4 THE BEE; OMAHA, MOXDAV, APRIL 24. 1916. fHE OMAHA DAILY BEE FOUNDED BY EDWARD ROSE WATER. VICTOR' ItOSEWATER, EDITOR. ry The Bee Publishing Company, Proprietor. BPtO Hl'lLDlNO, KARNAM AND BKVENTEKNTH. ' fcntertd lit Omaha nostoffice aa aecnnd-cleaa matter. ittt Tir.pMa ri te KiTUMi'tMnrinKT ' By carrier By mall n Pr month- per year. i Dully and Pnnday S5c .oi ,,uily without Hundy . 4 00 livening unit Sunday 6.00 "T'venltig without Kiwrtay ffic 4.00 '.lEl'rtnng without Hunday lac 4.00 l'Miday liee only 2o..... 3.00 I 'ally mid hunday He, three year a In advance.. 110.00 Hend notice of rhanre of addrese or Irregularity in 'sleflvcry to fmiaha flee, ('Inula Hon Department, niMiTTANna. P.einit hy draft, express or postal order. Only two. wnt stainpa received In payment of amall account. , Personal checks, eept on umsh and eastern ex." c-hanta. not eecepted. Omaha Tlii Bee Building. Kouth Omaha aim N etreet. Council Hluffa 14 North Main Street t.lncln-6M Little Building. " ,hia-ogl peopl On Building, i TV. '.New Vork- Room 11'SS. W$ Fifth evenu fct. louls (03 New Hank of Commerce. Waehlngton-72a Fourteenth atreet, N. W. coHnvsvctsuv.ucm. ' A'ddregg communications relating to news and edi torial matter to Omehn, Bee, I'oltorlel Department. ot I .ft K. if- r MAIICH CIRCULATION, $6,628 Daily Sunday 50,628 Dwlght Wllllatna, rlrcuietlon msnager of Tha Hao fuMUhln rnmpa.iy toning duly aworn aaya lht tha average circulation for the month of March, lill. was s.(2 tlally and sows Hundny. "' bWK.HT WILLIAMS, Circulation Manager. ai'f.ubaeribed n my prsouc and aworn to before me Ul ii day of April, hit. 'Zfi, . ItOUUlT HUNTER, Notary Public. si.rJulisrllieis leaving I lie clt l'mMrrlly .. ahiujld have 'Ihi- lice mailed to tlii'iii. Ad dress uill be changed aa often na request!. Arbor day In over, but the Did nol jstop. treo-planting With1 KaFter so late, It 1 more likely to r.ark the clone Instead nt the beginning of the fprlng bonnet season. No human necessity or ornament seem lin r inie to the uplift of Mara. Bibles are now U kjng the price escalator. There is no visible connection between the :gh cost at government and war, but war get he slander Just the nHine, I Periodical npoll ot nervounneae In Wall tlrrct poKHfKij Ilttlo ilgHlflcanre beyond the rokern' etsteem (or Iambs' wool. Buelnega la uaineaa.i ... ' 'London's Insurance gamble raised tbo rales n war ending this year from 70 to 90 per cent. I he value of the prohibitive rates lies In being f fciies backed by cash. j X Tills week will see the big majority of the iiflexates.to the Chicago convention chosen and i&uiulHKloned and the. political astrologers will jtotin" be busy casting horoscopes, j At this particular time Japan's protest on the Immigration bill Is mighty annoying, not' ,10 say positively ungrateful, coming from a Jl.armcr'of the entente allies, i ... ! The cause of humanity will not be fully mfe-guarded until outdoor life la assured on jM'nny spring days and Indoor life in wet, jflnomy weather. Any party featuring this ideal Jhyutein In the platforms will get votes to burn. . During the lean months of January and February the New York Central earned li per ri irt on Us capital. During the aama months r.mtinued with the last half of Kit tbe Bur lington system earned 22 per cent. The west Lcats the east from a railroad standpoint. Most of the old time methods of war with piodern trimmings have been brought into play ir Europe, the latest addition being steel breastplates Introduced among the French first t;enches. Shades of old time knights, what tllTXt? American shipbuilding Industries si e pressed to rapacity, there being 360 ships now under ; contract, with a total gross tonnage of 1,067,- ; Present huge profits of sea-going traffic, tvKether with the certainty of ship shortage J lung after the war ends, furnishes the stimulus ! fir AinVrican