Ivor yesterday by close to a length of
opn water. Tale's Junior craw beat
Pennsylvania juniors by a quarter of a
length. Today'a races ware Tannayl-
vanla's first under the coaching of Joe
Wright, tha Canadian oarsman and tha
victory of the varalty eight gave great
ratlafaetlon to tha followers of th Quaker
Both varalty orewg got away together
at the start, each doing considerable
aplashlna. Pennsylvania, propelled by th
fast and powerful stroke of Harry Tto,
struck a forty-to-the-mlnuta clip. Title,
whose pace wa set by Harrlmaji, rowing
somewhat alowar, kept pace with Pennsyl
vania for a quarter of a mile. Neither
waa able to gain any advantage In the
first half mile, but starting at this point,
I'ennsylvnla began to forgo ahead and
alowly left th Blue of Yale in th rear.
At tho mil, Pennsylvania wsa leading by
a quarter of a length ot open water,
which waa Increased aa the craw ap
proached tha finish. Pennsylvania' time
was 7:30.
Yale' Junior eraw led th Pennsylvania
juniors throughout their race. Yale's time
waa 7:28H-
The difference In time being the varsity
and Junior race waa due to a change in
ronaiilona. The Junlora had a wind at
their backs, whlla the varsity race wa
rowed In a calm.
Faber Checks Several Attempts of
Detroit to Turn the Tide of
DETROIT, April JA-Faber cheoked av
eral Detroit rallies thla afternoon, and
Chicago won on a wet field, 3 to 1 Chalk'
double to canter In the fourth Inning
cored th winning runs. Kavanagh'g In
field hit scored Malxel In th sixth In
ning and in th eighth. Bush walked and
came home on Kavanagh' double.
AB H-O.a.E
atarehr, rt. 1 0 Vhialt, m I 0 I ( 9
Waaaar, lb. 4 1 1 livitt. t antic
DolHnt. l. 4 t t DKavanah, rt 4 I 4
yourolar. Ib 4 111 II OVaaih. If... 4 4 1 0
Jaokaoe. If., i 1 dllarvar. of . I 1 1
yalaob, el... 1 It Ollallmaa. HI t I 1
Wohalk. e... (14 1 OYoun. ftl Hit
iTanr. aa... I 1 1 I OStan. a... I 0 J I
Vtr, ... 4 t OJamaa. u I It I I
MiiKae .. 1 l 0 0
Total.. .144 t r 14 O'Mal.el .... t 9
fCaV.. . golan. ... J J
"Horn .... i w w w v
' , Dutiuc. ... 0 4
hrw'""' Total... mu 1
EaxteA ror jama in me aixui.
Ran for McKee In tho sixth.
Batted for Boland In tho eighth.
Ohlcego I 1 0 I t I M W
petrX.!..! 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 02
Two-base hits: rVhaJk, Terry, Kava
nagh. Stolen be: Weaver, Kourninr,
HrfiHlk, llaae on hll: Off Jamn, 2:
off Huhuc. 2; off Kuber. 3. Hit aJid
earned run: Off .lame, hit B, run i.
in six Inning; off Holand, kit 2 run
none, In two lnnlna; off Dulun', hit
none, run none In one Inning; off Faber,
hit 6, run 2, In nine intilnK"- Htruck
out: Bv Jam, 4; by Bolend, 1, by Faber,
3. L'mplre; Kvans and Chill,
fHpeclaJ.) Tha baao bull season for the
Coyotes has started under very favorable
conditions. On Tmwday on the lrx:al flold
the Cotnor Bulldogs wero taken to a
trouncing by tho score of 14 to 0. Thurs
day at Peru th team won a thlrteer
Innlng contest, 7 to 4, and yesterday the
game team wag defeated, 4 to 3, in eleven
Inning. Hteuber Is a new addition to
the pitching staff and Is making a good
The track toani Is In good khape In spite
of tha Inclement weather of the I tut few
days. WeIoyan' main efforts are being
mado toward humbling the Cornhuaker
In the moot which la scheduled two wooka
Red fox Look Faded.
Minna two star performers, Trls fipeaker
and Jo Wood, the Boston lied Box look
to be somewhat fadod. But. aa Dr, car
rlgan aays, "there Is hope."
