Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 22, 1916, EDITORIAL, Image 18

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    Want-Ad Rates
u per wart eaeli insertion
pcil Ktltll
Farm and Ranch Land a,
Tj par lira each lnaartlea
(Count alx words to tha Una.)
, to per word ona tlma
lVio per word . . . three consecutive times
to per Una ona tlma
to per line. .....three consecutive tlmea
(Count alx word! to the Una.)
10a par line each Insertion
(Minimum rhafe (0 cents.)
Monthly Rate for etandlng ads (no
Chang of copy) $1.10 per Una
tCount alx words to tha line.)
Contract rata oa application,
TTTB PKB will not he rponfbl for
mora then one lnrorrert Insertion of an
edvertleement ordered for mora than
ona time.
ADVKnTIPKTlH should retain receipts
irlven by Tha Pee In payment for Want
Ad, aa no m4tk can he rectified
without them.
VV1 TJrTJ rn.TmOVrK If ton cannot
conveniently bring or aend In your aI.
Ak for a Went-A( Taker, and you will
receive the eeme ood ervl'- e when
delivering your ad at tha office.
want-ad mi.rMNfl rr)Pin-.
"VFNIVG rrTTIOV., li ft M,
Current offering of tha beet Motion
Picture Theater In Omaha.
t t,,nangq J'any.'
UNDER AZURE KKI W-The thrill of
the Ufa of tha cattle metiers la de-
Xleted In thla welt told atory of lova.
KT AND A RTilt'K" I,ova pule Ar
thur at odda with Art. Kunnieet picture
in town.
comedy mixed wire here,
Heelng America First.
Trie I (hum of Feature flPfl irin
and unheetra Mulu
Today I'reaentA.
Hdeln Aiicuit In tha
"Poe Highwayman," t aet.
rillNCESH J 817-18 DOUOLAS
THE El J; Kit BROTHER, 2 reolor
I reel
t fianl
feature and a
treel Chart la
iplln. t reela, eent
Tha Reunion. I reela. Mutual Weekly.
ooklng HI Qooe, comedy,
Eplaoda No. , "Iron Claw."
"Tha Ievll. the Herpent and tha Man,"
a -reel drama.
And a eood comedy.
Orrta ohnon In "Tha Fr'.c ct Powar."
Tha Reaurrertlon of tha Ilollla, VI U.
Along the Hoarder, Hell.
A l)uard Account, Vltagraph.
BOULEVARD. 33d & Leavenworth.
Friday, Metro Ptcturea Berv Offer
Henry Kolker In "The Ilrtdae of the
BlKerMnM)y Rupert Hug'iea
Beele fterrleeele end Ilruea McRea In
Robert ndnaon In "Man" Prarogatlva"
Mutual maeterplera. "Johnnie a Jumr
bje, , com. And Currant y,vent.
oath Bide,
Boelal I'lratea, No. t
ellg. Tribune. No. 2.
Trepnlne ihe Haihelor, Kalem.
OKPHKUM. """ 24TinTM
Keyetone program, "Ha Did and He
Didn't" featuring Roaeoa Arbukle and
Mable NontiMnd "lova Will ConjUar,"
feuturliig Fnd Mace,
Special Ritra Reel Feature now appear
ing at me following rneaiera.
AI'ULLo. S-v'l LU.V V l'..Ws LillTH
"Along tha Border."
"Jtocuil Plratea.'
No. I.
WRTkkh iT,t i r"ATHT r'oT:rtO H
' I'nder Amra Pkle ' The thnlt of the
life of tha inuie ruetlrra la deplotad
m inia wen iuki piorv or inv,
rnleode No. .
JlThe Iron Claw."
LoriTiii:. p. " " :t r ii a n i J7n 0 iT57.
Orrtn Johneon In "The Prlr of Tower "
Heben rdee.m In
Man' IVerogsdva."
l l -nl Xlnu'erplee
Otti Ml.l M. r If AND Si 81
' He t'ld and Ha Mln't "
I H I S i fjlf liT'! 'U I .A ft
, "T1e ril.r nroH.r M
i.oii It ir " I V STf. u.mi ril
li isVitV
Tbe tU'inion.
iTtl AN iii I.I I IT:
'V ( I
In ':.!(( (
ftrttit tt ntiNii itttK
' 1 K' I
( I ' I t l I t I vt I ).,,
Vlt I . .1 l , . a , !.,, r .M
' ' VHI n.5 I nt.l.k l
' -'I II.H '. I V. . J..4M.i
tt In tir,..E.-( t
tl !. tl I l , I
." i n II m, ,(' ..el J
ll V K
i V.'.i
r- . ..
t ' v t Vt .
t" it
ritSTgUAUTY cit klowers or
pleiite. Art Combination, shipped every
where. Excellent nn.-vl'-e to our cus
tonirm In punt ycara recommend HKNH
A fiWOHOHA, 1415. Karnnrn Kt, P. l.'JU.
flowera. delivered or arm, pen mywiitn.
t 1 1 1- v n t' u si i NT lM'i 1'irnim e't.
A.""'DONAOIIf:E, 1:22 HarneyDoiig, J"1.
BATH, florlnt. PM Kiiniiim St. D.
... . - 7, 'fl'tr --rTfl
moiimrxt al f kktbik,
mai.'hoLkCm: "
WHY bury your dead In the cold ground
in arormy weniner wifn jou -tomb
In marble building at reaaonabl
prices. Tel. M A I'HOLKI I'M) CO., J). 2176.
Baumelatar Monument VtnrKa. mauso
leums, all kinds markers, lain f v.iiariee.
llTrthe-I'Mirlck awl " Mary gulim. 1311
Cna. boy; Anion and Llixabeih Hatout,
144, Houlli Fourteenth, hoy; Joeph and
Ina Mln kaiiillh, Florence, girl; l.yele I.
end Mary Abbott, X'l' poppleton, ylrl,
ll.,ert and Merle Becker, Z b"yl
Julliia and Mery Wl.-hert, m . A"". ""Z1
(fr and Monies llumij. 211 I""'''-"'1'
Klrl; V. M. end Ore' a lmnley, houlh
Tenty-l((bth, lrl; IJmrr and Jtoeo
Johneon, hoepllal, Klrl uth
Deelhe-John I lour I y, , J""
Fourteenth : John Johneon, wJ' "'''
Mrir.-t rV.K, 21, " Houth Twenty-flf h
evenue; Alum I. lndro, 2f, i,: North
Klubt'-enlh; Hamuel Neycreon, I oy",
'( Month Thirty ninth; lydla, Hiippert.
