Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 23, 1916, NEWS SECTION, Image 3

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Another Song for
The Semi-Centennial
Nebraska Jubilee
Mrs, Cora K, ecm-ll of til South llf
t'enth street, Lincoln, .VMi., scmli Tl)"
ttfp tin' lollowlim sonif, written for the
scml-cenfennhil Jiil)llo of Nebraska, but
iiot until after Ihn close of the compcib
tlon, and. thcrrfuiu not submitted for the
il' rial iii of the Jinlne. It ha a aw lug
snd a si ritlimnt that will appeal to Na
hraskans; i'roMi plains otire wst of land
yi drove the nil man's band
tt et the yeoman's hand
To till I bo frrtllu end.
With heart of cohihkh trim
Wn hri'tiMhl 01. 1' triumph tliroiiuli,
U rr III Hint worn not low,
To ijtnnil at peace with (lol,
ll' fiain;
Then rally hern llh jo), crown with
Klurlc liilKht,
Our own, our faithful trrsdlnif on,
For fields of plcnly, chivr end home,
Tho sun lira' on o'er i, of (sold In its
I'ir on runs Hip cvo to sen
endless roll of les
As h licautcoiis symphony
II'ioii'.'Iiik off to Ho' Uy,
l-wcr tliit thrill the Moid,
(if llvrr, (Ji'll, and Idioll
O, IrllHit" lake kim toll
for nplci.rlor norm ran buy.
f rnss s they may fo coins,
fir warden spots fyr some,
No coldness of the palm
Ifas chilled their welcome her,
They've found Ihe llM of hope
Tn nsrd them off Ihe elope
Of ilnig and frr( and rnnne,
Pause not -to upward veer.
Ri fraln:
FVnrti a fitiff Correspondent.)
l.lSCnux, April 22,-rHpc-lftl,)-Whlli
tho opinion corne a little lain to hit tha
prlmsry. attorney Orneral need, at lh
request of Secretary of Stat Pool, linn
ftlvon'hl M- of tha Dodge-Wahlnt.on
entinfr matter In which candidate for
ttie etate senate from that dial riot hnA
hla nam printed on the democratic bal
lot without the very ntwiwary formality
of first fllln hla name with the secre
tary of state. However, ji ha was not
elected, anyway, it cut lllllo lea.
Tha attorney frneral hold that where
district la composed of mora than one
county tha nama of a candidate inuat
ba filed with tha secretary of state, ac
cording to tha orders given tha county
clerk of Dodge county, who had tha
nam printed on tba ballots contrary to
tha law.
Ttowever, tha attorney feneraJ'e do
partment hold that for Oi enerl
lection a petition filed with tho county
clrk in earn onnty in tha dlatrlot la
aufflflont 4 enable a mmlldul to -t
on tha official ballot without flllac with
the aecretary of atate.
(From a Btaff Correapondant.)
M.VrOLK, April r.-(8pcliil.)-Th
flrt county to report Its vota to the
w rotary of atata wit Uundy county,
wlili h ahowa monf republican than Oaroo -ciaia
voting- In tha primary, tha vota on
president being: Democrat, 51; repub
lli iiiim, m. lundy county gave a ictwy
cratic majority at tho last election on
Kovcrnor of J.'fl,
Uoan, the Irf'Xlnnton livery man, wan
iiccefaful In polling 15 votes for presl
Unrit on the democratic aldo and II on th
lopiihliran aide, whllo Mr. Kooaevolt
secured votes for tha republican nomi
nation. Hughe received 15 votes.
(I 'roni a Staff t'orrea; ondent )
I.INi'fil.N, ,pid H, -l.-iiwi In I Teteirram.)
-'lmr;e II, Van rnen, un Onmlin police
offi' i r, applied l (Governor Morehead
Idle thla lifleniui.n for eitnulltlon Nier
for tin! return to Nebraska of Henry
Weinntelii, wanted nn a fmicrv ilmrne
in Oititilnt.
