THE OJfAHA SUNDAY BEE: APRIL 23. 1916. b J The Social Pirates Plot by George Bronson Howard O O Novelization by Hugh C. Weir Copyright Kalem Company Story No. 3The Parasite Mary Bumt watched th pretty hotel fwiald a eh finished performing th trt ;fl:l rvlr for which Mon Hartley, Mary' chum, had lummimM her, "Than you," eld Monv "Her" Oh. thank ywu. Mlaa," aald the fir! ifluehlni with plur h received hr HP. Th maid went tit, and Mary gifting bark tn the deep rhalr lht iu no placed that h (uH lock out. without moving, nd see th pork with It ver ehnglng panorama, laughed, "Mor.a." ah mM, "Wil you tll m why yoa nt for that girt to do a lot of HIy thlngi for you, which would have wd yon indignant had anyon tvn of fered to do tnern for you a few wek ego?" "I dtd It Jut liMtiM I Ilka to b lux urtou," Mtd Mon. Bhe trtched out htr arte, and tx.k a tp or two. "Mary don't you lov It, tooT Kara wa ar, ! yon and I, Bom peopt would ' wa (r,ught to fca hunted fugitive, Tying 'ground tha eountry undar aumed nam and lntd, wa'ra living here, right wltMn tight of tlia cn of our exploit In tha tnoat expensive hotel In town." "I uppo wa'ra a pair of campi, ' I amid Mona. "Hut I don't feel a bit eorry I for our two worthy 7 vlcllme. Thay i thought I waa rlch-d eaay. Hut It . waa mighty funny to ee tha way thay ' ghlad If I happened to mention raaually '. that any girl I knew waa married," ! "Wa did gat thctr money t'h our p'an," raid Mary, "and I may ha all wrong, but I haven't any scruple about them, either. It will I. all right to collet tha expense for our campaign If wa lway taka car to present tha bill to aomoona who d gerve what ha gta a richly a thoaa two men did." "Bpeaklng of that," !d Mona, "we've got to keep our eye open, Mary mlna. Wa'ra living In tha very Up of luxury Juat now, but If wa don't watch out wa ll a! Ida off on tha floor. Wa'va got to ba forehanded, you and I. Wa can't wait tilt tha wolf U at tha door-wa want to turn him away tefor ha remember to lurt looking for ua." "Tou'ra right," aald Mary. "I'm keen enough whan wa'va one afartcd. Mona you'll admit I did my part tit tha othar matter! But lt'a a good thing I t got a partner Ilka you. or I never would gat Itarted. " "Tou'ra not alartacj yat, yoo know," aid Mona, dryly. Tvw not tha allghtaat Idea ef what to do nit Hav youT My mlnd'a empty. juet want to atay hera forever and bagk In tha luxury of lhla plar.!" ' "Oh, aomethlng wilt turn tip," aald Mary, confidently, "But I Ilka tha lux ury of all thla Juat aa much aa you do, Mona, Btlll t wlah wa bad aorna friend!" " Tend friend.." gatd Mona, tn mock alarm. "Wa can't afford that luxury, my dear-end tt'a about tha only ona wa can't toot Not until wa'ra made and aaved enough to give ua a ntee In terna, and X think wa'va quite a long road to travel before that time oome." Tea-dMcauaa, after all, wa have got aome arupleal Wa don't break tha law, We'll gtlrk to that agreement. I think." TaJ-weai only- band it. Ilka tha big enrporatlona. Jtg allly to break tha law lt'a aa awry to gat around It! For ua alt ar have to do U to galoot our viettma from among thoaa who are breaking tha law themeetvea. Then wa'ra gafa. By tha war-talking about tha law, eonaldar ma and my dotngal I've made a well, not a friend, but an aeqnalntanoa, bar I" "In tha hotel, MonaT Whof "Tha hoime detaotlve, bo laaaT aald Mona, proudly, "For heaven'g gakaf aald Vary, with a laugh. "Why-and howf "Oh, I don't know It juet Beamed to me ha might ba ueefull Ile a an Inter aetlng peraon, rcally-and ha llkea ma aver ao much. Jta tella ma about all tha trouble woman make for him her -the thlnga they loae, and all aorta of thlnga! lt'a milta entertaining. Coma on down I'll Introduca you to him." Bo. in a frw mlnuiea. they want down to tha luxurloua lobby of tha hotot. But Mary had to wait for her Introduction. , "There ha la." aald Mona. "But ha'a buay. Mary-I don't belleva that woman'a Juat loet a ring or aomethlng! dha looka aa If aha were In deadly trouble!" It waa true. A woman whoea face bore Igna of a atom of amotion waa pleading with tha man, "Well hava to find out why." aald Mona. Mona and Mary had not long to wait before tha woman, greatly dejected, left tha deterUvee and went to tvio elevator. Mar manner made It plain that ha had not been able to comfort her, "Mlaa Bumalt-Mr.riyde." anld Mona. Mlaa Hiirnelt Uvea with me, Mr, Myd. Now-ymi re going to ba nl.