Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 24, 1916, Page 2, Image 2

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Wilson Understood to Still Hold He
tolZht Not to Hurt Car
rnza'i Feelings.
SAN ANTON' 10, Tex.. April 13.
Major Owners I Hugh L. Bcott hart
practically concluded yestorday th')
inlaalnn an which ho wa sent hrre
tiy thn mrrctary of war, and at de
partmental headquarter It was aald
he would probably depart for Waah
Infjlon. Ho will take to th. accre
try a personal report on what la
billevcd by headquarter offlcrra
the Hdnilniatratlon will has it d
ln!on whether tho American troop
are to remain In Mexico or come
Sleo hla arrival here last night,
General Scolt haa been, with Ocncral
Kunaton almost ronntantly. To
gether they have read auch reports
aa tame from the base at Columbia,
from officer along the line of c.oin
nutnV'jitlon and from General I'erah
lnjt. Kono of then. Indicated fresh
jictUhy by the American force, but
preparation for attack wa Indicated
and 0-encra! Scott gained at flntt
hand an Idea of tha defensive atti
tude tlio punitive expedition ha aa
aunied. l.oea Over I lie fleciirila,
All dn Ion Gcnersl Hott went over
the innfO nl t iic expedition and the
ilrtnlls nf tin idi-nts both north and south
i'f tlx Imurnlsiv' line lienersl I'unalon
srid hi" staff plnced before the chief of
stuff ery coiiiinurili slion received, end
in ad.'ltloii in that record jitovlded him
v.llh eiK'h other evlilerice, Verbal and
willtcn, Unit hme on (he ruse,
ieiieral bcott pxpliilned that Hip secre
tary mid suit lilm here for a more i oin
Mehei ,-! ifiiotl of the sltttiiiloii than
II .hail been iofhle to teirl.e over the
''I'sV.nh wire, and Ihat the minute hi
work wru i omtileied he would leave foi
W imiilnifloii. A to the '(inclusion ho
I ind resiln-d sod the nature of the re
!nrt he anuld make he wa noticom
m!H ,i.
lie ss ked tf It had been 'decided
In withdraw the troop and replied: "We
bae riot reached a conclusion." I lo
no'oil hi hcud inward General Punston
when he I., I.I "We,"
Lack f ri-irellon.
''.ierl Kunalon placed before the
chief of ataff all h report from (Jen
rl J'ershlng already sent to Washing
ton In which (ierierul rrahhi( la known
to I'Mve apix-aled fr more troop and for
radical rhanae In operation, Then and
other repoiia et forth with prlflc
clenrneas the antaonlam which th
Iroopa have met from Carrniua minor
"fflclHl mid front Carranaa troop and
the unmUtakahle ttk of co-operation,
Oeneral Bcott nlao wa tlven oppor.
(unify to learn Jut bow and why th
expedition wn forced Irilo a dufenRlv
lioxltlon inxtead of contlntjln lha par
cull of Villa, ttho now appear to have
e.cap. d Into the dlalrlct beyond th
feitlKMt detachment of Oenernl for
hln' cninmand. There wa at hi hand
the evidence that th mayor of Parrat
had aerved f'olonel W. C, Drown at Hani
Cm n ultimatum after the flht at
I'arral that he muat not advam another
aoldler aouthaartf,
lore I'rnopa Weeded.
R'vlewtnif the tranaportatlon prohlem,
report from General Perhln mad
tmbllo he audacity of maintaining a no
mile wlndlnv Una of communication
auarded by thnuaand of troop when a
much shorter route could be uaed, reliev
ing for more active duty at th front a
arrat part of the punitive force, ft wa
ri-nardeA, her a olhl that General
Funxton would concur In report atat
In tkat the capture of Villa, with the
prceent organization operating alone the
Mine 111,'.! na Irnpiohable. ' lie and at
inont all other rmy offtcora have ry
nhxd for many data that If Villa Is to
he captured ranre troop muat be ent
into Mexico and the campaign muat he
oriducted on much broader llnea than
In len of the formal proteat hy Car
miiiA and (lie etdent antagnnlatn excited
'Miy'iere, It ha alao become evident
thai nucli Ini't -aeed activity probably
oulil meet with f 01 mat armed opposition
by the tie facto government troop. In
the cm. luii.m. army men here tak It
fin sr,'itd the chief of ataff will concur,
linn mulling tt nreeaaary for the admln
Miatii'H to occi.le at an early date the tit fatuie oiei ation In Mexico.
