Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 22, 1916, NEWS SECTION, Image 3

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State Banking Board Refuses to
Permit Institutions in Sidney
and Scotia.
(From a Staff Corrcppondent.l
LINCOLN, .pril L'l. (Hicciul. ) On the
grounds that the town in which they
desired, to lnorrornte were as well sup
plied with banks us the community c0"' '
stand, the shito banking hoard has de
nied charters lo the State Hank of C'utn
niprce nf Sidney, with a propoHed capital
of l2r.,0K, and the Farmers' Slatn Hank
of Scotia, with l.', proposed capital.
However, two hanks filled tho requlre
nien( and were given chnrters, as fol
lows: Warn fitats hank; capital, 15,onrt; with
Harris M. Chllds, president; .1. If. Krwlnn,
rice president, and J. M, Bell, CHhhlrr.
Arthur State Hank of Arthur, lio.noo
capital, and Jerry Bowen, president;
Georgil F. Cullman, vice president, and
J. H. Oarherson, cashier.
Notes from Beatrice
and Gage County
BEATTUOr:, Neh April 21,-(Rperlnl.)-The
successful candidates for county of
fices In the republican primaries Tuesday
re aa follows: F. K. Inlmrt, district
clerk; J. C. I'enrod, counly clerk; II. D.
W'alden and J. A. O'Keefe, counly JudKe;
I.. II. Mlllen, treasure; F, V. Acton,
sheriff; Maynnrd Spink, superintendent
of schools; Adam Rlr.Mtilleri, slate sen- j
ator, representing Unge and I'uwnea
counties. There were no contests among
the democratic candidates.
A 14-year-old boy named Kramer, who
walked from Tceumsch to this city on
Wednesday night, was taken In charge
by the police, s he was wanted on a
charge of stealing articles from stores at
Auburn, Tectimsch and Rockford. The
sheriff of Johnson county was notified
and will come here after the boy.
Henry Kovnr, a farmer living two
miles northwest of Wllbcr, was struck
and instantly killed by llKhtnln during
the thunderstorm Wednesday afternoon.
Ho was on a wagon loading hay with his
on when he was kilted, but the latter
escaped. Kovar wss 52 years of 'age and
leaves large family.
MADIflOIC, Neb., April 21,-(RpeclRl.)-George
W. Dempsr y died Wednesday eve
ning at the home of his daughter, Mrs.
U. Wetzler, of this city, after a linger
ing lllqess of neuralgia of the heart.
Deceased was born In Indiana seventy
two years ago. March 80, 1872, ho was
mairled to Sarah E. Tilbury In Calhoun
eounty, Iowa, who snrvlves him. In li2
Mr. Pempsey moved from Iowa to Keya
Paha county, Nebraska, and' In 1901 he
came to Madison, where he has since re
sided. He la survived by his widow, three
daughter, Mrs. Tlosetta E, Haines, Mll
aea, Minn.; Mrs. Daisy Wetiler, and Mrs.
Delta M. Knapp of Madison, one son,
Frank Penipscy, al oi Madison, and
one brother, John W. Pempsey, near
Tilden, Neb. The funeral services will
lake place from the Metl'orilst KphH-opal
church at 3 o'clock this afternoon.
Federal Inspector
Gets Busy in State
(From a Staff Correspondent)
LINCOLN, April :i.-(Speclal.)-Pr. II, j
P.. t oh ford, federal Inspector who hn.'i
been in charge of the work In Jefferson
and Oago counties covering the cholera
ami other stock epidemics, wus confer-1
ring with State Veterinarian Anderson
this morning regarding tho work.
Pr. W, K. Howo of Denver, another
Inspector, who has had charge of In
spection work In the counties in the
northwestern part of the state, where
ilourlno has been giving the department
some trouble. Is expected here today to
take up the matter of a general Inspcc i
tlon of the' btste. ,
OfiA.V p ISLAND, Neb . April 21,-(Fpe-1
clal.)-It wss not until today that the re
sults of tho primaries on one nf the
county nominations was definitely known,
and It will require the official ballot to
make that result absolutely certain owing
to the votes by mall. Tho only close
race wus In tho democratic contest In
the nomination for rotinty attorney
among A. L. Joseph, C, ,1. Southard and
"William Huhr. While the latter was sup
posed to be third In tho race. It Is one
of the surprises of the local election that
ho nesed out ten ahead of Joseph, and
It Is generally conceded that the votes
by mall will be In his favor. Harold
Prince, son of W. A. Prince, recently
graduated from the University of Ne
braska, will be Mr. Suhr's opponent. The
rest of the counly ticket Is as follows:
liepresniilatlve A. L. Scudder nnd 10
Stuhr, rep.; M. II. O'Mallcy and C. A.