marine enterprise, ' The inest packers have made a settlement t with the Mrltinh government for cargoes of ' j mm Imoiik soucd durliiK the early months of ', the wai, und are rejoicing as though the remlt- t unc hail the feel of "money from home." Mow ninth of the joy will radiate to the Amer- J lean consumer may he learned from the re- ! tailor- Semity-ftve tobacco crooks have been aP I "thciided tn Nr York for defrauding the gov fitmient -t rkenue rtftllutg cigar lxes lth .te.p f!,iUt anj srlllitg them as well known t- tmlt, dpnite pnnihinent of ihtae heart i. -h tiilj rtl tn lotet the l a renulrementa, l i t rini f;t tU inn short t( smothering In lit V''H,es 'f thir o lahtisalos, Thirty Years Ago This Day iu Omaha 1 " Oorlli fra Ih ft'.ea. T il h titelh, li ..e.'t A .,! i ttf I M 5 it. t. i :, . ..i.uttte f i- V ."i Ua a t'Hii .... :i.iit tuutt. M u. t-i 8.tr l ai l !..(. t,f ..matai.,. '. - I eti i. -., , i . ! t'' I e I"' t leivaxai. A I I k . . t r . t: . Klltt I ft PI ,V.(H !, i ft. ,.:..., i i't ia i.t i laiftt4 ai H t" fc.-fcl!M f lt ktHt tM4 n e ..... U . I h V 4H Vii., i 'i'f Sx4 S'l' I i 4'tin i t :fl el f w t( a, ! 4 t In c Te ..!, h at ., a !--s ' t'l ' .. at l t t V.Kj..,a f t'- t . m ti l4!tetMe) ' i k to t t u , e t !f t . 1, N t t -i htS t IR ri.a .(. n vt . v.. : M . t .. i - t t i -rf ' t -t .a" -a " ' ' r ' ' 1 i e '-I " i I (. M .,5 , , , i , Mtf t't II I The American Mood. The American mood Is plainly against be coming embroiled In the maelstrom of Euro rean warfare If It can possibly be avoided with honor. From the outset, our people have taken the position that this Is not our fight and that the question of the balance of power In Europe affects us, only Indirectly. Our people, it Is true, were stunned by the sudden outbreak of the war sudden, at least In the sense of being wholly unexpected by us but the outrages perpetrated in defiance of the Ibws of nations, vhile st first evoking a keen resentment, have, cf;me by repetition, to be taken almost as mat ter of course. This may be due to a gradual dulling of the senses as affected by war, or to sn exsggerated confidence in our own security, rr to a growing Indifferenre to the rights of humanity as distinguished from our own safety whatever the cause, and whether we believe It regretable or not, we may as well recognise the existence of the conditions ss explaining vhy, In what seems to be the most critical mo ment of all, the American people as a whole s'mply refuse to become alarmed. The American mood Is apparently to "worry long," confiding In "manifest destiny' and de pending upon a continuance of American good luck. Our fervent prayer iiiist be that this good luck may not turn, for, If jt should, our woeful siete of unprepsredness would be a terrific In dictment of our recklessness, An Irresistible Conclusion. Nearly two-thirds of the republican news papers In, Nebraska, sensing the sentiment of their respective communities, voiced the con viction during the preliminary primary cam paign that, with Charles E. Hughes as the psrty standard bearer, the complete reunion of the elements would be sure and republican success in state and nation made certain. So far as anyone can see, the result of the primary ha not. changed this situation, and while the magnitude of tbe task of "writing in" a name on the ballot prevented Hughee ficm polling the plurality of the votes, the neck-snd-neek race of Ford, and Cummins, facilitated b having their names printed on the ballot, fells to show any decisive demand for either cf them above Hughes. This interpretation is reinforced by the fact tbst the moBt outspoken Hughes man, running for delegate-af-large, scores several thousand more votes than his ntxt nearest competitor and that a Kood ma jority of all the delegates chosen to represent Nebraska at Chicago bad annoiinced their per snnal