Tin: BEE: OMAHA. FIIIDAV, APRIL 1D1G. i Society Notes -:- Personal Gossip -:- Entertainments -:- Club Doings LRU AGED GIRLS TO AYOID WEDDINGS Elopement of Min Francei Hoch itetlcr Causei Mellificia to Romance a Trifle. -' AFRAID HABIT WILL SPREAD Hr l M.I, I HI M tprl ao, Kom time sgi I told about on of the engaged alrla who wanted i slope and he married In the enuth under a group of mmniollii tree In full bloom, (fill oftrfri ssy such thing, hut sthey addmn imiki! good. But yesterday a glrl-who-wouifl-not-have wrdllfig, without any thieata or warnings, fluted xthm Hi lint linn with her flam and wu mat led the week hefura her engagement u Jb he announced, Th romantlt; affair In I particularly Interesting, for the bride In ('ranees Ifochstrtler, last year queen of Ak Hsr-In, and mm of the moat ikiiiii- Inr first yeer gtrla of her set. The hero this Orrtna Groan r'rnam la Kred J'niiKherty, Mother of ih bride ra supposed to l awfully put out whan tlinlr daugh ter elope, but did otia ever hear of n woman, evn In her gray halts, wtiosn cheek did not flush and her old eyes sparkle when alio would tell )iow he run away to ((ot married? Children have always been jiartlrularly proud of the fart that their iiuretit eloped. Weddlnga of pronounced rltuul and splendor may be tiUkrd about for nine daa after, hut It la tha runaway marrlaaa that seem to gather glamor with tha year and no Orrtna Green brhla tan avar ha quite commonplace sftarward, J It going to ati rp ad. thli aplrlt of ro mance that atruek Om.ha yesterday? It will cut down Hi copy belontn to tha society column-biit think of all tha fatigue and fu and worry It will save tha families of tha bride? Social Gosiip. ' , ' Mr. and Mra. Iuthar I kotint, their son, Hsrkness, and daughter, Oertrude, are at the Hotel del Coronado at Oro nado He.ach, Cat. Ml Gertrude devote part of each day to attendance at the unlo.ua open-air beach school, which la maintained by the hotel for the con venlence of guests. Montcssorl method are employed In thla achool. Sojourner at Springs. Mra. T. it, (,'omba and eon, Master Klion, have returned from a short so- Journ at Colfax fiprlngs, la. Mr, Comb was with them a while after attending the tnwa Ktnt .frive.lnra' ronvenllon at. 7ra Wlolnra a a rprpanuitlve of the .National JcwHrra' aaaoelatlon. New anivala from Omaha at the Motl limpp In Kxcelalor Bprltiga, fo., are J, IMgnon, )Cd Johnson and K R. Iteale. Mr. and Mra, J.m Hill, who were at The Klma for ton tlaya, have returned home. Unitarian Election. The Woman'a Alliance of the T.'nlta nan foclfty met Wednesday afternoon llh Mra. Charlea W. Ruaaell for their uiinuul re.fi.linir of renorta and election if offlcera. Mr. Jloldroge aivl Mtes Wilde wore re-elooted and Mra. Capen, former vice prealdent, la now eecreUry. The offkora are Mia. tJeorge W. II ol drege, prrxldent; Mra. Charleg W. Kur e', vice prealdent; Mra. Pernard fa pen, aecreiary, and Mlea Wilde, traaa mer, t'nlll the aoclety haa decided upon new parlnh houee, the Woman'a Alli ance will meet monthly at tha hornet of members. With the Card Clubs. Mm. N. A, Hasoctt waa Iioateaa at the meeting of tha paramount Whlat club Krlday evening. Thoae winning prlxes were Mis. Q. W. Here, Mra. I). K, l;ove. Joy, Mrs. C. Btockham, Mr. J. Zlppel, Mr. D. K. IiOvejoy and Mr. O. W. ru,yu, Mrs. P. E. lyovejoy