Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 20, 1916, Page 14, Image 14

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    Want-Ad Rates
v per word each, .iiaertlon
fpCll Katt
Farm and Ranch Land.
T per Una each lnaartlon
(Count lx word to tho J i no.
Jo (ir word ona tlm
lito per word. .Hue conecutlv time
lo per Una .on tlm
7c per line. .. . . .three ronnecutlve Mines
(Count lx word to tlx lint.)
10 per Una .iwh Insertion
(Minimum charg (0 rent,)
Monthly Rata for atandlng ad fnn
ehatiga of cony) ........ . $l.0 par lln
(Count tlx worda to tho linn. )
Oontraot rata om application.
RKH) will not. ba responsible for
mora than ona Incorrect Insertion of an
advertisement ordered for mora than
ob tlm.
rrwmrrfr.nn ahouM rtin receipt
given by Tha Re In pvmnt fop Wnfil
Ada, aa no mjstak ran ha rectified
without Uiam.
COT Tim Trr.TTTTONT! If ynti rannat
ronvenlenDy bring or nd In your ad.
Aak for a Want.Ar Tnkar, and yon will
rwcelv tha aama rood rvlc aa when
(Vllvertn your ad at tha nfflr.
rTONnlnrTKii 1001).
"WAVT-A T mLPMNH ft .Opr.
Currant offering of tha heat Motion
i'ictur Theatera In Omiha.
(rhatned Dally.)
fSnpRESf. )f.TlJ A DdWLA&T
Th Uv of a aecrat aervlea man and
th orphan rhannlngly told In lh
drama, of thrllli.
Thirteenth Ktloda
Hut ana mora piriura to unfold tha
myatary of thta wonderful drama.
Kim, Lauahter, wit,
Tmw. pm mi -hi oxratM
"Kntarda of JIHen"
Tit H! MAN," three reelr-r,
rmrpARNAnf" tut farnam;
Tha Hnuiia of raaturra Plpn Oiaii
and Oreheatra. Muale,
Today 1'reaenta
Ktthryn Adania and John T-ehtihera" 111
"A WIlD Of I'ltKr," flv Act.
Ona flool ;ntndy.
TfiWHIllUKti, 1318 FAItNAM
'Tha Jfaart of a Mian," Chinas Trlh-
ima N'ew: fi rel, ( e.atila.
'Worth. "
LtlIR6P. 24TIi"aVLOTlfROPr
Mar T'lefcford In "Rf "
Fred Maem In "I, ova VVIII Conquer."
AfUttff. 583 i LtAVEN WT)JI? U.
'Tha Uplder'a Web." r.,
"Their Vwatlon," Vim. Co.
"Htllla'a Ilevanie," l.uhln.
"(animated Nona," No. 7 Kaa,
tESSifi, . Ji'TiTAN"6Nr
"Separatlnr from llarali," K.
"Tha Beauty Hunter," fjalu,
reddir veraua Hamlet," Vila.
B0ULEVAR5r33i"A "Kivonwort
Wednaaday World featiira, Kitty Oor
nn "Aa In a loklti dlaaa."
CllNb T6TH7AND dinnet
Thada, Bart In th aperlal rox fetur,
"Sin," In I parti, and a trnnij eomedy,
RCircrf; jusfleavenwoutk
Hrrtn Jnhrnon In
' 2566 FARWaM.
Framla X. Pinhmnn and Pcvcrly
Ciaor Parr Mrt'iitrhron'a Famou
oalh aid-.
Mpheum, "j'4TlfiM
Wednraday. "Chlmmla Kadden Out
Weat," fealiirliia Vlrtnr Moore,
"Twin Trunk Mveterv" rotni'ilv.
ftpadal Kxtra Tteel featurei now appear
ini ai ma ronnwinc Tliealera;
- !'.Th? Vrh "
"epa rating From Karah "
" In a lmklna cilaaa "
flMi ftO-t" 1.IH A N tIT uMTil HX S
Two HIU." the lot i.t a ae,ri...rv.
tia man and an orphan, iharnilnaiy uid
In drama of thrtlln
Ted l"r (n "Mn"
M.r ft,-kf,iri )) ( "
rrai.el X It ,h...t ant irl
I'l'I'llll M Tl,sn IWKTHAMiM
'',. I a I t.. 1 1 ,i W.l
i-t.iNv .."' ' us: ,.i.o7a.
' tK la f a 1 , "
Mi. 1. , t H :
V '' . t I f' 4 t N Vs usi 1 M
" J '. Im ' Tita hl.
umim n iMim 1 1 1 ..
' -' ,- 1 ...- , . 1.
. 1,,.
t.,.,a.., . j , ,
t '.!... 1 4'. ., t.-n V ,,,
f - I ... I t's I .(,,.! ,i .,. . -,,
' 1 ' - ." i- - i . i 4 ,1
' - a !'.., , ;-. .,,..,
... 11 ft- 4 . . .,
4 U nt l'-H. .,,,-( Is-,, a., i,.-.,
I n ( t a." "
I . f ' v'-' ' ' I 1 1' H lit tli
. llt ' ..IMl,l,.-h X.I, )4,l tH .
t - - I ' LI w . ,-
. t'l 4 I'll ,a 1. 1 1 1 . 4
, -i-n. 1.4 ', , 4 ,-. , m t ,,,,,
t A I,. I '- t ' i V I S r , t,l4
-!,i. 41- t " , 4 -.,
. Ill M-i Ii-I 4 a . ,
4 f-- S 11 ' I, "t ll,i., ft t litl
1 1 -' - . , (l
t 14 l4 Itl llMIIIHUI
4 a ,-.., ,
Witt .. 1 . ... 1,, is t
:i ' . ,,. , a
- Iks. -1 ' I- 1 - ' I
(r f . 1 Mil .1 1 t U M li .
aj ' ci. . ! a 4
I Altll OF Til K.
Wo wlnh If) thank our iii'iny fnendft
and neighbor, iilso the Ci 4'H'mnker
union and W. t. W., Druid cnmt N
for i licit- Mildness Mini bciiutilul floml
offciinsi . nl iturliiK I In- s. kti'-nn and
dentil ol o".r bt loved non iii"l biotli'-f.-Mm.
M iry Ijumiik ami ."on, Churlc.
Hin t iin ami k run.
Hl-t Kiinti and Martini Hi W
T, hoy: Joseph n fid Mary Haulier, 'Ml
Hotith S-evenih, .'IiI; Attrttharti mid Ger
trude, Kaplan, tii.V North Twent y-fli nt,
Mill: Robert and Mary Hummls, WU'4
Mouth Klghu-enth. girl; Duana mid Kdna
Powell. 120 North Thirty Tlrat. avenue,
iilrl: I'aiil and Rachel Gallagher, M3
Houth Thirl yelghth, girl; William and
Kiitmit, Alexander, 40M lllnney, hoy and
Ural ha -Josef Klxlka, i, 1311 Hniith
Twelfth; Mnry Mil .sughllii, 31, hospital,
Mra. Charlc Fox. 71. hospital; Blanche
Kevs, i, hospital; Irene Rolicrtson, 12,
3714 North Thirty-fourth avenue.
MtllllUtiK I.KKMKS,
Tha" following mfii 1 1 iii'i linr haie
he.-'ii granled; .
