TITE OMAHA SUNDAY BEE: APRIL 23. 1916. 5 B J 'ft, iu.it f- y 't th dm of II irt production by tlio S fnct that It author, WalU-r Crown, a Kw York liwiip!r mn, who had la , 3 t"i"d upon It for ,yari, dlJ on the J fr'orniriK of tbt doy r,f th flrnt pcrform- aiic of IiIk ijI.iv, which w.jiilJ liuvo 5 tf-nllMd fur him th anitilll in of a hfttlmo. "Kvery woman" ' ma e an Iri " aiuntanoiiH hit. It ran. continuously (n Kew York .for nearly two vcitrx. haa itnv wfzn ii ff.iimi.vu imu uior J pmnlri at 'the . Herald Btuaro llmater, 'J Kew York, A veralon of the play 'In Yld- 'llnh waa being performed at an Kant .J (Ida thcatT In New York, whr It lileved a run of over Vm prrfonnance. irowne'a tfldow and children, who were . fj-fl priinllcKd, Imve been made affluent y (he auiM'eaa of "Kvery wnmun," Over ,J irfii.tHf) (joopla I'ave already wltneaaed J )ie performance. Henry M". Havage Ii iiulinK here IiIh only production and It J M be illm lutied at the Itratidela theater K'.r four dm cominenclnv tonltfht with i tttHllneo on WedneMiny. J ll In a ultfiiirit'ant far't that Mr. Savage i;onaldeta "Kve.ry woman" hie greatest trt jiiuvlt, .There arc thirl yeven apegkltif pinta end to properly Interpret the mu ll acoro a aperlal aymphony orcheatra 'In parried hy the ormmliitlon, The mu- -l featuna of "Rverywoman, are iom- Maied In twenty-alx numbers. The acore wjia coinpoaed by Oeoio Whllef leld I'ahdwlck, dean of the New Knglund Cenaervatory of Muaic of HoHtcui and la Hjtpphonlc In character. The caat of Lverywoman" la an eittraordlniiry one faii3 eontaina mora than a acoro of weii- ,V9fiWn naniee. Kdna Porter, a heautlful aouthern' itlrl, playa the title role. MIhs (rrter haa pcrfonned the character for tijnee years. Mneeph nrooKe will oner to iocui inr- j teM oera at the Poyd theater for three i nlShla' May 4. t and , Taylor llolmea, a-brilliant y.oim farceur, in le WUeon Itodd'i dramatUatlon of Harry Ion Wll- ,' funuilnc novel, "HU Majeaty IMnker Hetn." The original of the cen-! tral rhararter of the new comedy will I hS? Sri : U'H lnt-rt w rou4 four 7 '7 i -J Nk f Ik 9T 1 ytt- l'y -U'" "''"Jll"-',"', Kh''fcl'',ro""-J,' I rVl I nf nliir In Ni-u- V,.,li lcurliiu I rrr ' tr I vCV woman " fcpciul Intcrfiit wan j I (J'orniriK of 1h any i,f th flrnt pf-rform- J " '"' If II re rememi.erea ry mnaiaieni r'Kier o muKTl.'lc. nlly niouiUed. The utawo ,. t ike Saturday Kvenlna 'oat a a young ting kra the ne.nt einhomte timl tlie n tannarapher In a Well at rent broker ' rlet y atae h.ia en. Hill Mi'liermotl n , ef ftre, whe tela eelf-cnn'ldetice and a ' a tramp nuiirdlaii. with o tunny latiuha wtnnlna; foree of character by hl h' ll. f . M ,, monolnciie hk lttcii me pi,lea in iat be t a reincarnation of both Nap-: Ida tiothea, of the little f,me, ' I'.m t Utn and a wto and go'wl l'vpUn kln, W alk In Vonr Hleep." Walter V. Titllion of enelent llmea who ruled under the makea ii!i'thina etrem'ly , hllarlmia nam f Itam-Tah. Tb t..ry ppnland The KUamnra Jnl . fe in number, Me aaveral phraae ef petite rhr al'iui;. Ip mpli'li n mi Ii,I,mI and rn finding "advanced dreaae-l." "little oi l . 1 1 , 1 1 1 f.M, i,f an i roiiaii. tmtui 't year'"," "lhl la that " ' ti nv." , Morris ai d Aden are otHtil entettaln "ll me, aak ma," ' I.inie bey," et.