will be ths next host- eas. April JS, Mrs. D. E. Lovedoy entertained the rtummy club at her home Wedneaduy afternoon. The luncheon table waa dec orated with a large banket of pink and whiie rosea, the same color a hemo car ried out In the menu. Cards followed and tho hlKhest score waa made by Mra. Ned Hansen. The club will give a spe cial dinner and Mny party Thursday aft ernoon. May 11, at tho home of Mrs. J I. I Underwood Mrs. Orvllle Jennings entertained the Comus club at Itj regular fortnightly merlins at her home Thursday. The Hewing circle of the Jewlch Irdtes' Aid ao-'h'ty KAe a benefit card party this afternoon at I.yric hull. The J, V , club was entertained by Mrs. '. C, Wllhon at her home thla aft f iitoon. White Shrine Guests. Mis. Zilimh Stowill of I 'nlvrrmty I'lace, .rnm inairui'treei of the Kaairrn hlar end While Mhrine, arrlvia today In "malm t" te the g'unt i.f Mrs. J. K HiiiImmh, Mm, , II lii'hUin nf Mirnrf field, anothtr vultir to Hie While Mnliic nuctiiiit Tbiiraduy enuinij, will 1.0 in lenuined by Mr and Mr. t'uthtiert Vltt. lr, and Mm Vincent entertain - frviiun,! a1 duml fc Mr Stcll, Mr. Tiicniiwn nd Mr V. M, l f.raoy ui I lliillun. I'llllH Wlil he hl. f'l I lBhti'it On the Calendar. t'xusur temple of i'ie K .iln- i i mi, i ' ; ,1, tUll . ' t! . 41-1 -i , itt. , 1 1. i ii.--.. i.i ; .-!.. it. i- . j ( . , , . .! Jl I - . i.-l ft M . M I v linn i.l gle a '! t,, , u ( i , t'..il hr.te li .let Ciuftg? in Merii'l IUU I --i I.- I ii I , : t in n I M i nik .i.t VI- i .! ..r H .'! I , , M I. 4 . I M i . VI.; ,,.,( ,: . .-a !. ... I - JARDINE KNOCKED DOWNJY HORSE City Commissioner Has Close Call When Beast Steps on His Chest Head is Cut. HE IS SAVED BY HIS CRUTCH Walter fl. JarIln, city rommla itloncr, narrowly parappd tterloti" In Jurleg wrw-n a wild horsfl trampled on blm In tho horse barn at (he South Hide Htofk yards. Me nuffered a nealp wound and chest Injury and waa iint onsclons for ttevcral bourn. Tim al tending phynlclan gtafeg Indl catlona are favorable, Mr, Jiirdlne went to fha yards with City Knalneer Hrii'-a to look over gome tiorsea. As he aiepped out of a stall a home ilfuthrd along tha aisle, knocked blm to the pnved floor and stepped on his breasl. Ills scalp was Injured by atrlklng the hard floor. Heveral stitches were reunited lo close the wound. The fact that omi of Mr, Jardlne'a crutches vas across his breast when the liorse stepped on hint In all probtiblllty saved his life, aci'iudliig to the opinion of a jihyeMmi, The crutch served as a brace. The Injured official managed to walk to the office, of tha horse barn, where lie fainted. Heve.ni! hours later h regained consciousness at his borne. YOUNG ISMAIL SOCIETY uicis ms ornctRs II H i t . a) W p iMtt Uf i "! t lt! 1 ft t,ll1 I 1 ' 14 1 f i i 1 , II .) tv ViiH-.it. t.t'h t'V- , k ik(tn gui 4.a f t 'v- 1 i H ':lt " I i v Club Women Will Rent Quarters and Not Purchase Them Rental of clubrooins to house all loeal women's organl'atlons' meetings la he Ing considered by representatives of the four largest women' club of the elty, who met at the Hotel Fontnnolle Tuesday, nans for building or purchasing club room were abandoned. Mrs. F, M, Hy fert, Mrs. Biinmel H, Caldwell and Mis. W, O. t're were named as a working cnmmlftee to Invesllgatn several propo Itlon offered, Mr. Charles T, Knunfza