Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 21, 1916, Page 12, Image 12

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Want -Ad Rates
rword, , ...eauti insertion
psoial Bates 1
Farm and r.guch 1-and.
7c per lint each Insertion
(Count six words to ilia line.)
e jier word on time
l'ibo per word. ..three consecutive time
i per lint,,,.. ,.,nm tlm
io per line, three consecutive timra
V (Count )g word to tin line.)
rtf par llns esch Insertion
(Minimum rharga 60 cent.)
Monthly Rata for stsnding ls (no
change of copy) tl.M per llns
(Count six word to the Una.)
Contrast Ui oa eppUcatloa.
THE REE will not b eeapneaihi for
more than on Incorrect Insertion of an
aivrrtlmcnt ordered fur mora than
oris Urn.
ArVr.nTrF,n should rstaln receipt
given My Ths Pee In payment for Want
Ada. no mistake can bs t ! 1 f !)
without them,
T'SE Tim TVl.TrrTtnXVI if yon csnnnt
conveniently bring- or send In your sds,
Aalc for a Wsnt-Ai Tnker, and you will
receive I h same good rvlc aa hen
delivering your ad at tha office,
ITf Off f)"tt iTfti .hA
wawt-ao rm.i'MNH ct,oe-
rvrvivo rniTiifn it'M w.
Current offering, of th best Mellon
Picture Thesfera In Omaha,
(Changed Dally.
Do ntnvra.
"f'N'DF-R AZURE HKIFrT-Tha tlirltl of
(ha Ufa of lha cat lln rum lor la da
Pleiad In this well (old slnry of lova.
"AflT AND AHTHIJK"-I puts Ar
tliur at odda with Art, Funniest picture
In town.
"THK WINNINil PUNi-lf'-Drams and
comedy mixed wires here,
8lng America First.
Four Reel of flood Pictures.
finTFAfltfAtf. ""KlTSVAttNAM,"
The House nt, Features, Pip Organ
and Orchestra Music,
T"dy Present
tinrniK htmilino nd nor.
lll.HT N V LF.H
In the
"WFB OF OltAFTFUH," art.
t'HB OAlillKN, 131 FAKNAM
"Tha Hoys In islue," and a good com
dy, Jrrroirram, r,
OaA'NU. 16T1I AND'fllNNIJj',
William Karnum In
"Klflilln Blood,"
nl r) Featura,
And A Good Comedy,
HPE oiwan im LUXE.
Cdtnltop; JiTiriixiTHROPT
Virginia Praraon and Joarpa KIIora in
"A Turn of (ra Hoad."
F;dwn Ardan In hi well-knnan play,
"Tha KalP'i N
MshC "24TIIAN1)"n7
"Ttio Millionaire' Hon," Knlf,
"From AHur to Halter," Kakm,
"Froddy FoIIb )hn KlnHlara," Vila.
bUULKVAlia""33ii & Lttuveiiwnrth.
Thuiaday, Bliiatdrd (ihotoplayt of f, ra
tha iiniliirnt Amnrli-an ajlor, Tyhmn
I'wr In "John Ni-wlham a liotihl.',"
'nviiLvrTr 2&01 leavenwoiitii
' Tha Hhrlno of Happlm-BD,"
. "" i Wi'rat.
hONROB. t B 6 5F A RN AM;
F.guKahla Motion Tlitiira Torp. pr
anta Kitty Uordon In "Aa In a, lok
orpheum. '" "iiTir&Tn
Tr'anitla aprvlre.
' Tha t'rli'a of IJnwr."
"lr1nt-j.'rrln Johnann,
Special Ktra Ttcol Fature now appear
ing at tha following Thaatrra.
JoLU) en "LEA Vi-N wonTiT:
"Tha twin' Naat," a Idg ala rerl fra.'
I ura.
KfeartB. JtflfAND N fiix
"Tha Millionaire's Hob." 1
"Jobn Nrlhani' Towr r "
'iWiH rM i: rn t i i ji 'h
"l'ndar Aura Pklra"-Tlia thrill of thai
Ufa 'f lh rattlr riiMmra la Jrpleted
In thl !! Inldjinirv f hup.
?i)ANt.' ' laTIl A.'l IUNi;V
William Fainum In Fttitn lllm..) "
IXif lliiul-r"" Still AM ijrlUtu'
Vtrainla rar. ant Jftwph K !((
til Turn (,f )) )(a,
S !S "' "7. "". f4 r'AlttfMt
t (tl i la JlnUwi rirttitfi f .n, VV.
tita httt t!uri. in As In a I.wk.
t'a it's "
otii-MH, ir""" MftfASn U mm
Tha (!. f 'a
H ,h FT UTf.i. AS "a. Ht K ft r
.If km ftatth-l'fs In "t'h jinrtita f
;U.s iV' UttlAt. h- tsMrtlK
Mt'-h'l ftll Wl, l...,l( '
In ft IV. I I, ,, , . t
"'' fall, ii. a k,,4 .,..1,
Citiil, h-,r(iiis, I . ,,,, , s . et , '
tsmttta tsit iimh t. iitifc
j..(t,v i..i, is , ,4.4 ' ,,. ,
ft a 'Nil si n 1 1, . .
k ) !, .,.,,.,,, f ) . fc
!. I' mm,.. , ,ft.,wi ..,,
" M t r ...t l..t
''"'"I '.ti',l m ,;., i ,
It" " I' I ! I,,
I l(tll -! U
tJ ..j , ,
f I Wt -(
! -t '
Ml t M t a h, , an
U S ' I k I M
I Ml is " - 4 l i ite (.,,(4 g..g
i ..- I,i a a-e k .ii. i i . ,:,!,.,,
'i s i it r
l4 ,..,.- Ink 4i ... 1. H-'
kk,.l OHIO, !. 4 !(-.
m. H...., ................ ..,..,.,... . .. ......
4 MH I IM Mil
V ti . t,.a ..i.i i ,,,,u t -4
f..s. ,.4 i H,., -',( t;-.,4(
- a, 4 ' -.i , f i , i , i- i t
I s M- t ii...,-,, , in,
''-'! 4 ; ,., in- --
lOf' yrALITV I I T FlVoWKHH of
plant, Art (Vunldnstlntia, hlpid avery
ivhrr. lCc?cllf,iit atrvha to our pu
lounTa In t""t yara rc'nmiuvnda UKrtH
HSVOHOHA, MIA Farnntnjft I' 1.1,
LAIUl'isT"""AVfV)ltTMl'NT" of" f'raati
flowra, dflvrfl or ahippad anywhere.
I,. IIKN )!; KHi I V, trI Farimm Ht.
A. I'xiNA'JIUJK, P.22 Harney.' hong.
HATH, HoHM. w4 Fiiinm tit. U." ").
ATTKN TKiN," Waaii'loilga m, I," O. O.
F. All nwnilifra of Want Imlge No, li
arc r"iiii sled to tnftot itt our hrill 4 p.
rn. Frlrliiy aftirmmn to iittnnd funiTuI
of our hit brother, .lohn It. Johnaon,
Hy order of John I). Krlaon, Noble
'irnnil; Itlehnrd Johnaon, Hct.
ninriiM and itKAitii.
