Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 22, 1916, NEWS SECTION, Image 8

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One Year Ago
Today in the War
a 4 r
Tires of Waiting for Auditorium
and Announces it Will Build on
North Sixteenth Street.
With all ltd offers to the city
council for tho purchawe of the
Auditorium rejected, the Walto
Amusement company, ht-adfd by S.
E. Schaefer, baa dividd to build a
theater of lla own. The n'Kiilt la
that the deal la aald to be cloned
whereby the company takea a long
term leano on a vacant lot on HU
teentb street, the definite locatiuii
not jet announced, upon which It
Intend to build a Z0,OUQ building,
a combination movie theator and
The movie theater la to have, a at
Ing capacity of IM, and above the
IheaUr part are to be hotel room tfl the
number of 0. The bull'llii- la It b about
five aturlra high. The lease ia ald to
be on a valuation of over 1 1. ',.
RUIto ( nulls WallK.
April , thn Illalto company wada the
last of a aerlca of offer to city
council for the purchase of tho Auditor
ium. Jn a letter aldreed to tins coun
cil, Hi head of tho company vffrei to
lak over Ihe ll.'syw lionded Inrtehlivl
His of the Auiiltorlutn, take the Auilltor
iuin for IU use, and In return, build for
the clt' another Auditorium aultablo for
the cltjr'a purpose,
, Although that haji heen two week a"o.
th city council haul not replied. In tha
meantime the Hlalto company, tiring of
naltlna, haa naaotnated for the Hlxteenth
itreet property, and la prepared to put
architect to work Immediately drawing
plana, when the papere are algned.
Kvery room In tho new hotel la to be
Tented at II M a night. Thla will be fol
lowing the plan of ome of the big hotel
In New York and Chicago, where the
rooma with bath are II. Wi, atralght.
Publishers and
Printers to Talk
Shop at Lawrence
LAWRKNCR, Kan., April 21. Special.)
lximliiutlng the flral two daya of Neaa
per week at the I nlveralty of Kansas,
liny 1 to , the Missouri Valley Coat con
greet offera printer of the Missouri val
ley an nieptlotial opportunity to meet
aome of the hlngeat print epeelalleta ot
the country and to learn through abort
couraca more of the efficiency portion of
the bualneaa. Katlmatlng, coat-finding,
typography, accounting and n.Ima.nhlp
abort course will be given and the print
era will rub shoulder with eurh men aa
K. P Mlckel, secretary of the Naahvllle
I'l-lnter' club, a specialist In the ""-
Ject of eelllng nielhoda for prlntera and
how to build bualneea; W. P. llartman,
one of the largeat produrera of printing
In Chbago; Mano Morrow, adverllalng
manager of the. Capper puhllratlone; K.
K. Whiting, a apeclallat on coata and
publisher" of one of the moat aurceaaful
weekllea In the I'nlted Wate; II. U
Bullen of Jeraey t'lty, manager of the
efficiency department of the American
Type Foundera' company! , C'harlea II,
Itrowne. proprietor of the Houston Head
light, who haa been highly aucceaaful in
adopting coat methoda and othera, whoae
aereptancea are expected dally.
In addition to their own part of the
program, visiting prlntera are Invited to
tay over for the remainder of Newapaper
week, during which time tha Kanaaa Edi
torial aeaoelatlon will be In aeaalon and
eddreaaea and lecturea will be delivered
by many of the foremoet newspapermen
of the country. Arthur Drlabano, editor
of the New Tork Journal; Courtland
flmllrt. president of tha American Preaa
association; Ttlchard H. Waldo, bualneea
Homager of the New York Tribune; Frank
l-irey lilnnrhnrd, editor of The Kditor
au.1 Publisher; Joe Mitchell Chappie, edi
tor of the National Magaulne; Cheater S.
I "id, former manaclns editor of the New
York Hun: Hugh MeVey, of Rueeeaafu!