wss elected chairman and Mrs, I,, M. lord urn Ivy of the committee of the whole, which Include from the Omaha Women's club Mesdame K, M, Hyfrrt, 1f. H. Humney, C. W. iraye, Warren Swlliler and 1 M, frd; Tuesday Morning Musical club, Mesdamea Samuel fl. Caldwell, C, M, Wllhelfn, II. flewher Howell, Arthur Crittenden Smith and KounUe; Klna Arts society, Mesdsjnes W, (I. lra, Harold Clifford, Ward Jturgesg, Warren Illack well and K. M, Morsman, Jr.; Aaeoela lion of Collegiate Alumnae, Mesdame Kdgar If. rkott, Robert Cluntt and It. A. Van Orsdol, WILSON MUST LIKE NAME OF WHARTON FOR POSTMASTER What' In a nsma? Within the lat week two new postmaster cmed Whar ton have been appointed by President Wilson, One of HierI la Aiimrt ('. Whar ton, Jteynolda, N. C, Tliej other Is Nora Wharton, who will fske csr of the mall et ftlg I'alnt, Tr. They are no relation to John C Wharton, I'. M, of Omaha, MOTORIST DOES NOT STOP AFTER STRIKING WAGON Bam Chulllno, a driver for Harden Broe., had a narrow escape ifrom being seriously Injured when an auto collided with hie wagon at Nineteenth and Cali fornia streets. One of thn horses wee Injured and tha vehicle badly damaged. The motorist did not atop after the collision. Tinio, tide and I'.eo Want Ads wait for no man. An opportunity missed ll an opportunity lost. CORSETS SPECIALLY PRICED Thli Week Only 2 Back Lc Models. 2 Front Lao Modsls. Model A, i .00. If your figure la slender, me diuni or stout, one of these mod f ! 111 fit ym perfectly. Th individual eipert atlen thm g-ttrrn each figure by our 1'nret.tter assures the faahtoii able tntullah Hues, .erfeot ront fnrt an J unusual war. MtHr A, Illustrate una 0f tht unusual vnIiiim Thla iii.nirl la tf fam y brocadu, pink nr hi'e, ineilium lluiw, give ih r,t bark, slight hip at ait with medium hvt bust at 14 00. Many mr medal at IM OGuEL kltlinj rinyf Mesa tt , ISlH gej rewm. HALT! ATTENTION! U Will lm .r-i f . mi t. .HUM 4 itU' I Set I i f , imiins l $30.00 ARBOR DAY PROGRAM TO BE AT RITE CATHEDRAL club, to be t'ven Hilurday afternoon, will be at tlm "otllh l;iio cathedral Im teud of the Young Women's Chrlntlnn . Iiasoclstlnn, ss pi evliumlv aiitiMiim c.l The Arbor day program of the ronser-j Mrs. William llerry Is In charge of the yatlon rommltteo of the Omaha Womso's J progratu, which Is also liliinni-d to nmi iiieiiiurHte le t hiikrnr" arran ter eutn :irv . Hnral. Voce Tl"i' of the entral High ilirinl fa.iiHif l gn a ti.lk on Hlikke Kinii'c; i.hmIi.U iiunil'eix will be given !')' the ilii'int union slid ci . licntrit of lh . high school under the direction of Mine t Kuiilco f;nor, reading, Mis Ootoihy Kd winds, ochI solo, Mlh Mildred Stepp, i Interpretative d ;nce, Miss Addle Print. Mcmbeis of the llensun, Inindee, Houtli i Side and tndtlsh Idle Woman' clubn have been Invited lo ti nd. A tree In memory of Hliiikcupejire will he plnnted on the hlttli hool campm In the in'iinlna. i se ie Want Ads for ftisults Easter Sales it Basement GR0WIN0 WITH OROWINQ OMAHA" IIIID til 'IF sgenn'n istwi'isiFiii inippapiiiiiiii Hiiiyp'fiiaeiwajipiiii ap iiiMasaawwMir "IH lsiieiMefWSWPWi- - - 1 - - '.