flTE BEE: CW ATTA. SATURDAY, ArRTL 22. 1H16. Friday, April 21, 1916- AJJ th. lat.et books ar. U b . circulating library at 9o eday -BURGESS-NASH STORE NEWS FOR SATURDAY. - Jew Victor BWoords Kow &e,dy Com Bear Them. Phone D. 137. to Get ADY for EAST ft RE .'V "C4 NEW GLOVES Are Necessary to Complete Your EASTER OUTFIT W styles are here for your choosing, Despite the scarcity of fine French Kid gloves we are showing In our glove department a U NOT I JW. V 1 New atylei erlen, ' J? kid gli DH.OO, $1.25 pair. Kayser's two-clatip chamoisette gloves, at Me. urg ess-Wash Co. MU Hoot, most wonderful collection of French gloves, a delayed shipment Just re ceived, we are ' prepared to meet every demand. New style and exquisite embroid eries we call special attention two-clasp pique. French glove. In black and white with handsome embroid ered backs and con t ranting!, Vi-lnch welt. At the special price of 9 1.7ft pair. Other handsome stylts and col ore at 92.00 and 92.no pair. Two-clasp overseam kid gloves In black and white with contrast ing stitching, at 91 .AO pair. Two-clasp overseam lambskin gloven In black, while and colors, a splendid quality at 91.2ft P&lr, Kid gloves for children, boys and girls, at 91.2ft pair. Kayser silk gloves at ftoc, 75c, New Blouses Must Not Be Forgot ten in Choosing Easter Wardrobes TTlVEJlY rharminjj mode at its best, for womr-n who Bcek i-J tho "iinusiml" in blouse. A hont of lovely new blotwos, values exceptional, filmy of fabric, radiantly new of color, Ktirely no blouses of a forrn- or hnstertide Mere as fascinating as these blouses of - Georgette Crepe Fine Voile Handkerchief Linen Crepe de Chine Soft Batiste Chiffon Net and Lace Lustrous Silks Pussy Willow BIoukob in white and pale tints to don with the after noon costume, and blouses (suited to every day needs. They prove their importance jn the has tor outfit by the addition al attractiveness of their pricings. 92.50, 3.05, 95.00, $0.50 to $10.00 and more. Bnrgaes-ITssh Co con4 rioor. An Extraordinary Sale Saturday of Easter Trimmed Hats Regularly $7.50, $10.00, $12.50 $5.00 : "TX7K have set for ourselves tt the ta.sk of offering for Easter the best $5.00 hats in Omaha. Included in this event are hats which discriminating women of fashion select and wear for all occasions. To realize how smart lookincr these hats are yon must personally see them. LAMM MIIOrtH WHITE If ATS KPOKI' HATH Mr.IfllM HMUf'M SMAM, HAII)R8 ha i it i;im;k hats POKES TtnUANS TIUHOH.VFH Tlie season's most fashionable shapes for every occa sion; side roll Bailors, drooping bailors, mushroom hats, close litting bats and poke bonnets. Niown in every new coloring, white and black. Bnrgess-ltasli Co. eeonl Floor Girls' NEW TUB Frocks Combining Style with Moderate Pricing ff LIXIOX, cliHinbray, gingham or pique, empire guirope J flresses, quaint little Jmtch frill frocks; coatee and Russian blouse styles. Pockets, belts and feather-stitching afford novel notes to delight the little tot. Prices $1.95, $2.50, $3.95 to $12.50 Children's Coats $5.95, $7.95, $10, $15 and Up I'niqne anil nobby styles - surge, golflnes, noYnlty chocks, Diagonal weaves nl Pllko. Charming types, trimmed with sheer embroidery collars, fetching belts and ronti unied colorings. Biirvtss-Wssb Co. -ejeoon4 floor. New Coats of Character $15.00, $19.50, $25.00 v. 1 I 4 nm 1 , u.maiu nni uncommon in cut are 0 theso long, two coat, nomo with out any belt whatever, others with idt belts or belted nil tho way around. A fen of the emit of bhtek nnd white 1 In-eked serye lire t riiiiiiii'd with blek tuttVta bnnN. Uhl i hlid -Mils. ihlruhllU. In light riiuuil, t-reiittf'tl ttneit bis' k and t roal ii fina iliM!ii. . rsr. Kill '1 iori ri m tU an I wm.l ) (In l ull toti, Inttl, itit lamdi In "i iti.i.i f 't iiion an. !" ! t Ur tlx'. r r)ll' I 4 AO 1. 