preference to be for Hughes, , No one can weigh these different factors Impartially without, reaching the conclusion that the rank and file of the republicans In Ne braska, all elements of them, would like, after the favorite sons have enjoyed their rompll tuents, to help nominate Charlea E. Hughes. President Wilson as a Candidate. In his Jefferson day speech Mr, Wilson for the nonce assumed the character of a candidate, seeking support for hi second term nomina tion, and with aucb adroitness as to suggest careful preparation fo( tbe role. Ills studious avoidance of real issues, and his deliberate em phasis of Inconsequential mark him a the ex perienced politician, pretending frankness and practicing duplicity. Grave questions of Inter national relations were touched upon gingerly, while the president modestly claimed to have aolved tfie economic and social problem of the country through legislation euacted since he came into office. Thl challenge to criticism will be'met In detail, as time goes on, but it will be a difficult choice to select one point in his armor and say It is the most vulnerable, so full of boles Is his covering. The one-term plank of the Baltimore plat- fcrm will be an awkward thing; no matter why that plank was adopted, the president stood pledged to it until nearly two year after his election. Tbe banking law ot which be boasts a the foundation for the present day prosperity Ir. but the Aldrlch bill slightly modified, and yet la open to all the criticism so vehemently urged against It by the democrat.!, with the addition of the sectional favoritism shown by the administration In locating the reserve banks. The free trade policy of the party, tra ditional from the time of Jefferson, who was committed to an agricultural and not a nisnu factlng nation, has been abandoned by the presi dent since the passage of the Underwood bill with disastrous results, and the republican doc trine of protection Is being adopted piecemeal. Efforts tu provide defense for the nation have been and are being nullified by the president's adherents In and out of conirens, while the ad ministration's foreign policy has been one of consistent wsbhllng. The whole story of President Wilson's three yeais In office Is one of rontMly shift ing views and (hanging attitudes, Ills single track mind Is alwavs at work; the trouble being lie doean t know uli h wav It Is turnlug. Lord t'laoiharde, a typical alien landlord of lieUnd, has crossed t'fle Htvi. possibly to meet a heat of hi victims tin the other shore The ttsis Ireland will shed of his demise will a arret? nioisirn the e uf a dle V thj '.lampion rai k renter of the atony north!, M rnf in avra of tlUO.OOu front tenants in iO.tHut aires of land, and fought eierv itivas t ie nt Iriah telief iiui'"1 In ttte Uat thirty teats. Nat ire sperrd ktm long rni h tn (el the e.(iiiUe pain of Ma !sAttd (titaatot I. .is from bit grap " the ieiamenl an! tld id ihe utiaott Gigantic Magnet Under Our Feet tiite ,f the ii'Slu l.wmt la the muaK'al lit t: eo el the llafxa la .,.n,t to vrttiit Suit t'tin'.mi i f t..n',it t,.hj pnm!net SStl Murettue sere I twmte The rl lf. tu.it it us..ie at ttrii text tttttoit ike aa) vl Set KUi vf lite atlr f ! nt fii.narr mMWI ft (.MriiU uctt tt atu4 ta f tar mateiitt aiaH';e for a !' n'1 tti tiuu t ttsH I' i"''-l be i ! Us litits .f t (' tit aiin Mi're-e ih t..),p.luia its ee "a at VIM n-l, f n lr (alias i 1 Sl tnj f tuitata'Sj a'l a time ti" a US M' t 4 ' te ! sot kit si. S t lie )e ia t te.l i oea tSe aen't nk 4 !t.:tftm tltat t S.il (! i-.s '.el t-t ' i..l I . t pt'M 1 1 i li tfcxe it f'e n H' ' t J.f "4 eft. u l?i' ! t O arret t 1. aerrlss. - A VAST nurtilx-r of people ride In aiitoinobllrs now il adays, and probably Iras than on In a thouaand of them would cat, to be told how the man leal machine got Its power. They ore content with being