Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 23, 1916, NEWS SECTION, Image 1

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VOL. XLY-N'O. 4...
ifjinsix sixTioxs-n )kty. I'ocn paoj;s.
Man Who Robbed Nearly Sixty Pas -
senders in Wyoming Wilds Cap
tured by Forces of the
. Union Pacific Offers Big Reward for
Man Who Robbed Passengers
Near Hanna, Wyo.
hi u.i.n.
Manager Waro of tho
t.'nlon l'tt'lfic at 8 o'clock declared
that tba bandit who bold up Union
. , . i
Pacific pttHcTiKT train o, 21 had
vtuta ftnifit(A eonffiMHitni not (trilvi
INWIH n 1WIII(I v , ' f -' - .,
concerning pi iihoki. jou, um '
. . . ..... . .I. i ... ..H
i ..i.. n....iri.. i..,l. r,,t, I, .,,!..,
niiiri i. iiiuii fi...,i., .......
iwthln a year
tin lulu,.
In I,
(he Yellowstone, Park reliui of tor
ror. "We alwayn ratrh (rain rob'
hers," laughed Mr, Wure,
LA RAM IK,- Wyo,, April 22. A
t pedal from Wulcott, Wyo., thla aft
ernoon ay; "Sheriff Rivera of
Carbon county had arrived here with
Iho man who held tip a l uloii Pa
cific panHonger train lant night near
Tho inefmagc (stated tho man wit
alive whon tho ninitHaK" wan Kent,
which in taken hrre to Indicate that
ho had been wounded in a clunh with
hln purtiucia.
IIhiiiIII I "ri'l.
KAWUNH, Wyo., April W.-Tlie bandit
who lat nllit held up and robbM nearly
tlirwcor puHWiiKTu on 1,'nton J'a'lflc
I.lmltcd No. 21, went of Jlaiiim, Wyo.,
van capturrd lalo today menly mile
north of Wolrott by oiib of llio ione
of balf a hiiixlrod liin who took tip Hit
chaw linmiiillutly after tli robbery.
A Btratttflc iiiDvo by ono of i,hf. poe
proved the undoing of the bandit who,
by the BUthorltli-H, In rMiponlbl for four
trnln holdupa In tbU :( Ion within ttio
lt few wckM.
Aftffr the trail of this bandit taken
UP early today from KdMon, tho powc
led by alien, f l.lvera iht. Tho nherlff.
with t.jty MarHhal flayen, and a Simall
party lrted for WHhoit. There they
Koc.ured an automolitln and liifliii'livclj
hit forthf old k'ctrii ranch, twenty rille.
Hid llrlilnil MngrhruHli.
After a couple of linur' m-iirvli the
banu.t wb neeti tiy oihj of the poane
tilrlltiK behind a In rue KaKeniixh. Inn lea (I
of opening fire, the, iiokho man moved
awy, iretndh)K not to have nothed the
hiding robber. ("reHently, however, the
nan-hunter cloned in from In-hind and
covered hla man with a gun. The bandil
drew hi weapon and v. Jin turning around
to faro hl captor.
"Kor God'n nake, throw tip your hando,
1 don't want to kill you! ' cried the poKwe.
man. The bandit dropped hl guns.
A upeclal train hearing tho party l;
expected from valnott tonight. !
The 1,'nlon 1'aclfl ban ofiercd 'i,0t) forj
tho arrest of tho bandit. I
Two Thousand Men
In Westinghouse
Plant Quit Work
riTTHRURGH, Ta., April 2(.-Two thou.
ind men employed In the, Kw-t I'ltta
Imrgh plant of the WeMtlnghoime Klee
trlii and Manufacturing company walked
out out this afternoon to enforce their de
mand for an eight-hour day and an In-
creann In wage before night fall. Klght-
een thoiiHBnd pernotis are emplo id In the
vartou section of (ha works, many of ;
them In tho manufacture of abeil.
i -
I'nrllrlh W editing mil, rrsn ry,
FAI.1,8 C1TV, Ni l,., April - fSpei lal ) '
-Mr. and Mr. Christian Wamsley cole. ;
braled their fortieth wed. ling anniversary !