1 TA tMi, WOMEN'S EA3TEK SUITS INDIVIDUALIZED TYFE3 i.M.ro, ?:J5, 15, III .HmIU tk4t lk llijl ,,f cc1ltuli'.. i'tt tin1 I ! t I ' roi, nut !t i i n,i sill t liiflw ll!i .U ri int.iu iv.nipin t l. i ' a . . , . t hk, f. 'Il"t l 'I' '' lhr.k q. ( -Kluhirt Pretty Earrings at $1.00 NOVKLTV earrings, pearl button, pearl and Jet but tons, pearl drop effects In many odd and pretty combina tions, colored stone effects, etc.; you'll surely want a pair for Easter, I.OO. 27-lnch graduated wax filled pearl beads, hare a beautiful oriental lustre, Th proper length and alae, a string, $1.50. urrMi-Vtkh Co Mala moor. Burnasco Quality Pure Silk BOOT HOSE at 50 Cents WOMEN'S pure thread silk boot hose, black or white. full fashioned, regular mad foot, mercerized garter tops, floe pair. WOMEN'S HOHK, floe. l'1n cotton, black or wnlt. full fashioned, full regular made, double garter tops, arte pair. PUKK MILK JIOKR, 00c. The mill calls them seconds. black only, very special, floo pair. Bnrgsts.VasB Co Mala rioor. Imitation White Fox Scarfs $5.00 to $7.00 "TVMV much the- V vofiriie as a summer neck , d refin ing, lhcfie new styles. New Neck- Your New EASTER SUIT is Here at B u rgess-Nash REM A XI) we assure you it possces cvorj requirement you can demand. The clothem ideals of M'vernl of the eounfry's fore most designers arc here ready for you to slip on, to ee their distinct ivonoKn, to feel their comfort, and to give them the enthusiastic fipproval, which is their due. The showing, which Is remarkably complete, rcprenen(s the skill and genius of the high est class tailor shops, revealing tho very newest Ideas In incn'a clothes. Kvery yurmeiit Is strictly "hand-tailored" throughout, made to conform with our specifications, the .BTOGESS-NASl STANDARD which means the best at any price. In fact, we feature itrlrt!y "hand tailored' suits for men and young men at a price range of $13.65 to $40.00 Smart models for young men, more mature models for elderly men, and a wide rango of mpdels for careful dressers of any age, In every garment there Is quality of fabric and standard of workmanship that we Mund back of. The fabrics new in weave, In color, In teiture. And each Is guaranty ,1 unqualifiedly as to fastness and wear (Important Just now, you know), We feature for Saturday Men's New Suits at $25.00 THERE'S everything about them the material the fit the style the patterns that means satlsfHctlon to you, and which means genuine service when you buy and money back cheerfully If you're not pleased. New double-breasted, 3-button, son row collar, nign waist line. New I'lnch back, half belted walHt lln, plain or slide pockets our own creation. New 1, 2 and 3-button sacka, form tracing, well defined lines, aeml-bot bark long vent. Men's Spring Suits at $16.50 TWO or three-button sack, regular or narrow lapel, with or without notch or peak. Patch or muff pockets, form tracing and pinch back or Held model for the young men, and the more conservative models for the older man, Iong, atouts, regulars and rllms, to fit any shape. Exceptions,! vaiuca at .nriiiuMi I.O. sroartn moor. Very distinctive wear Hand embroider ed goorgctte and net collars, with jabots efforts; ulso georg ette crepe flschus and ploatlngs, rOd to 83.50 Tea Veil In black and colors, to match your costumes, tWc to fl.oo. urgMs-Vasb Co. X&la moor. Two Special Hand Bag Values Along grain leather back, strap envelope purse," with assorted colored tlespi, leather lined nvd Inside framo purse, $I.!M. Hand Bas, $4.95, An Easter Special A real Morocco hand bag. two styles, both gathered effects with a pretty narrow chased German sil ver frame (are exact copy of a sterling frame). Hags are silk lined, fitted with mirror and have Insldo