Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 18, 1916, Page 4, Image 4

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    THE BKK: OMAHA, TUESDAY, A PI ill, IK, 101C,
Bringing Up
Triplet by Foriythe and Miller and
Kmg't Single Bring Over Win
ning Counters in First.
Two olid wallopi for three garag by
, fyrua Koraytha and I toy Miller and a
alnjcl by Malinger Marty Krug won I tic
ball (am for tha Jtourkf from th
Iaixu yeaterday. Tha iucrmlva triple
followad walk to Hmlth, counting two
rum, and Marty'a lnglo counlad tha
third. Tha three-run margin won tha
combat, 4 to 1.
Except In tha first frame Art Dyck
hurled a neat gamo for the amateur
champion. After thla frame he kept
tha amack wall oatterd and only one
run waa made off him.
But Lou North and Cecil Thnmpann
wara hurling gilt-edged ball In the Interim
and tha amateur couldn't aolva thenr
deliveries with any degree of effaotlve
ri. Each Jlourk pitcher allowed but
two hit.
Marie milk "Walk.
Dyck had difficulty In locating the
Plata at tho atari of tha game. J la laauwl
a walk to Smith on four gtralght bulla,
Clink Claire laid down a neat aacrlHca,
after wltleh tha Tango Kid poled a beaut
of a triple to center, counting the fleet
footed Bmtthy. Ray Miller alarnmed an
other trlpla to left and Cytua galloped
over tha rubber. Marly Krug'a Mow
' through the pitcher talllt-d the Rourke
Dyck retired Krueger, North and Binllh
In a raw In tha aecond, but weakened a
bit attain In tha third. Claire etarted the
bombardment In thla frame with a elnglo
to left. Koraytha popped out and Wachl
Irr pulled down Miller' hard drive to
left. But Dyck mnd a two-baee heaie
In an effort to eatch Clair napping off
flint and Clink ehaead lo thlid, Marty
Krug'a hit counted hlin. After thla frame
Dyck refused to permit any more acorlng
by tha proa. t
On Man Iteat'hea Nefond.
(tut one man reached aecond base dur
ing tha five round loii North pastlmed
for tha Ftsurke. In the aecond Inning Kd
Mlnlkua draw a walk and purloined aec
ond when Krug and Kllduff weren't
looking. Johnny Dennlaim reefed a alnglo
to center In the first Inning and Jim
Melady beat out an Infield hit In tha
fourth, tho only hit mnde off North.
Tha buxua greeted Cecil Thompson In
tha aixth by chalking tip their only
marker. Atklna opened by polling a alngle
to left and Tip Cook advanced hlin to
second with a aiwlcr to center, pennlaon
laid down a bunt and Clnlre failed to
nail Thompaon'a throw to third to catch
Atklna, with tha result that tha Luxua
aecond baaemait croxaed the pan. That
ended tho acorlng for the amateur, aa
Thompaon aettled down and did not per
mit another hit.
Inriillip l.raiU lltlllua.
Cyrua Fereytha waa the iwatamlth of
tha day, with three knocka out of four
llmea up. One waa a triple and another
waa a double. Cyrua didn't cover hlnwlf
with glory In the field, muffing hla only
l.aula Conk and Jnke lAHnn. Die
ilrnyin aporltng acrthet, did the timplng
for tha fray. If they called any dectaluna
light nobody detected It. However, a
Ihey wora very charitably rendering th-r
"nlitl gratia, thry e aprd the vocal
and pbvalcal ot'Je.'tinua the athletta olhet
lt mltftit linv n.4.'.
Today the Rmirkea a III luttle tha lUmr
aeola of the Orraler Omaha le.iie al
Iti'Utk park al t IJ Mcorc;
AH It II ii I
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I lalrv itl . i I 1
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World's Champions Perform Rare
Feat of Patting Speed King
to Rout.
no&TON, M April H.-Th Boeton
American today performed tha rar faat
of driving Waller Johnaon from tha box,
In uYf'ttUng Waiilngton. b to I. In th
Ixlfi Inn rig, Ilorton hammered th de
livery of tha Washington a'ar for a
douhle and four alnglc In a row netting
four run, Jtuth kept tha vlaltor' alglit
till well acattereil, hut In Iho eighth ln
n I m 4 he puas-d thn f rat two mm up
Afior two were oul, Milan lent Mr Hi ll j
acrou the plate with a single for Waali
li ntuii a only ai'oie. Tha gam wa called
at the i nd of the eighth Innli'g on account
of rain. rM-ora;.
