t. SILK HAT n MA-HA-HA- Jv- juk- voo kowj If I T " L I -x I : oom.a r.., x-v-r JvjZdf 7u N-fn far) 1 OS, to de"MH ) scrr -potato y CaA 4 VN ) wtco ,-eT- 1 -N W V. 7 vOv Iliftn-HOtoO . ' Y Vvf fA-Sy ( POTATO ( Q f 1 W -M yipw tract isp vfffeM tJLkVV 'raw ia AMATEURS PLAN BUSY DAY Two League. Will Paste Pill Far First Time Thii After noon. HOT CONTESTS ARE IN SIGHT . Hy Fit A ft K HVItiVKV. For om moon to roma amateur bate bII will reign supreme In and around these Jungle., Tim curtain rained laet Kunday and tho big show rolled, across th board on scheduled tlm and tha entertainment Will continue until the cal endar designate unpleasant atirtoapherlo conditions. ..Apparently everyone directly connected with tha Omaha Amateur llaaeball asanclatlon wa well pirated with tha brand of base ball dished out by ths local e xponents nf tha game, and th attendance soared skyward compared with what thn prediction of tlia wto. cre tailed for. Lt (Sunday th barker found them, gelvc up agulnit a atarnhy proposition endeavoring to make decision that would win lh approval of alt coDcernod. They found out that auoh a thing could not happon on thla universe. An angel hnra from heaven on a visit could not utnplra a game of ban ball without incurring tha enmity of a few. Iedwlona of Judg ment aland regardleae of 'how radical thoy may appar to tha player or apeu tator, but in case of an error relative w the Interpretation of the rule, tha gamo can be played under protest and ad Justed later by tha league Involved, and If It falli to uellver Justice another ro enure I leftthe board of director of the Omaha Amateur Baaeball aaaoclatlon. HI league entered th arena last Kun day and simultaneously alarted to plow ihelr way to th hall of fame, baaeball leally speaking. Unexpected victories were registered, consequently aom of the boy were a trifle off color laat week, but th majority of th local pill ahootei are broad-minded enough to know that a defeat now and then la rellahed by th beat of men. Two Premier Today, Two leagues, th American and City, and a pair of team, th Te-Be-Ce' and Twenty-fourth and Lake Merchant, will make their dabut thla afternoon. The American leagu will blow th whistle with eight club. They will Una up a follow: S. O. Merchant agalnnat th Omaha Printing company, Chrla Lyck agalnat Omaha Bicycle Indiana. . D, Crew againat Dundee Woolen Mill, Mer. chants' Hotel against Townaenda. Dur Ing tholr preliminary argument) all of these team have showed real clan, o tha above contest ahould be tough de bate. Tli City leagu will wait under the rope with, even aggregations, six of which will perform today, Tha Murphy I'id It will take It Sunday off today. Herewith tha six team that will wrangle today: Holly against Walter 0. Clark, Brown Park Merchant against Mlckol Vlotrola, T Fiesta against Beeellna. For year thl league has been recog iilied a the loader in das B circle and according to tho dope great gob of fan will he on deck today to witness the atrength of the varlou congregation. Ililck foaey, tho leader of the Te-Be-C'', backed by Tracey Bro., will In ail probability produca a llnetip that will make the ('I A fellow sit up and blink. The Twenty-fourth tid Iike Mer chant 1 a new tribe and lla atrength will be demonstrated today. Rrandels-Cns Company i la ah. Oil at rtourk park lh Omaha Out oimpany txin.'h of th tireater Oninh hagun will try l( lurk agxlntt i Ilrsii dein tribe, local seml-prn rhannibm of f'mah. liny will probably twirl for th tirutidela sn.l Hhafler for the l com pany, (lame railed st three bell. Thn nisvnale of the Hnostnr tiriaiiliiHiusly itc. .h-. that th tu.'l which bft unfinished by the Na tions! 