Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 22, 1916, EDITORIAL, Image 17

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    awn, a i. iw mi i ii - n i i .i.n.ii -.-mi i-.i i n I.. . n .- in mi -. i nn -iii.ii i- iinmiii i m i n.i , - imm i.m .
Bringing Up Father -:- :-: Drawn for The Bee by George McManus
MV-" fc'l hyDERlFlj 0 ( WELL -WHAT ) , nwc TryThmZ
t. f 1 i;; OUT OF AT THIb HOUR? J ,T l 1J' T A VA5NT TWELVE
Home Team Wins Nine-to-5ix Vic-
; tory Before Bumper
J Crowd,
, LINCOLN, April 21. Th eeaann's open
lug same In th Western league, pot-
t nrtnoH from miIaiiIuii n aeeAiinf .-.e iuai
.y "
grounds, w played today before a.
bumper crowd, Lincoln winning from
Sioux City by a score of t to t, It wa a
Slugging game, In which the local player
were most successful In bunching their
hit. It wan too cold for effective pitch
ing and the high wind the
fieldln. Boor:
A II, It. II. o. a. 1;
t'ooney, 2b .
Connelly, 3b....,
Callahan, ..,..
Cosgrovc, i f
I.eJeUlfO, it
Wat son, If
Kane, lb
lensllng. rf
Livingstone, c.
Oaskell, p
Total ......a . 12 24 1
A. K.
0 1
4 1
4 1
1 0
t 0
I l
1 1
Carlisle, If
BeumUIrr, 2b...,
Thomson, cf
( Morse, Oh
Lnber, rf.,,
, schmandt, lb...
Htereriaon, ....
liohrer, c
Hregory, p
Tolala S3 14 27 19 4
Bftltad for Uiiakoll In ninth.
Jm.nln 0 0 0 1 0 2 1ft fl
Sloix City 0 0 0 0 0 O S 1 2-H
Thrfa-bimn fill: Mora. Homa run:
rtivanrr. Two-b hlta: pphmanrtt. liv.
ItiBdtonf (2). Doiibln play: Uitar to
Rohrir. fitnlfn fifhmandt, Pacrlfira
hlta: Morao. Orsgory, Callahan (2. Wat
non. fltrurk out: hy Oraaory, 1; by Oa
kHl. 2. Haaaa on balla: Off ftraaory, 2:
off riaakell. 2. trmplrea: Carney and Hck-
topfk nirFKAT st. joarm
Kana Win Ornate Marked hr Tleary
IT. JOSKTH. Mo.. April fl.-Thpaka -fpated
St. Joaeph, 7 to f, today In a Km
marUad by heavy hitting on both aldea.
ah. n. n. a a n
A1i r. 1h 1 I 1 1 o
'ioortwln. 3b 4 0 2 t I n
Mehweltzer. rf 4 0 1 ft l o
Hanaon, If 2 2 0 1 0
kriiaor. rf 4 12 10 0
I attlmore, ib 2 1 o ft 2 0
Vnthran, a 4 ft 1 12 0
Monroe, c 1 2 H 0 0
IjimlK'lh, p 4 1 1 0 0
Pashncr. I'. 0 0 0 0 0 0
...32 7 11
AH. R.
MK'ahe, rf..
Sullivan, rf.
Ktrkham, If.
.Inurdan. lb.
I'errv, .lb ...
'vrrniin. -b..
l"mr n
.Urkxnn, p..
William" ..
niiinieni, J.
Tolala "i 11 27 IS 1
Hmii-d for Wackhurn In aavanth.
"Haiicl ti.r Iudfrnillk In eighth.
T,.M-k 0 4 0 ? 0 1 "
M lOBenli 0 ft ft " 0 0 1 4 IV 6
Harped T ilia Topeka. . W .loaepti, ft.
I'hree h. hlia: Aaler. MmSI Jour
in T--hai.e lni: Aaler, rteman. ,1m Itinekhurn to IVrrv to
K pit I KB . Keatlna to Kernan to lonnlan
on ,ap off J.i, k.m. S; off 4la k
'irn. '!. i. ft lnit- lh, ! Mi-ti' k out: Hy
H. kin ?, hv lilin'kh irii i,; hy Lsmlwih.
' l.rft mi lm. Topeka, 1 St .loi.'l'h,
1 VI plirh I.aiuiH-tti. rr. hull
Uooi I ir-it t,i on err"Hi: To(.
i II. I l.t (iiiihi'l !! Ii ljmhmh.