Niinm and nl'lii .
nrii.niu pr.itMir.
A nion t;arU.nrx24" Nun h" Tli Irt y -f Hi
avcniia, framo ilwellliiK, 'iMK Oarar W.
rnleiaoti, 44IK t arnain, iraina uwimma,
IK roll ,m anrtklng and vill iilvarllM It tier.
will urlf raror It II f""in til a nor
eron. lutrarkiMa rixil ' b'u
hfiiit frr itr ibrguiik ihia iwluma
I H l.aW.Mtyl Mill (III loat MICte rt
Inwrwted In knaln Ikat Ik ''
itl( In wqHirlrii them to ewk lha o
tkrnuik dreitlneniant in ntlKivlH. n4 I1
a fllr to ". It am 'ta. la-
loiif a vtmtt iHiftiiir
peraona riavlna loat oin artlel would
do well to fall I'll Hie offlri) of in
Omaha A ('outi-ll Mlnffa Hlr-et HnHwajf
roinpariy to aarertaln wludher thy left
It In tha a'reei mil
Many arllrh' eurti day uraturiied in
and tha company I anxlnu to rator
them to tha rlghtfu' uwtittr. Call
liouir 4k.
T.ilHT - lluiiTh""oYkt:ya In. t wr r iViw li and
241 li on I'aul HI,, or lte. l inn 01
Hrward on Sltthi reward. Won. U'!,
Fiil.'NIt -f4iii inoiK y, owner may have
naiiia iiy t til'lnK t I h' " 0 """ " '"'
PHylnif for thla ad.
l.OKT--Krai her hod on IH1I1 ft.' or IMh HI
houliviird, HiiMihiVi rewiird. jtaiurti 10
ill I'ark Avi, llrny 4,.i
LofT-A brown ahHI iamo pin; finder
receive reward. Hiona vai. Ji'.
r'M'r-fiiiili hay'lioiaii, hum hltnk tall.
f inder phuno juumon l'-J.
"Furniture HBd lloii.ih.ild (iooda.
rll'Ki'lAI, JIMI llltll'I'H (.'Ki:H.
We liave iipuropi lilted ul for June
lirlda lu'eaenl In thoao inaklnk l"r
fdianea of 11 tl'irlim our eiihi of tha
inoet beautiful mid up to-ilnla hoiiiw
funilnhliiKK, l,et. im explain, Hlala
KurnH'iro corner H'h mid Iioilk"
OMAHA i'lll)W t:o.' Kelt and lialr
tmiHreaaea toad over 111 now ii''aa ai
l.o If tho prlio of paw one. I'hotia ua
for antnple of thklnk Mull order (lllud.
1ini7 Cumliia HI. lumahia W'l
MI'fT eiii'iiflia my lx room of furni
ture at once, no reiiaornitiiH niinr n1
fuBcd. AImo flno piano. Call ufltT p. m.
KM H, Mth Ave,
Foil HA1.1'"-Holhi miihoKiiny living room
furniture; l.rana hid mui penrouin lur
nlhiia, I'huua Alt. C. liolllimer at
Wal. HU.
V, ItlK hoxca, g, ana atoven, mm of
all klnna, poultry wira aim nmiiii
. '.tijlll P. , in-,HLN'':..
l-laaoa and MaalRnl lnrmal.
im , it .1 v a i,t,i t, hmul-made Inetru.
niciit, brought Into America from old
country (till nuiiiy) heforn wall flva
.ii' fro irliil at mv c 11 inner, on enxy
iieviiienta If you wleti, Wrila Mla
lli-itln Murdl, ltoule b, lloaedala, Kali
an. . ,
" l'lANOlTKOH TtKN'f.
flood make, good coiidlllon, IJ W per
month' new piano, 14 00 per month.
A. IKtHI'K ('II., li.13-15 )otila HI.
SrH ii'i,;'"rii, ii"a . i.,wui,, ilia citv rea
I01 H' ,"''"".1 i... ." 'I
aon. wno wn pvc hi' fii i"i v
i', J, rnn, Mi'i iiaue mil,
AljKfAt'UAIll.K' Ci'illllan planoplayer,
Wl roll of ntul. Will ll r trado,
llai'tlnV O'.V',,
Tm"h AT.I'; - X new' uprlaliiKlaciir
plano. iiitriicy nw' ,
Jawelri, l)lnnii4i. Walffcea.
ffllt SAL,1 -At a H' rl f !'. nliie-ton
lllamonil ctuiiier. 1 nei fi-'1'. oni ecu
for hm. Adir!a t; m, nr.
pKOliWlAARKU "iuoky wtiudliig ring"
at lth and IloUklaa Ml.
"Triwie ! uplt.
nV.W" itinulilnen anlil tha aama a rant;
X.I per IIIOIII I. O'O u oniuiw y,'ii wwt "i
rent. Hhlpped any tilaca on ten tiny'
fren trial. Hull Typewriter ICxthatm,
Hit H. imh, dmiiha. Nch
rvi'ir.witlTIOKS ol.t, ranlad and r
i.AlrcO. Ku H ail wuroi li 'i-wonii 9
inontha for Ceutrul Tyiiuwritcr Kx-
hantte, 1'' Famam
11 i. u 1 Kii't i IMS. Moiimi.'in and Umllh
iV..,irra tor rent: aent anywliora, Uent-
11) u t oil Typewriter t ompnny, i'. ni.
RKI.IANCIC ttlhhon and Carbon CO.,
typewriter and office kuppllc. whole
lata and retail. D . Ci. It. It Howard Ht.
Vni,iji'ii" "itin'iii'i'W a'cakiion vi)
Office aupplii., Uuugla 'Ml. TJt Uea
' tor and Off lee FI 1 tare.
r.,11.. kl a.uli,, m t , 1 w I'll Hi - H alinltf
Inn etc. We buy, el'l. iimiiha Kltui it
Hupply ' 414-1 I H. l-'ih. Iia. lt.fl.
( lathl.ia, f ur-, Cto.
WliTbuy' l"l l"'1"!' md euita and
overcoal I'lli-dnuin. lifll Ihiimla HI.
- gowi-iK lMrilnra.
Scwin). Macliiiu's
Wa rent, rfpalr, an 11 neadlo and part
cf all tIMM liincninea
Ml. K 1.1, 14
STHIUHhA C Y C 1 , 17 CO..
.flth and IUriteyt Houu. HS.
Naraery, ! a4 riant.