mi April at their country home. oi. I
friend and alnu filetul from l-'iilis i tj
gathered to unmet In tint celebration, uu
I'rll Jo, in;, Mis KlUalieih ( ri.ff..rd w
unllrd In miirn.ig.. to C,rl Watiish-y In
tiarad tn.tihli by lii v, Mr i i.n.. muiI
last night wi re n nmri'l..,! ,v (,.v. w u
tem ioers. Mrs .. c. Monger phiv d
j,'t. wrdtliig nc.1,1, Mr ,! M)
Waiii.hy lim ft,,. rluHi.-ii. it ultl.
in or n,-r K,s i n. Mr. p t,,
Ulll U ai,n.. i, i ,! (l ta
si,.l -in .n i a, i it- n,,-, i,,
. .null w ill! I., nt V ,
i ot fc-lln, . Me . Iin.ti tn d tl
J,f ,-Hle, tl, !, II. till ..
v s ; i ( i
w W
The Weather
wv ,
11 ' 1 Jt i .x
Sm. , . "'i I ( " - -i
f I I
e ii.i l I Im-il lima I
)'.,! V. f
" '
i ' i t
t'l" I
I .... I . t
.... v - '
, .. 1 . . '.
' 1 I '
I f ,1 I . I
t I F
l, s
Figures from Fifty Counties Simply
Confirm Results Already An- -
nounced as to Ticket.
Usury Kurd ha slipped out ahead ff
Penutoi- Cummins again, but only twenty
seven votes, Fifty counties nn'l eighty
Scattered precinct oil tlx' main Uetcl
show no other change In Ihe announced
result, lie latest figure kit;
l or President.
Knrd IK, ": IXabrnnk
I 'iM iln V,'1' ' lloosi veil
! I llftllfA ,
I'tir 1 nltril glntr eitaliir,
''I.U'KH.VT. ItKI'I'UIll'AN,
Hiii Ik di k Kennedy
liiinn lvu;c Aldrlrlt ,
l or National f oiornllln-Miuii.
iii;i'1'!I,k;an. hkmochat
I'ia Id ridge ,.,,.;!l,l:l Thompson
llilllicy ,l!..."t : I milium
( ;;;;;
l-.iinMm ,
Hcvcioni. ,
. . , ,..,.1 ii I i ice
.., .'J4.HH! Thomas ,.
....t'-MV- I'iattl ....
, . , .'i.'.lil- Itr.VIIII ....
. . , . JM'' ' Vt"'
'j:,h Mullen
ii,r.i : immmmi
,,. i.i,riir
lfl,-ftrtl ivi-V S ! I ll ,MM( 'It A'l .
M.HI.m 2 'Hi cvlllc
M-Ki'lvlc :..AIJi-yn .,mi
Mile H.IWj
Mild gelt M't
lor Meiilrnuiit (.mrriinr,
JH eolllllleN. I :l eotlfitle.
Hl'.l'llil.l' AN. I I IK, SI I ' HAT.
Hiumway Ifnwanl ...
Kle.-hi l I'l,.','.!, liiintilng ..
.ordgrei K'M- l'"arBOo
'ir UriTflnry f Itlnlr.
'l it I r-f v countlea.
.11 :!l
Walt lJ,.""ii W. II, ftnlih..
I'. Ilrnnfl... 1,,'SvlV, K. Waite..
l or Anilllor.
Thirty f-ount I'-.
Ill'J'f HI.I'.'AN,
(i. W. Mariili..lK.i;f7i W. Ij. Miner,.
tf'nr Tr"uri-r.
20 enllntl... I VI eolltite,
ni.l'I'KI.IIIAV. IlKMUt'llAT
HeynoidK, ...... l)t,7,M'(l. K. Hall 2I.N12
W. t.'. I turner IH.I.Hil If. Ailama 11, IK.'!
for ttnmrf (.riierl,
18 foiintliK, I eountled.
HKI'I ' KI.K.'A S. liKMoi'llAT.