Hlrllm (i U ', and Allniiln Klacla Htnltli,
SWil North Ulfanih, jtlrl; l,hudir mill
rs',a llitynfa. hoapltal, hoy; Curl and .ll
Dli'kH, l"'.''t I'm ik avnuo, hoy; Martin
and Ira Katx, :)lf,7 Morcdlth, hoy; Wnlu-r
and Mnrgnrpt Ilylsnd, So North Twntv
ftrfit. hoy; John and Agnra Hinlth, Wl
Jnr-kaon, girl; Alfm and Nhiftt Huhlno.
iw. I'leri'e, girl; Arilmr and. Dorothea,
flakrr, No. t, Klng'a Court, hoy; John
and Klrno Fanltii-r, IKI8 Mherriiati, girl.
finntha Mra, A, W, laih, Knat
riiniiha; Myrtle H Itedflild, M, ftl.1 Houtll
Thlrtj fourth; Ji-nnte It. Iwrla, 114
Nortli Fortv-lhlrd avMiua; Joaapliltic
Kvlkii, Hi, hill holllh Twolfth; Oaorge
Jewell, m, hoapllal; Thoiuiia llarmt, U,
Wit Houth Thirty-fourth; llnlan M. 'Hnm
tla, B, iiiH Nh'holua; lthcr T. iolgulat,
SI, ?.'Jl Cunn, Hti'plitm Mulvihlll, 'M, loa
pltnl, M 4 II II I A(,f, Ml KNUKS,
" Tha following mil ri i.ig'i llnonres have
Itai-n gtant"d:
Niiina and lt-,Hldati,f'. Ag"
fhif l(fiiiiua Ol'u n, Oiniiha, t!
Wn Caroline Collet, Omuhe
Kpii llHvc.i'liuid, yulii'-y, HI 21
olive M. Uorun, guiney, lll.f i
Andrew V. Andcrarn, Uinal)4.,,, M
liirMn iJyrk, Uinahii., , l
Frad M. Orti-rklrk, (muiha Ovir yl
CharlotlJi icuir'ril, Hhii Fraii'-larcOvcy 1H
U'llilam M, tioodiimn. tiitiaha. W
Violet Hlevnna, I iiiiaha ,, 11
in ii.iii I'K.itMir.
"XifirVo.' Jlali. ZIIVJ; Mai lha,d"iliile
frame dwelling, tf,Un', Alhvrt U. Jtiii,
ZiiH-l Marlhii, (luiilen friiine dwolllng,
il.fiKi; Jano Jleknakl, TtH't I, frame dwell
ing, W; Hymn Keiil company, Mouth
Twenty-first, frari dwelling.
"fir 'if (ill laM nnxit,ii,f tnt "III aarartIM It r.
Ia lli tireir re""vr It II tnn4 l,r aa httnmt
Saiarai. licntarlialila rirov,r1, are liruuakl
ibnm frr or (hruufli ikt, enhima.
1 MR J.AW-fimel, . 111,4 Iwk nlole ra
lawrMtrd In annwlnf taat lh Siat, la U
tut,! la reiulrlnf Uien U t lh
lbr',iifh advoriiMment ar,S otbarwliia, aai IS,t
a fUur in Hi If mbm v M iwa. la
ol a Mre aeiitKr
Persona having lost soma article would
do well lo rail up the of flee of the
Omaha A Coiinell Itluffa HI rent Hallway
company to ajeerinlii whether thry left
It In the street cure.
Many arltelwa aen day are turned In
and the company Is ennloiia to reatore
them lo the ilghtfuf owners, tall
I long 4.
dark l.ilndlo lirilldog, fenmle; whlto apnt
on head and format; hid eollar and no
tag. Call OHo iien, Muplo rlt.
Weh. ,9, iloviard,
FOl, N'D - Koni" money' Owner lny Tiive
mitna hy eal liig at 'J'ho Hie office and
pnyliig fr thla ad.
UJHT-Feather boa on W l7ir mh Hi
houh-vard, rtunrtiiy; reward, iieturn to
211 i'atk Ave, lliirriny 4i,15,
iiHT--I'srksg VVedneaihty morning on
I'roeitowii for; rewind, Itoturn lo Soh
, Jtih, or rail Oouglaa 41,
LosT-A hiown shell i;ameo oin; finder
far.elve reward. Fhimo Wal. 1752.
""jKMrnlliire Wnii Honaeholdi 4ioole.
""hI'KCIAL JI.'NK imiliW OI'FKH,
W have apiimpi liled for June
hrlda preaenla to t hose inn king pur
chaaea of ua during our aalo of Ilia
Piiwt heaultful and up-to-date hotiae
furrilehlnga. IM m explain. Hlate
Furniture Co, mriier lthnd t)odge,
OMAHA" "JML'LoW CO.- Felt and ' Imlr
liiiilreeae, rnad.i over in new licks St
half (he prhe of new ones. Phoiie us
for sample of ticking. Mall orders filled.
IKd filming HI. Ooughis 247
"MI'MT" sin rlflee iriy' al rooms of fund
luro nl on'r. No reaaunahlo offar re
fueed, Alo fino piano. Call after 9 p. in.
f,l H 241 h Ave.
F 1 1 1 H A i . 10 - H o 1 1 d in ii 1 1 og 1 1 y" 1 1 v 1 1 1 g rooi n
fiiinlliite,' hratia bed 'Hid ticdrnmn fur Fhone Mrs, F, C. Iloillngiir us
Val, 2IJ4.
u U K" fooaea, i' gas atoveariii ruga of
all kliid. poultry wire and nulling,
i iiwn till t vm.KtoJiOjJtn
rtasMMS null Mnaleel lairwmnte.
Vl'il-IN-'luod loned, tmiid-mailo Inatru
meiit, tirntight Into America from old
eoiinirv (tierinaiiy t before war; five
daa' free trial at my espenae; on eaay
liaVmrnta If you wleh. Write Mine
He rile Mardlss, lUmte b, Ilosmlttle, Ken
an ,
TTANurf 7'OK tl'F.NT,
Oimd make,, good condition. M W per
liloiilh: ne pianos, I4.dll mr month.
A, lttiMt'K OO.jJh'dJ-l Oouglna Bt.
a"iI.TACIIAHI."k t'edlliiiii "plmioplayer,
V) inlla nt iniialc. Will sell or tradu.
Jewrlrii IllnmoaAa. Watckea.
i"(iK(iA AltU'H 'lucky we-lill.'ig rings"
al hull and lioimliia His.
Trpenrlirr anr; Suppllea.
NIvW maihlnes wild the"Miie as reni;
(.1 per nioiith. Hee ua be(ir you huy or
rent. Snipped any place mi tnn ilays'
free Irlia. Hutta Tviievtilter fe.scn.auge.
Jlii M. IHi, OmnliH. Nuh
TYCKWIUTKllrt sold, rented and re
paired Kent nn Oliver typewruer 1
months l"f " Central Typewriter ttf
i hiimie, !;' Faruam
HI- M I.NU'I i NH, Moiuircha and Kmtlh
I'l-rimera lor tent, ami anywhere. Item-
Ingliilt Typewriter Coinpsny, I'. tJM.
