Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 23, 1916, NEWS SECTION, Image 7

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tnion Pacific C ..a Big Reward for
Man Who Robbed Passengers
Near Hanna, Wyo.
TJ AW UN'S. Wyo., April 22. (Spe
ci h 1 Telegram I - Ten posnc organ
ized last night tup today comblnn the
entire mi r between (.'hcyenno
nnd (ircon Ilivcr In a wircb for tho
lone bandit, who )enieilny held up
and robbed forty-lluee pHwngi-r on
In ion Pacific (rain No. 21, toRether
with (luaid Dudley, a short illatuiiip
MCHt of Hanna. In a pencriil way
tho imihkc ate wtuklni; under tin;
direction of chief I'Httct'Hon of the
1 n ion Pacific' secret ervre depiut
incnt. Four of the pjnm In the man hunt
fiie organized by the sheriff of Lar
amie, Albany, Cnrbon ami Sweet
water fountlcn. 'nit'f"." urn th routi
ne that tho Union 1'aclfh: pnnw
through bctwenn Cheyenne; and
(Jrcrn River, Tho other posse are
made up of In th town and
elite along tho linn nnd' of plains
men, who have tome In to Join In tho
man hunt, encouraged by the reward
of fl,60() that ha been hung up by
the Union Pacific company for tht)
htient of the bandit.
To the mi ii who are In th hunt uti
order has gone nut to rnmmund"cr
horses whenever and wherever It limy
bit necessary, thi' und-rstimillhg t -1 1 1 k
Hint a scttlcmefil will lip ninde Inter on.
I'ltr Handled Men lit tlmae.
An result of tlie armed f ' r if close
to .7(0 nmii ill el men who arc seouilng th
jmlnlry fur a distance til ton mile finm
'.'lie ennc, west, ever) thing tn a stranger
enuld I lulu ute Hint today Wyoming In
unrtiT martini law.
In addition tn scouring the country on
either ld uf the railroad fur it distance
of miles, arinei) guards aru on iluty at
every siding and station between ( 'hey .
(line and llrren Illver, Thin precaution
In token In niiler to capture tho bandit
If ho should appear during day or nlghl
nnd attempt to board train In an ef
fort to get nut of the country.
Th bandit, who 1 described an a tall,
handsome youth, boarded the train nl
Oreeley, Colo. Afler a convcrsittlnn with
Hi train' stenographer, hu sat down
with Train Uuard Imdley. After an
hour conversation, I tie man drew two
revolver and compelled the guard to
pa hi hat before th passengers, who
itood with hand In the air. About Vf)
wa gathered In th tibsci-vatltut car.
ahot rirril at Conductor.
At th mil run' to the second sleeping
ear, a brnkeman and Jamei Sherlock,
r.ondiiclor, faced the robber. Hherlock
hesitated a moment to raise hi hand,
and tho bandit fired. Th hof went wild,
In the sleeper th hrakeman wa pressed
Into scrvlee and another MX) wu droppad
Into 1 1 io hat.
When th collection wa finished, the
robber handed th guard a watch
"There' the watch f got en my lt
holdup and which I promised to return
thl tim," he nld. "If you'll alow down
the train, I'll get off hero, cMierwl, I'll
go to Rawlln with you."
Tho bandit who rubbed th Union Pa
cific Overland limited at Corbdt Junc
tion April 6, promised the porter who col
lected for aim on that occasion that he
would return a watch he had takoo upon
hi next exploit.
A the train elvkcned speed for the
Kdann tunnel, th man dropped to the
fcrotind, and ran In the direction of th
"Itobbers' Hooat" country tn th Elk
" mountain region
The robber I believed to be the man
who, April 5 lut, held up tho t'nlon
Pacific Overland Limited near Corlatt
.1 unction, Wyo., and on I'chruary , ver
formed a similar exploit near Urcen
Ulver, Wyo., and In .varch robbed a
pawner ;,nUi on the Ornn Short Line
iichi- Itoy, 1'tah.
Jeffere Arrive On rtpeelnl Train.
I'HKVKNNK. yo April r -Search
for the lotie bandit who la.u nlKht held
up and robbed paNeiiKer on I'nlnn Pa-i-itur
train No, Z near llunnn, Wyo.,
(i being; direeted today by (leneral
.- 'iiii rlntendent Jefferi of the t'nlon Pa.
if if Mr. Jeffera reaihed the xeene of
the holdup at Ml.M HiN tmuiilliK after a
le.-ord run from (iimiha.
