15 Society Notes -:- Personal Gossip -:- Entertainments -:- Club Doings TIIK 15 HE: OMAHA, SATURDAY, APRIL 2J, HUG. GOOD FRIDAY HERE AS A DAY OF REST latin Spirit Pervadei City at Evi denced By Proclamation of Mayor. ! BUSINESS CONCERNS CLOSE UP II y MKLfIPiriA, April 21. t Psrhsps thsre li no morn esssrtlve evl Aw of the underlying l(ln spirit that prvAdr In all thing social ttl Omaha thin our mayor Good Friday procla mation. Ami It all bring! up the old question of Into what aortal ayatm will the great mlrtrllfweat eventually drift Anglo Baon or liHtln? It would he moat rational to aurmlee thst wu will adopt and adapt the brat In both, a In our carnival, for tnstanee, whir we take the harvest Osllval of tl Kngllkh and celebrate it In I-aUn Jnynuanp and carrfra spirit, all the while aa Americana not forgetting; the commercial advantages attending the tnt. 'food Friday, too, cornea welcomed to our f'dli-nrtur-end may each year the number of business concern Increase which give three houre today to medi tation or prayer or rest. For Three Bridei. Mrs, Clay, )(, Thomas gave small In formal luncheon at her home Ihla after noon for Miaa Quelle Prown, Mlaa June Brown and Miss Uarda Scott. The three young guest of honor are to bride of this spring Other guest at the ilttle affair were Mrs. Carroll Balden and Miss Florlnda young of Macedonia, la. Texas Gueit. Mlaa Alice Coad, who has bean In Tesae and California since the first of Decem ber, Is expected home early Easter week. Mis Coad I accompanied by Miss Alice Kordtran of flan Antonio, who will be her gueat for ome month. Ml Ford tran Is well known In Omaha aoclety elnc her visit three year ago as Miss All' Coad's gueat. Relief Corpt Note. ' The Oeorg Crook chapter of the Woman's Itellef corps was entertained at luncheon and a Kensington this aft ernoon at the home of Mrs. ('. A. Ten nant. The hostess was asalsted by Mr. Arthur Hugh and twenty membsrs of the chapter were present. The next meeting of Ihe society will be In Memorial hall Friday afternoon, April 21 On the Calendar. The WliiU Hhrlne Whist club -will meet Monday afternoon at Masonic tem ple. Mra. Mary Wearne will be hostess. The W. W. club will be entertained at a 1 o'clock luncheon at (be home of Mrs. 3. J. Hess Wednesday, following which the afternoon will be apent in aew Ing. Cover will be placed for fourteen gucsls. On Wednesday Mra. Charles T. Kountse will entertain the member of the Origi nal Cooking club. Mr. and Mr. H. N. Wood will enter tain the Harmony club on Saturday night. Mr. Charle War will entertain her bridge club of two tables on Beater Mon day. Pi Beta Phi Banquet. The PI Beta Phi aororrty will give a ban'iuet, followed by a vaudeville aketcli, t the Fontenelle Friday evening. The affair la to commemorate the founding of the aororlty in 1ST and la an annual celebration. Many member from I.ln i oln and other town of the tata are e pected to be present. First Preibyterian Church. The women's aocletlea of the First Presbyterian church will hold their Kas ter bazaar Saturday at the new parish house. r urine; the noon hour luncheon will be served. On the Calendar. The Aloha tango class will meet at Tui pin's hall Monday evening, an affair postponed from Holy finturday. Subscription Club Ball. The Huhacrlptlon THince flub will give n Lull Wednesday evening at the f'onte iiHI Th sperlal feature of the even Im; will be a 12 o'clock supper, making Hi. affair a matter of strict response i.f acceptance or regrets aiming the mem. bera. Mra Arthur Ftemlnglon Is chair man of the committee of arrangement. Social Gossip. Mr, A. M. tlHllagher left for flilcarfn, New York and tti et Wednesday, MiM Alb- J'uxal left Thursday to visit in Pavenport. la rr..onal Mention. Itegtalrred at ttie Hotel ncAlpln front i ninth during the past wik hate been: Mr I A Wlialen. Mi. M I' Mns aid. Mr. s M Hum li Mr Frank Hrhev, M I'eail Vlinx-U. Iir ainl Mi I- II Wfy, Mia J i IIiiiiiIMkii. HkiIii'Is, tin net of Ma-sdnnt, la, is th a it nf tt weak end of Vr " lay H T'ihiiihs. LEADER MUSIC DEPARTMENT OF WOMAN'S CLUB. I f ' '' i fife hv .''