AH II O A I! All II 0 A r
Mfiri.n. tb,.t I I nlloniwr. rf... I 4
I oni.r, Xi... 4 1 t 1 OMrmt. .... I I M
MIIhii. rf ... 4 14 ailohlllrel. lh I I I
llnii,laUi f., II I o Oll.nrlk.n. ft I I i
Wllllnmi. . 4 1 t li.rt. If.. 4 1
HI..I.H. rf... tilt IMr,lfir lb. 4 I 1 0
Jui1. lb ... I I t Biiarrr, 1 I U
Mnllrlrlx. M. 1 t 1 OTIiiiiiim, ... I lt
Jciltnwtli, p., J 1 I 4 allulll, B.. ...4 114 0
I'umont, p,,. a OftOQ -
Avon a u 8 u A Toiili II II J4 I 0
M.-ller .... t 0 0
Hatted for IMimont in "liilith.
(In in. culled end eighth, rein,
Washington ! 0 ( 0 0 0 0 1-1
Hoaton 1 0 0 0 0 4 0 0-e
Two bus hi!: Ilohltuel, Itulh, Oaiduer.
Hloli'll baaea; Hooper, Mcott. Haci'lfii,e
ti Mm: I'llnilkeen, Thomaa, Hohlltxell,
Harry. Double piny: Mcllrtda to Morgan
lo Judge Knau on error: iloeton, I.
Ilasi-s on bulla: Off Ayera, t; off Ruth,
SI. ilita ami earn-d runs: Off Johnson,
II lilt, 4 run In all Inning; off Immont,
1 hit, no run In one Inning: off Ayera,
no hit, no rum In one Inning: off Kuth,
t hit, I run In eight inning, HI ruck out:
Hy Johnson. 1: by Dutnonl, i; by Kuth, a,
I'mplre: Nallln and IHneoi;.
linaher Fau I , Indiana M In,
i'I,KVKI-ANn, O, April 17.-rctroll
bunched five hlta off rUwnh jr C'ovelcakle
In Ihe twelfth Inning and defeated Heva
land, S to I, today, l oveleikla hnd pitched
mint ball up to that tlii'e and had benn
apeclaciilai ly upinrtrd. t'unnlnilinin wat
very ertcciive agniiiHi I'leveianu. Jp'akr
wa tlin only one ho could not pilixle. th
former Huston man getting four hlta an I
acniituf rievaland'a only nm.
llarrv Coveleakle, Hiked hy lennlnga
to pitch, refum-d to plti h against hla
kiu protiier wnon It came time to alart
tho gntna. BHVlnir ha did not want to try
to defi-Hl Stanley In I la ftrit big league
apptnrat'ia, Stanley atruck out, t'ot'b In
the first Inning and Harry congratulated
i im oa tie waixra to the ien n score:
ti4v Itl.ANIl. UICTOOIT.
AH. II. O. A V. AH H O. A K
rn.ii.-,. ir , ., o i enwii. u I i i l
tnniaii. a I 1 i viu. lb .,.. I t 0 ii
10,(11. n .. a e aveac. If.... 4 1(9
Kpwilier, (.. 4 t ai'rawfnra, rf I 4 0
(landll th ..i t 1,1 I KHailman. lb, I I I I II
Turiir, 5b,., 4 10 4 HVoiina, 2h...l I J 4 l
Kvana. 9b.... 3 t I Warm .a. e...l J 7 I
(I'Naill. u ... 4 I 1 li-uuailmm. I t I
)'s'leakl. D 4 I VIU -
Minim 1 I a I a Taula ... 44 II a la 1
( 1 1 1 1 o r 1 1 ,10 0' 0
Tolala ... II t M 1 1
Halted for Turner In the twelfth.
iiHttcd foe Kvana In the twelfth.