Ileport to railroad hfad'luarter here
us to the amount of booty vary from Hon
to Jl,'.
A speelal train from Cheyenne errli-d
nlltdlMobll' d. boidex Htld iiiwIhuk to ,
in the purnult The belief wi I vptewMid
here that the bandit pmhalilv iui lildine
in the much emnitry neiir tho railroad.
Creightdn Students Who Take Lead
Parts In College Play Friday Night
faul Daffy
1 '" '
fl Elmer
t t
bi 1 .y ifci-
,Ji...BJfc-eSF4ta -ji 14hrJt9tJ':...
"Tojrnnnd'i for aportlnf Oood."
Llghliog rixturn Hu ti- Oraii'len.
Diinond Sogagrunt Ktug. Edlioliii.
Kv Hoot rrlnt It Now rVacon Pl.
rg alecs to Dane- The J'uKni'o 'III'
will hold a. dancing piirty at Chamber
academy l-'ilday evening.
"Todgy'i Movie rrorram," rlnnldM
(Hon today. It apptar In The tlo
KXCLIJHI Vfc.LV. 111.1 out what the va
rious muvlig pletir theater uffur,
Andlrom, rii Scra. Huiuh'i l.ui'i'
Tor Bale; wid city and farm
mortgajfiH. J. Ji. Ijunmont, Keeline lililg.
Va "Tea-Tile" HUogl 8undrlanda
Keep Tour Money and vatuaoleg In th
American Hafa liopoult Vaulla, Mouth
17th tit., flee lildg. lloxcr rent II (W for
I month. Open from a. tn, to 6 p. m
Ak-ar-Bn OoinnUtte to Mt Th
huatllny commlttea of Ak -liar-Hen, Bam
on nntmher-gttttliig phalanx, I tg hold
a meeting TuiHday noun, April '!, at thu
I Iota) Knrne, A luni heun' will be given
In floiinectkm with thu bualne meeting.
Tbeoeophlcal Baiter Bervlce "The
Keoret of lapplnea" will be (lio aub,)e( t
of an Kaaler lectuie by Hind V. Miller
at Theonpheai hall, aulle 7ol, lice build
ing, Sunday evening at H o'clock, "In
which th 'eternal cjiioal tort' of the pon
alhlllly of happlncH which permit ono
to Hie In a world of aliife and mill
traiwcend it, and the method which
makoa it poaalhln will be ahown."
City Generally Has
Time Off in Which
to Plant a Tree
Arbor day, Nebraika' own day, wa
ohaeved in a quiet way throughout the
city. Cltv CommlcMlnner Hummel planted
many young tree in th parka, Carter
park bclun imrtloulaily favored. Mr,
llutinnel darted Ida Arbor day obiervanoe
early In the week.
CHy mul county offb e were generally
cloned and bunk, of courae, obaerved the
law which declare! tbl to be a legal holi
day. '
City Commlaaloner Kugel donned hta
old (lot Ik and went out In bin garden,
Where he made evral flower bed.
Mchool children went borne Krlday ft
ernoou with thought of the ign)flcanoe
of tho day and many of them remembered
the day In a practical way.
Chief of Police Dunn atate that h
planted a lot of shrubbery at hi home.
British Loss In
Battle On Tigris
Four Thousand
ci iy t nti in .r .,,r,i . tve,
l-i.b.rt The timh ',., tlrt l,,,ir..
er the rifi.t l-.n, . f n,e 'hiin, iM,..
p'lian.iai .n April l n,.i, tt,H ,.,
ki:i.l ai'd wi.iin lv.l, . ...,,tif IB fr,
t int inont n .,,.,( t,v ( ,.'(.,..
Ti, fM'l' ii . ,rtr ) tv,(i.,
jt-e i i., .ii,. hi t,-, ,(,(,-,
..f M: ti
lftr ftlUl'iMlH'' I ( "
(., . l-.-l ..- I ,
e,l 11" iihM I .f ih . , ,
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, ! '1 I i .-.i ii , , . i I . , ,, ,
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'il l t I-
i. ,
y t, ,
Witnesses Tell of
Strange Eernarks
of Anna Stulik
A coroner'! Jury ha returned a verdict
that Anna fcltullk. 20 year-old Kobetnlan
girl, cam to her death In the ntnte lu
ane aylum as the rcault of Inanition -the
eaiiHC of death Riven In the ivrnfl
cato inatird by the doctor In rbarge of
the cnae at that city.
