Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 22, 1916, NEWS SECTION, Image 1

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Fair; Warmer
VOL. XLX-XO. 2C).".
On Train, at Hotel
MWI HlaiKl, tc bo.
State and Justice Departments An
. nounce Willingness to Turn
Papers Over to the Ger
man Ambassador,
Documents Taken' at New York, If
Declared Official, Will Involve
Bernfttorff In Conspiracy.
WASHINGTON", April 21.- Tho
Ktate and Justice i)cpartiii'nl nu-
liouncecj today tho povornmcnt'
wlllingneij to return U the German
cmbasry all tho papers ye l zed In New
York with tho arrent of Wolfe' von
Jitel, which Count von Hernalorff
will Identify a official. I'hoto-
BrBphii of tho bH.hI document have
been made and will bo retained.
lount von jiornatorrr prm-n-i,
eualy gitlnt the taking of ihn P l"f
of the. paper i
mill It wa aiild ut the Male, department
that Secretary I.ttnelng wa considering
Ihn riet-eaaity of un orficlal apolny.
Khould tho amhaaawlor uwrt tlmt nil
tho document are official. It I tinder
etond that they will fttl ho returned to
hlin, hut It wnh aald to tin tho preKent
Intention of official In keep all Ihn pho
tographic ropl-a.
l)li'loiir-a Uf ftrnaelloiial.
The paper were ""Id ti dim-lone ev
ernl euhjcel of an niiuaual nature widen
had not before romo to 1 1 attention '
Ihl government. In-finite connection
wllli the Herman rmbiiwiy would ho con
firmed, It wa believed, hy a ileelnra
Hon thl the document are official. If
hone of the doeuinenta l declared offi
cial. It won lifidfTHtowt the I'nllcd Ktatr
will nii thrill nil In the piomeullon if
Vun Iil, hl KBsliitfinU and piwBihly oth
er, hh yet iinniiiiied.
Whether Heeretary Irinln would end
a unto to Anil'iiHRiidor firrmiorff fx
rireniilnR recret for the aeizurA m not
nntiouni d, hut nui-H mtlon In hfllevert
prohiililo. It vihh nlmi siiKK'nIfd that
the KtHto dipnitmffit nilKht d''ly iiiilun
until tlm uutunni'ltie flliiule with life
niBny hkhuiiik! a tlrfiulle tiit'.
Von flol!.' Mnlrliii-iiln Veelflril.
Many of tho IIpkuIIoii Iii tho aworn
(tntommt of Itornt 1'ir Von floltz, nm'l"
pulille, In Iiitiilon Iwf'l filwht, have horn
known to the Iirpurtniont. of JuKthe, for
wei-kn, and InveatlKatlim hn bun nuido
fiHrui'iiiariy lino inu hoiiviim'H oi iieiiiiiini
eoninila In rhleaao. Kt, I'n'til and lialtl- j
Tlia faeta eolheled will ho laid
a grand Jury, according to offl-
offli'lala dald Voti Iier flnUr,' alntement
that Count Von Hernntorff, the (Jernuin)
amhaaaadnr, had ndvlaed nKnlnat an fn
VHflon o( Canada Kuppnrled hy i'iipI'iImm
J(oy...d and Von I'apen, tlm recalled ' in-
nanny mtm iir-K, nan lieen eonrirnieil aome i
time ago from other aources,
Addlttolial Imlii'l nienlM of Herman ym
piithi.era In this country will he, aakod hy
the Department of Ju.-dlen a a, result of
revelation mmlo hy Horn! von (h r (Jolt.,
alleged Uerman iipy, hroUKht to New VoiK
by Heolland Yard deleetlvex. Thin a
learned authoritatively I're today. Von
der Cioltl, alatemrrit waa t.:tld hy le
partment offhinia, to have opened n
"field prartleally without liinlta" for In
veHtlh'allnn. Tho Koveriunent will follow
every tlua. It was iinderalood today tin
number of men Involved in ou Uer
Golta" aetlvltlea In the, l ulled Htatea Is
Hiurli larser than had been' thoimhl. hen -
Tlm pending New Vot Imlii I iih iiIb i
(; five of von iler ilnllz' aHHilaiilH
were naid to finhrnee the alleKed leaders
tn the ronmdraey I,, blow up tho Wetland 1
eanal, but tndtetment of men Invnhed In
niinr way in tlm nlleif.o eontiidraev t
probably will be pontht noon. It wan
understood Indletmenla will be ake. l
In ronneetton with vr-n iter (.oil.1 i-t1-.-aetlvltlea.
tlri'Mt ttunnllty of I ttdrnee.