Fills, dem.
County Clerk J. K. Lyle, rep.; Peter
C. Olmple, dcm.
County Treasurer Gun F. Neumann,
rep.; M. M. K lingo, dem. i
Clerk of the District Court A. IJ. Han
non, rep.; Walter II. ltauert, dem.
Sheriff -John Mi-Cutcheon, rep.; Gus
Stovers, dem.
Superintendent Dorothea Kollc, rep.;
Dorothea Kolls, dem.
Assessor -George c. Humphrey, rep.;
11. A. Ivlwurds, dem.
Notes from Hensril.
SKWARD, Neb., April 21.-(Special.) -James
Hone, an old and respected resi
dent of this community, died at Ills home
In tills city Wednesday afternoon, aged
S3 years. Ho is survived by his wife,
who Is quite III from pneumonia, and one
daughter, Mrs. John Poneiker.
Prof. Pavld Jones, Instructor in man
ual training and music in the Seward
schools, has accepted a like position in
the schools of Roundup, Mont., at a sal
ary of $1,200 a year.
Miss Alma Klute of this city will be
united in morrlago to Corl A. Kamtz at
the Lutheran church in this city on next
Wednesday evening. The groom Is a
prosperous young farmer of Hampton,
John Hendricks and Chris Gade, two
old settlers of II precinct, died at I
o'clock on last Monday. Mr. Gade leaves
a wife and nine children. Mr. Hendricks
is survived also by his wife and nine
Los Angeles Club
Women Will Snub
''Suffrage Special"
LOS ANGKLKS, Cal., April 21.- No
women's clubs of I.os Angeles or this
vicinity will receive officially I lie parly
of women who will arrive here tomorrow
representing the congressioiiHl union' for
woman suffrage, according to club wo
men here today. Instead the approach
of the "suffraRc octal" un the muse.
It was said, for the pbshiikc of resolu
tions today by the Friday Morning club
stating the club was "unalterably op
posed to a woman's party."
ALF.XANPKR, Neb., April 21 IHpe
rlat.) -James t'aKtnr, caretaker of the
public school house arid grounds, died
suddenly vthllo at work Monday. Mr.
Castor was one of the most popular men
In the community and the school grounds.
Which bad been In his charge for several
years, had the reputation of bring the
most beautiful in the state Ills funeral
was held In the public school building
and was conducted In a beautiful and Im
pressive iiiitnnrr by teachers and pupils.
The body of their friend Iny virtually
hurled with the. flowers that he loved.
Hev. M Clark of (lie Methodist church
pleached an excellent sermon. It was
strictly a school funeral nnd was an ex
ample of tho trjie greatness of one who
although alone In the world has won tho
love of little children. The service at
the grave was conducted by teachers and
Kiltlnr. Will Merl York.
YORK, Neb,, April 21.-(Special. )-The
executive and excursion commute of
the Nebraska K'dltorlal association will
meet in this city Friday evening, April
2K, to perfect plans for the editorial ex
cursion to the North Platte valley during
the coming summer.
.When all other way fall, try a Pee
Want Ad.
Formerly the Irvlngton Country Club.
Chicken Dinners, $1.00 per plate.
Music and dancing. Located across
the road from C. &, N. W, depot at
Old Irvlngton, Neb.
Absolutely Removes
Indigestion. One package
proves it 25c at all druggists.
A toll preparation of niil
XMpfl to r4lot 6ndru&,
roc KNtarinc Color ind
out? toGra r or Fided Hair.
oc urn ! oo f, Prupjliu.
FSrhsi IR in si si W?$s
Saves $10,000 a Year
To Omaha Shoe Bayers
in Expenses Alone.
It all goes to you in lower shoo prices,
which is why I am kicked through
the Avail.
Get This, You Horse
Sense People!
I. Street t"i'c in mv biiip block,
f..r mv siiine sue. I epacr, pay I'ltM
to $."') per month rent. i al't.ut
ir.fmrt jw-r rr. I I'A V I.KS.H
THAN nM'.-'l lllltl" IM THIS -A
N I fiK F"K ' '.(' A
t'.. It "N :KNT AUiNK' t!IVH
IT H if IN l.uU IH 1 UK i.s:
J The tn"'J street nt'res have
alout t VS (I "(M1HU.-S" CACO-IWD
oMnma, ith Un isotHi.'s to ip-
p.irt nllt tit hr liH""OU-1. Tilt. to.
H (.Nt, ('Ml HI t l. AMi I
inK ,i i s r wiki:. asm
Ml uMUI HTiiKK SI !!( ill I'.h
Jl H'V I'M. I IUK nf Thl.S I'M.
