Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 24, 1916, Image 1

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Call Tyler 1000
If You Want to Talk to The lc
or to Anyone t'onnectcil
Willi Hio Ike.
vol.. xi A--xu. ur.i;.
Oa Train, at Hotel
Kt aianda, ate.. Bo.
SIXOLIv COl'V two cents.
Beautiful Day in Spite of the Warn- LATEST FIGURES NO CHANGE
iTlSi Sf t?" thtirMe!fr0l' i The n,ke-up'7r; Nebraska dele
gut Who Makei Weather. KH,H . ,h national convention
-Church Choin and Congregations
Join in Anthems Solos and
Ik won a beautiful Easter In
Omaha, Cloud hovered in tho
moat of the duy, but the nun aliotm
hrlffhtly much of the afternoon anl
lha uo.lh.r .iimk'i IhrndtnllPil "ahfiw.
era" tfid not materialize, Thcr he
Ing no wind and tho temperature be
ing Jut right for comfort, nobody
could find fault with the day.
The crowd which went to church
- 1 A a L. , L .. I .11 Ja H aa, a. .. a a. a. a. a, a. .1 ! . .
ana moan mat uiuu . no awiam
in the beauty of new clothe, par-
tlcularly the feminine, part of thu
crowd. Tha plaant weather i
brought rnllady out In great Jiunibeiv ,
to tico and to be een In Oniaha';r
"Fifth avenue. And the real KlfHi
avenu. or the Champ Klyneeaaurely
howed no finer cllapiay oi ueauiy;
nd fashion thn wa seen right herC
In Omahit.
4l,. II.. Ill lilt.
And the new auto had It day. For
on tho boulevard and the roao1
leading to the country were conllnu
(iii utrlng of pleasure, Becker,
Id tbo churchc of Omaha, choir
and conKreKHtlon, In anthem, nolo
and cantata, gang tho glad t hil
tlan flong- of the risen (,'hrlnt. Mot
of the churches were crowded to their
full capacity and In tome tho crowd
wer too great to be accommodated.
The evening ervlr In mat.y
churchea wa conducted by the Sun
day school and connlHted of Kastir
hymn and recitation by the pupil,
Jn other sacred cantata wero pre
ae'ntcd. mTI.K AT 'I'll I flTV CATHKIMiaf,
ttean Tan rock THIa nf Aaauranera
of Pnltirc MO foa III rial Ian,
Tha Kaater avi'Vlcea at Trtnlly catliadntl
Holiday wara Inrualy ihumIkhI, H'-rvlica
wm liehl nt 6 In the nioiiiliiK, at II In
iho inornliia and at t M In the after
noon. The cathedral choir, undT tha
dlre.'llon of linn Mauley, rendered beau
tiful iroi'arn of aonw airoprllo to
the Kaatfir aciiaon,
I'aan J, Arthur Taiicoek read the morn
tug leaediia and dnllvcrad a ahorl aermon
In which he took up the awaiiraivea aa
thn Chrlatinn flnda them of a fjtilra life.
Jin poliitnd to the rcaiirienlloll of tha
Chrlat a the Krenlcat evidence, and anil
that thoiiKh acholara mid phlloaophera
liftd reaaoned and argued about the toaal
blllty ut a future life for iiKea puat, th'
church iloea not arue It, "The cliun h
iloea not arue tho miitlc-r,'' he auld; "It
llnla to Chrlat rlHCii."
lie declared that the evidence of
hi lat a rmurrectlon are o numeroiia
and ao plain, aa they are a)n of tli
aaeenalon, that no other hlalorlcal fact
la belter eatahllahed than thcae.
Attack Army Morals,
Police Quell Crowd
NKW TORN, April 23. -A lii-etlng of
thn Wimen'a I'eace aoclety In Hrooklyn
wa ternilnatad Uat nlnlit by pollen, who
warn called In to protect -frank 0ilui
from twenty or thirty men, who reaented
Ma altaik on the nrmy an ! navy.
