THK BI'.H: OMAHA, SA'LTIIPAY, AI'WIL I'.HG. MOVE ON FOOT TO PAY OFF MORTGAGE Young Men'i Christian Aiiociation i-vomaj mn to Hear Build ing: of Debt. CAMPAIGN IS TO START SOON A movement to pay off th mort Mge of $36,00o again! the Omaha onug Men' Christian AattoclatloD building and to mipply money for mrrcnt cxpcnae of the Inalltuflon Id to be launched In Omaha. Heventy-flva buine men and di rector of the young Men' (brl t'dfi association lunched In the south I'inlng room of the Commercial club nnd heard H. M, f!eardiey of Kan !. city In an addre on Young Men' Ohrlatlan association work, Mr. fleardeley fa preldent of the, Kanaaa City aHorlntlon and ba been for twenty fv year. II la an at torney and a former mayor of that city, He la moderator of the Council f f Conirreiratlonal churchea of the fnlfed fit ate. I'le lor srl. Mr, flerdly dwelt on the orh -romnltshed by th Toun Men ''hrls lnn saoristnn all over the won't, and mart a plea for hearty support, of thl movement In Omaha for rfelng more fund to further the work here, The bualnes men will oinlw the ctnpsl- an4 ln wllh the euh'rtt tlon list, shortly, Th Vwina Men t'hrlsllan a'elrln building at Seventeenth and lfriey Ii heen occupied nine yer. The tvl'dom ft tho of lh hullUna committee at the turn In hullflln tmn h leiar than e"m"d nei;eary at. that time ha been demon atrated by the fact that the structure I at present crowded, and there ate many Mine when the ecrtiy la put to the text to find room enough In which to crry on all the vrtnit activities that ac-urntilata al any ona time, 'In Vrrm from Debt. Although eomethlnf over IKrt.iW waa rslaad ten ysr ago for thla building, It coat over f:W,0, and a mortgage of MM hea atood agalnet It aver alnce. There la a general feeling among tha director that thla ahrnild now be cleaned tip by a aiibaerlptlon campaign, and that tha aaocltlnn ahould be put on a lear UMUig, free from annual fnterent chaige and other bllgatlone, to branch out and aitend Ita work where they believe tha work ahould ha (-(tended al the present time, "We are unable to do many of tha thin we feel that wa ahould be doing now," id Kecretary Jv-nnlaon, "and there la a f'H"g that we ahould be put In the clear and that aome money ahould b ralaed for current expense ao that Ida work could go hed batter and In a broader way. The building need over hauling, painting, decorating, tha renewal of machinery and lota of neceltlg. "What tha aaaoclatlon wanta to do la to go on eipandlng to keep up lla work In proportion to the growth of tha city, and do Ita part In thla great development of tha metropolla that la taking place." Stolen Automobile Bubble Bursts Soon After Club Notified Telephone meeeegea were buzzing thick and faat for a few minute early KHday morning between police headquarter, tha downtown headtuartere of the Omana Automobile club and tha Wehater atreet depot. Attendant at tha automohlla club heed quarter when thay arrived at the office were complaining that there waa "noth (ng new und'-r the aim." Thera aoon ana quite a bit new, Nelson 11, t'pdlke drove hie "big tour ing ear to tha Wrheter atreet depot, leav ing Inn! ruction for hla chauffeur to all for the machine and departed from .he city on an early train, Hut aome way tha Instruction went iway and aoon th depot employe b jnn to entertain aueplilona that Joyrld rra or automobile thleven bad atolen the r and then at amhmed It after an attack nf fnlnt heart. The f.olh were notified, who tn turn i oniinunh nted with H. K. rtn'tli. alt