TltKI ri. 8IIHI M, HKI'iii: 1'l.ANTS,
J.i.aiio baulwiy. 1 tu I.t lea. li per
1... Annie tree. I via, old ttf- to 1
riva i'iit cimtnl-lii rMurcin a
.,., at,,., id nanr s,iitffh'ei Hnith
1,. aniva arouii.l l f i . hear n ai
.., 1 1. H. niu utmiiid. nt and Itinx
h,, lti..ll ' ml!H N ill aei 4 , len,.i Ml
Al,.t linen.! ft II' Uata City Nur-
,r l I'll I'xw1" "
J II Mau.elta, Nl a r I'hnn IV
) Wrll4"M NCHM..IIY CO
ftl. nn.l l,k.u I'lc. ne li.nif '.'
M I' IO Ivl mfl I'l , I'll Itlt'l I im) an
1 11 1 e I' l ' I'"" 1 1
Mi. n ad, H.tiliiig ili'i YV I aue 4.4
Harklartt aud 4 Mala.
4'i'U- in, . ,i,t l,.l in.. i. a tltnan.,
4M. ntiHr l III nil Ma.tll
w ,i i 1 '
Hllliaot aail I'm ket lakle.
). , if, 411. N- n t ... I t and in 'i
.,ki M' "i-1 ;nj
ail. 1 aiil eea-tt.. aeu.l t a
t m . ' t C 4 I.' 'li I' ' il - " !
, , k 1 , 1 -l - I ., " f ' -t c
kink ptri'laliti
, i.ii.nti..' n r I- -- " 'a 1' " f
l ilullea an -4 nllin
..k -r i; I: 1,1 en I 1 '" .
, VM1 4 ' S 41 ' V ' I M I I
, , t . 1 ( - . . Ill l.ll-.l
t- Ilkf.MI 4WI li. i H'
, , I.I . " " i"t k
4 la lUainaa.
., , I,. I
a a a 4, I i I
4 t ' i'
. I ... .4 a a a
I't. 4.
I av.
A n I-" v t 1-4 I
I. I
.1 it
... I .1
4. -a- 4 II.
I -aa.
t t in .
.. t t a aa ' "
at it-. -a t a-.! p $' i a a a ' 1 -
.1).. It
1,..a t,l'1'' - '
I .... t ., I' ,41
" .! , . I '
. a . - . - , ' '
. - '-a. N I '-"'
, .. it -a, 4 I.t! ' '
4 i , . .a i t t
. - .t it s a 4 i 1 t ' 1
t. I
( t j,-.-.,, C a . .
a . ' a a
I .... .1 ' .
r i mv t-
I , .-.
1' 1'
VANTKD HUl. cImk aurvoy.i' tiftii'll
an ini-lruiiii nt tliiit ik iciiin"d f r .-n--i'im
l.tiid iur' ct icw .i svcll c: ilriinm'
woili. rrlit- 11111.1t he rlhl, A(tli"H.- V
No rtcfike, u-.-d dcftkn. bought, aold
and traded. .1 '. Herd. IM Karnntn.
RAt'HMA.N' will pv you more for fur
niture, clothe anil itioea. wen 01 m.
We puy heat nn foro'd clothe. I',
Hef prlca 1,11 1,1 for old cio.he. D. 4714
'B It IT V old tloihe, Weh, ,U.
nttOUK'IAAftliH l.urky Wedding
Itlnga" at lih and Douglaa ma.
I.IVK outdoor". V, M. 1'. A. ;. I'ark.
Motor Repair.
rAIIII.l, KI.KO. fro.. Ilea Hid. D. M7I.
(wiii'rel ( nnlri.i li.ra,
CFMr.NT walk and driveway. D. t.
4 nrnrntfir r4l t ,nf rarlor.
Itwnrd r Hon li) Capitol Ave. T, Hit
YouniT, rcp'g., Jobbing, -cracn. Wch, 173i'.
C, W. Hohanaon, 2MK Lvnwth, Tyl. U91-J.
Accordion, Hide Knlto, HoX Pletln,
l ov, Itutton, Itematticiiina en, I'lent
Irig A Kuiton Co. 4;'.l 1 ('union Rlk, It i'M,
Vila A FIhi her, IhiII.ih' tMlloicd Ifiirmrrilit
r,,rllicciiloiij iw Hoee nidg.jry. .11,
I)r aeinakliik and plain ewlnK: renon-
atile: aailKfnctir.n guaraniaen. wan. n.
ANNA HI.AT l-.t, diemuker; ladle' Hk
auli a arieetaity. Honih IW'3 vm h. pi.
HY day, work iiuar.inleed, Wab. Wl.
lireoHiiiNk'g nt home, I. "Wfl, 2't llnrney,
K.-Uicr' lircriiklng Col, H.M City Nab
Terry I.reaaumk'g uoIIbk. ZO1I1 A P"rnaia
WORK auiiriinlced 1 lion Wlt)ut U4.
I'omp. diceeuiHUr wmfiI day work. I 7330.
Oeteopatb 1'bystclana.
Mr. J. II. MiiMlck. Mf. Roee lllda. Ty.
Ilnlril rraeli.g.
ll'KAI. Hall' I'arlorn-iM Ralrd Tlld,
Manli'uriutt. a'.iip, riicixi aim vioini r
tteailnent, Toilet article, I , ftl W.
Tiih.I ftuniill..a.
OMAHA Towol Hupily, W 4, if t h. D. Ill
Million hi. .1 I'lralinti.
Preea J'lcallng and Mutton t"o.
I'hone lioua'a 1111 SM-T I'nxton Plk.
Norllienat ( i.n.'-r liith and Karnam Nt
ArcordPui. knife, td, pai:, box and
un-ry pleating,
Ccinlilriiillon l.o and (Ida pleat tklrt
In all liueet dealKn.
Ilcmallli hlng, n, ot edging, pinking,
ru'lilng and button mud to order.
Mull nrii.u itlven prompt and apeclal
aileniloii. All work guaranteed.
Hal T leaned and lllocke.l.
HTRAW, rnina, all kind haU. cleaned
and reiiiofkeo. lata lf.l Harney Ht,
4 leaner ami Utvrm,
STATU Dry ring. To. 1Jn N. 12th. T. tfflt
1','iureaa 4'oiiipaiite,
TWIN CI TV Kiipree i n Caa Ht.
IKiugla 1,17, Heiivy hauling a apanlnlly,
KtvrrllilnK lur w.i.o.
ACC'iltUION, lle. knife, uiiliurt, box
pIcetliiK, rovercd button, all le and
lylc, lioiiiaillchlng, plcot edging, em
broidery, heading, braiding, cording,
eyelet cut work buttonhole, pennant.
im I k.iihI.i HI, o k. Uoiigl I1H4.
4X)4:fI Raing Hldg. Tel. Dougl 7
' Bath.
PR. IIF.NDA-Kulpiur,' Hleam. Moderg
Turktnh, ICIectilii UATIM and MAX
fAiil'i for tired nui vi and rhaumatlain.