If. W. Ilowe...l'..'-.X W. K. Ihed V.V,
Halderaon II, '' ), W. llerg!....lii,W
Andcrhery 7,fi;
I 'or l.uml ( oniinllonr.
(Twenty-eight connll"".!
TfeckoKin If;.',!!' fhinnwH H.Zm
Cook lo.ra.lniinornnui ....
(llienimt 7.:il Mlher
Ieedoni ii,fioi
l or llHllwHy I itiillnrr.
CI went y-nine conn tic,)
lriI'HI,ICAN. I Itandall I"."
Clarke II.K4; Ilig 6,,
t,.l.r,unn . . . It lAtt
li-f(iCUAT llfllalon f'.KW
M llnot Vi.Xh' Chile
Jddgidl J.f.litHiiKhroue iXi
Vit X o per in e I oiirt.
CI'enU-lwo coiinUenl
CHIICf' Jl HTK'K (two riornlnatedi.
Fawcelt 21.771 Morrlimey Zl.Vdj
Art.-'OCIATlv Jt HTICK (Mix iiomtiiatfl.
Conilnh Vi.iiln'Harnen ...
If nntliiKM Ifi. l-' Kedi'wlck
(I..HII J 4.2'.- Marll
I loin, IJ,7';.'i Hunt .....
Tuljiifir IU'-IKrIIooii ..
j Go for Gophers,
Says W. R, Mellor
In Annual Note
fFrotn a Ptaff Correapondent.)
I.INCdf.N, April a.-lKpeclal.l-W. R.
Jlellor, secretary of the htate ollard of
Agrli'tillure, lian devlned ft method for
killing gopheia with automobile. Ho
doe not adWHe. laying them In thfi road
and I'-tllrig the machine run over them,
that would be too much Work, but he
would run tlir automobile, up to the go-
pher'a home, turn Ihe axhaunt loone and
fill up the hole with Kuaollno ftmoko.
Then plug up tbe hole and trimt (o lurk.
ThU may be a aeheme to help out the
Kaeoihi" trunt, hut Kei-retary Mellor guar
i anti cs that If a "iher can hafe a few
!UHila pumped Into him he i bound to
give up the xhoKt. Mr. Mellor alad ha
'another remedy, tin follow, which he bin
I net forth in the annual bulletin of hi do
! partnient. He any:
I 'V,te Iri tlw tint, tn ttflm warfiLrA on
the gopher. We gave a coitpln of remc
dlea a abort time ago and here I another
which has been tried with great aueera
in Iowa. Willi nu endgniA wagon rod or
Home other aharp polnted Instrument, find
runway near a frrr-h mound and open
put In a plwe ,if cotton, a corncob or
something which will easily nbsoih, pour
on a couple of table! n full of carbon
hlHiilphlde and cover, The carbon evnp-
iirnteii iidrkly anil serkH Ihe lower levels,
A I iin from smoking while working at
Hi Hi, for It Is dnnijeriiuH t, have fire
of any sort pear tlilt fluff."
hear of reserve banks
I N H!K M,K , eh , Apiil i Special t
I Telegram I The nineteenth .iniinal i nil-j
trillion uf ihe North Nibmslwi Hunki r
fi mm. o-i.i t inn w i titncludid luie riatiir-l
iUv lillihl ! '. liill'lUfl III the I'.lks hall. :
,I','IiiIiiiii i- 1.,, ,,i wire broken,
!'i.,i!-ii ri "in nit parts of Norih
bi.i 'i .i I-. it'-i loi unit Tin oftic m
il.'Utj uu. K I, rufiivalk, N'orful.
,,,. lit
ll.inV i. Millet. ,sin!uii t ice
J i . 1 1 it is... ..i;i.k,
1 , Nl"!' . I' ,11111 ! , 1 1. ,l,i. . r
vvi, wi ' ..j the p cMiiili,'1,!
I I...
t . t !
i f..)k
' holding fillllle I r. ii , ill,, , j,
I ,. . ,l . i . I I ,i I ':,!.; 0 M
.,' 1 .1, ,,1 I : I . e I..H.S
i , , i ' I Ii, hi .uu ,11. , ti r i
f ,1 '-. .