Kk'I.tANCi: Mini and Carbon Co.,
Iiiertirr and olfh-e auppllr. whula
nle and retail. I1 : h'i Ilwar4 lit.
ikllt.,AM lillliluN tAIUION CO
liriiew a-'l'phv. 4'itnslaS ill." Is Hee
Sl,.rc ed liftlee Flilneee.
t.VVKH. eatra. m . aii.i caae., ehei
tug vie. We Viiiv, gKll. timed. f'Utur
fupl Ci , ill U I H l.'ih. t'oug. ;.?
Ilinliiarr end I imta,
Fl 1,1. Ii' if .iiputi- il ii"'! "'
.mU St -3 lr en off, dt N tMh II.
( taming, (., I te.
l iy nn.t !l lallui iiia'le ,ill n4
,!. .,! i . .. .t.,,..!! 111 t'.. I, a,
Slae 'SlarSjia. a.
iSinviiiij Mncliiiu'H
Wa lent . , ,1 . I iie.-.l;. f and parts
t ail . ,'., .,!
Ml' I I . f
M !( V .. t I't I' ,
i H t ll'" ' !".
ti, Svatl e4 I'mK.
.1 ' i : '
t.e' . . i'i i
t I I IMI,
. ', ' j . ,
. I - I
a., , a
Kial a
. I
, I H i
4- t !-
j I f M
t t t'.c lil I li y -?n
, v, l'..,,v l mt
.I l; l I t CO
,- I f
l' l' l
i . i i- M
Ma. kin i
ud I
I i .
t li
ve, ' " a i
Hlilii4 e 4 lulu I v
I , H 3 V e-1 l,.i ,
t I. I t .. I l-l I 4 '! t -
4 - I 4- ' . K,..t ' f
I-,. ., 4,,, t-l. ..,,1 tftV tH...-.
agM flelie,
I i I.
4 1 I A I f I II I
Do ii
Pi ltt4.
In wrHInt; to Advertisers
pieasi: mention Hint ou saw
their Aavertinetnerit In The
.MV hii:ii atundrd of iiuallly will be
mlntined; 4 ounrta of ld Fontenelle
whlaky, ?.i; hotiled In bond. Henry
I'olioek iiihII order house, 1-ioug, 7181
i::a-U4N. hiih Hi.
Thirteenth and Douglas,
Bottled In bond whisky, Dm, 11.00, fl.U,
full una t.
ON'F, ialr lirandes Trans-AtiritTowrr-
less receivers, brand new, H. SS'J
l owur. (.'oirax VH.
riITV-1 J VK feet heavy" 'iron" fnertwi
gates, also tun range, ( heap, N.
eith W.
4 " Ooldi ri"Weiit vVhl"ky7 4 full
l".- iunrts bottled In bund, prepaid.
erkley Hroa . Omaha,.
Foil A U2 -I'ralrle hay. Writs "VVatson
Hey Co,, linn.iii, Neb,
WANTI.O-ftUrt elnss aurveyur s trsneit,
an Inatrument I tin t. In dnnlKU'd for gen
'11 Imd Surveying a well u dr illing"
work, files must he rlgnl. Adlresa Y
rsi.fl, Br.r-,
" j KHK r lJi;S KS I ) KS K H
New deaka, used delis. bought, sold
and traded, J, ('. J(ei,. I2OT Farimm.
IlA'UMAN will piiv you more for fur-
rilture, clolliea and nhoes Wet,. i,li,
Hlgneal pi'len a, fr M liTTnd "h'iThe
glioea, ti uiiks, giilteasea, O.'fc or f, ;;j,
OLD CItT(IFMI oi,i hiiokh!
We pay li(Khesl prh-e. Webnter J724..
VVe (my best pet :rn t;r "Id i-iothea, ), mi
Ileal prleca paid for old clrjiliei, i," 4714
BflOl iwi A A It I i'H ' iiuek v Wedding
Kings" at Ifh and (Muglns Rts.
1'j VK mjido.,ra. ' V, M. c, A. 04,Fa rk.
Motor llepnlra.
CAIIfI.1, KLF.f:, CO., iiee Illdg. 11 M7.
Coiierele I oolraeiora,
CFMFNT walks and driveways, t), tm.
(arprnlvr anil I onlrnrlnri,
Iaasrd A. Hon tV Capitol Ave. T. 1611
Young, rep'g , Jpbblng, .creens Weh. Ui,
C W. Ilokanson, W I.vnwlh. T'yl. 2I0J-J.
Aeeordlon, Hide. Knife, Hog Pleating,
Cov. Ilutloiia, Jfemslltehlng, Nb. Ideal,
lug A Hut ton Co, 431 2 pa ton Hill. It 4X4i
i' hi her, bidles' liiliored garmeuls
for all neeaslolia, 4' Koae Hhlg, Ty, 'ifl.
Oreasiunklng and filnln sewing; reason
able; satlafui'llnn guaranteed. Web. 112.
ANNA MI.A'njt, lUe.amnker, Tadlea' alik
suits a. epeeteltyHniith IM3. 4.'-J H. d.
HY day, work guaranteed,' Web, WU,
luessmiik'g t boniiK I). "M9, 22o8 llnrney,
Kelalrr's Ilresamiillng Col. h IK City NU
Terry Oressiiiak'g collei.,. OMi A Furnaui
WdllK giiHiiuileed. t hone Walnut W)4
fomp, dressninkr wants day work. I . 73 '".
fleleuiialb Pbyelelnne.
Mrs, J, H. Mnsh k, 402 Huso Hldg. Ty. WW.
IPF.Af. Hair Parlors :17 Halrd Hldg.
Manleurlug, smlp, faelul and vlolot ray
treatments, 'J'ollet art hies. , tilKi.
Towel Sepi'llea,
OMAHA Tol Wupidy. W, . IHh.D. 624
llullona and ' I'lrallnaj.
n y yAN AVAM.
Dress I'fesllng rind Hut ton Co,
Phone Doug's 3P(I. 2, 7 Panlon Hlk,
Northeast :orner liilh and Farnam tile.
Aeeordlon. kullki, side, apace, bog and
gun-ray pleating.
ComblriMtlon bog and side pleat skirts
In all liuest designs.
Hemstitching, jUot edging, pinking,
ru''hlng and buttons made lp order,
Mali erders given prompt and special
attention. All work guaranteed.
Hals I leaned and IlloeUrd,
STRAW, Panama, all kinds hats, cleaned
andriblorked. lf, K,) llnrney Ht.
I'leaaere mil Uycra. "
STATE Dry Clng. Co. Ito N. I2lh. D, mt
l.'iprea, ( iiinpaulra.
TWIN ri I V F,ies c, ;,2J f,g St.
Ioiigls 171T. Heavy hauling a snoolnlty.
turerrtalug fur Wuuieu.
