Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 18, 1916, Page 3, Image 3

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crcfTifiM cnxDne
Secretary of State Snyi Law Doei
Not Specify Any Reit While
i from fluff l"orrptnnl"iit.
LINCOLN, Apiil 7,-hHip'IhI. Wlirn
mi I'lcftlnn tiriHid l.i-Kltm muni In I'ullulu
(hi mi'mlicr Mmll Ptl'k lo thfl Job
Mwllouiily until ppyry ballot I t'onfil -r
lt tin onlnlnn of Hprretury of HIhIp I'oot
jlvwi In (i mm M i l' 10 mi Inuulry n lnMln'1
n hoard may onll wIhjii tho bulbil -r
tmrtly rountiii, tnk Ihwin to tho lionin
nt oim nf Ihc JiiilK", dfifl flnlmli llif) n t
Tim flfftlun Ihw iilnlnly lntf tht
lifi tlm nnlln luivft flonfd that lb
IxinT'I hl "iiroi'ffit lo count Hip hul
lo!." thfrn Ik no provision for Inking
rent. It In lifllfVffl to bo (Ik- lulfnt
nf (ho Ihw, mi. I It hnn lay bffti tlm
.'imtnm, for JilHfi to ll'k to tho Job
until fVfry ballot I rounl"1, litkltiK
I hp bUot from tho twilllnif il l ny
)lre whrrn tho public did not luivp
rlulit In go would, to any thn lfnt, bft
run for riitlrlm tifl polbly for
A bill WW Introduffd In tlm Iwit p
lon uf tint Iftfliiliiturit mllloif for
doobln flfftlon boiiril, thn wfond boni-rt
to tin tin duty About noon hin t li flint
board would b'Kln to fount thn ballot
iilrnfidy fiidt nd fonllnne to rotinl tlipm
thfy fiinin In until nil wpr I'ountfd.
TW would bv tiffn tlm ri iti of nrnc
tbully ml bulbil bflng fjountfd uliorlly
flrr lbf poll or'fncd and would nnvu
tipon of no morfi pxppnin lo th lif, but
llif bill itot lnt In (h huffl nd nfvcr
honed It irnd for dlf'ulon,
WNDANCK, Wyo., April M,-fMp''lii1.)
- W'lilla bin wlfo run toward lilin, frn
tlrnlly bfKf'f''hliif him lo (plt, Clr
rnfe Kton, V, rni'hrrmrt, rulmly fired
four bulbil from n 22-eullber rlflfl Into
bin hrad, Tho fourth bullot pfiiPtratPd
Ma brain Juat. th woman rppd hU
arm and bo rollapafd, dylna; four hour
lati-r, Tim aulcldn oneurrH at tha Kalon,
lani'h, l'rcvloualy Ilia rant'litnan had
mada avfral aiiKKfatlona that ha waa
fotiUmiilfttln fndln hla llfn, and Mra.
Faton waa wiildilnir hhn. Whfin ah aaw
nlm going toward barn with a, rlfl
aim auapfctfd hla pnrpna and ran nftpr
him. ttfflnK her mr from tha bouaa
I'iton atoppfd nd ahot tilmaolf to doalh.
BKATHJCT, N., April 17,-'P'ImI
Tflficram.) D, Viuey, farmar llvlnu
nar niti" Mprlnna, waa prohuly fatally
Injured tlda afternoon when ha loat Con
trol nf bla touring rar, which diuihed
down Fifth afreet and turned over rirar
tha Roek lalmid depot, throwing him out
and fracturing hla akul). Tha car munht
flr and waa deatroyed, Mr. Vaaey'a
rlothlnjt were afire when aaalatanrA ar
rived, lie waa niahed to . hoapllal for
treatment. He la ye&ra of age and
tdfuieer of t hla aet tlon. He bought the
ear only fow day a ago.
