Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 23, 1916, NEWS SECTION, Image 4

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Patterson Point Out to Exchange
that Omaha Should Have a
Big; Auto Factory.
It was "hrlght Mm" Any t tit 'sat
meeting of the Heal Katale e change,
n. C. rattersnn'a hrlaht InVa was t'mt
the Mrhnn ahoulil line It off rm ind
Influence In gating an fuo
tory eelabllhet In Omaha, jlo pin'"1
out that $l4.nfpO,fl.iO worth of niiimtiol
snil hM,W of mitornoWIt a" eamirli-s
were eold out of Omaha lift year, fcwl
that mill the demand waa not nipt 'led,
He folt there wni only on solution
that atitni ehouM ha menufai'iired here
"1 walked down with a big iit(,m-iitls
dealer In Omaha Ihla morning," mil'l
Mr. Patterann, "anil ha told ma of Hie
many ordera for cere ha waa unnnle to
nil. lis aaM thnt tha firm lost Uw
by not being able to get rue cars
th factory faat enough n aivt'tr tha,
Mr. Patterenn then poln'til :o the fact
that tha Fwit people have Ihi'II nrt as
sembling plant in Omaha, and said o. Vi
na ahonld be urged to nlld similar
jilatila here. If not factor!.', Tha Idea
waa tkn up by other numbers .f the
esi-hange, and It waa pointed o it that
there la no reaenn why a not 'nr, 'Tha
Omaha," or "Tha NeliraaW" could not
be built right hara, iinre angina and
othar vital parta of tha cara nowaday a
ara mostly of atandard make, anyttsy,
Anyone could buy tba.. vl;al i4r' and
than build thn rut of tha car In any In
dividual deelgn deatrad, tha automobile
man argued.
Harry Chrialle's "bright Wan' waa on
Intsrurban tralla. Ha wants tho exchange
to look Into tha matter of getting mora
Irlterilrhans. Someone suggests! that tha
automoblla had solved tbe tn'.erurln
problem, and that tha Intururbsns ara In
ta a thine of tha paa In Just ihe pro
portion that tha automoblla sales In
rreaae throughout tha country.
C. V. Ilarrlaon'a "bright idea" waa tha
Mini one batter atratt signs urged
that he haa harped on fir scims time
that Omaha ahould Ret buay nnj name
and number ua streets by meana of
street signs, ro that (.(rangers could
know where they ara wh-in 'hoy gt Into
tha city. Alao ha wantd ovarheail signs
taken down. Colonnl Illitclt of I.oa An
geles, who waa a guest at tha exchange
meeting, aald they had taken down Ihe
overhead signs In la Angolas and that
nothing could now If dure Ihem to go
to the old algn n'tm.
Colonel Black, aa a guest, volunteered
a "hright Idea." He pnlnt&d out that
Omaha la a much greW city than any
one, who had not aeen realUea. "It
bna been an eye-opener tJ ma," he aald,
'and I have traveled acroei the con
tinent many tlmea. I never I new Omaha
waa audi a great city, t never atopped
here before. Now, I ahould think you
would carry on a publicity campaign of
(mine kind to Induce people to atop off at
oinnha when traveling through tha coun
try. I ahould think you could maintain
some kind of a permanent exhibit hare,
rurthetraveleratoeee. it would have to
be aomethlng dlatlni'tlve, xomethlng whloh
(nmtlia or Nehraaka atanda for oon
eplnunualy, or aomethlng In whloh Omaha
or . Ni braaka have taken the lead. I
ilon't know what It would be, but per
l iii a aanttary exhibit, a pure food ex
hibit, or anything that would be at
tractive and that would atand for aoma
thing in which Omaha haa Wen the
loaa'a I.lnlmeae Kllla Pain.
Ta the greatest pain killer ever dlaecov
ipcd; almply laid on the akln-no rub
bing rqulrid-lt drlvoa pain away. I&a
AH drugglata. Advertisement.
of High Grade
. . -
r At
I! The
Benson Thorne Co.
'. lil -M t '
j Sale $
I Price I f
I (aa&&aaalSSaal wlnl
i 1IW & mm)l
t fc aa . a aJ I
Sketch of
rrSaSiTi 5
rt rt i i n n 1 n
rrrt n n n
B i I i II i T TlrTTI
M B' 'Ff -n'w'F'
m i h n
t, h
ff ?
t 1
Committee In Charge of Flower Day
to right! Mra, F. Jlagelln, Mra. Julian
Johnaon, Mlaa Ifalma t arlaon, Mre. Anna
Colonel 0. M, Black, Los Ang-elei
Eeal Estate Man, Addresses
the Local Exchange,
Colonel George M. lllach of Ua Angeles
waa a gueat at the fast meeting of the
rim.h RmI Ratata eftohitnge. He waa
In Omaha for the day, vlaltlng with
Harry Wolf and Martin Bugarman,
Colonel Ulak was formerly prealdent
of the California 8taU Fedaratlon of Heal
Eatate Kxchangee, He told some Intareat-
Ing InuldenU of wore during his admin-
latratlon. Touching on tba matter of hon-
aaty In real eatate dealing, he aald:
"ou know, we get a lot of follows out
there that you fellows got through with
here. Whan you can't gtana mam nare
they coma to us. They are, however, the
moat modest, unaeaumlng fallows In tha
world out there. You don't hear a thing
of them or of their deala, Only now
and then when we get hold of a paper
from the east do we find one of thalr
advartlaemanta. and tnereoy una oui
what they are doing.