Fruilng: Ttoy W. Hotwire!, president f
he 1'n'ted Press: Curl Hunt, editor of
t'he Associated Advertising elubs; Ivy
T.c. of The Rockefeller Foundation, and
.tunics Mcbi rmerhom. publisher of the !e.
trolt Times, i,nd othera of equal Imttort
anee hnve aei-epted Invitation to nldreas
the week's meeting,
A dinner s'ld smoker will he given tlur
In' the Kcrnns rf the Cost congress, at
which T'oittss Iireler, director of the
i'smbr due 1'plveraltv Press, la eapeeted
In tie one of the speakers. Mlved In with
the short courses nm address,' during
t'-e eontrress lli be two motion picture
slinua f.r the tub iters themselves, paper
miklntt. an exhibition of the entire pro
ce nt (n,i!ifnclurlii8 a Mh rind.' paper
lll stunt n w ill "T'e Wonder of
- ',,fW, or Ibe toi,sing of a news
-ii"i ' who Inn the i'et t.rlnlipif slid
,uhlthltiit plant of the imlri.p.iltlnri
Germane first used asphyxiating ganee
In the battle of Y res,
Howled Turk, pursued by Uritlsh and
A rubs, lost ,K inefi in Mesopotamia.
Humored in London that Hritish fleet
whs about to dellu-r it.t great attack on
Geiiiimi navy.
Kngland stopped all shipping Inter
course with Holland and announced that
certain ports would be closed.
Chicago Justice
Rules That Bacon
Wrote Shakespeare
CIIH'Aiif), April Sl.-Krancla Huron
we declared to be the author of the
works of William Hhakespeare In a de
cision rendered ill an injunction suit to
day by Judge lib linrd M. Tulhlll In the
circuit court. Thn decision dissolved nil
Injunction Issued on the petition of Wil
liam N. Kcllg, motion plcl ur miiiiiirne
tnrer, to restriilnt (ieoige J'ahyHii, pub
lisher, and other, from completing pub
llen Hon of book 0'irlliig the Ha'oiilan
Tho court held that the nsuie Hhakee
pearo had been useij almpfy as a die
guiso. "The claim of friends of Kranela
llacon," the court anld further, "Dial Me
Is the author "f tint works of Hlmkes
lienre and facta and circumstance In the
vai.l blbllogruphy of the eonl roveisy over
the ipiestlon and proofs submitted hero
convince tho court that Krancbi lliicun
Is thn author.''
Honor Convict at
Sing Sing Walks
Out of Front Door
i' t" l'!iiil,' i Vi.HU S vlx nU.
sireel. iMnel with ln(. stb.ii,
H v.t-n tiloi-. ;f to liMinul I'tftcci
I -sti.i.t t-. 0:,0. art of el ,t !,.
His ell-.. IIS Hers ,o s I, i lit sc-t h
us , 1 1 e I Slid ,, c , .J t , f-"let
a ii a In t v i ,e
OHHININii, N. Y., April 21, -Peter Cul
len. a aergeant-at arm of tho Mutual
Welfare league, the self government or
ganization which Thorna Molt Osborne
founded at eMng Hrng, haa escaped from
thn prison, It 'became known todny, Poa
aeaalng unuaual privilege! becauaa of bis
hodor position Cullen wu able to obtain
an overcoat which hid hi prison ault
and ha walked out the front door.
Cilllen wa one of the ph tureaiue fig
urea of tho Mutual Welfare league. He
wa married In the prison Inst August
to a New York girl, with a convict as
best man, a wedding banipiet being hell
In risborne'a dining room. He waa aerv
lug an lght-yer sentence for burglnry,
Grain Exchange
Men Take Day Off
tfelng flood Friday yesterday waa a
holiday ao far a the grain market waa
concerned. Chicago designated the occa
sion holiday and tha other market of
tho country followed ault. There were
grain rsi elpis aa usual and the Inspection
waa made the anme aa on other daya,
but report were withheld until Katurday.
Member of tha Omaha Oruln exchange,
Instead of remaining In tholr office, hied
themaelve to the golf link, or made
toura Into the country to get an Idea
relative to the condition of the winter
wheat crop,
The union depot committee of the Com
mercial club held a meeting Thureday
noon at the Commercial club room, with
Chairman II. II. Hahlrlgn, presiding. The
committee I constantly gathering Infor
mation preparatory to making It final
report. Hcporta from various Individual
member of the committee were made.
I tttit Uaall,
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Mllllom Wleland.
The body of William Wleland, year
old, who died at a loco I hospital, Waa
taken from Dodder chapel to Wayne,
Neb., for Interment.
Sire. Mamie
Mr. Mkimlo Leo, 24 year old, died
Thursday at a local hoapltiil following
an operation, film Is survived by two
small children living In Florence.
Funeral service will be held Sulurday
morning ut U) o'clock from Imdiler'a
chuiHil. Interment will tie In Forest
I. awn cemetery.
Mamarel Illicit.
Margaret Huell, I'd years old. died
Thursday afternoon at tier home, 9f!.l
Hurt street. Funeral service will bo
held from the residence Mundav after
noon at 2 o'clock, with Interment In
West l4twn cemetery.