K !ilrn
,!. I , . i i i 1 - - .' ! h ,
i ' . ft' , IMtiil n i " f- ti li((t ' I
1 ... i i I .... - . ,1 HI. i i
t e 1 1 -in .- - i . ! i l. I'll'1! .
U it Mi.-; 1 t j . M " t ', I
U --HUM in ) . ' I It I. t -ti
u v. , . i I. i y 'i it
,; i-ii ,t.J- . jl,:. ( (,!'- ,' (Od.
, V "f I't'' i(lJ, ' S H"ff'f4 V-S
l.i kmiuil el lt.ik,( Hon
Ii : s -'i t .. i - , -(, 1 1 ,-,.,'
'.ll 1 ;, t I . I I
1 I . ? 1 I - H. ' ' ", i , 9 V .".,. V V W
. . f i " I if I U ill l . 61
ret ! . i t ..... . i.i
I I ' 1 . ' 4 t I '"- ' ' ' ,t . ''
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., I , ,.f , t m,,r I. ... I (', ,1- mitt
I '... i i.l 1" I'll ' ' I I i of ...
' ,
Answer to Note of Wilson in Subseai
Crisis is Likely to Be Delayed j
by Negotiations.
Dociimrp '
ii to Emperor!
Chancellor at
,vix . Staff Headquarters.
I ilrJKLJ.N, April 22.-(Via Lott-j
(lon,)- -Th; Ainerk-an nolo la now In'
i tho ImnilM of Hiiipi-ror William,!
Chancellor Von llethinnnn llollwc !
; and (ieneral Von Kullienha) ne, chief
i of (ho (trim ru I ndiff nt unieral head-
i quarter.
Ocrmnny'K anttwer lo tho laUHt
American nolo fit likely t(, ,(, delnye.1
by Homo parley unl reqjjeid for
further information on cerialu
polrilg, according to (ho Lokal An
zelger, which ayg It l-iiina fhut tli
nolo la a decidedly Jong one nd (hat
It will ho examined wllli Oniumj
thoionghneM. !
Binding Airs His
Views Concerning j
Plans for Peace!
(Corretpoiidrnro of the Anso' luted I'ress )
Zt'WCjf, Hwltwilnid, April t. (low
peace wl t mn, In ft great eongiess,
or by eparl renting, a qto-MPm ut
Iraillng more and more ttention among
Inlerriftfiotini jurist in both group of
belllgerenl; though pei hap mote espe.
dally In Oeiiimriy. Thcr Kngland' ,li
ternilnatlou lo prevent (he i oi,clusl,i f
separata peaeo trcntp. wllh the
bitterest opposlllori. A congres on the
line of (he guihering n Vienna mer
a century ago, would, It. is argued, he
fatal to Him Interest 0f Oermany, Kor
the central power separate pcc tteath
ara held to be absolutely necessary.
Oin of tha (Jerman authorities on In
ternational Jaw, I'rlvy Councillor I'rof.
wan iilndtng, who ha devoied much st
lenilori to what he rwll the "Terhnlona j
of 1'eeee" and who I a firm opponent
if all Idea of peace: congresses, say j
tlermany and her nllle would he hope.
lessly outvoted In niioti dellhi raltons, nd ;
what tho soldier" have won tho dlplo- 1
matlsia would loe. j
According to tho Kr.gllsh proposals, all ,
the belligerent would prlcj,,ti. l . j
congress. Thug there would be on one !
side. England, Vrl.nep,, Ihdglom. Jtinsiav ;
Italy, Herbla., Uttnitenegto ,nd .(a pan, and !
on tho other aide only (lenmtny, Austria- 1
Hungary, Bulgaria and Turkey, Klght ;
vote against four. Kngbind would havo
all the majority on her side, Including the I
I'rof. Hlndlng think It highly probable I
that Knglnnd would seek to hiiiikI,.