-a to ua, aren't youT We're dying with rurioaltyl What wa tha matter with that poor enul you were talking with Juet now? I'm wire hea In aome enrt f real trouble!" I ahould lay ehe waa'" elarutated riyde angrily. "Of rourea, lt'a her own fault. In a way-end yet. when I think of a man who la aioundtel enouah to take ad vantage of a wornan'a mlik -" Ttt etmply got to te- ua mora than that." eaid Muna, deterinliietlnn plain In her volie and In every line ef her fa tur, Well- I gnn't knew." aM frde, dnut. fully. " get lota ef thtorniatinn In e.m. i1n. e that I'm lt'-t at llherty te Pe an "I1K t-f'tm' hM Mary "Wiy -ht herm e.iia It d-. Mr. n1T dm I kno thle inn-n e M'J ler leil en you;" ' kii.i, It m'ht fca a warning te fca.' aald M., " 1 think lt'a it d iir t.i tll we that e t nror, " ti aii. e. tiaka ta aa iiittke e'a tilt ' ' Ve fear ef Ihat"" I I'H.t iirm i wait If II f" 't l ke aeiftin'ig al ptf, aer kreaihe t a e.l (fat I I M ... '. wJii;'' etit M ' II ..:',, ftit t M aftatl-" "lie a i.tnc. t ' a: I (lit, ! '4 an u'y ei.t, I- T'- ti ala rm f U t t"t te e..wr fcaa a ku ant iia 4 t t a: -g e . !t M aa ll t M I e-'i.l f ! a ee la ivt It u t " ' frvm a aaa te take te a a' ," I MaitNa, tiut aw t 'i I Hi M I t , kl fca4 a g-ft 0al Kr a-r kr aa U a t a-.e ek kaa ara k4 fc Hki4 lrtil I i !, tkt at t .(.( -.!. a aa f in ili a lr tea it. It Ma -'".a .... ai'k loat and people won't believe they're barmleea " "Oh:" aald Mona n'Uckly. "ST.e loat tha lettera he'd ent herT' "Loat them or they were etoln from her. Jt doeen't much matter which, 'ina point le they've turned up. Jn the handa of a man who knowa their value or think he doea. Bhe'd have paid any reaaonable enm any aurn ahe could have managed to get together. But aha fig ured on her huahand a money, not on what aha ran command heraelf. Ha won't belleva aha can't get It." "Oh-and what doea ha Intend to doT" 'Turn them over aome of them to her huaband. If aha doeent make good In the ftma hea given her. ffhe'a coma to me, half riad with terror. How he could help being eorry for fcar, or brllevlng ha can't get the money, I don't a' But I've heard thlnga nearly aa bad about him before!" "What a dreadful thing'" aald Hairy. "Te there nothing that can be dona to help her?" "Not without the very thing ahe'a moat afraid of -publicity! If I tried to make a move, tha flrat thing thla man Key nolda would do would be to axpoea her. It' hie only weapon but It'g a terribly trong one. lt'a kept him out of tha clutche of th law for year. Tha potlc and half the big private detective agen cle in tha country hava done their beet to get aomethlng on htm and he dfl IhTn." "It aeem Incredible!" aald Mona, with htnlng eye. "True enough trtjt there are the facta! Ha'a got more money than ha can poaal- bly know what to do with. I belleva the thing- come to be eport for him that ha takea a ylcloua, depraved aort of pleaaura In aeelng hi victim a'liilrm. He ha a wonderful place out In the aitburb, and well, I don't know that thla la a thing to repeat before you young ladle, but hi pelghbor do a great deal of talking about the women who are een there from time to time." "t'gh!" aald Mon. "What a beaat. He' an old man, you aayf" "Ha muat be about ,' aald Clyde. "A repulitve and vile looking an old acoitn dret a you'd find In a long day hunt, too!" "Tou were right," aald Mona. "If an ugly etory. But I'm glad you told It to ua. Oh, I do hope that poor woman find om wy to beat hlml How much time haa aha?" "Ha aald a week-but he'll give her more than that He won t etrlke until he' null certain that there' no way of getting the money out of her. I know haa way." Back