frame purses, white kid lined. An unusually good, anappy and serviceable bait and an ex treme value, at $I.U5. Barg Co. Mala moor. COMMUNITY SILVERWARE in Patrician and Sheraton Patterns A GLANCE at the leading periodicals will convince you why Commun- il-lty riilver plate is the vogue of all table silverware and wny should havo It on your table The most complete stock In Omaha you T'UHDoonli. set fif six..... $3.16 TuliU Hpniino, sat "t tlir... . , . . .1 a. IS jnn.'Tt Hnoons, "t or nx 91.00 AtM'.r rHiiiiiir V)ffo Kiioono, set of a x 0 UVIork Tea Spoons, sot of six, Oranao Hixions, t of six ...... $3.00 I'rtatn I'tl, cnrli ,.,11.38 Ornvy 7 .j.rl In, eHh ............. .11.60 Kerry npoon, chcIi fl.76 Hain't Sp'ic.ri. rurh 11.76 CoM Mat Forks, each 61.36 flalsil Korfcs. set MM Ovular T'orlis aa.vo Pie Forks :.400 Hollow handle, tne-llum Knife- soil IVirk glO.30 Hollow han11s - Dessert Knlfo tin 'I FVrk $9.80 Pint hari'll., mi1liim, Knlfo aivl Fork 7.60 Anrl a full lln of alt the miscel laneous pieces. Bargss-irsib go. aula moor. Marked Individuality in Women's and Children's Easter Footwear IT 18 wonderful what praeo of lino well made and reliable footwear can have. That is what characterizes the J'ur-nesfi-Xash Easter selection. Our Rpeeial pumps, colonials and oxfords, per fect fitting and made especially to our order, poft dull kid, black lius- sia calf, patent kid and white nile- cloth, thirty styles; prices $3.50 and $4.00. Children's Low Shoes infitep Ktrup Pump Two Strap Pumps One Klrap Pumps $1.00 to $3.50 Borr.as-Vs. a Co. Booonil rioor. tii vi r-i i am Novelty Pumps Roman Sandals ICngllHb Ankle Ties Your New Easter HAT BETTER come bare Saturday and pick It out. We'll assure you therea no better place. A style to suit every type of face. , 1UU at sa.oo. Murnasco Spe cial hats, soft or Miff. Hats at $.1.00. Purges - Nash feature bats, soft or stiff. SteUon Jlats, Tou know the worth of a Stet son, many new styles as well as the old favorites, tK3.AO to SIO.OO. Burgess-Wash Co. rourth rioor. Drugs and Toilets DJ-Kr-KfKs Face Powder, 4rW. Mennen'a Talcum Powder, lie Hind's Honey and Almond Cream, 20c. Pebrco Tooth Taste, 2ftc. Jap Rose Soap, cake, Be. Ed Plnaud'a LI I as Vegetal, fiOo. Llsterlne, 60c slr.e, 20c. Canthrox, SOc size, 20c, Sul Kepatlca, 25c size, 10. Sanl-KIush, 25c site, 17o. Ivory floap, 10 cakes, n; Bnrgess-Bssli Co. Mela Floor. Potted EASTER LILIES at 10c L A II G E h ealthy plants, with .'5 4, i or more b u d s and blooms, spe cial Saturday, at 10 per bud or flower. Barg.ss-Bseb Co. Bueru.nl "Wirthmor" Waists, $1.00 T r you do not already know. It will bo a d.-llght to learn how thoroughly deimndablo and in gmul tant are the Wlrthmor watstn at I1.no. unrf If von tiave sever worn a "Wlnbrnnr" you do not know how good a wtt I.(h win buy, Four new rtunlels on suln urday, at Wlrthnmr waists are sold at Jmt una store in r t r y city. In this rttr tliey at imiM te en lirvH. a klsv, t loo. ae aUv worth mt-re hb Co.-at..!....! $1 Charming Easter Hats, Us ual $5.00 Values at $1.98 li VI l HHVV will !).. rit k-' of tt , it fur I'tii V .is." - "v. . $1.98 rbeaikg new nittHneir and a' r r wttd a . bt ).. t (if (li"i llrt.if iipMn. ci.!i. t oil r ait uu re m r a bUr '' a a4 f iitn.it I i ftatuHay Any Child' lint, 6t)c V-tu (ii.i(n I I i !'. of a t'kM l it U tl' l fmi'l In 'it Women's EASTER SUITS Values to $19.50 at $12.95 TiltC frlie il. S" ler of mil In ariy wy Indicate the clmr- I hi' ginncnl ami tli mulerUlx, torkt!innliit and fliilnli ate tnr In ailvniun of an) ttiin )t offiTcil nt micli a tnoderatit erne fwnal lvli, nrw flum lurk (iia inii.tflx, nelly trlninieit, all mouI s -, pupMne and ilnvki In navy, c(pn hagea and black, all i.!k Imii'ss, suits that r furmrrlv 'fl"-, t 1 1 '.. II? 7.', and II "', jm. ul f-r M ii l.n i kll.l Kti'i (' BUem.M: 5 12.95 Women's New Silk Petti coats, $4 Values, $2.39 (' f ilk t ti h,. l i iri!,ui wlili the h ejiitrn a ill M.i tillrii lil'tU wild il-. m l . I .