- .THE NEW HOME OF HART 8CHAFFMER & MARX CLOTHING. Best Styles' Little Money DOifT MOW Thousands of Easter Lilies i Potted In Bud or Flower 10c HEAT7TIFUL Hnl, ri In tlm for Knafer Sumlfly, Bcveral thouHfintl brought in efrpecially for thin ocetin'mn nrul In full, hmhhy grnwih, Iloiiif (rrown. On xali Friday in our Enlr(fftl BfiRfinriit, Hlorfi. t No Mall or Telephone Order.. No Dellverlei. Hosiery Henlsrr, Wamsti's II union ftssmlsM silk Mis'k and whit " ends of e eiialllr. frlilar, pair for 11,09, saoh pair..,. Women's ellir JMlllc fleet fteslsrr. Week, whit sad colors, iwuhle bests, teas and soles; garter top. Mpsrlal, pslr Women's l!k l.lsl snl Dsiire t.lsls Hoslerr. all double hesls and toes; dnibls top Ulack and whits. Hpsclal Friday, pr. ., Man' fin rot Inn and Met Harks, blaek eolnrs, spilt seles and all-whit fset. I'r fthlldren's Fine Oitfon sed Tsl Mos. Iry, fins snd hsavv rlnhM " Jitaelr, w btts, tan, pink, aVy and rsd, Friday, pair , Infants' lne Cotton snd Male rtoslarv, Msclc snd eolnrs Hpsolal, pair Misses' fins MereaHned Ulaeg HoMaey, stlehtly lmprfset; Jf.e ualllr pr. 35c rr. blaek, 25c re t.l.ls 15c 15c l Mos. 15c 15c 17ic Underwear Women's Fins Cntloti t'nlon lliill, am hralla and tlrbf Wna etlas; soma alls I a pad snd fancr la. a trimman l(ii Isr snd out slsas, Ineiiiein "Ciimfy-Oiits " tDr vsluas, Sf-h Woman's Flee Corten ttnton iiits, ell site, ('uff snd lace trim med style Worth to Ha Women's Fine flatten Taets, fn sll strtes snd slsas Fsner laea trtmrntd, stao Itals "(Mimr tint" style. Worm to lUr, spet.lal, eaeh Womae's Fin Cotton Ttlehsd snd "f!umfr-"iil" Vests. Npaetal Friday rtnys' snd Olrls' tmloa Bolts, ecru snd hlte. Tight kne ana tsee trlmmsd. All stsaa, eanh ...,.. 39c funs, sll 25c 15c 10c aeru snd 25c Notions Oootl flftffty I'Mnn, iiperliil, doren for JSc Han HUH, Friday, spool ,T c Inside HKIrt Molt Inn, rtfclal, yd, 5c Fast Colored Imnilng Cotton, ?. spool for , fC Mfcvchln Thrcwl, black and white, pool , , Z'iC JOO-ynrd upool of 8ewln ft II k , per spool , ,3'c Klastlo Remnni, black ttnd white, each 2lc On) big lot. of llghfly soiled Nov elty Drald. worth to 26c, por bolt, 7,c 12yar4 boltg of f)l THpe, bolt,fc Iirne bolt of Linen, and Cotton Tape, bolt .Ro Wgjih FMylng, all color. Fln Itrade), wortb he, special Friday, pur yrd l'C Ualr Net, FYlday, each lc Ocoan I'earl Hutton, card,,..,Jc I-arRfi 10c bottle Machine OII,5 Tallinn; HhiiMleif, fch, . , , . . ,2'c Rick Iltick, aalfl price, bolt,... 5c Hhcll Hair I'lna, apeclal, box. , , ,5c Ilngerle Iilblwn, for undi'rwear, a boll 5c Oold Kyed Neodle, special, per packase o'tC Easter Apparel at Low Prices ('oin)ctc , xlockH, indu'lintf Woriicji'H, MinHCrt' ami riiildrcn'M (in riiicntM. Hiiy ;i New Spring Knit ''iit!iy jiml nave money. Tlircc very special lotn. Kvrry Suit nt n irnt Having, Wo linvo frri)iipfd all our hotter HiiitH in tlio HaKcmorit Dofiartmciit. Spooial for Friday hoIIm)? at $MK. Siiit.H that wore made to m-11 at $17.50, $10.00, $22.50 ami Homo even more. Women's and nuKf-oa' xize.i, also 43 to r3 for Htout women. Ila'l and eolors. w aw- . ( A j " I. . I 1 ' M I V. .-V I. i. .) 