NKW VOKK, A PHI I!.-The revelatti.i,,.
to the inti anion of iloifit Mm d'.t Holt;
HH published today tn dinti'he froiu
lilidoii tin Imt eoiilnili all the rvnlnirf ,
In reiiiird to tierman aetivlllei that It'
n'lW III th pOXHI Khldll of fi ill -I Hi HUthol
tn.i. It been mo known tndn. Ml ilial 1
von der Holla wrote hi his e..iite 01, ,
waa prenriited to thu Joty by him a i '
wttnen noio timft ao and a Kie it d at
( 'iiittlnued on I'd;. Two. I'ol.iiiiii 'two)
The Weather
' e'ui
l: I , (:
-ill I , I'll!
) rulrtdii t ,
i 'utr iMi't Hi it
1 rmiirrnlari
t ttmr'!" " ' 1
1 Named for Congress
i ('. K. KcaviH. J. A. MtiRUire. '
He-cowl District, j
j S. Baker. l O. I.obc-ik.
Ili it .1 lililct.
Wm, I. Warner. Intn V. Stephen. ;
I'oiuih Hsl rli I. '
I "Churle II. Sloan, . I,. Murk.
i i
I'lfUi IHalilrl.
H, II. Marlon. A i'.SIiulN'ii Imtk't j
Kivllt IIHrlrl.
Motto I
ll'MIOIIt i Jtltl (1
I -
i Pans Official Report Tells of Cap
ture of Additional Trenches
Near Dcadman's Hill.
, 1 '-rim u-cner,
1 Jinii'i 'l I HI, 1 11" ,..-.
en i) tin lied to make pi-ourr In the
" i" "''"""" ""'
dun front In tho flKhtlng of lHt
nlKht.-s. 'I'hfl ar office announe
ptnnt thla afternoon reports tho rap
ture of (jfrinan trenehea and of fmtr
t.ffleer and 150 tnnn.
Kat of tho Meune, a flerrn (icrnian
fttiiek W8H repulitod. In tho neelor
Hottth of Ilaiiderpnioiit Wood the
Trench made galna.
Tho text of tho alatement follows:
"Went of the Meuxe tho iittnck undcr
tnkeii yoaterdny hy our Iroopx In the
royl'in of ). Mort Ilotnmo proKrVHMed
durliiK the nlKlit. In addition wo oilzi-d
a. treni h on the rinrthern outxklita or lh
CHUiettca wood anit niioa pilMijtuT four
offiieia (id IWl noldiem.
"Kaxt of tlifl ilmliie , vlolftit lionihard
inent 01 our pimllloiia wa followed at
the ilone of the day hy a powerful offen
nUe aotlon by tho eni-niy on a two kllo
Hielfr front. Iiotwonn th Thlainont farm
and (ho pond of Vault, Tho (iormana,
who had trained a foothold In our line
Hiuith of I'oii t'louauiimiit and north of
tlm pond, were eoniph lely thrown bai-k
hy our counter attaeka durlna tho night.