Tlu tj ua asallutile for Ocnrial H.-olt
cKlielderalloit rmn h Infiu mnllnii relatlvn
t the miivemetit f the Mexican troopa
In iiorlbern .l' lio and teporla, offh lal
.mil ! ,!, ef activities of men and
fiiiip, nf iik'h who aie creillled with
nl.iiia f-r f'M.HiiHna I re alt tevolutliitta
a ! t' .K f tt goxnttmeiil. At h.
mi' : ntnl s .i.jiiai irrs ther aU was
iii'.ji m'."i.ii ttut in. mated a pixn hi itr.
i-.i Mi'Uism. i-rni of them Mfflian
ens iv (.1 t.'1'iiiin ti e raid nit the bor
der t t tli..nMU lni .1 ate.t In
ihi- j.lM, it a said, w-'re si-m of the
us... ii, m tin participated In 1'ieni taat
hi. ti nu t
I ,t iv.,tiiK f l.'l.. r l.-ihin
" ; "f i t 1 . j ' hi.f-'4 t i I I lut mi'fi M
' t ci tin l.i t ..I i.i.i-.ii Im
i..iii.i t ...I i .,, 4ifi.c at Ilia nit.'
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Villa than he :i!reery hu gone utile
he Ib heavily reinforced and his handi
freed to some extent at leant tn dealing
with problem of ripply and Information
beyond the bnrd'T. Seni-tal B.:otl' dt
clalon to return at once Kenemlly wa
laken to meun that he had reached the
same ennclueion and would ho report to
hertelnry I'.aker.
In this connection II. la recalled thnt
I'realdetit Wilaon specifically rcjeniyl
plan for a more extenalve movement In
purault of Villa mapped out by the gen
t nil staff Immediately after the Columbus
raid. Trio scope of theae plmia never
haa tK-en revealed, but It "iierllv In
understood that tney contemplated a
virtual military :ci iipatlnri of all Hint
part of northern Mexico In which tni
bnndlta might tnM refuge. A big army
would have been required, and ihe whola
territory wi old have been swept thor
oughly so that no Villa follow, ri rould
Wonlil Meaiii War.
The admliils(raton Inlt It hss b"en re
ported that any such movement a this
was certain to lead to war wlln Mexico,
The development of opposition jo the
smaller punitive eyiHillilon la held hy ad
ministration offh lal lo have home out
this view. This opiionltlor, tney loin'.
out, has developed ihsplie a formal an
nouncement hy th prislilent himself that
Ihe sole ohlmi wa the capture of Villa
and that th sovereignty of Mexico would
not be Imperiled.
There I no reason lo believe the d-
mlnlrtratlon haa changed )! viewpoint.
If 'isneral Hcott rerommenf that the -pedlllou
sillier be freed of the lealruliits
Imposed by lis friendly nation and largely
reinforced or withdrawn entlrnly Hier
Siems little doubt that the loiter t-uurso
III be followed.
Military official on the border appar
ently take the same view of th prnb-'
shllllle of the situation. They already
have elltnated, according to pies dis
patches, that (lenenil I'eritlilng' men
could he brought out In ten daya without
being exposed to serious danger of altac'4
en ronlu,
li oiilliini-il from I'age (lie )
Mules and lieriimny la a topic, of Wlclo
The consensu of opinion In that rtlpbi-
nuilli! relullon between the t rilled tdate
and thn allies of Uermany need not nec
essarily be affectm. In regard to Aus
tria, however, much I considered to rla.
pend upon the answer made by the
Vienna government to th American In
ituliy regarding the attack upon (h
Itusslan bark Imperator carrying two
American citizens, ruin of whom was In
jured by shrapnel tire.
Heply fro hi I'enfleld.