whirled away ea myaterloualy aa the old woman on her broomatlrK. The delight of the experience l enough; the explanation would be a boie. Ho moat of the several bundled million pasaennera on ths epeeilln: earth are Intereated only in seeing the stars fly by, and care nothing shout the marvelous ma chlnerjr of the snclvnt car that carries them or about the eource of the electric banners that It flings out as it daahes along the endleaa roads of spare. "How smooth she goes, and what a eeneatlon we must bs making." There la resenn to believe that at Mat half of the entire bulk of the earth conalets of Iron. Ieep In the Interior of the globe (here Is probably a great core of rnetalllo Iron, lute rmlnxlcd with other heavy metals. Hlnre we know that Iron Is the most readily magnet ised of sll subatsncea, and alnce we find ores of Iron which are natural magnets, we see the structure of the earth Itaelf one of the resaona why It has become a gigantic umgnet, with two oppoaed polea, such ss sll magnets have. t think that the ultimate source of the earth's mag nttlem Is In the sun, Torrents of electrons pass front the excited surface of the sun out Into space on sll slilca, and the earth receives ta share of theee, as of the solsr light snd heat. At (lines ew'll outbursts of solar energy send electric chargea of 'uncommon Inlenalty to the earth, snd then the latter vlalbly responds with the wsvlnii curtains of the polar lights, snd with "msgnetlo storms." Thus, In a sense, lbs earth la enveloped with an electric field originated by the sun, and, routing within that field,' Its huge globe, so largely composed of pure Iron, heroines magnetized, tint this Is only a genersl stslement of the manner In which the esrllt has been magnetically ciiaiged, Jloma of the probable details are Indicated In Prof, tfyhanns Thompson's suggestion that the evaporation In the tropica rauaea the aacendlng currents of heated air to be positively electrified, and thst, ss they travel northward and aoulhwsrd until they deacend In tb polar regions, they act like electric currents,, within which the earth Is rotstlng. Prof, Thompson hss for msny years upheld the view thst "this thermodynamic production of polur currents, In conjunction with the earth's diurnal rota tion, afford the only rational means yet suggested for accounting for the growlh of the earth's msg netlam to Ita preannt state." In fact, It would be aet.onlnhlng If the earth were not magnetised. In the presence of the sun it Is Ilka a watch In the neighborhood of a dynatno. It Is likely thst sll the planets sre msgneta, and particularly those thst are nearer the sun than the earth la, vis., Venus and Mercury,; If Venus, now so brilliant In the' evening sky, should drift cloee to our planet, I should expect (disregarding the effects of gravitation) to see the two behave like a pair of magnetised balla float ing on water. If they approached, with similar poles In advance they would repel one another, but If with opposite polea confronted the encounter would rer. talnly end In a magnetic klas. , , If w could lift off the cover of the earth-engine we might find out why Its magnetic elements art so strangely variable, When words are used accurately there la nothing mora misleading than to ssy that tha magnetic needle points north. At New York It point st present nearly ten degrees west of north, st Denver about fifteen degrees esst of north; only along an ex tremely crooked line running from rharleaton, B. C, to the notthern end of Lak Michigan does the needle point tru north. ' ( At liondon the need) points about sixteen degree, west of north;, 'but 200 years ago IC pointed exactly north, and about 130 years before that It pointed eleven degrees east of north. For some unexplained reason there is a stow swing, eastwsrd snd westward. In the direction of the magnetic meridians