tint eecrt'lury of the automobile club Mr Wmyth huirled to the acene and aa ifitained thnl It waa Mr. rpdlke' rnv ililne. He took charge of the altuatlon, hrh had attrai'led a crowd of the en none, until lh arrival of Mr t'pdlku'a Hrlwr. Kaiilannllona followed and th ' tolcn anlntiniliile" hutihle tiurt. "Some Kervi.e, Hn)y," argued Hie au-l-imohlle lull bubInIhiiI necn-tary. School Children of Germany Subscribe to the War Loan i( 'nrreiuiidi m e of the A"irilei Prei ) MRItl.lN, Manlt vMtti uhrlplln tu tha fmirtli Ueiman l"u ' erely Hint"! . aileala o Ihe ai-hexd i-lilldien l" ilet their tffnrt iluilri the mrlu-i' 1,'KiK are alfealy t'eln nl nut T rt ini M'''I"I rinilim 1 lein Uhl Hi oaltltlty of fOI'IU III hih'lier I. .,! h are iio i, i Imv ,e n rle money , t ihi"i own a jl fitting nn, i.n r tttiii n, lii-t U.I time n, hnot tniil en tMl . uh, In ! tMfl I an abo il inaikt It I ihatt In II. nut itluo lit I'm I. it ali II ' 'tipi; (ill tn MM ioih in auni ol hm I m'k iftt1 t'i et. tia ,rli. n if Mil ilMll,-H In I. j ill. (he o " nf I on hat a i , . .T t i II t. ' l l i ! ll !! i " ,i'.,C, i a hit I i ! tht i.,i h- ai'k i- iinw Hii i t,i"i I H !( -.ll -i-ll. hi.M '' '" l i a'l i.f (( ' oiog a unoa ueuaf 1 1-a a ino . ' " mih iiih i- t f i . i a t u a i 1 1 I,, ' i,i i m ' a, o i an I re I ,1i.l ,H i. i -,.j l,',i.l: 1 n ifc 1 i -.i I ''! m 'lr 111 "i ' i - i I 'i'oii -i i la !, a t i 1 1, t I aa t trm iMtiitaxettrtN Hht Jka mi' i t S li tl 'k n t l ' . a ! a i t !' I'i -V ,1 .l.a.,(. tra n 4 I t -i Mia t-e 1 a.-l M in i- ' W It tl-V (J I' . it " 1' l .Hff Aided By a Helping Advice, Gray Hair Intrnducln,' laldlee 'n' Ken n'emen, Inil liiay lUIr, the educated Indian I-oiila lan't one of thoae red men of whom th poet aang "l,o, the poor In illun, whose untutored mind" So, no, Mula' mind I tutored Unila cn wrll a hla name' II wrote It on the back of a chaek up In the I'nlted Miatea marabnl a nfftca. A reporter a him do It. The reporter complimented him and toula almnat anillad. Ill wife, Jan Four rinud, aaw him do It, too. f'ciar Hharp Hack M him, alan I'eter had juat flnlahad making hi mark on a check and deputy Mwrahal Nick eiaon bad to guide the pen even In that operation. I.oula Gray Hair graaped the pen In a nand that aeemad deignd raiher for Ilia tomahawk, braced hlmaalf firmly agaiuat the (oiiiiler, look liU tnngu he tween hi teeth nd wrote. II wrote tlie lellr of the whit mn. Th fien m ratched and eputtered, but lyjul per evertd, Father Fitzgerald In Serious Condition at Local Hospital Key William T. Ft4iarld, W) yer old, aealatant paator t t, Cacella'a Catholic church, I In a rtou condition t tt Joaeph hoapltl. He waa oper -j aiad uoon Thurdy by fr. C, C, AlHaon for an tnlHnal dlaorder llev, Mr, fltzgerald wa ordained t Ht. 1'eol aemlnary, HI Paul. Minn., four year ago, and came at once to Omaha, I'non hla arrival heie he waa erit to Grand laland, where he aerved aa aa- alatanl paaior for al month, I II came back to Omaha aealatant . paator at Hi I'eter church for ala month, later returning to rand laland j for a coimlderalle period lie then came bk to ftrnaha, wher for the diet year Ji haa tieen aealatant paator i Ml, i f'ocilia'a church, Ida parenla are dead, but a brother and elaler reaKle at tne old home In .lartford, fonn, Nefor hla recent lllneaa h waa cotitemplatliig a trip to Hartford early lu the eummer, Pioneer South Side Livery Man Is Dead 1 J. f"rpentr, 0 yeara old, pioneer livery mn of tha Houth HiiU, a realdent of tha county for the leaf thirty