Two nut' hlno (fun and a number of prln
oneia (ell Into our hand,
"Went of lionauinont In the sector aouth
of llnmlereiiiont wood wo llkewine madn
proHi-eaa. We reeelved om wounded
French )ri."onei and captured a score of
"Tlio nii'lit nt rolin on the ret of the
exeept In the region of le lvtro
whom our artillery was tult
I'rriirh IVneirnle Wood,
RI"JI I I N, April 21. -(Via Imlon.-The
war offleo announermeut of today ay
that on the Veidun front atubhorn in
fantry flKhtililf Ih al.HI belna eiinled on
'The rlaleiii' M. follown:
"Wealern front: In the .Mcime region
I ( Verdun front) Ht'.hlioin Infimtiy rinht
' 1 1 iK developcii In conjunct Ion with a great
lieiean of aellvlly on the part, of tlio
I artillery on both aldea. W.-at of tlio rlv. r
J tho Kronen made an altm-k with larae
j foieea HKa'tl Ia; Moite lloomie and to
jibe rant thereof. Jn (.'eneral Hieae at
' tin ka wore repolaed wltli aaiiKUliiary
loHKr-a tii th B.-cMiliiiitrt. Tlie fluhthiR la
!-till koI ok' on for a tonal! portion of a
Ireiii li In the vii inlly of Caiiretlea wood
whli h the t'rem h pefietrated.
"To the rti-ht of the Moiiho offorta of
tlio rin iny to reeapturn tho Htoiie iiuarry
eouth of the village of llaudremoiif were,
eullu-ly Iriilll'iM. SoiJtli of Kort, lionau
inont fluhtliiK developed at elow ipiarler
durinit ili. mtilit around muno I' reni li
i Iretiehe and in not vet ended. A repe
tition of the iiieinv'a Ihl'nnlry attack
m m.i t ii t our ttm r a! ('i.illetie woi-d failed
lit the v'ery olltm-t on ueeoiilit of our
. limit; anil i oneentraleil artillery fire."
William Lorimcr
Under Cross Fire
l Mil V,.
of V bllaui
or i olo-pl, a
ore of lb.
rl l HIih l"i
W it t ( .'III li,
Mr 1...U
i. April .: i
I a-1 ioii r !ul.
loi. i-evtinilnallou j
ll I it I I'll 1-IJU e - I
mi uli tlie fall )
-in . I Trout nod
I." ,i pi l iiiili-nt, j
'V il-miit ho,
ut v t
t". i
n ull On -i
teltlloii-, t
I on, I, ,r iii
itlffl. - ill.
of III- I.I
I.. .,. onul
H Mo I ii
M ml. i .
I., I
a di hiol ..t ;
prim ip it coii-
i-' i'i.m t'f i-io ,
" !"'"
ll-l tlif ,.-l,' ,n
if Hi"
I .( l l I II
' II I' .Oil
Apples Still in
Cold Storage
ON MOnilk'tM-i liUACD
'webraska Pri
t;tion Put Iowa Sen-
Ahead in Presi
dential Race.
Some Indication as to Choice of
j Voten for Nominee' for State's 1
Highest Bench. j
Ineluiji'd in the rolliuvlna flaur-a are I
iitiirna from 1 litre y seven .ouiiiteH eom-
pletn and l') i ei I111 In neat lei ed tllloUiih j
tlio enllie mate:
I'Hr I'rcKlilenl. '
HKIMHt.K'A.N", j
I'niMtnlna I4,t.7l IIiikIuh '"'M
l' l'l ll I I,, 0 l iilil'onk i.'hib
Fur Iwitrriiur,
IlKfrill.lCAN. ,
Hution ?M,K' til ia ao .'. fi.VC
MeKelvIe I V . ; . 1 1 .Miiilijett t.iC'i '
Miles ,lmi
Nevlllo ;fi,.'.1.1i Hrjaii J-,';.'! ;
fur lrleualeii-nl-l.nrue.
ft I :i'f ' KI,IA N, HKMorilAT
HalililKU 'MJ$; Thoiiipaun ,.....W.IHj
Uilllley 'JWi I'l lre fu..12f I
liudan ,r.!i iildham &'.ai:i j
uriio I'laiii I'i v:i i
Kiltmtrlrk ai.iwi Tlioioaa I'M!'- 1
J'.ppl'I'KOII ;o,o!l ItlVIIII I'l,l
(levelona Iil.lwi! t'onen H,V4."i
I'ur Nnllounl I oiiiinllleeniHii.
UKI'lliliii'AS, JiKMOfKAT,
Howell :'4,7.MI Mulle 'i',"".!
.Meiiiew lii,:il.i liahlman IVMIi
t nniinliia in tfii- I'ronl.
At anticipated, additional return
have net Cummin abend of Ford um
clioli'o of Nebrunkii reptiblli'itfia for
nominee for prealdotit.