Prival apartment for ladle with lad
tlinlHiii link Karnam. I'liona VJtiih
TMKATRIfAI. gown, full dre ult. for
tnt. SW N. )tn Ht. Jolin jceioman.
" ' Id lBttraoiSa.
Ragllmn iduuo playing p..lllvely taught
I., 'to l,.u,t,id 17',. ('.ii.imir Wal JL17&
4 blrop. acli.ra, gplnal A djaatniant.
HI lll.l'.HilKN, 414 Ro Kldg. It. bil
Palmer Hchoul gmd Cunullatlon free
lr Itilllngbiim, 13 I lk. I). TM.
B. Urael, XM Hran, The, Rldg. I). MM.
1'r. J. C. 1 i;ulrd Uldg. u. til.
FT.KCTRIC hoii cleaning, our work and
pip will pU'im.i you, lt ua ramova
your trm wlmlow and put la your
Kcrenn. i vier iMi j .
Drleull vr.
I'llII, . INChl.KIt, 27lt pewey Av
Hhadowtiig. Int . t lgl ing. II, Kl.
JASIKJ ALLAN, iYl Nvllia'llot!k.RvT
dene .iciiicd In all enae. Tyler 1130,
LANtt Nal'i Detective Agry., Inc.. 6.1 Be
liiug,'l yicr ii, ftrn tlv conililentiah
4 blri.ixi.llai.
Carrl J. Tlufoid. tuu l'nx Rlk. Red 4T47.
J I. el lea r tli Peace.
11. H. CI.A1IIURM1 Mil Pnxton Rlk ; Rad
7401. M.i.uiy pupiii'i acpoHtiion ieno,
C. W. liilil, M lliirker Rlock.
Varnam t leaner.
A N U II. W I'ltlt DA 1. DOUUUA.-4 17WX
liitiirra a ad Wlrlnai.
1)1 TIIK I M r-'ectrlu waahlng machine,
4 i lit electrio Iron ulid reading
lamp. z.ii t-uiiung Bt. uoug. zona.
I'alnllug Ulid I'aiirrlng,
f)mh Paate Co. 71 H. Villi. Douglne H7WI.
1 Mtlortua,
H. MAIfl'B. Ittllor and clAner, preaatni
....,u In.,,. -I'O M IMIh M, I. klZ
WHO will iniike 11 in a aprlng suit ? Llnd-
iImI. HH I'livlon Hlk
CAK1W. pa.itry and Imicy bakery good,
t,iillt'd In purlieu, Indue and entertain
nianta. Z II Heeler. Itani N. IMh. W. 'SIM,
Kurnacra mill Hunan.
IK X M''l N 1. fui nac.i and gcliernl llnwork.
S, Abram. I1'"" N. Stlh Ml. Web S4M.
HAHKHfTRi ll. 4.Cti llamlllon. Wal. tt.
Wall Paper 4 leaning.
Wallpaper cleaning by room or hour. I 'unit. Ivl. tl"". Rumple,
a il t erl lalua Nmeltle.
M. V. Hhaier Co.. 13'h Khiiiih. D. 7474
Wrddluu Mlalli.nerr.
V t"l t il Ml Hiiiiioiiii'i'iucuiH and printing.
I111I ill. AS ruining to I ei imug 14.
C. T. lltUlnon Ml Paklnn Rlk. D, 1)104,
"tr Hradliiny Nofiiln '! W' nW. Rldg,
Ta'ft a 1 'cut Klin', Una llbia'.t.
Haaclntt 4railrrulra,
t'K l l'X Ai Al't MY, 111 r) lain t.
Parrh and H Ihuuw ere.
fRnM fa tot y to yoti, Ihona Re.l 1.
'I a Una-' I rlntnlaa.
titnilia Tr'm'g C" , hern, n Ink I l4
,t Aleni4r a. 4 lice It'.lg lte. 4'aV
ilraa aiatl lrtn laaa4ltvl,
ptln ' H i.-I4 4 " , ink m l Mai tu gt
l a4 I lajaara.
I'CY p'lit Ifiiii It.,., .! at K'ema
Upiur lloiia .. N llii. t'n.ig'a l
I 44 l 4 M H
. . , f
li, S'
41 IMi ..
i. , l .,1 al t
- " ll.f I
t 1
,,,4 III- It fi. .!!.. 'I l 1
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Ai T. llc.a or M.-'-i :'oc for lidding jna-
chiiie. A.iflr.'H.a K. C. II'.), I'.ee,
I HA V K an Uldnmoblle'liurk I want to
trmle foi a Kord, Walnut 97.
ftR:vV"r.K,""KMi aiTiawr lil.W'VagTTCoI-
rx n:i
"I-'IVK l)I.STIII5L"J'()ii.SIlIi'
Mr. Alexander, factory repreaentailv
for the International Kuhbcr company.
I In the oily for 11 day or two. He la
prepared to negotiate with reponlhle
bualne men for at leant an Inteieat tu
the about eMalilll.i d d . a t r Dmi t " 1 eh 1 1. To
receive coiialdciatlon, applicant muat be
llv bualnea mnn of clean record and
able 10 command oin capital. All
t.cgot:atloria confldentli.l. No ordinary
tiro proposition, lint an artlrle. which
In the lt W dm hn et, the tire world
flrn and I poeltlvely the flet ell
lug cce-ory to Hutoinolille uei now
marketed. A few auto rilatrlbulnrahlp
aleo oprii. Dealer In Ui Angela, Den
ver, Ht. Jonepli, Kaiiana City and other
cltleg clearing from IU1 to 10 weekly,
and tha bulnen I Juat atarled, lUifer
ence exchanged, and Interview r
ranired by writing, phoning or calling
on Mr. Alexander, lPmm lnlO, Konte
nclla hotel, Dmalia, Neb.
CAFK and rooming houae tor i. douhla
room cnfe-dlulng room and counlr. Re
modeled four month go, everything In
flrt-cl hpa. Klxturo. ilarli' an''
fui nlturea are all good. Heat car In
Mala except nun of th hotel cafe,
flood reputation, beet clan of trade In
rlty. Ona ran lea Ilo0-buliie. and over
dally. Over l,0no ato' k now on hand.
Rent, evnly ($70) monthly. Rooming
hou of ten flu) room oppoH c"f.
Modern except heat. Oood furniture
and light and everything ), K. Rent
twenty dollin Hail monthly. Oppor
tunity for a live mnn. R.'aon for ll
Ing I atckneen Addreaa Y I. Be.
Our Nebraska farm
mortgage ar not af
fected by European war
or panic. Amounta IkW
t iiki W collect all
0 tntereat nd Drlnclpai
fra t,t charge: yeaia
in In Nebrka farm
field without a Ion la our record.
W Omaha Nat. Rank Rldg., Omaha, Na.
NOTIIINO to give away, but fine hual
pea to el: cleaning, pralng, dyeing,
hat, work, altering and repairing; aold
m iiH hire Jan, 1i; over ft regular
vuatomara; center of fnilt bolt; cltmato
nd water bent In ial; four thouaand
population, ugar factory, cannery and
Packing houae to be built till yer.