.ill. an lime. '! lo, rttiplrra Kam
nl II? an.
TTiMir iircniT ti; nr. na
Kaai Ittia . Heater a4
hFNVMI VI' aptit ,r) W'l. hii
'.I f-nl tin l'-trr In tha . ,in,j
.11 II lO'lO OIM, l.i' l.l UII .4M,
I, 4h
M4 Iv(
i .id '
r .! a st t.i t tl.a iii,ii, i.i i
' " W It'll M
'. f .,,',. B M
i , s t , : i
, . . t . i t 1 . I
.f ,(,,' tu , t i i I
.: , .. , i i
.,..,.:.. . '
, .. i,i t
, 4,.'!-
I ,..,,!
' r it . r
f. t f 4 ' 1 I
.. .1 . . I ., I ! I 1
, . .1, . . f , .
: i .. t ' '
... 4 I ' "
. .. ....''
i '. Il -., 1 1
, .1 1 ' '
. ... . ; .. .. -
'..'....,. . i i
i t K -t-. It f'fc
"' 4" f II 4, l l
I -'' I '
V .., V
! a !...' "
I ! .H J , .. i' i ' '
i ., t I .......
t. t II t '? a- ! Ilf K k 1
; ( - 1 1 , i j i ' i '...i
't i i , i . . i , ip . . ... i
Standing of Teams
Omaha ....1 o l.mif
Phlla it 1 ,ai.7
Cincinnati .. t .615
Topeka ....I 0 I.'xiO
iumvor ....1 l
Ml Hoatun i X M)
Wli'hlia I ,f!
ri. iouia,,,. ."
Lincoln ....I 0 .Wfll
'lltlmrh .4 .444
I-a Molnoa O 1 .(H UrooKyln ...2
Hkmx I llv..O 1 .! ChlcaKo ..,.2 4
HI. Joaeph. O 2 ,ijU New York. .2 .'IM
AM Hit. LKAfilTK. AM Ell, AHUM.
W.L.I'(t.l W.L.l'ct.
noaton ...,6 II .r78t, Paul 2 1 ,WI7
New York, .4 2 .W7 Toledo 2 I ,W7
Iotrolt ,...11 4 ,f,.'4U'olutrihu ..2 2 .&w
Chlfauo ..,.5 f .fiool IxiiiIhvIIIo ..2 2 .M)
Waah'n ...A 4 ..V' Knn. i'lty.,2 2 .W
HI. Iiula..,.n 3 MlnrioHii'a 1 2 .Xli
Clevehind , 2 (i .IM' Milwaukee .0 2 .')
1'Iiiln. I .14-11 lii'lhiimn a .1 2 V.V.
Vealerday'a llranlta.
Omaba-I)ia Molnen, cold.
Topeka, 7; HI. Jnai'ph, .
Hloux Ctv, m Llnooln, .
Wluhlta, ft: Iioiiver, 2.
Rrooklvn, 10; Homon, .
I'hlladelphla. : New fork, 2.
HI. Iouia, 0; Plttahuruh, .
C'lii'.liiniil-r'hl'ao, wet around.
A .VI Kftlt 'A N LKAiil'B,
Cleveland, 1; HI. I.oula, II.
r'hlooiio, 2; Lelrolt. 2.
N(iw York, 6: WaahlnRlon, 2.
lleaton, I: PhlladiOphla. 3.
Knnana Cl.ty, 10; (Viluinbus, 2.
.NiliineBiKilla. 7: Loulavllle, 9.
Milwaukee, 2; Toledo, S.
tit. I'aul-Indlanapolla. rain.
I.nmri 1'ortar.
Brooklyn at Hoaton.
Philadelphia at Ni-w York,
fit. Ixiula at llttabiirh.
;inclnnall at Chicago.
neveland at Ht. I.oui.
CIiIcbko at Detroit.
New York at Waahlngton.
Hoaton at Philadelphia.