year, dleij at. hi farm home on I tie Ft. Crook boulevard aoulh of the ( ty Thunday evening at It o'clock, heath w due t.o complication of cauaea, principally old ag. Carpenter waa for yeara one of the moat prominent, bualrwe men of the Houlh Hide, owning on of th largnat llvry tiable In Orealsr Omaha. He la; on of th erllet pioneer In thla part i nf th county and h lived In flout I) Omeh for nearly thirty year contlnu oualy until a few year ago, when lie retired from actlv bulne and look up reeldeno outh of th city. Flv year ago hi wlf died, lla I iirvlved by on daughter, Mr, Karl Brown, who Uvea on th Carpenter farm. Tha funer! w held Friday afternoon at i o'clock from th residence, llev rtobrt I Wheeler officiating. Interment will b mad Saturday In the cemetery at Ktneraon, fa., wher h haa relative, SATURDAY SALE Candy, Perfume MaMBMBMSBMSBaHaaaaBBBaaHaaaae naBBBBBBBaaaaBaBaaaBaaBBaaaBBaaaaaflBaBBBaaBBaBBaaBBi and Toilet Articles --at the SHERMAN & McCONNELL DRUG STORES K.1KTKR MXl )VK Re pkg- color. Ilox of Regalias for Nnrwk-h Dental (Vauu, apeclal cut Special Cut Prices on Some WELL KNOWN TOILET and MEDICINAL Items: jr.o lloulilKHiit'a 4 n Kirn I'wilr.. for. 'C price, 2ho alia, for. , 14c IIIKHMtN IMI'I Tl-I '-M lull lint Tlirmn Hot Ileal, VI, l.tvo, '-'.50. lull Qnurt 1 lionnoa llol Ilea, 'j,, $;i.rut, MUl MKN fir Pep-n mint, : for II I'lnkhatn' Vegtitalile t mil 2le I.aiell e Maaaata Talc . 11.00 Wlna Card til, fur . . -Sfjc (ido ro tin for , , ( (iKS Ntntikora, reaiipitibeir iMlunlaj In our lr llepaj-t llH'tlt, r Prefrren ( la fur . I III I till n II old. fur, . I ,'ir He) iinltlu dlitnii. rarh ln nf I era, I ,'. (t V , f"ll fP ml t'.r tor, 5c 25c lirn CIO ' una! I M i linger A ltllot' Vl'i let r'Urai l. CQ per o'iiii . v JW thicrlaln I" ranch Jnrliej KilraiJ, CJ per tiuni. , . wC 1t I f k e r . er ll,,!f Quet.ii I it rail ir otitv . . I I UU Itelatl Nefte l onir 85c $1.65 $1.65 tl IteBf) llenf . ("I ltii l.f td ( Ittla Ton Jit Ktl Tableti f..r WK lit l it I H l.iMltl- I'ltllMI Sherman aMcConnell Drug Company Corner Uth and Dodft Strcett. Owl Drug Co., Uth find ll.uncy, ItArvAfif, 2Stli nd rrnani New Store Soon st Nineteenth and Firmm Sis. Hand and Much Writes His Name He waa already lu'Rliinina on the "i" ahen I'eputy Nlckeraon artopped him. "Vou forgot th '' on th end." ha aald "I gh." auld lyiula, he heinn all over again. It apparently dldn I occur to him to add the "a" without arndlug th pen traveling th ilovtnu route over the ret of hla first name. , Thla done, he hegnn ugaln on hla aec oud naina, "Now don't forget the a' thla time." warned Nli karaort alernly, "Nick" haa liipi'iintendrd I oii!m' wtllllia of hla rl nature on aeveral occaaluna before. Mi Loula got Ihe "a" In and then aal-ed triumphantly on to th end of hla In ait nam. "Willi (i r ii mi ()i lio'ulia pra," mid .lane Four Cloud, ho hud been an admiring wltuea of liar litiahand an ompllahment, Appanntly ehe wea i onipllmenMiia h'm. lie prrtendd to think nothing of It, he raaponded with a atolld "Cgh," con veylng tht Impreaatnn that ha rould writ a whole pnge If he wntd to. Largest Range Sheep Market In the World Looks to Montana flht pagea of half-tonaa and reading matter concerning Ornaha'a Indnatrlal plant and bualneaa aertlun are contained In th laleal Indualrlal and Agricultural ftevlaw, publlahed by (laorge V, Cram nf Chicago, The -ul and Information wer furnlahad by the bureau of public ity of Omaha. The Helena Dally Independent, edition of HuMa y, A in II M, contiiina a full