- '..aaiaBtaBBafeaaAaaU ''af M RS. JOHN K. H A A nM ANN. Easter Notes Kaaler la always Ihe first Sunday after the first full moon after March 20, The day for the observance of F.aster tn Kngland was fined by tit. Austin In Wl A. D. Omaha remembers Easter as the an niversary of the big tornado. Kaster Island waa so called because It was discovered by ftoggaveen on Ksster day, 1772. The latest Kaster In thl century will occur In the year 1043, on April 2t. The festival of Kaster Is now observed by the Greek, Jloinan, Anglican and Lu theran communion. Only once during the last century, In IMS, did Kaster fall on March 22, the earlleat possible date. It wu long a belief In Ireland and cer tain part of England that the sun ac tually danced on Easter day. The earliest date for Easter Is Msrrh 22, but It will not occur oh this date dur ing any year of the twentieth century. The uae of eggs In connection with the celebration of Easter Is of tlio highest antiquity, the egg having been consid ered In mythology as a symbol of resur rection. Id the northern counties of England the men parade the treeta on Kter Sunday and claim the privilege of lifting every worn art three times from the ground, re- celving In payment a kla or a llvr alxpenc. Jt was debated, t the time of the Introduction of the Gregorian calendar, whether Easier should continue to be a movable feat or whether a fixed funday after the 21t of March should be adopted. ' Owing to the disputes thst arose he tween the eastern and western churches It vii decided by the council of Nice In 826 A. D, that "Everywhere the great feast of Eaater ahould be obervd on one and the same day." In the Tyrol the Easter festlvsl Is one of great ceremony. Kaster holiday bands of musician visit every valley, singing beautiful hymn to the accompaniment of their instrument a they paa along, men, women and children Joining In the choru, bearing lighted torrhe of pine wood. In Germany the Kter hare Is almost as Important a figure in nursery lore a the Chrlatma fit. Nlcholaa. 'hll dren are taught to believe that If they are good a while hare will ateal Into the houae on Easter eve and hide any num ber of beautifully-colored eggs In odd corners for the good Utile children. WOMEN DRESS TO SUIT LIEGE LORD Miss Bessie Randall Says the "Fe male of Species" Should Be More Independent. CATER TOO MUCH TO THE MEN Mrs. Futon rharged thst Mrs. Howe collet ted the tritium In monthly install ment cm Hie prrlriit, first, that tt waa tn o tu the support of a destitute sis Irr ln Inn of Mayor W llllnm Hale and Inter thst It was part of lie'.p the mayor recuperate ft mil the heav) financial epenae f (hi campaign The ciiiinnlssliiii fuunit Mis Eaton rliri"S unit ti silioiiii) "iiiiBU.'Stiinllntxd Mrs, Rowe Has Been Found Not Guilty of Extorting Money ;jh,;;;;;;r,;,1 CI 1 1" Alio. April Jl - Mis. l.fmlse (Is- ! Imrtiit fl.iMn ,',itn it li Imiof nf liiilill,. unl. fate of I'hl'nKO, was fiiiind not guilty hv II. Civil M..M I. . ,.,,m,l..l,,i, In at nluhi mud llflrol rolioi s t.