- Tha(r who )1 maKe their f i t effort i ' ikaractera retain the rantrt given them lb In al (''t'n1 tine .,f f e m-.t 14 tbe bi "l'b. Iha financial naa. rx ntiiar featurr of the bid ta In an nate, be "Harper," kt rtebtr, nan laf younger than "rhirken," ike "Waat. tf'' tba ' lemnn " gran l'"lber. the Orl.. frt Handed ritebee the W rtd Mt l kaowa ale Tk enmedr (( her u. nh the !" tt an regagen'et't In I ' Min ef a mei.tha detail" Mr II J -.ee at (! wt:Hl tal' it one r'-aege wl'l le eii ,, ' .. . E a I (.. be' i! '"''( 1 It- It ' If.l I tl ! I . 't It". t -l " 1 l ' r - , t -1 .a i. .-4 t U I . . I . , I, ft, t .f 1 ' ' ( ' ' ' , aa , a ; ' ' ! ' ( ! a t , I. . 4 1 : 4 - V- 1 a .r. i e . , Hi '.4-i a I ' 4 f . , n ' tx " I ti , ,1 I t ' " I ., '' " ft l I ' l ' I. I ' 44- ,i (4 ,14 .v. v it v. t !i ;, I O'tt t tk t I I I l I I' . aet i e 'k a it lit 4 ' . ' , 1 -at ' ti- ,a ll'U !.,!! . - I l a i ' I 4 a t 4 I . I '1 I a a I I,. H V ,1 ii ..,,, W I 4 ( i'-a ' a a ,i.. Hazel Mack Altfokrq fill brunette" of the photo cotiteat, will anoear. Matinee Htinriiiv. WedmaduV anil taturln y. . ,.,rll mod,.rn , h(.r vl,fUllm cinK ,nj ,n h(,r ,,lylfi pf f ,tl.,tuli,meiit. Va hll h,lr,ltt wm ,, ,1B i,,,,,,)!),, future ,ilU W1,k t (hn 0,.,,l(,llini orrerltitc a ,.w sr, ( ' itiiuk frepa and Dla ,0l1(l-. 1I1 rh M,,,tl allll (!i, .," ' (....I V.lt. fl.-ti.Lt kh A. mm Iml. tatton. Tlie Herman Uermalne irin will b aeen In a gjmnaeite eel mbtned with ..ne ty. Tor I ha eaduaue diapUy of ttiKttnn pi f ra the H'l'Num Travel V 'aeklv will th'"U fmi'a ef Hantd, freu h tnd, i in a4 " 'a ffini kaj'n ta ' ai i' it , V g. ...... . J-hn K i-dtn Tka ue f ;." a Hltnaa d'H'. mM M lb tMvbeum f ' !, .,f Ainu Mr ii l t 'ii' tetfta -T Mi e '"tt t it a I .. I a IVk a l f lha I a I a ' urn t'l !.,. til. i !.! ii'nl baa IH I' 4 ! ti . I a ' '" a bv' u a " ti, I' It 4 ..( . .' ( I J" I -4. ft " 4 ., 4H I 4 T4 1 1 . 1 a a I '4 '!' t It 14. r ... t H I!, I , it i ' i iti. rv it v i . a I . ' i .i i ii . i . . ii, a I. '- J. 'i. k.. .. .,., , ... v, f"" "" ' ... t fl ,..,!,. , . , a a... ..., ...a e .:. . I. .. '..,.. , ,, . , , ., bt I a '... M I. M-..4?ii.a i, V1. ,-. ,,,,,. ,1,. la- .. faawa awa . k.. l M,4 N.,t M , A ... , ! ! ' -' '(.'. a t,...,. I . la ,.. I I a t V-a iiii;t m a a k'nl t-t ni lt t !ii at iit itti.ly im am II l fht .ar o an M M f I (, 4. a at a ( t V I t jar ., ; a Florence Shirley fojtj . Bunker Bean - At 3oyd'S WliUama haa climbed the ladder of fama with no help but Iter own peracvenuice and determination to aucrred. Mnllle Mllll.ibia, our old friend, Hob Mine I cheater, i hoae to ,eid Ida Ilk! coin. patiy for the current aeaeou A a a einaer, ,d Hirer, mimic or cmni dlenoe, MUs WllllaiiKi hua ti inn! on the I'idtiiiilda ciretiit cr on any other chain of theater, j Aa an added a'tractlmi the wilt preeeut ;i!h I'riiikie l'oi.H,(; b-r dnclmt ape 1 ehiliv, I lan' tie lintlienoiit. " uli apecln! e'-4-ld'' ail eli. ill ,il I'nii 1Mb era arc l,va Muhlii. ntC i-.n b r own 'ntlilna' tpvi'lally. and Hil.y Hut and , hla f -n r i'lr u glilt Mr Mmulleter I take a great dl tf leait end pi l ie In of'erlng what be h,-ilav,- to le Ihn beat tlin lit the war ef a b'it'rt.jt)ts elm th4t baa bn i ffarvt In a nmnber of yv! Thia rfimcartt opane I tta 41411 an t Ui i; in Ire curiam laat A ngi.M a'.'l d -in g !. laat Ihli'r fi.irr week b a t 1 rte-t Id a II I , bla e'r. ,11 T li 1 in .' tii a t'ari at I a'ri.K-k I adtea' imilnea it n r. ba!t King In tl.4. . ., .. . ' .tn- f A It'ne b 4 44 e la I a e'f. t'ug t ( til I I 1 '' a 1 I t ill I' .