page alory a lib cut concerning th Ilv atock market In the Colon tock yarda In Omaha. Thla waa alao furnlahcd by Ihe bureau of publicity on request of the editor of the papar. Will Cmphell, for merly of Omaha. The article la an at tractive on In a atock country like Mon tana, aln'e It la headed, "Omaha, I -argent Itange Mheep Market In the World, !ooka to Montana,'' Tha article give Ihe Ma lory of tha slock yards and th market In Houth Omaha, and carrle th flgurea and fact tip tu th recant phnomenl receipt of clock wljcn put Omah second In receipt In tha I'nltad IMate. THALIAN APARTMENTS ARE SOLD FOR $75,000 Th T1ialln apartments, 6M Knuth Twenty-flrat atreet, have been old by (leotge. Iteginald Kroat and wlf to Jam's V, Thompaon, Th consider lion I said to have been In the neighborhood of $;6.t Whtn Itching Stops There la one aafe, dep ulabla lieal- nient that relieve Itching tortnr In stantly and that cleanae and soot lies the akin. Ask any driigiflet for a 2f.c bottl of r.ftno and apply H aa directed, a) ion you will find that pimples, black hinds, eczema, ringworm and similar akin trou ble will disappear, A Ht tl r.emo, the penetrating, satisfy ing liquid, I all that la needed, for It banish all (kin eruptions and make tli akin oft, smooth nnd healthy. Zemo, Cleveland. 50 Manila t Iiim uluto Cream Easter Ess Candy 10c and 25c I '11-11 I hit. $1.35 SHOULDER BRACES . 5c 64c 12c 59c 14c We aril , pr klrnU nf ahoitlUar I'lacea, truaae. mip iiirtt. ankle's, arih pKipa, etc peila I tilting, tiuiMis, ii men mi wnmn hn hat ili ne IhU nik for u ti yer ntw hj mi, ( ll KirtiUl I n'nrU 1 hili lil', in ihaie I lki - aha lea Hitler lu Num. 39c 69c ii i. I'KI l 34c 1 - OMAHA MARKET IS MODEL FOR WORLD Caii Vrooman Sayi He Telli Every body to "Go and Do ai Omaha Haa Done." THE ONE WAY TO SUCCESS "(In and (In what Omaha lu done," tnat a th recommendation Inspcr lora of tha I'nlted Stale Hopttrtment if AurlriiK urc ne lu other live mock market of (ho country, nnd eapeclally of the Mleaourl rhrr inr Ket, after niaklnit a ihornnnh In viel iKatlon nf lUe aloe It market rp u"d down the river, Carl Vrniimn. BnltMiit seeretary of rliullijre, aiieiililim liefore the iVint meri Isl club al noun, tnentlnnrit this. Me aald he had sent lnterlnra mil tn Inapect the live stuck markets of the Missouri valley aome lime o to '! t'icaa aa to how to better market condi tion, and diet their whole reciiininenrla tlon aaa rniiiil ni In the one aloan, "Ho and do what Omaha haa done." or 'Tee Ornaha'a market a a model. " The Inapertora were aft well Impreaaed with the eacefitlonally fine faclllilea In the t'nlnn stni k yard In Omaha, the new A Revelation of mi aOktfil in TP cunflifhTii vs! titi ti flan disiin o mill 11 a An Unrivaled Exhibit of Distinctive Styles and Fabrics For Men and Young Men, at 00 UMliOO ttM O00 YOUNG MEN'S STYLES Oraxfnl, no), two and thrce-biilton, high walntd model, alaghed, plain patch, lapel Pt-h and regular pockata, and th rrj popular Norfolk or plnoti back tyla, In bomeapnn, aerresi, flannel, fancy mixture and novelty we; rut tripe,, gereen check, shepherd plaid, Poran cbecka, I'lplng Rock flannel, Onft-foartb Katla Tape! Knam and Fall I laed, MEN'S SPRING STYLES Mot conaerratlfa tyl for men of middle or mor advanced age, that lend youthful line to the flffura, but quiet in gfyle and very popular and ei actly proper for the average man, Neat atrip, check, broken plaid, soft gray, brown, tana, aub dtid mlitnrea, homeepun. flannel and erge, Onei-fonrtb and Fall Mned