8h la survived by her husband, tl. It.
Ibidl, and two chlldrni.
Knllierlne Murray.
Mtas Kntlie'lii Murray, S year old
died nt a local hospital Wednesday after
a slum tlln, She Is survived by n-r
molbt-r. .Mis H. Murray, H. Smnh Twen
tieth street Funeral service will be
held rWtuul.iy afterii.Kin at I n'i lock
flolil the led i'ellie. IMI nulh Twentietli
unit, and at M Phllumciia i lunch jl
ti tl.n k lot. mi, ut will Is In Holy
e.-p-ib her t ntcterv
Mllllam l.srhsrill.
V lit total ii. rs eld II"
Ninth Triitli ! I. fot many yei
lull sTi'trV -,h't an entpicyi, ,.f
lb,- tiil. lt I'n 11.. , till d Kl lus honi
V rdoesit t) lt l sill 1 1', I'S b!J a blew
si. I hi . I .-it I -n. i si si-rt .
nt c- t.n l tttiio li Uw A I:.-i-i-us nit
t. I. dies l ;" I" ,1 ii.ii Sllll li. le,
im ,. in t'efa-t I s a i. mm t r
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J - Ii I , , It. ti ail .. .1 .1- .1 It
l.' ti.'itte Tsuill cti-l illii -
t I, l He la lilt.- t I his Vti.l.i
I ili.vl tl mi it Mill t. I.t-I I Ir nt tc
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li I. i ., !t Ii. t ii--. t ;'-.ii-s rt
Election Held Yesterday and Wood
men Leader Named to Head
New Organization.
W. A. I'Vaaer waB yeatcrday made
president of the Omaha Athletic club,
the new organization which Intend
to build an elaborate club house In
the biiBlnemi dlatrlct of Omaha.
K. W. Judaon and N. B. Lpdlke
wcre made vice prealdentg; George
HaverHtlck, gecietary; George Rran
delH, Ireaaurer, and A. W, Jeffcrla,
gpneral counael.
Thla wa done at the meeting of the
committer) recently appointed by thoe
Interested lii the movement. The meet
ing wa held In tim office of W. A.
Kmser at tho Woodmen of I ho World
heiidiUH iters, lilreclors were first elected
to erve until the last Tuesday In Jan
uary, l!H7, ita follow: N. II. t'pdlku, A.
W, Jeficrls, tieorgo Urandels, W. A.
I'raser, V. W. Judaon and Heorga Haver-
tick. It wa the director who chose
the officer in tint meeting culled im
mediately after their own election.
Member dueled to the building com
mittee are, VV. A. Kraser, N. fl. Updike
and tleorge Hriindels.
May hange Location.
Afler announcing aninn lo weeii ago
tht Kin club hud purchased a lot. at
Nln'ieeiiHi and liougl.M slreel for the
location of the club house, tn director
now say they havs not definitely decided
upon a location. "It waa suggested that
a more central location might be
cured," said Mr. Kraaer In u ttement,
'and It waa agreed that the director
would meet on the seventh floor of the
Woodmen of the World building at 1 p.
m. Friday, April 2, and at that time ac
cept such proposition ai real estate
owner and agent might car to luhmlt,
together, with term of payment and uch
other Inducement any of them might
care to offer. Location lo be consid
ered will be confined to territory bounded
by Jackson 'reet on tha outh, Thlr
teentli on the east, Capitol avenue on
the north and Twenty-fourth on tha
"About 400 eppllcallo'n for membar-
shlp have alrnady been received and
about 'M of tha W Ufa membership
have already been taken."
Architect In l.el llasy.
A goon, es the location I definitely
decided upon, tha director ay, 1h
archlleei will be einpl'i-ed to draw plan,
and until that time nothing definite can
be aald a lo the height of the building,
a a that will depend upon the width ot
the lot finally decided upon.
They Intend to go ahead with the
building a fast a posalbi when all th
preliminaries are out of the way.
Home Talent Play
At Miller School
Air. J, W. ICvun, directing "Th Old
I'lstrlct School," which will be given on
Friday, April at, at th auditorium of
ttie Miller school, haa thirty-two char
acter In the piece.
An Interesting feature will be tha cos
tuming, dresse of threescore yeara ago
to the minutest detail being used. Mem
ber of Mother' Circle will furnish th
music. The Mother' Circle of tha Miller
school vicinity are fostering tha enter
talnment for the purpose of presenting
the school with a piano for th us of
lli! scholars. The teacher and all th
members of the cast and th member
of th Mothers' Clnle will attend th
performance of "A Ooaom Friend ot
Bowser" at the new Krug Saturday even.