Awldo from thin, no thanKo h
noted In tho results uh already an
nounced, Kutton'M lead over Me
KelvIe Ih wlowly growing. NovllM
Ih InerettBlng hlit majority over
Bryan. A floHO raw In promlhed be
tween riattl and TliomuH for tho
fourth place on tho democratic dele-gatlon-at-largc
to at. LouIh, Mr.
Hryati l a poor fifth.
For chief juctlro of tint Hupreme court
Kaweett and Morrlaaey are nomliniled
tbey belntr tho only vandldatra. l''or a
ai'ilale Juntii.'tt It Hppeara lliitt. Coilibll,
llaaiinKa, Itamea, H dnwh U, (Joi-a and
Ik-an will be thi (tlx from whom Ihn pro-
plo will finally mako a choice of thra.
V,A Howard u Winner.
KdKar Howard la nominated hy t'ie
demoeratu, and Herbert I. Hhumway ap
parently by the repullhana for the ofllc1
of lieutenant Kovernor, airhontrh - fl'nini
way'a lead la not yet eonclualve,
Addlaon Watt, republican, will oimiae
linrlea W. J'ool, democrat, for aeeretary
of atato, I'ool belni unopposed and Walt
ouldii tancliiK Ida field. H, W, .Maralt h
j lendliiK for tho republican nomination for
jMale auditor, and Kred Heiamaii aeeina
; now certain to be teni ruinated for the of
I fho of latidVmimiHHlonor. Heoiife K. ilall
j in iirobably renominated by the demn
j'crata for Ibe office of rtabi treasurer, mi l
W. II. Jttynnlda haa a fMtilit bad over V.
H', 1 lamer as republican elml' i; for I lie
liamo office, aJthouuli tbla may be
IfhaiiKcd. Willla Heed l apparently re
j tiiiiiunatKl by the denvx rata for atlor
! ney geneial, while It. W. Howie Is leadl vs.
(for tho plaise, and probably anfely, on (tic
! icpubllcan ticket.
Oiin Lively fcern mtl.
Cor tho nomination for railroad com
miaaloner on tlm republican llckel ipilte
a acrnmble haa develofieil, (In: race be
tween Cliirku, who in leiidimj. Johnson
nnd Handad tielni ,o clone that anyone o
tho three may win. Cm the demui-nitlc
eldo for thla office Victor WIIkoii bai n
cmnmaiidliitf ulart i f tho otliern and look
like a auro winner.
KlKiirra from twenly-tbre" i-oiintieH
complete, on offlcf-a lalow komiiioi' on
the utaio ticket are heri kI'i ii:
I ir l.leiifenatil t, rrnor,
rcKci iiiiii'
I 1 1 1 1 1 o i ay ...
I- o. In I
. ! il.l'
I-H Kr,, ,,
. IIiiiiiiIiik
!t,-V I'i hi 'on
I'or alloriic)
Hrui AN !
II. . 1 'I ,01 ,. t'.'.'S'i U
l(iil.iriii ;. )-ii III
Henrrn I.
1'.. lie, ll
Andl'l bel y .... -i.lVi
I'ur riT-lr of Mali.
isi i't i-i.ii'.w,
A. U Ul . ,,. 'I'I I leoi--l .
.'-liilHl i.,'"i M b nil
f or a it 1 1 nr.
i;i i-i in. H A v
M-.-.ii, ... t:... r
tor llr treasurer.
P. r. - -1 . 1 ' .'" Hill l
1 1 tun , . I- i t-ilio I
t t,r ,hi I iiiiuiilMlitter.
It tH,t' .' ' 1 t Mm I: I
li lu,li . . , ' 4 '.. i i -un . ,1 .
i . . . -i .iliihti ll.oil
. ... ' r-ni-i , ,
loot ,
I ul iMHtiai I tainiibitiiHr,
5 I'.t.M v l r t. f
I ...
t HI Ittt kut,, ,(i ( oat I,
CltM riii!- Sy; tcin
unit which Ccncral Pershing, commander of the punitive expedition in Mexico, has at his
service is a battery of field artillery, composed of three and four-inch pieces. The picture
shows some of the pieces in Mexico.
nv--, f,i',x' T" A " ?-JfA' xiwA'S 1
Unidentified Man, Found Dead Un
iler Loadinir Platform, Had
Fractured Skull.