of the earth, oc cupying about 6) years for each double vibration. At the same tlms the position of the poles of mag net lem appears to change In the earth, and In the same latitude the needle dips mors st one time thsn st another. At the magnetic poles, which sr fsr from the geographic poles, the needle stands upright, show Ing thst there the magnetic Ilnea of fore run straight downward. A Twice Told Talcs Aecompllahed. Mias Floss wss a settlement worker, snd one day shs called at the home of the Thompsons. Bhe found no one st home but a girl of about 11 and a smaller brother. After talking with the little mother a few moments, she esld: "And does your little brother help you st all? What does he do sll dsy? The little girt gave her younger brother a proud glance, snd said: "Hay, kid, smoke a cigarette for de lady, snd swal low de stub.." Philadelphia I-edger, Pet It I p to the Judge. JudgePrisoner at the bsr, hsve you snythlng to sav for yourself? Prlaoner Tea, your honor, I admit I'm a vagabond and a thief, but you ought to be very thankful I'm here and let me off lightly. Judge-How do you make that out? Prisoner Well, suppose we went on s strike snd sll turned honest, what would your honor do for a living? Judge (severely! I'm five year' Imprisonment. t'rlrego Poat, i Ilia I fieelir, A wall knoen hreer end hie friend were dining recent Iv In a certain grillroom Suddenly a very dai-per-louklng man, with a suspiciously red nnsa, hrusnS.l br their table "A very prominent member of the Karly Clnalni eix'trlv," announced the biewer The friend ahneed a ier keen interest "WSt le his I'f'lciel lapactty?" he aske-L "ANoil three gttbms, 1 Ihlnk, " nald the tneteer -New York Times tie ej.iaaed ike JS. After y, M bad bean flien Joe. tbe futeinait aa Mm ron'xrtaMy s-il mi the aeml he ae to ah.nel, dliei'tltig another dualiv letxirer 'VVh. Mum. la ei')liiil, 1 Old nt hire IStl mat What a ke doing " ' I got hint doirg mi uV h ' rnil. M.iea W Sn rt him" I . I hint a rixilab e !, ash W s that a il i.. i .tit. M ttnw ll i tro i tH'tit t IS lianas- thin K.il tie ama t titn,n Vt.t) replied V ' I aeia te !. ttn I" rhtit4H-n . I ' i People and Events .. M'M'oi, eh li a ai ite ii a a'.'i't aal aft aM m tha gai iKIm that I e I h- : t t I ' at n. t i n t v a i h s !' in t i'. It tt l'.t.i...,ia a J W Vn, n.t f t"ttt tx-l trtn .a t. tie ht flt t- (it .ia in f i m i4w-iliii, a a tv'wiiee ta aiue4 h i ea,u t, I Im.i SaM4 a tit '! tP tttu.g a et nt (S f iti,'i li'ei --1 te nieke a i,.iti la. ! I I' l t'Wl-t ltrtt' . Staltlt Sul "Vie tte l it.'1 A ar ai h Ike ,t In4 I mi i.., tat kxut ( Vik( tea i t I ".i l' ' - e wuut eet te,t4 t" - I . ) tl t t . tkt eiatt Vat t- I e ! ('"' -ae eel m-tktr lei It u a lti- thia'.i.. a... i fm't t''tk it ka a ' eta h. I f,i mi 4 ike its i ,r i a - Sa a . Juallee Due lu llenrf. OMAHA, April 22,-To the f.dltor of The Bee: I have been asknd by a man who signed his communication "An Kx-Tar" to snawer the mud-slinging article by B. M. Collins on "Whst Mewey lUd." It Is true thst the fleet Hewev le stroyed was composed of mere tubs, but that waa the smallest purt of bis ac complishment. When wsr broke out ha wss without coal. He got It when nine men out of ten would probably hne failed. He moved and acted so quickly thst he was in Manila bay long befum the Spaniards thought tt was possible for him to srrlve, snd took them unawares, which fai t had a great d'-al to do with his clean victory. He passed the fortl fled Island of f'orregldor and over the submarine mines unnoticed snd sccom pllshefl his purpose without the loss of a man. After destroying the fleet his Job wa not yet done. Without ammunition ha upheld the honor and dignity of the Cnlted htstes against the hoetlle Her man fleet. In all, his service during the Hpanlsh war wss brilliant. His greatest lemsrd came from a cool, level-headed