Ambassiidor I'enfleld wa directed to
make the Inquiry early thl week. No
reply had been reeclved today end he
may oon bo Instructed to renew the In
It I considered quit probable thut
Austria will lie called tn account should
It develop that Its submarines, too, have
not been acting with a proper regard for
the right of noncomhatanla, the t'lillrd
Hates being determined that 11 I'-kiiI sub
marine warfare, whatever nd by who
ever conducted, must cease.
An appointment was arranged today
for Senator Hons, chairman of Ihe sen
ate foreign telatlon committee, to see
J'residcnl Wilson Monday night to dis
cuss ome feature of the foreign sit
uation, but late today the senator sent
word to th White House that he had
an engagement with the Chinese min
ister at night, and asked that the con
ference be arranged for another dato,
and he probably will ee the prealdett
later In the week.
Th I .oli at Anaeiger a prtdlo.lon that the
German reply will be delayed Is (untie
out by the fact thut It ha been forward I
to general headquarter.
Telegraph Company
Fined for Sending
Out Race Results
Hl'TTE, Mont., April 22.-The Postal
Telegraph company wa fined Jl.Ouu In
the criminal court here today on convic
tion of transmitting information on which
racing bcl were made. Judge lonhiti,
who Imposed (lie fine, aatd H was too
smalt for a second offense, but he could
make tt no larger. An apieal was taken
l.EIV.NON. O, April Jl.-ohlo bnaais .-f
ens of th two women tn the whnlt
country who tram and lace horses. Miss
Vest Mlbb of thl city now Is prcpar
Ing her string for the coming ramiusian
In ths slat barrens circuits and look
forw ard to a ewvcefu one. Mi on
ducts a trotting farm of her own and
haa mail numt) at ! 'n her slrtn is
iitpban liny, I i who haa been a factor
in Ohio trotting circles
Th Nutate i tntial (, tn Itrgtstry.
7t ! tlainey tr I as ' b night ' the
Mm, I rnver fs'c V eitnesday eisuliiij
ptid.rins i- nf t's t- Ian M-hU com
tiij the pr' In nd l i p ii. !i.i
t H i .(.. (,ir tn il iSi nwnu i.f tnn'!. ml 1 I R iIS-JI Sllf luuv v ;
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TO AEROPLANE ATTACKS Spreading a veritible Niag
ara of white fire from the tail of his aeroplane, De Lloyd
Thompson, who dropped fireworks bombs while looping-the-loop
over Washington, performed the same feat over
New York City. He explained that his "stunt" was
financed by prominent men, as a lesson for preparedness.
'! (
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l- iw. . sy Sit.htv itjj.
One Thousand Workmen to Bow
Before Samson During Latter
Fart of June.
One of tho biiHlent nights of the
aeaaon for Simmon, the chlof boaa of
A k -Bar-Bo n, 1h to be that of Juno J8.
That I to be Ancient Order of
United Workmen 'night. .One thou
sand delegates to the Anctnnt Order
of L'nltfd Workmen convention In
Omaha at that time are expected to
be Initiated that evening at Sam
son's Den. The Indue band and drill
ti'Hiu la to be In attendance.
The oetaulon that brings the An
cient Order of I'niled Workmen to
Omaha la the observance of the thir
tieth anniversary of the organization
of tho Indue In Nebraaka. There are
alxtiH-n lodge of the order In Doug
las county, with a intunbrrahtp of
8,000. The grand lodge olflcera and
notabli'x are to take the Initiation
dcurce at the Don, along with the
This is one of the big loilucs In Ne
braska, a lodiji? Unit iinni ilititf to staie
ini'lits of the offlci-is has paid out In
Xchtn. lui aiMirtixlinatidy $I2,iV In ben
efits since Us (iraniilxallon.
Ah-Ssr Hen has a membership lo date
of l.icv.
H-lieiiriila Noft I lie Order.
llchi-a reals im- beiiiK rushed now es.
pe.liilly on th- iboriis. Another rehea--
sal Is lo be iiild Monday evening. Tho
youiiK otrtx of the city nr sliowlng es
pecial raaerni-n to art Into the rhoru
tills year
I iilliiwlim Is the list of special dele
gations to tie entertained at tha Pen
show and lintia lion fur thn various
nllthtj iIiiiick J ne
June A, oi.'iitnif iiluht, when everybody
will annul
June 1.', I.'ke and .'ler f'uKe:
Junn 1',', Hit'pv comity
June ;t, ti-itl-ih sitiai-is
.tune W. Atnbiit tM-'i r of t'nlted Work,
The show nd initiation Ihe evening
of June Jl is a ere. tul, put on In t
mlildlc of tin- U estHi-t,liy In U
(li t'e.iii ft 1 ii.. is an ipt'rtiinliv t-i
ft l tlie e ill i i I hi !. !ie 111 Come 'f
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- 'fMi - hOOf' OVlfi. J1EVJ Y0JH.AC.
