tun r.i;i;: omaiia. Monday, april :m. t.hc. BEIEF CITY NEWS Toaaa4'a for portlaa' Oooda." tdghtlnt Tlxturee Rwrgrit -Cjrandan tlaa Xaa-emat aUaya, IMSe-lm. - Soot lMat IkNow ron Pr-aoe. VafaJooe to Dan-'i l ThjiIto ' f'ub .tl ftoid a dancing ly t (.'Larmier "Toda'e Karl Frorrun,- cluelflad IS!0'!- today. I ppr. in The Bm rind out whit the wvtum moving picture theatsrs effer. Andirons, fire loraeoa. Hunuerland's Property Carta Tor To ' rent ' proi- rty, see J, Jf. fliimonl aV Co., Keellna iJIflf. ee edvtrtlsemeat of ntw hotel for Jae on wrint ad jiafsutilcr, bualneaa Msnets. Vf "Ts-TUe" IUb(1m underlaada p Tour asvaty ann vaiuurjj.a in the urD ears uapoail vaults, Ji SViUth 17th It,, Baa Bid. Bui rent l.W for f montha. Optn from a. m. to I n. m On State rrataat to the TubUo A resurfaced, fin-finlahid, highly jullahd floor. Tha largest and beat In tha city. Won Rohan a orchiatra. la lua JJari' 9iaT ax demy. Xnterteiamant Irr. OJg Htaatny n gwrtalnid the rmsiiibura of tha Nu lma twority at dlnnr at her homa In honor of TJr. Kllsabeth Mason on Baturday. Jatembera preterit ware; J;r, Olgt MfeMny, Pr. Fllabtli Mann,. Mra. Km!!. Brandt, Mary Hholdon, Jane Mthw Barbara, Churchill, lluth Doia anil Unn un Chriatemon. 1 lraiee Maatiaf Tha annual Mai tnaetlng of tha Young Worni-n's iU'tUm mrr society of Wetmlntr J'reauyif rlau Btaurcn will be hold at the home of Mir, frames Phillips, IDA Mouth Thlrtlrth ave twe, Monday evening. Vr. A. II. Mar shall of tha Omaha Theological aomlnary will deliver tha addreas. Ml orla Olaon will alng. , Ak-ter.In Committee to lCaat The liuatllng frmmlitee of Ak-Bar-Hn, Ham on'a mmbar-gltlng phalanx, la to hold mooting Tuesday noon, April , at tha Hotel Roma, A lunrhaon will b given tn connection with tha bualnra meeting. Students Plan Big Graduating Week At Creighton Uni Thta year an oratnlted effort 1 being oado to give commencement week at Orolghtm edd4 algnlflnanco, Clinics, ander tha direction of 1. Crlla of Clave awd, am bain arranged for tha rndloa4 nd dentAl graduate, and It 1 expected that th largeet gathering In tha hletory nf the Pun-Alumni aaaoclaUon will bis forwent at tha dinner on th evening of Jwrtl V. On th following evening at tha Brridl theater the moat, prewntlivj fUy In th hletory of tha aool will b taged, and on Aaturday evening, April Ja, the commencement cxerdee will h hld, A far a poaelM a wldeapread home ewrrrlng of th alumni will be promoted. The combination of the varloua gradu ating elaaaea, and. the organizing of the iumnl Into a common body, have helped io glvi a, better Impreaeion of th wnlver etty'a Importance and to promote hotter aUellng among th graduate. The vnrl pn committee In charge are btiay with til preparation and promlee a week Whlrh will long b remembered, Th Pa,n-Alumnt banquet I the funfeat mt th year at Creighton. Alt formalltlea aV'oaat aalde and fh new and tha old graduate give themaelvee over to the njoyntent of th evening. The mere mention at lent year1 banquet will evoke ft amlle on Aoount of the alunt atjiged. The ommltto thl promlea to njtdo laet year' affair.' At leaet 1t are awpeeted to be prwatnt, many from out Cf town, Th bantuot will have adled alifnlfl Oanr from the f.ct that th outgoing jentorf will preaent th Initial pJ1! of ViJtUD la tha form of an endowment. Thli idea wa auggeHted hy a member of tha tipper elaaaman a month or ago and ea nthualaattcal1y taken up by the ejanlora. The preoedent eatabllahed by Ciem will be followed "by the future graduate. For a IHIua Attaefc rhan you have a aevare headache, ao wcnpanled by a coated tongue, lothlng fjl food, conatlpatlon. torpid liver, pmlt. tng