Jieaplte the finding of the Jury testi
mony (iffered at the Inipieat was n h
that ground for holding of Ihe aeaeion
ere firmly ealalilinhed.
Wllneaae tcalifivd li to her atrauge
actlona, Indicating that he bad been at
tacked. This, however, aa by
(ho leailmony that her father bid x.ui.t
liinane, and that th" girl' worrv our
the death of her brother In the Km
wur. and the safety of her nlii t In e ,
fuliihi have unhiilni''d her mind.
A ei-iiie ct w itiifem s. lie luding leach
its at ( i.nieiilus achocl, lin'ilied to lii r
rciiettled leouilHX tlldlcut Iiik Ituit he in
i n nated liirnurly.
Libel Suit Against
tho Odenwald Put
OffTill October
(Correnpondence of Ihe Ancliiled Pre.)
KAN Jt;AN, rot'to Rico, April 10,-Th
impartmcnl. of Justice, Washington, ha
(obtained a continuance o the libel lull
1 against tho Hamburg-American line
inteamer Odenwald, charged with a vtola
. Hon of l'reldont Wllaon'e neutrality
I .l....,.ll.,n ,.C Ainruul I'll lltlttl On-
ll l' in n'n i ,'"t . - - - -
toher. The caac was aet for trial In th
federal court hero foi April 20.
Jn March I?1S. Ihe odenwald, after hev
Ins' been warned by federal authorities
hern not to attempt to leave port, at
tempt to sail wlthofit elearanen paper
and was stopped by a solid shot fired
Heron her how from Ihe gun at Kl
Mono. Warning blank Bhotx were Ig
nored, hut iifler the solid hot th ship
Ktopped, turned around and has been an
rhi'icil u Ihe .harbor ever since.
The attempted escape of the Odenwald
occurred only a few iIhjs before the Her
man sea raider Kronpiitix W'llhelm en
tered Hampton lloads and Interned, Kor
vci id days before the odenwald made
Its dnsh fur the sea It had been stock
ing up with coal nnd provisions and
many bend of live stock alo were
placed aboard the venae! At about the
(nine thn lb 4rnnpttn W'llhelm was
I rei'oi'te.l m Ih'nc wateis Ihe Oilenwald
lashed ths ( ustmiis aolhortlle for clear
'mice pii i" i giving lUinl-ui as it port
.r ib.t in, it pin. but Ihiro pupn Wei de-
i mod
tl( tin- iiion who ha uei llee Want P) t,i 1 you :i licur a tHio.t
It but a minute of time tn
tb'pHis w tu n you I'h I The Hee n Ad
i ''nluilihS.
"Thl coinmunlcatlon was nut furnished
to nie and 1 did not know of it exig
ence until long after K eas written. It
wae filed with th chief clerk without my
knowledge that It had ben written. Al
though TUar Admiral Flake ws In my
Secretary Daniel Says Document office dn he ud not tu me that be had
Wa Placed on Files of Navy placed the oinmunkstton on file."
Without His Knowledge. ' Th "eiary add that the first er-h
of the files of his department had failed
adds, wa obtained by th department
from Admiral Ktsk at Mr. Iianlelt' request.
AND ill
I Si t r i vi iu i
Mil -' i i
" ' looked it up ev,"isl times, b it enold
W ASIIlNtiTON, April 22. - Scire- , nu p T,ie , op transmitted, he
lary Maniel irHiiHitilitcd to tho orn-j
ute today hi response to the Lodge
leHolulloi) adopted April 12 culling
upon him to aubnilt a letter from tho
nuy general bourd dated Aimust 3,
1911, and a comniiinlcatlou from
Item- Admiral Hradloy A. Flake, then
aide for operations, dated Nooniber
11, J914. Tli coiiiiiiunlcallon were
deacrlbi'd iu the resolution as warn
ing the secretary that Ihe navy wu
iinprppiit'ed for war. They were
first inept loned puhliely when Hop-li-acnlutlvn
Ililtten asked Mr Iau
IcIm to produce them during hi ex
aiiiihatliin before tho house mtvul
loniinlltee recently and lie icfuscd '
l)rr Hlnl I'UUe.