Minister and His Large Family Stop Here on
Their Cross-Country Automobile Tour
r.r.Arnirr.. Net., Arm tT.-fnnrf.iai
Telegram. )-Tha roroner'a Jury tnveatl
eatlng tha ciiuao of tha death of Nel"
flinllh, who waa ahot and killed here
Huturdny night by offlearg Ion Tnida and
Krrd Wheeler, brought In a verdict thla
evening exonerating tho partlaa from all
Hume, Hmlth waa killed whlla realatlng
arreat and after ha had flrad four ahoia
t tlio fiffl'cra. Ha waa 62 yeara old
and Icavea g wife and eight children.
POPOn, Neb., April 17. - (Sperlal Tele.
sr m. I - f lion Klm-le and flerald llnw.
iird of I'lenui in r! werloualy Injured
ihla aftiuumui mimI Mr, Clurney, an auc
tluneer t Noil li 11,-nd, wna badly brulnrd
hfii Hie Mini 1114 irenr broke on an auto
111,, I. He llnuaid wwh driving bitween
I'imIbi' ami Hnyder. The. two men danger,
iiimly hurt nrre taken to Hnyder by 1 re
ni'iiit iirnple, who bappeued to paa In
rar shortly afit r tlm accident.
nle friini Table ftnek,
T.MH.i; ll'H'K, Neb., A 'l 11 K.-iKpe-.
I.ll . A.ill. Hllnlir. are f 1 1 , .1 Willi he 1 1.
clerk of ThIiIc Itnck fnr two milium
Mi i'iifc for the inunli I,hI vi;nr liiiinlng
Al.v I, 1!tii. Jiiima A. Illinium and Trim
li M. 1 1 Ink li lire appltcanla. The la.
iihIuich of ttilrt) fivi, fin hiihl.m arc t
1 tclicd to eiuh p,'llU"ii
I'riif, I,'. I' Trump, principal of Tablr
li'i k lliall m IhuiI, -ri eh 1 led In Ihe
ioe pnniiliui fitr tlii' turning rir. Mm
1 U' li t'uitia of M ii ri .1, V.h ,
,l, i In lui p. Iiiml I, li hn In Hie placo
nf Ml!l Ol.ll',, llllltlll, !in am 11, ,1 hii
ipi'lh- in . All iic vawiru'liM Imii' no
tu rn f fill it
t'i'l ,11:1111 tit im .iiti finl Inn t it ' .Me
Uilllnl I ill I U- ,H ,' U' lilllOI, ' tw
l,,i! f . 1 1 tn , hi it, mil I ihc mi,,' t
tutt-'l f'r llif ,il ,w , Vrtll v lit Ml unit litl ,,ii.
I in ut i tl., 11 l t a fl'M luitkil ,f f t, t trl
, t.i'i i.f I'll- t n ll an biif tit Hi if . riiilv l ! l I' ll lu t
ft,. 11 r ... 1 01 Ih 1 I-'- . 1 . bim itf
II C (l.l - III, Mitt 1' .!. ,.,,1 (.
IlKtt Mr tt4Mlint
I t(.l t. 1" 'I " !
V I ,11. I 'I H' l'. l I till''.' I I,
t I I . ' '" 1 t ! 'I4 t i 'I l' I t . I
1 I .. I. V v , . I I I I I. f 1 '. I, t, I
It, nt : f t f t - , tt , t I . I
m ',( u.i 1 .i.t'i m ... 1.1 . I
1 ... 1 1 u o .a ti,.c, I
l .:..! e.i. I. . l ' ' 1 t1 1. U j
t in I Mini
t t 11 . '1 . .! t; --!. j
h ,t .., . t- " ! rH j
I M. . . , . , , t- M l- , I I It 1
., ,. I ,t.. I t I t I' " - t H
I .i m i , ,, Im ! 1 l! 1 1
. i I ! t ' "I i I a j
t "tout. t-
01, vft u n T"aa
: l tt il I t ': r - l
f. ti t., 1 f'i !
1 '.1 fllh, r4, Wali.ft1 ' t I
.' l.k ?
. - I " " - . "ta 'e '
7 x , Tw.v
..... iikV
FA ..
That the enllie troubla between hlmaclf
and Dean II. Martyn Hart, rector of Ht.