Omaha at Ilea Molneia.
Topeka at Ht. Joaeph.
Hloua City at Lincoln.
Wichita, at Denver.
Cold Weather Causes Postponement
of Game Between Omaha and
Des Moines.
DF.B MOINES, Ia April 21.(Preelal
Telegram.) Following hla pernlcioua
actlvltiea of Thuraday when he ruined
Baldy Isbell'a chancaa to cop the Capper
cup, the celebrated prognoatlcator who
operates the weather around thcae parts
turned loose the Arctic faucet again to
day, with the result thore was no ball
The Ttourkes were much disappointed
aa they figured on grabbing four In a
row from tha Booatera. Harry Krauae.
who waa to have worked on the hurling
mound, had vlaslona of a two-hit com
bat and ha la ao pevlah aibout the
weather lie haa framed to chuck a no-hlt
fray tomorrow.
The Itourkeleta apent the afternoon
lamping Jitney films. All of the movie
IIott They Amne felra.
ahopa here are aturk on Charlie Chaplin,
Cy roraythe. who thlnka Charlie la about
aa funny aa an Ini'ieet, spent three hours
trying to find a place aliere Charlie
wasn't billed aa the Mg attraction and
fmallv had to go and play billiard wlih
The same Haturdajr will ha plared In
the afternoon despite the Drake relay
rami a I. Heretofore the hall gamea
iilaaia hcn laye. In tha morning the
dv of the rlay. but l4ell t a grouch
.n the 'ah rah hoya and I gom to give
them a Utile etmteiltl"n
M the fart that hla present lineup
looks like a winner. Pa ttourk la filling
iriin to hook up an outfielder and an
inf eM. r Th out fielder la a o slulr,
a g-Kwl t.a.a rmwr ana a awell fielder
If Itoutk land Mm t'maha will ha
th rluiiiil trdn In the lwp. if a
fall tiah Ik eul fielder K-urk will
pin, k ' P.flel'l.r ant keep Marty Krog
in th . ,lfll I
Mnacarr r Me Haw.
I eitarr Al ii"'i,''t'r nt t-rtth!
k ih sn I't t.'S I I hyl
i.y cHiig w.trk i f-, UmeUf
h( ft,.( dr h I I'l ' ki..
th tr 4.. 4 1.4 1 k n s't "'n
- I e a i at th h
it t --tn it ..( a h 'f t.
! . ( ! i I t- 4' , t
"t t ,. t ). IV f '4 4) 14 t t In.. I
...i! f;u , I , , l.l.'4 )! Ih
H,-.,vi, t-,'i. I M
4 ,,-4 l' ' i.'IH i l: ,rtit I' '
C k Ii II. .(
Hastings Bali Park
Wkoly to Bo Sold
Hist ;, I , ',! " ; tat '
r .. ,. , . . . . ,
.It l t o,t !- tm :
I' tl 6".' M f4 !( S4 p,?!.. f
. M 4 ( !.. I ... I tl i t .
l I t I, 'V ( I IS4 1.. 1 4,.: U..
it. ; ,,,)(.- . ! In Ih..,
h. . t-i u -it. iS t ti '
I - t . , it a r- k 1 v i
t f
. .,. I 114 '
4.1. 4 I 4 4 t
Philadelphia Champions Take An
other One from New York
NE WYORK, April 2I.-Th Philadel
phia champion defeated New York again
today, the score being to 2. pemarce, a
former New York pitcher, held hi one
time teammates to three tilts, two of
these and a base on nails scoring the
aiants' runs in the fourth. Th vialtor
won In the eighth, when, with the scoro
a tie, three runs were made on errors
by Doyle and Fletcher and on hits by
Pnskert and Cravath. Be.ore:
PWtr,Artr)1J,MtA. NgW YORK
All II. O. A R AB.H O A l;
Stork lb .., I a I SO Purr. U .t Q 0 ft 1
Knrnfl, .4. 4 ft i 4 urml. lh..,.4 0 14'
P.Kkrrt. rt .. t I I o ftKlntrher, m. 4 I II I
''r'th. rf.,4 1 t 0 OK.ufl. r I 0 l) fi
lliKiru. Ik. 4 1 II I (IMerkls. lb ., I 1 II I It
V. 1,111,1. If . 4 12 0 Itllcj.rh cf . 4 4 I)
Nl.h'iff. th.,4 1 I I OM'K'hnle, Ib I 0 I 1 I
K Hum.. .... 4 12 0 nHnh4rt4n ..1 SO
Uemsrae. ., 4 1 I ORarMsn, ... I I M t
Anrtr4on, a. I 0 1 ft
Totals 17 10 11 11 Ksllr 1 ft
Total It! II 1
Ratted for McKechnle In ninth.