Doyle feXtliigr Pace.
If Larry Doyle continue to clout th
ball, Benny Kauff will find plenty to
do If he keeps apace with the Giant'
Russell Ford Given
Release by Yankees
NEW YORK". April 23.-Russell Ford,
who. threo year ttgo wa comtldored
one of tho bet pitchers in tho game, wa
given hi unconditional release by the
New York. Aiiierh an Ichkuo baa ball
club today. Ford Jumped to the Federal
league from the lankcea, and was turned
back to that club by tho Buffalo Frd
erul today bee una of the Federals' in
ability to dlnpoM of him. Ha was Im
mediately declared a free agent by tha
OAKLAND, Cal., April 22.-Le!nnd BtAn
ford,, Jr., unlverMty won by five lengttia
Its annual boat race with the University
of California today over tho throe-mile
Course of tha Oakland estuary. .
Th unofflirlal tlma wa 18:23, Which
waa slow for tha course, Btjuiford wsa
dlsmitroualy defeated two weeks ago at
Heattla by the T'plverslty of Washington.
The Stanford crew will go east for th
Poughkecpsle meet In June.
r;oe After Record,
Harry Worthlngton, Hie Oartmoirth
Star, I going after the present world
record In tho bread Jump t the coming
Jelay carnival of the t'nlvaralty o'
'ennylvanlu. O'Connor of Ireland holds
the present world figure at twenty
four foot cloven and three-fourth Inches.
a .It waa iiw tint
h ail
th lt ball waa
CRETE, Neb., April 23.-iSpolal.)-Much
Interest la being manifest In ool
lege athletlo circle In tha Doano-Hasting
dual track meet which will be held
on th tHian oval Tuday, May 2. With
the exception of Captain Brown, eprinter,
and Smith, long distance runner. Coach
Rt-hlsaler ta confronted with an entirely
new lineup of traik men. However. Ihe
new men have made an exceptional ahow
Ing thus far. so that the outlook at pre"
ent aeerna to b for a atrongor track
team than tHjaiie ha preaented in the
last three years. Brown. Wert, Haylltt.
Dral. Koaater, Conrad and R"l are
alio tna tip well In the aprtnta 8mh.
Mtrkle. !4twiifr and Klni h era doing well
m th Ion distance runa. Carter and
lUy'ltl are giiowlug god form In th
limn, whll tha latter and tVnrad will
probably Ml well above the tea-foot mark
In the pole vault. Bayer, Hajlltt. HHi.t
ami l Ktma how oltant prmniae In
th event A ltltt nreed
out a tMiirt by on ptnt In tb dual
meet last yr. the r. t I tha omit.
niael I ltd to .plliri!ly '! ,
saaaaa Wha
that blessed pipe with good old "Tux" and knock the daylights out
of care and woe and trouble and all the rest of that tribe. So fresh,
cheerful, sweet, mellow and mild is "Tux" that it makes you feel
care-free and chesty all the live-long day !
. YOHK. Aptlt M Th Waat l d.
a. .i) t Harry t.a a naim l Tmi ' t b 1 a "" "'' f' ""
.!.(.( atrd tn Harvard 1 '
' a a ia Hai.i '.aa t an
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77ie Perfect Pipe Tobacco
Why hive so many thousand of men foriaken all other
imokei lor Tuxedo?
Hecause they tried Tuxedo and found it the one tobacco
with ithc esicntiali of a perfect .moke supremely mild,
iwcet, fragrant and without a fartiilt 9 Hit or irritntiun.
No suth tobacco wan evrr known until the"Tutedo Process"
wa invented by a doctor to rerine and mellow the natural leaf
and remove every trace of bite.
Other tobacco make big claim
about vi!lft proAcei bvit the fait
remami that none of the imitation,
ha ever equalled the tnrmJ " Tutedo
1'rwfn " Ihat'i why Tuxedo i the
ititut hilcome tobavto- no other cn
le mde by le " l ncd . .'rove."
One taeek't trul i'.l make you 4
permanent Tutedo mokfr.
you can nuY irxi:no i vi:ryvhi;iu;
C . a'., m.f i. - . r.4 l, a 14 1 l ,
nJ aaaak . . V Itmiial lailtl M SI lll !"
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JJillWDS 1877 Brandy!
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