in their own room Mary hud dered. "I'm not glad ha told u," said h. "I think It wa a dreadful atory, Mona!" "Bo do I!" aald Mona. "But, Mary ean't you aaeT Where could we find a better peraon to preaent our next bill agalnat aoclety for etUementT" "Oh-ohl I dldnt think!" aald Mary. "But, Mona a man Ilk that I no Tom llnaon Oerryl W might very tartly burn our finger If we tried to genre him a we did Oerry!" "Then we'll aerve him very differ ently," aald Mona, "Oh, let me think I I know there' aome way of outwitting an old villain Ilka that and wouldn't I leva to do It, Juatt I know one thing, too th more w know about him the better our chance will be. Tou heard what Clyde ald-th private detective aganote mut all know about him. We'll gat a report from one." Mary It waa who attended to thla, and did It, too, without letting th agency impact that either (he or Mona wa concern ad In the matter In any way. and Mary, with a ober face, ttudlad th report. "Ha landa money-ae well a getting It by blackmail," ahe aald. "Ha'a very rich and, oh I H keep a lot of money and Jewel a well at hi place ha' afraid of banka. I don't wonder. I aup poa he know that on of hi victim may tum on him at any minute, and that he may have to make a break for hla freedom! And here you remember what Clyde aald about the womenT" "He waa awfully nice-he waa afraid we'd be ahocked." "Tea. It la nice to have men conald erate again, lan't Hf Wa'va had enough experience with the other aort! But here It goe Into that In detail here. It aeema ha'a rather mad about our aex, my dean Now I know a can handle hlml A man Ilka that wa bound to have a weakneaa, and that'e on we can play on." "If rleky work, Mona." "I'll take the rlak. I'm flaahter than you are, though a man who haa any eenea wouldn't healtat a minute to chooaa you, o I'll be the victim of hla M-year-old eharnie only I won't!" "How are ynu going to manage HT" "lm't know yet I've got to aea him flrat. One thing I've learned la that it doean't do to map nut a lot of plan Ahead, before) ynu know tha people you've got i ileal with. They won't work, and ynu lend n tli k to Ihem, ilrt'tte yuur elf It a better tn approach a thing Ilk thla uli an open mind. If you ran man aia to do It. It eeem me I've gut a Mow' outfit anniaahere In our trunke. If ran find It. I think liter Juat tha thing for my fall nn old Iteynolil to morrow " t'ht moved away from tha (Irani hotel thai tier. M i. h a the two glrla llkmt It, they realtaed that It waa not tha heat pla" to ua aa hrediir(er during a ni"ln aa they iw planned ii e!e. And It waa from a aowU tir iii j' i-l apartment. In a hmiae an I a 'faurr a here n i'et.n i k t C'm Mm, t (! a .!. at wot f.ti the '! W home of nl t";ernMe ThxMtee r ltt..ii at tie an t M4 !I"-J hit f ,'t tiuiia In h Vhn a him M a a I ,g .iiiI4 f a i'f 14 t-t tMoiiaH liti . II m f .;! r tut i. a a f'ulae 't it(.( i bf hi, h ! t ! live f,iuneaa i rapit l i hla m la hun huh f im f .1. e he at the ( ax iKa mam. f a v,i. maa t it. if. la hi a: a ' . I a)i4t ("41 I kaa tha aa air f 1 f e x. 4- ' he aa t M e ' t ! iiu i. ii.rav 4 a -. aia f '' T r--a m kai I g . g"-. w. ...Ill ' '" 4-(-.t la ra-'f'a' ' ka a I ' l a tfl' It it a -ww I , alt 4 tK I I 4 f aa t4 -arew. IH a ka a ka aiiee4 ke am i' ant .. ki t4 W'-. l ira tfca H .'l i lhl raa I'.ra-iaH t t k,' 4 ' . M h . ... t -a I t iif ' I e''W nj-t Ki.a It hh t a at t All th time ah realized that he waa appralalng her, weighing her charma. In facir. "But I m very abort Juat now. my dear very abort Bualneae I bad. Utl'l I'd Ilk to help you! I don t know about a loan that would be hard to manage. But-ah, I have It'." "Ter the aald. "I need a houaekeepert fva Juat had to arrntaa the one I had a huy, my dear, and that' th truth! I could give you the place. That would give you a place to atay where you'd ba comforta ble. And I could pay you aomthng " Mona pretended to heeltate, but ahe waa overjoyed. He bad received her In hla office and h wa already etudylng hla life. And ao, ouWoualy, ah con