of partly dlgte4 food and t en bit, you may know that you have a aevare MMott attack. While you may be quit aok there la much eonaolatlon in know tog that relief may b had by taking thre ot .CIrlber1ln Tablet. Thay r prompt and effectual. Obtainable gwarywher. Advrtlemnt. PUBLIC GETS CHANCE TO SEE CENTRAL HIGH ROAD SHOW The eecond annual Centre! lllnh Mmol Jtoad llhow wa glvrn for Ihe.erron'l time laat night for the puhlKv The eu fllforlum a well filled. Two epeilel nnibera were glvn. Mian' Winifred Travle had a clever original art. hh Cave aaveral Imperaonailun f aomhern alar If y iharactera. Hart Jenka n Th eompeiliiv drill irov4 a thrtl'ei', ftot nn o( the driller brim elinilnaitxl fentll aeveral nilimir after the iwKnnini of tha apeil'duwn. The rnn ta qui' kl' )mlnJl th-n. until mt'y Peniel Ijmi !! rl N'alhan Miller remained Miller a eliminated after rontlnird iliMlinn and tha gold medal fnf firet plart gt en fa Ijirtgocli, Thnee ai'peeiing In thl art errs ) tthi beet drilled ra1t In tie i ni'Mt ana edt eeing ehun from h n.m fonr Trie rm i f he rnternt ie rnrrl I'eni-: I m,i..l ..f i umitenv A Orpxrel jtin. vh t,f l'iMii.i, t M frfnl 11ull e (! i'iifitn c, C'oriwral Nalhen itiller tf lniu(n l. renvral llaeuld UMiry uf i'iftiu(i K aurul Wrta Vt t i'oni-n T. gWir V'lre Jnrtnaen ef t'em-r ft, ft.rp'J t'lvila Jnnn if Hei(n K and frt fd t5ir rf tVm. WILSON JOINS HUZZA IN HOIHOH OF HIMStLF Akitiv.i t .s i i (!,. (ilro-i ik in.' ! liu ..i. i :w a IN .4b'Jtn ! ii,g a 'itii'e r' ' " li.4i.r ktr ii tiael $mtm ' ' '' i I , lll I ' U Kli.f tl'Ml f-ee ! U I ' ltl, k t , n aj i--(cH' IX e t fit ; !. (at (' ! IK '. i i - ma e-r.j--l c.i tfatit : km '. i. lo ti V v . f .'' I t ' '-- ! i I . . "l Uv,. t4lear . .e e tf !'' . . ' . 4-m ' I r a v I .' I . tniM ; LETTER WRITERS Money for Thoie Tellinf; Why One Should live in'Dundee, Fairacrei or Out in Happy Hollow. AYRES , IS THE HEADUNEH rlrat prize, (harle B. Ayrea $7 North Korty-nlnth - avenue, editor, Urnaha Trade KxMblt. Hfuond prlae, llflen O. Clarke, S;i rapltoi avenue, teacher In On'ral HlKh achool. Third prt, U. A. teppke, 71 loiltt Thirty aimh alreet, deriulng man lr, Nebraaka Clothing company. Kutirth jr'r. Ctiarl VV. Bteln baiigh, i'rti Krandela theater building, ar-hitei't. Ktfth prize, Via rawllna Trlnf. Jl Pout h Klgliteenth atiaet, (ahlr, V, l. Weed Co. The foregoing are the wlnnera of the five prlira offered by, George A Co., retl tatate deal-ra, for the beet lettrra telling why one would like to live In Uunde. Pi'raorn, or llpt'y Hollow. Tha prl.ei tot ,i 1 a value of l,MO, uh. b la to I a ghai In aiultle In loia In ft no addition to pundee. The flrat.prUe i a V) ((.wily in nny lot (he winner may . hooae In th-. julrii- llon. The a.'oii'l i the third, 104. nd ti e lt to fit eei'h In ain-h eiiultl Out uf the IU letter re. elvrd In th ronlrnl, tbf Jinlre i,.ctid. beallei tre fhe wlnnera, t'tt other for honor bli- n,nllon. Thexe iie 1en In tho nnr n thlr iwr t a the JiidMf' d tr rtjjlned an1 m follow. Mr, Allen White, ,".I09 Wthnter aire't. Ilclle 'froliriin, tV; fiavenrmrl atr-et Klir.a.heh ftlngwalt, m North Thirty- eighth avenue. Margaret Campbell, Ut lard etret, A, D, GarrUon. r(io (tiuin Twenty-alxth treet A, C, Pavla, ,'2I Mouth Twen'y aevent i alreet. Mra. C, It. Weller, !' Capitol avenue Clr B, Thomaa, 017 Hoiitb Thtrty-thlr i lrot. C, A Whli, m Omaha National ban building. Mra W. R, Howard, 1711 North Twenty eighth atreet. College Orators . , Meet m Contest Collegiate winner of the tat peace eonteeta of Nebraaka, Kanaa and Bouth Dakota 'Will meet at tha Unlveralty ef Omaha May & to hold th lnter-li pear