America Into the congres hji n reward
for her "benevolent neutrality." .N'eu. '
trally the central power would not per- ;
nut mis, hp gays, a it would actually
make "one more opponent for them, ' nfi
"If tha Kngllsh say 'no gppnrale peace,"
tho fierman roust say 'only neparale
peace.' Their plati must be to miikc cp.
arato peace a quickly a poMslhle and
they are In a position to do llilx. U t
them y to the snmll stale which are
already rnnquered. to lielglnm, Herhla
and Montenegro, 'Make pence or we shall
not recognize you as a slato any more.'
Thl inejiti simply annexation, and ton!
these state will have no Shan: In Ihe
peace negotiation.
"If such separate peace Is mnde It w III
be absolutely Incontestable in Interna
tional law, lo splto of the objections- of
the foe. And If such geparate peace Is
not reached then the central powers will
havo fewer eneinleg to negoilnto wllh,
and will decide themselves over the fate
of those land and peoples."
(Correspondence ,,f it(o Aftioii'hited Presi'.)
HiU'THAMI'T'lN, Ijiglanil, March Id'. -fiiibstaiithil
evidence of the rigid enforce
ment of the null treating law us given
In this I ocHhIi shipping tmvii the nllor
day when a man was fined it i i for
I liatlllg his Wife to i Kill-as of wine III l
public di ink Itig house, ills wife im fined
an euunl hiiihuiiI ami the lnuinfild who
served the dilnlis nt.i filled i"., iJJ.ii,
.lie oil 'n
(lie u.lke
Hllli him i
U Hi
In Citv
rlsth.n 1,
I! ib
. I, ji,
- ,ilk. d
.log !
. , i ut
1,1 111 !l t'l In
I ii
Pigeon Pilfers Pencils and Other j
Material for Nest for Its Mate
H Ul.'t
,.. , I '
I I .
I - ll
I. 1" I ' .,
, i' 't .1-
II, ,. I , t
V,i ti. ' i
,. 1. I.i I...I
I-l M
g 1 f ;
t ! . . . t , i . .. ) ' i I
. it .1 i t I '
Solution and Award?! in The Bccs Shakciipcarc Tercen-
tcnary Puzrlc Contest is onPatfc One of Part Three
. Mi, J ? f,' s '
- mA- v-v rk
unit vn vi
nAniiTTfim iTAifiirnn
Late Returns Indicate that
Name May Come Up at
' fl'rotn Huff CorreKindett )
UNCUlV, April JJ.(Mfslal.-According
to'ofifchil return reaching; tha offk
of the aecretary o tate, Chifle W.
Rryan may be the tiomlnea of the pop't
Ilst party for governor,
loit one conniy ha rcportcdI"un!y
hut tha report ghow ono voto for Mr.
jltrn for the nomination on lh pullt.
! ticket and now democrat art Wondering
'if Ihe saying, "He who laugh laM laugh
:bect," may not apply in tho (' lo guca
1 1 I'm,
1 It la a lt uu i km which a far a tho
' democrat arc comemed meana that for
them the pilmary I not' yet over and
thai should repor! from other coijnlleg
cdiitinii) to show Mr. Hryan rex:iilving
votes for governor on tho populist ticket
th4 may lie an Interesting situation on
Iho governorship, '
Hungarians in the
Majority in Army
I (Corrsioiideiii i of the Assoclftted Tre.)
ItlTiAI KHT. Hungary, April .-In the
greater part of the Austro Hungarian
army, Ihe men and officer cannot ptak
each other hiuguiie and do not tindnr
slnnd one iinolher, About 70 per cent of
the in. ii of the hi my am lluiigailan,
while the pi iii-orl loii of officer t Just
the ri vers-, nity flu. per cent ere Aus
trian, per ci til Hungarian and U"i per
cent Cttei h and other mitlonalllle. The
llutigiirliin officers are In no Case allowed
to leiic li, 1 1 uiiii i in ii regiment; the
Hungarian regiment inn without exrep.
lion officered bv Austrian who seldom
speak Maijvar. The won! of command I
given in ieiiiiin, iitul thereforn non.
ciiniiul"loio d lliingarlan officer are se
lected who have at iiani a smattering of
built I'lnuuac.