aanted. Bevnolo did not give her a chanco to change liar mind. He ent for hi aervanu at once, and Introduced her aa the new mlatrea. Mona ihlvered aa aha aw the way the maid looked at her, They understood! Mona, a a matter of fact, had antici pated the p!blllty that Reynolda would propoae eomo auch firangementa. With that In mind aha had warned Mary that aha might not return, and bad made ar rangamente for keeping In touch with her chum, Hhe waa well content She wa by no mean InernMbl to the rlak ahe waa running, to the falaa poaltlon In which h had deliberately placed heiaelf. Hut ah waa confWent. too, of her ability to cop with Iteynoid. Bh knew, from the way he looked at her, that ahe had a power over him, and aha meant to uae It to the fulleat paatbl client. That night. Indeed, after he had once gone to har own room and aaaurad her- aelf that ahe could lock, heraelf In, aha deliberately ventured Into the Hon" den, metaphorically ipeaklng. fihe went down to the office, which Iteynolda alao uaed aa a library. He wa pitting there alone the aarvant had all retired. At tha eight of her he itarted up, plainly pleaaed, but Mona draw back In eon- fuelon. "I- I took th liberty of coming down to borrow a book," he faid. "I like to read myaelf to aiaep." "Help youraelf, my dear," he ald "Tou" he chuckled meaningly, and leered at her "you're welcome to more than a book from me!" Hhe want to the ehalve and after h hod aelected a novel, made for the door, "Bit down." he aald. "Bit down and talk to ma a little, Tou're bonny company for an old fellow like m. But-I'm not too old. em IT' "Oh, no," h Jt "l mustn't tay. Remember, I'm only your houiekeeper, Mr. Reynold." He cackled at that, and h itarted ah law him go to hla aafe and open it But though ahe tried, h coujdn't make out the combination ha wa hred enough fo prevent that. When he turned back be held out a necklace to her, a atrlng of (park ling brilliant. "Ixok at th prattle!" be laid. Mona took the necklace and looked at it admiringly. It beautiful." h ald, "I nvy you that, I believe!" Ha-ha!" he chuckled. 'Try It on, my dear! Who know! If you and I get along you might wear it for your own!" Mona pretended not to undarotand, and returned it to him. Now I muat go to bed," ah gala. "Oood night, Mr. Reynold I" "Bo oon," he aald, wlatfully. 'Tv got more Jewel to hoW you." "Moref h ald. "I hould think you'd be afraid of thieve!" I'm guarded agalnat them," n eaia. hrewdly, "Mok-I'll how you!" And In th next few moment, thank to hi vanity. Mont wa abl to make a mental chart of th whole burglar alarm ayatam that protected the place. Bhe had hoped for thla, rather than expected It. And then h went to her room. But In a few moment ther came a tapping at her door. 'It' me!" aald her employer cracked vole. "I everything all rightr' "Quite, thank," laid Mona, with an affectation of ileeplneaa In her voice. He turned away at that and went to hla own mom, dlaappolntment plainly written on hla face. Muna alcpt little. But ahe wa up, bright and freah. in the morning., Bhe wa not afraid of Reynold by day. A ahe auepected, ha had plenty to keep him occupied, ao that while he might think of her, he would not have the time to puraue her with hla horrible at tcnllona, Hla "client." people of all aorla and ronrtltlona, alnce all appeared to be arlnt that came to hi evil milt, began to arrive eoon after breakfaet, and came all day long, in a ateady atream. It waa winy to underatand that hli buelnea wna a profitable one. Mona, meanwhile, had affair of her own that demanded her attention. The flrat waa a meeting with Aiary-prevl- oiialy arranged for. and held at a nearby roadhouaa. "Everything looka fine, my dear," aald Mona. "But you've got to find a real burglar for tne-aome ona who can craik a eafa. I can't do that-and lt'a the aafe that rontnlne what wa'ra after. Do you think you ran?" "I can try," . Mary. "I know annia awfully diareputable people, you know." Well, lt'a vital to tnv plan to hava a deiwndat'le aafe cr ker. I'll