'sH lte(ftter and lloston Wrl V oh on lsit Min, In v should be flol'h. I, I'h .nr U 1. 1 lo, when th lol in Wet Wash in iteotili.l to st.M.nt, The still have piu more Inulng to play. t 1 hV, iht, losln rk of th NatbMtal ' h lil''ter, l ef th opinion tt.nt rhilitiei) ton llo up rmmili run li v r this contest tn ona bu.u,,- 'nit many a n has kfen Pl 'it Ic III FAIR ST. LOUIS SWIMMERS TO ENTER CHAMPIONSHIPS f hIii'ik ho tti s t f t I ',! l; t.i (,' v t: Is. ai i4 In ) XUI I satntiiilo t 4 it s .ii.l.v ctoitio 1 1 o-mr a . I'- g i Toim Vt ! . - r .i vt :-A I !.! t ..... . ..!' I- .. Tti'f a' i : M.(l l t sttnaj l t..(tai (tor.; it !.. . kiarl I t-i H I I' t ii l ' i 't a Ik n. ..ii . H f (lnn,i. . " i at i o.iwts'i I e'it.Kt it ts ; a If h ln .fit kf : j MICHIOAM PIGSKIN ARTISTS START SPRING TRAINING S It. Atlt :. i .i.t tli i "' 'I t -.il t-n'-t. . tt t I u . . 1 ' t, n. l. t . '. -f a - it.- . n ' t I 5 t . ' ' t a l ! ' . . , , , ' t it ', t o l..oi i 1 1, n 1 1 ' 4' M l tt I t 1 'Mi ' W 1 t ' 'I'.'. i . . - - .t r i l i ! . l. i I .. I i , , . HARRY Gov. Whitman to Be Asked to Probe Bribe Charge In Willard-Moran Fight n S ' ' ' 'i J 4 i - .If i J. K r ' . . ' Top, Left to Right: Tex Rickard and Fred A. Wenck, Bot- torn, Left to Right: Jack Curley NEW YORK., April 22,-overnor Whit man probably will be asked to probe the activity of th Slate Boxing commission a a result of alleged disclosure juxt made regarding the recent Wlllanl Moran bout in Kfadlson Hqiiare garden. Outatandlng In the disclosures I the fact that Tex Klckard, promoter of the exhibition, sent a money "gift" to Fred A. Wenck, chairman of the Boxing: com mission, before th fight was held. It In freely admitted the light wa an evasion of th law. Money wa.i renueatel and disbursed. It Is also admitted, no thftl certain influences" could lie "fixed " e I acts Itronght Out. FirstTex Kkkard said Jm k (.'urley. one of Wtllnrd' managers, came to him for money to "satisfy certain Influence downtown.'1 (The office nr thn Utate Box ing commlaaUui l at No. II Broadway.) Marriage is Far from Being Lottery, at Least in St. Louis There have len null a numtur nf Ul lxiil llrnwn liiarrled silica thai team Hai Instituted, so It won t be giv ing a v th name of the player to r ptt tho folitmin tni which Jt k iii'truior tell of nn of th American hss'ie bunch who got tied I'll nintnii hloionU.' Aciftllii4 ti tl I'unniir, wetiile.l life went hI . r tr iiouitlily for a time, atttiiish the Ilortlt. ti aoinrwi.at reeeiite.l I'.a tU niaicl it tli fellow Urs list b nam bl baby i t.,-4 ,te It v aioa on the fu a c il, a m ti.i It'H after a t a of .- a r a the It, of ntaittitg . eti ot n lit pall t i n u- j-i . i it t oi.i.or . that ,lr t I- .. eii trtsd In i n t. aim (. lar aiol to fhni bun til th a'""Ui Int'i al.l.l. b had Uli.n. "i't. wi, il-l man " -I iv.irveti., "timitita 1 nit t '. tt-n a e. a r ' It . notuiata P-t St. I at I ,itt ' ,.,tti 1 1 N"l M.tl II an, I' k mi..i.i4 lit lrt', ' lt a It-'isff "t4 t !') ! av-.i'ttf li t ' JOHNNY EVERS GETS PINCHED IN CAPITAL I .uftf k in f ! Il t ii.d f in fo I vt a aM.,i'H t . . lsit . " I 1 Il.'i tit 4.l, I4 J Jtt.MI t'l- i I fii-ia i tlttiu-tr in .i.......'-: will. I. It t tall I t I U'lt, I it i ' I .... n U Ma tt ! ! t Ilia I ..(1 I ... k- I If : I . ( ( .. ,tl., t- a '- M.. I i t 11 . t . f la 1 ,t I MX A!)E AND ANDERSON SENT BACK BY RED SOX t - d I i Vt. .14 a,- ... , I , H t V. f . , t 11 - A t , i a ; ( '. 