i i 1 1 1 1 einsrkalie that the Austro
HuiigMitau iiiiiiv should be 70 per cent
Hntiailttii, Tot the population if Hun
guy Ii mill .'e,'',!l. uhlle the polul
l..ti of Visum I- lumlv 1 ,.,, Till
l III,, allied I in. Ml I V hi Hie IhiI that a
giiHlir ut of Hie .'.'.iil,,l I,,,, uf Auslilg
it i ml and the nu n hum l.n.ii sl-
i, l.n lo 1 I In u' Hi. M oecllplltli.ns III
llllill l l Sllpplv til" I,. I'Ufllll, llf II,,,
aitnv slut ,-- unitv, .viiii - Hie ,ie,vi.r pint
el l . p.'l,iU. II ef l .l',ill l SSlI
i 'iii o .,;
'" f . f. I I- .
''' i-l .'. Im-
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" "'" i 'i'i I 'l I I'lii'i ik, !
I 'l.,.i..,.g t.. , .11,., m,. I.,,,,, j
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"i l"i-i . .11 ,m pi .lli-IK
- .. b ' " .'! ''.' a ruaa f ,
I i' 1 ' - t . i n : li '-f i, , ... 1 1 e., ;.
" i-l l I. -I r b d - ... n
An Easter Idyl
! Cold and Snow Arc
i i i r it
i rCCllCtCQ 10r tllC
Week of Easter
WAKf (INOTO.V, April .- Faster week
will he cold and unsettled over tbe north
ern part of th country, wllh probably
local now In tha northwest, but In the
south and on tho Pacific, coast normal
temperature and fair weather will pre
vail, Tha weather bureau In It forecast
for tha week beginning mmoi row. said:
"The pressuro distribution over the
American continent, and adjacent uoean
I gnelt a to Indicate cool weather dur
ing the week In all northern stoles, the
I'liln stale, Iho Hocky mountain
plateau region and the Ohio valley, und
normal temperature In tho aotjthern and
1'acifPi stale.
Tho chango to cooler will be pro
nounced over (ho norlhweslern la!c by
(ho middle of the week, and It I proh
able that a disturbance .lll develop over
the far west Tuesday or Wedm-sdny, ad
nc to Ihe middle west, Thursday or
Friday, and (o (ho caalerti state near
the end of the week, Thl disturbance
will he Bllcnd'd by general precipitation,
with some probability of local snow In
the northwest.
"Kxcept for Ihe period of unsettled
weather and precipitation attending thin
disturbance, and Ihe unsettled weather
at the beginning of the week along Ihe
northern border, tho weather will he
generally fjilr during tin week,"
gclrnllst Pipe the olor Ihsl Pushes
llrunrtlea in ihv Hack
Th blonde rule Ihe world, (he bru
nette (rail along behind. I'racllealty all
tho Kuril)" no kings am light-heiuled
that Is, their hair Is light, or has ten
dency toward llghtne. The snni holds
trim ( piesldetits In this count ry, I. hi
coin was the last dial Itu.'l Ivcly brunette
tn occupy the presldenlial ' hair. I'riun
Ihe day of tiui great ematu Ip.itor down
tn tho present limn the hi nd' of tho na
tion' presidents have been crowned with
a tuft Hiiowlng a strong lie 1 11 -waul
(ho lighter coloi red or Monde
That, In substanie, was the line of ar
goim lit advanced lu I tin Young Women'
Christian Ashii lallon aduilorlum I'mi
bight by lu Kalherlne M II tlnehf..iti.
cluuacli-r analvwt, and coiifeis, d tuntieo
buster and glotn trotter. 1'r, Idio kfnul
Is from New Voik, and alms to tea' h
the world a m w s. I. m e a scleiu o that
will riuihln evils limn to figure, out f,n
himself whether be bad brat It! ll banki-i
i r a baker, n M n Wmii ti or a nuisl tMii
an army gem nil m ;i pui Ifisl nisim.
I hl.,.. dpi. In Itei old.
lal ) III nl'i 1 1: At
f dltfrirnl klfe Is I.
I lie I. a i ., Hi mi! 1 1 f
ellMU'ii a 1 'I I I ' . 6 I-1
A i t il ;.'
