Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 22, 1916, EDITORIAL, Image 13

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Tin-; i!HH: umail. rnroAY. april 21, 1010.
At the Finish
"TowsmbO'i tot Bportlnff Ooos."
Llf btlnf riatoras .HiirKi-nran1in.
Diamond Ingjmnt BlBfa, Kribolin.
avt Boot Print It Now nraron fraa.
"Today's Morta Frofram," claoalfi!
paction today. I aj.pmr In The
KXCLUSIVh.LT, FinU out what tha va
rious movlni plclura theater offer.
Andirons, riraioraan. Sunderland',
Tornado, automobile, burgUrv lu
urarics. J. II. burnout, Keellne lhtly.
Pa "T-TU" StUBfU gundarlanls
Ths Baala of Korali Dlaouaiad 8un
)y afternoon r. Jvnieit will aJitr
tha Omaha I'hlloaophlral loclety on the
"llaala of Morula" at Ua room In the
Lyric buHdli-, Nineteenth and Farnam
street, at 3 p. m,
Blair Kan Bobbsd J. f. Juatka of
lllalr, Neh., hecamo friendly with a
Stranger Thuroay, and the lutter, afier
being entertained by Juatiuo, took him
o Twelfth atreet and I'anltul avenue,
whera ho robbed tlv lilalrlto of a watch
nd IH.
mi Car Company When a street
ar bumtxd Mm hoio and threw him
from hi wiiK'm, at Thirty-ninth ami
Farnam ireel, aeveral month ag .,
Itoaeoa CraU waa injured l"i.W worth,
ha allrgf In a petition on fll In district
Tha rinaat Imported fiOX WOnnfl,
ach, with ImII of dirt. Itcaldra a nni
plot linn of ro, Miriibs, fruit tree, ele,
Near our old addreaa, IHI Went Hrood
way, Co. Muffin, on car lli,.
Man Btrnck by Auto Z. C'oolny, 1
year old, Tweniy-a-cind and Hurt
street, suffered nevera briile when ha
wa struck ! nil sulonmhllo at Nine
teenth and Cuming afreet, lo wn at
tended by pollfo nfKcnn and taken
home. Th driver of thn nuto wn not
Tha Nebraska, people continue to b
waking I'ruali to the government land
out along- thn riurllniflon'a Hilling awl
Iow dor river line, whera they set-urn
120-arrs hometndi In the aeml-arld
region, Twenty-six homeateadera have
rone to thn Wyoming land within tli
laat five day and ten more are booked
to no out Haturday.
Whlln the Wyoming- land along the
ftiirllngton are not. auaeeptlble of Irrlga
t,'n, It la aoaerted that thty produce
good crop during ca'ns when the
rainfall la normal. Laat year, lands In
tha dlatrlct that ara now open to home
stead produced a high aa twenty-eight
bushels of wheat to tha acre.
Perfect Measure to
' Establish Twelve
Regional Land Banks
WAKHNOTON,, April SI, A bill to ea
lanllali twelve regional lan mortgag
banks, aa part of tha admlnlut ration
rural credit legislation program, waa
perfeeted today by the houn banking
committee and will ha urged tor paaaaga
next eek by bouaa leaders.
The proposed bank would make loam
on hind through national farm loaa as
sociation, rilock would be taken by tha
federal treamiry, but under an amend
ment adopied by the commltle today
no payment would be made on such
nloek until the bank In question had re
ceived application for loana from at
leant ten loen aiuiorlatlona.
H'lhaei Iptlon to stork alao would be
made by tlia loan aaaoclatlon and when
they bad aubaerllied to 7"i0,loO In any
land bank that bank would bo author
ized to apply semi-annually to the pay
ment and retirement of the ahares leaned
to repreaent the aubaerlpllona to the
original capital, 26 per cent of all mime
thereafter aubacrlhed until all auch
original cupllal stock waa retired at par.
At least V) per cent of the capital stock
,of any land bank paid In by the loan aa
aoclatlon must consist of cash In the
bank'a vaults, of deposit In member
bank of the federal reserve ayatern, or
of Investment In negot labia Interest
bearing securities approved by tho Fed
eral Farm Loan board. Not lesa than I
per cent of capital stork must be In
vested In 1'nlled Htatc bond.
Representative Moss, a member of the
Joint committee of congress which framed
the original bill, reintroduced It today
aa amended by the banking committee.