Cleveland 0 O 1 6 0 0 0 0 0 01
I ie( i mi ...OtIOOl 0 0 0 0 ft 3-
To-llse bile: (inmlll. Hmlth, Tteach,
Meilnianir.'i. Stolen le: Cobb Kairl
fl.elili Un Kacrlfb-o fly: Cunnlng
Iimiii. lui'ilile 'U; l nvcleakle lo t han
mmt to liaiidll: iliancy to Chapman;
Chsutnnii lo tiandtl, Tiirnar to Onodll lo
O'Neill. Masea on error: Cleveland, I:
lieltott, 3. leases on IihIIh: Off Covrlea.
kte, '- llila and earned runs: Off
i oelekie, t;l tin and .t run In twelve
tnmnu, off CiiniiliiKtuiin hlta ami I
run In laelve tniiluM S'rurk nil Hf
Cm eleskle. nrf Cnniiliiiihniii. 4. Wild
piii Ir i unulnKhain. I nipuea Kxen
and Chill.
rieeH Hitler Vta fur ant.
ciiicviio. ,iol IT -linen hlilein le-
de foil f' t tile While rlov a gam Ih-ll
, il 'hi a tiled In tlui-a v A single
bv Sw, I'uHina for William in lh
lueAh. ine In the lieiti run, and it
' lit.iiif f,r Ctt,ii. Ui the rlettnih, aeot
hi the filll that fcl l'l'U-H,t Hie Kanie
im'i m, liil, ui V The 1I
t ,n ef fte riiua to I," flrt ihiee la
ilhaa. intiilv the te,.l (f rrrert. Tl. e
!l It, fil M. h!ll I ! Wl'.t .
.t-rle.l aneitli bit and tl e ftben
lnt.rli t, , a runner l-ff flrat
I e, mi. i eimi ;i',ia, r, mi lo adtanv
a ae. 14. me
r t j
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4a' I . . 4, 4, a a. I
Copyright, 191. lnterri'l
Standing of Teams
W.l. l'i f I , WM-.l'et.
floaton 2 0 .nm Hr.aton .,,.t 0 l.OHI
Cincinnati. 4 2
.W7 Chicago
I'hlle 'J 1
Ht, l.iil..,,J
New Vork...!
Ht. 1oula
New York. 2
Waah n i 2
JJroi'klyn . 0
Detroit 2 4
linn 1'hlln 0 1
Vealenlar'a liraulla.
Pittsburgh. o; Cincinnati. 1.
Chicago, 5; HI. Ioula, 1,
Huston at I'hlladalphla, wet, ground.
New Vork at Hrooklyn, wet ground,
A M K HI CA N I ,K A'i I j k!
Waahlngton, frilnaton, t.
Detroit, 2; Cleveland, i.
Ht. liiils. S; Chicago, .
I'lilludelphla at New Tork, rain
(.antes 'I'ortar.
National Tjeagun hClcaito at Ht, loul.
I'lttaburgh at I'lnrilnnatl, Mosion al
i'hlladetphla. New York at r'looklv'i.
American I-engiie- Bt. Ixnil al Chicago,
Detroit at Cleveland, rhlladMplila m
New York, Waahlngton at iioaton.
Zehrung Calls On
Omaha Fans to be
Loyal to tho Team
"Omaha will never hava an opportunity
to gat Into base ball rompiny with Mln
neapolia, Ht. Paul and Kansas City up.
lea the attendance at tha game here
I larger than It he been In the taat
two or three year," laid Frank Zehrung
of Lincoln, president of th Weatem
league, In hla addrea at tha bae ball
booater meeting at th Commercial club
at noon yeatorday.
Bom 800 booster turned out for the
meeting, took their lunch at th club and
than listened to the new president apeak.
The meeting wa called to Instill the
Omaha buaine men with more enthusi
asm for baae ball In their city, and to
urge upon them th necessity of gupport
Ing th gam better by larger attend
ance, and especially hy an overwhelming
attendance for the opening day, April 2.",.
President Zehrung appealed to the men
for a general aupport of baa hall on
th ground both that It I a good port
and a good advertisement for the city,
He admitted that golf I making Inroad
Into the baa ball enthualaam, but he
appealed to the bulnea men to take Into
consideration th men who cannot afford
to belong to the club and play golf, and
to do all In their power to give this claaa
an opportunity to get out and e the
ball game.