My price, JWO (10, caah; rant, for bet
location on Main Ht l-AOO. Tha fanta
torl uirt4!'4M In rlf .,D"H a, ( 'o)j:
On Inlcrurhnn, near Rnlaton. Flnh
Ing and boating teanrt; good bathing
beach. Lake privilege for rent for
eeenon or term or yem'.
Doug. JIM. it'3 fo. 131 0.
VnI.V.HH yon have brln, nblllty and
from $300 to $7W in ennh, don't nnawar
thin ad. Hale manager wanieci 10 main
riffle, oriiMiiD,- and inanngo aaleamen.
Poaalhllltla unlimited. Manager, 1-ti
J.jrtton lung, c nicngo,
M.oui HTOCK of ready-to-wear dry good
nd noVeitie. in an inwa lown m o,--.
good opportunity for experienced mer
chant, Addren Y XM, line.
TtH HINKHrl opportunity, agency open In
Omaha for llv wire with aom capital
competent to fell auto tire and acre
orle. Addren Tire and Accenorle,
rare of Ree
WANT'kd" The manufacturer of a lan
dard automohll I dealrou of making
a auitabla Omaha connection. Uood
propoaltlon to renpoiulbl partle. Ad
dren AUIO Mliuratiirer,rareitee.
ONiVY 'drn and iewelry tor In a thrlv
Ing north Nelirk town for al at n.
eacrlfice, owner retiring, writ r, u,
Koenter, WrunwcH. Mtj.
for reliable man who haa had aome
ainerlnnca In tha liunlnea. Hplendld
;hance for right man. lAv town of
1 ion. Addrenn hog ion. Minuuon. Men.
Vo ViNli Picture Theater, "rea. bargain;
mathlne, repair, uppll, acceorla.
nw and eooni-nan'j. iae ua
Rnlrd Rldg Don
Vofi KAI.E Oretor popcorn macnlna, In.
catea in a gooa cuv, o.nna ouu uuai
ne: resnoti for elllrg, have other
hunlneM. J. R. Polk. Hl.enaiidoith, la
P(it HA I. "P. Onlv daily morning news
paper, city 16,W1; well erpilpiied Job
nlnnt: tnd every lnvtigatlon. Ad
dren Y tVift, lire.
FOR 8ADK Clood, cleun tock of Hard
ware; llv town oenirai iienraaa.
Oood reason for nelUng. lit quick. Ad
dre. Y 1(17. Ree
FOR HAKE Jewelry tore In good llva
town In central Iowa, line opening for
a good huntler. Inquire or 1 hx, tiee
tiST Vour biilnea or Incom. for aale
or trade with ma. 1 Know now.
fowd Hale andAucthni Co.. Oitiftha, have
cloned out moro mdne. atock than any
ot her flrmln lj.J4. Write f orjerm.
THRATEKH-Muy, leae or aell your the
ater, machine and auppliea through
Theater Kx Co.. 1 ka) KartiHin. I). J!7.
WlLl jAMH, entablihed 2 year. To buy
or cll bulne nee him. 411 McCagua
Rldg. Reference V. 8. Nat. Rank,
New and rebuilt bargnina, nuiplte.
OmahaKllm KxchaiK-e. in" , 14th Ht.
OKIrK'K for rct'l aataiu or insurance;
name floor aa Ree office; 13x21 fiet, PO.
The He Rldg.. office Room 10.1.
TO "nn.l, or buv a buntnenH, call on
Hunch Rorghof'f. Frenier, BlkJ. !
TO IUT In or out of bnaliit' call on
OANIiKHTAD. 4 Ree Hid. Doug. 3177
Foil 8Ai.K---chair barber hop, uvto
date. Call t'oua W7. Ank for Kd.
Tu uuickiy nell or buy a bunlnen write
JI1 l II .4 1 , minia 1 ity, .e-
a.t. n, Kualnraa ad regular ratea
J flnea one waek .to
t line on week tin
factt extra Una l!? Pr week.
TIloUOt'illlliY cnpnble and xpeil-nced
touiia hotel "fn ami wit or iiigmat
,i,.in. m and a'. 11. .In , want M -mi
a .lav rletk and hmaaliwiwt In i.inh
da a pctel. Rent leleielin Atllia
I re,
f 1 TCA I I'lN' -Rv Jat aniaw. Wania .a
luc aa 4,huff.ii, 1 ok or k-.irtl
hicaaat.irk In i t " prtt' iinui 4 1
iln.a Daffy Wid, p Hi. ..liu-dn,
4 IS i t t Juti aa .,,it a.f Men!
aul Iti acute i .tumia I .ank i I'm
4,(i'i,v. m li.ik and 5 4iai aa i1e;'Mt 1
, ,1,' 1 4... ,.vi ". I 1 '1 1 1,1 a a An
.,i, 4V ,1 f 44 , pule 1 Nail
WAS It I' I'a,ai:l.'l4 a a"a .4
!.- W.l,r or "lt I n. a ,. ti i
a a -9i t.!..
. I
t, al hit r- : ' l"i" a a 4. M'e t. I'-' I, ,
i I Vi I, .an i, a., ail avl.t,
a a -' t t I- ." m i
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iii,iii . " i an f , a
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a . 4 . aa ill -t - at, i -a -- '
tt .' i
V . M . ,.t a a.' . I t - - a 4 a t - - 1 1
..... I . .... a tt , . i
44a..i.t li - .' a t a- til iifH
,-,.. , 4 '-' ' t f I W
t ! t ! t. . a a. a i- a 4 I aa
, . , ., , . , a I
; tl V i . I v a i ., a .' I i "' tl a a
nk'FINED, capable woman want pnI
lion, in good nome more man wane,
a companion or to annlnt In home;
handy ot newlng. buying or overneelng;
love children. Rwtn .hnordJloll.
i UK ItkK charge lor""'miuUoH ad'
I lower than ny oilier form of adver-tlalng-not
enough to cover coat of
Ulltl, with experience on awltehboard
would like position on P. B. A. board;
feel confident could operate. Harney
M iDDl.K-AOKD lady want ponlllon a
hnuaekeeper for a prieat or nlc teniie
miin. Mr. R. Hhulter. JM H, Pith Ht.
Y'oi Nii lady bookkeeper and atepogra
phcr WBtitn ponlllon; several years' ex
perience. Addren H 1077, Hee.
V A.VTKD PoNitioii a hounekreper by
young woman with small boy; rerer
i nee. Cull Walnut 11-7.
WANTKD Ponilion" as houkiper for
widower or bachelor, llave own rurni-
tnre, Houtli 4itH. . . . . .
K.M'KUIK.Nl.'KD stenographer desire
position; cn do clerical office work.
Walnut -7M. '
MIDDl.K-AHKD lady want piece an
housekeeper In elty. Addrens R I'M, nee.