19, Mlt Martha; Kvelyn Jela Merlia, -l
rier, 4 year. III.. North Kleventh; Nellie
Wlllbime, 4, hofpllHl, Andrew Oleen, ,
Heventh and Murcy,
nrii,ni'M i-KMiri,
TrTTAiriburi, "Zi'rt Kinklne, (rame
dwelllnlt, l,Wi; K. .Vtenvee, 37i North
Korly-fourlh, Irnmo ilwelllnx, W, Jane
l-oiili'-ek, 4I7 Moulh H.ivenl'eiilh, fnime
Mono avenue, frmoe dwellmx, !!,'.
tleoiKO T. I'-oeter, VI'i Kav-npoit, frame
dwelling ,,'i"i, t.dith Mleaanril, Ml
Houth Thirty fifth anue, hibk veneer
dwellll,,; A. llMkley. Mel to 1..,
North ThlMlelii, brl-k kmiiiho,
Willie lully . 'hermuti avenue,
brick him., Mle Irf't'J. bl-
cao, ad'lltlon and repair,
lrrV'iiifiiiiiirtiin " m ari ll km
ya vlll jrir Ii If form l,r e hooa
txrma. Weinnflntiie r'rl re kriraaai
1H J,A W- reiiie tin irtieie aet
ItiWeKMi In m.wln ikut le .! lew It
irll t riulrlip Itnet to " wf
lliriill 4erlioiiil otkerene, ta thtl
a fllu. Ui n, If ree.
oim efe in,nr . .
OMAHA IH NCI1, Hl.Ur-rrl lE.r,
HAII.WAK i umrerti.
Peranim having lout gome article would
do well to cell no tha office of th
Omaha A Council Uluff Btreet Hallway
company to aecrtitln whether they
It In the etreet cr
Meny artudea earn day ar turned in
and th company I anxloua to teatora
them to the rightful ownr. can
"""" 4
liMT--Heleen Houlh Onuha and rior-
, ,1,1 i,'ket witn niamori'i pe.,,in.
moiiniriiiii II !;. 4. lu-ward, Tlione
Hoiilli X4 or ai r7.
foiWD-rtome in'oney" Owner may have
eeme by i bI IiiH lit. The nee on ice oiet
pnvliiK for thl ad.
TiMT- I'acbaga Weiitieaday morning on
Cn.M i.wii vnr: rewern. rioiuin v
H '4ili. or rail riougla 4UI.
D'lHT -Hound Warn onyx pin, edged with
tiold, Iieail III tenier. i..tti iuiny v.,,.,.
t)HT A " ItoTiia n"o'r bi oocTt" ffaiurley
on 21th bnt. F and N. fail o, Ho
Vu rii" 1 1 iu re" ii ad Iloueehold 4ooda.
tl'HCIAl, JCNK lli;lli:rt UKKU.""
We have appropriated l) firf- June
bride preaenla to Ihoee nieklng pur
rhaa of ua during our nla of the beautiful and up-to-dnta houae
furn'.ahlng. let. u eaplaln. Hiela
Furniture Co,, corner 14' h end Iodg".
&MATfA i'liXcw" CO.-Kelt and hair
rnattreeaea maun over in nrw irai ii
half the price of new one Phone ua
for aumple of licking. Mall ordere flllod.
IKfT i 'limine Ht. l)o.iln 2ti7.
Mt'ST garrlfice my lx room of unil-
tura at once, rso reaaonani onr re
fined Alao fine pleno. Call Ifouglue
dllfi m ftouth Twenty-fourth Ave,
"&T''E boxe. I gee tove, JU0 rug of
all kind, poultry wire and netting.
Open till p. m. IM No, 24th Bt.
riaaoe u4 M oaten I laatrwmeat a.
Vll,l tlnod" toned, hnnd-made Inetru-
rnenl, nroiignt iiho tinen ipm
rountry (Germany) before war; flv
daya' free trial at my expenee; on eaey
payment If you wl.h. Writ Ml
liertl Mardl, Itout 6, Roeodale, Kan-
pTANoFott 7iT;nt.
flood make, good condition, 1.1 M pf
month' new plamn, ft 00 per month
A. HOHPK CO.;ljlJ-16Jbnilaa Bt
uS VlCfltt'lTS:' leavm'a "tit r.lly rea
aim. Who wilt give tue t' pot cah7
C. J. Cannn, McCague hldg
A I.KTACIlAltl.K leciiiian pianopiayer,
all roll or mumo. v ui ecu ur imun.
Harney MA. :
Jrwrlry, niantoaAe, aelea.
pHOLKUAAIuV lJ lucky wedding ring"
t ic.ii. mid rioualn nta.
Typenrnera aae! oppllea.
NTcvC inai'blne aold the emne aa rt-nl.
t per nionin. era u oeiuii r"i "r r
rent. Hhlpped any place on ten ilaye'
free trial. Mutt Typewriter l-.aclmuge.
llij H. 1M K. Omaha. Neb
TYPBWRITKUrt aold, renleil and re-
paucd Kent an tnrar iji-"r,i .,
nmntha for . Central Typcwritt-r Kx.
. hunite, ) Karnaui j
fi if ii i miti INS. Moiniri ha and BmUh
1'ienilt i for lent, aeul anywiier.
U in
Inglon Typewriter Company l.
KKI.1AM l' niuuon mui imuuo
typewriter enu "u "if";1.'
aale and retall.l. H2I It. i & Howard Ht.
MIIr.A.lf lUHIIUS " C'AIUtOX l i
office aupplie. iJuuglaa ltd. U ua
to,a ....
ire and llfflee KUiar.-a.
TTJfKH, a'afia. . ahowi'a, a, alioiv-
lug rto. n nuy, eu o'limn ritu'
eui'piy Co , 414-i it H Kiii. ooug.
llHrdttare nml Ttmla,
Wf .TTTllvw i f CMl pei.lei "I'l uiie'l.iinlu a
toitla at per cem t'li. ' i
4 Utklna;, !., Cte.
w"i; buy end ii laiPu made ulia anj
eveix'oale Mifiiuiei ' ;" c,lu1 tt.
' goi.lax tritta,
" St'winif MttfliintM
We rent repair. r l it I and pan
et all aewing .,'', ".'"''u
X I 1 1 l r. I . M
NKI'.lA tl V t t I.C. CO ,
IMh an i Mi" ' 14 1
a,t(rl, d ae4 I'taala.
U,k I e M'll' lO' l"!!'' 1'l.VN IH
J..l-n- bib'. I" l l in; t! I"
I t, Api l(ie, 1 I ! ! I
he i ui, . o y o
.tir ) .!. '" b .l.'ttl,, e ,.(it
tuoab ! alimo.l M at, i'r p, ai
, iite li. ii. ii '."I ai.'.l i.P-
ntt t. ' ' s -i . I" ii i-n
. i.i . in. l "I I'' .ie t'r N .li
nt r i ' l II ' ' M
j Mil " ll.t I "..,. i
i vt I 1.- 'tl N It 'I It V tl
I'll, ,r. I..- f I " l''l !
VI f It I I iS I" H ! 'U'i.l,.-I,
,, ,n . ,1 . I I 'I J -I " l .1.1 t
ttiiliott.1 4 I'witl tabUa,
I t It VI 1 K- '' I 1 ' .-4 HI
a-i i '
I t . '. t
.. I',.. r.
I . . t ' t
' t i a
an Itluit
. I . f
-v lit'
M a tee,
t. . , . I t I .- n. a t t
Vtat tn.Tt ait
I Mte.a
' !