Negro to Die in Chair;
Jury Out 13 Minutes
Ml.Ai I'k.iTi INK, Va, April 21 John
Williams, a young iienr, who attacked
a white g.rl on her ny to achoul near
her Marc i wa sentenced to electro
cution on May M her tctay, after a Jury
had tWUl.K-IC'l lW i-w tMl'eri lii'llle
He niacin n vain appeal for mercy, prmn
Islng Hi" JU'lgr to ileM.t,. Iilineclf to ilmt
If III e"lih in e n . ..iiumit. 'l Mutis
1 hrostencl W lllmiiiri vt ,i n ni m
rn., and ti 'U nil x i -"iia riitciiug the
court rnont ri rir hrd for wpiia
Sherman Asserts Ho
Won't Vote for War
t't.Mlt. pi vtitii ;i hHWihrf Ki
( ifil-t. V i n ttty mvs itiia) VMUti
li ttlp fl4'io Mlih tit livens,
tll'J fin I 111 kill It it
tli' . iti" Kt h . ;M, f ' :k,ti
(.; 1 MI ill Ik'' ! il (f U
I . -Nil. i vi ;, - . ..(,..
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t 1 f . , J . , 4 t, I ,l I ' 4, 1 , 1. I-
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I i ' M a t, , t , !.
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' 1 H, 1 I I liH I
I i ( I, i - t ' I i lHf I ,t t
' ".i t. i r (-... n t i v fifi-u
gicS aw qA m
Fine Chiffon Taf-fc-tan,
Rich Crepe do
Meteors, combina
tion, of (Jporgette
and Taffeta, Crepe
de Chinee, etc, poal
tlve $27.50 value, all
colors and styles, on'
sale Haturday at,
only $IH..i,
(I 1508
-1510 Douglas St.
Katurday wb place;
on salo several of
tho season's smart
est modftls In Plaids,
Checks, Navy Pop
lins, Corduroys of
all colors, etc., val
ues tip to 15.00, on
sale Haturday at,
Our Annual Easter Blouse Sale
Finest Collection Ever
Shown at Tnese Prices
Shttr Voiles, Linens, Crepe de Chines,
Georgettes, Otgtndies, Striped Si hs
Hundreds and hundreds of beautiful waists
Just unpacked, fresh and crispy as Springtime,
and every one showing some new style conceit
I hat has been copied from a bl(;h priced blouse.
There are all pastel shades and white In sizes for
women and misses,
Copies of the Finest
$10 and $15 Blouses
Frilled r,d Embroidered Cecrgeitt Crepes,
Crept de Chines, Striped Silks
If yon searched through (lie llltle French
shops whera the moat beautiful blotixes are born
you would find the counterparts of these, Tbe
soft new Persian rone, coral and honey colors are
Included with the while and there arc sizes fur
women and misses.
Saturday A Great Easter Sale of
Americans Will
Rebuild War
Scarred France
(Correspondence of the Associated Press )
PAUIH, March HI,- A committee of
American business men In Perl I co
operating Hh the commercial agent of
the American secret nry of commerce In
aeeurlntt eahlhllor for an exposition of
nmterlnl (hut niny be utilized In the re
construction of the devastated region of
France. The exposition will bo held at
the Tiilllcrlc gardens, beginning Msy 1,
and will comprise nearly everything made
of metal, everything In the form of
building material, house furniture, rl
eultural Implements, mschlne tool, fne.
tory construction and road budding,
The irnlled Btnte will be die only for
eign nation having a spec section nf
tho exposition and the organizers ste
making every effort to make It a success
In view of the consldernble extent tn
which France will have to rely upon I he
t'nlted Hlate for material to be mo In
the reconstruction of war-wasted towns.
The latest statistic of churches de
troyed, wholly or In great part, put
the number at 'M. The American com
mercial agent h received two different
li.oulrle for prices for the furnishing of
l.OK) portable houses completely fur
nished. Furniture, It Is thought, will be In
great demand after the war and that the
I'nlted fitate lll be railed upon to fur
nish ft considerable part of it. It must
bo of moderate cost and France produces
only furniture of the highest grade.
Kven wealthy people will provisionally
restore their house furnishing modestly
to begin ilh, being unable to find epoch
fumlturo to the quantities in which It
will ba reuulred so to make their
chateau, villus, etc., comfortable Imme
diately they become liihiibilfl hie agiiln.
There will also be a great and pressing
need for school furniture to equip re
opened school upon thn evacuation of
territory now occupied by the Hermans.
Kverythlng that enters Into the con
struction of an automobile Kill also find
a ready sale. The French motor ear
work have been working on munition
since the war began and there ha been
tremendous waatago In the car run
ning at the outbreak of hostilities
Atkn't Wtt-MiiMi, lh nttntptto ixrwlwr In Ym
fthttkvii tnlo thn tio an1 ummI In that r't tth.