-d " Mis. Howe iln- nt Ihn ilmrsn that she i otnprlliol Mo ; clared the charges weie part of a pollll I'ase Waller Eaton, a superintendent In "' conspiracy In Inlure me mayor the department, to rnntrllnile a third of . The oftn r m rupird hv Mr Eaton wss I aliollalied shortly before tier rhaigeo ' jiihi women anouio aoanuon a h-r salary of Sl.nm year t an nlirm-n (.rowing Ifiidpticy to attract the lords I political fund. i f creation, Is the opinion, of Migg PfHsie Randall, supcrlntenilont of - - - Hie Vittltlng Nurse naaoclatlon of' Omatia. Mlaa Randall ha been studying social and wononili' prob li'tii gffpctlnp; women and h la v.orklng toward what la known aa ' liiiipenipnco of woman." "It Im lru that many women - plolt lh('iiiselv.s In (iieplonulil ; way ihrouKh Uic incdium of dress, Lul who are lo blame for thl altua- ' Hon?" h asUed. "Women who fltfss In lh iiibd tifr yoti refer to do j fa becgiiMo many men are uttractoil by tbat sort of dross. Mun prefer llin rllnnInK Ivy typp of woman. 1 bny do not look for mnal guperlor- j hf. They are repolled by the lnd(- i ppndetif. woman. Don't you think thai la so?" The visitor refused lo testify, I Moat He Independent. "Women must lie Independent and then ' they will have worked out '.heir prob tenia, They are growing more Independent every diiy. They are -what they are today bersusn of the men," she sdded. "Then you do not think very much of the men ss a class?" wss asked. "Well, women have catered too much lo the likes and dlallkea of men. Too many women have looked upon marriage as the one great goal snd they preened their feather toward that end," w the reply. In working out thle Independence Mlaa itandnll agreed, that women muet learn to meet a mouse with eguenlmlty, fac a burglar with courage and he able to hang a picture, repair a tire blowout and perform several other lltll everyday taaka usually detailed to Ihe men. Weia made. Woman's Club Music Officers Re-elected All offtcera of the music depart mailt of the Omaha Woman'a club were re elected Thursday with the exception of the secretary-treasurer, Mrs. A. Eer- nald, who resigned because of the pres sure of other duties In the club. Mra. John K. Haarmann la the leader, Mlaa Amanda Ttbblna, Mra. .1. H. Pulver and Mra. U M. I,ord, aaalalant leaders and Mrs. Jean Johnston, the new secre tary-treasurer. ALL SAINTS' CHOIR TO PRESENT "PASCHAL VICTIM" All Saints' choir will present ths csn lata, "The Paschal Victim," by J. Kebas tlan Mathews, Hunday evening In place of the regular sen-Ice, The aolo parts will be .taken by Miss Iflldred fhurehlll, Mrs. H. C. Qreenatreet, Mis flertrude Miller snd Messrs. Charles . Hsverstock, George Compton, Paul Klgdon, Glen Whltcomh and I,. Wycoff. Martin Huah will aaalat the organlat, J. H. Blmms. LIBRARY TO OBSERVE ARBOR DAY WITH HOLIDAY HOURS The Omaha Public library will observe Arbor day ss a legal holiday. The li brary will open Saturday between the hours of 2 o'clork In the afternoon and o'clock In the evening a on legal holi day and Hnndaya, The circulating de partment will not be open, ' ?"''""'" " ...... . irrsr ;'trr:l.s,.alor..7ol .l,r ...frr Newest Ideas in Hair Goods Our I'.fM nt y Parlor are ilispliyinjr t h llrkt htid mokl fairinatiii(f moilfrn )n'r t-rea tioim at ) in I kviriff in price. A f C1C Traneformallon that complelily i l J tend around tb head, mad of first riualliy Krench Conyent Hair. Beautiful twitch, !4 Inchea long, msde of natural wavy, French Convent Jlalr, M 60. Convenient Triple Strand twitch, franc b Con vent natural hair, 22 inches long, 94 OS. All Around Transformation, Hefined Quality Hair at 1 5, 14.00 Fin Fluffy Switch, U Inches lorn, full wary hair, at 12.31". 