WeliiiM ln h i linrued with tlir forgery
of two dunlin foe l.4 cm h, ulucli Icj
t Mtft I, one tti the Omnil.'l Nrilpiltal iHtlK
and llm ihIHt at Hie Kiint N ill 'U illoiiiN
of Hill . I'V He In I. ell ; lii l.l In iiiinr
Hil l Ol'i'ii j.i.illhii Hie pipeiD the I'f'liir
! f I i the vt at In I'll .; I.H' a liia nimi
I I; l Ah f i i, , pitl v cp. ml
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e tMt. , I IjniI.h w.ia li'ile
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North Platte Presbyterian Minister
Makes Advertising Fill His Church
NOHTIl TLATTi:, Neb., April 2?,
(Hpecbil ) -"It pay a to advertlaa. I'rlnt
et a Iiik is I lie bint invcHtinciit tbut can
bo riiiide." 1
Ailo)tlnif tlil an h motto, Itev. Robert
White of the Xortlt finite iTeabjIerlHil
church, baa nenrly tloubled IiIn church
allendnni i and bus Uimely Incieaiieif tho
contributlona to hla church alme he look
up the pii'ilomte four moniba au"
Shortly lifter bis arrival In North
I'bille Kcv. While bexun to do HiIikts
Hint never before bad been benl of In
church circles here, and seldom in the
cats. 'n the blllboiirda around Hie dly
betfuil appearing alrlldnK poa'ers, seven
by nine feet, Inviting North t'lurm real
ri'iila to no to church "We want you
to go to church, and If you have no
church home of your own we want yon
to come to our church," Hie ponicrs an
nounced, The effect was tmiglcul The
leiy tienl Kundiiy nn In1 reie of nearly
,M per cent In th alteicbuice ut the
I'renbytoi I.iii i bui-li wna iiiiirlied, 'ol -Iccllona
liicienseil, and wuh tbe cUa
funds llius secured In milliliter Increased
bis sdwrllalOK. In lb" bicjil pupeia HP
poared nboit, snnppy ndverllwnieiils ciill
tllM ItHentlon lo Hie subject on which lb"
piiiilol wus lo PU'Hk the following Hun
liny. The bleu wus new, North rlntie
llk'-d i. Men nod women who seldom If
ever olliiubd church were In
n mliilnlor who dnnd lo alep hut the
eoinepiiloimlities ndverlbic bis
chinch, ii, il Hii went to Hie church
lo heir Ibe ineM-Mtic, lu,l IH ,iui'lcd,
Nuiiieroiis iom-Mrslons among poisons
thus brouuht lo i lunch bnvc Icch re.
corded. Keen the most connervutUo mill
Inters of Not Hi Multe nlmll llml Itev,
While's pbtti bus been n success, nnd at
Jest. one other church Is following (lie
standard sJ by lbs I'lesbyleibin con
gregatloii in It advertising campaign.
"The p'l,cHou of the of
aovertlslng bus been very gratifying: to
ilia Norllt J'littla I'resliylerbin rhurrh,"
rtov. Whllo suites. "A much advci tlned
brand of soup will produce soup con
sclouMiess in lbs minds of persons who
use soap, and a demand for soup In the
winds of persons not using i, Thug in
f 1'
r :.: -iA pi
h f. V V
I v
lev.Xoleri Mite
church advertising tba much advertised
church will produce a church itvns'loua
liens In l .it minds of muuy people, so
when they think of going lo church this
church will occur to them and to this
church they will go,
"Tho church ad, whether In bulletin,
poster or psid spiica In the newspaper
must be striking enough to attract at
tention and brief enough to b read at
a glance."
Williams Holds Communion With the
Muse and Immortalizes Fellows
IX, V. Williams Is poet bmrraie of thn
Hoard of I-Mucailon. He mounts Pegasus
every now and then and tha resuit la
more contributions to the realm of poetry,
These spring days have Inspired Mr,
William to renewed efforts.
Tha following poem refers to tha mam
berg of the Hoard of Kducallon;
THKrucs NOTiifsa m a namu.
Warfleld la a peaceful fellow,
On our Woodland, growa no brush,
Wakeley sleeps and dream llk others;
Sometimes lu-rd la In a ruah. .
Arrested with Nearly
Half Million Worth
Of Securities on Him
HAITIMOH K, Mil., April 32.-A man
giving the name of Kdward J. gulgley,
having In Ida possession all the securities
stolen on a ferry boat at New York on
February 28, wa arrested hero this
Tho arrest was a piece of good lin k by
the postal authorities. yulgley was
seined on suspicion of being wanted In
Bt. I,oulg for raising money orders. An
.alleged confederate niuucd George F.