Tbe Imdy of a man about SI year
old wa found yeaterday morning
leneulh tho shipping plalform of
tho Jllittz ilrcwIiiK rompttoy, a02
IbiuRlaB utrcet, by John I'edeiHOn,
IH2(i Lincoln boulevard,
A bullet hole In I ho forehead and
a revolver nearby Indicated that the
(ii-jiil man waa a ttuicide, out upon
examination by tho coroner, It waa
(tlitcovered that, tho ahull wan fnic,
t tred In mote than ono upol nd the
anlo of tho lacrt waa brullted,
though an niWHUlt had been rnado.
The almoner of powder boron about
ti e bullet hole added rontdderahly
to the latter theory.
The dead man waa well dreaiied, and
apparently waa a Hi andlnavlan, Noth
ing wag found In tho clothing except an
empty purae and a tulleaae key. The
hat boro the trade mark of on 111 I'aJto
(Tex,) clothtnij atom, Jt la tha opinion
I of the coroner Ihnt the man had been
dead several lioum when hie body waa
j Woman Who Shot,
j Sheriff in Head is
Held Without Bail
Ml riKHUI.I',, (ml , April ?!.- IfcUl V.
Iladley and bin wife, Ida lladley, were
held without ball to await trial on a
charge of iiiurderlnjf Hherlff Jakn Hllea
of Heanniont, Teii, on tha mortilnir of
March It hmt, after a preliminary har
lni before the juallen of tlm peace here
eaterday. Hherlff Hib-a waa allot and
kllb'd on a Mlritoiirl, Kauaaa Texaa
pflKKtiiKer train while en route from
Kannaa city, Mo, to iieainniit with
lladley ua a prisoner. Iiadley'a wife
waa hci oinpanylnit her bUHband to tlm
Ti-xna city, rflore he waa eharKed with
a criminal nffeime.
C, c, llullipilM, ii cotton broker, who
wax a piixioiniier on the train, tcNtlfiad
at the heiirliiK yesterday that be mw Mra.
lladley approach the alwrlff aa b rat
apparent I v nb epln, nnd ahoot, him In the
back of Hie head Hlie then, aceoidlnit to
llultipiMt. iiiinoianded the train audlttr
to .-.lop ihe train. Kho and her hiiabitnd
wire eapiured after a twelve. hour i-baao
t a poM.e Sheriff MeCune of Mukonef,
Hkl, t.-Mlflfit Mia Iiadley'a f,t
windd alter her arret wire In regard
to lb' i-henft ..,,. 1 1 1 1 , , ri Whi-i, ,,,
I hnl be ib ad, Kb- end, 'I'm clad."
nil Id
'"French Aeroplanes
Make Three Raids
On German Camps
lllttt po
I. Poll,
ill ill
..p'il II It. ne nun- rnld.1 by
n of I i-ni li iieii'plitiH Li, Hi r
FiiiHiia in in tlm Hiri-li ,on. r ar
to a it Yu. di' it' h fn m rialon-
loin I.IKl.l I H lf a. I "pi. ,11,(1
I", I II
eiinaii , . .OHM t Nk-..Mn
'". '" Tllee.Uv
nth! nlo ' t 'n I- ,'i
ooiill.j mi til- I lllit-
ii i in u, hmik ni , ,i! N
4ttlotl 'I e I 1..IO" ,.,
I' -In h -i . i - a' i i . .
rb. .ii . -1 - i. , . . 1 1
, I f,. I , i
IM4 I'll
ll I
' Until!
"H. 'in
lb. tup.;y
iiM'l I'la i amp at
I 't hill titji f lilflit,
I.i.hiIik . n
Wilsons Address Is
Stem Indictment
1 1
Two Thousand Men
In Wcstinghousc
Plant Quit Work
n t'THMI HHII, !,, April 21 To IboU.