It ret if M pAlnful, willfi. vmirtlnff ff i t,n1
1ftMntiv iilii itw ttia out nf ctrn ftttd rmrtlftin
ll th inltMil tllaroifry nf thn Allan ' Kno
U tfruhi rnf r Mtttg. raiioui n'i
h ), tlr"1. ft.) i Ins; foal. H"tl ttv UruRtrt e-n-ry-
'ifT, i. Alvi it tf irst in tit kh"
1rl KlirK. A11r', AUn H, ului-
nlnij. It.., N. Y,
Father Is Killed and
Daughter Wounded
Result of Shooting
rtlNUHAMTON, N. Y April 21.-AI-fred
I,, fharpe, formerly collector of
cijsIoims at i:l Taso, Tex., I dead and
hi ISr year-old daughter, Holland, I ser
iously wounded, as a result of a miarrel
Inst night between father and daughter,
which ended when Khsrpo selneid a re
volver and shot Die girl twice In the
back and sent a bullet through his own
heart. I lector say the girl ha a chance
to recover. Fharpe until recently had
teen budding supei litendent for his
cousin, William Kilmer, In this city,
Money matter are said to have caused
the miarrel. Hharpe, according to report
bad recently lost heavily In a btislnes
deol In Texas.
Kl, I'AKO. Tex., April 2A.--A, ,. fiharpa,
who shot his daughter slid later killed
himself In a hotel at Hlnghamton, N. Y
last night was a (riember of tha Texas
eglsbiture In from Kl Tao county.
He wa the sponsor of the bill which pro
hibited gambling In Texas.
Ho Nometbtnsr for Vonr fold.
At the first sign of a cough or cold
take Jir. Heir rine-Tar-lloney. You
won't suffer long. Xc. All druggists,
" i V 1 ' V f . ;V""' V
Taffetas, Poplins, Gabardines, Serges, Tarfeta and
Serge Combinations, Vehur Checks and Plaids
Every nuit a distinctive' Julius Orkin moclcl, in nil the new
Spring color and black. Coat lined with the fiiit
silks. All size for women and misses.
All necessary alteration
on garment purchased
Batiwday will be made Id
time for Easter wear.
New Spring Coats
These coats are without a doubt the finest we have
ever offered at thi price, and that is saying a Rood
deal for a house already famou for its rout valups.
There are Bergen, coverts, poplins, gabardines,
rherka, plaida and mixture in all size. Up to;
$19.50 values, on sale Saturday at
Another Splendid Showing of Coat Specially Priced for Saturday afr $10.75.
' a ' i I 11 : t - I . i , , i : ,i
' :l .1 J', t. ,..,1 , ,, , ,. . . 1
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I. 1513-1515 HOWARD ST. Cl rTX - l
WllgavoYeuMonoy WAfeasenl ;. H g gjlXlJ iLU V
ukv tun "kvkuy wav" Low rui('i:s I ! ( ' f . -r--t- x-r r r- '-,. "it '
cooker, for. $5.z5 illjii lib' My, iw rt-wiI :
4 -burner, Shwt Btfl (ia 7C I " """1 T.".A If ! l-S g'Xy V'l '
IlimRo, lH-ln, oven. . . P iU. O ' v - ,H 01 ' ,ff Yz.' ,4 '
4-lmrrier, fast Htwi Uange, IS-lnch jfrlJSiJZ&at B - ' f TWi V I V, , ;v5 V i L
oven tsteapcr, til CA ,'.'". '. f lH Wl V 1 V-'X" 1
1oor panH, (simmer fir 7C A hTTi ilM VVuVW L
i;Ji55 fahA III W$ ?t
i'r2rr.,:.,r?.$26.oo fi Tl !!n Wm I a H
4-hurtier, hltih oven HaliKe, llko 11- P.- I M Vi'Wr ' "I h Jt tJ
!:r.""":: $23.95 --.J Ifc! feFSr f
u.... i i.. if ins !llll?WATat o . jrit J.J
. fii'-ti aiiiily of that ailmlli V B! V. I llW'l"iV' XI '' tlT' ,'
iiric. tin ) ni-.w. f j ,I j A.h'' " K 1 '
! Mme IW, kJ-i- A ' :f U 1 HlylO U iX , ! I
w a I dZv'),kv- ' -y or any other hour f i J
,, ... ,.,!,,.( In,, ill MUD X. S I " W , 1,1 ' i I W' A' "' 1 1 , . . . " 1 '
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; mm iimtmwmfr . - - -j;;:
J" tA I, . -t.-. i. V w'w . ft-L-o.n.-J. ... '"-nw'Vi.iihi waial W Wj '-wL ', j.'ij'vAt
Whetlicr nur tr.mhte la Ndatl,-, Ijimi
lij.i f I'm Arlh'ular Itt.riiiua
IUiii. tlirt Mhf-r la tltrt tma V..U nttiiit n t'ii.Hikii fin 1. ... Tint
mil'. in n.l I'll" i'iu ,,f url.i all
Itiillv Hi.. I.i.i.i.t u I -1'-.! il mr
tf Hi.. I I.....I 14 fO--t ICDII tllll.'linl.H,
litis ,n,..i:,n I,,. I , 11, :. In l, In
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