Ml.' Ttie I'lti' c t' i.f im nnilc fKMM Oi l.nreiii ti'ii
i'-MVll Mm I .'iWI li'H 41"
I . I , I H l I HIS 111 Vf
i.i v i: i r 1 1 ('i i s i.i iv i n
I't.U t .S1
I e .t 'if . a i 1 j $ .
In".. Ill er iffO.- t-t, ! ii irni'i
4 i i i.lil y $. It imn. . .1
"' r 1 I : t.h.i-1 .1 it.
I Mil. 'I'll .111 I Ml
"I ' it V V It I I I l ! '
!.", t H rut- i
o too wniMi ent
nuotit ii tktK TM
Scads of Novelty Boots
Just in by Express for
Your Easter Needs!
Whites, Grays,
Also in Combinations.
Fancp Trimmed, Latest
Fifth Ave. Models.
BUDD Prices on These
or $3.00 or W.Si or S2.S0
in ' i.f the !rMt !,im ,
II"'... iii th,e air.p
I, a i 1 1 u
Hoagland Returns
From Trip in East
(From a Staff Correspondent.)
LINCOLN. April 21.- iSpeclal.i-Senator
Walter V. lloaalarit of North Platte was
a caller at the state house this morning.
Senator Hoagland has Junt returnetl fro.nj
a trip to Washington and other eastern j
po'nls and says that republican sentiment
In the east Is rapidly Increasing, althotu h
It has been for some time.
While the Industrial conditions (ire
good, caused by the Kurnpean war. the!
people of the Industrial centers well roc- i
ogiilie the facl that were It not for the
war condit'on among the laboring men
would be deplorable.
He says that the whole country appears
to be for Hughes. There ts Hughes sen
timent everywhere, although In certain
parts the politicians are strong for Roose
velt, These are generally those Interested
In munition plants and their friends. an1
what In his mind wss Strang, the politi
cians who were strong against Roosevelt
four years sgo appear now to be his
strongest boosters.
' ' - 1 1
School House ait Arthur llnrns. I
AliTliri!, Neb.. April 21. -(Special.)-j
The school houre here wns completely j
destroyed by fire Wednesday at noon by
fire that si of more or less mysterious
origin. Starting during the noon hour
It had sained such headway before dis
covered that saving anything was an Im
possibility. There was l Insurance.
PAI.IJf CITY, April :l.- (Special,) -Plana
for commencement week for the
class of l!li hnvo been completed. The
baccalaureate sermon will be preached
in Sunday rxeiilug. May .'I, lit the Meth
odist church by llev. 1 1. C. Troxel, p ister
of the Christian ch irch. The commence.
ment addiess will be given by Chancel
lor C. A. Fuliner of Wr-sleyan.
There are thirty-three members of the
graduating class, who Misses Char
Icotta Illandlug. Helen Kotlmon, F.llirl
I'lcrson, Zelmji .lnf, Florence Lyford.
Audery Marlon, Myrtle I 'odds, Nina
ii'leit. Mrtl" Uiu.'b, I'nyc llanna,
Ruby Cavkey, .Mutildn M.ilhews, l',Hlhr
Abbey, lionise la'SChHer. Htella C.ntJl.
Hyble Ilowers, Flora Tickii"r, Ruth
I.hhty, Edna Stnldcr, tve Wood, loim
Wlckham. Alma Moxlmnn. Hihlred llur
lis and Messer. Arthur Vort, Aiiluir
I'hesley, Hayanl Clnrlt. Aim Ollmore,
l"d Klsi her, .loseph Cfiigifin, Alln li Wcln -rrt,
Paul I'rciiciit-k.
The Man
J Being Kicked
-.10IIX A. SWAXS0X, Pres.
VM. L. 1KJLZMAX, Tn iis.-
You Waet the World's B
est Clothes
C'omprohcnAh e
Our Show
Hee Tliem Today
and pledged to supply them at lowest-irt-the-city
prices. This Greater store expects you Saturday
WE'RE prepared for you with a most
wonderful assemblage of Rochester,
N. Y Hand-Tailored Clothes (the
World 's Best) at the price of the com m on
place, machine-made kinds shown elsewhere.
The best is none too good for us and our
thousands ot enthusiastic customers who
know real value and demand it: who
know real style and side-step any
thing that measures short of just
wnat s wnat.
fit- ttJUXi
Extra Value
V, , V ! v 'i : ff 'ill "v
One-Minute fj X-: tf!
Store Talk. , I h ' f(-i 1 ;: 7 h'y U
I'M if'l''
mm 1
Ml " ;
1' 'i, tit ' . f'i '
it hi ' :
v.. : 1 1 .', .-.