Wlndall was arrested with him, but is
held on a technical charge, yulgley
fought against arrest, but was overpow
ered, Hla alleged confederate submitted
Qulgley's grfp contained' a large bnndln
of certificates of atock of the Baltimore
Ohio railroad, the Chicago, Hurllngton
ytilncy railroad, New York City,
stock and other securities of aggregate
face value of $400,fHO. A sight draft for
ViKttn drawn on H. It. CbupUi Co., of
New York, by Bmlth. Ixickhurt & Co.,
of rialtlmore, waa also found In the
satchel attached to certifieatea for lie
ahares of Cnlon Pacific and 10 shares
of Northern Pai'lfle stock. .
Yuan Orders Cabinet
Be Given Overhauling
rr.Kl.Vt1, April X! -IVi atdent Yuan Pit'
Ksl, In a mandate hint l.
that his full control of the admlnls'inti-iu
isa ciu-ied illsnatlsfncil n ammig tha pa
pie ano auninrlses Ihn secretary of state,
Msu 81, Hi Chang, to orgunlr R renponst
bla cabinet.
"This is Intended," ssy tba mand.ite,
'aa a step toward ailmlnlstratlv a reform
I hope tba members of tha g,,v, rivuent
will wo k to rinoe tbe illfficultie i f Hot
d .y "
Krnat Is somcilmes not In earnest
lie's a Joker Just the same;
I loiovtohlner, uninhcr,
iiut can't prove It by his nam.
Carpenter don't use the hammer;
'I'owell Is nothing Ilka the hood;
JcnMna' other nme Is Panlel,
Hut on dreum work he's no good,
Foster does not always cherish,
As his business Is to sue;
When some bad boy breaks a window,
Then our Fry Is in a slew,
Williams, of the king's own people;
Hubert should be "bright In fame."
Hut ha Simula us proof conclusive,
That there's nothing In g iiuine,
Philadelphia Wakes
To Give Wilson Nice
Reception on Visit
WAHHINOTON, April 22. - President
Wilson paid a brief visit to Philadelphia
today lo visit his daughter, Mr. Francla
Howes Kayre, and his youngest grand
daughter, Kleanor Axson Hayre, who
was born there lust month. He was ac
companied by Sirs, Wilson. They re
mained In Philadelphia lean than two
hours and returned lure tonight, planning
to spend I'.nster In Washington.
Tho president was given a great ovation
in Philadelphia, although nothing wse
known of bis coming until a few hour
In advance, A crowd of several thousand
persons wna at tho Hroad Htreet station
both when ho arrived and when he left,
anil cheered him enthusiastically. He
was also apnlaudcd as ho passed through
the streets,
The president and Mrs. 'Wilson went
directly to tho Jefferson hoaplul, whore
his granddaughter was horn, The visit
was made todiiy because Mrs. Kayre phins
lo return to her homo In Wllllamstown,
Mass., tomorrow, leaving tho president
to talk lo Mrs. Hnyrc, Mrs. Wilson, with
fr. Cruyaijn, the While House physician,
made a lour of tho hospital, spending
most of her time In the captain's ward.
Tbe trip to and from Philadelphia, made
In a prlwite cur attached to regular
trains, nn uneventful.
Kit CIH'Z, April :i -The e .,.,1 ,
hUfisary of C.n landing ur Ain.ii.-.i
t roc in ,i cr j i r n .,!,.,.. ,i i.e..
a i.f iii.iuiiuii '
Want H nn.r sons tb.t, wurli-Uiey
ili gci i, ,,iu, ir m,i:,l(,(
Fis.i-11 iiK.WiyrAirmtn of cjkn
r:itAi. jiuiv j pKiiHiit.vii, nami-
yi'Il'A. Mexico (Via Wlrelesa to Colum
bus. N, Ml, April - Ueneral John J
Peiablng Is utilising the lull n ilia opera
tliuia In Mekbo In reoulflltlng his troop
The cbiibing and e.uitinent t.f tl,a men
suffir4i grmtly In Hie p.irilt of Villa
and airrv eff. rt Is being m ide l.i ipl;,c
them cj I..IUIII, . of store are being
I'lHtt from I In- baar at Cobliubo.
Ibpiirls rt-.-n,! (fni .,ii,i aim tha
Aoinl hi, itl, f , ,,, (H
raird uuiKt fr''illfl xei rw l,..r
1 he fr.rn of !i, i i -1 in luiry e.iiiiin,
mtv n-' 14 I r.'ii 44ll'tic i up.
t..i ai at a t ail iHiim m . .cii -,.i,i.
cf the ..lid ,l k.i, At,. . ,4t..