Jlohn, who h I" flpaiilah War
natrran, and who la nil Inatructor at
(Vlumbla unlveially, ehaiged that tha
army and na larked 'Hh Immor
ality" and cliallciiK.-il anyont- to deny It.
Immediately mam of the men In tin
audience, a.inia of whom weic amluia,
roah-d toward Holm.
Sonato Approves the
House Sugar Measure
WArtlllSUti'V A pi U .I I.1"
(Hy (he nla .,.iw.l lln lntu nlll M
..I'll the tr. iar Uin ' U.
ct(f U uii.l. r tiWli ci wuni.t li
gone tn t!i lie.' lil Mi) I
In l of I" l1" '!' tr rt't
lrau an limn Ini'iil hl'll 11 t't I
I.n-t.i a I'-i i 4 l ii ft I tvlil a
f.., f. .i , tinl iinh ii I l. 4 '''"''
The Weather
a -'"'aha i4a,
.a 1 , . .. I .
11 II .
" (
, .'.
L V 1
Vl ,T
I v ta 1 1 1 a lull .i4
I -' , I , - . . i I . i i. -
I ... ----., . t 1
!. M . ''
' f
Illl-,1, I'll ' Ul
I i, . n i(
. V. , . . , - , i -
- I ' ' ' ' 1 '
Roster Made Up of Thoie Who Will
I Represent State in Great
National Convention!,
In now fairly well ratabllahcd, uf-
flclcnt of the tnte having been heard j
,ro,n ia'i .',1h "'nl'l '"taint
I iiiit limn,.: 11 in tuirin,
' In th republican convention the dele.
' gafea-nt-large '"'"i thla aiaie will li i
i!i-iriK. (, Uudge t,d niro.
the J-'irt nia-nct, rmm and i-oi-
bird tint i' l'iii flii.i-u ; Hip H'ioihI will
be tiitn lti l.v I'm mill either l,ooml
.fir Met; ih Third, by Thutuiiuii and
Kemn: from the l''.,urth the di li'iale
wln rMrrt.y ,,! either Jkhk-ii oi
! co'iton, wiih the r'.i.:t( In favor of
''"I"''', from the 1'lflh. Harnett arid
Lhii, and from Mm ninth, May and ellher
Mallarv or Wealervrll. Willi tha advan
tage allghtly InVavor 01 tlto former,
The democrat will aritd to Ht. lunula
a delcgta.i-laiga, V, II, Thompaori,
Oldham, , He and Thorns, and the dla
trlrt delegate: Klrat, Aloran and aithar
uood of
r.gar; Herond, Kennedy and
Third, Morrow and iJieen;
Koiirth, Ht tle-M and dinar flowlliy or
1'' fifth Cl.rv !.,( M ..!' Kftlll
T(,ylor Bftll rown nr TlJn,
-. ra fri He male,
Tha lainat figuroa. whii'li clin no
relative poaitiona, urept on th immiI..
" ''"" '"r tn"'y -'""'"""""'f'
Vnr I'rraldritl.
n,im Katalirook
, I,; lUx.ot'Vcll
I Kurd
I l'"Ml''
For I ii I (ad atnlra Srnalor,
ftlcr't'llUCAV, ! KKMiH'IIAT.
Kcniiady MM lllii liiotk !.'
AMrlcl i ax.KIt Dunn
lor lrlpitnlra-a-l.ari.v.
HKrtr.ll.Il'AN, I M.MD0.IAT
fdldrldKi ..M.Jr Thompson
Uurney ifi.f'llldhlilil ..
lod ...fKII1 I'rlca
-iirrlo ,,ZM,l!i Thomaa ,,
Kllpnlrli'k MM'ti I'latll ,,,,
Kpperaoit WW Hryan ,,,,
Jlevelono 2I,M)I I'onea ....
, ,X!,70l
, .!W,TWl
Kiif Nallonnl i i,ninilltarman,
Howell 31, IHlc Mullen ,..,,27,"W
iVIctirew la.l.d! lxililman ,,,.,..fM
Hilllori U.Wt N'cvllle .d
Mi KelvIe llryan .....M,VS
Mllea , I'),!'