Hand men emiloed In ihn 1'nnt 1'IHs
hurali plant of tlm WeliiiKhoiii l.le
Irlo and Manufaeturlna comii'iiiy walked
out out tlila aflerm on to , nf,,nn tlu Ir dn
matid for an elaht honr day and an In
creaao In wagea In Me nlKlil fall IokIiI
eeii llioiKand lamona are emiilmi d in Ibe
varloiia aoctlnna of tlm woiIik, pinny of j
Ihem In the ninnufactiira of Rhella,
Veel With Cargo of Saltpetre Ooci
Down In Six Minutes and Five
Men Drown.
LONDON, April 21. -flZ-18 p.
in,) A Moyd'e dlnputch from yriitil
clen, Holland, aayi tho Dutch uleam
ablp Ixidt'wIJk Van Naaaau waa iliink
yealerday afternoon. Jt went down
In alx ntlnufnii. live of the crw wcro
drownod, Thlrty alu anrvlvora havo
teen landed at Ymulden,
Th Ixidowljk Van Niuimiu tailed from
'blla In KehriiMry with a carao of alt
ptri for Jlotterdam, A Itsrlin wlrrleaa
dlapateli of April 9 Mid II bad been bold
op In Tb Down hy ho ftrlllah authoHi
t'ea alnco March 22. and that Pa deten
tion bad rouaod public opinion In Hol
land, an tho Dutch farmer feared Ilia
aaltpelra would arrlva loo, lain for their
uao till aprltnr.
Th veaaal waa built In If 13 and owned
In Amalerdam. It waa SZ, feel Ion. la
groaa lon.iKO waa S-To.
Sinclair Forms Fifty
Million Dollar Crude
Oil Company at Tulsa;!;
Ti:t.HA,. Hid., April :i, Harry Hln
clalr, retiirnliiK from New Vork tbla
mornin, conflimed tha report that ho
haa practically succeeded In orKaiilzlm;
a company capitalized at l.'.oil.iMI for
the producltiK and reflnlim of crude oil
In the mld-oulliient Held, The new con
cern will bo known na th Umlalr nil
and Heflnlntf coininny, and beiubpiartera
Will be eBlahllnlied In thin city.
Mr. Hlnclalr denied the riniior (bat the
hew company la la in oi i,-iiiil.-d to com
pet with tha Klandard "d companv. ft
will tondlict lla llffatlH atrletly on a
buiducK lialtl. to iimko money. In miu,
wtthiiut blaa loMaid any exlittfii oil te
flliinK eoinpanicn 't he htiacr i -I lm rlen
are to bo combined with a plpi Itn- -on-inilloil
to Ibein all, wlil-h will liinure
ampin produrllini of a xinble unlui' .
Mr. hliiclalr ilatea Hint Hie ciuiipan
lina alnady taken mer the I'mluby If
finina i ompaiiy and a iniiolier of hIIht
bub p. rileiit i um imiih. the minito of
which be (lora not ld to isHe out at
Dili tlina.
Woman Is Found;
Nine Year's Hunt
TAfitMA, hIi, April ?i After a
filnn vir x-arch. Mi W. Walker of
I... to.i ... . k. i ..,,... f,... ii...
1.1,,..,, .wll, . .1.1,., ... l...r
Mi, t 'leiirm ltt kiln, , Inn I ,.n I
Iber. The dliin. noil, Iii lb,, ,, I,
of tune. Mm tt a'fcrr td t-.itny,
lacy left by Per rniiil.i,.ir wutild
bv fovriti'd tn i' Kiniit i t ).i,
If ttm I id nut pen f until b
Apttl n
Closely Knit and
Says Petit Parisien
- !
tl.j .
m Ho
I- '
" I U .
I , . I '
, .
" . i it i
Use of Railroad Asked by Colonel
Brown Ii to Move Men to New
Baic Near Farral,
WAKIIJMJTON, D. C., April 21.