content. Th winner will hav (he honor of compedng at th national eon laat t T,k Mohonk thl cummer. An effort I being made to hav th mem ber of th Nebraaka auprem court act aa judge of the Omaha conleet. The membere of (h executive board of the elate aaaoelatlon In charge of the eonteat are: Charlea V. Brorigardt, Cretghton, preaf"ent, Wllllem Thomp aon, ITnlvere'ty of fmiaha, vie prt- dant; Ann Johnaton, Bellevu, aecretary It la probable that aeveml other etate may he repreaenUd at th rontcat. T. L COMBS GOES TO TWO BIG DAKOTA CONVENTIONS T. L, Vmba, ex-prealdent of th Na tional Retail Jeweler' aaaoclation, ha gone to attend the annual convention of the North Dakota itewelera' aaeoda tlon It Pevll' Lake Monday and Tuea- day, and the Mouth Dakota Jewelera' oriel Ion at We tart own on Wedneaday and Thtiradey of thla week. Both etate hav large membership and enthuelaatlo ronventlon. "Tiz"-A Joy to Sore, Tired Feet Use "Tiz" for aching, burning, puffed-up fept and corns or callouses. "Surd I bm tec erf Urn for any foot trawbU." frtxxl be, aire feet, burning feel, awol- Irn feel, tender fett, t red fiet (k,(d-b), lorn, talloua, hunloni and raw apota. No more ahne (Ightneaa, no morn limping with pein or ilrawlng up your fa-e in agonv. ' Tla' t mal-al, ad light off. Tl" drawa out ell tha pntaoncm exudation wnlih puff up the feet. 1 "Tig" and wear amaller hne, i "T''' ai.d forg't yo'ir foot r.ilry. Ab' how comfortalil r feet (eel le( a -fent l.o nf "Tlx" now at nn drufgr or department ore. I 'on I euf fnr. lias g("l feel. gld frt, feet thel hi-r awe. I, neei hu'l. rsver gt-l turd er fwl t!mforl giMranleed "f inuney refunded - A d veil le merit aw Hi) --r- fVf' Wonderful for Bath JAP ROSE TVe tiit.l "iHiu Mw e SOAP Dflishtfiil'v rffcshlni lvii.Yr-tlnjJ. ('' ie t'y gnj waiheg till J'l, . f a ..'t t.iAt 1 1 y I a I hetllh, Vt hvt UttU - It ' a Ulhi fin ?' ' W-w Um k 4 University of Omaha Students Are to Give Program on Campus The advanced cla.Mi-a of the old h)nn liell department of the I'nlverjiity of Omaha will jrhe an out-of-door program on the I'ollrar anipiia Tuead y entitlfd "Bona and ("utome of Mrrrln Knulaml," under Hie (Jirvctlnn of Miea Kllaubeth Gordon, head of (lie department. The affair will be the flrt of It a kind ho'd at th I'ntvereity of Omaha and for thla reaaon the feoiiliy nn't atudent body take a grct Itrrreat in the program. Hh'oild wa(hr conrlitloti not pi-rnut, ll open air progiam will he held In John Jaco', Memorial, hall. I nlreralty nf llmeha Pretdnt I, K. Jrnklna and lr Kfi bert ettenrtrd Ihe I'rr aliylcrlen aynod meeting Wednesday. Monday aftrrnoon Kenneth Widermr, a freahman, will atve a ptano concert t the Kremonl High achool audllorium for the Ppmet club of thet city. Tha phyidcal geography clae. under th dlrei-tlon of Sllee Kdna Manlr, took a trip to Cnlho'in Haturday for tlie pur pom of xtudytiig lend foi matloi . A Hhekeepenrr tercenteburv progiiim will be given the laller pert of the week Ml one of Hie i!nii ekcr'len period. Htudenl of the Kngllah rtepartriieul wi;J have the prlriclpnl purl on the urn. Fielleilng thet I'liinn of Onle day inldht be Interfered with, member of Ihe ilrn mHtlc el il httve ieelded not to'uKe ilm "Maneuvpra of June," a four-act ' niv ed , at, I 'reniont !! y rvr-iilng, nr, hd been plnnried. I'lHn recently i-ompleied by Hie -ecnllve r'oniMillfee f r,r- rley c,iJ f o'- a epeciat ec or elunt frcon every clef nd eiurlent orKini7.iiilon of the luihep. lv. The proceed of the nffiilr will turned over t the athletic liomd Joint Young Men and Young Women a fhrletlan aaaoelatlon rhnpel merdee were held Fr dey. Hreclel violin number