WANTKD-I'onltlon by young la'iy ten-
oarnpher. I olfax 91.
laonnrr ana Day WorKa
ilOIIHK CLRANINO, window cleaning,
rug fiestiiiK, iirni cinss tny ri-i--i..i'
Webet'T , .....
ItKI.IA HI.K colored woman wsn' iHun
dry whlng, day work, cleaning, Doug
las 24W. .
HCNDl.k waahhigrpiece" work, lace cur
tain; work guaranteed, l3l K.Mth Ht.
I.KK YKK LAl'NtfRi', ' I'.W "Tfillfornia.
Hand work called for and delivered.
KXPKRIKNCKD laundrcaa A men
.1,1.1. tin- tf.i
I.anndren, day work, 6. Jackson. W. I..".
Cooking or day work, 417 Ixard. Tyler I'dKi.
KH'HT clann laimdrens. dnv work, It. 4H2.
Experienced iiiundry; cleaning. Weh. 201
Waahlng and lace curtains done Ty. ID4.
lil.ANh KTH or bundle wnalilng b. 7ll.
Cleaning, laundry and day work, i. Jt'.'l
l.ACNDr.T, gleaning, day work. W. TOt.
coMP, womnn'wsiit day work. Web. Wv.
I'raetlfal nurs'," Tyler SB2-W. 1711 'flurt'
LADMUtT and dsy work. Web. '
Family washing; bundle wash, wch, 47W4.
klore and Office,
r. h, iiiT'4; t-i'.Kit tL". . . W-
OKFICK CI.KRIC ( H. R. Exo.l .... T
HTKNO. RKPR. 7ft.f
HTICNO., (prlvalej ac.) M
HTKNO, fgood beginner) ttOOo
DRAKT8MAN 100 00
HOTKI CI.KRK m and board
J II. OFFICIO 0,K,nK . 00
HI KN4MJ HA f'H KB 7or gVocery-prokerige
office. Permanent poaltlon, excellent
chanc to develop with tho butness.
Hlry, MM, depending upon expo
rlence. K 10X1, Omha Ilea.
HTKNO., ,78; aieno., $; at.enoTl.
Wat If Hef, Co., 40 Itrand, Thea.
Pmfelon sad Traate. .
WTnT FjD-F.xrwrl.bicavi machinist to
take care of machln of large Omaha
manufacturing plant; gtetdy employ
ment year around. W want a worker
and a thoroughly reliable man. Halary
$M) pr month. Addrea I' 1128.
WANT fin - Man with family To run"Ehv'k
amlth lu)p on his own account. Oood
P'aca for a good man. Wrlta for Induce-
nenl H. F. W IlkejJVlIke, Ja.
" HKK lrH kHl DRIIO JOIlff
Kninbllnhed Ten Year.
10 16-1 I CI t y Nat lone 1
rrug tore nap1oh, Knelnr Rltldg.
FaINTKRH Vnted.""PhoneWeb. 417. "
aleamrn and kailldior.
Large Nebraska Institution ha per
manent offer to make to a man who
ha had experience In selling necurt
tie. You will find thin I a real op.
Portunltv for the right man.
(Hva phon number and all Particu
lar poRsllila in first letter, which will
be held In the strictest confidence. Ad
dress B 1079. Bee
WaNTICD- I Uglily recommended. u
stantlal man lo represent a large farm
tractor compHny In .Nuorsnk.i and went
ern Iowa. Not neceary to open an
Omaha office, but muat be In poaltlon
to actually ell farm tractor to dealer
In th territory. Th right man will
be backed with plenty of food farm
paper advertlalng. Olve reference,
int experience, etc. Add-ss F, lOl'l, Hee.
Wanted salesman
Have Nebraska territory now open
for a high-grade, salesman. Ona with
Insurance experience preferred. Lib
eral drawing account and commission
but hould be capable of earning from
$:i) to Wi a month. Olve all Informa
tion possible In first letter. Address
C lOW), He.
WANTED Sales Manager
witli crews to lianflle easy
selling household article, lias
never been sold in Omaha or
vicinity. Address Y 367 Bee,
BAI.KHMEN for Nebraika and Inwa, to
handle the fnntent soiling patent on
the market; If you ran earn to $1U0
weekly, we want to hear from you,
lSU W O. W .
WANTKD-c'aleninan, A-l. for Omaha
and Cituucll Hluff. No 1 proponltlnu
fdr right partv. Call after U nooiu
lloom t. Wellington inn.
T. ANTICD-Two" sMlcnmen. 'Xlust have
bent of refeiencen and soma ability an
a salenman. Apply F. D. Hrow titng, 31;'
Rutrd building,
HALF8MKN to seirautomohlle sraecialtv
In Nehrn-ka. Iowa, Houth Dakota and
hsiiaita. good nide line 'al Hue 1 1 1 1 ar
WANTKD an exprrlencctl auto saleemau.
Hnlary and comiiilnnlon. J, , Market,
J.rt H 11th, l.lncoiii. .Nen.
IK Vol' bate filing ability see Hland
anl fee A Int . Co., lull W. u. W ,.
Itiilg . Omsha
iiMKTHINl extia good, big money for
tha snieainnn who I a business gtttUr.
H KI.KliM A S to Havel In Net.. Hiaiitbtrd
fee and Inv. t o.. I"'I w i , ni'i
W A S I'l l " l'ltiilt'tr-i.'h t oiipon Soil. Itol
t f tub HI
Mattel aaal kallaaftati.
ItKIJ ARl.H emil'tt i -enl aney. Ii'4
'atari"'r! HI hd.tiaef i fr bctal
help. pe atenlloit tu diaian-e orler
Trada ataat..
kta aitt f'wiei lai.wr!a Bt
tu la i aiuitt Ht
V-.t aat.t I I 1- a a ifta l a la W a
k a a .. . . a,. f 4 . lt "t i
, . a . t" I ! ' a a ' ! a i
a," 1 .. , a a.a- ... I. Ci, i la a
..... I. mi, I i a..-- .a ) la il
ki , t'ta a k-
u..t l 4 W M li
I a It a- a a '
a .a 4 t -a " H".!
tea I at' ia
a, .a .r. .1
, a. 1' a a I , t. a "!.
A tt a I. .. It ,41 111 U'i I t it.
ti.i ... ... i " ft-, a N-.tx
a . 4 1 s i lai i'iia - !. aa
aw t I . a a ' a -a ' i l 4 t
. , . i. I i a 4 a t ' i t a a a a a...
l,.-a t ; a a ' ' ' ' '
in, . lit MH. .. t a it I !
lias ..! I -a .... i' 4.i- 4,
, a Sat .at ' 4 a a
a... 41. I'P" H 'Mil II
It . at - I . a . -a a 4 t e a
, ., , - - , 4, ...