Model. Remarkable Suits, CIO Styles and Values at . Shower Proof Top Coats Rioh Tweed and Hornet-pong, 1 n the moat attrao 1 1 e ooloringg, icUn and Rag Ian ilervea .S Pc. Trsuacrt, la tha $15 AND $18 1 Easter ' ijWv on A C m " 4I1 ; .V' tloraiToMrtNELu ho parlors where all ho irt protected from every kind of nenthei, a her not a drop of lain or a flake of now ran touch them In the fireproof, concrete iiiarters, ullli the new horse barn, also nf i-onrrete nnd sled, ahsolutely fire- - (iroof; Hh the new sheep barns, alth ; f.icllltiis for hendllna Hie vast floi ka of : ihei'ii that annually swarm In there to 1 make thla Ihe Kiealeat fenler aheep mar kei In the anrld. anil with all the modern liii Ullli s of yardnae. lhal they ar today liolilliu; up the South Omaha yard end llieli eiiulimienl a models to other mitr kem ' Mr Vrouman mke of liiinliiena metli ' oda alao and their lelatlon to aiirli iilture, He aald the I nhed Alatea is dealluetl to aaa'ioin lndimlrljl and moral leadership of the world and lie dm lined the ht.slnr . men must liethliik Iheiua. h ea aa to how Hut me kuIiik In do thl and what i iiielluidn to employ. "Hlmll we aaaume Him pnnltiun In Ihe world." he asked, "In H way that will make other nations IihIihi or us and make them seek tn hamstring this meat power, or shall we ! do ll iiy building up a lepulatlon for I honesty ami wiuaie ttKlln',' It la the ! al'lrlt of Ihe American business man that lla to determine the jcisa or failure nf the nation In the future" WALT JARDINE SAID TO BE MUCH IMPROVED i ll y Cummlaeloner Jardlna rontlnuea to Impmva. Indlrallona are he will he aide to return to hi office nent week Uecg lrJJmKJr KealaaaaVar f l S The World's Finest Master Tailored Spring Suits Unparalleled value and euporb styles, th Hcheat new weavea and (inartnat coloring; mmlela and aiiea for men of all a gee and ahapaa, on a, two nd three-button modal, ona-futirtta and full lengths. Kegular and patch pockata i "Kappenheimer" $20, $22.50, $25 up to $40 "Society Brand" Boys' Easter Suits Tbi tore offera Ui kind of Eaater BulU that pleas tbe boya. Thla atore get tb faahlon becjuiaei It undeiratundH tha clothing requirement of more than half tha boy In Omaha, and we invite all boy to come ber Saturday and tba new alylea made ape clal ly for them, 2 Pair Full Lined 7 qO-l? Trousers Styles, 0U 1 L F.very (Inoi and ropalar Material and Htrle. Suit Styles J Vi iI25 $5 I Belt t sil(k. I Cap t MKk lew Helled or I'lnch-flack Model. Confirmation Suits llandaiima ne Hlie Serge, tiarnteed ft color, varum weight, In fine and heavy wale aeave - as-.oo. 7.:o. io.oo. 12.(m Maier Hat and riater Shin and t ap i llloue - rOtandSI.(K) I -IS " Bl.W Heautiful rter Neckwear, 'iZtt " Joy Good Dinner nii..i hii. t' .al lu ii ' ! il 4 t . 1 h . i - ., 1 1 l i a ! I thlli In n: h,t . I 4i. - .. i. , 4 I . u ii l ie t Ml llftf the filii.ll IfniH .it In Ul t : ;i l ltie.;vii H .! ii'iiiii tn i iiMiim i I lit i- li. b-i la Ida fmiteatll il n. tun ell" V lint bank Maima'f iiieli'l LIYE STOCK MAN TO GO BEFORE CONGRESS M. F, McClure, President of National Exchange, Will Conduct Meat Price Probe. 