Itatted for Ar.deron in ninth.
Phllarlolphla 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 2 1-f
New York 0 0 0 2 0 0 0 0 9-2 '
Two-baae hlta: Merkle, Paakert, K
Burn. Htolen bn: Housx h, t.'ra'ath.
Sacrifice hit: Hnncroft Douhl play:
Rnrlden to McKechnle, Flrat base on er
rors: Philadelphia. 2. Bajiea on balls: Off
Demaree, g. Karned run: Off Demnrne, 2;
off Anderaon, t. Htruck out: By Anilt.raon,
ft; by Demaree. 2. Umpire: Klem and
Pirate Beat Cards.
PITTBBUKGH, April 21,-Pittshurgh de
feated Ht. Iouia, to 0. her today,
Harmon holding the llfor to two hlta,
A base on balls to lllnchman, Wagner'a
triple, a hit batman. Vlox'a double and
a single bv Johnxton scored four run
In the second Inning. Wagner's second
triple and a sacrifice fly resulted In an
other tally In the fourth Inning. Vlox
knocked a home run with two men on
buae In the eighth Inning. Hcore:
ST. Iinn, PITTKHI'K111
AH. H O. A t All H U A F
Rwtier. It.. I 0 Johnston, lb. 4 i It 0 0
Drottom ...I 0 0 0 Ik-arsr. If 4 I A
Bork. Hi 4 1 1 IB.Inl of.... I 0 1 ft ft
Kmlth, cf ... 4 0 ft t Olllnchm'o. rf I II S 0 0
Miller, lb..., I ft 1 OWH.n.r, m.. I 1 4 0
Imn. rf ,...J I ft OXchuUr, 2b., ft ft t I
Betsel. 2b... I i I IVIol. Sb I I 0 1 0
Horimtiv. i ft 1 t Ollarnvm, D...1 0 0 a 0
Onnials. o.. ft 1 1
ftleele. D....0 ft ft Total 111117 2
11.11. I ft t 3 ft
Ihitler 1 ft II ft ft
Willi. ms. p.. 0 t ft
Totals m a S4 II 2
Batted for Bescher In ninth.
Hatted for Hall In eighth.
St. Loula ft 0 ft 0 0 0 0 0 -0
Pittsburgh 0 4 0 I 0 0 0 2 -8
Two-haae hits: Hlnehman. Vtoux.
Three-bane hlta: Hlnehman, Wagner 2,
Schmidt. Home run. Vlox. Htolen base:
Hetael. HhciIIIcb fly: Vloux. Double plHy:
iHchmldt to Johnston. Kltat base on T-
rora: Ht. Iitild, 2; tlttahiirgh, 1. Hnaea
on halls' off Steel. 2. I Ills and earned
runs: I iff Steel. 2 hits. 3 runs In one In
nlng (none out in lecondl; off Hall, 1
hit 1 run In six Innings; off Williams, a
hits. 3 runs In one Inning. Hit hy Pitched
ball: Mchults by Htettle. Struck nut: fly
Hall, 1; bv Harmon, R. Wild pitch: Har
mon. Cmplres: Byron and (Julgley.
Itoduers Heat Braves.
BOSTON, April 21,-Brooylyn defeated
Boston, HI to :t. In a inlsfrahly played
gamf this afternoon. Krror by the
local and rod hitting hy the visitor
save Hrooktvn th'ee runs In the flit
Inning, arid aftor Boston tied th score
In a similar way during the fourth In
ning, Brooklyn went after Kfutier In
the Uth. making more lallle than were
ncrrssary to win,
Olson nd MaranvlH hsd a fist ftirht
In th opening inning afler MHranvllle
plunssd sgHlnst OInii when the Istti-r
eauahl him off thlnl Only few blows
landed and both were banished by I'm
plra lllgler Catcher Miller wa later
pot off the field for objecting 10 de.