, , , , -a a aa a a t
I., , a, a a -1 4 4 , a I .' . .a !' a ! I
a laan
WANTED. Able-bodied unmarried men
between ages of 18 and 3: cltlzena of
United State, of good character and
temperate habits, who can speak, read,
and write the Kngllah lrtnguage. For In
formation applv to Recruiting Officer,
Army Rldg.. 15th and Dodge Ht.,
Omaha, Neb.; 207 Hlxth Ave,, Dca
Molne. la,; S27 Fourth HI., Bioux City,
la.; 130 N. TenthHt..Llncoln. Neb.
j75 MONTlT G t" government joba Men
and women wanted. Dint of poltlon
obtlnhle free. Franklin Inalltute,
Dept. ri-O, Rochentcr, N. Y.
A MAN to spray apple tree who under
stands mixing spray; munt. give reier
ence. Honth 24th. C. J. Hylmin, rout
a. Hniith (lmh.
WANTI.D Names of ambition men. 1
to 4.7. wishing to becninn Omaha mail
carriers. Commence Vh month. Addren
V 31.1, Ree.
1W fENHATION-KIeton-piece toilet
article set sellpie like blattea St $1 wltn
II carving set FRKK! Knni moiis prof
Its' Tremendous lift : Ftigln mdn $.,1
firft week. Write fpilck! Tli'iie Co.,
It TS Pterco Rldg., Chicago.
START legitimate, profitable hitslnes at
nome; pe ii i.-ii in rs nee, rtavage, iwi
Diexel, t'hlcsgo.
(lore anil Oftlrra.
STKNOORAPHKIl, flno ponllloi f.'i
I M.'t.iptintiia opeintor. nice hour.,,, 'ii
Htcnogriiphcr and office clerk fi
Blenograplu'i- and dictiitihonc 40
Wo cuiuiot imct the demand for com
petent nlc iingraphf r. 4'hII find nee tin.
No filing fee only &0 cents for looking
up reference.
:C'7 W . O. W. Rldg.
COMI'ToMKTi:!! OCR $'Mi0
Dli'TAPIIONK lil'll HOfiO
NO I'H.IN'i 1'F.K.
Why pny a Filing Fee',' If you aro
efficient or experienced In coniinrrclal
work, si i;S at once, Rogers Rercrcnu
t'o, fiayi I'sxtoii Rlock.
J'ol iS(! I.idv stctiiigr(.hcf"aiid clerk for
hank. Prefer lilxli si hool gradUHte with
some experience. Httlsry $-'i0. V 10A.',
timslta Itce,
6f KNO ," "$; sK'tio., I,i," stenoT Mf dl:
tiipHnna operator, 4..0,
Watts Hef, Co., M0 Rrand, The.
VV A,VTi;D-Ynung lady 'aa office" clerki
Prefer she lives at home. Apply V. l.
Rrownlng, 312 Hnlrd building.
Profession anfl Trade.
vrffkTf-.'Hevcrar young woinsn, -.15?
year of age, wtlh at lt a grammar
school education, to taka up local and
long dtstnm-a telephone work. Per
manent employment, Falari above
avarngenro paid at start; steady ad
vancement, F.very attention paid to
welfare, Apply 9 to II a. m. or 2.SJ to
4 P, m, at 1817 Dougla bt
C. F, LAMRKUT, DUtrlct Traffic Chief,
Nobrakri Telephone Company.
MACHINK ylrlj wanted; good pay; ex-
penencj prert-rred. fcott omana
Tent andAwnlng Co,, ll'f. Harney Ht,
TWKNTY girl experienced on cotton
flannel mitten. Payne Ulove Factory,
14.M mhi., Lincoln.
WAaNiTKD "Jlrla In flat work Jbt. Ao'
ply Kvans ,Modcl Laundry, Dili and
T.KAHN Hwedlsh massage. Diploma,
.W;!' f'r."t.:y,2r"th.":' N. Mlh.
FILM Inspector. World Film, lfiOi JIar
ney Ht.
LEAJNN halrdresalng at The Onpwnnaim,
Honnehold anil Domentle,
KJO'ItipTIONAL chance for girl who
appreciate good home, nice room, good
wiigen, no washing; must be good rook;
hnoseclesnlng done. ttuOg Jlawthorne
Ave. Walnut 24X4.
WILL give board and room to reTined
working lady, companionship at night;
mnst have rafjenresCall Harney 4MH.
WANTiCD fiirl for gf-neral hfiuneworkT
tti washing. (.'. O. Powell, 211) Can
HC Wslnut 2.
UX PKItl KNCKD girl for general hoiiao-
work; best of wage. 4X0 Davenport
Ht, Walnilt 2749.
WA "ffTK D t II rl" f or general' homework ,
m washing; good wge. Harney 32711.
inn H. ;tr,th Av.
WANTKIi A woman to car for con
valescent Invalid and do aome sowing.
Walnut 22114.
HKLP for general housework on farm,
wake HI. Mr. John S. Johnson, Un
derwood, la.
WANTED Reliable white girl for gen
eral hmino work; one who can go home
mum; no wanning, wal. 3it4. txm Mo
4al Ht.
WHIT10 girl wanted for general house.
work In iitihII fumlly; good place- for
goon gMiw t nntcr7Zi'f. . Ji'th.
lill ifRLY lady to care for two rlilldren
'parent away during day. Apply after
p. m. piM .-tiortn JHtn.
GIRL for general housework, car of"
children: no washing; white or colored,
Wal. HnK
WANT KD White girl for general house:
work, small family. 3023 Pacific. Har
ney aval.
WANTKD-Kxperlenced copk; white pre
ferred. Mr. Arthur Met. Harney 44.
til HI. For general houncwork. Mrs. W
. H. Tugg, 3716 Ho. iBtih. Telephono Bo. Kit
WANTKD A cook. References reipilred.
.Mis. A.l...nceiLt'hone iinon l.X
WHITK girl for general housework,
small faintly. Harney .liaS. ml Ho, S'id
lilltl. for general housewurk. Haruay 741
114 H. S..t 1 1 Ht.
Iliatrl anil Iteaiailrat.t.
WANTI'rW'oiiin with $ to lineal To
smnll laundty and take riithe rliatge at
ont'i', A good opportunity. The Vac
uum laaundry. Webster t'tty. la .
WANTKD- 1 4ld v ro, k. middle age pre",
ferred. mom fiirnl-ltwd. i i-a r -fei nee
lank box, 1J, Criat.m, Neh
Cll 4MHI HMA1I' w aii!.l.J'a xioir. iot"er
It K A I a lTA Tl.-- WHAT?
I tat toiir pinpetty In TIIK
Ra t; H Hi llt ia Home and Real
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Piles, Fistula
u, 1 a. lanf la.v, fii-., a,-,a
and other rectal dlncak. without surgi
cal operation. Cur guirantecd and na
money paid until cured. Writ for book
on rectal dlaeaiea with tcltlmonlalj.