I ilz-orxe 7, III.!
i Madtteit OW
I I 'or llriilrnani tiitirrnar.
I - (to rounllea ; H'i emmilea )
m:M,ni,i:AS'. i iikmu'-'kat.
l Hhiimwny I7.M.-. Howard M."M
Martial 12,'iM. Hitmilng U.7M
! Nordgren I'),7W fearaoii iifii'
j l''r aeerelarr f
ll'orly-lwo euiillea,
i W all 1'.,7V Htrtti h ....
j llenacd S.2XI WaJtn
Vnr Andllor.
d'orly-one enun'lea.1
HKI'I 111,1'AN',
Mamh , 21.!MI Mltief
er Treaaorer,
CM counties l I (fl eounllea.)
IlKMi: l.l.K AN. I I il'.MUC 'HAT,
llenolda V..;,.,. Hall W.ra
llamer i!l,.W, Adam m.Ki
For tlpirnry l.anarnl,
(4.. coiintlaa.) 141 eiuntlea I
m;ri ni.ii AN. i m-mochat.
l, vw ,, fterd 24.432
Haldaraon IZ.tOi! llemu IK,7
AnderlMiry ,0S.
Vnr l ond ( oinnilaalonar.
(Korly-two nountles.)
HKnill-ICAN. I liKMOimAT.
lieckman IH.Wt'J Hhumway 1 4,0M
Cook 2.7 Zimmerman ...12-OUi
(iherman K.HHJH Hllker M";
i l-eedom , 8.WII
l'r Itallnay ( ominlaaloaer.
i (I'orl.v-two eouiitlal
I RKri'Hl.l,A.N'. ! UK.MUCHAT.
1 t'larkn i;i,i;r U'llaon l.UKt
i .i.iiuia .n v:;m nirian n,;4
, llnodiill I.V ilalalon 7,1.-3
I...HK 7,1111 I'l.iln
XUKhroua i.Wi
; l or Sopri-mc oiirl.
iThlrly-llinsa count ln.
I'lllKr JI.bTI' K (tfo liominaUd),
Morriaany :H.2H 1'aweett J7.47J
ASM x'lATK JUSTK'K (two nomlnalad).
I'ornlah v2l,'.'i rianiea 22.1m
llaallna ...... I!', m" C-'U Ick IK.i'-i
dean WW Martin JSI, Jit
lluaa IS.7.!' Hunt ,,.lii,2.l
I'alm-r I4.1 . Kallia.ii lu.41
Wcstinghouso Plant
Closed Completely
1'iT TMIH Il'.H. April -I. The Kreai
pluut nf lh WealliighiMiM. I lrctilc ami
Manufaetiiimg companv. in Kaat I'llla
Iciiiili (lured i i'iiiplrl. Iv bile today,
In-1 the few liinunand oilimeii
hA fufrd Iheli way by Ilia airlka
Va llil incinlng iiliinii'd to tinir
Iiiiiwi. Kn the hp h t viHriuuiil
1 1,. I. a em Im ii. a lin n 'iC !,. ( ii i . 1 1 , f,.
h nol liming lain ilioa Ihiu.inid
.if .it. ..'in nff the ii..i, anil Hi Ml
l pidii r bud hnl" In do
I 11 lu) ilni;uiil4 ha. Irn nnd
Ihn nCf..M 'f Hi" li'll.ll. IX 111 i,(
111 it,'- I'li'M Slid 1111111 Btliklitt Wfi
Mlli, ll'l taiig lha ,,lld, U
waul ilil Iciin
Can't Sell Even Near
Beer in Washington
nt -till p tl .
a. I .. a.. I
lllll 1, ll' '- ll ll I 1111 l" 1 l'l
I .. I , M I I I 1 I I I I. 1 4
..( t. i.,..tii-i-.i la a fi.i., it
ii... ii-i t i i I ii ,-.! ii I ' a i
i uli el it.-i m i in hi . I-. a i.. i
I I 1
I t I ( .... !.. ll .!, U '
1 I. ii 4 - I I.i
I -I '-
Sun of Judge Sutton
Breaks Arm in Fall
Im .4 "' . . --I i. h I ,
.1,, , I I- ... I. ,. ,,,
I. M a . .:. 4'lm e ' t : n
.it m i i 'i r- i i wl 1 1. a i 1 i i, . , at
i , V . . a aa I a ., . I .a a
Pacificist Says He Will Accept Nom
ination if Offered Him, but No
Political "Ansel" Role
for His.