(Irm (U lli.b i ,.tt tod f ,i.ii,
t uhh imuiiwt uu: ( m; nils )i w N
The Prestige of a Dentist
I. 4 t .t-lH i, I . pp i .1 i. .-i .4 t. j o .. en r,,,.ii,l. !
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It1 i4il I .ii n mi i , tin. tli ,i II mi a t i i i .i, 1 1 1 , ( (i ( , ( i
Surratt, Tried for
Assassination of
Lincoln, Is Dead
I'.Al.TIMOiUC. ,Md.. Api II -John llur
rimiii Hurrntt, lasi sun Ivor of Hie corpM
of alleged coiisplratois trb'J fur Implica
tion In the plot to an ;mi4!iimt44 Abni -urn
Lincoln, died heie loulKlit. II' wis 7'
yeais old Jlr. KurriHl reil rd us gm im'
freight iment of the I'alllmne Htciio,
I'scket lompany icienily.
In tbe cv wsi-tbe sci- ed In I e en
'rdeiale necri't scribe. When be In ur i
that a warrant had been isiued for hi u 1
he fled trotn New York to Canada, null
thru to J-'.urop' Fgypt and ."mill Anou
ha l e una acuuiitid aft' r I e tu broiiitb !
lack for trlnl and csme to Haltimoie.
45-7 So. m St.
Cummins Leads T, R,
In MontauaPrimaryl
M Ft, UNA. Mont., April SI-Hcattereil
return received early tonlithl from to I
day's presideiitlni piefcicnce primary, J
showed Ihiit Preslilenl Wilson pulled more
votes t ) mi ii all of his republican opp uu'iils
together. I
Hemilor A. II. Cummins of Iowa polled i
three lo mm over Colonel Itoosevelt In ;
twelve picclnctH, Tim oilier lepulillcnn I
cnmlldnte, l.dnnrd Hniidolph Woods of
New Jciscv, received hut a few voles, i
This wss Montana s Unit pienidciitbil
preference primary nnd tlm first tlmn 1
Hint women voted. The polls were open j
from I:', noon, until o'clocli, and derinitc
results were not especied until late.
Omaha Home Furnishing Headquarten
Your Tonic
E . for Spring
fj l S ehoulddothc8olbin(8
I -clttar away waste;
A di"pI inflammation ;
I invigorate Uie bodily
utiiu yiuiui i v u i
blood may be closed,
your dijjestion not up
to the mark, and
stagnant, areas (catarrh)
exist in the membrane
of the stomach, Intei-
tlnei or lung. The result la a tired
feeling, irregular appetite and lot
of energy,
all your body, helps to soothe
away all inflammation, restores
the Irregular appetite to a healthy
condition, and clear away all watte.
It's a real lonlc--epeclally flood in
catarrhal conditions like Indigestion,
after effects of grip, convalescence,
and spring lassitude. You may
tske It with perfect safely, confident thai it
hfil heee of bencftt for 44 rears to thousands,
Cnd bene poMesars real merit. Whst It
ss don Inr them I the best evidence of
wbat It will do for you. Begia It lodsy.
lilierMwuMiltoa. tti riB)rti rraaeirf hrtst.
Tba f eraaa Cm pur, Cehuabu, Obi
. ' v ' - '44' - ' "4- - v-1 " '
I Phono D-335i V2
. H.u ja;
l'llti"-r rS
- . Hi' twi.-V
" I a 4-, iTV-tr
-At All f Sm
Tlic 1 Icii I on & l.fiicr jnilicy is to frivp iiihimiiiI viiIiich in l'tciiiliillt' 1 1 m -("ii rni?-li -ins
every ilny in (Iit cnr- rittlit'l- tliiin ll iVnt trf nines one tiny lilnl (t M'lil'cily the
j next itiul Hint tlii.s Jioliey is it winner is nlle. tci! by the I'liel, Hint we lire making new
I friend nnl lulilinj? new neetjiint.s daily.