wire rendered by Joeph Woolary, ac companied by Kenneth Wldennr. KuKen Klmmom, Krank Broad well and N th ine Tlbot ne iem Ink's and Helen l'ale several vocal .soloe. Member of the pre-mcdlc vlhf.ea of the I nlveraity of OinHhit elected Krnem Johneon preaident and Manuel iiro dlnkv treamirer at their annuel e'ection Friday arternoon. The urbanization plana to have eome local physician Hd. die It each week Saturday morning the organintion vlnlted the Mcthodlat hoepital. Nebraaka Wele,an 1 Blrerally, tr. Hchrei krngaet haa been aiet'.ng In a eeiiea of nieetlnii gt Yortt for a number of day. The Wealeyan male ouartet. which haa had a urcerul eenaon. will give a eon cert in the W enlcyrin aiidilurluin, Monday I ex-nlng. I Menr. (cirhma and llakln. aeielanta ! In phvalra, are enioylng the novelty "f playing a gnme of rheea by wircleea with the Wavne Normal achool, Tha department of botany and geolnuy have ruble, to their eijulpment by (he purchaao of a fine lantern for tha pro pectlon of opaiiue obtecta and allde. The Htale Hoard of Normal Hc.hrml and rnllcKe Inapeetora were here yeaierday rheeklng over Ihe application f"r teach er' cerilflcaK. The ji(flclal O, Iv . of the hoiird wa attached in all the appllta lion preaented. Ilaatliiaa I oltrge. Karl H jrge wa elected awi'retary of th MtUu (riijri(al t'rohlbltlon aaaoelatlon. The eonteat next year will be held at JIntlnga Among the vleltnr at th college th it week wer Mr Buck of riupertor, Mr. VVIItoti and Mra. I'.nu, 1 r and Mra, al hurv and (Jordoii Heck of Aurora, and Mr. Byer of tha clly. Haetlnx college wa recently added to ihrt North Central Aeoclntlon of I'nl lege A college, to be a member of Ihla HPiociallnn tnuel have a lerong faculty, i ml ii product Ive endowment f at leuat I'eetliig cc Here won flrt place In the pinhlldtinn oratorical eonteat at week i" lib H rrreeniiitlve, M1 Mewl I'ark. Ilie will repreaent the Nebraaka collegee ii the Inter atale lonleat, M. i'au, Minn., iome time In July. t The board of trustee have recently'! engaged I r J K. Farmer, ptor or tne preativterlnn church at Vadleon. Neh,. a v nre'tdent of rho Inatllutlon. He will relrn bl ttorta at once, and begin work for (he eollege, fr. Farmer la a KtaduAte of or;henN-rn nnnti-.tv. I'm a time be will repi-ent ihe i-oiice in Ihe field and before the chiinliin of Ne braaka. -May day at the college mil he a bin event. At leal ISO people, repreentlng the faculty, atudenta ami Hlmiuit will take part In U program, ronluim a havo been urderwd for (he occaalon. ami a large crowd jf anticipated. In the evening the ! uaual German plav will be then at the, collea chapel, hut In addition to thla; annual affair, the ,1inlnr clad will put, on a P'ay; entitled, "Aa We l.Ue It." llnana Tolleae te. I'reaident V, O. Allen who haa been apendlrig the laat month In th eaat l,n behalf of tha collcga, la expect4, to re turn to Crete today. Tha Uoane College ijlee club will leave Mav S on a trip through eaeiern Ne braaka. A two nlghta' lnn4 in Umaha la included In the club Itlnary. Th Adlephlan ruiaitet, which gave a concert at the Koko theater In Crete laat Haturday night, entertained (he Ikiene atudent wtih a mualcal pmVram in th Oayiord parlor Bunday flernoin. Th Olrla' (He rlub guv a ooneert nd niuahal eniertaluinent In th college auditorium FtIiUv evening. Over (hlr(r people took part In the program, which wa conducted under the aupervlalon of I'rof. Aller. bead of Ihe Ihiane conaer vatnry of mualo. The rei elpl wer con tributed to th athletic aaaoclalloo. Th atudent committee In charge of tha Mav day exerrlaea at Ihian i planning (ha largeat May feadval In lh