V, ;
Manufacturer Thinks Candidacy isj
a Joke, but Not Sure Who I
it is On,
I NKW YOUK, April 2.1. Henry
"mi nniiuitncri. jeaieiuiiy inai it
l,oul,, KnrlKht dUcnvery of a (iuid
for motive power fuel measured up'
to thn Inventor' claims, be would
buy tha formula outright. Ho con-!
ferred with Knrlght yesferdjty at i
Farmlnadalo, I,. I,, but ald no test j
wa maI" of tha mixture of a green
powder and water, which, F.nrlght '
contend, may b tired a a ubtl
tutc for gollne.
Mr, Ford added, however, that
after talking with Enrlght he wa
I satisfied Knrlgbt "knew what ha
1 wa talking about."
' Hll Aeerpl uminailn.
I Mr, Ford alao announced that h wou:d
ami pt a nomination for tha presidency
"If tha peopln wnntad htm,"
! "On llilii I am abaolulaly auia nf In
thla reapaet,'' dixlarad Mr. Ford, "and
that Ii 1 ahall not flnama any third puny ,
-not with one iant. Hhould (I l made
evident that I am ttantnd, that la a dif- I
farant mat tar.'' j
Mr. ford enpraaaed tha opinion that j
lha offlca ahould saak the man rather I
than that tha man ahould e-k thn of- '
"I am not a candidate for the preaider.
tlal nomination," h added, "t cannot
regarif myaelf in aueh a, I renard
It aa a Joke only, Jt la a vary aeilou
qucatlon a to who the joke, la on."
Slanlf leaner of Itraull,
ftaferrtn to tha retant primary alac
Hona In the rnlddla west at whh'h he wa
endoraed by the republican voter a their
preference, or the preldenil nomina
tion, Mr. Ford aald tha result aa il
nlfliant of what the people In tliat aee
tlon of the coiintry-tha people who rata
the atuff that fee.da tho country-think of
Carranza Eegime
On Last Legs; Food
Rioting Everywhere
i:L PAHO, Ta.,, April 23. - flmiewed
anKlety waa ahown here today over the
grave economic, conditlona In Meibo.
(Warrants money suffered a nw di:llii
today, American arriving from the In
terior re imaiiimou In their ltatnant
that the alfuatlon of the de facto govern
ment la becoming exceedingly precarious
and that every city they have pasaed
throned food riot were almost a dally
One American who arrived here from
riurno City deaerlned the conditlona In
that data aa terrible. He aatd that the
country people were flocking Into the
cltle by the thouaands. tlrere being noth
ing left to eat In the bandit-ravaged
"In Durango city," he aald, "you could
not get a room for love or money, Tha
city haa a normal population of about
M.iKM, but today It muat have double
that There ware elht or tan
food riot In the week that I waa there.
The riotera were aavage In their deeper
atlon and tha woman ware the woiat."