Search of tlie files of the Ngiy dipart-
ment and the genenl ImihmI r.iihil to
dlsclosp, liowever, any such Id lei I nun '
th general board as Unit inimt loned In j
lbs resolution, according 'to NciicIhii
Usulels A teller ftnin Admiral liewe, i
president of tlie hoard, cont.ilnlng this ,
alntetnnnt, Is tisusmltted '
"Admlal I' lske letter is a careful j
analysis of the slllialioli of the tin s y In
(he early da of the Kuropean war and
Contains the slatement that 'If Hit
country avoids war during Ihe next five
years, It will by nccompllslied only bv
combination of Idgh rliiiloinstlc skill
and rar good fortune ' It asserts thai i
Hi nivy was then shot! I''i'i men, and
that while the ships were well organttn:
and 'pretty well drilled,' that the ib
pertinent Itself was neither 'orgisnlr.eil
nor drilled In a military way.'"
"I'erbaiM this is iiiiIkmIv's fsull." th"
letter continues, ' and may be all r.buie.l
in the fact I tint our navy linn never bud
to fight a serious eiieuvv; certainly mil
in 100 year," j
Admiral flake then append an argu
nient for the creation of a navy general
'I erf I oininrnl niiiil-ls.
Commenttiig on this leiier, (rcreiaiy ;
Panlel In hi communlcatloii sms:
Colonel SV, F Cody (Buffalo Hill), writ
ing from Ponca Cl'y. okl., where he ap
red the la.t wrek with the 101 Ranch
Hhnws Comblii'd, staled be has put on a
niv feature called "Villa a Last Raid,
or Ihe flattie of Columbus. N M." Huf
fain HIM explained Hist thl femur will
eintihasire the ne-ls of prei redness.
Telegraph Company
Fined for Sending
Out Race Results
tin I
rtl'TTK, Mont., April .'.' The postal
Telegraph company was fined 11.100 In
the criminal court her today on oonile
tlon of transmitting Informal ion on whh h
racing bets were made. Judge Honlan.
who Imposed the fine, said It wis too
small for a second offense, but h could
make It no larger. An appeal a tnken.
N't- wixli to iiiiritMiiicf the in-rival of our S ri n r
Stork of llix'h Uniilo I'iniiofi, hucIi ns the iiintclilp, Stein
way, Weber, Hardman, Steger & Sons, Emerson, McPhail,
Linderaan & Sons and our Sweet-toned Schmoller i Muel
ler. Tlii'Hc lire int I'limciitK llmt we Iihvc oli I'or yciiris
Mill I'illl ICCOIIIIIIClKl ill I'Vtt V HI ft it'll l.'l I'.
i ii lilVtimt' invcftniPiit, 'l von miil t'oiisiili-r firet of nil
tin' tiiiiilin of tlit lionise you ilnil vith, Seeond, the iimlity of (lie iifino. wliirli meaii-t
(lie tone, iti tioii nnd durability, ami inoe-t of all - tlie lut for the li'iint iiioney.
Tlie lloiihe of Sclmioller Mueller make a hieeialty of I'iaiioH, nnd owiiir to our
iiiiiiiertse i sti ) ift 1 1 1 jjuc jiower, are in a ioitioii to jive tlie )iano Inlying pnhlie more vnliie
for tlieir iiuuiey I han any otlier dealer in (lie middle wewt, AIho, we are in a po.-itioii to
ijiiote tlieiiioct lihfial terms of $5.03 per month on a llih (Jrade iiistriiment.
In our exeliaiiKe departmeiit you will find some exceptional values iu used j'ianouut
vei v low prices.
1501) Whitney, Sipiare $ IH
$:tf.i Kinersoti. I'prlght .jj 8.
12011 Hoot Hon, I'prlght jjt. H
500 Knabe, I'prlght 81 .0
$4f,U Kieger Hon, l.'irlght 8iiM
l.loo I.itdwlK, 1'prlKht HI7r
4r(0 iBi.hnier, I'prlght , ... 81 ."id
$inn Klinhall, I'prlght $150
M.-.U Hchmoller A Mueller, I'prlilit 817."
:!tii) Decker, rprlght 8 75
$:ion Hacklev, I'prlght 8 !.';.
$275 Hegereironi, I'prlght SIU()
;!-,0 (iruinei , I'prlght 8 1 7,"
I2fi0 Hradford, I'prlght 8l:i
II.IHIU ('bickering (iratid ; 8 I !.'
$1,1 hi) Hlclnway (Jrund 8 1.10
1 KM. HTtMH-l'ltl i; Willi' I II FK I II F IHI H1 F.
I'lamw for Kent, fl.-O Hr nionlli Hl Monllis' Itenf Alloweil on I'urrlinoe I'iie..