ACCnUlilu.V, aide, knife, sunburst, bog
pleating, covered buttons, all sizes and
style, hemstitching, plcul edging, em
broidery, heading, braiding, cording,
eyelet cut work buttutiholce. pennuuta,
SI i Douglas ilhajk. Doiigius I9:4
K. A. DWOJIAK, 0. P. A.
4M:i7JUmge Hldg. Tel. Douglas 7K
DB. HKNDA--flulpuiir, Hteam, Mnderg
Turkish, Flctrin BATHS and MAH
bAUK fur tired nerves and rheumatism,
private apartment fur ladles with lady
aUeiclHiil i:uk Faruam. i Inmu is, U.,1.
I ooluuiva.
THKATHICAU guwns, lull dress aults, for
rent. m N. 17th Ht. John Feldmao.
Piano laairaoiin.
flagtlme planu il,iyiug pisiuvey taught
in 'JM h-aaons. 4.i, l uiiung. Wul. Mii.
I hlriiprarlors, Mplnal Adjaatiuval.
DH. Ill ltMliHN, 414 Hiisa Hldg. D. ml.
Palmer isdum! grad Conaullation tree
Ire. Hillinnhiun. 13 Creight. ii l k, D. 'Ml
te II. Itinel ;niu Itrmi. The, Hldg. D. MM,
Dr. J. C. l.iiwrence. I i.nlid Uldg.jUMtU.
FT.KCTRIC hous,, cleaning, our work and
pile will pleaau yuu. 1-t us remove
your storm v-hulows aiul put la yuur
ecteen l'yer Ml J
PHU. INTKI.KIt, 2il Dewev Ave.
Hhmlowliig, Inveailgating. II. luDIi
JAMKJ At.l.AN, m Neville Hlmk. Kit-
ileiu seemed In all eaten Tyler this.
LA NO Nnl'l Datectlva A gey.," inc., KM He
..I'lllg. T)ler tlirlVv cu1fl,l..ilinl.
I hlriipuillaia.
Csrrle J. Iluf.ud. .k I'os. Hlk Ited 4MJ,
Juallcva nl Ike I'raer.
It H, CIUUiHMi,. li I' Hlk ; Hed
led Nmaiy public; ib p,.iu,m atenu
C, W.'Hrlli, ;ii'l H.nkei lllmk
Varaaiu (Ira a ere.
CI.KAN yi l( M V ami 1 1 n illrtroill.T
Willi F. I.USK H.i.i'TltH', 1U..N r II
AND lllu I KIt HAV lHit'ULA.4 Vm.
FUlurva aa.l W iring.
HI ! U K I ' "' liuu machine.
I'U ll IM4, .,,.,., ,t,(tl ,4,Jul-
ll'. "J I'emiug it D i.g JJis.
Palallag aad Papi Hag.
OniahH I'nct i ;n i;n. Douglas
II MAII'TH. UU-r u, cieaoer, preset n
ami ei'ii.iij iM N Din m d .aa
Wltil etil n ce ii. t'llng mm I l.ln.l
Ml. 'l t.-i. tun
1' A H I f''r a'i'l ItU'C I a V goods.
,i I'll. I l.l ,-a' ' 4 I- I,- 4 ii- I !!!.
aieots , II H- iei I S ia W . si,'.
I M,e'e h4 lliier,
Uor tN. ! u, g.v,. i it...,.
Ail -i l S M H l, am
It A I't I. I'M1 -H. HS'HlUi.g, vi nr. I,
WeH l' v I ImU
w ti,i ' -'ii a
li. , i . " i. i -.
W U I I'tl t M
-i- - . I't"
! 1 1 ?.Hl4f,
'I ll- II ..1,1,1,
"I. I p r i
4Sillll"S 4irlil.t,
M r n - . M--. Ca' ll if
Weadle teliuaets.
tt K -f ,, ,..., , , ,..i
,1 1 I I . 'HI , . I - . I - I,,,
I) 14
C t l' l I '- I I' Im,
(4 t ali- I - - I '' : 1 W t I,
t 'v I t I i " I I- -i D I
I, 4 4a ,
I i 1 1 t1 ii i h at
('nk a 4 W laea liiiiat,
II- vl ' I"' IS l - I 1-1
f a llas' t tlMnaaleg.
Ova t - m 'l t- i- !i. I -a I
t i -- U .! li at
I levf , uli t
I 4 .!' I i. i4 til,
Mia lia f t4ilii,
1,41- V - . I ' , 'fc ,1. I 4 . 4 il
W lava t aaii.
"'i'WO'M.W l,t".iSAl.(VH.
feroom, one i'ui.r, finely de-orated.
osk and birch fini-n, iuar(er sawed ua
floor i; modern. A, so l') acres Houtn
Dakotn farm land. Hwap for l.otrt acreu
or i inre, (heap clear southern land.
Want to raise stock: or will tmrle lor
clear Omalia lots. Frank 'J. Howard,
IK4 r!aliler.Omhs. Colfag SIM.
t.ATI'f date Oliver Virliile Typewriter. In
perfect rondltlon, to swap for White
t-erliorn chickens or any other personal
pronerlv owner can use. What havs
. y'U''el. J'. I4j. Hee
ilAVK eiif good coal range and one
fins', line rangt! to swap for good type
writer, roiiiiiii k or what have you?
Address H. ( ', ll-'. Dee,
WILD dve two residential lots as part
payment on a good second h'ind car.
late model; valtifd nt vm or l"o. Ixsve
rmrilcuhirs nt ti e Pea office, eSir A
FH-MH I 'E VE!'PRT) FRKB whsn (T nti
are ordered. Finlargmcnes from any
live, Knee fliubo, pun and llnrney.
MOTOR b.iats and sulns to swap Iowa
HwU and Fngine Works, ?r,th (! nnd
Ave, J, ('oiineil Hlnffg. la,
6 MONTIIH old brlndle bull pup"to"swHp
for ftreleeg cooker, or what ligva you.
Address B ('. sl, I'ee
("N T lou want i l.l.i '0-scre farin, Hs
in; j oisnd Trumbull. Dongas "707.
IfAVK new iIismi' to sau for Icebos;
must he while eiiHiuel Hielde. 8, (,, llio;
OSK Meson truck for good horse, hames
and wagr,n, Address 8. ( . H2, liee.
AI'TO Urea or accessories for adding ma
chine. Address H. C. 1IW, Pee.
ti it k T)MjlCT(isTil v
Mr, Alexander, factory representative
ior trie tiiierriiuiotittl Hubber cornimny
i.i In Hie city for u dny or two, lie Is
prepared to neaotlnta with rcanorislhh
buslnesa ruiin for al least an Interest In
the shout established distributorship. To
receive consideration, applicant must he
a uve nuaineag man or clean record ano
shin lo command some capital. Ail
negotiation confidential. No ordltiar
lire propoallloita, but an s.rlhla which
In Iha last til davs haa set. the tire world
nflre and Is positively the faaieaf. sell
ing geceegory to automobile users now
inarknted, , few auto distributorship
mo open, uiealers In iais Angeles. Den
ver, HI, Joseph, Kalian City snd Other
enies clearing from IW to fUsj weekly,
and the business Is Just, gtarted, Jlefer-enci-g
rschanged, and Interview r-
riniged by writing, phoning or cslllng
on .vir. Aiexanuer, iioom jujo, j'orite
nella hrdel, Omaha, Neh,
The sleek and futures of Ihs
rfi'iuelta i ash Market and (Irorery Pearl Hi., Hlous city, la., will be
soli) at publlfl auction on the premises
st 2 p. nt. on Tuesday, Iho of
April, Til stock lnvotreg 11,4117 and
tha ftiturea Invoices 2,Iii4. Tha build
ing can lie leased at a moderate rental
The loca l Ion Is eaeellent. There Is not
e belter kniwn market In Hloiix City
The store Is rarwhln of doing, and luia
dune, 1,(1 ween IIJi and ti.MKl a week.