John'i ralhadral, Pcnvor, waa hocauae of
(hn luttcr'a Inability to aucceanfully get,
along with an aaalatunt, and not on ac
eouut of the fnct that hla wife had at
fine time been an actreaa, waa tha aaanr
tlon of Rev, John William Jona, for
merly of thla city and Council Uluffa,
who la vlaltlng In Omaha.
Touring eroaa-eoiintry from fienver to
tha Atlmilln conat In a largo tdurlrig
cr, eitulpped with ramping outfit, with
hla wife and flvo children, Jtev, Mr, Jonea
baa arrived In Omaha, 'Che machine la of
novel arrangement and can be converted
In an Inatanl Into a alonplng car, dining
cur, bath room; In fact, evory modem
rcriulmia and aecommodntlon nf tha mod
ern houaehold.
nv, TWr. Jonaa at one time waa rector
(from a Hlaff ?orrcawinilent.)
LINCOLN, April 17.-fHptclal.i-:, W,
I'arr and II, V, Iimaon, connected with
haneater company, with It. A. Krnllh,
industrial agent of the Union , faclfie
railroad, were callera at the office of
of Ht, 1'a Hi' In Omaliii and HI. J'uul'a In
Council llluffa. Ho received tho I'cnver
mil while h wna In thla city,
llcv, Mr, Jonea, hla wlf.' and live rhll.
(Inn will tour to New Vork and ollmr
eiiKiiTii jioliila by way of Ookalooau, In,;
Chicago and Ioiiivlllc, Ky, lit- will
preach along the way, particularly In
churchee where there are no regular
ret tora. '
Mr. Jonea will rmika the trip the baala
of an llluafrated magaulne article, which
alio Impffa to aell to tin cualcrii publlca
tlun, The "houae on whicla'' la dcalgned to
make for tho nliiinal convcnlencca a
"life on the roiid." Tha family campg
out In (ill but the moat Inclement
weather, A tent la part of the mpilp
nient, two fit the older children alccp
lug III thla atv'tion of tho iamp. Htv,
Mr, Jonea, hla wife and tha other three
',. .wtwmMuMi.aK4iiwtAautf oKcmm w-"
ytiilo Hupcrlntcndcnt Thomua thla morn
ing to confer with him over the arrange
menta of a program which coverg domon
at rat lone to be, made by tha Cnlon J'a
rlflc, by a p in I irulna run from Kimball
to North J'bitte and then up the branch
lof that road lo llalg,
The train will a'ait May 1 and will
be In aervlce five daya. The demonatra-
chlldren occupy ipiartcra In the auloiiio
bllo at Mght,
In order to make hltnm-lf lluiroughly
familiar with all phaara of the motor car
louring game he gut aeveral wecka In
practical automobile repair work before
Im atarted the trip, Although III In a
hoapltal for aolue lime, Kcv. Mr. Jonea
recovered aiifflclently to atari hla trip
on aihciliili'd time,
I In la a big, two flalnd man of the
Itulph Connor "aky-pllol'1 lyjie, and
worn It not for hla clerical garb could
enally bo taken for a racing driver or
traveling aaleiunan.
On the flrat leg nf the trip, from Den
ver to Omaha, the children - lea hid, 12;
Hturr, 10; Topper, , I'aul, ; Teddy, IV
apent moat of their time looking fur In
dlwna with air liflra.
(lev, Mr, Jonea and hla family expect
to be back In I'envcr by tha middle of
llyoa will be III cotinecllnn with three
aet of lueellnga given at each town,
011,1 to fiirmcra, nno lo ladlca and tho
third to I hn gi linola.
'labor Man llaa A piieiiillcli la.
TAIiUll, In., April 17. -(Hpf cliil.l-Kred
nicknell waa taken to nn flmiilui Ima-J
Jiltul Haturday, where he waa nperalcd
nn fir aevere case of appunillt lUa.