congress, and consisted of their vote of thanks snd advancement in rank to thst of admiral of the navy. Whether or not he was shabbily treated, I cannot say. The service ho gsv the United Wales waS. however, far more thsn could be repaid in money. Alud-sllnglng Is not so detestable when men confine it to men, but this person sttacks a good woman, tha wife of a prominent official. In all probability be has never seen the wife of our admiral, snd It It certain thst be dne not know her history. In deeding tha property presented to him by sn sppreclatlv people, the admiral made a practical move, and the dearer the present wss to him, the greater the present wss to his wife. At that, the house belongs to both of them. Hero worshipping msy be wrong. 1 havs never thought so. But hero hating through a Jealousy I cannot understand, la much worse It Is abnomlnable. Title Is not written with the Intention of becoming Involved In a controversy, for I will not argue with a person who sttsrks a good woman in public or else where, but It Is written becsuse my friend, the Ex-Tar, requested It. U M. TIPTON. vlf Women "Were Soldiers. OMAHA. April B.To the Kdltor of Tli Bee: The American Women's League for Defense voted several daya ago to Wear trousers In tlm of wsr. The desr ,women sre drilling and getting patriotic and preparing to be of service when Jingo sotlvlty shsll have driven the country into wholesale slaughter. They do not propose to ftsfht They will drill and strut around In mala atlre and stay at home presumably to bring forth sons to carry on th work of de struction In th future. To be Ilk sol diers, however, they would not stop st this. To be real "defenders of th Isnd of the free," they ought to do mor. They should go to th front, burn and destroy, malm and kill, and those surviving go home, covered with glory, foul with dis ease and filled with contempt for honest labor snd lsborers. If these women expect to be like sol diers, they must expect to desoend to the lowest depths of cruelty and shame and aufferlng; to purge from their hearts every fooling of pity; to commit any crime, no matter how black, If It be In the name of law and order and lov of country. The picture Is not ovrrdrswn. Their setlon already bellea the best instincts of womanhood. Tliey bav but a short dls tsnce to go to have lost every worthy, typical feature of femlnln character. EDMUND n. BRUMBAUGH. I.lmltatlone on eeravry of gleite. EXETER, Neb., April xl.-To the Editor of The Bee: I notlc that Secretary Pool has gathered his brains 'Into tnsssed for mation and "decided" that an individual voter cannot write In the, nam of the candidate of another party on th blank space on th primary ballot provided for that purpose snd hav the vote counted. I can hardly think that Secretary Pool could have made the Idiotic dectelon thst the newspapers attribute to him, or In fsct thst he would be foolish enough to make sny decision st stl In mstters en tirely outside of his Jurisdiction. The lew asys thst the secretary of state has control of the preperstlon snd print ing of the ballots, lis Is simply a clerical officer, not In a eenee a Judicial one, and his decision in mstters outside of those which the lew puts under his lmmedlste control ts Just ss valuable as that of my. self or Robert a. Rosa of Lexington, who is generally considered the champion Idiot In the stste. A "decision'' to the effect thst a voter haa not the right to write In any name which he rhosea In the blsnk space on the osllot provided for thst pur pose snd have his vote counted, Is sssi nine and would not stand two minutes In a court of law or common aense. The supreme court declalon tiled In sup port of Mr. Pool s views hss reference enly to the details of the bsllot work and does not In sny wsy define the rights of the individual voter. For Inatsnee. sup pose I had written In the name of Judse ftuttnn sa the democrat).' candidate for governor and If enough ethers bad don the same, be would bate been legally nominated sa such candidate Of rourae. erervbody knnwe without 4 ' declabm" that the vote wnulil not be counted tor b'ln s a repuolltsii candidate TbetS ia n dciiM thai the aerrtarlt of Nebraska aln the ilav of Tom James have bean liitelle, tua prndlalea, twit eriar I'xot I the firal I believe, to asmime runltal met tl. ..tet f lt tndlil.luel iltiseit. W J VVAITF Editorial Snapshots I'd. led it.ie Leila! Tn In'aeastt nl l...ina 11. 