Clslt.n k.'ioe piafos
h ii i r. ii n r
vr ef i I s str.. il m ' ft I
twihe )h 4 t t I 14 .4 .11 J
i..tM iti i i ' r.4,4 Jt. 1 I :
vo.,i if t a i I tt,..,.ii , s i
.,. m. t 4 ,.in.. it 4 I I I I
I4'4 tH 4 I 4 I t'K 1 h Ih4 I I I
1114",, 4S I I '.!'' Ih t I t 4
1 1 U., 4S 4l4l -- 4 ' I I I
ll4,"ft 4 S mi. 4 I. r 4 4 I
lf.4 Ills t-...r 4 I
.k !..
t444t It II It 14 l4f , 4 I
..m .1 4 (i
r u .! 4
r j.4 n imi i
Hattn.1 ffr Vshf In t f "trtk
Il4il. I'l Kh.iser In th i.l' Ih
tirm-klin I " t , I t I
l..l ., ..tOa t
1 a base fills f..l.rt. Oit.i,,
l 'r. V,4 rh t . I P.
I f ffr J.. .. k- ,1. ii i s4 lft'.
Vt.,i) !.!' (i4l ..v 111 til
4ha. 14,444 I'll 4,ri.f4 5
. ,.!. 14 4.- 4 I.O I t I I'ff II: fll
4 ,' S,t I t ' knt. I Ill's " I
4 t'-. l'lt n't t f I ll 4 1' t I
to f.-n ii,in.a i kin'it l, i-
4 t '.. II t 4 1 .' ' 4 ' i'f ' ' . -t .
in t n . r-,'14 M'l i H ) It! I i
f.f(..i Kf-t ! f
f. i s , i i 1 I i i.4ar. i I in
'.4 l"4 f ' t :4r4:,
Unliia liMiwtailMa
,V i'.ii'i-t-, - f M
4,t 144 I 1t , ,. :.. I It
. ... '
. . 4 I I I " t ' 44 1 4 4" I ' ll
II I ' ;i il, I. S 'U,'vl
t,t I I" HP ' I
st '". f 1
I, . '4
. w ., i (.t W4i't,... Ii i,4,
.. I ' . ..,.. j 41.44 l I i '"-
t ' I . , ' H I
Vf 4 4 4 ... 4
I ;. .1 1 4
I - . ' 4 4 1' "14. -41 If"1 ' I
t , . 1 f .." 1. I Ut ' I
V '.1
M4 t Mstl 4.i
1 I 1 , ' ) f - 1 1 , 4 fi i
4 . -ti. 1 I - I .! '4 ..
I. l it n i ! 4 V . ,
Cobb and Crawford Too 111 to Play,
but Detroit Goes Ahead and
Beats Pale Sox.
DETROIT, April 21-Mlnu the services
of Crawford and Cobb, both of whom
were too sl'k to play today, Detroit de
feated Chicago, i to 2. Jackson mis
judged Vltt'a short fly In the seventh
Inning, but after a desperate run reached
It, caught. It, fell headlong, rolled over,
and then dropped the ball. Thla Mishap
allowed Htanage to score from third with
the winning run.
Fournler's homer which followed Mur
phy's double gave tha Sox their run In
the fourth Inning. Hlnglcs by VII t and
Veaoh, Weaver's wild throw and Hell
tiiumi'a sacrifice fly enabled the Tiger
to tic In the sixth. Score:
AH. It. O A F) All II OAK
Murntir, rf . 2 1 ft ft OPtLtl. as.,... 4 1 1 ft I
4444(,r, h I 1 I I Vlii, ah 4 2 I 0
K I V.lllna. Ib 4 I f 0 DKsvana', rf. 4 t I ft ft
ronrhler lb, I I T I 0Ven"h. If ... 4 lieu
Jsrksnn. If.. 4 ft 4 0 Allollmsn cf. t ft ft II 0
Kslsrh, cf. ... I ft on.irii.. Ih ... 4 ft 4 ft ft
H,-hslk. ..,. I 0 7 0 '"Voiiin. 2I., I J 2 0
r.rrr a.,,.. 1 2 4 c. 114 0
M, Mullen, as ft ft 0 Oliau.s P I 1 l
lisnforth. .. t I i 0
loot i.. a. ft 0 ft Total.. ...It I W I
Ruaaell. .., ft ft I 0
Illoia ... 1 ft ft ft
Lspo 1 ft
Total. tt I 14 SO 1
Batted for Terrv In eighth.