Eighteen Thousand
Westinghouse Men
Are Out on Strike
ITITHBt'ltfill, !'., April Z-. I'lrksts
si all rntruiii'i'S to tlm Wi-stliixhotis
I'liMtrli: Hint Alliliuficlurliu- cniii.iiiiy uX
Kaat JMiIiiImjikIi thl inoriilnif (ili-uili'ii so
siJuii.-ssfully with th workman on tlmli'
way tn . tits sli'ms thut IcinK-i-s of tin;
trlk lntuti rated yi-slrilay lo r-nfnrca
ii right-hour iluy ditinand ii?clari'd only
6,00 of the 1S.OI0 miiloyns hiwl rniired,
Orsat crowd of atrlkcrs flllid th
slroets IsiiiJIiK to thn kuU-s, but tln-ri!
wa rip illHorilcr. Oraaiilzntlon of the
trlkr Into local nf thn nnwl forun-d
union wa said to b iH'iriijilliiK nipldly,
Insldi the simps aniiids caisfully i'X
amlnsd (lis J 1 1 r i U linakcts of ilia workmsti
whi) ftinx'srdi-d In puKsiiiK the pli'lii lK tu
Prevent the liitriliictliin of explosives.
This riiltlon was first appli'.-l to the
shell dnpaittncnt, but wns later exioncled
to liirliiiin h I Uia shops.
Ixmdura of tho sltlke unnotinui'd they
would org'inlzi) a paradu at noon to visit
th other town In the Turtla creek val
ley In an attmnpt to brhiK out tho work
men In a J i u m I iei- nf fuelorles whli h do
not rviKni tho elKht-hour duy. If they
uci'ccd, they sithl, they would have ih.Ur)
man on strlku hy nlahi.
latter in the day the company an
nounced that the shops were practically
closed and added that the icrlevance coin-
mlttec, which hon-lofore liHd conducted
all ncK'itttttloiiM for the men, had mude no
dfinatid and the company was in Igno
rance officially as lo what the strike
wa for. Hccently an advance of 10 per
cent wn staiitcd throughout tho work.
Submarines Are Busy; ;
Four Shins Are Sunk'
IXi.VnriV. Airll ?1 -Subniartnes have
sunk an Italian steamer and a I-rencli
bark. Two Kngllsh ships are revrlil
sunk. It Is not believed any lives hive
been lost.
I.aiuhaau and I'alna In Ihe Miick.
At tha first twinge nf pain In the back
apply Sloan a I.lnlmeiit-icilef conies at
on e Only :'"c All driifiiilsts. - A liai'sf.
Washington Affairs
to COIlftl
,'tl tt i1''(ir!!1rlU f taH fnr
(tie ciniiH n.-l.. .
of tl ic. f,.r tlu 'r rvm ns-
j Wat it. tMii to. i ot i.j..'M iin!i.-..i.i
; Kltend . c at Ho' aunt I" I r ! ' Ion i
j fcr ilvtlll.M Ihift i,IC-l',."l 111 I
Ilislp ; ft. r, i ft Itum-r, n i
en tei t:Uii iul,i rft . ' -,
-'.l.. r I i;i I. l.i.Uft uiftl'tf Hill .
; leftMiiittoh ,i a Niliftli call--.
-I . to
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snaas ftaa-.tihsi'-saa- ' --iiat-.i.. ' """" ' mu -T'TllW! i n i ia aajrsl L U.i 'Hi' lyn I smU
iiols Resolution Prolcsltnu.
fJTtAND ISLAND. Neh.. Aprd 24,-Pio-testlnit any strike of railroad
entflnenv-n and trainmen, the Commer
cial club of this city held a special meet
ing for the purpose of demanding that
the differences between the railroads and
thw railroad unions be submttt' ! to rbl
tratlon. The resolutions were Introduced
by Mr. Fred Ashton and were unani
mous! adopted.