1 1 t a . 11 fii ,ii l ti nt' i'n, bat i!iu Mama 1 dlan4, ' I'. .1 list I 'M It how ive;i t t tat tt.t at 1 "i aie. b ! li .11. iil.J Am. it' ) ! n..i .iii. is rn talis rt tn te int I'M-as Mt l r rtial eejiiMtt 1 t . ts . ..nti "' tt iiiianiiuia nt p.. itfuti..!' tan I iMfcoitaet tt a dut f l i ...,,-. IK H I mt f .mI t t l.,lli. 1 -. I 1 I Hmtl.it t i... (ifM It ! a to ! I kt . t ot ti'. . a-!-t ilav li ti'tii lem t4 lJint fa et li.ta Ikal tea t S s 14 hl .tt . S-"et''''l i'iSia k .. .1 ae,rtt.i wins tht r. r a l MliMt 'Hkei tat t't 'i4 f ' tan a tt..nt i' In tkt t.US t" IMal, te Iktt If et ai I an t aUel It .i.'a'e. -,f i.eiiti:ittr Hit ( st.it on 4 li.M i-r" tiif 14 te I , , t ' Out of the Ordinary llalr-cutting waa ones a crime in France. The first steel pens were sold for shout 40 wents each. An ounc of gold lesf will cover a space fourteen feet square. One-fourth of the world's lesd supply Is from Orest Britain. The meat packing Industry of this coun try leads sll others In extent. The largest meteorite known to have fsllen to earth weighed tV pounds. The mest-eatlng tendency of the Ameri can shows sn Inclination to decline. The tiaea of whale oil are more numer ous st the present time thsn ever before. Of all the citlct of the 1'nitcd Kingdom, Belfast hits fewer unemployed thsn sny other. Tbe annual Increase for telegraph snd telephone business Is more than 4",ono tons of copper. The f'hlnese have cared for their flah resources for centuries, but the United Htstes leads In scientific fish propaga tion. The total product of the farms of the t'nltod Htstes hss amounted to more thsn that of nil gold minis In the world dur ing the Isai six centurlea. A party of glpslea traveling de luxe are encamped near Hrldgeport, o. They are traveling In three automobiles, well out fitted fur camping pnrposos. No other plant gives such a quantity of food to the a' te as the banana, which Is forty times more than thst of the pointo snd 123 times more than thst of wheat, Ireland bus W,;'J In in) hcddcis . hs vlng plots not exceeding1 sn sere. ),7 who hold mors thsn one s re and not more tlmn five seres; l.Vi.Kifi under fifteen, and IS'i.fXS, not exceeding thirty. It has been estimated thst the telephone snd telegrsph systems of the world hsve used shout fl,flo tons of copper, (ft per cent of which la charged against the United Htstee. SUMY GEMS. Charley dear," snld young Mrs "Tor kins, "are we going to celebrsts tllisk Sieare's birthday?' "If von wish," "I think we ought to. We'll buy a. ststnette of Rhskeanear suid put a wreath around Its bend snd then spend the evening st the movies." Washington Htsr, Helle-Whv did vou vswn In young Mr. f-'appy'g ftice? Ncll-J didn't. Did he sy I did? Jielle Well, prsctlcally. He remarked that he had been struck with your open countenance, lialtlmote American. "Hsv." said the landlord to the tenant. who wss two months shy with hie rent, "when am 1 going to see th color of your morey. ( an t say." replied the party or the second part. "The color Just now is an Invisible green." Indianapolis Htar. Mr. Pess mist What is a consulting spe cialist, anyhow? wr. uptimiat un, ns tn big doctor 1 that save you are going to die snd tells you how to do it properly. Judge. 