The store will be open for Inspection
on I he Huy of sele. Hon t miss ihe sale
Thla Is an exceptional oiiportunlly for
TICK, 601-02-H03 TRIMHLM
HlvDii. ALTO PHON1S 3420.
CAFKand rooming house for sals, double
room cafe-ditilng room and counter. He
modeied four months ago, everything In
first-class shape. Fixtures, lights and
furniture sr all good, iiest cafe In
stale escept some of the hotel cafes.
Hood reputation, beat clues of trade In
illy. Uuaranteo f loo-buslnss, and over
dully. Over 11,000 stock now on hand.
Pent, seventy (70) monthly. Hoomlng
house of tn (in; rooms opposite csfe.
Modern except heat. Good furniture
and lights and everything O. K, Hunt
livenly dollars (tmt monthly. Oppor
tajiy for a live man, Reason for sell
Ins Is sickness. Addtesg Y Vi'l. iiee.
AN established manufacturer wants gen
ceil sales mamiger, to open office and
luniiiign sulesmeii; to 7' capita)
tieccMary; liberal rorilrant; money nisk
ing posflhllltles utillirillod; will pay
expense to Chicago If you are men we
wiirit. A. C. VS., 1012 Itepubllo Hldg.,
A NICK clean, tiMo-date hHrdwiii"
slock In line of the bent Wisconsin
tonus: Inventories about ll,5nu; no
trades considered. W. li, Webster, Hud
son, WlM,
Hl HIVKHH opportunity, agency operi hi
Oiiuiha for live wise, with some capital
competent to sell auto tires and acces
sories. Address Tires and Accessories,
care of Hoe
W A NT F.I The munufHclurer of a stan
durd aiitomohlln la desirous of making
a attllntile Omaha contiuctlon. Oood
proposition lo rexpnnsllge parties. Ad
dress Auto Manufacturer, cere live.
ONI, ifrug ami Jeweiry store ma tlirTiv
lug north Nebraska town for aula at a
sacrifice, Owner retiring. Write F. U.
K neater, Hrmiswlck, Neo.
M ( IT I ON - I ' ii 'T 1; HK ( I 'POTlTFNlr Y
for lelliihle niiin who has had some
experience. In the biisliies. Hplnndlcl
chiiiur for right man. I4ve town of
1 l"i, Address hux1',, MJullann. Neh,
Wll.l. pay cash for dry guilds, clothing,
shoes nr general stiH-ka; must berheup;
iiulck action; give parllciilar In first
letter. Address Dock Hug JU, Winter
tiei, Iowa.
MOVING plriiire Tl aie'rs. rsatliargalnar
mat hlmis, repairs, supplies, acceaaorlea,
new and svnond-liand. He us
tlslrd Hhlg t'oug SI'S
FOIt HA LF- (lood, "cli ail stock of Hard,
ware; live town central Nebraska,
tlocd reason fur selling. Pa quick. Ad
lire, y JA7, Hee
1'illt MM.ft'Jeaelrv store "jn g7nTd live
town In eential luwa Fine opening for
a gnml b isller liopiire of Y Htm, liw,
LIST your bualneaa or Imiiiis. for sale
or trs.le aitli ics 1 kaw hew.
lumd rt ile and Auitioii i'u . im,ih, iv.
I' ',! nut nioie nel" sue ka than any
nlher firm In !', H Write fur terms.
THf ATt Hi Hm, le u or sell ycir ihe-
aicr inaeiiinv aiei e.ippurs I liri n g p
Thvilvr i n Co, lel 'ainm i (sgj
WILLI AM.', vataldiaheil "il vi Ti huf
Or eli In. 4-1.4 4.4 lu v bllil. fit M,-4lagv,
H' U I .-li-ini.e M N( ),
FV'-I'HX iiiaklng k, km ri ,'
1.1 '
JIM W H VV fu' it ( Hi 1 4
MOTION I I '(I Hi; MAi'lHM -4
Nf4 ,ie. r '!! I I ll III, a , ,j.),,
Om-ii., cm I. iiii'u .., a (ili Si
CLMi h , r 'it sl.. uiiiti, a,
4tue ( 'i-.i. 4, l- e I I f.,( I.i
t " Hee I'M Ult It i- iii list
TO r II -1 1 t' v .4 t- . , ,i'
lt , h t .t iru" 'i,'.ii4t Ink D Ml
l'l Ci 1-4 "I .1 :t h .all.i, iil
iV'lt AD tr' Ik- l-t D-n. mi
1 1. 14 .F t,i,n .4il,r akup i- i..
t ii '.'., t ' . I i
f ' 1 ., ' 4 . i i .-, t , h , . Ur4 4 ,(
u vuai i ! i in u
fc-t.'M, t'Y IV PK l.lMf
S. r .4 ate . 4t i'4
$ Is , l 14444 ,: , V4f
I lM a ee ..... .,.. ... i
11-14, i !'' iri - a
tlMft.iW I'-.'UH 4t-.tif I ,.. ,.
.,.,4 .i,ii.' l',m 4- I is.i . I ,
l-,4. - I- M -'-' 1 ' 11'. 5tl
.. . I Kl'l 4 1 I ll", (
! I . . a . h 1(1,.,,
"i I .
H' ti"- ' , w ai -
t ('t ,., . i, 4 .
. 4 14 l" 1 1" 1 4 r, ;., 1 1
4i .t ' 4 .'. 1 r , i . .
iHSIiil I a aft - ' " j , 1
, , . - - - 4-- I 1 a .4 4 4
, ;.,,.-,, 4,4.1,,,,,,..,,,
VA N'T Efi PiTaii ion" us "Xoo'isk'i-ftper, of
lice, ledger or shipping' clerk; 11 years'
cxiMirlence in guv i.rnmeut accounting;
best of references. Addiess K He.
VOI'Nii inan wants iKmitlon as book
keeper or clerk; familiar with sltnnst
nil lines of books; will accept modest
salary st start. Address K IW, Hee.
Ti' i -N I LD-Cositlon as assistant manager
or secretary to large firm by man with
I .tig experience. Iiest of referriu,e.
AililrrM )' Ki!,1. Pee,
PHA KM ACIHT Itellef work at nights,
regWeiS'l, four years' cupei-P-ries. Lake,
Harnev I2.
illUII-CLAHH experienced-slesinan de
sires position with good firm; best of
refereiice,,0lii!i, Hae,
MA N wants" place' as bookkeeper sa be
ginner, can rurntan gooa rcierences
Address O IrtW, Hee,
WAN'TKD Home" klnirorfig'hr"work until
fall, AiblroM ,1 VW.i, Hee.