1 a. fiver 200 beautiful Hull to choose, from, every nlt a right uplo-dale) alyl, inada of fine, all wool material; fin lining, fine workmanship. Toplna of lilnher priced model. Bergea, ropllli. Flnei Oabardlne, Cordu roy, Hhepherd (becka, etc Kpwlal Friday dl 1 Qf at V AIkiiiI :on Women' and Mlaaea correct style new aprlng anil; many different aiyle, in Heigea, ropllna, Check, Novelty Cloth, etc, Included at thla price are Iwo style, all-wool sorae stilts for alnul women, l?,ea 41 to &3, $10 00, $12.60 and 115 00 value, all $8.95 at fha atnall price of, Over ,(XK) Women', Mianes , Junior ami CluMrcn a from nt rxtrcnicly low prices, Wnmcn'a and Mlei' Coata, $3.00 and J QC $4 00 valuca, at , 417J W'omen'a and Mlea Comta, $500 and o QC $,00 value, at POOU Women'a and Mlsaea' Coal, $,60 and f A or $7.00 valuea, at J4T0J Women and MIo' Coata, $7 fiO and Jf- QC tK.OO value, at PUivl You cin find jtmt the coat at a prW to suit your pockcthook check conta, plaid roata, acrge conta, ailk coata, rtc At $1.39 Aboul 3(t0 Hull for Wouien, Mise' and Junior, Many different style; every suit a wonderful bargain. Mi of all-wool Merge, all wool Novelty Material, Check, elc. All good stylo, ai fine material. Just tbltik of buying a new spring ull for i hi price, Hl,e n, 15 ami 17 for Junior; 14 lo 20 for tolese, and 'AH lo 44 for women. $7,60 lo fl2f;0 value, ai only New .Spring Coata $5.85 I'llOO" j Women' and Mle' Coli, !,0 and 99 m values, af,..,,,,, Women'a and Mlsear Coata, $1000 to $12.60 value., at , filrl' Coat, agea 2 (o and to 14 year, $2.00 and $2.60 value, at uinr coat, age 2 to 0 and to 14 year, $a oo and $4 00 value, at Kvcry alylc $6.85 $8.95 $1.69 : $1.95 white coata, Take your choice of a lot of over (100 klri, do?,-na of atylea, many ample; ma1 of all-wool flergea, (lahiirdlnoH, Migonnl, Chock, Novel ty Cloth, etc. $2.00, $2,150 and $3.00 value, aornei wortb mora. At $1.95 Women' and Mlsee' right up-to-date; plaid, check, aerga, etc. New aprlng skirt, worth 12 to and $3.00. At $3.49 Women' aM e t.orTrt atyla new aprlng Hklrt, many different aiylea- new effect poi'keta and belt, Made of all wool erges, novelty cloth, fancy cloth, allverblooma, atrlpc, check, etc. $4.00 and $5,00 value, 39c Draperies 14 I'te-as nf fiouhls Wlilth Wnnaalnw snd Novaltr Nets, etr bl haralns, raed,... Cms Csss (shout ( rlr) of finds of I.sea Curtains, while and fa C rrru. Vslues to 4 a pslr, )C Prl.. In Ih hasetnant. aaeh ?, Tarfls nf fimilil Wordar arrlms, Voiles. JOtamlnes. Kern, white 1 Al and eelnrad horrters. Vsluas 1 LC In tc, spselsl Krl., yd Domestics, Dress Prints,Etc. 74c 6ic H-Inch rurtatn Serlm. plstn whits and .ru, with faner priiita'i floral hnrrtars lnths In JO Vila line value, III, yd , . . t In. h f'raas t'ensla, metlr Hht hlrlii.it aiylea nral dins ar.ft fiaiiraa Kull aismlsrrt aiarta. off Ih boll Krl, jrd . Thnuasnds f Vsrrls ef Press 1'aHai. "Arlalo." "Ildllv" end miliar rtalil.e arailaa Nest rrlnllliss. Il anrl .taih ai'Ti'ie yard F)eaniiril HI. ear frian furisln awisa. lllil frnm Ifte Mantilla Mills Sll naal wnvan fia'tree, it'i'e. airita (.,. rli.. k. full I. ..Ha. h.m ererts Is ealart frem Tsid IHie I Bl ef Itia Waeaen a r'lu.l.'aal 4S In. ll Vrtllas, liaal pillitliss snd "tel ea-la full t.'il's ale I lei. Ii l.i S i'la liainnsi.'a ami .e ems Mm ouf ralar el... as alu.a la to. , si 1 t-feas epliiria siM Van-V tllnabama mill raiiiiialiis ".t S'in.ls lauiltul aulas Sit't i..rfrlfma, liaal ha.SS sed "ai le e. .UK. si. ...... Hi, a Heiae, hisMr mar.-art.a.t han.l ,..Mt a. 14 i'. I.aa wide S'u'l . 1 1 ' lu lr-t 14 ii. ii i.... i.t i e ... 