Secretary Pool Insists
His Word is the Law
1 From a Hlnff Corrcapoiident I
LINCOLN. April 17.-ibpn-bil Telegram. I
Alleging- that Hecratury uf Hlul I 'mil la
Inking too much Intereel In tbe clci lhtn
rf n candidate for the iinmlnnilon nil the
democratic ticket In the etii'iliu ll ill
trlct cninponed of I lodge Hii'l lehlmilnli
countlea, the cmuil) clcik of linilge
county lake eaiepllun t" an opinion of
the i -rretary of etit that a ceii.iln t un
rlldntf whoae iitime tin i been printed on
Ihe piiniuty h. ill. it ho hn 1 1 - ( lllctl win,
Ihe ariTct.iry of elilc, luin no rli;hl mi
the hull l.
In ci Ihe cuudliliite lc nniiilniitiil. lie
foti I ll 1 it to Mr. Pool Im cannot I"' g vc 1
a ci ri Il'li ntj- nf election hr.-iuv H i re Im
no record 'ii the of Ice of the wen tnr
of atntc to xliow he lulu liei'ii leMilly
jili-i d In iiem, :.i,l n Im filing niimlnulliiii
piipC H tie n eel : 1. n i" e of n I't tltlitn,
"I cue in1l'llr4 rh -lit ho Im linllll
PMtid ' id I lie 1 I 1 nf ntule thlH
ece'ilnf, "lu'l I Mi. t 11 im out ihe lu
nn H ta bi'd 1, 11 11I li .inittlv alatei
that chiiiM I. tie f " Hi- ... n il ' In 11 t'l
1 rift cimipoMil of i i"ie Hi hi niie county
lull' Mllltc lllr fPt't , III lll iil'llcc or lilt
u.'tiitit 1 11 11 in it ht) jriHli'i 1.1 Ihc billot."
Falls City Dry. Will
Contest City Election
KAI.I.H t'll'V, Ncl, A Pi II l7.Kpechit.)
-The ' 1 1 ( Ity drja will rnnteat the re
cent city election on tho ground of fraud,
A meeting wna held at one of the
ihiirilira Hiiliirttay night at which evi
dence waa Nuluiilttcil to allow Hint at
leaat thirty-five Illegal volea were ciiat.
It waa decided to employ attorney to
file ault and 1,V) waa aubacilbcd Mil bin
a few inlniltra lo meet the ftpi'imc. A
committee wna appointed to aollt It inltll-
II. mill fund, and definite action will be
taken na aoon aa la collected and
depoallcd In tho hank. Tltreo farmera
auhaci'lhrd IM) each lit the nicrllna.
CHKTK, Nth, April 17, Mpcchil.)
Mlaa Huaiin Oivla, who ha lately return' il
from Tnliia, Aala Silnor, In Turkey, gave
an account at the Coiigiegnttoiuil church
yeaterdiiy of the conillllona In Turkey
aline I lie war. Hhe gave a at riklug ac
count of tho deportation of the Aimc
11 In rt Chrlallana, Mlaa orvla waa In ( on
fl H 11 1 1 in 1 1 il ft at the oiltbreiik of the war
Hint told of the Joy of the Turku, who
conaldered that a war among tlin Hirla
Han iintlona of Kurnpe would give them
a chunoit to regain a foothold In ICurope.
How City May Secure
a New Union Station
1 1'ritin 11 .-eiff i'orrenponiotit.)
LINi'ol.N, April II. t.-'pccliill The
I . i -. . 1 1 1 1 .- - of .1 candldaie for governor that
If he lit ilii'teii he villi give both Oiilahu
1111 1 Lincoln a t ulon depot wna the cauae
of eoi'iiiii lit Ihla inonil.iM hy n man who
I InteicHlcd In tin' union lb put propo-
I altliei. In a ilScuanlon of the matter he
.mild nhonld a governor dei'hn n uiihui
I ti 1 .1 for any town he h.i.l vety little
I 'o ilo lih getilna It,
To ti . Hie llllloll lle'.iot for lUllllll'l
i i' I tiieiiln the 1 'oniiiieiiial tiuha nf thoa"
I lilhn imint make iiiillciilhin to Hu1 atal
Irillnay commhalun for 11 depot of that
Ik nil. It IH linn be up to the cummin
lion in lot e t'l inte ihe matter, nnke
( aurvey of i' it i-iluntlnii, Hie amount or
jli:iMe.i it. .ii,. I',- each of the rnlli'oailrt
Iiiml I ink ciiit'fiillv Into Ihc inaller of
heller renter to the put roiia of Hi"
j 'i""!ft.
j i"'ittl'tiK to hla ttiilon the aupreine
ji.'in t mii4 lie, pled that the railway com
' mhlon lie liirladlctlon over rntea and
; Kcrvlec, nii'1 the propof'lHon of a union
ii, 'pot la one nf aervlce to' the pull!!.'