1 f 4 'l 'f'' ' i r r i ' J 4 rtr -1 K V . 'it ''t'a 1iast iy;ji')gjtpiwMai and James J. Johnston; Hecond-Curley, said Hlckard, wanted 00 or 91.0(11) at the first request a irn medialo action wa deemed neceasary. Third Klckard admitted tha Bhow cor poration had nothing whatever to do with the staging of th fight; that he and no one else handled all detail and dlnpensnd all money. Fourth Th Show corporation wa granted the Uremic to hold th fight by th Itoxlng commission. It wa supposed to bold a three-year lease on Madlon i'iuare garden at an annual rental -of j:n,fiO. Fifth -Wenck reiterated hi former slalement that Curley cme to him with a money offer from Rickard. Ha ald be distrusted'' urley and requested James J. Johnson to "set him (Wenck) right wit h Hlckard. Hxlh - Hlckard say tha money Was solicited, Wenck say It wa not Sislcr Gives Tip on Shorter Way to tho Hospital There I one player on th Brown. Incidentally, mho Is a warm Supporter of Hi central powei In the present war ,,!.! In the recent nnitl.ern tour h apenl tutl h of hi llni but lug lip newsiwpar from lh leailiii cllira and poring evag Ihem In lh lt'if t"n b wag alway li ka found atantilng In front of Kott n pn.'r oftcri, tahera btilletiiia of ti vtak ata "l I, When tha na euiiuiiaiieed t.. roitta 4 rM.oi Verdun tol on dispatch hil that tha tteriuaiit bad mail a hi iht. hlM oi ktiiia tttt ltuu.la ptaler an.) -ioi of lh oittar tli lot I tn t h Mia tit (teal i.; . o ' ! wl.l'a !. .'i a'aiol It.g In I' a hot l. t .ti.'. i lal'ng ll.i Ij txii.utal. )'. a aa I I sftsi la t..it:'.i b..id stiaiieet bapaaaal ta it i. as ki ' If 1. omild lafitim '.. .i i l lb v t't.t ar if tha i tiy h il fait t ai .et r iksr" .( f ' n ii. atle kt 1. M..saia ' I ' a-. te tha siat. r 'HH,' t-l an star. ' .,tt 'aiil a' ttal ta 1. 1 i. So I l. ( i hi t 1 1 H a!!i " Stii'limtoRrftii'i'ti HlBhJrack Moot tt tSttsil.l AiMij H iai m t'... . ' t ... ' f. lt. r. lea I I. , ki k.rt Vt has ta t''l O'. .., t i. t it .i... . at tr I i it.nt.i-,.. (in in, its a.- a, s i t- - SB f! 1 ll.rrr,: 11 .. 1 at 1 it. ttitati i a ol ' I l -' the i"- it.! In l l l. kti. t.ni t ' ..i . t I-, il i i i lk tl.U 'I ' t .1'' .! 'Il S t f I .... tllUfl ll'.ll )P ': I I ' ' 1 ' ?, I 1 ' I : .. 1' 1 1.1 1 t TTTF, OMAHA SUNDAY ERE: APRIL 23, 11)16. WILL NOT NUMBER PLAYERS Harvard and Yale Do Not Care to Have Their Foot Ball Flayeri Wear" Bumerali. SYSTEM FAILS AT CAMBRIDGE NEW TORK. April .-Th system of numbering foot ball player will tie.v.ir be adapted by Harvard or Vale, It was learned th other day, and th rule cmn- mltt will refuse to tak 'ftirlher notice of tho pln. It appear lht during the recant meeting nf the rule maker In this lily th Harvard malinger produced conclusive proof thai the wearing of number to Identify the player had been a partial failure In the t's mliiiilfcii ktadlitin. Th Harvard managers, It seem, took moving picture of sevetal game In which the opponent of tlto (Ylmenii eleven were numerals on their hacks Th film showed thst no) mor than a quarter of th varlou play were mad clear by thl mathod and that when th gridiron waa muddy the nurniier could not be distinguished at all. The Harvard manager also showed that they had ytem at Camhridg which wa mor satisfactory than the wearing nf num ber. They Illustrated lite working of u oor board patented by Arthur A. Irwin, which ha been In use for iwenly-lwo years. Irwin' board, according to 'lie liar vard men, showed all th plays in tho stadium laat fall. In conjunction with a card on which th nme and number of all tha player were printed the bnifil provided the necessry Information. Tli cans wa o well argued by the Harvard men that the rule maker dechWrnj to tak no action. Incidentally A, A, Hlugg, fool ball coach at Chicago university, lis de cided to adopt th Irwin ytem nextnll, Yal may follow tttlt. New Coach Says Purdue Grid Men Are Too Ladylike UAFATICTTE, Ind April JJ.