leaie that to you. Aa uaiuil, I ho really haul otk la for yu to do." Mary did. a aha hul told Won, know a lo of more or lea ahaily people. And on the nlaht of her talk with Mn ah went to a pla.e h bad not letted for a long time- a l v thai had threatened, uiiee, j entrap her and drag her duwn. It ea a limiiKot iraolt nf thie Who smok upturn place what th drug U aurrminiWd w tih all Ih glamour anl fait, j i.oi.aii a lhat tomtit utea lie hhf ai-twal : Id'X wh-i ar ttirmlng It . uali..j an.1 for tha ft tat I line, j TMa l! was B1 tn t'hleatowa. but la (he leail cue if tha beat iliair.l ft tt'S till th h'"l waa Ititsnlima'.r , I'lMitnUd l f iinuhi il Th , tt l-.m wl-.t. If tNf itmii, j the an-.o.a iaht f 'i m . ft .. i. If IMf .ifllvl h , j o,.ll i.i.i an ill. I .t'n i4i, a hate tfcy ti.iat-t hai ! f Mai.v uajm. , I am . Hi a ia.t l a i.mi lltat knaar Hal tlr - bj of vil-'W . ...!... J wt t- r'a'-x- ahe aat.l If that Thai at Uw a Urn . ary III.,,,, fc. ii.- want R m fali.a a Mto I H wtN!.,,. I'll M If cfM i .i i.t ii ka 'f m . i'i ii vi th 4't '4 eke ii I. e ai a f t p- i-- la J 1 ni, l kt . i .!.) ttk it ii kt la ., aiow keWj ah f1!, i a It'll a l I'M a -aa ef lh a ah , J.. lia w la a ' two timer he aald. gloatingly. He fan-' cled that ahe, who had once eav-aped. wn now about to fall back Info hla clutch! once mora. And he knew that thoee who returned did not tecep a aecond time. "Tee-and I want Chlng to cook for m," ahe aald. Bh affected a great laa iltude. Chlng came, and welcomed her. He began to 'roll a pill' for her. "Uaten, Chlng," aald Mary. "Tou want money?" "Tea," laid Chlng, who, aave for an Inability to get hla tong'i around an R, apoke almoat perfect Engllah. "Then do lomethlng for ma, and yo'i hall have It-M. B? Here It 1. I want to know If there la a man here who knowi how to blow aaf." Chlng thought for a moment. "Btalllngi." he aald. "He did a Job In Trlaco now he I In hiding here. Com. I how him to you." He g'jld'd her to en of the UMI prt-, veto room. And ther ah found Bull ing, a young, keen-faced man. He had been arnoklng, but Mary aaw at one that h wa an old-timer that th drug had no perceptible effect upon him. "Want company?" h laid. "I'd Ilk to imok my pip her with you." "Welcome," h id. He waan't at all the ort on would expect to be a crackaman. Ho wa rather an at'rit'llve young man and only hla eye betrayed him. He looked like any young fellow with plenty of money-a luceeaaful young buelnea man, perhap. Mary tudled him, and decided on a bold play. "I know all about you," tie aio "Tou're a lafe blower." "A pinch?" ho aald, not very curiously. "Nothing like that," ahe told hlrn. "It Juat happen I ried aomo one in your line badly a I'll ever need anything!" "Tell me!" he aald, Intereated. "Why not?" ld Mary. ' I'm pretty dei perafe'" And aha recounted, with change to fit her appearance, th atory Clyde had told of th woman in the hotel and th letter Reynold held. Hh told her atory well, and ah could the appeal waa itrlking horn to Bialllnga. "Th hound!" h ld. "Bay-I'm no aalnt, you know, but he well, he', peat all limit! Bur I'll gt your letter for you! Juat glv m the layout! Money and Jwel', too, you ay? They'd help, of eourea! Hay-you'd Ilk a chap who got tho latter for you pretty well, wouldn't you?" "I certainly would!" aald Mary, mean ingly. Wll-you'Il hav th ehanc to prove It!" h aald. "I'm on the level-Ill never bother you till I've put the lettcra In your handa." Curloualy enough, Mary wa ur that ahe could truat him, that he, confeaawl thief though h waa, had a certain code of hi own to which he could be ur that he would live up abaoluUty. Bhe promised him a chart of aom ort that would guld him among tha burglar alarm wire they both were aura muat guard Raynolda' atrong box. Thl Mary knew ahe would be able to obtain from Mona, Indeed, Mona had It for her when they met again, and Mary waa able to report the uec of her effort to aecur th rvice of a dependable craokfman. Mary and Mona met almoat dally to compare note. And at la