-4 ' r al t',4 iiew t,)"! 1 'i Nmb ll:.. t..M,t4 " 1 It.llil .f l 4.' : .il, " I .'I ' 1,11,44 4 f, ,4 ,.-44,':1 1 1 IS -at I r 1 a a,rt 1.4- ,--i4 :-. S t. I , it W$ , . , 4 I ' 1. a . . 444) ! ! a - I , I,l It M - l t f it Mo ii ft i t i 1 1 r .as. M.aJ 'IM la tf f'- (.at f t Iti's alat ,i In 441 - a 1 T-a a -e ath'd a 1 1 1 1 ( u.a t"a . k v( It rt I ' a ,i- tf .MV5 I foM&W . t'TC Wa"5iS a . .iv Hy II K. MtllOTTA m. iti: i:t. tTII the dawn of another Ea ter and the ooneaipue'iit mual w cal eurvlce In many ot the uhurchya the mind rtwta for a moment on tho ratal Inn of mualo and rellktou. In every puiiod of time and through all the ague a vaat quantity of mualc haa been writ ten to rullKloug word and around eacrej auhjecta and haa been genorolly clueeei) a, fellgloti niuale, Viifortunutely a grtMt deal of thla la not worthy and la not rav llgloua muMlu in any other aenae. Mualo which does not iliig truu to the word or aplrlt Indicated, or which In aplte of con- cliiiitloii effort haa no Ineplratlon Ix blnd It certainly haa no place In an otherwUe Incure uhurch gervlca which will appeal to the beat In mankind. Yet many lime thla poor mualo, the reault of Ignorance, or careleaaneae or a lark. of reverence on the part of the compoaer, bocauae It hap pen to bt Joined to word which ara more or leaa religion In character I given valuable time and a place when much batter mualc might be had. It may be an anthem or a hymn, but whatever It le the compoaer did not aolect the wheat from the chaff In hi writing of It nor the peraon reapnnalbla when he e lected It. Mualo for a church aervlce should not be e lected lightly a It often In, for It I only mualo that la genuinely good, whether It be old or new, tmul or complei, which cen add power to the teaching of a religion. On tho other hard, much mualc never Intended for church aervli-c and never uaed In church la full of religion. Think for a moment upon aemn of the aocula; compoitfoiia which have lived through the oeiitur lee upon their merit. Con- alder the great worke of the groat ma ten, where not a melody or har mony ncour but which breathe of the acrupuloua rare and thought of th com poaer that It be the beet and trueet ei preaalon that could be ueed and whore the greateet Inspiration may be found, Mua'c and religion ara cloaely oonnectad end each haa a part In th development of the other. One might eay that mualc In religion aid In bringing out all the beautlea of truth, and that religion In mualc help to eipre all th truth of beauty. The recent National Conference of Pub lia School Mualc Hupervlaora held at Lin coln I given detailed review In Mualcat America of April I and tha Mualcal Cour ier of April 6. Thla I tha convention to which Mle fanny Arnold and Ml Eu nice I'naor took a claaa of 160 high achool atudenl to be heard In choral mualc. At thl convention a Nabraaka Mualo Teacher' aasoclatlon waa formed with Mr, Wlllard Kimball a temporary presi dent. In Mualcal America an attended article la also given to mualo In th public school of Uncoln, which yUm ta ac cepted aa a model In many other oitlea It aya, In part; "Hera tha