hletory of the achool. H hoot will b dlaiulaaed Monday. May 1, and th claaae will hold Picnic on (be Blue river during th morn ing. In th afternoon th atudent will return for atreel pared, which will be followed by a aertea of attraction at tha college rampwa. Among the leading fea (nrea of (be program will lie th ' Sopho more Entertainer," who preaent th P iig Heh comedy, "I'au Ixy," at the college chapel. HESPERIAN LITERARY SOCIETY ENTERTAINS The Ileaperlan literary eoclety of th Bellevu t'nlon High achool held a party Haturdiiy evening at Ihe home of Clnr ene SCurrher, Iwlween Bellevu and Kurt Crook alrecta, The evening a nt id amuaement of varlou kind'. Be frrahmenl wer nerved. University of Omaha Girls in Campaign The political bug haa invaded th rank of the co-ed Mudent body of th Unl veralty of Omaha. Th reaaon 1 th coming celebration of the moat popular enior cod (or th honor of being crowned May queen at th annual gala day exerotaea on (ha college campua, May I.' Many of the lower claaa co eda hove larted an active campaign for their favorltea. The apnlla in thl Caen are houuiT the campaigner will have In be ing appointed ladlvi-in-waltlng and at tendanla to lh queen, ahould their favor ite be eucceaaful. A a U la not conalderad proper etluiirt for motor co-ed to openly announce their andldary for tha place, th campaign I being conducted with great aecrecv, Men (tudenl of th achool are accepting with great luaplrlon Invitation to Fri day vnlng part lea, for aomehow the talk at thee Informal affair uaually Jentera on how nle Oladyt, Viola or Dorothy 1 and what a fin queen ah would maka PLAN TO ORGANIZE PLATTE WATER USERS PEWKH, odo., April J3.f!n for an oiganUatlon of water uer along th oulh flatt river In Colorado wer formulated at an Informal conference yea day of water uaer and tal offktala. A meeting to perfect the organisation la to lie held April tt at Morgan, Colo., when plan of pror-edur lo are to be dlaeuaned relallv to th suit brought by tha Weatern Irrigation dlalrlut of Ne braaka aeeklng an u)iiltbl adjuaimrnt r f dlatrlbullon of water from th Couth llutt. Cast Selected for -Merchant of Venice ByBellevue Seniors Bellevu college eaniora hav finally choaen tha entire oaat which will pre aent tha ' Merchant of entc" at com mencement time thla year. Dean Falea will play Hhylock Arlln Smith promlee to make a aympathetlc Nerlaaa, and Bar Ion Maxwell a Oratlano will aupport th leading lover. Perry John will probably take Ihe part of Baaaanlo, and Anne Johnton will be Portia. Clint !, llaley Noyea, Jamee Allen and P.alph Martin, a Antonio, will make up th group of Venetian gentlemen Eulallo Dagdag ha been can for ;!v part of the prime of Morocco, at.? wl!! preaent a real foreign gentleman , at Portia' fiiltor, Samuel Klntiler I tr1ng out for th part of tuc irime or Ar- ragon. ' John Bloomqulit will be the duke of Venice. POISON TAKEN BY MISTAKE. CAUSES DENTISrS DEr.TH rilEHNO. Cel., April Sl.-Polon Ink. by mlatake cauaed Ihe (tenth of rr. C. "W. ama, a dent let, hrr today. - ' Dr. Jam intended to awallow aolu tlon which 1 Impenetrable to X-ray and therefore make a photographic ahadew ot value In dlignoalng (Sigrttiv allraanta. He took lnalea4 a aubetanc of uml'ar name, but deadly effect. I'raree Mefenele alliance.' ATLANTA, Oa April 3,-A defenale alllnrne of all ouuntriea of the weatern hinl)iera wa proimaed by flenafor I.ewl of llllnola, eioklng tonight befnra tha Atlanta Bar aaaoelatlon, aa th onlv mean by which th llnlled Btatea nould avoid murly conflict with countrira if ICurup and Atla. ttfW'J j fi. n v 'fif't-i f-s f "it . . r. -,", W ill, T' yro mm h t ' .:. ,fl"""wi- .'i-i "i -A' VWr" i- .lf Ml t .i As it it ,' )'- How! k me i jf V Pf I' ''H tVi i I ' '' aBaaaajaaaaMaBWeaaaxaxj: wti -i. m wi m f m.;i a-i-' -.r j,..m zmmmmm- xjaxw , , - n wrax r i a. i 1 f 'J;rrr 125)11 -..iw jntef wmiiili mi'w-- KuL -- - t.?fvfif. I . ei," '- - ' jl.ii 1 T-""" - ' v '; ' -i- - :"- V " ;T,,Vc V - yj. r ti ' I -" ..J-,. ... ..I.. l -,, . , . .. .. fly. .. i . i ft 'f.! '' '.'1 - .jtcs&' VJi ' ' "-v - Ma!