at Mona urged Mary to aend her crackaman at once. "I'm getting ncrvoua, Mary," ah aald. "Old Iteynoid I frightfully pariliitent H'g a llttl bit afraid, but I think goon he'll come to the point where hell feel that he'd Juat a oon get rid of ni aa hav me atay." "I know," aald Mary. "It wa Jut what I wa afraid of. And. you aee I've got aomethlng of the ame ort on my hand! I'm wondorlng how to get rid of Stalling after I've made uae of him!" "Oh!" ald Mona, "I wouldn't worry about that, Mary, I think I can ace a way out of your trouble. But th only chance there 1 for m 1 haate!" "We'll come tonight," ald Mary. "II haa planned it all. I'm to com with him. In a car h haa a chauffeur he ay li can trust. I'm to wait If there' any danger he will whlntle and we're to run for It" "That' pretty decent of him, you know," aald Mona. "It aeema a almma to trick him and yet I tell you what you'd better do, Mary. Slip away. If you can, after he come here, without letting the chauffeur know you've gone. Get another car at tna roadhouae I'll arrange that for you. And then drive down the road at the back of the house and wait for m to Join you." Bo It waa arranged. That afternoon Mna had a acene with Reynolda. And that night, when he. old Reynolda, re tired to hla own room, he did not un drea. but walled. He had a plan In hi evil old mind. Hhe hnd told him ahe meant to read rather late; he sot wait ing for her tn come upetnlr. But Mona did little reading. A toon a all waa quiet aha disconnected the burglar alarm system ao far na she could, culling aome wires, disarranging (there, Bha also, on a sudden Impulse, cut tha telephone wlrea. Then she went upstairs. A aim panned lli- n.'Ma' door ah law that It wa open-niol that he, himself, fully dreaacd, waa ri.iilug In a chair, flie elait. 1 at thla l!il. then 1 smiled. Ami. In lnr own r"tm, eh listened irraihlealr, Hhe hraid an auto j coma tip tti the road and atop a Hula i distance away, And thro, taking a re. volver, she crept downsialia Hem.. Lie tut doaed; he bad H"l hid ur riua up! twnatlr. Mnna Walled tanaely, pte tnl In hand. Mi hraid a anmb.w i a !!. an a mlmil later ahe slliel Into tha llhral)' Ttiete Wa a kneeling f!uta IV f.r the aaf. and with l lau(n M -n c"ed t.i him ' Mamta up' gtalltnaa swnoif ar. u.. In d aioay At I II.- al.1.1 Xl..,,. I., iu,l.,l 1.1, I law .ti ft -l hi hin t Went i ' A im re f.! " atl l.tnm. fc.ii.1H.g I 1 1 it.'l ..! ' Vi , air, a t. i a l.xif y.iu d hae w W. iuf lloi ai , It r. in a'l ' ii j Mttl'ihia t. I,. .11,11, 4 l ,1 t,,.t l,.,l, , ha i1i ! i.l i n hand I a . .n ' I a ! .Imi.I r,i.i! Mh W txal Viir hat i tr4r tnl"l t Ih-ir plan n-t ai.iw J at puk4 kp t l.'i i U.o.a If I, i;l I I he pwi elliui aha tt. It !. I l 1. 1 kn that 1 Want t ka jll, h. I W-'lk ..! , 4 " I W t a'v aata ' tan ! B'."le, eeM!f ' XV hi , IT I I.. Mf k it i'l k'l ' II t l t hi w t i Ua tk,H lhl liH'.l H' W - be k t w 'i k I lK ' 'ai a I up at the alatht of a doien or more peck- age of ltt.r. He had given up hop of the Jewela, and he plied everything ntat.y together. And then, aa h watched him. t-naely, Mona heard a aep i on the aUIr. Reynolda had awakened- he wa coming down. Bhe wheeled around, and Hulling elxed hi chanc to pocket th letter, He would keep faith with Mary. The next moment Reynolda cam In to find hi housekeeper covering a bur glar with her revolver. "Get up'." aald Mona, aharp'T. to Btal llnga. Bli had seen him take th let era, but pretended that she had not As he got up he made a ridden l inge for her and elxd th hand that held th revolver. Reynolds, a cowrd revealed now, cried out In terror, and crouched agalnat th wn.ll. And while they strug gled Mona managed to whisper to Mai lings; "I m with you I'll let you make your getaway!" Ha yielded at on'. "Telethon th police:" cried Mona to Reynold. Ha made for the Instrument and then atopped. A Mona had guessed he durod not, with hi record, call In th Pvllce, And th next moment, at a sig nal from Mona, Stalling allpped through the window and fled. "Oh, let