WAXTKD-Job" ss porter or jaiiltor,"
James Nesblt, 41s ..J'h HtPed jl.'-4v
SI IserllMiH one.
r",rilMLKo VI "beiTTi'U "fiaiit help writs
or cull l;niplr Labor Agency, 2 H,
IJth. l'hoj, Dong. JO. .
ciX PP.hlKNi'ftD man for generai house.
work, pnbiUhg, waxlliv floors, Clifton
1 ! " ' . J 1 " ' n ' i .
t A W Nf4riik 4 and see,f d," g a rdenllig ',
rugs neat, windows washi-ll. Call Weh
aler "Of.".
IPX 'i:CLP!ANINO'"wsnted y"' eTiiiieii
i need man; rugs lent'-n, floors pdignel,
Ueb, 411,
WINDOWH washed, rugs beaten, screen
repaired, whitewashing. Walnut 2127, '
Wsnted House cleaning; also wall paper
cleaning,,';, fsrtimier, D. 71k; Ty. Kfta-W.
t'AI.NTIN'H "'ami "criou repairing, Han
sen. Douglns 4i2,
'If Al'I.I.NIr ashes mid rubbish W'eJTWMt'
Ili;i'"lNLD, espsbla woman wanls posl
Hon, in good horns more than wages,
ss cnmpnnlon or io assist. In home;
handy at swlui, buying or overseeing;
loves ciiimreti, 1100m iv, nanroru iioiei,
'illf; HKF charge tor '''HP tint Ion ads''
Is low'er than any other form of adver-lining-tmt
enough lo cover cost of
Piliiitntf. . , .
7jltl, wllli experience nn swllchbosrd
would like noslilon on P. H, X. board:
feci coiifhlent could operate, Harney
m ...
M 1 1 1 1 1 Li v A '1 K If 1 s d y w si 1 1 a " pos 1 1 Ion s
housekeeper for a priest or bice gentle
man, Mrs. It. Hhulters, 4i4 H, 1'ilh HI,
YOFNlj lady bookkeeper and sleriogrs
pher wants position; several years' ex-
pcilence Address B JW, Hee,
WAN'Ti'ID-Posltlon as housekeeper by
young wnninn with small boy, refer
eneea Cull Walnut 1127.
WANTFDPoalllon gs housekeeper for
widower or bachelor, Huva own furni
ture. Mouth 404S,
KXPI'dUKNCi:!) "sianogrspher (Jealres
position; can de clerical office work.
Walnut TiXt.
MlDDLK-AOFb in'ffy wanls piai" si
housnkenper In elty. Address H J'4, Hee.
WANTKD " Position by youiiff liiily sten
iriijdieri 'olfiix 1)11. r
I.aanaer sad pay War a.
rug beaiing, first class city reference,
..Webster .'. . f .
((Ki.lAHl.K eoiored woman "wants laun
dry wiishlng, day work, cleaning. Doug
las 24ii.
i(l,'NDLIrwssIii7ig, piece work, Iflce cur
talns; work giiaianleed. 1K21 N, 24th Ht.
Lh'.K "fy.ii" LALNI'ltV', lf. "( allforni;
Hnnd work called for and (ellvered,
KXPFKfFNCKD "laundress "As 'men's"
shirts, far. M.
i.aiindress, $ny work. O, Jackson, VV. if,
Cooking or day work, 117 Issrd. Tylar Ji,
FIHHT class lamidross.'rlay Work, It. 4'.2.
Fxperlenced laundry; cleaning. Web. tbld.
Washing and lace curtains dona, Ty, H4,
HLANKKTH or bundle washing. D. 74l,
Cleaning,' laundry and day work,"D, liflO,
LAirNDftT, elasning, day work. W. "1W,
COM P. woman minis ilny work. Web, IMS,
Practical nurse,' Tyhir sirj-W. 17U Hurt,
LALNDItT and dny work,' Web. IMOI.'T
Family wiishlng: bundle wssh, Weh. 47s.
Ilajid l.auniir).
iattd launny, flrsl cla-s work, guarsnteel,
Call for c lal prices, Phone Doug, 4Wr2,
lore and Offices,
12 erTKN'OH. to accept permanent posi
tions immediately, wllh salaries rang
ing from ,V) to iltt per month. If you
cannot call personally, write or phone
us, giving experience. Western Def
erence A- lloiui Ass n., Inc. Originators
of the Ilcferentn Huslneus, iM Onmhg
Nationnl Hank b'uiPlliig.
t'lHHT-CLAF'B wall pa ptr si d paint siiles-
nuin. Position will pay lal er week or
better, according to experience. Htale
age, exiM-ilenee and where employed. L
1(1111. Omaha Pse.
"8TKNI.MJ t A PI 1 Lit "f or"gro(-ery tifokVrage
office, Permanent position, excellent
Chance to develop with til business.
Halary, t;-ti5, depending upon expe
rience. K loM, Omaha. Hee,
FOR hie li grade office position see ua,
CU-OPl'.llATI V li KI'JI' KltK.NI.. 15 IU,
iCatahlUhed (en Yeais
10lt-ro ( Ity National Hank.
TF.NO,, ,ii; ateiio,, steno., Vi; office
hey, 121. Watts llcf. Co, Hiandols
HTI .Ni ., sleno,, tifi; steno. " ';.
Wiilta Itef, Co,, Ski Hrand. Thea,
Appiy Li.-; w, u, vv, mug.
Profvsalaa, a ad Trade.
WANT13D--Man with family to mn I la k-
smith simp on tils own uc mint, (looit
p see (or a Kood n an, Wrl e fi r induce
mailt. H. F. Willie, Wllke, I.
el'.H LH KOIt I'ltl'H J11HH
CO-OPI.HATI VF HKI'I'illlvM'l'; CO,,
I'stahluibed Tell Veaia,
tuifr-11 City Nalloiial
WAN'TI'D-Tau latlur, one cunt maker
and one all iiiuund man. ftleady work
II Maiv, Lincoln, Nel.
Drug sii'ia sua!' lot's h nei.t lire Hlrig
PAIN l'l-ItM wauled I'huiie W ah. ii"
Sal. Mien and aotleiiiirs.
Lstge Nbfak tiilllutliMI ha, per
liianeiii oftei to make lo (nan elm
has bsd v cr.eii. , in selling set-ijrl-114,
V ,,14 ml) fu, I 11, is Is n a
',i H.11111 fee th, i'iM mill
Hv i-in-ii, iiuiiuwr and ad psiti.u
lar I ,4,i l in (! si Uiii'i 11 hi. 11 will
I bent 111 Hi, sin, leal i 1. e A.L
irvM It WX ll.-e
W S 1 I 1 1 Ilisl'O n.Hiiim eii li.l. v cm.