Reporta reached hare tonight that aerl
oua rioting had broken out In Mexico
"lty. Thane reporta came from .Mexican
aourera and ware, aa uaual, Impoaalole
to confirm,
Hold Fitzgerald
Funeral Service
Tuesday Morning
I inn rat aarvlee for Cnlhcr Will am T
yHtrrnll will be l ad) Tuead.n nidi nin j
at I" o cluck In M I'acnha'a clmii h. I!i
lb'in hllfll M Mill l iff'ii at will Ii
Momlnior i aliiiptl il! I cil. i.iaitt 'i h
nffura fir 1 1. dead will h nil lelnt.i
tla ina-a and lutii niciil Hill he in tluly
iut,-liiii i fnirlt-i y
t alliri' niHKi fald illd ha la. nmf i
log ai ei liipli 1 1 .. i.i I f. t i. ii, i i i ,
m ,. . riiint ii n fin ivlirl Iimiu i i
leailiial Iroitld. He lad In. -n Kiaiaiaiit
'lirIM CifM' tin lr and waa
i.r.'a lil I'-'1! ii'dll aa- M At I'a f
Mil. ! II I vitil'l l, a n-Mi.i "ii
-i rt Ii- ii n 1 1 1 r r . i i i,
i.r i'in'-i'l' $ I Jki
1 1 i v'.f i.f n 4
'"'4 1 M.t I Kf.'t.l' ft ! I .14
; aiM'fv . hu i.; Ji kii ill t h
I. . 'it I , ' 4 I f,., ' ;;!(
. ' : fUfel Br ,, ,lt , . :,
t 1il. l Ktit
l . a 4t Ii 1 a J ; . . , 4 T( .,(
i...-' t. i. 44 ' "M - It
,'.(, '-k I ... c i I ! ' , - t : . ia f t,
I . I c . - -4 ... a . . ... . , , . .
!,.! -v, ' -'-v. i .-Mi-
' ' " ' i ! , .. t " H '
I. I ' I 4 ft I, - Ti Fi .in ( tx t, ' t il r
i- at
I V t It. . ... ,
-i 4 4 H t - 4,1, : ,
3 , ! 1. . t I- M ' '4 ' .I--' ;
, i fc' H ft .? -t s K,-.
photograph shows a procession of Shinto priests marching through the grounds where tho
memorial is to be erected, for the purpose of driving away evil spirits. The ceremonial
was marked by many unique scenes of weird Oriental splendor and witnessed by thou
sands of n oanese,
I i - f f
Berlin and Paris Each Admit Slight
Lois in Double Offen
Hard fighting haa been In prog
res In the Verdun region and heavy
force have been thrown lito tho
battle by both side, but the changes
of ground have not been notably
Tnt. truggl stem to bave ben
more Inteose In tha region of Dead
Mn lllll, nortbwent of tho lortre
where the French and German
bave takn turn In launching an
Neither side claim any galna a
a result. I'arl admit that tha Ger
man secured a foothold In aotna of
tho new French trenches, but de
clare tha ground previously won
was afterward all regained.
Karl I a C'oneedea French t.ala.
lierlln concede! a r ranch gain In th
(Niuretlee wood, Just to the weat of the
Menee, where trenchea have frequently
changed hands.
Toward the northern and of th west
ern battle Hue the llrltlah hava aucced4
in regaining a part of the ground recently
loat to the north of vVrea and th attack
raaulted In the recapture of about '!
yarda of tha n captured by tha tier
inuua on April 19.
The atuenlan troopa, which landed at
Mrallla on Thursday, sre alreody on
t he ir way norih, preaumubly to the fight
ing from, through the city of
l.yona on Saturday. They were given an
cnthiinlflHtli; graeiliig all along lha roulo.
Tiia Uritl'll campaign against Herman
Hast Africa la bring actively agd and
(ieiernl Smi.t, Ui eoniinand, Iiaa reported
lha ocelli ailim of t'inbiiMM and Hiilangi,
which iln cf.liiiiina of the edt
ttonaiy fmcea iuime " mllea Inaule the
I oroer of the (iirninn loluny,
llrlllah llrfpalrtl.
Tu T'nkiah S'ioiiiii of tin- I ii 1 1 1 hi
A.ll 17 'II tll Tlgll". d" I 'le-i ti e I IIU."h
nan- dif '.iid Hll He b of lie. re 1'iin
4 mi men. It, killed and w min 'ed The
Tlllkn liihltull'd la pimll l"li lha prltlah
had pi.M..iil t'ik..i und v It it t ii. lu
HP le ii machine miii "let 'I tow U
onai a, A euMmpiaiit anii-lv im April l'
aa r p'il-U
r.iiinlHntliicpl f'l " I'"' flitil'i
,i,r Ilia ii.-ii el a T'liniN a. n. plate..