...... -t i4
t. u
I '
Vt eV
I It
t t
If III 1U" I -t
t Ii
I .1
'-ol I i t
I'l (.ill,.
m tt.l tit 1 1, . tfawlltx.
Tin-: HFK:
M V"iUir"tiii)dard " of duality will be
maintained; 4 uuerta of Old Kontenelle
whlakv, H2f.; bottled In bond. Henry
Pollock mall order houae. toug. 7162.
122-I24N. I.iih Mt.
Thirteenth mn4 Dougla.
Bottled In bond wt laky, iic. 11.00, 1 li.
run uua t.
i't Mfl Ooiden Weat Wblegy, 4 full
ptj.fciv ,,uaria bottled in bond, prepaid.
Caeklev liroe , Omaha.
KOH ftAl'-l'ialne ha"y7w7rui Wataon
Hay Co., In ma n, Neb.
WANTKD IHxh clnaa aurveyor' tranelt,
an Inslrument that la dexlgned for gen
eral land aurveylng aa well a drainage
work. Prhe muit be right. Addrea if
, Bee,
" uhsKs," ijKiSks Desks
New denk. ued drek. bought, eold
and traded J. C, ftied. 1207 Farnam.
RAf'HMAlV "will p"y you" more for fur
niture, clothe and ahoea tVeh, al4'l,
llgipeet price nM for 2l hand clothen,
alioee, trur.k i, aiilrraae. li,M ur 1) M2
Of.I) CIXTIir.H! 'OLD' flHOi:."!
We p,iy Iiiuim ( price Webulnr 1721.
WANT to buy uood alnglng canary. Ad-
dreirn H 1132, He,
Wa pay" beat prl for old clithe PjJfW.
Ileal price pn,) for old clothe. t. 4714
IH'OlHflA A I'U h l.uckv Wiidim
Ring" at lth and DougbijBt.
f.'lVK oultioo're'.'" V." M C. A. fM..' Park.
Motor He pa Ira.
CAM ILL KLKC. CO., He llldg. T. W7.
( ourreie 4 oolraelora.
CKMKNT walk and driveway. D tTIt
aroenler and I onlroi'tor.
Jerd A Hon V,ii Capitol Ave. T. Hit
Voting, rep'g , Jobbing, crn Web. 171.
C. W. Hokaueon, rdtk Lvnwtll.JTyl. ill-J
accordion, Mlle Knllo, Hoi Pleating,
Cov. liulforn, I leinailtchlng. Neb. Pleet
Ijif Huilon Co. 4-.ll 2 .Pax tori HJk. jt .441
Vlll. A l.'l.r Udle' lulloretT mriliMlli
forall oceaoni4'l HoI.!rttjrjit
Irendinakliiu end plain awlng: reaaon
able; exrlHractlon guaranteed Web. Ill
ANN A HI, ATI .Jl, dreaaiiiaker; ladlea i5
aull a apeclgiy.jouth Vt 4 H J2d
fit 'day. work guaranteed. WibT'lMI.
frea(iw'k' at horue." 1, 734 i.'llarnejr.
Kelmer' Lretamaklng Col, ' City Nat.
Terry Irreeemak'a colieKa. ZtTrh A Farnara
WOKK guaranieeil. I hone Walnut
f'ornp dreeemakr wema dav work. f, 7ayi.
Oaltropalli 'l, yalvlain.
Mr. J, R Munlck, 4( Ho BldJT.JB
IfiKAL Hair Parlor-a7 Halrd Bldg.
Manicuring, f wlp, facial and violet ray
treatment. Toilet article. I' 41 1.
" Tnwrl appllee.
OMAHA Towel riupldy, 7 . 11th. P. Utt
Ituiloiia anil I'ltallna.
Dreaa Pleatlim and llulton Co.
Phone lioug'ae Wn VH 7 I'exton Blk.
Northeael Corner I Bill and Karnam Ht
Accordion, knife, side, fpace, bog and
un-ray pleating.
Combination boa and (Id pleat klrt
In all laieat dealgn.
Itemaljb hlrig, ulcnt edging, pinking,
yu'-hlng and bullon made to order.
Mall order given prompt and apaulal
attenllon, All work guaranteed.
Mala t Iranetf and IlloeUed.
STRAW, Pennma, all kind haU, cleaned
and rhlocked Kd tf.Su Harney Ht.
lieaaer and tlyvra,
BTATK Dry Clng Co. I2n N. 12th. D. Wit
V.turrmm nmpanlee.
TWIN' CI TV l.xpreaa Co ,,22 Caa Bt,
oougie 1 1 IT. ii'tavy baunng a apenlalty,
Kt rrrllHuH lur , w uuioa.
ACCfJltltloN, aide, knife, auuburat, boa
pleallng, covered malum, ail aiae ana
(le, liemailtchlng, dcot edging, am
broidery, beading, braiding, cording,
eyelet cut work buttonhole pennanta.
arxll m ug I a h I or aJ I a iglaJM.
A. DWOUAK, 0. P. A
4437 Kamg Kldg.
Tel. Doug lag 740.
DR. HENDA- Sulpnur, Hteam, Modern
Turklali, Klectrio iiathi and mab
HAtiU for tired nervea and rlieumatlain.
Private apartment for ladle with lady
atteudnnla lull! Farrmm. phooa D. tJI.
THKATRIf ALgowna, full dre aulta. for
rnt. 20 n. l'tn nt. jonn reiaman.
plaao laatrnoiaoa.
Ragtime plunu pleying poaiuvety taught
in W leeeona. 4-'2j t umlng, Wab.1'
hlropiaclnre, gplnal Adjaatmeate.
Mt. Hi HlloltN, 414 Huaa Jblldg. V). tW,
Palmer K. b.iol grad Conaullatlnn free
1'ra. H.lllnuhHm, 13 freight di Hk. I. 7!V
le B. larael Ml Hum. The. Hldg. I). M24,
Dr7VO. Lawrence. I bwlid Bldg qtrMU.
FLECTRIC Inane cleaning, our work and
pi Ice win plena yuu, Uit ua remove
your aiurin wiiulowa end put In your
t. ie,-n. Tybr I J
llrlrrll t ea.
I'M It, V.lNCM.l ii, ;;w Hewey Ave.
Mbed'iw Iiik ii.tettiigfiting. H, 70i.
JaMk.V .Vl.i.JvSV jl: Neville Hloc'kT BvC
deuce xei iiii ii Mt nil cnaea. Tyler 113.
LA N tl Nat'l Oeiecllve Agcy., Inc., lie
liuik! I lee '. .;iiciiynConriilenHal.
I lilropoillaia, .
tarrbi .1. Ilufoid ii- l ax lllk. Red 4T47.
Jllallcea ul Ihn I'eair.
It. II. I I.AIItullM. 612 Paxton Hlk.; Red
noi rviMitiy p'Hiili , Hi puaiiiim atnno.