111, Oi fere be ti..lei, there ta ollty one
j h it v to pet nt the ovitler and that !
I through the rn!t'.iv ciiiithpl"ti aittl let
i II go through the 11-1111! clmmiela.
TI'VI' N. h, Ap'll 17 (Hte. Itil.t
Mra I (nil n I 1 1 tt and lltt'e danifliter
.lane, have departed from Teciimaidi for
their home nt Hkauwny, Alaaka, and e.
peel i I? on tb wav (en daya. IjihI
iiiiiiirucr pr fall Mra, Lvtuli and chlhl
iiccuiipiiiilcd Ihe biMhatiti ami fnthel
frotti Alnaka to tbe 1'nltid Htalra tit
ihe benefit nf bla lieal'h, but the trip
a' l ined to l.c fill e. for M,. l ynch dh il
In t'ltllfornbi recently. I f ta etigag"!
I In the general un'li luitiille tnialneea at
Hkagway and Mra. Lynch ttoea back t'l
tlm fiit'-niirth home to fee In the hum
agcmeiit of Ihe hunliieHM Mra. I ytc Ii la
Hie ilHiighlcr of .lililne mid Mia. J. (I
o Council of Ti t iiinaeli,
(lll.LKTTK, Wyo., April 17, irpecbil 1
-'Nlllhiin J Todd, 41, wna drowned at
Ihc ranch of J. P, Kowlalmi when the
em Hi a' pariillnw an old ccanpitnl from a
new icaapiiol which h" wna iIiukIiii; cul
hipacd and pennltle, Hie cmileuli of Ihe
fid pool to run Inlo the new. Todd a
covi red by foui teen fret of water and
allme. Tliren luiura ehipu'd lufoie lila
lioily waa recovered. A young widow and
; el amiill chlldicn aurvlvc Todd,
The U. S. Patent Office
Says It's a New One
And has issued a patent covering both the form,
and the method of manufacturing
11 a
' m wt k rma - 1 m . - 1
VLe i I
You, too, will say it's a new one when you open your first package and try a hand
ful of the flakes before adding cream or milk. That's just what we want you to do.
Don't remember of any manufacturer of old-style "corn flakes" inviting you to
such" a test, do you? Guess not. The old-fashioned kind had to be smothered with
sugar and cream to make a flavour, but New Post Toasties are different and better
have the full, true taste of the grain and the test tells.
Look at the flakes carefully. Notice the tiny bubbles on their surface. The quick,
intense heat of the new art of toasting not only produces the bubbles, but a quality of
corn flake unequaled for smacking goodness.
New Post Toasties have "substance;" they do not "chaff" or eiumble in package;
unlike common corn flakes they do not lose their crisp texture after the package has
been opened a day or two; they don't mush down when cream or milk is added, and
they are wonderfully delicious.
The first package proves that New Post Toasties are
pping Good
At Grocers Two sizes 10c nml 15c.
Poilum Cirral Co., I id,, Millie Cited. Mich.
After being' sick five years; un
,able to walk for four years;
in bed ono year.