-'in r liftMtn e si-d. a!-t lh. icuik wanio.1 I l 4 I li J til ' fi i 1 lf r' "-i if S 'i. k.)ii at 1 1 (, l ii fur el .r Ur niil, rlinlia f f . ........ $2.39 Bring the Boy Here Saturday for His New EASTER SUIT 'P HK assortments are as new as the sulfa are fine. Practically every x day this week brought In new shipments and Saturday the variety la full to completion. Kvery good, all-wool fabric, every color, every pattern that any woman can want to see on her boy, or tbat any boy can have a fancy for, will be found In this collection. , llojs' Nulta, t;.(5 to I.M) Hats and Caps, 50e to 14.50. We feature for Baturday Boys' Norfolk Suits With Two Pair of Pants Saturday for $4.95 Oi orf, sturdy fabrics, In new patterns and colorings, splendidly tailored and finished. The coats are single and double- A Mft breasted Norfolk styles, with two pairs of knlrkerbocker n pants, lined throughout. Hires for ages to 17 yean. Tii71' You'll appreciate the remarkable values. Saturday, at. ..... . FREE Boys' Pocket Savings Bank. With rvery purchase In the Boye' Clothing or Furnishing Depart ments Buturday we will give a unique nickel-plated pocket saving bana, jBnrgesS'lfaeh Co. rourth rioor. Men! Saturday Before Easter TUB SILK SHIRTS at $3.45 A REMARKABLE sale of satin striped tub silk shirts, well made, perfect fitting. French cuffs, coat atyle. Splendid assortment of patterns; at the price we will offer them they will certainly go fast. We would advise being at the store when It opens. The prlco will average about H reduction, special, at 93.45. Silk Front Shirts 95c Shirta with silk front bosoms and cuffs made of silk same aa our $3,00 shirts; body made to match of mad ras cloth. I'oat style. French cuffa. neck bsnd. A limited number of these shirts, all good aires, plenty of small aires. Rale price 95c Men's Easter Neckwear, 45S 65 and $1.00 Neckwear purchased very advantageoualy from one of Amerlca'a fore moat manufacturers of high grade ararfs and neweat Spring 4-ln-hands. In tills group are stripes, plaids, checks, figures and apota In color coinblnatlona of more than ordinary attractiveness, also em broidered figured effects and new patterns of famous Imported "Kng llxh make. Men's Easter Gloves Horrlsan's Reindeer fabric and Kayser's silk gloves In the 191 Spring nhiides at $1.00 and I1.C0, also fawns and II. & P. gloves at upaelal llntiter prices, Bnrrs.-X.h Co. M.tn rtoor. We've Enlarged Our Men's Shoe SectionFourth Floor 'PlIK new Spring lines are complete, and wo claim the - l"'M Mm in of nu n's good xlm to be found any where, James A. Hammer fine boots and oiforda tj be bad here, mil)- In Ouuiha. iiiit.ili-i t.m anil lil.uk Ku.hU cnir f"inl. ibe in Amor and Knvoy lat (' lining mm. 7.ihi pair. I'lmr lie" HvfuiiU of (tn !u.U t'lf gild b" calf Neiilln milt-., wf belter tli.ii liallur. iu.nlfii by the maim i turn.. t M kiuI YtN, wuty i llifu l.l and patterns, rn ln In ptl. r ftmu f t, Ml t.t '.tMt, Hoys' Shoes on Fourth Floor Vnll. IUm' Hh are n, m atrd nn thu fourth f!'r- n r tjn i li-m rd filter III ili.rix. wr..e R.a c ,yjra rUut. YPS TTT. t Sporting Goods-Fourth Floor li.t' t'dt.lt.-r' MiH, Pi' M. r' tit-nn r lUt, resnilur l iit t- ,VV, Saliinl.iN, t-u. !, iot' tM.r' UImvi, rKu!it!y '' S.tim.,v, 15. OOI.r HA0S-A .MMiplol. Iin.' ut $3i to $1400. K0t.I.r.R 8KATF.S lull l-anm ki.nl. iv.lju tt "I" 'I i SI 0 I iir H-i'-m N.a ft mi HGESS-irJASH W) 7 ,!! .. I I I !. II l, I ik t',,.i n lil S, 1U ',,) f .1 i -1 i ,.!' in ORIGINAL 1HCKS0N 8U1T3 It EKE ONLY IN OMAHA ti ' l-i I .' ' ' ! t )' ! G9c fevii irrn cirb . oron rx"