"Well, we had enme fallows Use this
while I waa prealdent of the federation.
Tou know lxia Atfgalea put in a huge
aqueduct, which brings water from tha
mountalna for many miles for the ulty'a
water supply. Well, these fellows bought
a lot of desert land out along this aqua
duct. It coat them 2ft centa an acrea
cents an aore, yea, air, and when we
found thalr advertisement In an eastern
paper they had this dnaert tract all
platted out In city lota, The addition waa
known aa the "Aqueduct Tract." Yea,
le oi
P r.
J '
J h '
Quality for Misses and Women
es ifj t -. fwj mi -J t
New Swedish Mission
a rran r
5wumH Miaaioci Hoiwun.
lo lUilae Fundi for New Iloapltal-Ift
Hwanaon, Mri Paul Weimar, Mre, f'arl
they called It tha Aqueduct trat, and
they were selling lota by mall, and selling
them at a price that would have made
them aeveral million dollars out of this
Aqueduct Tract," which coat them is
ennta an acre, 1 heir advertiaementa rep-
reaented that the aqueduct ran right
through the tract. The advertisement
sought to convey the Idea that the tract
waa watered and Irrigated by this aque
duct. Jt ran right through the traot,
they aald, Well, that waa trueIt ran
right through without etopplng. They
could pot have got a drop of water out
of that aqueduct If they had wanted to.
A jnckrabhlt would have committed sui
cide on that tract, and lhay ware aelllng
olty lots st fabulous prices.
"We Invaallgatad, and than laid tha
matter before the United Htatea attorney,
hut action waa alow. Then these fellows
name at me when thoy found out that
f was after them, They sued me for
ZAOOO damages for Interfering with tholr
business 1 felt onmp.lmented like the
colored man who was asked for the
loan of tl'l. In court, when ti e evidence
waa Introduced, the Judge said that these
fellows should be defendants In a crim
inal court Instead of plaintiffs In a suit
for damages to their o.iaracters.
"When the judge pronounced theae
words the fellows vanished from the court
room and were never seen In Log Angeles
Mr. Illack urged tha local real estate
men to keep alert In matters of this kind,
atnee only by keeping the real oatate
business clean and free from suoli fel
lows and their operations can real eatata
bualness have any standing.
CONHTANTINOPI.n. April fft-fVla
lAi(lon.)-A Hrtttah camp on the Sue
canal haa been attacked by a Turkish
aeroplane, the war office announced
today. The alralilp dropped bomba and
returned aiiccesufully.
a Saving of
ii in hi
20 to 50
.-til $ue$ Include in tkt SnU
loci tiding Suits that Were $22.50
A Urge Range That Were $25 & $29.50
And i Number ef Very Choice Suits
Formrrlx V 7'." ' . $35.00
Silk Taffeta Suits
Silk Poplin Suits
Fine Twill Suits
Waal VopUn Suits
Gabardine Suits
Blaek S:Yhite Check Suits
Sale Day
M o n day
Ft! Iril
It ""Ii '"IT "
b b bsb
An orgatiliccd campaign to add irmlerl
ally to tha fund for the prupoaed new
building for the Hweillah Mlaxlon hoapltiil
will be Inaugurated next Haturday with
a "flower iiy." The money derived from
the aalc of flowora on downtown atreota
by girla will
Into tint j building fund,
SUITS t , rtllUNlHV
Of All
I To Be Sold U
A sale event that will offer unprecedented values in Women's and Misses' Apparel! We are determined
to dispose of every Spring Suit, Coat and Dress in this store, in order to make room for our big stock of
Summer Apparel that is now arriving every day, and we know, from past experience, that the only way to
do it QUICKLY is to cut the life out of prices. No woman who has any regard for economy can afford
to miss this sale. Below are some samples of the values to be found in this sale, starting tomorrow morning.
Sale Starts
promptly at
8:30 o'clock
Monday a. m.
Remember our
Entire Stock is
included. No
C. 0. D.'s, no
Clearance Sale oi
Over 800
All Women'i and Missus' Spring;
Coats, In corduroy, checks,
serge, etc.. formerly soll -t
T. 60 and $S.60,
Clearing Sale
Alt Women's nd MIsW Coals,
taffeta, wool poplin, silk iop-
lln. cherka, etc., formerly sut
up to 112.60
ami fit , st
IU.K5 and
All Women's end Misses' Coats.