,c I I '
III1! '.
rtitue T'( l'it ju k,.'i, i g
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Through The Bee, the American
Humane Society Launches
Contest for Prizes,
Through The I tally Ilea
(ho American
II. H, Mann I
Humane aielety, of l.
will be obs rvd throughm,, the coitniry.
Thl conlest I llmlled to Iho hov and
girl of Ihe school of (irealer Omaha
and of the grades mentioned. To the
Winner lu each grade prize of ffl will
tio given, and I.' prlne will be warded
In winner of aecnnd placo In -. h grade,
making a loi of fl'i.
J Imlleil In Words.
These easny must be llmlled to I )
word and Ihe subicct matter must relnle
to klndnes to animals. Next Hominy
further detail will be given a to when
and where the essay shall ho Nubmllled
and who will review theni. Thin an
nouncement 1 iliiiil, to give the children
an opportunity In aludy Mm subject mid
lart their esssya. I'eritnuHl eierlcitcc
may Im Included In the casuy, hut the
general thought should Im along line of
khiiliii" lo anltiiitbi, with iciisons why
everybody should ho kind to anliualn.
Ourlng (ho week of May .VZ" all chil
dren of thu S' liool will bn InleroBted In
thla movement, Huperliilcnd. ut tirafl
will send circular on Iho aubject to the
sificlelr Make 4 nnoiiiiceiiiriil,
'the American Humana society tuiikcs
this announcement of "lie Kind to Aid
mills Week. Hie 'lie Kind In Aiilmula
Weill' celeliialloii I designed lo bring
more vividly beforii thu puldlu tho Im
poitani i,nt tliat animal play In the
eiioiiomln and soi ml llfo of man ami how
ftnciithil It is that lhc hi- inn urded kliel
In iilinciil To (hi end ha ul unci, tie
for the ,ri!Veti(lu of cruelly lo iinlmals
an- planning fur work hoisc paimlra, pel
aiiliuiil allows, ss-i'lal iiluM i Htc.i Ic tuiiv,,
pilhll'ity rumpalvii and other mi ana of
arousing thu puliHe. Tim Hoy Hciiuts mid
I'amii I'lm linls am co-opeiating with
local , i oiiiuip l III ninny I e a n i. "
.'iin. bo, -May .'I, Will Im observed ill Ihe
i liuicln s in ' I luiiiiiliii riiiudav ,"
The Ann i h an 11 limine
lain Mil l t. 11.1111), N V . w Id
lilerni ut a to thowe m.n are iiidi,
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General Pershing Rearranges Troops
in Such Way That He can
Execute Order at
Caranza Fills Purral District with
Soldiers and Throws Guards
About Mining Camps.
VA, PASO, Tex,, April 22. ir,Vr
dh r Cenernl 3, J. PeiNblng bn inado
eilt h fllKpoi(loii of ), force Ihnl Ihtt
AmerlcHit punltlut e-pcdillon I
e'I'iiilly ready today lo ptoreed wllh
till dlipul'li In pnrHiiil, of I-'i'ti nistro
Villa nr wKliilruw from Mexiui whi n
(he flllttro COtii'iif, ,,f oier(ilfii (o
terinlned ,y (im iidmliilsli'Mt0 (
WiiHlilngfoti, Tho AtnerlcHii I mop
can Im in i red from Mexico in (on
day, areurillnn (o iirmy offirerr, uf
fort lillati,
Currgnxa offlehtl ut Jiiaro rr
ported iho nlfuiiilon Rencniily n 1 1 r-f
(liroiiyhoiit upper Mcylcii i s,,,
very preparation hit been miidi- lo
iippt"k ny illfirder lliiil. might
ni'lnn. Tho I'iiral illftirlci heni
filled with Ciinan.ii nioni tmtl
Kuurd havo been ii,,wm ,..,,t
inlnlriK properilc,
Andre fiarcla, Mexican i rmsul, Us. rteu
that (he American army would be alila
(o withdraw from Mexico without any
Irotiblo from civilian along the lin of
Oian h. There have been tei ealed reports
that nn'n tho Amerlcun sohlh r started
to rellro tho wotd would go out that tin.