KhuHi ai.cci aalillli I-. nit... i .Ird a Irlllth
. amp a II U ii. im i. mi ii" " el i ami.
aiel miuh.i.I a(ii
Yuan Surrenders
All Civil Authority
I'k KIM, T Mi ft o wi'h
.If, t lliU'D U 9t I. ' (. !(
(If -i H I J Ht tit- ' h d'l'ilHint
It fill I OMI ut I -in ntlUh H..t( at o,
'!.( ." 4( !,.' t (-J U
l ti.t t tat tt iti( i tt- tfif fiit
Jit' t.lH M -) It- .(I fj I'. U . ll-
t.ft - M..( i , - i k( i .
! I K I . i lilt ! t'Mkk " -
h t I ( hm H'ti (a ti-i f. .
i i "i i f. . I j i I .-!. 1 - 'i,
t c f - a - I - 4 . t i ' I ;
it'. in III , C tH 1 ' ! I. ; s- S V ;4-4- ,
( ..III! l i al ( 1 - j - III. - I
Huiulrnisuf Stu't )
A iv Shut by Ha tins
, 1 t . i 1 -. it'-. 1 , .
I a, .1 -fc I '- 1 - .-- I
. a- I I.' 4. t : 1 l t in- 1.
i -n . ". . a
.ii!.i ,. 1,1: 4 .... 1 -. ; -.-.i.
. 1.. ff f.1, a' k hi !
rt ' "m 1 ' a a . '
77 aw. .
Mexican Papers Say
Americans Butcher
Women and Children i
TAMO, Tr,, April 3.-An American
returning fiom Jnirango wild; "The feel,
log aKiilnat the Auu i h um la rutiiilUK
vary high and baa been tremendounly
Increased ny Hi" J'arrnl ln Ident, Tiia
Durango City pajina publlalied lurid ac
counts of what had happened. They aald
the 'Htlngoea' had murdered OKI woman
and children, but hid fl"d like orda
hen lha Mexican goldlera attaikad them
Theee atorleg ar expllclll)' brllrvad by
the peima and have cauaed a situation
which making It vny dimgeroua for
an American to remain lu the Interior."
Entry of Additional Soldiers Alarms
Cavira, Juarez Com
KU PASO, Tel., April 23. Tho
, p,.ualnn a. I ,1 ( I I .... a. I I ...a n Inln
i'iv.niiin Hi alUllliJIiAl li"''i"
.Mexico from Columhu today canned '
a feeling appniHchlng dlmay amiing ;
Mexican official In Juarez, who were
prcvlotiHly convinced (hat General'
I'erNhlriK'a expedition wan on the
point of withdrawal.
General Gavlra, Hie Jtiarer, com
mander, wbh frank In hi expreHHlon
of concern.
"I do nut underatand why addi
tional troop ar 1hIiik hcii! In. I
underaland that the Ainerlciin kov
ernment wa conaideilnx the wllfi
drawal of It force and thl move.
pu,.cH inc. I iimfcHa It ciiiihi'm mi)
Home anxiety a I fear It will have an
unfavorable, effect on the Mexican!
people, mho will not In able to under-'
aland It any better than J," i
Anierl-an ftrtnv offn.-t". ' r r.-, while tc
ftalltu I,, eireaa H ilefllilte u-!l lull mi
lilt trui.p Itluleiili nl, t . i i , t o il Ihltl It
llli ,it ,t . U I II 111' IIU Hell Hi" I'l' I
nf r il II I Ha, II, e I'elalilllai l..,M.Hi ,, I
barn abandoned i'i..i nfluet i.lf.n.1 thi- I
aa a p.intlir e vpltinill I'm
"Hi. all Italian ll. at l! I In- Aim. t!, hi
t r,.ij. bigi.i tu i)tili,tM ;i i i, .i.t (
tha Inrliola bliila i.T'UN mtei al
'l l tnrtlllllla a :ie-t l-i.llheill l, l, ,i rtlel
. l.n II ill i nil hut.- Mint II. A ill i I ,(iil air
lati.g I M - m 1 4 tlifl hue I I'll l.-'i.Ue.l
I It la iii;i en all - II i- iti il i 111 ii t ' i i . i .