Batted for Bcott In eighth.
Chicago 0 0 0 t I)
Detroit 0 0 0 0 0 2
0 0 0-2
1 0 '-3
Two-b hit: Dan, Murphy. Home
run: Fournler. Htolen base: Weaver,
Murphv. Haerlflce hit: Weaver.' Hacrl
flce fly: Ilellman. rioiible plays: Burn,
unassisted, Htanage to Young, Flrat base
on error, Chlcngo. 1. Base on ball:
Off nan 4; off Danforth. 1. Hlta and
earned nine: Off Danforth, 7 hit. 1 run
In six and two-thlrda Innlnrs; off Hoott,
1 hit, 1 run In one-third Inning; off Hu
sell, no hit, no run In one Inning; off
Dauas, K hits, 2 runs In nine Inning.
Bik: T'nnfnrth. Htruck out; By Dan,
7; by Danforth 4: by Ruasell. 1. Um
pire: Chill and F.van.
Mack Beat ned Rox.
PHIT.A D FITaPI 1 1 A , April 21. - Philadel
phia gave a splendid exhibition In all
dopartmenta today and defeated Boston,
2 to 1, It being the first victory of the
home team thla season. Myera held Bos
ton to four hlta. The home team knocked
Pennoelt off the rubber In five Innings.
Htrunk led In th hitting with two dou
blea, a single and a sacrifice hit In four
trips to the plate. Hcore:
OFrroN ntn.Anpn.rHiA.
Ah. It O A T. AH H O A K
Winner, rf... 4 1 awitf w ... 0 t II e
Scon, aa ...I ft 1 1 ftWalah. rf.. 1 ft ft 0
Jonrrln. as . ft ft 0 ft 0Thon,n"on. f ft ft II 0 0
flnMltisl. Ik 3 1 1 outruns, of-rf 4 120
Henrtka'n. cf 4 0 0 o norms. If... 4 I A n
Shnrisn. If.. 4 I 0 nlAlols Jk... 4 I I I I
HaHnsr. lb. 4 I 1 4 oMrtnnla, Ik. 4 I 0 0
farrr. Ih... I ol'lck th 4 2 2 1 0
Asnsw. e I ft 4 t Metr. e 4 ft 1 1 0
ThmS4 e... 11 OMTwra. 2 o 10
p4nnr-k .. I ft 1 2 ft'.tcli.iis ... I I) ft (I ft
.lone. 1 I S 1 ft -
Until 1 II ft ft 0 Total.. ...SI 12 27 1 7 ft
tl 1 A ft ft
Total l!lll ft
Batted for Pennoek In sixth
Ratted for Hoott In eighth.
1 Batled for Walh In scienlh
ft 1 ft 0 1 Q 1 ft
Two-base hits Movers, Htrunk
f"1, i
Htolen base: J'tck "aerifies hits- Witt,
Hirunk. Baea on halls, off Mnyera, S
1111 nd erned runs Off Pennnck. 11
I'll. 2 run In fhe innln: off t.iiie. 1
bits. 1 run In three Inninss. off Meyers.
4 lilts, t run In nine Innlnrs Ftiruck out
Bv Pennork. bv Jtnirs ? bv Movers. 2
W lid plieh: Meyer Umplrea. Dlueen
and Nallln fleet aenatnra.