0MAHANS ADVISED OF PLANS A new diHiatrli from WaahlnKton, It. ('., to IochI atock yutd authnrl tira rotivey the Inf orntat Ion that M l McClure, precldcnt of the National Stock eKchanne. ha announced t'.utt he will no before Ihe rnnnrea tional coniniiticc that la maUlou hi l.i veal I Kill Ion In Ihe Intercut of the I atlonal aaaoiiatlon lie aeeerted In Ihe dlapnl-h thai l-e will demand a ihoioujili Inv cstlital hm mi the part of the committee whether hlsh pihcs and low pioflls III th lt few ear liaie been due to iratrlrii-d com. petition, aitlflrlll foiled li the Paeli eis, or merely beiause of mitniiil cnndi Hons The fact li evldeiil, he stales, lhal price live been comparative! low In the leal few eara for no eppnrentl.v ade iliuile or easily, foreseen reason ltiauae of tlda an ln eatial Inn la nerissary, This la en Important matter for liolh sides of the fiueailnn," he ssld "At tll Mulls It ii rz x i 1 X ( h "fa; J W7 dm 1 V ' i BJl a l Men's High Grade Spring Shirts Well known make of fin ahirta. In French Percale and fine Madra. Specially priced Kater Saturday selling, Uandered and Soft ( off Htylea- IMeaaVd and Soft leou $ I 50 qua 1 1 lie $1.15 $1 .25 qualltlea !), Toe qualities 15 Mr)' Hickory Hnrklng and (latJnu Khlrt. 43f Spring Underwear Superior and Vansar Union Garment In light cotton, for enrly apring. full and three fourth length $ 1 ,(H) and !.. do, of Athletic Check Namaook In ion Suit; sold regularly at lltm- Special nuw at iTtC New Oxford Hose imt do thin, pleated Silk lloe. In black, white, rbampaane and color Keiralar lie valae for I Or eV ?A y ,,.Mj'I.IHIII1W-IIIIIII1II- " t taeaa HrewU unU Jetter Brewing Co., Ltd. OMAHA. Nf .11. ratf vtM a f e j eighteen principal live stock markets In j the t.'nited SUI. in ll'l.'. aliout cattle. .".,l.ii nK and lJ.Wl.0H0 sheep j were marketed, iheh alue belli more than b billion dollars. The tiHCkera huve milllcma Inveated, and all these Interesti ; are an laal that nu "lie wants to destroy. bin nil mint In Improve fur the public ; ;., nd We Imp- lhat roiisresa will ha.'e t'ie ; I eibuiil 'I'riule rnmnib'ilon proceed wllh Ihe im emluii 1 en Willi mnllce lowids nine wllh ihsittr fur all; mid n ,tiilnT j less will sailsfN either Ihe producer or th i finiuimer " City Hall to Close Account Arbor Day All office nf ihe ellv hall will be closed tod.' in ober anre of Arbor day. rviiiinl iluldreii i,f nil p.ihlir schools hire been reminded m the siwnlfliance of Ihe dn and ill",' liave been Impressed wl h H e t tin n ti i ! Dial Arbor day origin inl In Nebraska. The i onset at Ion inmmlllee of Hie (Uiialia V onimi a rlub w ill plan! a tree al Central 1 1 1 ar It Sihool ground, In honor Ihe HI. iik ispr-a re Teri enteii rV, and an in her tree at Train si hool, In nieinnrv cf Mrs. N. II Nelson, late president of the club, Or. Klna'a e lllaeoter. Tlieie la nulltlmi belter foi jour rough or cold thmi lie. Kin s New Dlaroverv. In use over forl jeara duaranteed. All dm a 1st Advertisement, Easter Neckwear Nothing to i-oinpnre with thin magnificent aagrt ment of aprinn nerkweur, SupIi quillitie, ntylem nmi liftttcrim yon npvnr a ) forp; a hfwildcritin array nf lh fineftl, frmn thfl fashion centerg of Amer ira 50c, 75c $1, $1.50 Wear a Now Tie E&fter. Kaster Hats nr great variety af Haia for Keseer and Hpriitg wear contain only the cholea nf Ihe Iwwt makera Tbe oeai stfles and qualttle In town, at $2. AND $3 John B.Slelson"6 Creations $3.50, $4, $5 And the nf w tye we feature 'are THK M4I, a three-Inch brim, crush orown, aoft shape. In seer ll eolors, at . . (.I.OA IIIK HOHaATIONI, a aoft roll crush erown, feather weight. In new shades. t,.aa.OO NKW i API at !. Yoa'll Want to Look Your Beet on EASTER SUNDAY Rain Coat Spec'l Medium weight, tan color, plaid lined, fall length, water proof Slip-onj ; i pec tally priced aV- $3.50 Worth $5 IJ (Scnnmt Style III. .III. II IHIBIII - MINI It. V ItaaJT UottUdl by I.