He made a apeclal plea for g big turn
out April 25.
Clark O. Towell presided over the
meeting and introduced the speaker.
Pa Rourke Signs
Al Boucher, with
Feds Last Season
Pa Rourke signed a now Inflelder yes
terday. The new man I At Hum her, an ex
Ked. tloucher waa with the fl, l.oula
I'eda since their organisation, lt year
be finished the season with I'awtuiket
III lb Colonial leugue, the Federal lonp
farm. He hit with rawtucket,
Hmulier la a third baaeman by irade.
and probably will play at thla position
with th Ituurke. He la snld lo be a
1 good fielder and a steady hitter, He will
Irepoil her Monday.
jRourkes to Play
j Bourgeois Today
Th Itoiiikva end the Uourgaol ef lh
llllraler Omaha league will tngl l j
r.oiuae paik tbl aftemmni at I to. The
lntirnl cl ib I a giixl one till year,
and It la helw rad wilt give th Itourkvea
; 1 hi fnf their money. Th Mum e.,ia j
'linenn aa ill b follow Nsvliakv. fnal.i
li.'lfiam tceond HUH thlid. Imuliett
(anon, Mann, lefi. l la. ihiiI.t Ml I
l,k tlM, t't Ii. Aiul'TWa, (nlini4 1
Jiatid liiaaas4, .1, b. Hnlicr. i4, h 1
ii tlatiH iaa etl,".! wtHf 4w I
1 I l. I lit a''a.t Ion al Meg aihaaa II
I aie t lj -,. (MM I 1- I e tt .a
ai 11 4ii : t ' 1e I -4'u i"4 lv 1 ' I lw I, t t 4 ,.
,K. fih (i i .i-,! t ie vet-af!' , imtirt
'44 eiftiaiu Im aa m iiti untniaie
j Hi 4 14 iow.Jit4 llil !. Da,
Ha, waaxre-l ) t 4.t, 44
1 N 'l . l -r, ta4 Mil(44e.
Ht-l4iaW M ak !
I 4 1 . s 4 , ! I t -a i, 1 I4 a-
a, l. ea c a I an 4 t a I 4 -4
t . i a
the eta mi feeaxlaal t aaik
4 ! lh III 44 t ' ! .4 14 i
1,nii ii..,.t If til t i
a m I. a i a wen an ii i
t.i'iinf'.' b- ti;l i !' (.i.i i ti
a 4 at , I f .,4.i ai ,',
a4 I ', m-liein I e a-..Mi
ti iiti4 ha ,ii kt. a i-4.it4
-f '' I t--'n an, I a (4. m V i.awi
I 4 I 4 ., M .a' 'a- J 4 .
(il A 4 a'... Moot
Now Service.
6000 TrVLKINtl,
Doak Hit Hard and Cubi Defeat St.
Louii by the Score of Fire
to One.
BT. IXtllrf, April JT.-Doak wa hit
hard and Chicago won eaally from HI,
Ixul here today, t to L With th cor
tied In the alxth, Aalar hit a home run
Into th right field paWIUm, gcorlrui
William ahead of him. A double, a ln
gle, sacrifice hit and Snyder error pro
duced two mora In thn ovmth and
proved th undoing of Doak,
Hteele and A me fiiilahed th game,
th former giving way to a pinch hitler.
Tho local' run In the aecond resulted
from a single, a criflce and Vaughn'
wild pilch, which rolled to til aland.
Oil ir Alio T, Willi
Minn. If I 1 0 nllmi liar. If.. I 1 I
H, nulla. If.. I 14 Allarb, lb,... 4 I
Klaes. rf....4 I 4 Haillh, of,,,, I 1
Wllinnia, rli I I I oorotien, if . 1 1
Zlnirmaa. Ill 4 I 1 1 oMIIIar, lb , ,4 i it 1 0
Knicr, lb.... 4 ill I bt.ona. rr.,.,4 z i e
Mulllsan. al 4 0 1 Oliaiaal. 2b... i A I a I
riacber r ,, 4 1 T 1, 4 1 I 2 1
Yrae, lb... I 14 eHniir, .,..! i i i i
Meifrthr, lb! el 1 OMoaaalea. c. 1 I 2 0 0
VsiiiIio. a,.. 4 0 1 OHiHib. p 1 it I 1 a
Hi.l ,,., 010
Totals li 10 11 It J-loi ler I e o
Amea. .,.,., 001
i ui liaa .... I 0 0 S
TuiaU il I 27 12 4
Hatted for Hleel In seventh,
Halted for A meg In ninth.