credit sya- lem allow th atudenta to earn eight or twenty-flv per cent of tha thirty-two point required for graduation from th high school by th study of mualo and these sums eight credit ara acoepted n eiilrunca oredlta by tha fllat university. it Is believed that Nebraska I tha first of tha alata unlvereltlea to recognise murlc ciedlla to o large an extent. How long will It be until Omaha gchoola will allow music student credit for thl work, which 1 recognised by th tat univer sity where tho majority of those that continue their atudle attend T Any musical reuder wishing 'o add a mile of tribute today to the memory of the great "Bach of literature" William Shakespeare, might do well to Inform themselves of his place In music. X( cellent article upon thl subject appear In (ho April 6 edition of the Musical Courier, and the edition of Musical America of April 15. The one In the Musical Courier entitled "Shnkegprar and Mluslc" I written by Clarenc Ijucbs, known In Omaha aa tha composer of the musical aettlng ' of 'The Bolls," which waa ung at the recent Mendelaaohn Choir concert. The point that Shake speare' knowledge of mualc waa both extensive and exact la brought out hy numerous Illustrations and references, he unlike many other poets, never employ ing technical word Incorrectly. A list of ninety lyrics from the playa of Bhake apare Intended for mualo Is given with the name of tha play In which each oc curs. Hut few of the larger musical set- tlnifs out of tha vast quantity written in the last Tit) years ure mentioned owing to tho Immense amount of It. It might not be amiss to recall at this lime tho setting of "I'nder tha (Ireenwood Tree" wllh which rmranwn Mr, Thomas J. Kelly won a ftibatantlal cash prlr.e from the ladles' Home Journal In a nation-wide contest aomo few year ago, a setting which haa been used successfully upm, many programa aim-e. The article In Mualcal America deal Willi "MiBkcapeara a Influence tpnn Opi ra- ( 'ompoi-rs," :n which I'r I. J (ir rant brim; to notice moia than eighty Itiiistial works baaed upon the p!v alone, although few survive at Ibe pies- company at the It rug t t-tdsv's petfnrni ni ef "ijiilnev Adaiea lawer,' with the I Ptrtkor of lUlph It, Mo'idv, wn baa tif.it ttia "ro4t alar ' Pi tf m plav that b opan wllh lh North plavar Th nihat adliiton ta Ml Hatel Ma- k. who la 0 lit Omaha, yet an eraiwhtl maniber ef lh North Proa eempaoy. bavin playat a wtth thl oe ganlaatbm at I1 HmUli, Ark Mia Mark ha Ween a member of Ik rultoa utoa-k e-o-ifaay. the Ja. ka-n '' m iaf n t atrttt '? t bew " I Will l4i'1y T'ileam In ' l iltx r Adam er " ...... t -aar l lb itna a.iAa.t la . t 1 I ba n f t ni alb wt'l la a -a at t1 a t ,.i .'4, a il.a'r ,. 4:,;. 41.--I .a a. i l ii hi fl t . r Ilia fuel ba'f a Iba AIwhI, I i- -.i I ( I i a .....-tf a' -a. t bars " i aa.a ii a in I i a M f' i.i t,i ai'l "a f (It lrat ki !'' a. I t' t . - a a' a ta a t 1 -t -f a ' t'- l t.-Wtg i k CI ' iV;H.ill l it .' . a a-"' I 41 ' '44 -.t . 1 m. ' 4 a ! - a a iM - , 1 i i 4 ii 4 1 l.a I . i all t a i 114 ,a t t' ': I ' ' ..t .' al 4 aJ. r. tn t -.1 a 4i"i fit. a k ( Vi A . Ha . 1 1 a 't tlk.ai eia l.f faaa k. a a .'.-i-.a will. aa a '4 1 1 1 a f 4M4, a f.'n, a If ai t Mim, 1 4 I mm l ta ai ' aaal k 'ft. V.t .: l I'- !. M. 4 4,.at - Im ae a t t 1.1. a I ,n 1 a VI, 4 '44at.b i i-in;i. i.it Iti ti ,in - .. , tt.