C. U, Iii HI, l liarker Itlock.
Varnam I Iraner.
l.KAN 01 I' M. itml 1 1 lollOUOHLT
Willi K I.I I HI-: Kl.l.CTRIi-; RKNTIl
AM It..'! I'CU OAV liutlilluVtt Ji
I Itliirrt Wiring;,
111 T If Iv I ' ",u huig machine
lv. iiiu it , , rxo l011 n , ,,4,,,,
lamp. .A3 Cuming Ht. Doug 2il.
I'alnllnit oiul I'aperlnn,
Omaha Paaie i' " k I 't it I'ongim ir'A
Tnllurlna. """
II VAIH t S, laipir ami cleaner, preaaln
and repairuni .:" N lvh Hi I Aj.
Villi I mil make it apilng atitl ? 1-lliJ
I iit Ml I' Mln
CAKl'' paatrv and cunt hither roda,
aupidic I I" lntMea,, mid entertain.
M ania II M-i Iit I . , I -Hi Oil.
4 ttruecea attd llttttar.
Illlill INil. titmitta an I . n. ral IliiW trH
H A r i" t l' N . 't t ' V . Ii mih
H id. tit I Itull, 4 ." I'eimilvn. ,!., J.L
Walt Paprr lltviMlna,
tValpepaf f.taitlutl l ! Kt t- hnttr
II, .i,'iii.l'l' lii.. l i,
1 1 1 pt
p r I mint.
WML P V I K H c.eeiie.1.
l',.,, t,!
V tltetlt.laa Vutelllra,
M F an x to. Wti t "tui i 74 4
Wedtllna lalluaerf.
V.l'iNt tti ic .i" ' t'U.a slid l llnlln.
. I i.l t - I . i. 'I t i
C T llitl" ' ul I a 1 1
I'l I.
n Hi
t t.i
-,r piadenv S ( ? W W ft ,
1 , f . t .i l.n.a It ii ' lit
Heat la tnratlrKtUe,
pr I I'l A Ai r VI t nl " bun it
Pttavh aee ttlaaae eea.
I fi. si fa t i r ". I " ee M4 ft
1all' 4 nl-taalaa.
t'inla It C -' e l! I t e
I !
riitsi n vi it , v s i i r t
I letrl ale
I ).. ', 'j i ' i i W..
Ittette aa4 lrt.H) fata4flta,
I'ati a ! . en t " , .-'k I 'nfc
VV lea a ail I tt.aeea.
IM V i i ii i -I ti'eet
1 . II .',,. V '! ,! :,
H-room, one fluor, finely decorated,'
oak and birch flnieh, quarter an wed oak
floor,; modern. Alo Hi acre Houln
tiakoia farm lnd. Hwap for l.wrt acre
or mure, cneup clear southern laud
Want to ralxe atnek; or will trnde tor
clear Omaha Iota. Frank Ci. Heward
ll ftahler. Omaha, folfajf, 4IM. .
KlVl.SoN I tome phono.raph .Vid records
to awap for email automatic revolver,
H choraun or good leather aultcaae. I
alxo hove lawntnower, nearly new, and
oil heater. Will trade for good leather
eultciiae or gun. Addreaa B. '...? '?'.. M"".
Al,MOif "new "Majeellij runae and aome
bent, lewelry, baritone brn bom; want
to awap for painting an k-room buriKa-low-
mut be a good workman and
reedy to go (o work ui tin1', Addrea.
H. C, l'4. Ilea,
WILL" tell, "or what have you to trade
for a good delivery truck In flral-claaa
running order? New tire and newly
overhauled Addreaa H. C, 1JS44 Hee.
r.A'i K l a I e i jve'r Via i Lie" Typewriter, in
perfect condition, to awap for White
Ihorn rhlrkena or any other per-annal
prooerty owner can u. What hove
IlAV: very good col range and one
gaaollne rango to awap for goml tyiie
wrlter, roll top deag or what nave you?
Addrem H, (', m, Jlee.
WILL' elve' two realdenilirioU ea" part
payment on fi good rtecond hind car,
ial model; valued it I'O or . l-av
particular t tie I ee offlc, cur Kill
HIM II.K-cvllnder mnnneio inolocycle. In
Itood londlllon, to Irndn for email a' rew
e.utllnir Ial lie. Ho ll Ked cloud, Neb
FILMS LEVELOI'K.n FRI-K when (rnti
are ordaril. hiilargnionia from any
neguilve, Kne Htudm. bun and Hnrney,
MOTOlt b ,al and airi to wap I wa
Moat and Kngln Work', Kill bt. mi l
Ave. J, Council Hluffa. la, '
f MONTHrt old brlndle bull PP to ewap
lor rireiea confer, or wnai nave you.
Addreaa H C. I'ee
A DDI NO " machine. Will exchange for
tvnewriter. office furn rure, automobile,
or what hate win 7 Addrea H, C, llk.1
DKNHMORK typewrllnr, In good condi
tion, to eucliHiiKO for I'lectilo gwoeper,
Hee, ft. C, XK,,,
lyON'T yiiu want llila 220 acr f.irni, c,,a i
)n7 Toland A Trumbull. Doug aa f,'n'
6NF) Maaon truck for g od borae. hnrn t
and wagon. Ad;rea H. '. W, Ree.
At "TO tlrea or ac eaaorlea for adrtlnif ma
chine. ArfdresH. C. Ill, Hee.
H-INCfcriAT'iIl o " exchange" for
Chlokn. I'ee II. (,'. 1X3.
CAfE and rooming bou for al. doiit.1
room cafe-dlnlng rimm and counter. He
Inodeled four month ago, everything In
flretwlaa hape. Flxlurea, llgbta and
furniture aro ell good. Heat cafe In
rate except com of the hotel cafea.
Good lepulatlon, beet clea of trad In
fit y. Viuarante IP-bualiie, and over
dally. Over ll,fn to k now r,n hand.
Rent, venly il.O) monthly, Hnomlruf
houae of ten lliu room opMille cafe,
Mooem except heat, tioixl furniture
and light and everything; o, K, Rent
twenty dollar i2m monthly. Oppnr
tunny for a live man. Ileaaon for ell
tng la ab knera Addrea YJUV. Wee.
tlNLKHH yo'l hve brain," ri bill: v and
from 200 to $W 1n caali, don't nnxwer
thla ad. Hale rnnager wanted to op i
officii, organize arid maiino alemn.
I'oaalhllltiea unllnilled. Munag'-r, 1 27
,ritr,B llldg,, Chicago.
WANTKD -Mari lo intent" in good
paying bualne; double your money
till year, For Information call Room
112, Harney Hotel, llth and Harney,
between land p. rn
A MC'F, clean, "up-to-date bariiwar
tock In on of lb beat Wleconaln
town; Invenlrirle about 14, '); no
trade ironaldered. W, Hi. Webter, llud-
orij Wla.
tT'HlTJT.HH opportunity, agency operiln
Omaha for live wire with om capital
competent to aell auto tire and accea
gorlea, Addr Tire and Acceorle,
eere of Iee,
WANTEFj Yhe manuTacturer of a atan
dard automobile la dealrou of making
a gultabl Omaba connection. Uood
propoaltlon to reaponlble partle. Ad
drea Auto Maniifiicitirer, care Ree.