-Too ladylike," I th criticism of the Purdue foot ball (quad, undergoing spring train ing, by Clero O I.Hinnell, th new roach, who arrived recently from the east. Ilia method of coaching r' entirely differ ent from any aaen here and are proving populr with th player and lh tudnnt body In general, . , Coach 0'Uonnell I paying especial at tentlon to the manner In which th men run and tha Purdue nlaver are heeominv familiar with th low, crouching position. wnicn. na- oeen aunnea "the duck wad dle." Tha new coach plana to return to bl horn in Everett Ma., where he I under contract to coach bo ball thla prtng. probably will not return until fall. FORMER WESTERN UMP JOINS THE BENEDICTS Announcement ha been made of the marriage of M. R, fuller, former VYirn leagu umpire, and Ml J-er Miller. formr Kaiuaa City newspaper woman. sandm!mes today CmnATKIt OMAHA r.KA'ICK, i,U.V,,lln,t l,llr-Ntth. at l.uxiis para, I ao p. m, . ''"-'' against Armour. Armour ti k, I jj p. ni. Huoky llolioe agalnat , nurgea-Naah, PuuSy llolines para. I an p. m NATIONAL. l.KAtH K, rUmhlei aalnsi Twenty, fourth and laka Metchaiits. Furl Omaha, I u p m. I'olUh Maiclianl against I iuk !. y. llilrt) (list ami l...)i. 1 j if, , ITV l.l-Aijl.'h;. Itnllva asttlnat 'ali. .1 in..!., ft....... ttinaiiai, 1 p. m iirnaii l ark kiaei haul itlnat Ml. k.. VliKoiaa, 'Unity out otitl and I'aaay ava lnm, i .m p .in I itlceta against lletii,. rant ilia IliomL IVntiiiiaoa park, J ' p. lo AMr.ltli'A.N I.I.Anl t. H.ttitli l no. I, a lr. Iianu aaalnal titnaba riiiuiita M4Hit,.an. Aiiiotur paia. I li 4. ainw .niiMoa ..tt.tia In diana, 1. its i.t a paia. 1 m p to .1 t I'laas a(li.a i ...l..lu Vi ,.,ai, Mills kilt t et.l II ami Albt.l 1 ji ol War liallla llolat UII TtiIMrllsiS Mil... pei. I l. p in gut 111 r.ttv I r v.! . Nmirsa lit i..into' eaaiiist ri f.u a Itti a, l.u.i.l.a paik, I p oi I l, to lil 1'a.tola i.iii.l Ait. tialit U.e (etam, lit. at. taw (!, t. n. ( '. . It loot's Atbi.ti a a .'out i'!ill, goai.ik t .ii,i. Iii.i a i ..niil i, ids, tt.i.f II II !! I k. y I.I ! itii i in fan i i tui r ! Vamit 'Hi-a -h n. ..i , .rat g'tla at itnui.. watt .tiaooowt, .i la. ei, pi S .. kt in -lt aliwl M l.H I. .it a, W Hi kai a. 1 a. s n. U ....,, i i.i .tl aaait.ai A ti V aat itiamea l t o. !,. i a I k it M..a i v i i i. Tia !.,.. a imh.4 tt,., t. a aal rf t. i, t t,.i.i,ia I' I r to I . iit.Vve a a .o.t Vt i la, a i..iuit I I ! tl, I W . It. St.u.,at i aK .,.it. saiitt l.tt ti.. wt (t-aoi ..-!, li ii.aftw.si .a. a I " f ki I. a, .H Ma Vt aa .littl k. oik l.i.t. , tl,ili a -l tut la, aa a, I a) f to i'h 1 1 i i t r i tui f. kite. oil t it. M.t-ii. if a a ... l I ki leat-th i..t aai.la, ! t- 'ii a.. I I i....a li I., i.i ii iiiiui Miuikj 'W '.it a. st t.." . I na i I t,-. 1 .... a t aMnnn ki '! ". !ta t' VI .. I ..t. iI-.ih I i ... a I t t I- to .ii. !t liimi Lata; t I, k I f "t i i .1- ii t. s r ni ii t a If. .'.. al I.iiii.m. a't. i .... . i .1. . . ' ' , ... w,ii 1 1 . fin ... I , i . 