I I II' lint i.f -aiiiliiniMli lni. 1 I- . lily ,
,"ll I. fl' ll I. I I ' e I : Hi t . ft
. ll lulu l ,i li. an (.. il li, lm
at a a ' l t r e i aui-u u n
V ,1 t.t .ill. I I HI ..
I t.i '- la I'll1 , .- - i - ' i-
a In la I i li I,. . . iUi I , I - i - j t a 1
Witnesses Tell of
Strangt Remarks
of Anna Stulik
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O vrt rust Cwvis,t ,'m4Aaa, .U aauf
Man Taken In Wyoming Wilds Ad
. mils He Is Man Fulling Off
Many Robberies.
ConfeKKlni. to all (no flaring train
rohherlc on the. Union Pacific In the
lat year and declaring, that bla re
cent deapeiato feat of holding up
limited train No. 21 wa Intended to
ba hi laat "Job," tho man ho 1
given credit for having created a
real "wild wet" reign of terror on
a tranacontlnental railroad waa, when
picked up on Hie North Platto river
by a fioane, found to hear none of the
earmark of the "hard .luatomcr,"
according to advice received at th
Union Pacific general office in
The, private dlapatche received at
local headquarter tated that the
holdup man, who gave the name of
William I,. CarlUlo, wa captured at
2:30 o'clock In tho afternoon. The
holdup man had walked about sixty
mile, with twenty men trailing blm.
Ho wa cornered by Sheriff Rivera of
Carbon county and C'haile Irwin.
I'oaae III! Idea I l.
The poaae, headed by Sheriff Itiveta
and Irwin, titat ran don t'arllale, waa
part of half a hi ltd red men who took
uy Mia purault Immediately afier the dar
ing robbery ut tlmum. when the bandit
held up and rubbed nearly three antra Pe-eiig.-ra
un I'tilmi I'liclfic llmlu-ij No. !l,
The cHpture una made about twenty mllea
north of Itawlln. .Vawapnper diapat.'haa
tu I'lieventie I ml I' ut a thine tny be a enn
li,at mcr win, made the captuie. Thaae
any lluil the man wna likin by Wllllum
lla.iea, tniili.hal of .Vitlcoll, Wyo,
tmntrril llr ar rl l li,u.
The I'nliin I'arlfic wlrca gne the In
fiirmatloii that I'uillale anaweied no da
a. Million Jrt gi.rti, ii ml (but lie wnuld
liefer hnvc luell lilent lle, liy Irilllllllen
iih.l ptiea .iiKei a I, .mi hi. In lil ui.
Hi a ,1, ill.i.. iih liiiiliiii !Kht binwii
ball, uiil'l, glut gi.eti iia. n .line emu.
ilein.ii .iii.l a hea.v en at i,( inn. reijiilat'
liMli.ll Hint lulgr. Illegillil lellll Which
ili-trt in ii he atiilli-a.
lie miulil al-a Im n.lllle Imt url.aK,
In. til .li. utaie.l, and lelii.r.l ,, lull
'Alirt.. lila Imiii,. lirtfl i.i ail.lhln'a ahuilt
I, a t,iliill Hi! la lli.ciglit t al.niit 4,
. ,.i -. i. il ., ill i ( I int. h 4 aii.n ti.n
4tair I iiiiiraelitit.