Chlciigo 1 II 0 0 0 2 2 ft-fi
Ht, Lou I 0 1 0 0 9 0 0 0 0-1
Two-base hlta: Hnyder, lflsehar. Thrc
hase hit: bvhulle. Iloinn run: Hmor.
Htolen base: Wllllania. Hacrlflce hits.
Helsel, McCarthy, Mj:k. Double play:
llalxel to Miller, iiaaeg on halls: Off
Hleeie, 1; olf Vaughn, 2. Hit and earned
rune: Off Vaughn. hlta, 1 run In nine
Inning; off DoiiJt. hits. 4 run In a x
and two thlrda Inning;; rf Hteele, no hlta
no runa In one-llilrd Inning; off Aiue, 1
hit, no run In two Inning. Htruck. out
Hy Vaughn, a; hv Dcak, 2: by Ainca i
Wllrl pltcli Vaughn. ' I'mplrea: wulgb-y
and Hyron.
I'lrale Heat Heila.
CINCINNATI, Airll 17. -In a one-sided
conleat Plttsluiigh won the second game
of the erles from Cincinnati here todiiy,
hi to 1, The vlslloia stinted th run
making In the first IiiiiIiik with two
banc on ball, two singles and two
double, whh h netted five runa and the
lellieinent of Dale.
Mosi li v was put In then Hnd three hlta
and a puaaeil hull polled three morn runa
In the second Inning. They did not acoro
aaaiti until tha seventh, when Harney
waa given a pass, Wagner tripled, acor
lng Harney, and Inter scored himself
when Schmidt singled. Pittsburgh, run
wild on the bases, Kaiitlehner. while a
Utile wldl. pitched a good game. Hoote;
prrrsiit ikih (:in4-inn.ti
All II O A K AB. 11.11 A K
Ji.hii.lim. lb. 4 0 1 II (iKIllifer, rf..4 1 0
i arev, If 4 1 S 0 lillerno. .. 3 I 0 0 0
llarnev, if. I 120 lllhulaan. aa. . I I) I 11 0
Itinclnn n. if 4 2 2 0 OCha.a. lb ... 0 u
Waaiiar, aa. . 4 I 4 mirlflllh. rf . I I
HehulK Ih.,4 t I- I IXirob. lb I 0 0 I) (I
Vim b.. , . a I 4 OWIIIlania. If. I 0 I I fl
Hehmlill .. 4 1 4 alMlitea, 3b,. I I 4 11
KnnllaUsr. a 4 1 0 1 larka. I
... . llala. 0 0 0
Toiala .17 1137 11 OMiwIrr, ... 4 1 0 8 0
T,lal . . .12 S 77 : "
Pittsburgh 2 0 0 0 2 0 010
CincliitiMll 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0-1
Tnn-hNae hits: Vlox, Hclimldt. Tliree
liie lilt: Wagner Stolen bases: John
sum, Harney it. Hm, luiifn. Vlox. Mai
rtfi.e riles: Schult. Wanner, I.eft on
bases Pittsburgh, 7: Cincinnati. 11. Mils
and earned runs: Off Kanilheiier. i hits
ami I run in nine Inning, off Dale, 4
till and S run in one Inuliiii. off Wnae
le, II hit ami 4 runa In eight liming.
Htruck one Hy Kantlbener, ," by Mn
le. i. I'mplrea: o Day and Kaaon.
t4iond Blaaa 4allh lleildroa.