-M4at: el lh II ' ' . Ta ' t- ta IS .44. taal 44. It t tf ' f ! !'ttt, a t ' a t a a t itaai " If.' f Mfil AiM r ..m a vie4(v ; a SOLOIST. FOR THE MENOMA CHOIR'S CONCERT. 1 'huh ent day. Among theo ara to be found twenty "Tempet," aaventeen "Romeo and Julleta" and thirteen "HHmlt," on "Jullu Caar," two "Othollo," three "Macbeth,' six "Marry Wive of Wind- or," four "Twelfth Night," and numec ou other, Bom of tha play have never been used In an operatlq wy, and await tha touch of aom futura compoaer. Mr. Xlabell Crawford Welpton, who wilt appear aa soloist with th Menoma Choru at tha Iloyd theater Tueaday evening. May I, need no recommenda tion aa an artist to tha public; year of Indefatigable work have earned her a place In the front rank of American contralto.- Mr. Welpton' earliest appear ance her waa with the Thomaa Orchea tra at tha exposition, later with Bell atedt'a band In concert and recital. Tha Tuesday Morning- Musical club of thla city engaged Mr. Welpton for an artist recital and also honored her wllh the presidency of the club for two sea son. Itecently aire. Welpton wa chosen os chairman of the Omaha Clef club, which 1 Hat highest office. Other splendid engagement which have been filled by this artist were a aeaaon with f'llmpton Concert company, act from grand opera; five tour with William Hhnr wood-Max tfendlx Concert company, also In act from opera; r-engaed many time with Apollo club In Chicago and other famoua oratorio societies; aololst Mctid.'lnsohn club, Chlfngo; Joint recital tour with prominent New York artlat; tour with the Mnbolle Crawford Concert company; tour with the (then) Chicago 4iymphony Orchestra; Spring Festival tour with the Theodore Thomas Orchea tra (now the Chicago Symphony). Th Menoma Choru I under th di rection of Mr. J. B. Carnal, Mr. Carnal had wlnlird for aome time to MfanUe in Omaha a main choru similar to tlie Apollo club of Denver, Chicago, Ht. 4iul nd other large cities. Thesa clubs have not only been a great help to thulr rltiea In a material way, but aa adver llsluit factors also. Tut year tlie mat ter waa laid before the Tabernacle mule rhorue at the close ot the "Hilly' btin day meetinga and itn-t with eu h enthu- siaani by many of Its member and the' dlnaha ImatiH-a own I lull It waa derided j to nrgaiiiie. and li e Mcnonm ( horn la , Urn i-t-atllt i . . i A pi'iigtain thd irill'al mh-w- n a rtv I tut 1 iiiiriialili. chim crl In Si Mrcltts Vi.i-titii, t'liiiluina the name of a former ' unalia ley, Hlanitv Litovaky KaH- im later j-t"taKy ii4airf.l n,.l i.iilv aa a plHlilc', but a.iilitl if hla It tl a aim S'ltiat In bla wife, wbo Ii wall and favor- ! ably known aa a anprnno. an. I who run-' t inoiitsd itt rnii. nr tfc iiaa lo tha pro gram, and by Ht-rr M t Urn, a 1 1 n,. ! 11, whs l.o patti-Ipate.t trtxt la-tuv. ! tky tilah tt.ii-a w-ra rspe.-illy s-.ntfcen! ef and l r In ttn.it ef lnlt r,.itu'l. t ktlal aietalr altet tha Wtttniatfti praUa fur bit tterk I in at a e"mHear sat plai.la tie, a la tlmi.. ..utig j inail b lent e'ru.il la ha f..rg. ataj. Wmmi I' .""-.,...,.,.,,, ..'