6N"LYni8"and jeweTry aloreln a thriv
ing north Nebraxka town for aale at a
eacrlflc. Owner retiring. Writ F, U.
Koeater. Hrunewicg, neo,
Wii.L pey caali for dry gooda, clothing,
hoe or general tock; iiinat be cheap;
oulck action; gv particular In flrt
letter. Addre Lock Hoi ii, Wlnter
et. Iow.
l O V IM pict ur Theater, real bargain!
maihlne. repair, auppil, accorla,
new and aecond-hand. Ree ua
Ralrd Rlrtg m tug. 1420.
FOR HALK Oood, clean atock of Hard,
ware; live town central Nebraaka.
Oood reaaon for telling, lie quick. Ad
drea, Y 2fi7. Re
tlHT your bualnea or Income, for ial
or trad wltn in. I know how.
fowd Bale and Auction Co,, Imaffa, havi
elod out more mde. atiH:k thnn any
other firm In IT, H Writ for term.
f"HEATKRH-Tiuy, lenee or aeii your the
ater, machine and tupplle through
Theater fcx Co., Il Kariinm. 1. 197,
MONTH' pfmllry ranch and
everbearing atrawberry acreage; Imme
diate pnaeeaalon. Addreaa E IM, Hee.
WYLLTAMHreatabllaiied M yiiir. To buy
or aell bualnraa aeo hliu. 411 McCague
Hldg. Reference IT. 8 Nt;J,'1.r'kJ
TXT'rUUT" making Hi.wxi yearly. Tor
JIM WRAY, Bloux Cltv. la
New and rebuilt, bargain, aupplie.
Omaha KllmJKx'hane: 10" S. i4ih Ht.
TTL'ST aiil'oii Tccount of aickncaa, email
meat market, good location, pay well.
PUX W. Hroadway, Co, HI if fa, Iowa.
CFFTFk for-? ill etiK or liianriiine,
anmo floor aa Ibe office; lU.'l f.-et; H0,
The Ren nidgOffb'e Room 103
rS Bf'LT, of" buv a iiueiiieea, call on
Buch A rloratioff, Frenxei RlkD "
V T: i.-T i.'t ur nut of bnalnra t all en
DAN'll' C"'. a ;i nee i-i'i;, ,.,..,.
FOR SaI-K 1 chair barber elmp, up lu-
m. . i l. inn ..... t.l.l.. !..... ,-
date. Call I 'one . '' .
l'n onii kit aell or but a buaineea writ.
MM Wli V . Mi"'V ' '' v, .1
6.,"S-J ' '
. work or bualnea ad regular ratea,
3 llllee on week .'"it
1 llnea on week
each exlrn linn !!- per aerk
eIIOROl'ill'I.Y inp.tb' end e pei l.'i t c.
yvUIW llttl'l iit'tit iti, ii itiir. ,.( tutrri. ,t
ohaiactef and aiundii-a. went i"n! noi
aa lev cb'k an I ll ttiafkeein r u i Kit
ria hotel, lb -it ir e t n ta Ad
V lie
1 V I 1.1 1 .fi- e I i. I t. t , ! t-r n.i. t
eiit in ii'ittt' i.-'initt, , .t
HHi ii, in b 'i
t;. .1 I tttll n . ,1't l leita'iivl . "' ten n'li, t
a ,t n
i.,,t W.i'fl llnl I mt ili
IVAllI'tS t it-Ii in i r , .1 -i-
ntiO .i ) a-, a , -ii.. tiii-l it., i, -i . .
pi tin, it i. i t'O 'i ti inAi.ia ,.M . i . r .
, I. I,, till. ! II- I I i ' 1 V . , , 1 I , ll.'at-t -' ' t'ltb t Sit'
td v 1 1 tut i. .t "'- u ' i , tit a- "'I
1.l . ..,:,l tl1.- 'It t-a Iea
I I I'' 111"" ' 1 ' I t H L td
I an., t Li' ana. rat . i wti 'ita ' -, ',.11',
WejNt'Pl I aa t, .,,.,, vi . ',.f
tl- e. I.l' ei'H'i'tit. .'ii. I . eti'
i ni" it i, e in i i I a '.iti '. ,
I,., -,i r.t .Vl'ii.a I, i i t
Kt'Nt i"ae wani H.tiit.B t l..,'k
V.. , .-r t at I i. il ttlilt a 'in . l
.l o-aa f ! tail i "I I I" I' l
a' ltt ti A I lta K l-'N l'
It i i t t ,. t-" ill t . t '. I i'-.
e . I ..! Ii. t i . i ' a k-. ..a
( , t t,. ,'-(. t .1 li . 1 Itol.tti It it
via ,'i t M e, ,, i i t it.- -. t
U V S t ! i . .tt t. t a-. .. 1 it . .. I
, r . ..'tit l,t irit t in i ti e
I i . 1 1 -1 i". it i l -f a t-tt. .a
t ).!,.. I !- t'.a
i . t i.'A.t t, . - i ... . t -I- t I-
l ,. h. ,t t .i a f i i -..tit .. I i..4
a 1 1 1 1 .1. . f ,1 it I -tf lalt-iat.ia
l na it 1 l le
St 1 '. I , Hi-'i. I' . I It ... -t H t'.'t
t a tti 't : I " t , at
l, i, ,.,,'- 'tte lti,! . ii'-tt t p
Vi l. til
! in i-aa " 1 " lit i
li-i, a tin 11 i ' t'tl 1 , t
' t. et
MAN warita plate at bookkeeper aa be
ginner, can rurtnan gooa
Addreaa ti)'Vj,Hee.
WANTF.f -SorrieTtliid o'f'llkht work until
full Addreaa 1 i'J, Hee.
WANTED Job ""a porter or aoitor
J.tmea Ne,bit, 4iX S. Hih St. Red .C4,
II lat-r IIMiiritlia.
IMKMbkR- vt hen you want help writ
or cull Kniplre Labor Agency, 20 A.
Ifth. Phone Joug. lOflf
I ' K H I K N ' K I ni it n for general noi7a.
work, palnllng, waaing fioora, Clifton
tfiV't. Herncv W1.
L.tntB lakcl and a, eddl Hardening;
rug neat, wlndov a waahe;. Call Web-
a'er "ij"'.
HOt HI CLBANINU wanted by experl-
mced man; rug , ot n, floor p d.a i.
Wei,. 4V3!.
V I NId JVV H ""waalieir. ruiiaTeHteri, eciee'nx
repaired, whllewaahliik. Walnut 2127.
Want;l-Houee-cleanlrig; alao wall paper
dealing. C. Ilrunner. li, , 7l!0c Ty. 22iVW.