Ing In a body.
Mis Helen liakorsey, 17, sister of Mr.
John Clleryk, 8H.I4 South isth treet, com
mitted aiilelue In the Uei.nett hotel at
Lincoln lust ivenlng. by taking poison"
8lu had told people about the hotel that
she hud trouble with her sister. Early
In the evening shu went out to mall a
letter and, on coming back, asked to be
i a I Ud In an hum. '"Im clerk found her
In her death struitjile.
The girl had been working aa a do
mcstlo In Omaha. Vtatcrday when her
sinter culled up the home where she wa
employed, she learned OmI ahe had gene,
without anylng where. Some time ago
while living together the two sister had
a difference over homo management, but
It wits not serious. The girl itad been III
and melancholy and Mrs. tileryk at
tributes thn suicide to this cause.
Mr. tilery k Is a messenger with the
Wells Kaigo Kx press company.
WASHINGTON'. April 21 - I'resklenl
vv n , ii pl hi in I'h biileU b a this after
t, iii.ii .i set, bis newest si siiib'Ulltt. tha'it. r of Mr and M's Francis II
(a It. turn recent:. Tie preside I prob
ably w II tannin to WasHimd m I m-ilit
He slim Ii m d a i.illiit t imiHIitt lit ot tl, r
to Ir.sVf
lrlrr-l r,
VjOltK, Neb. Mud :!. -ii.'il I - fun
itets, - stid lltt-s I. its I rttss were mar
rte.l at the iit,m i.f tim bil. a imiini,,
Mr iiiid Urn 1 I: t !.. Ur, W.
V arr cf ft. Mini
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Room, vaitK Hath,
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Suites, $1.00 Per Diy Up,
RttOHt ) r sat vv,
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400 Miles From Home, Fire Got Us;
Ruined Our Car; Spoiled Our Tour
Touring. Home, 400 miles
''Devil take business," said
I, and sniffed the country air.
"A month of this and I'll be
a new man."
Bang! Went the carburetor.
"What's the matter?" I de
manded, as George stopped the
car with a jerk.
"Jump," he yelled. "It's
on firev."
We jumped not a second too
soon. Quick as a flash the
whole car was one roaring flame.
George sprinted for the near
est house. Too late. Before he
got half way there the new
machine was gone. Scrap-iron.
"Good-bye, Tour," I moaned.
"Only last week I saw a whole
window full of those Pyrene Fire
Extinguishers and didn't stop to
A Pyrene gun would have
stopped the fire dead; saved us
from the danger of being burned
alive; caved the car; saved the
tour; saved my disposition.
It took us two weeks to select
a new car -two months more
to get delivery. We were with
out a car when we needed one
most right in the middle of the
touring season.
Take a tip from me and don't
start anywhere in your car with
out Pyrene.
All merchants are displaying
Pyrene this week. Don't let it
go by without buying one 'for
your car and one for your home.
Pyrene pays for itself by sav
ing you 15 per cent, each year
on your auto insurance.
- $7.50 complete with auto
Inspected, approved and labeled by
the Underwriters' Laboratories, Inc.
The Pyrene ManufacturingCompatry
will send an experienced fuc prevention
engineer to in'rct nny l..ctory, insti
tution or buildup. Thi service is ren
dered free of charge.
Write for new catttlug of complete
line of fire protection Appliance! And fire
department r julpmcnt.
I ; 'ff,V '
i : V !
Ii, paw .in i ! - -. i Zf - - t I
1-1- h !Vfi
a '
Sis was trapped. Father and mother
were away, 1 grabbed the Pyrene and
with a few pumps smothered the fire.
I hate to think what might have hap
jwned that night without Pyrene.
Pyrene Manufacturing Co.
219 S. 19th St., Omaha, Neb.
l J, McCONALD, Branch Manager
Pyrene is sold by automobile supply and
hardware dealers, electrical, mill supply
and implement dealers, leading drug
stores, department and general stores.
" .-a i 1 1. . 1 1-. i i i i i a
lim t - ' . r
t satisslius m .4 S. a, IliaJai h,
i. .. S s I l' I i, . I- ..,.
' ah. a an i. I , ' at. t
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Oct into bumc via the "UviaintM Chance
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SaHJ ghjaslWisSiSaMliVat
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