Th II Heddeo team baa slanrd Phill)
Ahl.oud, 44 he worked ttie laal five In
iilinja if hiiinlst a gime. it ia the flr.i
lime ibsl Atiiioi.d waa In uniform IhU
a.aami He etiuik " eig'il of lie
Tumid Hios. mid pili hed tine tm I, ' i t
irncul poor aniut t' hi te,iti,m,il, ,
alea Irmn l.aae I eMail ,
itTllli'K, Neb., April IT - lipe. Il i
WUIam Itambo, for the leal twriiiy
em a rrsldent 4( CortUnd. died Hut
urday afternoon, aged 7 jr Th Ue
ia-t, bad n In falMng health for
,uiie Dine He I ir44d by a wiloa
ant 4 aoe
In outer to itelermla lb .an ef O'
delh lf JidlB Ma. W.IJ hn b
T4 04 liaiv a Uv'n. 4'rnr It. I
raid 'li' liver th bed4 Hrrdn
I t.r a . --eea fn i4l t thai two h ll4 t 4
n ri i I I. 1 4 " a whicH i
let. 4 the . 'i in o I the . ' r
anlereet tha left al t an t aaae I I'.i .
14. kadv. la) ! l H"! T4i
' Iba ,,ii4.4 l4i ,i I il.a'h itat" a
H,i il'y In "la il., '
I, aa. ai,Va ai- t e - t I f , I e
! . 4 a via in. Cm. ii, u,o . a
I...,, I i I laciili t ,4 I e lit, il' .4 -i.
aa ..'l' lt eua I- '-.-a't 1 I ,
lul lr i I I, a I . i 4,
la KiatJ ml Ikal la l! l
a-t4.i ',.'.! at I' Tr are n
eati la t'e4 t"4 ! o.xi.ij 4i,,
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Drawn for The
Adjournment Take Place at La
moni After Long Seision of
Church Memben,
INDKPICNDKNCM, Mo,, April 17,-iHpe-clul
Telegram.)-Denial McOregor of Al
berta, Cunada, wa the morning apeaker
at tho 4'onfercnce. At tlx biielnesa aea
Ion Hie board of publication wa con
Untied a organised lat year, vlx: Albert
Carmb hncl, Oscar Anderson, Kted U,
lllnlr, Kdwln A, lilukcslo nd Thonm
A. HougliH.
A committee to examine the manuscript
for th next volume of church history
waa named 11 follow: Kdinund j
Kelley, Waller W, Hmlth and Itli.hiird H.
A resolution wa passed making the
order of bishop the slawllng appropria
tion committee of the church. A report
from W. I, Milliard, who had been put In
charge of the administration to the lck
during the conference wa that 113 alck
had been administered to and twenty
three children blesaid. Latter Day Halnta
do not baptize children under ( year of
age, .,ut, "blcsa" I hem.
John Hmlth wa chosen to he ordained
a patriarch. He ha been preldeitt of
f.nmonl tnk" for fifteen year, but I
now auccoeded by John K, Carver, W.
fl, Mm Hue wa chosen to the o..lce of
High Priest and A. J. Doty to the office
of Heventy.
Two young men of Independence were
called to position of the standing high
council of the church. These are (leorge
If. I Inline, esHlatnnt cashier of the First
National bank, and C, Oliver JVcha, u
young attorney of the city.
A letter exjreaalng the gratitude and
appreciation of the public for ine pleaaure
given by the conference choir to the
mulc loving people of the vicinity and
algned by C. A. Carroll, representative of
the pre, wa read to the conference.
It expressed the hope that at the con
ference of ItilS, a almllar mimical treat
may ue offered by the combined church j
Hlshop Mcdulre waa chosen to ancceed
Rlahop Kill Hliort Bnd Hlahop' Mark II.
Hlgfrled lo aucceed Dr. Charlea Keown,
aa member of the aanllarlum hontd. The
ijiilons rtuorums, officers, committee
and bofirda of the church wer sustained
and tho missionary appointment read.
Apostle Jmnen A. oillen of Council
Hluffa la missionary In charge of Iowa,
and Nebraska with (Older H. W. I-eonard
Hl'ott of Coldwafer. Mich.. In eharira of
tho Omaha, branch '
Heveral hundred appolntnienta for ml
slomiry aervice were made, and the con
fuivnce adloiirnment took place.
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lected flake motor
graphite, the only
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