4 i tn MV . '.ft', t 'ill;.,, at I i ' I . t- Rookie Admits He Was Ashamed, but for Another Reason Jo Corbel!, brother ef Jim t'orbett, who used lo play In the I'gclflc leagu and who w wlih lb Ht, I,otil t'ar dlnul during th World's fair of Jl"4, was quiet, relli'lng sort of fellow, yrl be bad a fund of dry humor thai was cquslly a amusing a th professions! Jokes that Jim uaed lo crack when the latter waa, on the vaudeville stage, Joe la hick In th gam again, after an absence of some yesrs, and on of his ant'eriote will b recalled with In terest. It aeem thst when b wag play ing on lb roast a theatrical show ap peared at a Knn Francisco theater wtier the Jokra a era a trifle broad, lo Bay lh least. Joe stales that h and lh manager of the learn bnppened to stroll In, and, In the entirae of g program lltat would have done lite rawest of burlesque troupes full Justice, they happened lo nolle on of th Junior member nf th team altllrnf well down to the front with a young girl. Th young player happened to b from one of the back wood section up In Ore gon nr Washington, and th manager scowled when 1m saw him bringing a young woman liter who obviously was a girl of soma dim. Jo any the manager rounded "P th recruit when they got back to th hotel and reproved hint sternly. "Wrren't you ashamed," h demanded of I he abashed player, "to sit titer with that young, Innocent girl, listening to Joke Ilk that?" I w," admitted th recruit, "Ton a, I'm from the country, and gln't up to dale; I hid to get her to explain every on of Ihem to me," CHICAGO FANS WILL MAKE INVASION ON CLEVELAND CHICAGO, April 22,-When th rhlcgo White Kox Itsltlo Cleveland at Cleveland April 25, they will have a Urge delega tion of "fan" from their horn flty wlti them, A special trln ha bn engaged and several hundred reservation already have been made. Th crowd, which will bo beaded by Owner Cliarle CnmUkey of th Wlill Hog, 1 going to th Ohio city for two reason. First to root for th White Hox, and aecond, to honor lh new Cleveland owner, most of whom art Chleagnan. HAUGHTON WILL BE HIS OWN SECRETARY Nothing ha bn don by th tloton club, 'resident Ilaughton aay. on th matter of appointing a traveling er Ury. and It 1 doubtful if on will be appointed. Secretary Hapgood will tak one, or poaelhly two, of tha long trip with the team, and President Hanghton says that he want lo learn th entire bimlnes end of th baa hall biilnes and lht ho also will make one of the long trip and possibly two of th hnrter ones In the capacity of bualnes mn ager. MISSOURI TRACK"TEAM WOULD BATTLE ILLINOIS rtOUIMMA, Mo, April a-Alhletlc IMrector llrewer of tho fniverlty nf Allesotirl la trying lo arrange for a track meet between Msourl and Illinois, to be held In X'rbana, May , Member of lb Mteantirl team believe they have an even rhanun lo win from Illinois and lby feal there I mor sat. tat, lotion In defeat by Illinois than In an v victory over oni weaker chnnl DISQUALIFIED ELI STAR TO JOIN GIANTS IN JUNE t IVy, lb young pitcher, who waa f. enllv dlsiinlfUil fiont plating this saaann, alii Join etllivr lite Ulanta or Itrats ftr bla srad iatlon In June ka an nf'sr it ssiarsl Ver' tan.ln fenm Mnii.is.o Vi-iiaw n. now Jliiiiuy Callahan 1ms a'aai aolne.l lha list a I p al VaU that lhat llav Is prallt lartaln M ! In lh N' t.'tk Club NOTRE DAME STAR SIGNS WITH PITTSBURGH CLUB r ''. a I alio. nit, f'.iatat Ni.i 'ai.ie '..lit aiait, ! 'ti.s. h I'lltai-.nak k-all .'..va t t fit a lilai In f-tf t' i. it h kn ii m.lr I tataidid ni.. ..f ha fit.aal tittg k I p tf that .la .. la, k .t.t. 4 I tt. li. I t. si. a t' a ...t.i....i.la f , of M-tneftf i4 h ef I" 'ii k"-l ' GRIF SAYS HIS HURLING CORPS BEST IN LEAGUE ti ii I ! lin t' wlih raft eattt ptlla ll.it la lit Ik Itat ltthlt St. 