1 "That parrot ot Utelia! Why t ralt off all of thi gosrip of to' nt-ftuWiWixl! Ye. urn tt was tcatnuiK t! they fotafct, ..' Lake tt nut ot the room the day the eeuTne: ubiety nint." Brown lug's Magazine. " " Hicks Tbe snclenta could siv us points on the transporting of troops. Kor In stance, look at the way the children of Israel crossed the Red Sea. Wlcka That waa a regular nalk-over, wasn't It? Hoston Transcript. "Won't you please croak like a frog, grandfather?" anki-d Willie. "Crunk like a frog.'" eaked the be wildered grandfather: "why, little man?" "Hwatisei I heard dudily aav that when you croaked we would get V'.0sV' -Harper's Weekly. A young wife remonstrsted with her husband, a dlaalpoted spendthrift, on his conduct, "Love," snld he. " I am like tho prodigal son; 1 ahull reform by and by." "I will be like the piodlgtl son, too," she replied, "for I ahall arise and go to my father." New York Times. "Lep year doean't attract the atten tion It used to." "No, replied Miss Cayenne: "with a'l our progress, we women haven't managed lo slriko the courtship psce of the men when It coinee to giving away candy, flowers snd matinee tickets, Washington rjtar, "I knew a man who wss very mVeh afraid he would be loved not for biro self, but for bis advsntages, so he put ll to the test." "How did he do that?" , "Wrote an anonymous letter to the girl he loved, asking her to marrv him." Ktiltlmorn A trier lean. AN EASTER NOTE. - Clinton Hcollard, In Judg. I have gone a -sonneting -, Hown tlx" wood-ways of the spring, , , . That therein 1 may discover , Koine fit Kaatcr offering! - 1 I line sought by field and shor ,-. Hindi arid nn-tsphor, i And brive found ah, lucky lover!., Tills for her whom I sdore: That her hair baa cowalip dyes; There are violets in her eyes: , Thar the fl.ish upon the briar, ' With this hue bar fair cheek vies; That ss sways the fern the swaya; 1 That the thrushes sing her pralae (Mstln-tlde end vesper-choir:; Lilting lovely Utile lays; That her voice la In the wind, 1 In the rlllet unconflned, With the ralnbow-bubhleg on II. Vaii hut'd as Is her mind; That she has a wooday sir; That, If fortune but prove fair, This I'll sell, snd buy a bonnet For ibe halo of her hair! to paid on Tim CartificmU All deposits In th State Rank tf Oaim ltht& JL3 Heresy J u..t. , 1 , - I ere nrntartad hw Ibe rinnlinr' rtnar- ante Fund, of th But of Nebraska. 0 , Cvmmircial Acctunl$ Invltii 3 Safety Deposit Bon. 00 a year and up OJq paid on Saving! Account $ Li ei : . Haul the "Olympian" and "Columbian" over the Rockies Mltfhty aa arc the ateam locomotives in mountain anrice yet far mightier ar tha new tranaportation giant THE ELECTRIC LOCOMOTIVES. World supremacy In locomotive Is now held by tbe powerful eleetrlee thst biul tbe superb sll stssl trains "The Olympian" snd "Tho Columbian" over th completed unit of th lctrtfled msla lint of "7TX MUwauJut Road" scroa tht Crtst Con tlnsntsi Dlvlds. This suprtmscy rests on thslr ability to hindl heavier loads with greater dlipatch over th mountain to master snow snd cold to street vstt economies In operation snd to travel farther wllhout overhtulln than sny other locomotive, ithsr stssm or electric. Electric operation adds much to th comfort snd dsllihts of trsvel II meant smoother riding snd freedom from smoke, cinder. and other un dsslrsbl Incident unsvoldtbl with stssm trsvsl. On your nest trip Northwsn ttk "Tfte Afffivouse" and enjoy Ihs comblnstlon of luaurlout rvlc snd elertrle trsvel over the mountain amid msSnlflcent Miniry uniurtiniid on th continent, fKr0fnj Mesr ee mmud. Tlrket OrTirei ISI7 rtmim Street. Omiha tCLENE DUVAU Cenerti Alnl .Chicaf40.MilwauI.ce fi StPaul Ry., a la f .-a fioo iWdvj.I)opailiDoib Cm 'PublUfiiit u t Frep'a. xrpher. Persistence is the cardinal vir tue in advertising; no matter how good advertising may be in other respects, it must be run frequently and constant ly to be really succeed fuL