PA I NTI Sit and "crecn" repairing. Han-
n, Louglaa Vi
HA ''I.l M; a.hcj ii ii'd ru"ribtariV
RKF'iNKI), capable wom'an"wanta pnl
tlon. In good horn more than wage,
aa companion or to aaalat In home;
handy at aewing, buying or overeng;
lovea children. Hooiii 2!. Hanford Hotel
TJ I f K Jt e. K chariie for "Hituitllou ada"
la lower than any other form of adver-tUlng-
not oiiougl) lu covi.r cot of
"til Iti," with egperlani-e on ewltch board
wnubl Ilka Ooall on oil I'. II. A. noarn
feel confident could operate, Harney
MiDDLTT-Ati'KlV Ind' wanla poalllon at
honaekeeper for a prleat or nice nemie
man. Mi II, Hiiullera. tfaej H, Pith Ht.
vor'N,'!! imlv hooltlteeni-r anil ateriogra
pher will poaltlon; re vera I yeara' ex-
jieiirii.e ifioreea r rnit it-w,
VtA.VI aillon bo'iaekeeper l,y
yoii. eo'iiiiit wl'li amall boy; refer-
lit- i it v-ifi I!??,
W NTi :r -I'oBltlon a houaekr "per for
Wi' r cr heclielor, Dave own furnl-
I re. ,nl, 4tH,
K I ( l',,",' i;li len'tgrapher dlre
fii'Milof .; tan do denial office wora.
W- Unit 27",.
MIM'I.K-AOKb lady wanla place a
No. I keeper In elly. Addreaa B W. I..
tl A. ST l',l i Poaltlon by youiiK lany tn
-e nl'.r Colfax fil.
f mnnmtr anal nay wt,
rtOfJKK'f.'LKANfivIfJ, window cTaiinlng,
rug beatlruf. flrt cine city reference
webnter nnn,
likl.i A HLK colored woman want lauir
dry waahlnf, day work, cleaning. Doug-
la Si 4',
1'. I'. i V KK LAI'NDRY, 120 California.
If nd work called for nd devred.
I.M 'KltlKNCKI' lAUlidrea man
el bt. ..!ar. 2f,42. ,
Laundre'aa,' day work, O. Jackaon. VV. IWil
Cooking or day work, HI7 Ixard. Tyler 1'ln,
FlltnT cmaa leu dieaa. clnv work II t'.M.
Kxperlenced laundry; cleaning. Weh, 2r,10
Waahlng end lac curtain done. Ty. 1114,
HLANKi'IH or bundle waahlng," 1). 74l.
Cleaning, laundry and d"ay work, D. 74
I,ACNDRV,' cleaning, day work... W." 70.147
COM I, woman eanta day work. Web.
Practical nuiee," Tyler '.'J2-W 1711 Hurt.
LAI'lnT nnd day work.VVb. Moi.
Family waehlng" bundle waali, Wth.47ljC
" Hand Laundry.
land jauiy, flral clae work, guarantaiT
Call for ape.'ltl price. Pheno Doug. 4iA2,
6CN.1LK waahing, piece" work," lace cur
tain; work guaranteed. 1)121 N. 24th Ht.
llmree and tlffleee.
BTTwoOUAPHKR- for new meroantTbj
eatabllahrnent; nmat be rapid on dicta
tion and not afraid of work; chance
for promotion very good if competent;
willing to pay Hood ealary to right
man. In replying atate experience, age
and aalary expected, C )', Omaha :,Wee.
ilOOKKKKPKH competent to taka com
plete charge of a email get of hooka;
mutt be good penman, good at figure
and be willing to conaldar from bi to
tlt oatart.H OnwhovJee.
OFFif'K HOY 30 '
Sf KNOOllAPHKli, to act "a private"
gecretary, ll'iO, Apply at once.
THK MlARTl CO., 17 W. O. W.
of KNO tii, Bteno., V:; Steno.. $."4: of
fc bjy, tot. Watt Ref. Co., MO Hran
rtela Tbeater,
Prnfeaalaea add Traelee.
WAN"TEjn-Man with family lo mg ll k-
mlth hop on hi own account. oooj
p ac lor a good man. Wrti for Induce
ment!!, r. milte. Wllke, I.
Ml'rffif KOH Ufd'O JOBS.
l.etabllthed Ten Year.
lOlf.-l I llv tional,
WANTED Two tailor, one coat maker
and ona all around man. Steady work.
II. Marx, Lincoln, Neb.
W A N f V. I ) H uhei ma n Tor men'a clothing
department. Apply -Superintendent,
tl k denRrother.
LriTir atore anan. i"ba Knelar Pea Hldg.
FaTsTKRH wanletT. Phone"fv""eb! 417.
Paleamen and tiillrl tor.
A aurceaaful aaleaman with clean
record and bualnea ability and of aome
financial atandlng may aecure ex
elualve ealea rtghta for the faaieat tell
Ing apeclalty In auto field. Thla la no
patent right or terruory norma prnpo
aillon - nu onporl null to tfet into tin t-.
treniclv profirablQ butilne.ia without
large capital.
Making hlg hit In Ktnaaa City, St,
Joeeph, Denter end Ia Angelea.
What Fnrda r to auto bualnea, thl
product will be to lire tvitlwaa,
I..itfallt!l.s going rapidly. Hlnnx tl'y,
Freiiinnt. Wichita. Tnpeka and M,
lai ll-t i. pen
Call rontenell hotel and atk for Mr
Aletaniler, talc nrgitiilaer and f ntorv
ie pit anitiitli. who wilt n.tii8n liitt'r
t lew.
He prepared t't furrtiah refiTencea
V ri Id lu l'iiii or HtatlJtieel,
s MVSti nil I 'tl.S VV.VVTKD .
I in r.t,-i,.ri ft i."!t,e apt-, bil t
a'it I'tili a -I i i iii'it et'i t n.'i''v "tut
l,. i a"-' fei'.tl' e t't tiiin.tiS If nil I .1
t , I lM 1 ti t t ' 'I , r, .l u v . I in!,!
I, .1.,.,. I . ,k Srl.l IV 1 l.'.t.
'I 111. 1 .1 ! t.'-l tHit t' t'f 1-IH
t.Hkl .l . I ! l l tl f t III!' I M.I!.
.,. l 1 1 Hi l!"e 1 ! I nil 'i "it. 't
t .., if i.iu 1 ii, .j ..t'.'v t,;fa V I,,
I ..
1 A, S'-ii t't 11 ''I 1 n be per
il, .mi -i ... 1 11 i' .111 1 i.i-tn it 1
f 1, . 1 1. t . i .- '-. " ui a i .iti it I
I ,. t a t it Oil li o 1 1 a it ii ,...
1. - 1 . t i" i-
t .1 a 1 I I, 11 -in. I nit I .l I i il. s
Ui I -i Hi I" I tl'tf l it 'li
It, I .1 . -i- ' I -.i 1 .of' It H A .!
.-, .Hi l-..a
It till ' t . 1 l jt"
.1 no ial teat. It '!' a H'i I tlt
t ,i I ii "i no . 1 an I tti.t
,,,, l.nae S I ft .-J, , t,t ,, a)
tot.. It .'Cut I' l 1 tti in I- iUt'-i
,1 . 1 ,l!t 11 I.H.l ll i ll I, It, .It,!
t .. , t . 1 1 -. 1 ! - . . h M i" , n a ui
I t .kal wi h t!i t.t f I !
i,.,t.,, . .t . ... 'I m ..;.n-.,, .
t t i
n lectin en nnil Mtllfitofe.