1111II.I H u lu fl H. el I lls l ri
imcii-r ei.nic-iii in Sni'iM.i I sm
,111 4i N-'l nv. v.. 11 1,1 I,, vi, a
1 nit.-i, a I'ffu hut iii'.i 1 - in ..rt,TiiMi
,i a-1,4,." l! ' ii I' 1, i.i i ,,n
l Hi li l'.- I l-.l I lUM 44 ,.1
t 1 4rkl anh filMiir l g f.i.ii
t- I I l'l I I I 'in- 1. . 4
, 4 4 -Still I V ll I 4 ll' 1 1 -, 4
I: gIH ."'' li . I l
T 5 'l.4H' Jgm-in iH! , liMlUJ. -Si
Mn"' I ' ' -f it lis rat rt
I i rtV 1 H (1 f ' ill)
., i."'-i 1 iwinf , .H4
i ('-.
W AN tlU SaK" M mi n i r
M 1U1 ) " t liiitil! 4'usy
.--thrtjj' t-" ' I in !u !" I l-t
pi-vi r l i o'-i it ''ttHii.-i it
p ii.ih , A'l lt ,'''.. I'u
Al 4 '-Ml I "! ,
.1 1 it
a 4 , a .- ci ' - ! -- , I 1
Hi 11.111 1 if 1 -. te 1 01 4
1, 1 ,.H
4 1
la Wfaf Ii -n I
ill il 4
,t till ' . 1 1-1
,.,. - ' ' s ' 1
t 1 : 1 (I'M I l'l 4?V' -
I t,,,i , " W iv" I'-u. .-.-'
I il 1 U' ( I, a. 1 1 v u,
Maleawnnien and Sollcltora.
IK Yui: have aeihiig a'blMty "see Htand-
rd bee. A; Jnv, CO., J0I7 W. O. W..
Hldg. Omriha.
BOMIiTHINO extra goodTblg inoney'for
the salesman who Is a business gutter.
1017 W. 0. JV,
tALKHMAN lo travel in Neb, "Siandawi
Hee. snd Inv, 'o f W. 0. .W.
W A N f 10 1 1- ' ti o tog ra ph" co'u poll solh I tor-
r:i H. lnth Ht.
Hotels and Keslaarant.
R K f J A SCK i sag, irTy m nil i age 11c "y, I l
Davenport Ht., headuus'teia for hotel
Trade geliiiola.
Men wanted to learn th trsd. W
hnva orlglnsted s plan o teach It
rjulekly and earn b'k tuition while
learning. Tools Included. Open to every,
one, Write for catalogue, DO Ho. 14th
Nt., Omaha, Neb.
to legrn auto woik for the big prlng
rush, Fine training work on sulos and
Sleelrlr startltig systems,
1 Faruam H(, iiiiilia Neb.
LKAHN baiber Irene, more than make
your tuition w hile learning. Het of tools
Included. Job guaranteed. Call or write
for ciiiahigiie, in a Dodge.
Till I I'fy COLLF.OK.
V);S wanted to leiirn Ihe barber trade.
Tuition l.'ii. Id" Cnss Ht., Omabs.
WANTKD- fliighl hoy "for offl" worli,"
must ho IS verirs old, Apply Friday
morning. I'udiihy Pack lug Co., Ho. Hde.
HOV wsnted, Apply i'eturseti Jlros',, 1714
Fa rnsm,
1H IsceJIa neons,
WANTKD. Able bodied iiumsriled men
beiwei'ii ngea of IS and Z-; of
Drilled Hlnteg, of good character snd
temiiersle habits, wlio can speak, read,
Slid write (he Kngllsh language, For In
formation apply to llecrujtlng Officer,
Army Hldg., I.lth and Dodge His.,
Omaha, Neb.; Mfl Hlxth Ave., Des
Moines, la.; :r? Fourth Ht- Hloux City,
la,; 130 N, Tenth Ht,. Lincoln. Neb.
WANTFD-l'Ji'-rli'ticrd 'fireman" in D;e
In Ornsha plant, sieiidy employm'iil dur
tug etitlrn yogi; must have a clean rec
ord, Hillary le'l per month. Address V
mi, lice,
176 &lONTlJrOet'goveriiliienriofia'-'Ke"ri
and women wanled. List of positions
ohlaliishln free. Franklin tnstlluts,
DepL 2n;p, Hochester, N Y. ,
A MAN lo"spry iple trees whli unfler
stands mixing eptavs; nmsl give refer
ences. Mouth 24ih, C, J. Hyshsm, route
A. Houth Omwhs.
WNTFIi - Nirriiea 'oPaTii'hMirius men. 1
to 4fi, wishing lo become Omaha mall
enrrlers. I'timfflunee pi! month, Address
Y 84, tee.
glorr nail tlfflCea.
OKT HIIHT It you want io consider" any
of these imslilons,
HTKNOOKA PIIKfl, fins position, fl6,
HTKNOOIlAPHI'.ll, some exp,, ',;,.
AriH T HOOK K I'ilOP Fit, t'(f, $40,
OFI'ICi; CLFKK, snd s(mo t6.
(fOMPTOMKTKIt Ol'It., exp., m.
DICTA PIIONK I I'll., exp,, $..
No FILLVC. FLK-oiily (fi cents for
looking nn references.
I 1K7 W, O, W. Hldg,
We CANNOT meet did lieiii'ind fofTiom
petent sleiiogniphers. Don't fsll to see
fs at once if open fur position,
lul-'i City National Hank.
why pay a Films Fee'.' If you ar
efficient or experienced In commercial
work, see us at once, linger, Ilefcroncs
Co., MO Piixloti Work.
VOI'Nd lady gtenogrspher and clerk for
hank. J'refer high school graduate with
some experience. Halary .. V Mi,
Omalia Hee.
HTF.No'rim",; "stem! isteno,, 40; die,.
Inphoiie operntor, t-).
WATTH IlKF. (V)., 4o jirsndels Thestsr.
Professions ami 'trades.
WANTKD-Hevcrai ""young women, lalf
years of age, wtlh at least a grammar
school education, to tsk up local and
long distance telephone work, Psr
msnetit employment, Palsrias sbovs
average ar paid at start; steady ad
vancement, Kvery attention paid to
welfare, Apply 8 to 11 a, m. or 2.30 lo
4 p. m. at UI7 Douglas Ht.
C. F. LAMHF.RT, District Traffic Chief,
Nebraska Telephone Company,
MAl'iiiN'IC girl wanted; good pay: ex
perienced preferred. Hcoit Omaha
Tent and Awning ('o.,llK Harney Ht.
WANTED Olrls to sort waste paper.
Apply Omaha Paper HtO' k Co., lfltli and
Many His.
TW'KNTV girls experienced on cotton
flannel mittens. 1'nyrie Olov Factory,
lii:i M Ht., Lincoln,
WANTKD-Olrls In f iat" wora'dept. Ap
ply Fvaus Model Laundry, llth ami
LEA UN hull dressing at Th Oppsnnslnv
Household ami llomeallc.
KXiF.i f loNAL ctiance fTir "girwlio
cel lules good 1 11 1 1 11 1-. nice room, good.
wagna, 1111 washing; must be good cook,
houaecleiinliig iloiio, 3M Hawthorne
Ave. Walniil 1'4n4.
"WANTFD A ""hlte""glrl "'for "general
tiiiusviiork; no coukiiig or washing.