him go"' cried Mona, "He didn't get anythlng-ece, all tha Jewel are there! I saved them for you!" "Tou're th bravest woman I ever knew!" croaked Reynold. "It me ae If they're all here." He examined the Jewela; then atralght ener up, "Tea all her." he aald. "Her take these e a rewrd!" ' He held up the necklac ha had shown her before, and a tiara of etual value. Mon hesitated, but finally accepted them. And then, with a cry of dismay, Reynolds saw that the letter were gone He wa Ilk a man beadle himself, and In the conualon of hi dismay Mona sllpred away, pretending that she wa going to her room. Flv minute later Mary w speeding back to th city, with Mona at ber lde. In Mary' apartment they talked over the wild affair of tha night, well satis tied with th Jewel Reynold had given Mona, "But I had to let your burglar get th ctrr-nd I'm afraid he'll com here," aid Mona, Her fear wr Justified. Bh had scarcely spoken when ther wa a ring at th door, Mona hid herself; Mary admitted Stalling. H toed her th letter. "I took an awful chanc for you, Mfary," h ald. "Now mak good!" TODAY'S BEAUTY HELP Tou can kenp your haJr at It rry beat by waahlng It with thl altnple. Inexpensive shampoo, which clean th hair and eculp thoroughly of all th dandruff and dirt and leave a clean, wholesome feeling: Just ua a teaapoonful of canthro dissolved in a cup of hot water, afterward rlnaing thoroughly with clean water. One find that the hair drlea quickly and evenly, I untreakd, bright oft and fluffy, o fluffy In fact, that It look mor ehurwlant than it I, and go soft that arranging It become a pleasure. All acali Irritation will disappear and th hair will be brighter than ever before.-Advertisement uwentde cemiwy A MAGAZINE FOR THE MEN AND.WOMEN A Big Farm Paper A farm paper must bo bg in every way to bo entirely success ful. Tho Twentieth Century Farmer Is one of America'! great farm papers because it is blfj in thought, broad minded in poli cies, lofty In ideals, deep In its investigations and study, im mene iu circulation, large in or ganliation of picked executives The Twentieth Century Farmer is mighty in its influence for good in agriculture Be recoiled, and hi fac grew dark with anger. "Stringing mo, wer you?" he cried. "Ilaylng me for a good thing? Well" He made a daeh for her and Just then Mona appeared. Mailing itarted In amaxernent at the eight of her. "Don I ynu e? We re all in the am a"" " ""'- Stalling waa able to mi.e a minute later. "I've got to hand It to you girls!" he said. "Tou certainly strung me along! W-ll-I got the letters for you! Mev'H, Well meet again"' QtxiclgstWay foJmofe nlacmeaJs' - I IS Taleeka furatt, Celebrated oa tl America itage for at telf Me Beauiy, Olva m mtiioKisirf ead lUm pi Method of Axqoliiog Quick Beauty. rnHKRK I line o Hie av iHKRfS t hardly anything in th or i.aijty-rtmi' m'" vrage peraon know so llt- ii iii,.i,'la The common r'rv I to .ue .e out a many aa puibl, and to strain th face. The first pro cess never removes the thousami of small hlm khes'l. and the s on.1 en lara the por, make the skin coarse, and la nevnr euoeful in twi rling th skin of these pests. I want th'.se Mulcted to try my method, aa fal lows. Hprlnkla a IHtle neroxln on a npiinge iiisd wet witli hot watr, ami rub thl all over the face, parilcularly on the affected lo'aiiiiee T your astotilshment you will find all th blsw-khead gone in a fow monwM. There la iiottilng els known that will accoinpllti thl some result. It per manently solve to blackhead problem, Tou can get tn neroxin at any druu tor. e e HANNAH M I am known a th only woman on the AmerPan stage who doe ton have to reori to me tie Of swItHie and other inak-!.lfr. If you will us my hair growing formula aa follows, you will find that dandruff will b absolutely atisj.ped, the hair root will regain thHr youth ful vlaor, hair will grow (julckly ant luxuriantly, often aeveral Inches a month, and take on a very silky and healthy glos. Tour hair will alao stop fialltng. Mix on ounc of bels otilnoi in water