13.50 Beautiful Refined Wavy Hair Switch, 24 In. long, fl 15. Superior Accommodation for Halrdrlnf, Fe lal Massaging, Manicuring and other Methods of Beauty Culture. Bring the Children Here Before Easter Hair Bobbing in the Most Approved Stylet Expert Attendant rr Q, 1 "; ' C:;.. specialII SALE ANY HAT IN THE SHOP SATURDAY ( w 4y MODELS WORTH UP TO $25.00 GO FOR $5.00 SATURDAY Ma w7 22' ly li jj it ft Minnette Mitcheltree, 213-14 City Nat'l Bank Bid. Easter Floral Display Biflff, Brithltr and Bttlft Than Cvtr Moil Cor trout Collection ol Blooming Plants Ever Shown in Omaha i . - - llllliliei, -"wt, , sister r '1 .rw t rill 4sL -VJ l-'i'W eclat If h. if .1ttll Your wife or heart aipreclate our flow K0'8 S Days More Jn which to wJeem your (.old Hond Orllflcal". Belert your I'lano or Vnyrr T'laiio now. V will hold It for future delivery If desired. llano for rent, $ 3 . f. 0 a nionlh, Six month' rant allowed on purrhaaa price, Schmoller & Mueller Piano Co. mi-IIII'l I ar mi in Hi, loii((la lfla.1. PA Mw Hd !!' T' - r . if, 1 1 hi rangcas, Made-up Baskets, Tulips, 1415 Farnam 5t Hhododpndrons, Hynrinths, and all kind of Cut Flowers in season. Hess & Swoboda, Tel. Doug-. 1501 ''VMWilWAiliirt i:i'ri!l'l.K"!'rrli,':i'l',':'ir;:T:!f,.j:;' H. Vii Hi' ni't' ,;;iuiii.)l.1iMi i mm m -r -iijii'ijit-ii" ii '(ttHi,'H!iy'!: ' mm fl If n li WE ARE GOING TO TAKE A CHANCE! HERMES vs. JUPITER PLUVIUS! WE ARE BETTING ON HERMES AND A SUNSHINY EASTER Now for a few reminders, suggestions of dainty little novelties, suited for Easter wear, when everybody likes to wear something new. Women to Plant Trco for Shakespeare at the Central High ,, rtnr itf sM It- ! , ,H ml lr,r, l II. U:. i U u., r. w ....n 'i "i H iut ,, h -n r t-'.i.ena im U i'sn '.ni I ,s- -" tii'- m'n- . t .I l r . ' - Mr r VI . ferl. il !.nl -! '' " , M-. l f I- .it. ,,iai l i ' ft 1 H ( !" ' t".'" tn I " M:l4.,i 1 rOSTOFFICE TO U OPEN SMORUR HOURS ARBOR CW a'..4 a r.t ! PI I i A-'t'tt ! 'li la ! j 4irt. ax n-e I ritn t t . ' - ' - i .- a ii , ,. ... i .lt m r - 'i I j , - ii - t . -i i 1 I t I. H, t' Mtl- t 1 Claremont Inn 610 So. 17th St. Now Ready for Applications Special Easter Sunday Dinner 50c attirn rcrl V,'i'i it .i', i niy W jf. it iiti.a H'1 !,. tMn.l apung i lit km t i i.m .i vy i)vu l u I'm.nUli f'.iti.i Huns M'1 lu simI IVwntine 1 1 t f r ii . !. i i g l . I I,. i.ln i'cl.it r Tlt IV full Mt.riV inl.i t I I'm. Its .( i i im II, cl Ut-ns M t T JO F. at 7 rioai ioat,At rn tt h.iiiftiiiita j Hit ttoaat-t-ia 11VI.L, r i v. r.; Announcing ASalcofWallPapcr TII AT WIM. EN A HI, F. t9tf hwuif i ntfn r. TMi 0(frla U All Stitgif hftri FIRST SQUARE NVokwoar Soctioru Hat and rollinjc collars, vohIcos and niffling, in nt, organdy and Ooorpfptte Crepe. Prices 25 to $5.00 each. FANCY HAND BAGS A window full and lin n some, ami what an infinite varietvl Now- i est shapes and leathers. Silks and velvets, alao, U. aixl they sell from $1.00 to $25.00 faeh. HANDKERCHIEFS There are few dim-rim-inatinj? women in this neck of the woods but f are disponed to frive us the palm when it eoniPH H to Ilaridkies. N'ow one.- for Kaster are of pure linen, with colored and white embroidered corners, crepe de chine ami silk, with fancy borders, at 25 each. There nre those who exchange pretty lit lie iritis nt Foster--And it is a commendable custom when inexpensive sterling (diver knick knacks are quite the thing for that purpose. TattingShuttles, Smelling Salts I tot ties, Spoons, Hml Vn.sej", Tnlcuin I'oxe, Vanities, Ktc. lYiees range from 50( up. 'I'lmse to honi monev is no object can -select rhojee articles up to $15.00 each. THESE BLUSTERY DAYS ..u will I... t. minded of VEILS. The Kn-tcr ' iU tlii yt ur are a little more rlwumiiitj thin ever Tlu add a pepiaiicy, an esprit, m it weiv, to Hivk, to l!n f.'u'e of iiifititm or maul, wholi ii nkei tli wearer tvk a fleh Iml ton of hi t 'elf, I'laui ii!".li veiN! Fiiti.'v flnwer s'iU! 'tr. ccUr Tea veils (I(cm ate woii'lrou- niii ! Auto veil! Most colors Then I ! ! 1 1 Uuff, imoi,. up ol a i-i.ms i'Ut;t tin!! of lunlllie Itlid liNttti h IH'e cV fl'l. liili;' All col.ii . At :t.rll etc h. OLOVEB Ate in luti.