8 lh
fr txtra vaiac
$15, $20, $25
Unmatched elsewhere at $20 to $35 Compare
We have grown
even fantor than
Omaha. No city
of, treble the alze
can boant of such
a modernly
equipped apparel
entabllHhnient as
The Ureator Ne
braska U Today.
Moro floor apace,
more merchan
dise, more ot
everything a u
up-to-ihe- in In t; e
tore must have.
This entire build
ing devoted to
wearing apparel
and nothing else,
and overy want
in In a definite
place each aee
tlon a store in
Itself with ef
ficient salespeo
ple ever on the
alert to serve you
Wonderful Varieties for Your
Easter Clothes Selection
You nir mon will lo onflniMflftlin in their nnnrovnl of thosf tnw
- " O ... - i - -
ultra styles. Original models, now colorings, weaves, deiiiffns,
uport sacks, Norfolks, form-fitting Harks, pinch-backs, double
breasted sacks, all the new stylo tendencies direct from tho most
famous young men's clothes do- f 1 (ttHA tfjOC
Higners in the world, at p tpU )wO
Conservative Dressers many of you in the so-called "hard-to-fit"
class, you'vo no idea until you come here, what a variety of
perfect fitting clothes are at your command stout, short stout,
long stout, extra sizes. Tall, short and in-between models of
fering tho greatest selection offr (hOA (hnrf
special sizes. Unequaled values. . ) 1 J) y J tJ)JO
Spring: Overcoats, Great Values
All the now fashions are here. Sport overcoats, dress overcoats,
street, automobile, business styles, raincoats, bnlnmcaans, pineh
' back models or the finest silk lined Vicuna Chesterfields you
ever saw for regular or stout built men, at $15, $20, $25.
Imported and finest domestic weaves in spring suits, the
acme of journeymen tailored excellence, at $30, $35, $40.
Men's True Blue Serge Suits
No man can got along without a blue serge suit, and Oold Bond
True Jiluo Serges get along with men better than any other
serge suits made. Young men's special models in a great va
riety. Hegular and irregular (fk f r . tfrrr
sizes -nil proportions. The H I 3 B 11
best in tl.e world, at JL J LU lOl
Men's Easter Furnishings Supreme Showing
Just such days as Easter Saturday bring home to men what a wonderful furnishing
poods store they have in The Greater Nebraska. Drop in here any time Saturday, the
rush will be on. Everybody will be getting served promptly, because every pattern and
style that any man can ask for Is here. Every section from neckwear to underwear is
a complete store in itself.
Thousands of Spring Shirts
$1.50, $2.00, $2.50 to $5
Tlie neuot of New M nit lint ta us in luaiitiliil patterns and
tlie New l'atei ami Verke r-liirls offer snrpri.-ing mIcc
tit'lin, In all our (.'eiO'lie c have never presented
Mieh n w i lie t f ii 1 1 ittni'ti slidwiiig of materials
Wm en mai!nn, men i i,..-i rftVet, Mitiu stripe jueuard,
oxford" and "ilk UirN of man eloin beaut ,
Stturdjy S(cil
Jl. 50 Shirt
. ' M .i
I I.
Easter Neckwear
lh ifi tiling rfi M',n llilnli, of
t'if 1 (rr M m.l.ij vimt and lt vipiii
if llni ,,(vl.. ttv hnr I nn il il
.'h rn I l uif In ha I., t'iin(
!!. M fi!eiiij Vimlini
Men's Union Suits
I ''" iijiiinil ' I ("I 11 i.'H
i . .dir .H;ll,i I Ullll l.lnB(
li . i tit eh I mi !ij.;i!-( rithi.
' I I I", 'M... J 4,1
Men's Easter Hats
nr 1( Vrt' iiil'.luui fnnii Aiihtii' iinwt fuiiKniit
tuf tiikri ircm no rxhilut nf :iirl min tt n ( rl I1 t-U
In tlil my. Krry rhuiv u. IP li,i,!r I. r,.
John n. Stetiou Hats
ni kiel turl In Sh K 1 fS
l t lr
Nebraika De Line Hat
A lini t'th mnuf,
N i'f h. hi kt lim
a.- f .2 1
Nfbratkn Special Hats I ,
1i il.llr hf r boiiihi ft) i 'vh ?
prinf Capa $1.00, $1.50, $2.00
viiih ioh ii L I r fhi,H u t.-tirr tt (iii
l i it '. .
rioor- i.
Htm KUlt 16th and Fur nam, iJ Floor, lake ffrtufur,
i wi n:
$3.00 to $5.00
9le&ra6fta (hffotfiitiq (?a
i:sti ;u
til u i s,
$1,00 to $2.50
t ill I I I S S . II "III