'I n Ika hi. iH IV .Ik, Sa tat IVa'tai JjlhoswH at I. en Uil'ina k ft ti(..t ili.l ksU In ktsa II.I..V. It ia ti.r i-.ai as I ! I ictii alikl'.t tj.ii' raa la tlii. kk..i,f an I Wai l PIRATES St NO ALTtNtlERfi TO HE WHEELING TEAM rs i-t.t-i. '.' '.! ta ' ..i..a k tit i tint i it Jwaai A.'.it.kafaj ,. t m -th t .ii. I In it. tt fceatitt raw t.it ira i i ti, a v. . a . 1 1 I 1. il W.I O i I,.. I Drawn for The Bee by Tad Correct Answer to This Simple Query is Lead-Pipe Cinch Along Ihe lln of unconarlou repartee an needotn ta told on Miller Hoggin lht seem to be enjoyed particularly by th married men of (he Mrltlnn dnleua t Inn, Incidentally, marriage waa not Hie leading topic under dlacuasbm, but Just happened to crop out In the rnttveraa thill, Th renl reason and occasion for Ihe yarn I that Hoggin felt called upon to glv ome fatherly advice to one of his recruit whoa table and at reel manner needed trifle of Improvement, The recruit wa a well-meaning hoy, and Huggln talked lo him In most paternal atyl. "Of course." nld Hugglni, "when ou ay you'd just Ilk a kulfcul nr two of peas, you mean a apoonul or forkful; moat people tine those articles, and It mjght be a good thing If you ate your pea with something benldes a knife after ttla." "Hut what' Ihe use of using on thing mor than anotherT" demanded the new member. "There' nq pelal use," explained Huggln patiently, "but lt' Juat th ru. torn nf thn thing; Ilk your walking round th hotel lobby fully dressed ex cept for a collar, I dar nay, you're comfortable; enough without tt, but most people wear collur nowadays; it' Just a sustom." "Custom, eh 7" repeated th recruit, willing enough to learn, but still a trlfie perplexed. "Stir," aald Huggln encouragingly, "It ain't that It make much dlfferonc, but people do tho thing;. Juat like that wedding party w law thl after noon, IMd you notice how th brid and all th hrldemald were dressed? That' Just a rustom: you sea a wedding day Is supposed lo b on of th brightest and happiest In a woman' Ufa, and that's why th girl alway wear whit." Th recruit brooded a moment. "By," h Inquired thoughtfully, "why do th men at a wadding alway wear blrt?" st. louis Shortstop position is in doubt Miller Huggln. manager of th HI. r xu Is Nationals, apparently I about ready to flip up a coin to deold whether Roger Hornaby or Hoy C'orhan shall guard tha hortslnp position, Hornaby worked In lha spring serlea against Fielder Jones' American and batted better than .POO. In the first few gamea of tha season he ha proved to he an efficient run-getter, Huggln credit hi somewhat erratic fielding to ovor tealouane, which h believes will wear off aa the Reason advances. "Roy Cnrhan's arm I rounding tn'o shape rapidly. He probably will lie ready to take hi place at ahortatop wllhln a few day. Conelderlng Ilornshy's knacK of getting on the basra ami putting over runs HuKuIn r spuria to find a place for him. If Cothan takea the Infield posi tion, Husglna conshleia using Hornshy In the oittfldd, especially when bla (earn It facing a lufl-handcd pitcher. BIG EASTERN YACHT CLUBS EFFECT AN AFFILIATION PFTUOIT, April It - rower boat re Ing prohHhly will receive added Impetus In this se. lion at least, a tli tee Intar Iskn yacht iluh bve frilnled with the American luttnr!aial association Th rluh ata in lu-troil, Cleveland and Han. dusky anil It Is r peeled that other )ebting tn gauisatlon will full In Hit The Indian Motocycle Is the Best Motorcycle Omaha Bicycle Co. lUtAilen of Powtrplui hj.4 Coniurtrlu Motoculct, 1916 Three-Speed Models as