( HEHRY W. SAVAGE OFFERS w. V im wi i TMnstmi:rcuiD8A.HATrC memi A lympheny Orihtti - Prkei-Evenluji 50o to $2.00 lafl Idly ahead, and hi many Omaha friend are rejoiced In hi succcsnea. Lover of the best In piano musio are looking forward to the fotirtnconilng re cital of lnpnld Oodowaky at the Au ditorium Friday evening, April 2S, with the asauranco that It will b a ral treat. Mr. (lodoweky la not only one of tha beat known but moat distinguished Of all pianist of th present day. He ha ap peared In all of the leading metropolises of tha world with Instantaneous auoceaa, and from a mualcal standpoint th suo cesa of the concert I assured. Th Auditorium I a larg place and It Is late In tha season, but It Is to be hoped that enough Interest will be displayed In this concert to bring forth a fair dsod audlvnco. If all the piano students and plnno teacher of Ureater Omaha were to attend, thla would ba a remarkable mualo lesson for them and make a large audience. ! Ily th way, whut ever happened to that committee which wa ao officially appointed to confer with Mr. Franoke about the selection of artist for the Mu nicipal Auditorium? Mnaleal Holes. Oil Thuraday evening, May 4, at I SO o'clock, Wll 1 Urn il. Hunt, baaao, will au pitnr In recital at the auditorium of the Young Women'a (lirleilan aanoclutlon. Madame Aaxuat Honjlum, accompanist. Tho protrram rontnlna many of th moat famous baa aoliie, Incluillii tha prologue fnmi "1 t-i(ilieccl," by lietdkavaUlo; "In ijueet Tomoe," by lo-utboven; "Hear M Ye Winds and Vava," by Handel, 'i-ord iio.1 of Abraham," from th "k.lljah," by Mendelssohn, and aeveral group of lighter nuinlicrs. V Vou re cordially invited to attend th third annlversay of the Omaha Mualk Vereln. This will be cab-orated on rtun day. April U. Tho program begin promptly at 4 In th afternoon. To dancing commence tit 7;li In the evanlng. Member admitted free. hYr notimeniber a charge. pPr perami will be made. The program will Include numbere by tha mixed choir of the Omaha Mualk-Verelii, luidor the direction of Th. Hud. Jleeao, with Incidental aolo by Mr. Ii. lckn and Mia I'. Orelhus, a plsuu solo by Ml Helen Mockln and two chamber inuato eeleetlnii by Die Writ allien' atrlug tjuarlet. Next Tuesday evening a Joint concert will be given al tha Klrat liieptlet church at bJ o clock by l-lhel Boloiiiun, soprano, end Henry W. Thornton, ormuilat, ss alMlM by Made Weat, vlolitilst, and Hay Oonahey, tenor. Th aoenrnpaiiiana will be MUs Klolsa West and Mrs. Ixmahey. Miss nolomon will sing several otMtraibt numbers, two souks and a duet with Mr. Iionaltry. Mlaa West will b hard In numbera from Krwller, Jloldaffr and Chainlnace Krelsh-r. Mr. tJonuhey will ling "Who Knows,' by Erimt Hall, snd Mr Thornton will present Otto MeJllng "Heiiiilem for Organ" of thnae parte and other organ number from Haydn, Wood and Wagner. Luella Allen' violin school will give the aevi-iilh of tlie anaaon write of ra cltnls Hiiturdny arteruooii, April Vi. at 4 o'clock, at the studio In the Arlington block. ' Tho following pupil of Walter n. Om hiim, Mlas Helen HaJin, amprano: Mlaa (li rtnidu Aiken, contralto; Iynn Beckett, tenor, and Wlllard nlabaugh, baaa, will uiv a concert of aolo and quartet num ber for the Woodmen of th World Tuea day evening, April 'iU, at Harlght' hall. Miss leather Frtcke, aucompujilst. Joseidi II. j4ltkowkl, tenorj Jean C.llbert Junes, ooncert planlart. and Mr. Joeph H. lalkowakl. accompanist, will present a .. 