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Drastic Demands of Wilson's Com
munication Comes as Great Sur
prise to Officials of Im
perial Government,
General Feeling; in Washing-to ii
Not at All Optimistic Regarding-
HKHtil.N, April 23. Via London,
April 24.)- Jame W, Gerard, th
American ambngxador, called on
Foreign Mlnlater von Jagotv thl
evening and wa cloar-ted with him
for altuoat an hour. Their dlticuH
lon wa of an Informal nature. Im
perial Chancellor von Ittthmann
llollweg will return to Merlin tomor
row i Sunday ) morning, hut a reply
to th American note need not be
expected for aeveral day, pnlhly
not before Wedneaday,
The American note to Germany
ha been ent to army headquarter,
where It I In thn hand of Kmperor
William, Chancellor von riethmann
llollweg and General von Kalkcn
hayn. '
I'lana i f nlli-d aialaa,
Vt'ASIIINUTO.V, April 23. Tim I nllad
Hlatea governmaiit haa made tentative
plan to conn with every conceivable lt
uailon which would reault from the
anveMnca of dlplomallc relallona with
'inrmany. For reaaiiua thay Indicated
were obvloii, official tonight tieafned II
unwla to dlaruaa dntalla.
There war reaaona for believing, hoiv
ever, that lomi of tha plan havo Ui t.n
with tha aafaty of American rltlgen In
tha Oennan empire, and that other have
to d' with American aupervlelon of lier
anavn Inlerned In the eountrUa at war
With Germany.
Kumaroua dlapatche on theae uhjeet
are undaratood In have been aent to
lUplomatlo repreaentatlvea abrel, par
ticularly lo Ambaaaador Oerard at Hertln,
The Dtapatchea ara regarded a being
highly confidential, and for that reeaoo
iafnrmatlon concerning them I unavall
able here.
I.eeeH anrprlao lo Hei-lln.
Among dlapatchea received from Am
baaaador tierard within thn laat two day
wa one deacrlblng the manner In which
tha American note declaring the purpoae
of the Lolled Hlalca to break relation
unleaa Oermany modified lla auhmarln
niethoda waa received by (lerman offl
clnli. While thla, loo, wa held aa con
fidential, It la undaratood 'tnat thn am
baaaador repteaentcd Jierllii offlelula a
being greatly aurprlaed at the ileinnula
of the Waahlngton lovernmatit. Mr.
flerard lo aald to have gathered at lenal
an Irnpreaalon that the foreign office had
no Idea lhat the communication would
bo aa draatle and final a It wa.
Tha general feeling hare tonight ap
parently, waa not at' nil nptlinlatle re
garding the outcome. In thn aheeiwa nt
further Informative advice from Am
baaaador Gerard, the day'e preaa dla
patchea were read cbrnely, Indication in
them that there might be delay or re
(lueata for additional information weta
regaidtd by offlelula aa algnlflcant. it
la well understood, however, that tho
1'nlted rilalea under no conalderatlon will
IH-inilt delay and (llie iiaalon nnlcaa It '
irecedid by a declaration from G-rmiy
Hint It ha ao modified Ita aubmarine
Harfare aa to bring II within the acopo
of International law.
Imporlanl lllapalebea l;icleH.
I'lapatchea of an Important nalui
hourly a e-i te, from .Ambaaaador
Herald. Il la axpccied that before Mot
day, or certainly eoon thereafter, tha
ambaaaador will bo In a poallion to fore
i am with aiime degre of aecuracy nhal
will be tho view of the tin limn govern
merit. In the meantime, tha aliuiitiuti In Waah
Inglon remain mm of itiienao rupeclaui'V,
tifflclula ai n-iifldenl that bcfoie Ihi4
lima im it Heck the iaaue will have been
I'ltled, thai Urn Ihltnl Ht.ilra will fa
eel lain lite aafely nf lllltui llll nnileiil i.
hitlatit on the high area I aaauicd, if
I' fur a illiiiiunti l-ii'iia. will have
leu IliUctl.
Auiniig lh fuii igii it i..u in In i the
i rfei i u( a bie.ih beitin ih 1 111144
tCtnilinui d un l ag T, column Ti )
Wilson "Ultimatum"
Printed in German
Papery; Rush to Buy
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