low as $150.00 INDIAN mCYCt.K8-The U .S-.I.OO TO 3""S "BIG BAN" TOJHE RESCUE American League Frexy Inartgror ate. Policy of "Help the Weaker Clnbi," ' , WOULp BE BENEFIT, TO ALL NKW YORK, April 22-Two prominent has ball deal consummated furnlah concluslvn proof that ttan Johmon h liisiltuted a new policy In th American leagu. The slogan of th organisation now Is, "help the weaker club." It I a policy destined to prove of grt financial benefit to the eight 'club, In dlvldally nd collectively. It 1 a policy which hould bv been nforod torn yer ago, especially in thl clearing house for base ball currency, The donls referred lo ar the where by Frank linker wa rached In a Yan kee uniform and "Trts" Ppeaaer became (he property of lh Cleveland Indiana. When th Yankee were negotiating for the purchase of Dakar's rales from th I'hlladelphla 'Athletic tber wr other club owners In th league who watched tha progress of the negotiation with rovetou eye. To even th fur thest removed outxlder it wa s apparent that a restraining power held thee owner In check. Otherwise they would been in tha bidding, and th prlo of Tinker' relcas would been sent soaring beyond all limit? of reason and fairness, Hy holding them back and leaving th field to th Yankees, th New York club wn enabled to procure Maker1 relena for a price greatly under what might hav been paid bad "Connie" Mack been permitted to auction th plarer'g release to the bUhest bidder, Cleveland' Cons fUspIalaed, Thl new policy lo axplaln how Cleveland wa able to pluok on of baa hall' moat luscious peaches. The Yan kee wer keen on th trail of npeaker. and clamoring noisily In th dust th New York club raised In II efforts to land the player wer t least four other club, the leave of their eneok book waving temptingly In tha face of Joseph J. I.annln, prealdent of th Jled Box, Hut "lllg Han" warned them all back, and, unhampered, James Dunn, new prealdent of th Clevelnd club, wa permitted to carry on negotiations for th acquisition of Npeaker. If. wa explained that th fan of Cleve land had virtually derided to boycott th club when Jo Jackson wa sold td tha Whlta Hoi laat season and tt waa Im perative that th Indiana proctira another tar to tak the plac lft vacant by Jac.kaon'a transfer to th olan Oomlirlter. Thlg new policy 1 ifounfed upon th baslo prlnclpl that tt la mor ffetlv financially to bare baa ball atrength dlHtrlbuted In aa many team In th league aa pomtbla rather than that on or two or throe ahould tnd out aa vir tual Olhraltam among sand dtmea. If four of flv club ean b fortified with baaa ball strength It means that alt th oluba In th leagu will benefit ma terially aa regard th capturing of th elusive dollar. Th few remaining weak cluba-nr comparatively weak cluhav- naturally share in th patronaga that Is a wlnnln; club's. It Is riot ayndlcat hiuas ball; In far!, II I far rtnnoved from uch nondltltn that would prov the rulnatlVi , of th national sport. Club holding Aer play er are not forced to d!p ofvny of their holding. Nor In limiting ttoV field ef- bidder I any one club enables ft purchase a player's release) for a pth o below Ihe player' real value, Th policy simply affords club whoew bank rot1 are not as heavy as some other with ait opportunity to btibiter up dnplelnd rank and eoeuiii a peallhin fther than that of a poor el run, A a rult th gum benefit for lh fan In the smaller cltle are thus ena bled to hav . lul reprrannUing them that t least Lata a fighting en., nee In th cl.anitiiiihlp melee. buy of any YUyxh built, 10.00, 'Hl 'H' . t 1 .