IT 4in'iTOV, April ? . v. T.'rk
hsst Wasblnvlon nlsv, to 2. In a game
haiiod hi ra'n t 0f tm i.f4i,i,
In Ik frx I it i 1 1 ar reached third
on lino eri'trs and acred on a double
steal with Baker
lir.nlcn lllit!e. peeklnps'ish'a simile
std steal of ae. ottd. and Tnl-twol)' alo.
do aevniinie.) t,.t l .4,, n,r In the f,mrtk
tn ft'a aoietiiti hlta tv t!4l nd Vi(M
sn lltflel'l Otlt I1'1 ..e.leitii almrtr
tlir.,iih l-vitfr sent ttao met rtina oi er
V. ,4i lrit"ii "l Ps threo rtio4 to Ho
f.iitrili en 1 i,4tir' lill, pecktnp tghs
n..e tut t'oioe rt'n lo loft ftel.l hi
BHdo'l He nee
v r-sr y ,k
V4tl 4li
., tlM rt 4 I
114 444 '4 I I l
ItlW, 14 l
I '.4.14 '4 4 III
r- th ill
I .. 4 . . .4 l I I
.,.,- - 1 I '
' 4 4 4 I I
44 4 ltt V ' SOI
4 e M o 4 r
l,4f ' 4 4,44
I'. 4lf4't
. f 4 .4
l It, 1441
.'44 tl 1 I I I t
4 1 IS I I '
ll'.M. I f . I 4 - - 111 4- , . ,l.
,u- I f :- I ; I. H
' ' a , . i i t
H ,'M .': I, !"!, . ''
', , -., ... ,. (. II.. 4. ,,. 4 1.4
...I I". -.- I .. t 'I ..K.ll 14
I '. '-I V I 1 " 4 . 4 . . I,
.. ,i, -. ,14 U 1... 4.. B 4 I
,' . S 4 ' H ! 11 . .''':,'
, I ' . . -, 4 l I'M I 1 t I, , i, 4-
I . e li'vi ii 1. . , '.( i i,i I
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i -- 1. 1 1 I l- i, i - t . , '. j fc , i . 4 I: 4 ?
i . 14 n all . .
Hlrttt Kf til I H alt
22. 1916.
and poor fielding resulted, Cleveland lx-n C
charged with ssn-n error Hmie:
All II. II A V.
All II .0 A K.
llntni.i' If . 4
i 'h.iHn.n. as. 3
OShotlen It. . I
rintiin, if 4
0KIli-r. lb .
ItMariHin. cf., 4, H ....
a a
I 14
t 7
eix-akar. a... I
HiKiili. rf
. 4 I
iismPI, Ih ., 4
1 uriier. tb. , . 4
turn, lb ... I
O'.Nelll, .., I
MltehSll. ., 0
II". .to ....
Hoik .. .... I
Olwal. Ilj.,
I Hart Mr. i
llaoran. a
Kifouiu, . .
.. I
., I
.. 4
.. 4
1 I
Tom ... r 1 2 ii r
Batted for Mitchell In the sixth
Batted for Covrlrakle In the eighth.
Cleveland 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1-1
St. Uniis .4 0 0 1 1 0 1 4 '-U
Tao-lisse hit: Ileal, Lavan, Homo
run: i'latt. Htolen base: Hpeaker i2),
Hinlili, Hhotten. Pratt. Sacrifice hit:
i 'hiipiimn. Double play: Pratt to Ijivbii
to hlsler. Itnsii on errors: Ht. Ionia, I.
B iiaea on ball: Off Mitchell, I; off
IliiKcrman, I; off Oronin, f. lilts and
eiirnnil inns: Off Mitchell, 7 bits and 4
run In five Innings; off Covelesklle, I
hit and no runs In two Innings, off
Hagerman, 2 hlia and 4 runs In one In
nlim; off i (room, 1 hit and 1 run In nine
Innings. Struck out: By Mitchell, 4; by
t'ovcloskle, J; hy Ilxgerman, I. Um
pires: o'lrfiughlln and illlilrbrand.
Helley gold to Memphis.
INDIANAPOI.IH. April 21. -Outfielder
Jim Kelley. with the Pltlsburitli Pederai
last year, haa been aold to the Memphl"
club of the Hnuthcrn a'Kiati)ii, II wax
ai'i.ounced today.
College Base Ball
Yale, 1; Pennaylvanla, 6.
, inoiana, i; Illinois, l.
ienign, s; Washington and Lea,
Harvard, 12; Johns Jlopklna, 2.