Th resolutions cull attention to the flirt
that a strilie InvolvlrtK vm.iniO striker ami
tyln: up every railroad In the country
would reull tn a los of hitndreda of
mlllloii of dollnrs to the puhlic. Con
slilerable discussion on the suhjeit pre
ceded the adoption of the resolutions, A
large representation of the business men
of the city was present, In addition to
all but two of tho member of the exei u
tlve committee of the Commercial club.
The resolution adopted were as fol
lows: "Whereas, the Commercial club of
(irand Island Is convinced thnt the dif
ference now Impending net ween the
railroad of this country and certain of
their employes, If not speedily adjusted,
will result seriously and may bring about
an Interruption of railroad tranaporta
tlon, and
Wholes, a railroad strlk. even of
temporary duration, would be a calamity
fur-reai hlng In It effect and bring a los
to the public fr rnr erlou than Ihe
loas tn th railroad companies and their
employe, and
Whereas, arbitrary action on either
sldn, without the question In dispute be
ing submitted to a careful and unbiased
investigation, would bring a grave con
dition, threatening the welfare of the
public; be It therefore,
tlesolved, That It Is tho sense of the
Commercial club of 'Orand Island, tf the
purtlea to tho controversy do not reach
i i early agreement through direct ne
gotiation, that both parties to the con
troversy should suhmlt their differences
to an Impartial board of arbitral Ion for
tlm adjustment of all ramies of dlffer
cmu between them, with due regard to
the Interests of th public."
Hpeehil interest U attaehed to the
thi'1'Bt.-ncd strike for the reason that the
railroad unions have given the railroad
until April "5 In whhh to nwer th de.
niuinls of the men, Inereaae.
rp.K.fONT, Neb., April CI. The threat
ened ?trlk of 4011,000 enalnemen and train
men wa one of the chief topic of dis
cussion at ths bsnquet tendered by the
Ad club section of the Commercial club
to some 200 of the leading professional
and business men of Fremont. During
the discussion It was brought out that
the demands of the men will require
$jon,noO,ooO a year to pay the Increased
wages. The speaker who discussed the
proposition also brought out the faet that
the railroad are In no position to pay
this tremondou amount of money, and
for that reaeon If any ucb Increase I
granted It will mean that freight rates
and paasenger rtes will have to be In
creased In order to make up the deficit.
It waa also brought out that th men
who are threatening to strike are now
,belng paid an average of SI, 2M a year,
while at Ihe same time the great ma
Jorlty of railroad employes, those out
side the labor organizations, are receiving
an average of only MM per year,
wisarea Absorb Korly-li'lTe Per Cent i
of HnllrOHil Income.
NORTH PlftATTB, Neb., April S4.-At a
specially called meeting of the executive
commute of the Commercial club the
member dlcused th Impending trlke
of 4U0.000 cnglnemen and trainmen, which
I threatened for April 2). The railroad
brotherhoods have given th railroad
until' thla date to reply to their demands
for an Increase In wages of 25 per cent.
The Increase, If granted. It wa pointed
nit hy the speaUer at the meeting, would
Kace and Body Covered with Blisters,
Started to Spread. Child Very
Cross and Could NotSleep.
"My niece suffered with Itchloa eciema
for nearly si months. Her face and body
were covered with blisters whlrh broke
open and atarted to pred,
and as soon as on bliner
nienet a few days later more
eruptions would appear. Her
f'a was a fright tn look at
and tha rhlld was very rrn
and could not sleep plains.
"Then I Ucd rullriir
fnap and Ointment and
after uatnl two botes of lh
't'ntlriir Ointment together
wlih the (mtriir np she
u entirety bealed"
!liied) Mi Thereim !ela.
skv, '.lit Cortland "I-, ChK-aaiv, III,
v i. i i, toi.v
ftSainpIc Koch Tree by .Mall
Willi 3J-p. akla lor4 en rerpiesl, Ad
raa ptatkrard "t allcaia, !. Ti Rassa
butd UArUiUftMIl th ItfUi.
f u
require f!oc.flo0.fvl a year. It would also
reiiulro an increase in freight rates and
passenger rates to enable the ruilroad
companl-a to puy the increase.