4 nM.Mni 1-41444 V flVAttlllir. A 1,11 25, at I 3o o'clock In the Flrt Christian church, Twenty-sixth and Harney ali-eela. Mr. I,ltkov;skl has but recently arrived M . b ' V 1. 4ifll-. .1 ' V 4. m 44.44tf j,n. IITlin 1 , W 4 144 1V . 4-W "' - ynged In nrmriillo coaching and ctmoert amgllig. j nis is me nisv ui m. -iit4.-44 ui concert to bo given by thl trio, which will continue until August and be con tinued In th f ill. oo'ktaa Yanr 1'eaab s Col. Dr. bell lina-Tax-Ilonsy foothe th raw spots, eaa:a cough, kills oold farm. JSC All druggist. AlvertUemenl; BOYD'S Week Commencing Matinee SUNDAY, APRIL 2J, All Week LAJT WZIK 07 Eva Lang and Company laolnainaT Sdwaj-d Lynoh, la th Orat Book flay, Rebecca of Sunny Brook Farm A Big Froduotloa. Thl I Positively Mis lanr Laat Week. Prices: 25c, 50c COMING S.n.rMala'i: Joaaplt Brook Pressnt TAYLOR HOLMES In a Mw Comedy, BUNKER BEAN PI rant front Moatk la Chtettga. SVf MVIi: Mitmlnj, May . OMABAI XV CIVTCB fatty Mat , is li nn Ke ae, 1 ll-HL7ia Ita'k Ii ana SaaM ' l W aaaa- T44 101 MANCHESTER! BURUSQUCRI am I, 4 tt. Ni tun I XV nsi.mri l. ail iw V l I' t t t t -4 r- i a-a, a a t .a, a I. , a a it i.a a a. ac . i La4ia' put, Mattua Waa Ikwy. FOUR NIGHTS TOfllGIIT BEGINNING MATINEC WEDNESDAY l iitvnibls o( 113 fpl - Wcd. Matiacc, Z5o ta $1.50 Ilioiie Doug. 401. THK 11EHT OP VAIDEV1XLE Katina Sally, ailS. Bverr Htght 8)18 WEEK HTAKTIXO SUNDAY, April 23 VALESKA In Jliw New Veralrm of "Black Crepe and Diamonds" and "The Moth and the Flamr BILLY M'DERMOTT Th Only arvlTor of Ooy'g Army WALTER V. MILTON & Co. In "Von't nk In Vour HIccp," A One-act riarre. Hy Uwrbart Warren TIIE5 KITAMURA3 Featuring Koman and Tommy Klta i wura, th Premiere Klaley Pert orinera Joe Morris and Chas. Allen In Dl'KI.VO INTKIvMISSIOX." '' VENITA GOULD In XinJtatloaa Herbert Oermaino Trio ThrllUaaT Oomsdy Oymnaatg Orpheum Travel Weekly Around th World with th Orphan Circuit' Motloa Flotur Photographer rrioMi ktatlnae, rallery. 10e tort eat (eaeept atnrday and Buaaay), Boo. Jtlgbt. loo, aSo, CDs and 7Do, LEOPOLD GODOWSKY Russia's Famous Pianist AUDITORIDr.1 tn) lUrltAl Only Friday Flight, April 28 Vou bate liiNurd Paitjerowski, Mofmajin wid (Jnlirilouitach (III e(VMtin, Now Don't Miss GODOWSKY POPULAR PRICES Tha lnat fill tmuon of Muni cipal Vnc4?rl. TodayrfNEWATonlte 2:30 ilRUll 8:20 Por Tan Performances. TAkTDaftD STOCK SmaktU AT MOTIB PslICXl THE NORTH BROS. Whar th DIME Takaa th place of the DOLLAR PXKPXTUAI. STOCK CO. Wholesome, Sweat and Watnral QUIXCY ADAMS SAWYER OMAHA'S BEST SHOW BARGAIN VbXT WUEK, VIoLaS. aULBK'S GREAT PLAT, THE WHITE SISTER TODAT Almont. Dumont & Co. Comedy, Storing, Talking, AX. MO NT on the Septluboa. Helen Carlos Trio Skillful, Startling Skating. Rice & Newton Vaudeville' Bung- Bird. Van Dalle Sisters Daai a la Aorohat, Boniaae of a Mulloar Traaa ""l Oe ACMISS lOM 20a Omaha Bright Spot, lilt MtNUMA CHORUS Alt4 k ktaball Itatal-'iA Waltttaa, l'i.'rli't aaiy t'.i, yt.ilitttat. I k'-rtag Ct-atxr. BVt-MlKtt, Mar t, alg, BOYD THEATKlt 't Do LONE a 4 u lu :HARP: I" a runt' iuimi. T HUttl-Vt Hint V I'attt Ht'tltrtl w Mwtte.itav v u WHEATLEY T V. K un a ty(t4 It'tat'rliJt Art,, tl"ata Bat)M t., tti,. kill 4, to a - t Turpii'i School t Cjictri I'M'lt ltl aa-t Vatxatia tta'a , a-i (tt. 444at 44,e ta4 War Taa-ta !,.- i.aa-aat-ia titaa i.a- ) f ttaaav lat tit a-i-44