Schmoller & Hlueller Piano Co,
ISII-lllf) I amain St,
The KtelnHiy House of the Middle We I.
' ',!' i'tV r ' t t I -,,.,,
' ' ' 1 ' ' ' ' ..
' ,,..- i , ,
' III, I ' 1 , ,
"( ' ' 1 ' I ' ' ' - ,,
0WPt WhjheGrassG
4i m
W ..' -
Jas. Morton & Son Co.
77it? Celebrated
Caldwell Mowers
and Others,
All Size and Prices.
(ijJ!1 1511-13 Doilnc Sti
66 j)
The O
areirooi Tire
and Why.
V- s V
V v v - l
WHEN you take your Shoes off toniKht do tliia:
Bear your weight on your right Foot and, with
out lifting it off the floor, press it forward and Lack
ward nrmly.
Then observe that only the bony and muscular Structure of your
Foot moves forward and backward, while its Hole stays fixed on the
, That demonstrates the rolling motion of flesh and muscle, the
elastic Cushion quality which reduce friction in walking, and prevents
slipping: (backward, forward, or sideways).
It supplies that CLING quality, which gives Traction without
It protects the Bones and Sinews of the Foot against the Wear
and Tear of action, as a lubricant protects Metal moving parts, while
providing the wonderful "Barefoot" hold on tlippery surfaces.
That ROLLING MOTION.then.istheidealaimedatinthisClinyty,
Springy, and Stretchy black "Barefoot" Rubber of 1910 Goodrich Tires.
CONSIDER now the means by which many Tiret have been
given maximum Traction, i.e., by means of a sand
papery" texture in the Rubber of their Anti-Skid Treads.
Every time the Brakes are put on. to make tuck Tires crip the
road, the relatively hard, unyielding, and comparatively brittle, texture
of the Rubber in their Treads causes these Treads to grind away on the
pavement, to WEAR OUT fast at the point of contact.
The sudden efficiency of their grinding-Traction also tups so
sharply on the Rubber Adhesive between the layers of Fabric in Tire as
to separate theso layers.
There is little "give" to them just as there is little 'Vide" to
So, they gain Traction at the expense of Mileage.
Naturally such Tires require a great BULK of such Rubber in
order to deliver reasonable Mileage before worn out
And, therein they differ radically from GOODRICH "Barefoot"
IWause, the Safety-Tread on Goodrich Tires h made nf "Bare-foot-Rubber,"
a new and exclusive compound which discards nil un
neopssary whitinh "frictions!" ingredients that uro heaviest and inert,
as proved by its lighter weight.
ERE is how it acts in Automobiling.
When the weight of the Car bear.i on this dinginar
"RarrhHt-Iiuttrr" Tread, and tho power is Applied t uu
ahead or reverse, th wonderful stretch m tho Bare ft! KiliUr
Sole (or Tread) of the Goodrich Tire Hi ts as a Burt of Lubriount U iweeu
thu Fabric Structure of tho Tire and tho B-md.
Then, the .irrtwf-lubbcr "Tw," tf tht Goodrich Fafety-TreaJ
Tire, CLING to the pavement (inittend of griiuLvj again it it), in binh
Itiitwier a uur I :ar Foot would cU) t a slipprry surface - m'w!
(Via-J, and & w ilh tho minimum i t I i ictional lu at tr Wtur rr "
tnum Tract i tn.
Ceaalrlch "Bare fixit-Rubber" is tmw mad li.Ui GmViH FABRIC
Tire. (I'lHtruA Filvrrtown Cord Tire, - G.Wn'. Inner Tu
;,Hlrich Truck Tire, -(I'lai.t h rV M't.T Cvcle, Rt d lSicycK 'lin-4, ft)
well as into I WncA RtibU-r l'Hts. Uer-.sitoe., e- hud l!e !,
Get a Hlivrf tif it f rem your renrest Gth'ich Bruu h, r I ' u'er.
trttih it thousaiuU tif tiinr
m yum
rs. but
rVcdt t Vuil c ili t.
'ihV$ tho sSlutr thiit liOUDUlCH liluck-Trvud Titv ar tin K of
1J t
1 1
e t t
..!, f a 4
1 .III !. '
Mill I
' til
. l
nil u r ; wi;i
, A W'i, i id.
: I