and alcohol, half a pint each, or uae a full pint of bay rum instead. Till make a very econ'nnlcal hair treatment Is mixed In a few m ntetit, and cannot he lurpasaed. Any drug store can , supply you with th beta-qillnol. ess MIR ft BAINEBH, My head-wsah I a mixture of a teaiootifuJ of eggol In half a cup of hot water. A It contain no alkali whatever, It actually illssolvna ail fatty atcumulatlona, ,nd dandruff completely tllsapere. It cannot b aurpaased a a cleonaer. It I also economical, since you can obtain enough eggol at small cost, at any drug store to supply you for a dozen ur mora aiiampoo. QTEBTro.V, If you will do thl you will he able to remove superfluous hair thoroughly without Injury to the ktn or leaving a mark. Apply to the I. sirs som S'i;fo solution obtainable at any drug Itore. This will absolutely dis solve the hair Instead of burning It. It never leave a mark or red spot, and Jlciul Tlio J'eo Want Ads. are looking for. and assistants, uncqualed In help ful activities, hirtre in compara tive size of each issue, unlimited in pulllnjf power of its ads, It is accomplishing a bljj work by teaching the farmern in the Mis souri valley to grow two bushels of corn or wheat where but one grew before - to produce 400 pounds of pork where but 2K) pound wero produced before, 7 "A good sport" said Mona, a h w out "I Ilk him Utter than om t mn I v met"' They wer back In th Orand Hotel a few dave later. And t lyde, th hou detective, cam up to them with a beam ing fa en. Remember that tnry I told yon?" h asked. "Well-otir frUind got br letter hack In the mall-no lgn of where they cam from! What do you know atowt lhatr They knew a great deal but they dldnt tell him! Knd of F.plaod No. I. 4 TaUeka tturatt doe not Injur th tnof delbat kln. It remove h"vy olid lltiht liaJr, ant leave the akin soft and ainootii, a MAl'O M. No, to be honest, r-0 one csn rotriiB you tliat you can develop the boat. Bonis u inc lia'il' al coo. trtVttines, but theae are dangerou. A mixture of two ounce of rnetone, hslf a cup of sugar and half a pint of cold water, lKi;n two teaepoonfiil aft" niriil ami on at beltline should produce a very a(1fa-tory develop inent in tmitiy case, it la perfectly sufu. MIf.I-IK T. O. Msny women of my acquaintance, over h In years, hv inajle themselves look ilk young girl by the s!''i)l use of my wrinkle etl cator. I'eop and little wrinkle, th thousand of llttl rrosa-Hn, crow' f-et. and (he sagging of flesh quickly disappear, Tli" skin b'vome pliimi, youthful gnd vigorous. Mix two ounce of eplol, which can be ohtalned at nv drug store, and two tabeeioonful of glycerine Jn a hajf pint of hot wster. I'e . lot of It at on application. Ill very economical. MRU. V, O B I hav eeB tree mendoii difference produced In two or thre day by the ns of my com nlexlon beautlfler. It never fails, Blioply mix on tablearpoonful of glvcerln awl one ounr of xintona. In a pint of watr. I thl cream liberally, AH spot will disappear and your coin plexlon will become exquisite. MIBB PANNIB O A you state ye were unale to get the beta-aulnol t the drug store, for making my hair grower, I suKKfst you send fifty i to "Hecretary to Valka Buratt, Thompson lildg., fhlrago," and my sec retary w'li e that you gat it at one.! ! jrAITIITtl. T, I u a fac pow der ma1 from my own formula. It tit ex'-el even the heat Imported powders, bacaus It , Is rmnarkalily fre from nruilklness. It I lndtct,hl and of exquisite flneiies. Thl "Taleeka Buratt Face I'owder" can L ohtelnet at your drug store, In whit and flesh, Advertisement, You may find tho ad that you . OF4THE FARM ! a t. i 5 m- ia i - -.! ',a I- t t!-e y '. k y. o v-t ia a. a l . t aa t . ! , I- . t I 'a . (a t i vf l-i !,.. eat 1 1. 'i. uta. 1 Ika I'.m.fc. ,rl W . I, ' ai4 M . 1 rfl l I II iwmi "diiimmimimEmiE ike (" It et i t tfcet a l e What '. ! I i a ae I ey li'a lttr g, j l.a a I tat tuat el f .'a.i It ny . V I 4 W W.i, a. '.. Ie( t.-Ni kat ka ! at ! a M liy . i..-.e. an H a', a j ; - ! I Una. ( . , e t i a t I I ' aa l'M4t