A border report (hat Ccncral Herrera
I iih granted uao of tho Mexican rall
vtaya to Colonel llrown and tho
Tenth caMilry to "withdraw from
I nrrHl" waa explulned today by army
cfflelulH iih merely a movement of
Ibe American advance field haao
in liter I'arrwl. Hecretary Baner ln
i Med (hero wero no ordern or In
formation upon which to bane a wlth
tltaval rumor. The department had
lien previously officially advlHt.-d
tiint Mexican Htithorltlen would not
rbji'ct to a btiMO nomewhat nearer
No dlttpatehea rame to tha War de
partment over nlKht from CJcneral
Tunalon and all Information Indi
cated tlio Villa hunt waa practically
at. a nlandot.HI. Hecretary Daker aald
there were no new order.
Mora Troop Heady.
V., I'AHO, Tex,, April 2l.-Move.mrnt
of American troop from potnta along- Ih
border to Iho army bana at C'elumbu,
Jf, M., l ra they will be held In rcadl
neaa lo reinforce Ueneral t'frabin' army
In raae of nei-eanlty, rat II I continued to
day. DlHpatcb-a from tha front Indloated
that ovcrylhlnic waa quiet and That
American lioopa In Menlco wero awalt
Iiik fjcvelopmeitl t Waahlnitton befnra
making any further effort to capture
I'Vmepii-o Villa.
OlfleiulM of Ihe do facto overnment
eald tbit'i wn no bbt for the reparl
that iipibdiixn nere lrntnlnr-nt In north
ern liufiiimo and lower t:hihtinhita. It
w,-m mplainid nt Juarr that Ilia movo
loeiil of ( arranza, Iroopa Into h I'arral
dbttrlet. wa not Intended aa a threat to
bar Ibe further advance of the American
orce.n, hut that tlm do faeto goldler had
been rent I hern tn prerervo order and
prevent deal met Ion of private property.
t.areln Hope i roopa W ill I. rave
Andrea Harcla, Mi Jtb an coiihiiI, aald
today that tlm work of the American
expedition Kim concluded and Hint, lm
boK'd that In a few day the order would
comn from WaahlnKton for the troop to
bo withdrawn.
"Wo liain the epilation In band." aald
Mr. Harcla. "and Ihe few rumalnlnif
liniidii of Villi; fan m I e- tin more than1
HtrnKKlci Tlm Vlllleta oaui.e la broken.i
and If Villa null llw bia preatlKO In do- '
Mr, Harcla mild lie i npe -ted Ibe ei o- i
i, untie dilation iMnild coii(i improw tn ,
Mevliii. The ttn erillio-nl I'll till- ftritt .
of pent month will d-oiitiid that all lm
poll nnd iipori ipithM be paid on the
old ba.-ia 'lb- MijiIiiiu consul did not
ridlt tin- report Hint I lm law demand- -In
Hold for audi dulii would cret j
trouble. I
BluejacketH Are
Preparing Thirty
Warships for Sea
In tn'l i i, A 1 1 1 It
bl'O jnt ki-ti) at Hi"
-m toil III inetil
t he I till t v .ll li.
Jl - Snen Ih'omaiHl i
'barb1 it'iii tifiv , yurd i
in l-'liiv tn pn ir :
ill 111 t '- Illltt'Ol f
em In ut H,.-.!,t,( hour It
tbui vptonHy m , ttup
V-n "! hot. h f f fi. l.-ie y
mi.'il.l I'-
ln rtMr n illit
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"iii v r 1 1 , I . Hi,
to I In I I
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if lit-,,',
1 th
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1 I 1 1 I
Hastings Strikers
Given Their
' -. I .
-ii .1 .i I
Report from Tarii Says That Im
perial Chancellor Will Not
Return to Berlin Before
No Action Probable Pending; Receipt
; of Answer UnleM More Ameri
cans Are Killed or Hurt.
III l liliTII.
PA 11 IS, April 2 I. The. visit of Dr.
von Ilelhinann-llollweic, the (Jerinan
chancellor, to the headquarter of
tbo general tttaff will extend over tho
KttHter holidays, eecordlnn to tho
d'rneva correapondent of tho I lava
New BKoncy. The chancellor left
lifilhi for headquarter Wednesday
Hecretary iJinalng, who conferred
with the president before tho cabl- t
net nteeting;, ttald he did not expect
any action until a reply waa received
from (Jermany, or union another
alilp carrying American wai torpe
doed by a German anbmarlne, H
raid that In rao diplomatic relation
between tho two nation wa broken
the work of tho United gtate In
caring for tho diplomatic Interest of
Germany In other countries In all
likelihood would be Urtpendcd.