Take for example, the Bed Room Suite above
Tho fyiicen Anno dcnisTn h jmrf iciilurly ciTcelivo. 'Die soft brown tone of t lie
j Juuiilsomcly riiiihlietl Anierieiin black walnut well with nlmohl any dee-
orativo M'heine- nnil still in dilTerent. The prices nre within tho reavli of nearly
I everybody, '
Desk $212.50 Chiffonier . . . . . Jj20.75 Dressing; tabic. . . $20.75
Chair 8.75 Bed in till Bench 0.50
I Rocker 0.00
28.50 Drwscr
An especially flu shaniiioo for this
weather, one that dissolves and en
tirely remove all dandruff, excess oil
and dirt, n easily be nid.i at trlflln
ripens by simply dlssulvln a tea
spoonful 0 canthro In a cup of tint
water, I'onr slowly on calp and ms
(SK briskly, Tlila create a eoiilh
I r i sr. coollna lather. Rlnalns; leave
the acaljt anotleasly clesn, oft nd
pliant, while he tmlr take on the
Klnesy richness of natural color, also a
fluf fines which make It semn tnilih
heavier than It I. After a eanthrox
shampoo, arrantflna the liftlr I a
pleasure, -A dvertlaeme.ii t.
VERSIZE is a marked ad
vantage in Goodyear No
Hook Cord Tires.
Three sizes, for example,
have 23 to 35 per cent
more air space than regulation Q. D.
clinchers of corresponding dimen
sions. This means a larger pneumatic cushion,
made still more easy-riding because high
inflation pressures are not necessary.
And this combines with the natural re
silience of Goodyear Cord construction to
produce utmost comfort; with its natural
flexibility to give utmost protection against
stone-bruise and blow-out.
Ooodyear No-Hook Cord
Tires are fortified
Rim-cuttirn By our No-Hun-Cut
Diner-outs- By our On-air
Loose Trred By our
Rubber Kivtti.
Puncture fend SkliMint
Ily our Ikmbl Tim k
AM Weather and Fibb
ed. Treads.
Intecuitty Byour Multi
ple lit aide J 1'ianu VVue
Jl I. 4-444,! .0WS f 4 ' l--,,44'' fWM,
S li 4. i IV I' - I .. .' ( ,.. 'K i4
l-H-A It I
j. m .r
am. ' Cj 1 ( mtim&wmmJ
r? tV-'i
ivt n pleasure to the "threo score and " man or woman
to lo Kreeted this way! Think of tho immediate joy and last
ing satisfaction to tho returning son or daughter to find tho
parents not growing old.
None but the old fully appreciate youth and its vigor, how
ever. jTo grow old gracefully is Father Time's host gift to them.
Everyday experience provcH that a good stimulant properly
used will accomplish much to keep tho old young. It can't defy
age, hut most, everyone knows of eases where, it has prolong!
life for years. That's why unprejudiced physicians recommend
a good j Hire whiskey for elderly people.
When a Physician Prescribes Whiskey, Insist on
Duffy's Pure Malt Whiskey
No purer whi.-key can he obtained. The grain from which
it is made is the best that can be found, ami is thoroughly
malted to assist digestion. It is also distilled over and over
again to remove every possible trace of any injurious sub
stance. It is unlike any other. ,
Willi lis prnserlbotl advico of a "utilcsiuinufiil In water or milk before
nieula ami on rhiiik to bi d." Puffy's ruin M.tll KUkry kits eanuvl the
1 1- tiu I ii I lull uf an cm -ell i-n I tiiliic-HtliiHihitit for i in tnr.ilo Uho, Its Ml yean
i nf emit Hilled ihi' l,y lluiUMiWtila uf ieulii bait hhuwti
j t tl ii w It l'.uil.i (lie Mm,. i.ih ii (ic.Uihv ml
! )i roll ii 4i i m iltKctittnii and uf fund,
ruh'-s the bluml, sin) bliliM -.tH'tlRtli nu.l IK''
tlm cvKitMn.
lnki so urn il. I fntli.l b'U'i'V IUi it hi.ttl.' el
Hi-fi) a iiji In Miit iu Iiuine fur i'Ii.ii r.i l"
..- . ta it. . . i ir vf it
uet ivuuy s anu rveep v cu,
.-'i.. in i-i.ili il luittli-44 iihIv lr.ar4 tif u.l.iliiir
unTr wiiiu i tum "'
riUlt t'it rf..isi. sr
or', si mi i-si leil.
tl If hs t'.'i ui'i tu.i. ami
! ani lut USllll SulHlln.l4 tiiiwtlsl
I 111 tn-r 4t I Uho, Its M5 yea
' J1A
Tlu" Dutly MaltWhUkcyCo.
Htt-SvMr-t H V.
1 111 "" "'Hi
tnm-f mm,' ,
n 1
IH. ..."
"'r )S
l'liono Tylor 1001) 'C
tui tt tu tivat mvni ;h tlunih you Wfjv iWliv
iTimrynurWni.t-AiltoTlv W (Mlico in ponn