Including silks, blun and blaok
poplins, serge, light covert
eosts, tie,, all the eeat slls
- formetly ld at
l . IIT , and I ai0
aoma lIU, at 1 "
All Mlef nd Women's higher
prU'ed mala. In all the lie
rliitha and aulas, formvrly a.dd
at lt lt .'
Clearing Hate
fill hkk crn nt
Clearing Sale Prices fill Our Dress Skirts
i mm-, A
i i .j i i i ; i : a li
6) I 'ri-M,
V3 il .i'V-V'"
i vl asaagasjrwiifa
The committee In charge la figuring on
clearing aeveral thouaand dollars.
Tha proponed new IM.000 etructure for
the Swedlah Mlaelon hoapiul will be
erected directly In front of the preeont
building at Twenty-fourth and Pratt
atreeta. Tlio plana call for the two btilld
Iiikh to be connected, giving tha general
lioMpltal a 100-bod capacity. The equip
ment apeclfluatlona Include every con
venience and facility of the modem hos
pital. Although the new hoapltal will coat
approximately t'AOUO, It la planned to
atari building opoiatlons aa aoon art $2o,oOO
haa been rained. There la over $:',000 In
the bulldltig fund at the preaent time.
Story About Body
of Dorothy Arnold
is Fabrication
NEW YORK, April W.-Tha atnrv told
by Ootave Charing Olennorrla, ranvlet In
a Kliode laland prlaon, of hla having -alated
at the bmln.1 of Iiorothy Arnold'!
body In a cellar outaide Weat Point waa
pronounced a fabrication today by da
ti'Ctlvea who explored the cellar. Inspec
tor Kaurot aald he believed the convict
told tba etory In the hope of obtaining
a parole.
f jovj Gomes
Spring Garments
egardless of Cost or Value
Ladies gnosis
All Sacrificed in
All Misses' and Women's spring suits In silk laffeta, pop
lin, serges, wool shepherd checks, gabardine, etc, for
merly sold at $16, $16. B0, $17.60. to clear ijuUk
All Misses' nd Women's spring
llns, gabardines, checks, etc.. etc., sold formerly
$19.75 and $5! R0, clearing sale price
All Mlases nd Women's Suits of
cloths. Borne of these garments are
that formerly sold at $2.80. $87.50 and $29. 50, Clear
ing Hale Trice
All Misses' and Women's Suits of the finest makes end
materials, that formerly sold at $J2.6, $;!5.'0, $JT.M,
Clearing Hsle Trice
Other SuiU formerly sold from $48 to $80, will be reduced for
this sale,
Be on Hand E.vrly Monday Mornin, and get the garment you
have been loiWff for at a fructlon of original price,
S.v!e StsutJ at 8 30
Included in This Rsdicil Cleinncs
it Jlalrta f :fi,(i I Si
i '. i l I' i' , t U-atisig
French Official Report Saya Teutons
Resume the Offensive on Both
Sides of the Meuse.
PARI3, April 22. An lotenfie
bombardment of the French front
before Verdun, between the Meuse
and Fort Vaux, wag followed last
night by an attempt on the part of
German troops to advance.
Tbe war office announcement of
this afternoon saya the advance was
prevented by the artillery fire of tbe
French, which Inflicted heavy losses
on tbe Germans.
The statement also says a German
attack north of Caurettes Wood, In
which liquid fire was used, was re
pulsed. Turn old furniture, household gooda and
clothing Into cash with a line Want Ad.
Our Annual
This Clearance Sale
$1 1 85
suits In taffeta, pop
the better grades In the finest silks and
nn lllirei alien nut
high class samples
A. M. Monday
a:) ttMita f.r
I . .
S7.95 Viv iKim
With nppctitfl keen,
digestion normal, and
no fear of any after
eating distres
helps very materially
in bringing about
Kucli a condition. It
is an excellent tonic
and appetizer. Try it.
This sale of
fers you an op
portunity to
secure New
Spring' Gar
ments right at
the height of
the season, at
a fraction of
the regular
Complete Clearance
of All Our
All Women' and Misses' Silk
Poplin and wool dresses, for
merly sold at $1 SC95
to $10, Clearing isw-
Sale Price
All Taffeta 811k and Crepe da
Chine silk dresses, formerly
sold at $111.00,
Clearing ril
All shades and sires.
All Bilk Taffeta, erew d chine,
Ueorgetle crepe and crepe d
meteor silk dresses formerly
sold at $22.50 and
$24.5". Clearing
.sale Prtre. . . . . .
All the better d n-nes. some
beautiful SAUH'le In the
finest sMki, lii-iirKi'tte crvp
and mini. Iliad, in, all the new-
rat ehAilett, dreams worth $2 St
In $IVvi, all go In
tan lots. ... VI
I i
w A St