Word from Ambaaaador tJerard at Ber
lin that ba bad delivered the Amarlean
nolo t'i tho Herman government and
aomo Indication from him to bow tt
wa received wero awaited with ken
expectancy by administration official to
day. Unofficial advlea ar!y today myint
that h bad preaentad the eommunlo.tlon
to tha (iarnian foreign office laat evening
and that the chancellor had not yt
necn It been una of hi atwenea at army
headquarter wer read with Intareat by
Tending Oermany reply to American
demand that tt lmmedliitely abandon th
preaent method of conducting iibmr!n
warfare, on of th chief concern of of.
flelU her 1 th polbilly of another
attack on a hlp carrying American. It.
wa admitted that an Immediate rupliira
could only b prvent4 by proof tht. j
r;rrmany had been unabel to ey)inmunlct
wtlh It aubmarlne commndar.
Wilson's Policy is "
Flayed by Illinois
Republican Chiefs
rKOfUA, III,, April 21,-Medlll Mol.'or-
mlek of f'hleo. temporary chairman el
the republican atato convention her to-,
day. In erltlelidtig rrenldertt Wllaon' for-'
elcn policy, dwlared that American
mlsht "alinoat hear th Itl'
(Irande Iho MilgKer which greet our
futllii admonition." At th eamo time ba
Raid "Hreat Itrltaln and Germany, with,
unconcealed dladaln, received In ahort
auccritalon th oommunlcatlona of the
Th prealdenf note to Hermany, tb
t halrman declared, "were p ilalod hy th
pr Hldciit'a'courae In Mexico,"
Tbe apeuker made a pie for party
harmony and national military prepared -lieiiil.
Tim convention endorsed fienator I,. T.
Nherman for prcaldenl.
riciiator riliertnari. addreanln the eon
ventloii. cliarKed I'rerldent M llaon wltit
playing politna In tho praent Miihmatnn
colli roverny, and aald If dlplonialln rla
tloua IHi Heiinuny wero lo bo broken
off. It f'uuild have breti done when tbo
t.ii'diaiii'i Mna iiunk.
".i matter V hill. tll IAlReeea of Ihn
ib tiiociiilic oirty may be, 1 refute to a ..
alut tn furiiinliiu It Willi a lmttle--arrft'
beio tia a raiidtdalo for .r alilnnt," Hen-,
ator Hlu rman a.. Id,
Th coiivcnitoii nominated tinly-ttlii
pie.'1'b titlal i ll i torn, four at l ii(i audi
one (rout r.u h of the twenty five coimre.
Hloiint illitrl la In tlie Male
Tin! onventhm look a until tep
teinbar It', when tha dalegite will i-coik,
vena and adopt party platform.
Brandeis Nomination
Discussed Two Hours
WAMtllV.l ttiV, Ii. C, Apr ! II. - r'..
t l-Hiia I -In Ida e, tale i.lrlir
i i,i,ioltlr r, lilitlei Iba li'.nibml I -IV of
1 1"-., U, UriooV li for Iba auprei t roUit
ni'li-mt rra.-tiln i 'lh i' Mit,i
tl i 'I la i .111 ln.( I nth. r l in lay
Utlit lt., , rl . Ai. ii V i
' !. ii.l !( li o, . M l- C"-lt'f
' t . h in tlu i- ii t i
- 1 it ; - i- i.i,i -,' . i , i,
i i 1 :- . . ii I ! I .15 t-ei
i,,0'M ,'... "i, I- '-., I -I Ii .'.C',
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) .-f .' t A i : , 1. . l, p,
t ttt'i u I v "1 11 ( t '-!, b(n. I 1
;' "I 'Y'- t ti a ii .
l . a , i
1,000 Answers
in our
Prize Co'Ut'st
Award in iSui.J, lUc
. I --W--I
.- It I.
. I
, I. .
"f I.
i-l t I' ! ,p4
' I l, a Vt