VTl, E. R, TARRY, 240 Be BIdg,,
Omaha, Neb,
Blemishes Kemoved
riinfde. Mole, Birthmark, Red No,
tiutntatidlng Kara, Hugging Cheeks, '
Raggy Kyelld, Warm, illnckhnadn,
Moth Patches, Oily Hkln, Imndruff,
Fnlllni Hull', Hcalp Dlneane, Freckles
and Hkln Disease, whether due to dls
esne, impure blood or unlrygletilo habit,
ran be remedli'd. Home cuc can be
cleared up in a week y an Immediate
Method, A graduatn and licensed phy
nlclnn who ha made a study of tha
face In charge. Consultation free and
confidential. Phone Douglas WH, Hour
9 to 6; evenings, 7 to ; Hundays, 10 to 1.
Office 3f( I lee Rldg,, Omaha, Neb.
RHEUMATISM, atomscn. Ilvr
and kidney trouble, goitre, nervoua
nea nd ilnna auffcrer are ue
ass(ully revtorcd to health by ma,
V.aiimlnntlon ITaaa.
Call Sulto 31$ Ba Rldg.
Chlropractor. Tyler IMI
Th lidle' Home Journal .....LM
Th Halurday Hvenlng I'oit..., $i.H
The Country Gentleman ,,,,.$!.04
lfi.1 aubacriptiona by April .10th f-Hint
that $:!, for The Invalldg' J'snnhm
Ass'n. Your order or iwncwal flonirl
bule fif, Plione Douglu 7I', or !
drc (
Omaha. Neo,
ToUNO'woinBii cofiiftig' to Otfiaha ai
atiangsr are Invited lo visit th Young
Women ChrlntUn asoclatlon building
at lilh Ht. and Hi. Mary Ave, whart
they will bo directed to ultbi board
ing place or ntherwln aaaiated. Look
for our lravelera' guide at Ilia Union
PKRHuNAL Mlnne Htnple and fihaf-
fcr, bath, electrio treatment. Open 9 a.
tn. lo t p. to.; Hunday, II a, m, to i p.
m. Doug. 7I3.j401 Ware Itlk.
I'lIF, MulvatlotfAnny Industrial hotn ao
licit your oid clothing, furniture, mag.
sine. W collect, W dlatrlbut.
I'h inn Dougla 4K;i and our wagon will
call. Call and ln:iect our new bom.
1110 1112-1114 Dodgo I t
PlIofoOHAPHY tiTughrin all brVnehe.
Few iiOo b gsotia In kodak work aav
ou money. Kmory Hi'hool of Photog.
rphy, I2 N. Hih. Phone Tvler 243.
Vl !If r,l'Y 3-dy dtlnk and drug treat
A uituiu nient I bent known cut;'
booklet free. TDK Fl'KLICY, 3167 Far-
nam, Omaha. Plione Harney 1742.
' R fl , J 0 1 1 N 8TO N A, "" Chiropractor, ot
hheldon, la., wlh to announce thalf
location at 2407 N Ht., H. O. Cotaaultatlon
f re and Invited. Phone Houth 4011.
Uin T I f li I'f Suceoaafully" trat.(
Ui X U itljwlth0iu aurglcal
operation. Call or writ Dr Wiay 4k
Matheny, tog Re44Hldg., Omaha.
FACIAL massage, manicuring, shampoo
mid scrilp trentrnent. INDU KOH-
MKTIC BHOI', ;tiy Rose Rldg, Tyler 12W).
WIS make a spcl'ilty of stout and sur
gical corset. Nl' HONK 4'oret tihop,
Web 8iinderlndItlilg.Red 4,'M.
chiropody. Mlsse Uray and Mead, 210-
J14 BalrdJIik., 17th and Dougla. l. 3468.
I, l.'y, MI LI. Kit, will not be responsible'
for ny debt contracted by my wlf or
children. a
llATH dyed and reblockTd; feather boaa
cleaned, curled and made from plume.
Dor KIele,JI laaltyatRklX J2.
TOI'H clothe dry cleaned, pressed and
returned the same day. City Pressing
flub. :2 Neville Rlk, Red .
Pteam and ahower hath. Maf. Had
f27. Rooin jW3erJach Blk.
ilAMHAfiE-MlM Webtcr7"61 Paxtoo
Blk. D. 3227, Office hour 10 to I,
BHEUllATIHM treated ucceMfully; Ta-
ault guarant'd. DfBower. 314 Bee Bldg.
WANTKDbay or night nursing by col
ored graduatn nnrse Call Web, tVi19.
PRIVATK home "for maternity caaeal
Call t:olfsx 3042 4410 N. 3nth 8t.
BCIKNTIFIC niannnge.
Phone Dougle tm.
620 BtaBldg.
F-rnlahcd Room.
If you fail to find tho room
you desire among these ad, call
at The Bee office for a Room List
gives complete detailed descrip
tion of vacant room In all part
of the city. If more convenient
phono The Ree Want Ad Dept.
and give your name and addrea.
and a Hat will be mailed to you
at once. New list are issued
everv week
VlCKLY ' irurnlahed room lit West Par
nam district; private family; reference
retpilred. K Hi., Ree.
RKAUTIFLirwcIl furnished south rooni
in prlvnto family: wulltliig distance, 1910,
Jones. Douglas 5102.
C'LKArT. Ti'eHsant, inodgrn rooms In prl
vnto family; board if desired. Harney
NR'K, clemi, well-furnished rooms, all
new furniture, closo in. 1919 Ht, Mary '
ALL tnii'li'in. "ill fiirntnlied rooms; cTiisaj
in, $2.fnl to t'f week. 2I"H Farnnm.
TWO modern room, furiili'd cumpiete.
Colfax IU2 attar 11 . nij
hICKLY f urniahed "room. clo In" all
irnxlern Ml H. 22 Pt
Fl'liNIHHKD room "for light " holine-
kciilng .','' Dougla. .
17:'l l,'.'.t Dol'UK ST. -Neatly t utiilshedj
, 'i modern rooms.
Iataarlaa-afllt(j IXooiaa.
W A XTKH A young niiplntrd linlif7ir"gtT
mi lominanli.n ti trmillng man wtfe
Will fcive room. Minl fintn-h ti)t t'f
ret.'iciu'H Phone Webster lt,t
i.Allilt; iiuta.iti- spai tuii'iila, furntaria.j
i olltlilcte for hiitlei-kei'l'tlt 1 foolll,
f ' ,1 per weak. 2 ronma, t, J'
Apia. .Ini Chi. aaii. I'thr .nn:.
M' t: ity rot'iii with kii l.riu.ita anl
l,. il, in tira iiuiiaa. on ixr una. wait
In, faantititiiv. I, a. .Ith -?t. IHiu,
Ua ; -
API l'"LAVI::li: Yltnlein f .r.itaK I
In ma! lac, in aid f". mi with ltttrt
HITt'llt N a il .l.i.ii. i . ii. ii. il
aaa-, a -i.t i .1 , n . ,'t t "-ti la .', ' a
ill I'll1 for aaiuaaai, .ll.d ieall'4
.. .1,. a f.'t loan i.' i t I "at e i
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