6ALKHA1KN for Netirarku and Iowa, to
handle tho iaatei; apiung patmi uu
the market; If you can earn VM to tlw
weekly, we want to hear from you.
12U1 W. O. W
BALKHMF.N to aelfautomoMle apecialty
In reornr.Kii, limn, wrutn tttttute biiu
K arietta; Hood aldu .line. -' Hee HHI jr.
VANTKD on cxMirb-liced auio aaleaman.
halnry utid roimnliHii on. J, 11. Markel,
S2:t H. llth. Lincoln, Neb.
IF YOC have el!lnj ability e Stand
ard Fee. & Inv. Co., wu vv. u. t .,
Ibilir. omaha.
BOMKTIUMJ exTia good, big money for
. t .. ., t,M I- u ku.ln,,.. 1'Mlle.r.
lint aaireiiititi w,it im ,w
1017 W. O. JV,
SaI.KHMAN to travel III Neh. Htandard
Her and 'n''', '' . J"'.7 w- " w- R.
Ilolela anil Hralaaranta.
RKLTahLk empioyniint agency. li
Iiavenpor'. Ht., heiuluuarter ror noiei
help; upec. atenllor. to dlttance order.
Tradr HcImmi!,
Men wanted to learn the trad. We
have originated a plan to teach It
oulckly and earn back tublon while
learning Tool Included. Open to every
one. Write for, UO Bo. 14th
Hi., Omuhn, Neb,
to learn auto work for the big prlng
ruah. Fine training work on auto and
alectrlc ainrtlng ytem.
tM remain ht. tiitthNeb,
LKAIIN barber trade, more than make
your tuition while learning. Ht of toola
Included. Job guaranteed. Call or writ
lor catalogue. 14HJ Dodge
MKN itaiiiiiil "lo learn Iho liarber trad.
Tuition i'Mi. li'mS Ciiaa HI.. Omaha.
t Sai'i'.llii neiiM.
WANTKD. Able bodied unmarried men
between ak" of It and V: nlilien of
Lrilt'd Ht.ite, of good character and
temperate hablte. who can epei.k read,
and wrlto the ICiirHhIi language. For In
formation apply to Recruiting Officer,
Army Hldg., Kit It Itito Dodge Ht.,
Omaha, Neh.; 27 Hlxth Ave., Deg
Molnea, 1.; 27 Fourth HI., filoux City,
t. . tut v O'ntl. Ul t.ltteoln Neo.
i., i.i" .- ...
76 MONTH. Git government lob. Men
and women wanted Llet of poaltlon
obtainable fr-e. Franklin Inatltute
Dept. 221-0, Hocheater, N.T,
A MAN to" apray apple'treea' who under
.. ...i.u- nmai trlva refer
iniina 1111. 'on Ht""", - - .
n,.. Uoltlh 511 h C. J. HVHliam. TOUIC
4 ai...,ll. I lln.llu
WA Nf'LD'-N'a'ihea of amldl lou nien.
a at. w . ,1,11, in naerirtiii iriinon. 11 nil
carrier. Commence i7 month, Addrea
V Ree
ti rjt iu ti f f i f u Ii h L rv ll 'dk Km It
fi r, i-iin ( ... .... -':
DAILY PROFIT- D. W', strong. 7
ligan HI., A-IU, 1 icnver.
gluree and (irflrea
STENOGRAPH LU and clerk for email
office Hrandela theater building; good
.... .11,.,..,!.... U.I,. in rim tittlt In the
mi ti n.itai 1,'it. am i'. . ........ ... --
ahaence of tbe manager; ealary depend
upon experience, approximaituy -..
A VIM, lmnha Jiee,
Why pay a Filing Fee? If you are
efficient or experiencei in commercial
work, ace u at once, liogera Itefuronce
rv (Jl 1 Pntliin Ttlnek
HTKNG.. ";'; KTKNOm i4S; AH'8'T
THK MARTI CO , 1327 W. O. Pldg
Stkn'O., $'7rHterio7."$0; rlteno W;
Hienn.. t'W; IHctanhone operator, M.
Wl'li pef, Co., M0 Rrandela .Theater
Profeaalona anil Trailra.
WAT?t'Eb 'Several young woman, 122
year of age, wtlh at leaet a grammar
achool education, to take up local and
long dlttanca telephone work. Permanent-
employment. Balarle above
average are paid at itart; ateady ad
vancement. Every attention paid to
welfare. Apply I to 11 i. m. or 2:30 to
4 p. m. at 1817 Douglae Bt
C, F, LAMBERT, Plalrict Traffic Chief,
Nobraka Telephone Company,
N IT RK VM t or aa nl ta rl urn. Requl remente.
anoH chttiacter. high achool graduate,
college education preferred; no hoaplul
experience required. Ilav own train
ing achool. Wagea, twenty dollar per
month at gtart; Increaaed a rapidly aa
qualified. Hoard and room lurnmneo.
Call. Room 'iii Nevllio block.
Kldg ay. ,
ItAClllMi alria"wanted; good pay; ex
peilenccd preferred. Hcott Omaha Tent
and Awning Co., iit narnry ot.
w a VTB-n-nil-la in nl waate uaoer.
Apply Omaha 1'aper Stock Co., ISth and
Man y Hi.
Vt' IV'I'II l l fb la In flat work lleUt. AD
ply Kvan Model Laundry, lith and
I.RAR.S haliirelng at Tn Oiipenheira.
Ilouaeholtl Hllll lltinirallr,
F.XCKPTIONAL chance ' for girl who
appieclKlc good home, nice room, good
11 i, JCM 111 I tl ashiiiE. mimt ho good cook;
houet-i-lcanliifc' done. :il liawlhorne
Vie W iilnut ;'l-4.
h.N I'l .HI I.NChD hilt' Kil l for general
linou'wink In family of 3, good wage.
Mia. J. Ilyiiea. Harney ,").
rn it in , 'oil, rcit til fur general tinu.te
work; email famll.t : reference Wtilred.
' rn-; Ho. ;tr.t ri t-i. I in rite v .iiv.
WA.VTKD--A vthlie tlrl for general
houae" ui k . tut t-ookliig or waahing.
Call at once. Harney 4.
W.tNTI.U 'iicl for iiU'lai holiaett ink,
nil waahing. c. t I'tJUfll, ti:bl I aa
Ht W 'limit v;
I: V I'i.iu I .SCI I ' nli l for general houite,
tioia, in at of wui,e. 4' 1 'at tiiptu t
Ht Walnut I"
W' V NT I-' I ' i ; i i I for k'l'ttiai Tnniaewurk
it ttaauiii. oi"l uti't. Hat 1 1 1 .'.;,a
It'll S 'b An.