Tlici't! Ih alway n nfirt of nuimifHlc In
fliiint:u in the wmtlM of 11 mollifrly old
Mm, M. A, V.inkli ffi'k. I' ll North TM
utiii'l, l.lnii'lit, In Mi yi-iirs o il. Ilur alory
of how T11 u I in ii-ili'vi'il h"r n iifiTlng la
hull I'd 11 (,'. ' 1 in t
"I wim li'ft nn IiuhIuI from art Rttark
"f the nrli," ntltl M im. VntiKh'firli. "I
wim NliiinKt liptilinii for fl'f! yfinii, I
fonliln't Willi fur four yi'irn nml
lull fHf fur oiii" yi'iir,
"I' .'Pi ti ir.l rr i'i ii I t"nk my flint
Imttlft of Tallin. I ' ulifi'l I'u iiii'inln. t
now ut'i; h I l'i fin Hutu nml luivfi Kiilnfi)
In mrt liiii h, (no I fti'l hi Much lnttpr
liifo iiiMnK Tiuilic I li'ivi' 11 Komi np
1'i'Htr null cm il l 11 full! 1 li r '''If mnount
of wi rii, win , I wii.f'l t ! n tnwn lh
mil.. i' tint fni tli. flirt l.liiif In flVf
"fitin I 1 . 1 1 I.- ni'tt n j p i 1 i U I11W well 1
ImiK Itllli II lint II Ui"''l t'i l'11' I h lVP,
'Mv . ii'i, ttlii in In' yfiiin ohl, bhw how
Dl ifh iiiiinl Tiinhn vhh dull)! for hit
ii'titlit'r hi lit l.fijitii litklnii it. It, him
lit'U f l him v. iiiiili'i fiili. ,
"T.itil'if in 11 i I'f ti ttuilf mnl lum hulpfiil
tile mini li nn miy i.ii'tlli Im- I tnnr took,
mnl 1 liini' h . hi 11 ii t of niMify for
nii'illrliift In my I, In tltup. I nlwayi liriilum
TniiliU! wlnn I t 11 rluinfi',"
Tiiul if in 1 cIiik iiiifii'liiilv iiitro'liu'cl In
minim liv nn (HiuTl l lh Hlf rniiiti A
Mi't'oiitii II Im-iiu Mturf. Blxti piith mnl
IllltlKf) Ullf'PtN.
Thii'bc tuny Im oblnliiPil In lii'nuon of
tin- Hrhlllfr I'pilllo lirtlK Motr; Hii'ln
fh'ld, II. r'lf'Ki'nlifium; Wprjilna Wiilpp,
Mryrr I rnx i'u.; Ni hrnftkii i 'II y, Hnniy
Hohwnkp A t'ti i Auburn, I'; II. I tort;
tli'ni1, II, II. fniip; Milnio, V, H
I' lti li; Kri'initnl. Jlrnwn Kit iIpi Icknoit
I'ttiK nt mm, iiiiltluul, M. i. Hurl UK ft
i'oii,- t'lmk'on. I', II. in:n', CiiIiiiiiIhh,
I'uil'y iri Hlnro. Moiiiup, lllll' I'har
iniifv; M til n. K K. !tirrl; Nlfki-riion,
Voiiik A Muiili'; Kulirrlon, (Irlffln lii'iin,
Hii ltt'ii How, P. It. I.i-p; I niullilii, Kinnk
A, l.lnt'olii,-A'1piUmiiii'Ii1.
in 11 it ai, a 1 1 : t( 1 im(i,
ZXmocrftt C'nIii1t for t-Elootlon
Vater Board
Tour trott Approitd.
mmm c.
II Clay Center, Neb.
Candidate for
candidate for the office of
County Treasurer, on the
Kopublicnn ticket, has re
sided in tho county 48 years.
Win County Commissioner
1006-1907. County Comp.
trollt-r 10()8.000, and has
served in Chief Deputy
Gmnty am! City Treasurer
1910 to date.
Well posted on County Af
fairs -strictlv busmen- he
knows how to d"
- and d
H .. 4 it .
..t.l- I l.l
111 t
It k' k
, . I't 111. II
Vote for
Nun - i mt.ti l .ni tr
Kim i f I lii IS 't ut Jlntn,
Emit A. Cricson
ton larHLitNiAiivt;
tll.n t . Hr ...PI4 j
' ' " 1. . . 1 , ... I t j
' .' I ' I 1 1 1 " 1 ... I
ill ,1. , l , f.- (,.. i.i j