Dress Up for Easter in
One of Beddeo's Suits
Whirli come in bright, sunshiny patterns and the smart, froth models of
our benoh tailored
New Frat Clothes for
Young Men
Just Arrived $15, $1850, $20
Already the sijrns of spring are evident the singing bird the
budding flowers the lengthening days.
Are you riot tired of that bulky old Winter suit, Tis Spring. 'Tis
time to discard the Wintry garment and don new clothes.
You'll tie delighted with Hie refreshingly attractive weaves and
color combinations we're showing.
Have a peek at our windows or better in. Try on a few
iiits. Sec if you're riot, pleased more than you have ever been.
I'l 11411 HV.
? ii a t say
"Oiarg It'
- open Af
ro il o I i on
Week I y p a V -hlenla
ef f 1 lift.
On Easter Morn
You'll want your nungMter clad in hi,i bi-st. To gUe you
(iptNirt unity to buy America ' finest i IdIIipm for Imy,
We offer thii
Perfeclion Duplex Suits
J KnUktt wtth Imth Suit
lliuii'i' of ni''st Spi'inir put
li t nt in all w i'"l fitl'iti ft
A! t4 I!itt( r ti'kw'itr, Shiits, 1 tllovi t.
iiinl ll.tti upeciiilly pricrd.
jmm BUB
Dormitory at Iowa
City s and Business
Houses are Burned
IOWA CITY, la., April SI. Iowa Union,
a dormitory occupied by student of
the University of lows, wss destroyed
by fire early today with a loss estimated
by Inaurance adjuster at approximately
a quarter of a million dollars
Tha building was a former hotel. In
It 1(0 students mad their horn, Iist
night, however, only twenty-vn In
dent were In the building. Hvrl of
them had narrow escapes, but none sus
tained severe Injury. Th building wss
not owned by the university.
The flame wer brought under control
after several business establishment hud
suffered sn aggregate loss of l?..0,Ooo.
rw 4 oiinlr agent at lied Oak.
KM' OAK, la., April 2l.-lHprlaU-Frank
F, Harder of Ames la tha newly
appointed county agent of Montgomery
roimly, having taken up the work here
this week. .Mr. Barker Is a graduate of
Iowa Htnte college of Ames, having fin
ished the agricultural course there In
January, IKl'l. He lias been employed for
one year and will have hi office In the
Commercial club rooms,
Mr. Barker will begin the work of or
ganising contest among tha hoys and
girls of Montgomery county In th grow
ing of corn, baby beef and baby pork
Innlbrr Association.
Atlanta, 4; New Orleans, T.
1,111 le Ho k. 12; Memphis, 2.
bttanooga. 2: Nashville, 2.
Birmingham, 10; Mobile, (.
Today's Calendar
of Sports
Track: Annual relay carnival ef Prk
untvaralty, ! Moln, la-; rnn Btsts
Waahlngton end !. dual meet, at Lex
ington, Vs.; Hales Bowoln dual meet, al
l.ewlston, Me.
Fencing: Ktrn Intercollegiate eham
plonahlpa, at Hotel Astor, New Tork.
Bowing: Yale against Pennsylvania.
flrat and second varsity erws, t Phila
Tennl: Princeton agslnst Navy, at
Annapolis; New York university against
Ijifayeita, at ICaston, Pa.; Harvard
against West Hid Tennis club, at New
York; Columbus agalnat llaverford, at
New York,
Lacrosse: Cornell against Hot-art, at
Ueneva. N. Y.; Harvard against Navy, at
Annapolis. Md.; l-ehlgh agalnat Hwarlh
more, at Hwarthmore, Pa.; I'ennsylvanl:.
MKulnst Johns Hopkins, si Baltimore;
Steven liislltule against Crescent Ath
letic club, at Bay Ridge, U I.
Boxing: Final In Canadian amateur
iliamploiishlp, at Toronto; "Koldler"
Bnrt field sgalnst "Italian Joer oans, icn
rounds, at New York.
tiiarimmirir: American Athletla union
WO yard a snd plunge championships, at
Missouri Alhletio club. Ht, levins; noutn
Atlsntlo championships, at Baltimore
Athletic club, Baltimore.
Ask th man who hag used Bea VTnt
Ada-)W to 1 you will he boost.
I Wor
Jirtfit, St. JiupliMa,
aw r.