WAN III' V wtoiiari tu cure for civ
iniet'iiit in.ntll ttnd d' aomit a ttliig
tilitlil "'"I
lit III. f"r in i" r.ii lutiircit nrk. cure of 1
iliiil'fo. no vtaching, ttlille or i.tluied
W V t'll t' Willie Ki, fi.i g-tiiMiil Inmae
, ik -iniid f nun, .'. racric itr
lev i
W V S f I I'M i.ldle a , d lady tu look
ftr b 'li-f t .il'nt .'('
v VSi l It ti.,...i itt l'ir nl'-ial li-,.i.'.
.., Ii a!ttl l.tluliV Cn'.l Ui HI.'
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PAXTON H.k. oe.iot.1 of letitring and art
teache paying traoa i
r,.:..i..j:.i-i.'; n'atifl tire. Web, 6TW.
uttiivina v,v .. . . - - i,
.. . i vA.i,. Woman.
Evunlng School for Younrf Mn
Hatuiday morning claa In typewriting.
lone C. Duffy, Owner and Manager.
XX) S. 18th St. Omaha.
RHEUMATISM, etomacti, tlver
and kidney trouble, goitre, nervou
neaa and tithma aurferer ar euo
c(fully featured to health by n
Examination Free.
Call Suite 111 Bee Bldg.
Chiropractor. Tyler tWe.
VotiNO" woman coming to Omaha a
atrangerg are Invited to vlalt th Young
Women' Chrlatlan aaaoclatlon building
at 17th St. and St. Mary' Ave., whirl
they will be directed to suitable board
Ing piece or otharwi aaatatad,. Look
for our traveler' guide at the Unloa
Piles, Fistula
Dr. E. R. Tarry euro piles, fletuia.
and other rectal dtseaiwg without eurgl.
cal operation. Cur guaranteed and no
money paid until cured. Writ for book
on rectal diseases with tcsUmonlal
DR. K, R, TARRT, 240 Be ldg,
Omaha. Nob,
The I dlea' Home Journal. ,,,.,..4.U
Tha Saturday Evening Poet.....
The . ou nt ry Gentleman H ot
163 subacrlptlona by April 20th earn
that. :,'m for Th Invalid' Pnlon
A'n, Your order or renewal oontri
bute tOu, Phone Douglas 71'A or al
Omaha, Neb,
PKRBONAL-MUeea Staple and 0hf-f'-r,
bath, electric treatment. Open I a.
in. to 9 p. m,; Hunday, 11 a. m, to I .
rn. Douf.7ll.401.War Blk,
THB Halvatloii Aniiy 1 nd ua trial horn o
Helta Vour old clothing, furniture, mag-
line. Wa collect. W diatrlbut.
Ph ne Douglas 4126 and our wagon will
call. Call and Inapeot our new horaa
1110 111. 1114 Dodge lit.
11 1 OT IG it A P H Y taught In all branch
Few Mc lesaon In kodak work eaves
ou money. Kmory School of Photof
raphy, 612 N. 14th. Phone Tvler 241.
FIliiLFiV i-day drink and drug traat-
L w jviJU A nient la beat known cur!
booklet free. Tl I K FCRLEY. 8167 Kar
nam.jUrnaha. PhonHarney 1742.
DKH JOHNHTONH, Chiropractor', of
Sheldon, la., wlh to announce thelf
location at 24tf7 N St., S. O. t'oiuiult.aUoo
free and Invited, phone South4..
HIT T rn irr t ," Hucceaafuily tirat4
U 1 iUllD wlthou surgical
operation. Call or writ Dr Wray A
MathenyM He Bldg., Omaha.
I'',t( IAI. rrutaaagn, manicuring, (liampoo
and Hiralp treatment, 1NDU KOe)
.w HiT HI SHOP, am Roe Bldg. Tyler 1.
Wli make a specialty 5f tout and sur
gical coraet, NIT-HON B Coret Shop,
Web Bunderland H1dg. Red 4.192,
mahhagk" an i7 jTLECTRiC bAthb.
chiropody. Mleaes Gray and Head, 111
214 Halrd Hik , 17th and Doual. D, HU.
UATH dyed and reblocked; feather boas
cleaned, curled and made from plume.
Dora Klaele. 1136 City Nat. Bk. D. 8l.
VOL' It clotiie dry cleaned, preed anj
returned th game day. City Preaslng
Club, m Neville Blk. Red 4071.
Bteam and shower bath. Maaaage Red
TiTi. Koom ana Karoacn Dig.
Webter. Ml Paafoa
Blk. ij. mn.
Office hour 10 to I.
ItricuitlA t teal uraieu auniiaaaiuii, , w-
sull guarant'd. Dr. Hnwaer, 114 Be Bldg.
BHEUMAT1HM treated (uccaeafully;
WANTKD Day or night nuralng by oof
ored graduate nurae. Call Web. Ail.
TR I Vat K home for maternity ca.
Call -Colfax 2042. 441 N, With Bt.
BCiENTIFIC maa"g. iM S EltfiT
PhinDmijrla a 2111
FaraTabeii Roouaa.
If you fall to find th room
you deslr among the adi, oall
at The He office for a Room Ltai
give, complete detailed descrip
tion of vacant rooms In all parts
of tha city. It mor convenient
phono riie Ree Want Ad Dept.
and give your name and addreaa,
and a list will be mailed to you
at once. New lists ar lud
everv week.
WANTED A young employed lady or
girl aa companion for traveling man's
wife; will give room; mint furnlah
beat of reference Phone Webter 1174,
Tf'YOU want something BettVr than
uaunl, aee me. I .ergo, airy rooms with
modern conveniences and well-fur-
nlHhed.220 N. 23d.
RKAU f'lKL'L" vie 1 1 furniahed south room
in private family; walking dletance. 110
.ionea. Douglaa 5T"2.
tti.VS1.1N, Lii.V-Two nicely furniahed mod
ein rooiiia; furnlalu.d complete; reaaon
able. Harney I14i.
y.ii rT:.viiY AVK. NUely furniahed
mm! li room in new flat; plenty hot
CI.LA.S", pteaannt, modern rooms In prl
t it'u family, board If deairad. Harney
NIC I 'clean, well- Furniehel room; ' all
ii' v. fiuiuiiire, cluao in, 19if St, Mary s
A I.l, iiinileni, tvell furnlaheil room; clot
in. U to 14 to per wrk..S!tMFarnam.
TW11 nitiilein rnuiiit, fuiiililiid OumplatiT
1 olfax in.' atler II a, in,
SMXLL. niotltiin mom, 11 SO par weeiu
l'ongla ft't H. i'lth.
NKUT.V fiitiiuiiid loom 111 privet farn
p. I'l, one lliinii'y !.'
MCKLY funnelled mom, cioa la; all
mcilcrn HI X '2 Ht
l-i tivimii'.n 1 a foFTght Uiut-
ki.i'iii4 ' Itoiigi
K.l 1. t lni"ii; s r Xeaily" Furnished,
1 ! 1.1.' n .iiiin
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jl.ARlil, njla ,.t IMIIliieltli,f,jrniTil
I ' 'ii,pe'e tor lnii,ieHef ping ritom
I j ' er ae. k S r-,.in, n T Ma-
. Itt A"t .! I III, !. Tiler l'?
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rmtt. krei-ing aid. r-toiii with ltainr
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