Call at once. Harney 4!7J.
WANTKli-Oil I for geiiei al housework,
no washing, C, tl. Powell, nil'J Cass
ht. Walnut. A;'.
KXPF.HIF.NCKO girl fur general house
work; heat of wages, 4Sc Davenport
HI, Walnut ;T4!i,
WANTI-D 'Hit for' genet al housework;
Hi washing; good M". Harney ,! U.
IDS H. .l.,ih Aie
WANTKle A woman to tain I" eon
lalesninl Inialld and ili some siwlng
W h 1 it 111 :.'.
"LLDFHI-V Inili to cue for two children.
lunula awuv duiuiii .li. Apply after
n p. 111 in) i North :uth
UIKL f"i giii.tal liuiisewi'ia, nils nf i
chtl'lien, 1, a wa-hliii; white or colotvd
Wal ;
'W AN'TFD WtlU' gill ("i g. ueial himee
.,k 41111111 f,itu;t! .f Pacific Hal
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Day School for Jouiig women, V1
Ev.-nlng School for i'oung Men t.n'lS
Womeii. S
Hfttuiday morning class In typewriting
lni. C riuffv. Owner and Manacer.
306 8. mil Ht. Omaha,
PA XTON HikHchrioTof fetierlng ami ' r't"
leaches paying trades privacy . Reil.
jianclng lcncvleve Hftiifiir. Weil. (j.i;W.
RHEUMATISM, stomaen, lives
and kidney trouble, goltr, nervous
ncaa snd si Inn sufferers are uo
cassfuily restored to health b m.
Exiiminatlon Free.
Call Suit JU Be fildg.
Chiropractor. Tyler 1JM. '
YOL'NO womencomliig to 6mahaaJ
stranger sre Invited to visit the Toons!
Women's Christian sssoclatjon building
at lilii Ht. and Ht, Mary Ave., wherg
ther will be directed lo suitable board
ing fun ccs or otherwise assisted, Look
for our travelers' guide at th Unlua
Tiles, Fistula
Dr. B. R, Tarry cures plies, flstuii
and other rectal dlseaA.svlthout surf t
cal operation. Cur guaranteed and n
money paid until cured Writ (or bool
on rectal diseases with testimonial,
DH, E. R. TAIlllY, 240 He Hldg.,
Omaha, Nob.'
And other, Reclal Diseases, without
Hurgery. New, mild, af' method. NO
knTfI';, no pain, no ciikw, no
PAT. (Not the injection method.) Call
or wrlle for particulars. Dr. J, A.
Hurke. 222 Missouri foiilldlng, Kansu
City, Mo,
Ths iJidlea' Horn Journal l5g
Tit Saturday Wvcnlng Post ...tiH
'i b Country Hentleiuan ii 041
IMI subscriptions by April tb earns
that I3,0iki for Ths Invalids' Pension,
Asa'n, Your order or renewal eontri-'
butes 60c, Phone Doiiglng 711, or ad
dtess j(
j Omshs. Nsd.
PFPHONAL-Mlsses Hlaple and BhaN
fer, bath, electrlo treatment. Open a. I
m, lo p. m.; Hunday, II a. m, to I p.
in. Doug. 713, 401 Ware Wk.
THE HalvallotrArihy IndustrrtiTTirim"ra
llclt your old clothing, furniture, msg.
aslnes. W collect. Ws dlstrlbut.
phone Douglas 4hV and our wagon will
i.i:.', I'"1!. W"J Im-l'sct our Dew home.
IH0-II12-1114 Dodga Et.
i'llOTOOKAPHY taughfln allTtrincK
Few fcoe h-son in kodak work save'
you money. Kmory Hchool of Photog
rsphy, 612 N. lih. Phone Tvler 242. '
FUJILEY -oy"d'lk and drug treat- '
" menl Is best known curs; f
booklet fre. TH li FFKLKY. 3IM Far-'
nam, Omaha, PhonaJ laruey 1712.
I) Tl H. "JOI I NHTu N H, Chi roprctor7o!
hheldon, la., wish to snnouno thelf
location at 2407 N 8t, 8. O. ConaulfaUon
fre snd Invited. Pbone Houtll 4011.
R IJ I T Hit Vrac'nti)i tre.(f
JHUA A U Jl J j w(hout a surgical'
eperetlon. Call or writ Drs Wiay
Matheny, HeHldg.. Omaha.
FACIAL mnsaage, manicuring, shainporT'
and scalp treatment. INDU K08-'
V, IC make B?spccfiity of atout and" sur
gleel corsets. NL' IlONW Corset Uhop. ,
Weh Hunderland Hldg. Jted 4;i2. I
chiropody. Mlssss Gray and Head, 218-
114 Halrd Jlik.,J7thand I wiala. Dtwi
llATH dyed aiid"reblooked; feather" boa I
cleaned, curled snd mad from plumes.
Dor J5lseUTj.M:iJyNB
TOI'li clothes dry cleaned, pressed "an"
returned I he anme day. City Prssslrui
Club, i2 Neville Hlk. fled 4nj.
team snd shower baths. Msassgs. Red ,
T27. Room 203 Karhach Blk,
MAHHAUri-MIs Webaler, 614 yaxlon
Hlk, t322T. Office hours 10 to I.
RHEUM ATIHM t.ealed aucceaaf ull?: r-' '
iulls guarant'd. Vr. Howaerait HeeBldg.
VVANTKl'Diiyoriilghl '"nnrsTiig by"cnl-1
ored graduate,nurse. Call Weh. (Wis.
PHIVATK home for niaternrty cases.
tan 1 01 res z4Z 4i M. kftn Mt.
SCIKNTIFIC niassiige. iaTliii
Phone Douglas 3i2.
x: ua an "niii a lav T-a4AgBtBsi JT.t " 7 f L,l TOgQaaassassigjBaaP
Farnlshvd Roooaa.
If vou fall to find the room
you deelre among these ails, call
at The Hee office for a Room List
gives complete detailed descrip
tion of vacant room n all parts
of the city. If mure convenient
phono I'll Hee Want Ad Dpt.
and give your name and add mas.
and a list will be mailed to you
at one. ,Km Hatsi are issued
everv week.
WANTI 'D A young employed lsc or gii l"
as loiuiHiiiiciii lor traveling man's wife
Will give room, .Must f 111 uiah hsil i,f
references, phone Webster liii.
ilLAl TlFl'L well furnished" south roooi
In private family: walking distance. Ill')
Joins. Douglas tV'2.
M AHoN. '.VI.'. -Two nicely" ftirii'lahed mod
ern rooms; furnished complete; reason
able. Harney 4 1 4i
t'LI'jAN, ilea,snl, modern rtic-rn In jirt
iiile family; board if deslied. Haritec
NICK, cii ini. well f iniii,e, renins," all
lie fiiiiiiuire, ile, foi, lit Ht, Marj 4
ALL liiiHlilil, Well fllliiahe.J riuuiis, iil'-a
in, tl ,' in It n 1-1 wek Jin) I arimm
TlVu in.-,1,111 rooms, furiiislint rninplei.
1 1. if a lv,i afu-r 11 a. in
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