It wns brought out during the discus
sion that the men who aro making the
demands constitute less than one-fifth of
the total number of railroad employe,
and that this small proportion la now
receiving almost one-third of the total
amount nf money paid out by the rail
roads for labor. The Interesting fact was
also brought out that the railroad com
panies are now paying 15 cent out of
every dollar received for freight and pas
senger service for the purpose of paying
labor, and that the tremendous expense
of equipment, maintenance of way, es
tenelons, rolling slock, tin., the payment
of taxes, and all other expenses, includ
ing the payment of Interest on bonds and
dividends, has to be paid out of the re
maining 5.ri cents. Advertisement.
dollar when you read The Uee Want Ad
Iilaho Mooerra for T tt.
HOIMK. Ida., Aprd 23.-The nlxteen
ileli.ftiati a elected by the progressiva state
convention here today to the national
invention to be held In 'Chicago were
Instructed to vote as a unit for th nomi
nation of Theodore l!ooeevelt for presi
dent. Culls from the Wire
Alhft-rt l'ena. slayer of a Fresno. Cal.,
policeman, and who bad been trallod
through foothills for several day hy
posse, wa shot and killed near Hanta
Mnrwirita hy W. I'". Cook, chief of poll'
of Kim I, ills Obispo.
Comment wn ra ised In Wall street hy
ft in w order enforced by special polhw
men which excludes ail but miwnlier
from the lobbies of the Stock exchange.
Official say the order is designed to stop
lolti-ilng by brokers' uMtomer and em
ployes. Iievelopmrnt of a system of military
transportation s one step toward na
tional prcparedneaa has b en undertaken
by reprcsentstlvc of railroad snd auto
mobile Industrie, with the co-operation of
Ihe national government, It was an
nounced at New York.
The sixth annual session or the Ameri
can Association of .lourunlUm Touchers
adjourned at Istwreuce, Kan, to
a close its two-day ai-ssiou with the elec
tion of officer Jiuni'S MaK'tn I.e u'
New York university wns electrd r-resl-denl,
Will II, Alnyes, t'nivenlty of Texas
vlco president, and Carl II. Oetx, univer
sity of Montana, secretary.
Today And A
Generation Hence
Tho flight of time makes til think of I
Ihe future. Tho baby of today reflects I
what (reatneM may be i
acquired when be i
f:row up. And any
rifliicnce that brine j
relief to til expectant j
motlier I the first in :
greatest of obligations. .
There la a pleodli
remedy known
"Mother's Friend" that
ba been a nafeftiard,
a helpful daily Influ
ence, to a host, of
women. Applied rater,
nalljr to the muscle
they become pliant.
tbejr stretch without endue pln, titer 1 an
absence of distress, the n ernes are soothed
by taking away tlie burden of leafing all to i
Just natural condition.
There I In "Mother1 Friend" the direct !
and immediate help that all expectant mothv i
en require. Used hy their own hand, guided I
by their own minds, they learn at once th
blessed relief from mornlnr sickness resulU
, lug from undue stretching. They experience
! daily calm and nightly rest. It Is Indeed
i "Mother' Friend." Get a bottle today of
any druggist. Then write Brsiltleld Regulator
Co., 410 I,:iar Rldg., Atlanta, Oa., for one
. , I . 1 .....!...... I LI. 1 1 . I '
j III IIID liivnft i fiinifi Binft vaniiftijiw miiai I
I nnnss ever proriueu. ;t is worm wrniDg ,
!xr. . ;
Gray Hair Restored
to its Natural Color
In a faw arpllcstlona to Its orirlnal dark, flossy
shade, do mslter how long It has bean (rj ur
faded, tnd ilot'lmfl removed by
It It nt m Jitnn on will know Ton ire mine;
U. tfa ftOc, II. all dealers or direct unon receipt
of price. Send for booklet "Beautiful Hair."
Phllo Hy Specialties Company. Newark. N. J.