&iT' ' .r'Jv ' ' I w'--; V 'i ; ii . -t ' ...... '.i-p " "' ( v -;'8?- r , . t q9 You Caiit Know Eveirything But you can havo at your elbow at very small cost a wonderful set of volumes The New that do know practically evcrythiDgthat represent The Sum of All Knowledne ' frf r v J 'W-t r -a work tht w th product of the grr-atest minds living and cot for thu fflitorml preparation lor m laiesi rauion moiie a miiu-u and a half dollar. Hardly any need to name it there ii no other to compare with it Encyclopaedia Britannica The nloifnn of the day is EFFICIENCY. But the secret of indi vidual inicceB the keynote of careers like those of Andrew Car negie, James J. Hill, Thomas A, Edison and Charles M. Schwab is Personal Preparedness Thomas A. Edison s mind in a vast storehouse of FACTS. So in James J. IHl's. Do you think you can tell Charles M. Schwab anything about the steel business anywhere in the world! These men KNOW. Their mind are crowded with Information. Almost needless to say that: All these mn are ownert am! constant users of the Encyclopaedia Britannica. And ao Is practically every highly succtsbful man tn the lnitd Slates. , Bo are thn KIiik a.id Prime Minister of England, and the Car of Itussla, and the Emperor of Germany, and scores and hundreds of the world's rulers and leaders. Do YOU own this Incomparable work? The coat Is no loncer a bar to the moat modeat Income. The publishers have prepared a new lasue of tba nw Eleventh Edition, complete In evcrv detail, absolutely unabridged by a line, and this is beins sold at one-third the price charged for the larger- Ir.ed Ismie of the ssme work. And the entire 2D volumes will be sent to you upon a first pay me lit of a single dollar. After that, essy monthly payments at the rata of a little, more than ten C0lnoyourknow all shout Mils remarkable work, and this remarkabla opportunity, that will remain opsa tor only a little while longer? If not. send today for this book. A 130-PAGE BOOK FREE The publishers of the ENCYCLOPAEDIA. URITANNICA hava prepared a richly Illustrated book of 1:10 pages to I'll you all about thta great work and the new 'Handy Volume" inue, and Its usefulness to you. It is full i t interesting siorlcs. l er dialogues, beautiful pictures-a book packed from rover to cover Some of Us contents Include 100 Interesting bits of knowledge revealing tha KNCYCLOPA LDIA PRl TANNIt'A from a lunuire.l illfferent points of View, A Jittla history of the HIUTANNK'A from the dsya of King Caorga III., wim 70 portraits of (He noid mr !i hae made V. tba greatest work of Its kind Twenty pages of iiiterrsiing dialogue telling of the widely varied Interest df the HUH 'ANMICA for woman A clcvrr attire about Ihrt vsv children gal Interested tn It. rnrtraits of the Nuhrt I'rue unier au l triher fatuous contributors to tha tirw retenih .Mltlm -Seaily t hundred half ton Illustrations. tior pistes, spefimsa psga and the like Whether "U sre li,trre'el In Ihe 1RI T ASSIi'.A ", 'si and evert inemt er f your faiuil ill ltir..ua&ly eaiof irading this tMivk, as b.g as HlitlUU. . t .ft 1 W i Heller Than a University Traininn t ,1 i ai. inn I. .! 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