1 1 i i .fa-la rliie i.a.n i..l-i I... i.. I i. ft i. a I. ill t.i San. I at d. SHOES SHOES Von can procure wonderful valuca in refrular merchandiae in our Baacmcnt fihoe Depart ment. There w no store in Omaha where you can (ret popular priced mcrrhawlme in all the variety of the latest style arid all aizca and widths that you can in thin aplondid daylight de partment. More than 21 atylea in the lot, and in every aize ami width, WE HAVE JUST THE SHOES YOU SEEK FOR EASTER Plain Pump, Avon Tie. Two-Htrap, Right Small Hlrapa with four button. Patent leather. Pull Kid, KlMlble aoloa, straight Cubiin or curved IxjiiIb bed, white or gray kid llnH. In fact, everything la In these I'u trip thai, can be found In our higher grade Ptimpa. More care I taken In every detail, Iaat that fit und are stylish. There are about 24 atylea to select While Canvas Engllah Walking Thu Calf Oxforda with rubber oe from In thoae unusual hhoca; care- Bhne with rubber olc. Hport fur women. Hlzo tip to B. Worth SVi"":'.'.$2.48to$2.85 ijR?;.$1.49to$W8 pi'1":.'.':: $1.00 r l I vjjt x ' : 2u fir 7ic I t 6ic Hats K f 7ic Jf 12Jc . 6ic Onelih Sneciafl 1 ricCS I 2ic GJc Vl I .41 ' i r " t This Basement Shoe Do partmcnt will meet your every need. Rely upon this for your Easter Footwear. Easter Clothes For Boys In the Store f MHt I I M Mntl H ' ajli i.$, ft(t Si 't 4 lra 4 l.- ft W M , I ft ttli4l4M.. I ' t 1 : - A at - 'tJ t iV M i) vn, , . t 4 ft-- t ninit WtH Ih hi M k Hfftl - f t1' f r m K k.-s.i ? , il If , m i 14 ft I " "(' ifp ft Wompn'i lint, nt $1.05 i!. hv -I. i 'i 1 1 i.. Mm v I'Ciiti tniiMil vt-'ereat Sapea aii .I -;) nJe Hat 5l.npei"Kxcellent Style U5c ti 'n " ';e i.i t"! a h lt tihapa r if l -lH-f., t.l. - latnl Ul Ml lltft ISl'U ftle. tli-t.t ' 11 Sallt l"l :) ahill'tat. if Ma. as !' Miltietff lsi1 KSit. ITT Till Mi'lii; t- il.c Ir.i I i ...i an.t SaturiUv. r.iui!c. .'.i MiMieme l-iifi I nrf I hil, i . I . Mat, in. 'i'U Iri'Hitir I "I'll tit.lt.im. (Inwtr rtc. f -lill.i It t I f I rlt!l !..) S l! ll tl4)ll. It; a jv Wl'llll 1,11 ,l 'Ml , , , $1.00 Two Big Special Lots of Boys' 2-Piir-Pflnts Suits $3.25 Lot 1 I'lain blue grid fan cy atripe effect. I;ot 1! Plain rry cbeviota. Molh nre atainich wcarinir fabric, in amnrt patcli pocket, at.flcN, Tliey are the biggc! valuca yet. All atfr ." to 17 yenr. Another Special Lot Suits at $2.50 Just one pattern, but It Is good lute; made of hard twisted thread fabric, In a liu illiim shade of grar Very rvlreble and gnml looking. I iua !, HikmI, mrvlceahle Knlckerborkar Pant, plenty of every iie. r r i to 1 ye-ts Pair OOC Handkerchiefs rtn.as nnim ei,,l f H1H.H11 eia Ian 1 amie a.. . ..i..,.. ,i,,i, a-a. la.i.it at. ....... 1 ,,,. 1 lam hue Sli t l.. 1 . .I ,i, lull, a, a ll.n a t '.. Mania. i hiala am. . . ......a a aiae Ha. liiua '..lai.aa . SwNnal, aa 5c y. Mill KnJ$ ol Hack Towels, lc n.a an 1 1 i ( 11.) .a,aa at 'l Hi tal ,. I. trnwat '" ' - ' aa a la, 2IVtS riMlillrtf, lfa II In. h leant li i i ik Stir ... a.l k -l ai I la Bj'ei Ul Tablg Daimuk. 35a 14 at llva jx in ii ai him I l-e-a. 44 Has l,i. ail a a'll " aol .a . ) Hat i.aa ew . ,1 , US) NajiKim, 7 ,a 14a ailia t ata ' -ee e lift la-at a M , U 'i BpriU, $1.78 14 e,a.l4 in If Sia'l tHaktl S a.n ,.. t v al i,.tair alei4 hi't ik. 1 la.l. aa H l I .0) -ft 1 Vd'.l I m r i t . . ! II It I I 4)1 S' H..f . e? I? t't el t I . tin. Snm Newman Ikiiil laiiiaid l I'll,. I,p K.IIU. I Last Thought-Two More Days to Eastcr-BUY NOW j ' - N " m J a '', t - li'itisiri ft' J I