Amer(ci;g were In retreat and righting
and gulping would follow,
coll ami I'' tins ton ( nnttr.
KAN A NToNO, Ten., April 22,-H.cre-tnry
Hakcr gliould b In rncelpt of a re
port before night from Miu-nr ibrieral
Hugh .. Utotl, chief of iff, t,t may
slst tha admlnlal ration In deciding
what h,.r to withdraw th Amerhan imopa
or send thatn farther Into Manlco. lien
nil F'-'itt and Kunslon todny will r
view In relail tho history of tho punitive
tpedlllon' eiieraUoii since oitiln
Mncu almost tx 0,,kg ggn,
(leneral Vunntnn hn reevftd report
showing movent' nt of Carranii troops
tn the rllntrie,t naoiitratad bv Cenxrut i-r.
iihlng and order bava been ivnt to fien-
erai mailing tha4 aulhorl.o blm to pre
pare for any agression on (ho part of
Mexican, Carranr.a official hav given
tConllnutd on Tag Two, column On )
Eighteen Thousand
Westinghouse Men
Are Out on Strike
rrrrhiiimnir, j., Apni 52- rt.kt
at nil entrance ,, n,n v, stlnghonse
Kbfirlc and Manufaclurlng company t.
Kaat, I'lllshiirgh thl morning pleaded i
successfully with the workmen on (tielr
way to the slmpa that leader of th"
strike Inaugurated yesterday to enforce
an eight-hour day demand declared only
u.OO of I he 1H,iiO employes h,u etili i ed.
tirent cruwil of glrlker filled tha
sirecis leading to the gate, but there
Was no disorder, lirgnlilxalloii of tic
slrlkets Into local of the new lv-formed
union wa said to be pino-cding rupldly.
Inaldo I ho shops guarilH cmefiilly ck
ainliied the lunch basket of the workman
Who suci eidcil In passing tho ph ki Is lu
prevent the Introduction of eplosive
Thl regulation wa flnt applle.1 to th
ahell flepartmi'iil, but was later extended
lo Include all tho shops.
Leader of the strike, announced hits'
would organl,e a pai.ide at noon to visit.
Iho other towns In the Turtle, deck val
ley In mi allempt to bring nut Ihn work
men In it iiumher of factories which du
not reetu;ii!z the elwlit hour day, If lle-v
succeed, Ihry paid, tiny would havii , .i
men on sirlke by night.
l.alir In thu dav the company ait
nouiici d lliii eluipn weio practically
I'lnicfl and added that Ihe grievance runt
llllltie, which lu -rclofoio hid Collll ictrd
all neuothtlliiii for Ihe men, hud made no
demand and the ciunpiiii y wna In lgtn
tittici. i, fit, i.illy tia In wh it th" piriK
Wa for lleeelitly n II g'tvinna of I" pel
lent was ginuied Ihioiiiili'iiit lh" woiks
r H 1 1 , A I I t I'll! 1, A pi II "? Tha I'lll .
di Ipbl.i Nti'lnliil leim'ie club li'.l iv f nu I
J i ,i de ' ""l u . i Ulfii I let, . 0 I I i'. I l I
5 I III' Wlti tie I'l i . lv n I l b i ill- i '-. i .'
was it 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 " r el tL.i - w i..ik l.lm ,
lw,i y. .is .l-, vv .i I i f.'i'td in. '
I'l h ,.. Ii'ilt il l. ,n-il l-'li. 1 he I '. , (
eg. .1 C ..... t ...e. I. d t'l tllC I L i! l l,'
I nt v I' nil) at hi k I h'
, I s, Till, AM' Al
't.ti:il! nt 'II I' lot1 111'
l.iiiA ii ' lini'ciiM -
I X li.t , l'l'i'li' ii li l
)'tl. llii'il' Hinlli') fur
sr.TlMi:T. lull f.r
i;ia I, is 'xuxw
im i r t!.'ifiil inhr'itj.
iii a cnh.iiiii-i mi' im r', i .
ti I-, t"". y