-h i!. Itubtd, the i:,t,tir bii-i'i.M Ii itrond only to Chriittnui. V.Rtivir !.wecM ei rmv b.' t 1 1 i i r t t In fio Hi ml trti, ll. e. I li. i li". f-r es-t inn iit M k' liopottiii t ftn I evrr befittc lo ! i v oHI w 1 1 i f 1 1 HI ;t li Kl I Mill. sHM;i; 1 on j.tt,i we sell are guaranteed to frive YOU satisfac tion. ALL SORTS OF KIDS Washablo and otherwise. Light weight, dressy skins and the heavier, piiinnish street gloves. And what a variety of silk and cotton gloves. From Kayser the very newest riovoltioB - Any woman who needs gloves can't resist if sho can spare Ihe money, Tlie cost is very trifling. Take a look anyway, THE SILK SECTION is always busy nowadays Here, too, it pays to be safe rather than sorry. We haw all the good taffetas, in all the popu lar coloring". Ih guaranteed a.s well as wear. New material if nnv purchase is unsatisfactm v - THAT'S THE KILPATRICK WAY. FOR THE CHILDREN AND JUNIORS - We are always prepared, 'lids is the home store TIIK MKX III our furnishing section are all keyed tiy for Saturday. They have new ahlrta to sell, $1.00 to S0.00 "'h. NVrkwfar, r0 ftiS.OO- Hosiery, lilaln and fBn(y, " S2.00 P1"-. ON ol It SWUMI l lHHt In our well lighted, newlr dressed show room, a wnnUruuM aggregation of apparel HI Ik HitlU, just hat you want, all tba colon, even th scat re navy. ;itos lK MINIHII S The popular weave, tn tha new sIibiIsh, S2."i.OO t S05.00 ,rh- Wol Bult of suiiuiiMry wiIkIiI, navy sitrcs, mlours, rhorki, sport ault, tic. For Siilitrday e hav a great special. We have litid mil ii 82.".00 t-liot I' In the lot many that were ,-. (Mi. silks Im linli il. gome heaullful wool ault a welt. HM)I hC.H (iioiKtliis. t'repn de fhlne, Radium l ace jiul 'in n li ii n 1 1 i u . artistic, drwssy and n romfy. New IiiiwIiik uC 1 1 it 11 h and lingeries, whlii- and thx exquisite new iiliit iitgs so f-y Mttrai'llv this aiti, IIIVIh llnurtKi artlstli', utility nver wholly lost sight uf 'last niiiiiis fur so iiiui'h In this line. The many MHiipllititMits tfflti't hy u tll Ihe atory a to aelettlon. n t Yi I'-'. r? -1 of Ihe child lx well s its aiders. New, fresh, j Tatf.ta silk mat will he hard to get Utsr. Hport mat ii ilaintv, useful garments for the wee tot and her larger .xistcr. COATS, DRESSES AND SUITS lor all the ak-' j., a-tcr millinery for girl of even sic and lite, I 'in 1. and lit'lit straw , silk and other laliiic, iloiioil and eieutHl bv artit hreninx ol' beauty, jn the way some chftnictri jt t lo' 111 I MOIU.ltMI Mh IVrhapn ihr li.m i ti. i. a lull nf i.nr ait'ulli id S i-iiii-ni U 'iiiih'l in 'hi. i ,r sit lul t sOcerit oi .,. i i n .,f itt'lrl garturti In la ij rt II il i i i ii.i On- iUliiOo:t ntt riilt, iiiiirr, i! i ! I l I ' 5 I.M ' !" 11 S'J.oO 55, (Ml !. Mil t I. M.'l HI l.l l)llf SI xl.ttl .... HI) 1 tHlil..t ll'tll.l !( lull' h "U l!l t'l II. t lf4:l, l t ' I ' ' ' I r ' mil i ( III ll Jit II I llltll are nutitiv siel It a nut auiailng that they have alrtirk an pi. iilr ihiT.I Mmnr i'oets, ll.Ou t.Bt. ami Walk liitf Ih kd, Wu lu'lir tlul hIiim kill li a slink .f ilrfrSH, prt'iiilar In I'f pi'i'iilnr alt srsaiftt. If llioy ran be -rn luted si all Ulrr I'rd r at llksit to i mtah lilher thlit, (iluiy, I i it at r i i. fur pil n i-liitt. I Ml, iinittx s I tiie ihi ad are ti.i.ir than rr. l-i 1 1 men In ills al I haiikrgOing. I am ti.'t (tdng i f ii a iwotil UU I d'H) i think It tiii"r. ny S It Ihete In a tutu, vinin nr groHR vhllit ef In- I I 1 1 1 u e I it 1 1 H n li a I. .i .1 . ii Innt I It I -lXMlt lx s ti ti MOl t WITH riMil" miii imi; Mi.r t Mii.oiti us, i4 in ,tlt,ni, a sn 'i tl!-il'ie lh s a ''( ti'i, that ti'Ske a as .mi vri l tl.('i..it ni.ir i. .i (.. i-m and i.-inm ) iir Smi'MiK u h ". .SHI I n I te'lirr mi . ,M, n Mihil. ' si !: I n. U t1 - i .. 4 I. t. 4