1," "Vk.iT
rft4 y.-i-JOtMJri
fat ' - ' ' i"-
r- -
... l "af
111 't...vsw:i
M J rr" " ff
CctMial DUUibutoH OtasJw. NclMtuil
"I fount, tho sfrviou brtwrea 0m.ih,v wul St. Pavil
en our line very much suprrior, b'Hh in rquiptnnit
ariit prompt nesi, in rv.ifhing tlrsttnAtion.
"Will cfrtA.nly continue to me your line in th
futurt unit have a,lvutii sevtrsu ff my f ricnil la
do the s t !'.'.
"ll.ive uie-l our hue three times riiht on ttm
ttlw a vs. Keep It tip,"
St. t.ouu. Mo. IVh 22. liUt?. "W, H "
Try tha Wntrrn the vtry nct time )tu go
la or thrtmiih I't. uiit, M won City, Bi, r.uil, Mm
rn.ipol!:.t, iKih't ju.', Ci-ii" ;.
r r .. ? i
m 'W W ajiar
a Nil i f n i if
How Mrs. Kelly Suffered and
How She was Cured.
Burlington, Wis. "I wa very irreff
ular, and had pain in my aide and back.
but after taking
Lydia E. Finkham's
Vegetable Com
pound Tablet and
uaing two bottle of
the Sanative Waah
I am fully convinced
that I am entirely
cured of thcao trou
bles, and fcol better
all over. I know
your rcmeda havn
done me world of
rtood find I hope every suffering; woman
will fjlva them a trial." Mr. Anna
Keixy, 710 Cbijstnut Street, Burling
ton, Win.
The many convincing tcatimonlal con
tantly published Irt the newspaper?
ought to be proof enough to women who
suffer from those tliHtressinjj III pecu
liar to their aex that Lydla E.Pinkham'a
Vegetable Compound is the medlcinn
they need.
Thl good old root and herb remedy
lias proved unequalled for theae dread
ful ills; it contains what is needed to
restore woman's health and strength.
If there l any peculiarity In
your ca requiring apodal ad
vloeii write the- Lydla K. Pink
ham Sfertlclne Co. (confidential),
Lyna, Matis., for f rec advice.
Devoted to
Brilliant Musical Burleson
ah ukt inniv
WEEirinni. luuni
Back Home Again!
Aftr TraToratng- tha Entire Colum.
bla Circuit
Bob Manchester'i Burlesquers
mollie mimmZT.'J''1
HLAKLUa ft WOBLE, Eccentric
Taqrg.d Thnrn
HBR hi;aih;ii ;
Su'ti s r'-iitiinn M sis're tis.lng tti'.a
weeSf 1 here's oira sparlite, snap,
rrsikle sml s'lmen to ths lihov limn
wti.a tt ot-'iie our saaiion last Ausuii'
And dial Mullla Wllllnma (Irl-she'i mil
a "com-r," she's "tlisr" las eplum
ut arttitri'.
(C, i, JOHVSOV, Msr, r.airetii
Eynlna- and Bnnday Matin,
15c, a do, loo and 76o,
JAMAIS. 15c and 2to.&
''hew fiinl tf vou like, hul no .rri'iMti
Baby Carrlaa Oaraje In th Lobby
, ro l' i an I Mli-H II if I a nrie
t-lA 1 aur u
ippartsd by
bn rAis v tow
iti;m: o. 01' Mrs .vv
lil'(M)K VMM
paiCEBt 3Sc-SOe.
KIs Laug" final performance
aturdar Tlifht.
Th Bast of TandartU.
DallJ-Matlaf a:lS; Erry Hlfht, ;13.
.. lithur atlft Una waek- Hilly 11-
I Valaska i lormiat. Walur V. Mlllun I i
aratt ! lha 6 Kltarnuras Morris c AII-11.
, : Vftulta Gmilii, llartairt Uermftlii
Trt'i. OrptiftUin Trarai Wekljr.
Prti-eii. MulllnH. sallerr, 10!, beBt ssstl (et-i-sui
H41. an Hun 1. H. Mshli, Wu, . is.-. I-i.
TiirpliTs Scfiool of Dancing
rreiity-l(hth Farnam. aTw Olaasaa.
Mat your naui now. Private lneaons any
lima. aUUTXT B143.
iii rii tii
ri .
. if' .